0 to Common Cause of Headazhe. Pet-hep» the most general cause of head- ache and pain across the eyes is nasal cat- arrh The simplest cm: is to inhale the medicated vapor of Catarrhozone, which traversrs BVt-t‘y air cell and air passage of the throat, lungs and nose. It kllls myriads o "germs at every breath, clears away mn- 'cous discharges, preserres n‘nd heals the. membrane. Catarrhnzonc is just a‘splendid remedy for headache, and its action is cer- lain and unfailingin diseases of the throat and lungs, Deafness, Bronchitis, Asthma and Catarrh A trial “'1†convince the most skeptical that Catarrhozone is all right Large size $1 3 trial size 25c. Drug- gists, or Polson & Co , Kingston,0nt. Sold by W. H. Robson. ACCIDENT --â€"On Sunday forenoon Mr» John Alexander slipped and tell while on her way to or from the wood- shed and broke One of the bones at her left arm close to the wrist. Dr. Wilson went over and set it, assisted by his son Archie, and the patient is doing well. BUSINESS. EDUCATIOILâ€"Free Fares. A business education in these days of commercial activity is one of the necessities of the young people of our country. Many unto-date institutions now supply this need, and as an evidence of the success of stu- dents, the Federal Business Colleges point to the fact that ninety-nine per cent. of their advanced graduates for the year now closing have been appointed to good pos- itions Mr. Houston informs us that he will allow railway fares to all students regis- tering for a full course before January 2nd, distance not to exceed one hundred miles. For further particulars write Federal Col- lege, Lindsay or Ottawa, Ont. A GOOD STORY.â€"'l‘he illustrated story entitled “ Home, Sweet Home, or Christie's Old Organ,†given by Rev. H. C. Dixon, of Toronto, in St. Junies' church on Monday evenin;r WHS exceed- ingly well told and the limelight pictures were ï¬rst class. The attendance was very good. considering the almost inn passable condition of the sidewalks. Do You Belch Gas? If you have uneasy sensations in the stomach, a bad taste in the mouth, headache -â€"remember that ten drops of Polson’s Nerviline in sweetener] water is a quick and certain cure. Nervilinc is just splendid for Cramps. Colic, Dysentry, Stomach and Bowel Troubles, and costs only 25 cents. Better try it. Sold by W. H. Robson. A COMING \VEnDtNo.â€"'l‘he follow- ing announcement, which conï¬rms a rumor current in the village For some time post, appeared in the Toronto pu~ pers of Monday lust : “ The marrian of Miss Violet M. Wilson, of Feoelnn Falls, and Mr. F. C. Hero, of the De- partment of Agriculture. Ottawa is an~ nounced for 1 o’clock on Thursday af- ternoon. January 8th. at the home of Dr. Wiluon, Fenelon Falls.†The Savings Bank of Health Is lots of red and vitalizing blood to nourish and invigorate the body. It your blood is thin and watery use “ Ferrozone †It sup- plies the necessary elemonts, such as phos- phorus and iron, and quickly restores lost strength and spirits. Ferrozone is an un- equalled restbrative for the tired, the sick and the run down; it stimulates appetite, aids digestion, soothes the nerves, and makes the system too healthy for disease to exist. No tonic does so much good in a short time as Ferrozone. Get it to-day from any dauggist at 50 cents per box, or six h xes for $2 50. By mail from N. 0. Poison & 00, Kingston, Ont. Sold by W. H. Robson. CORRESPONDENCE . . To the Editor of the Fenelon Falls Gazette : Sm, As the municipal nominations are to be held on Monday next, a few questions touch- ing school matters suggest themselves, which it might not be out out of place to ask the chairman of the Board to answer: (l ) Why is it that the auditors’ report for 1901 is dated August 2nd, 1902, and only distributed a few days ago, and when the year l902 is drawing neara close? (2.) What new method of hook-keeping is this that the entries on the Cr. side are in the following order: April, June, Oct, Dec, Jan, March, April, May, June, Sept., Aug, Sept, Dec '3 Does it not appear as if things Were a little mixed? (3.) Why is there no nuditors’ certificate that they have examined tne treasurer’s books, compared them with the vouchers, etc ‘l Yours, RATEPAYER. Fenelon Falls, Dec. 23rd, 1902. BIRTIIS. Hnrnsaixcron.â€"A t F enelon Falls, on Sat- urday, December 6th, the wife of Mr. Robert Hetherington of a daughter. HUGIIBS.â€"â€"In the township of Verulam, on Sunday, December 7th, the wife of Mr. Al- bert Hughes of a son. MxkliRI'lEl). Esomsuâ€"Gmms â€".\ t the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev John Gut-butt, on Monday, December 230d. Mr. John J. Eng- lish, of Fcnelon, to Eva Louise, eldest daughter of Mr. W. A. Gillis, of the same township. ______________._______. DIED. KENNEDY â€"At Fenelon Falls, on Friday, December 19th, William Alden, eldest son of Mr. John Kennedy, aged 10 years and 11 months. The Mutual Lite, 0! Canada, paid. the largest proï¬ts of any Company in Gannda last year. Every safe and de- sirable style of policy issued. Tm. MARK, Agent, Feneton Falls- . ber, 1902. 44-9. Solicitors tor the Applicant. Iiistrny I-Ieifer. Come on to the subscriber‘s premises, lot 19, con. 2, Vrrulam, about the let of Nov- ember, a red and white Heifer, two years old. Owner can have her upon proving property and paying charges. SAMUEL PINKHA“, Verulam, Nov. 25th, 1902. 42-4. “Gather thistles, e tpricklcs." aunt “bargain sales†and expect dis- satisfaction. ’ Good things don't go a begging, and insurance is worth having. Sore value, up to the Makers3 price. “The Slater Shoe†IF IT’S A srovs you want, whether acook stove, box stove or any other kind of stove, a visit to our store will repay you. You may think that THERE’S LOTS OF TIME. yet before Winter, but sometimes it requires quite a while for a person to decide just what stove will suit him best; and the more time youtake= to decide, the more likely you are to be satisï¬ed: with the result of your decision. GUNS and AMMUNITION of the best makes in stock. We can ï¬t you up for the woods in ï¬rst class shape. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an application will be made by the Canada Central Rail- wny Company to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, at the next ses- sion thereof, for an ac: giving the said Com- pany power to construct and operate branch 1 lines from or in connection with the main line of the said Railway from some point at or near Sudbury in the Province of Ontario to a point at or near Scolia Junction; thence southerly to sotre point at or near Balsam or Sturgeon Lakes in the townships of Bexley, Vernlum or Fenelon, continuing southerly to the City of Toronto. And to exercise with regard to such lines all. the powers and privileges given to the said Company by its Act of Incorporation. Dated at Toronto this 10th day of Deccm- W a P R I 0 R . I ber, 1902. . g -‘ ’ The New Hardware Store. I ’ JOHNSTON & FALCONBRIDGE . I 45-6. Solicitors for the applicaiit. 091,051“? .0113 Post-O .1100“ J. L. ARNOLD, Sole Local Agent- Agenl for causes, Pianos, SEVIING MAGHIES and -ltlASSEY-HARBIS FARR! IMPLEMEHTS. ' 1. From some point at or near Sudbury, \Ve auarantee (food goods at I 0 B U I L D a in the Province ofOntario, to a point. at or b a D . I near Scotia Junction; thence southerly to reasonable PI‘ICBS- ' some point at or near Balsam or Sturgeon Lakes in the townships of Bexley, Verulam or Fenelon, continuing southerly to the City of Toronto. 2. From some point on the main line in . the district of Keewatin to Port Churchill Shop OPPOSIIB POSI-Omce, on Hudson Bay. FENELON FALLS. 3. A continuation of its main line from Tete Juan Cache by way of the Thompson and Frazer River valleys to Vancouver. 4. From some point on the Thompson River or some of its tributaries to Wad- dington Harbor or Bntc Inlet. 5. From a. point near the old site of Fort Assiniboia to some point on the Peace River and westerly to the Portland Canal TO Montreal 01‘ New York on the Paciï¬c And to exercise with regard to such lines ï¬n: Chf‘nce Patterns or 10“? all the powers and privileges given to the Pl‘lCGS 111 said Company by its Act o.“ lncorporation. WALL PAPER. Dated at Toronto this 9th day of Decem- We have them here now for your selection. ceonwws, LENDSAY, NEXT 'l‘O . SIMPSON. HOUSE. W HEADQUARTESS for mum! SUPPLIES. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application: will be made by the Canada Central Railway Company to the Parlia- ment of Canada at the next session thereof for an not giving the said Company power to construct and operate the following lines from or in connection with the main line of the said Railway :â€" I am prepared to supply all necessary materiali for House or Barn building at reasonable prices,'. and it~will pay you to consult me before buyinozz Planing done on short notice by ï¬rst class Workmen. ' Call and see our instruments and maehlnes before buying. . F. SANDFORD... Yell NEEB IiflT GO ‘ JOHNSTON -& FALCONBRIDGE, XMAS PERFUMES. 0W Perfumes are made direct from the flower or from volatile oils distilled from flowers. ' These have certain antiseptic and disinfectant properties which make perfumes a necessity not only from an esthctic standpoint, but as a prevent- ative from disease and contagion. Their use as such is becoming more and more recognized by authorities who say they should be used by every- bodyâ€"not in sickening quantities or rank odors, but only enough for a mere suggestion. Ourpertumes are carefully selected â€"-the best odors of the best makers. Geta bottle for a present to your friend and. one for yourself. My own pure Lavender Colog e at 10 cents an ounce. Rébson’s Drug Store. .l. G. MeKeggle & 00., (esmnmsnnn 1879.) BAN IIERS, FENELOH FALLS, - our. Agents: The Bank of British North America. ~ A general up-to-date banking business transacted. Current accounts with merchants and business men opened on the usual terms, and careful attention given to the business of our customers. Deposits Received. Deposit Receipts undSavings Bank books “ issued on account of the Bank of British North America, Toronto, and ilsual rate 01 interest allowed. W. A. Bishop, ' Acting Manager. A full line of Harness, Bells, Whips, etc, at NEVISON’S '- HARNESS SHOP. WW Trunks and Valises, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, and Slippers in great variety. Our Prices are Right. Are you earning sis racetrack? It not write to CHASE BROTH CO M PANY, {tlnrsei'ymcm Colborue, Cent. Established 1857. I HAVE PURCHASED W. isicKEQWN’S FURNITURE BUSINESS, and will carry a. large and up-to-date stock of furniture. Am also prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Making, Repairing and Repainting, Furniture and. Win the . Your Seigh? , Look it over; also your Cutter. If they need any repairing or ï¬xing up, now is the time to have it done, and my shop is the place to have it done right. WWW-0 Just received this week an- other 101'. of nice Baby Car- ringcs that are Special? Value. ' Also Extension fables, Side-e boards and Bedroom Suites. WW I carry in stock a full line‘ of Parlour Suites, Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty... THE CANADIAN . NATIONAL SEPARATE!!! MANUFACTURED AT GUELI’l-I, ONT. Claimed to be as good as any on the market. Its points are: Gloss Skimming, Easy Running, Easiest to Clean, Interchangeable Brass Boxings at every point, Ball Bearings. Come and see that we tell the truth.‘ 46-341.. PiTER P582135, and to make DOORS AND SASH. Planing done on short notice. ' ' S. S... Gainer. N eW work done on short notice. F. 0. CHAMBERS. If you, are in need of a Sew- my styles before buyino‘. Waderteisiags ‘ ing Machine be sure and see- L. DEYMANs .. '4 “, .w-vt“4"\-u via-“U ‘ ‘ 31' im'méx 7'r-ecr-y .. 1m '14, 5:,