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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 22 Mar 1895, p. 4

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".llmi Wonderful Value in Carpets. 2,000 Yards 0000 Tapestry at 30c. and 400. per yard; Eitradiili3__ BANKRUPT STOCK ...TO BE... AS i chin Time Save: Nine. l FARMERS will do well to EXAMINE THEIR . MACHINES before the RUSH of ,Spring work commences,and give their orders for REPAIRS to Thos. Robson CLARK & SON. 0n Chopin it a. Success! THE PUBLEC ARE Now SATISFIED WITH THE PRICES AT WHICH THEY GET DRY GOODS AT THE OLD STAND. .' THEY SAY 3 our ooons ass nor soto caravan ANYWHERE. Please Continue Calling, for there is always Something New turning up. WM. GA P ELL. To iii 6“ Prices in Tailoring. S. PENHALE wishes to announce that he has secured a new and well selected stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, and various other cloths, and good durable Trimmings, and is prepared to do business with prices as follows : ' TWEED SUITS. $8 AND UPWARDS. BLACK woasrnn “ $15 u ts PANTS, $2.50 “ Workmanship second to none. Cutting, etc, proportionately cheap, at the Fashionable Tailor Shop, opposite water fountain. S. PENHALE, FENELON FALLS. TERMS C ASH. Furniture, Doors, Sash, â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"-â€" UNDERTAKING, ‘ ~â€"â€"ATâ€"--â€" W. M‘Keown’s, FRANCIS ST. WEST, FENELON FALLS. i YUU A lsnavs on HAIR-CUT Call on J. JONES at the old reliable New Bath Room in con- ! have recently had a considerable. though limited. <12“: of money placed With the for loaning on {arms at 1"i\'(- and u-hult‘ per cent. “.irties wishing to borrow on these termSv 5“ "lid n‘” do!“ w mch m‘plim‘ion' at our time All modern conveniences .. . ~ “ tsl' lvhi her - “ “l ‘3‘ “mmmh "I "mils" “ mm ' g Agency for the celebrated Parisian . ~. 1" v- ~ 'v. ntno‘t cases . .. n’ ‘ “m m ' "z ‘ smum' I a Steam Laundry. Parties desiring lo‘:eilcr work is done at my oilice,insuriug LAUNDRY WORK DONE weed and moderate expenses. will leave same at the Barber Shop on Allan S. Macdonell. Monday next. [)ec.17th, and every second Barrister &c., Lindsayl Monday thereafter. No charge for trans- portation. larher Shop. nection. m... . _.._._.. _._._ ._~...._ ROOMS TO REIT. and avoid express charges and loss of time. The Fettelcn Falls Gaiefte. M Friday. March 22nd, 1895. The Liberal Platform. On our eighth page will be found the full text of the Liberal platform as it has remained unchanged since adopted in June, 1893. We commend it to the careful perusal. and attention of all our l readers, especially the Patrons, who will find it almost identical with their own; and we doubt whether a Conservative can be found hardy enough to seriously find fault with any of its planks except the one relating to Protectionâ€"who question upon which the coming election is to be fought. It will make an im- portant difference to all classes, partic- ularly to the poor, whether the country be well or ill governed during the next. five years, and we do not see how it; can fail to appear clear to anybody that freer trade, reduced taxation. enlarged markets and the abolition of handling are one and all exceedingly desirable ; but it must be borne in mind that it is useless to hope for them while the pres- ent Government is in power. Keep the Liberal platform where you can lay your hand on it at any moment, and read it twice a week between now and election day. Disappointed.“ The Conservatives have been greatly disappointed by the Patrons, whose lender, Mr. Hnycock, is a man of con- siderable ability, and whose followers either think as he does or know enough to let him do their thinking. Just after the Local Legislature met, Mr. Haycock snubbed Mr. Marter for claim- ing the Patrons as opponents to the Government, and since then the Patrons have voted against two motions intro- duced by the Oppositionâ€"one providing for the payment of registrars and other officials by salaries instead of fees, and the other condemning the method by which such officials are appointed. Naturally the Conservatives are “ riled,” and the Toronto World so far forgets itself as to heap the coarsest abuse upon Mr. Haycock, who is sufficiently well versed in parliamentary procedure to know a trap when he sees it, while Sam Hughes pegs away at the Patrons inl the style with which his readers are far too familiar. and decsn’t boggle at a fib if he think it will serve his turn. It is not true, as stated in the Wurder that Mr. Hnycock and his followers support the fee system; but they refused to vote against it while the question was under the consideration of a commission. A Conservative Confession. The Montreal Gazette is in the front rank of Conservative journals, but it is not so blinded by partyism that it can- not sce any merit in an opponent or any fault in a friend; and instead of deny- ing, as many papersâ€"the Lindsay Wur- der, for instanceâ€"would, that there is i any truth in Mr. Lauricr’s charges against the Conservatives of hoodling and other corrupt practices, it makes, though no doubt very unwillingly, the following admission: “ The Co'uservative record in regard to this crime, it is regrettable to say, is not an enviable one. Men prominent in the Consct‘vativc rank“, members of. Parliament even. trusted officials, titre-l most workers in the party cause, hovel not only been charged with corruption. but have had the charges against them ? provcn. Since 189l, there has been a ‘ succession of sc.tndals, almost. everyone of which bestnirched some Conservative i V. 7. Sentenced to Death. on. left the Falls- Mr. S. Pcnhale, who about a fortnight ago with (it was Mli~ At St. Thomas on Friday last John pectcd) the commendable intention of” Hendershott and William ‘1). Welter 1â€"59Nlh‘: married, returned witl‘uhis bride were found guiltv of the murder of .0" Mid“? LN- William Henry flendershotton the 12th ‘ Mi“ ‘1')“ {"93"} Ti‘l-‘Jl'm‘d lust SM' of December, and Chief Jlmicc Menu urday from Mr. Thomas Kelly's lumâ€" dith, who presided at the trial. sen- tenced both men to be hanged on 'l‘ues- day, June 18th. of the most diabolical and cold-blooded in the annals of crime. John [lender- shott was the uncle of the victim, upon whose life he held an insurance poricy for $115000, the premium upon which was 59 more than the young man's yearly wages. Welter was- in the em- ploy of John Hendershott, to one of whose daughters he was engaged, and it is supposed that the old man per- suaded him to commit the crime. William D. Hendershott was murdered with an axe, and an attempt was made to induce the belief that he had been killed by a falling tree,under which his head was placed, but the evidence against both prisoners was So strong that the jury. alter a consultation of about four hours, unanimoust agreed upon a verdict of guilty. It was at first thought that. the murder was com- mitted by Welter alone, but, if his alleged subsequent confession be true. Hendcrshott was present and assisted, and afterwards started with his daugh- ter for the village of Eden, where, later in the day, he received a telegram stating that William Hendershott had been accidentally killed. Hosts Robber-y: Just after dark last Friday evening Mr. J. J. Alldred. a farmer who does his buying and selling at Kinmount, left that village for home, but had driven a very short distance when two men jumped upon his sleigh. Mr. Ali- drcd’s whip. a heavy “ black snake,” was under his arm, and one of the men snatched it away, caught it by the top, shook the butt end over his head and threatened to bmin him if he did not give up his money. Mr. Alldrcd said that he had no money, but, upon his assailant declaring that ho had seen him have some in the village, he handed him a quarter dollar, and both men then jumped off the sleigh and went away. Mr. Alldrcd did not know who the “ silent partner "in the transaction was, but on Saturday he. went to Police Magistrate Deacon's office at Lindsay and laid information against Joseph Scott, who, he said. was the man who assaulted and robbed him, and whom he had seen looking intently at some money he (Mr. Alldred') was handling in Mr. Graham’s store at Kinmount. B-y Saturday’s mail Constable Nevison of Fcnelon Falls received a warrant from Col. Deacon, and on Monday morning went to a farm in Somcrvillc where Scott, who is a young unmarried man, was working, arrested him and took him to Kinmount, where Mr. Frederick Train, J. P., took bail for his appearance at that village before G'ol. Deacon this (Friday) afternoon. It is but fair to state that the accused says he can prove an alibi. and it is to be hoped, for the sake of his many friends as well as for his own, that he will be able to do so»,.as highway robbery, even of a few cents, is a very serious offence. Powles’s Corners. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Mr. Thomas Gillis is busy drawing home the material for a large burn which he intends building the coming season. The dimensions will be 40x60, and it is to be set on a stone wall. A good many from around here in- tend going to Lindsay on Monday, the 26th, to hear the Hon. Wilfrid Laurier. Miss Ida Robe and her sister Clara have returned from Omcmce, where they have been visiting friends and relatives...Mr. William Redmond, who lives near Millbruok. made a short visit to Mr. John Cullis’s last week. Cameron Point. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) The basket social, held under the auspices of the Ebenezer Church. in Swanton’s school-house, on the 6th inst, 'was a grand success, the proceeds amounting to 833 65. Some baskets brought as high as $1.85. Much credit is due to Mr. Peter [’erduc for the able - way in which he disposed of the baskets. Personals. Mr. M. H. Cochrauc of Petcrborough was at the Falls yesterday. Miss McKay has spent this week with her relatives in Lindrayt Miss Pearl Hamilton is visiting Mrs. Wm. Molotmh's at the Falls. Mr. James Naylor, who is on the T. isqu between Balsam Lake and and humiliated the party as a whole, Lak~ Simcoc. was home for a day or The murder was one . l l l l l l boring shanty at Four Mile. Lake. Som- erville, where he has been (llllulallh: as) cook for the past three tnmths and a hall and having, he. says, an exception- ally good time. .â€"â€"_..__....__,._. BASKET Soot.\1..â€"â€"'l‘hcre is to be a basket social in the basnnent of Vicroria church. Powlcs's corners, on Friday evening next. Sleight; from the country will take villagers to and from the social free of charge, leaving the Falls at 6.30. 36" Rooms to rent. Apply at vazctte office. New Anvsartsmrnsrâ€"M r. 8. Pen- hole. who has commenced business asu- merchzmt tailor two doors north of the Mechanics Institute, has an advertise- ment in this week's Guzt'flc and is cer- tainly nth-ring clothing at very low priecs. If his suits are as good as they are cheap and he can please his custoun MS as regards fits he is sure to have plenty to do. W Mac )chullum‘s prices for Spring. Suits are right. ' SUSPECTED or Ixcnxmamsm â€"Lnst Monday afternoon fire broke out in a. passage near the sample rooms in tho- Bcnson House, Lindsay, nndon Monday night a fire was started (for the second, time) in the rear of Mr. Bartlett’s but-- chcr shop on the same street. Both fircs were soon drowned out, but thou- sands of dollar's worth of goods were damaged by water. Both the above» tires, as well as many previous ones, are believed to have been the work of ant incendiary, and on Tuesday a half f0ol- ish young fellow named (.lharles Geneviot was arrested on suspicion. ROOMS to rent. Apply. at the Gazette- office. A CUttIOSITY.â€"-\Ir. Wm. Isaac of Fcnelon showed us a few days ago a curiosity in the shape of a solid silver tablespoon made in 1734. in the. reign of George II. Mr. Isaac tells us that ithas been in his family since it was new, and that the letters “ P. S." and' “T. S. " on the flat of the handle are. the initials of Peter Snell and 'l‘. Sax- tou, two of his ancestors. The spoon is perfectly plain and somewhat clumsy, but it bears the hullâ€"mark showing that it is made of pure silver, and is WOI‘ilb a dozen of. the more graceful andglittcr- inc; articles of the same' kind in use- nowadays. thuâ€" THE VILLAGE Lawson‘sâ€"On Tues-- day last M r. licnry Austin's suit against. the- Municipality of Fcnelnnt lt‘alls for damages, in consequence of his marer being injured by a defective cros~ing, was decided in chambers. plaintiff get- ting a judgment for $24.75, the amount. claimed. On Wednesday the great Electric Light: suit came up, and the Royal? Electric Co's agent, Mr. Kamâ€" erer, (who was not in Canada last court day,)twas examined, but Mr. McSweyn, counsel for the village, was suffering so severely from influenza as to‘bc unable- to argue the case for the defence, and a judgment may not. be given until next week. SEE" MCCALLUM’S STIOCK before pnr» chasing elsewhere. Two doors south of the post-office. HAD TO BE SII()T.â€"One night during thelwcck before last a bay colt, coming three years old, that Mr. 13.11. Ed- wards rcccntlv bought from Mr. Wm. Johnston, knocked itself about a good deal in consequence, it is supposed, of’ having stuck its foot or foot throule a. hole in the partition between its mvn Stall and the next one. Though badly bruised. the only wound was a small one on the back of One of its hind legs, and Mr. Edwards, thinking- it of no great consequence, applied some salvo and thought the wound would econ heal; but blood poisoning set in, and. when Dr. Mason saw the colt. on Friday last. he said it was so far gone that it could not possibly recover, and it was at OIICL‘ led out into the yard. and shot. Tun Box FACTORY, Ern.-â€"â€"’I‘he band- saw frame, wheels, etc.. for the box factory arrived some days ago, and on Tuesday last nine machines of Various kinds were unloaded from a 30ton box car and set up. Large quantities of ties for the railway track~. which wil aggregate about seven miles. have been drawn into the mill-vard, and the. old iron rails have been discarded and will be rcpllced by steel. It is hoped that everything will be ready to commence operations by the 15th of Muy,and Mr. Swan tells Us that by the lst of July 5”“ hands will be employed. but where they are all to find house room is a mystery. The firm are now paying out here at the Falls 82 500 every week for “l labor and camp supplies, but their total lvwekly expenditures foot up to no less than 86,000. 58‘ Mac McCallum has the finest. stock of Swing goods ever offered for Isle in Apply at the Gazette “fife. Fenelon l-‘alls. TONSORIAL ARTIST. - . . . . . . . J. cwmmph “new, Pub. Mr. Laurter husggrouud tor hit. railings. : two at the beginning of this Week.

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