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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 12 Apr 1895, p. 1

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.couuty. VOL. XXIII. ‘Timo‘thy, E-Red andAls‘ike Glover, JUST RECEIVED. ALSO, GROUND OIL-CAKE, CATTLE SPICE, Etc. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS â€"STEELE’S and FERRY‘Sâ€"AT ILytle’s Drug; Store, FENDLON FALLS. March 7th, 1895. 3EGOND DIVISION COURT -â€"-OF THE-â€" County of V’ictoria. :The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson‘s hall, Fenelon Falls, on THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1895, commencingnt 10 o’clock in the forenoon Saturday, April 13th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this Defendants living in other coun- .ties must be served on or before April 8th. S. Nnvisos, Bailiff. Fenelon Falls, Feb. 19th, 1895. '1‘0 the Public. 4 [IE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE} E. D.HA.\‘D, Clerk Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security or $25,000,000 and the same good policy. JOIIN AUSTIN,Agent. W Also agent for the. Queen of Eng-_ land and Caledonian of Edinburgh. Capi tal combined,$45,000,000. ‘ l N S URANCE. Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property A1; Very Loxvest llates None butfirst-ciass British and Canadian Companies represented. fl- F.A.111\I l’llOPER'I‘Y. at. very low rates. James Arnold. Fenelon Falls Local Board of the People’sBuilding and loan lss’n, or London, Ont. T. Robson, President; Dr. H. Ii. Graham, Vice-President; J. '1‘. Arnold, Sec-Treas. ; II. II. McLaughlin, Solicitor, Lindsay; F. McDongall, .‘."ulu:tt0r; Alex. Clark, Dr. A. ~Wilson, .\I. W. Brandon, J. ll. Brandon, Directors. DO YOU WANT .to invest. a small amounteach month where it will be safe and yield you good returns in 7.} years ? CAN YOU AFFORD TO SAVE 2c. 3 day for 75 years and got 5100 We. a dry for 7.} years and get $500 We. a day tor 7-} years and get $1,000 .- Ll'l"l‘I.E‘. AND OFTEN FILLS TIIE PURSE. Do you want to buy a home with the money you now pay for rent ? So long as the masses of the people do not save any- thing out of their earnings, just so long will tlair spendings go into the hands of those who do save, and runs are the capi- .talists. This is why the few own the houses and the many pay the rent. FOR FULL PARTICULARS call on or Otherruin oblunders used. F.5D..Mooun. Professional Cards. MUSIC. MISS THISTLETHWAI’I‘E, who has studied for years with the best teachers on this conlincnt, and has passed the required examinations at the Toronto 'College of‘ Music, will ,give Lessons on Organ or Plano, ALSO VOCAL LESSONS IF DESIRED. For Terms apply at Mr. A. Sutherland‘s residence, Francis Street West. LEGAL. MCLAUGHLIN & MCDIARMID, ARRISTEBS, Solicitors, Etc, Lindsay and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay Office: Kent~St., opposite Market. Fenelon Falls Office: Over Burgoyne dz Co’s store. The Fenelon Falls office will be open each week on Mondays and Thursdays all day, and on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from arrival of train from Lindsay. 3%“ Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. R. J. McLsnanm. F. A. McDuaM-in. M. H. MCLAUGHLIN. A. P. DEVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. H. .HOPKINS, ARRISTER, kc. SOLICITOR FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at lowest rates on terms to suit the borrOWer. Offices : No. 6, .William Street South, Lind- say,‘€vnt. MOORE .& JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Arc. Of- fice, William street,Lindsay. A.JACKSON. .‘MCINTY‘RE & STEWART, ARRIS’I‘ERS, :Solicitors, Notaries, &c. Offices oveantario Bank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. D. J. Molsrumt. '1‘. S'rnwan'r. MEDICAL. A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. D., ORONER, Physicisn,Surgeou,&c., &c. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington trect, .Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON, ---M. 3., M. c. p. a; 8., Ontario,â€" H-YSICIAN, SURGEON Ar ACCOUCH- cur. Odice, Golborne Street, Fenelon Falls. DR. H. a. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University of Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of Eugland,Memher of the Col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario. Office and residence on Francis-St. West Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gazette office. ..._ R. DI. DIASON, ETERINARY SURGEON; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1884 ; R. M. O. V. M. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, Fenelon Falls. 1*]. P. SDIITIâ€"I, ‘TETERINARY SURGEON and Dentist? Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College-. Oilice : Canlbray, Ont. SURVEYORS. JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. B., . Conveyancer, the Residence, and ad- dress, Feuelon Falls. DENTAL. Dr. NEELAIIDS, DENTIST, LINDSAY, Extracts teeth without pain by gas (vital- ized air) administerrd by him for 27 years. He studied the gas under Dr. Colton, of New York, the originator of gas for extract- ing teeth. Dr. Colton writes Dr. Neelnnds that he has given the gas to 186,417 per- sons without an accident from the gas. A good set of address anyof the above named officials, at icelll inserted for $10. 35” Dr- Neelflnds l’cnclou Falls. ~39-iyr. The “ Fenelon Falls Gazette is printed every Friday at the office, on the corner of May and Francis streets. SUBSCRIPTION 81 A 1'8.“th ADVANCE, or one cent per week will be added as long as itremaius unpaid. 2&(lvertisiug R ates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line pcrannum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insrrtion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the your, half year or less. upon renSouable terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cor- rectly and st modersto prices. 3 B. D. HAND, Propriaor. visits Fenelon Falls (McArthur House) the third Tuesday of every month. Call early ,9 and secure an appointment. N. H. GROSS, DENTIST. The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other anaesthetics for extracting teeth without pain. A set of Amfiriul Teeth, better than the average, for $8 00. Rooms directly ‘ opposite Wood’s stove depot, Lindsay. H. HART, L. D. S. SET OF GOOD TEETII FOR $10. Gas and loul nnmsthetics for painless ex- tracting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all branches of dentistry. Office over Fairwesther & Co's store, wrly opposite the postpoflice, Lindsay, v Subscribe ill the " Gazette.” DIED-CHART TAILRING â€"â€"â€"â€"_ .-â€"â€"_-AT__-... THE smarts STORE. W MCDOUGALL, BRANDON & Co. beg ‘to announce to their numerous customers and the public generally that they have secured the services of Mr. .J..J. Townley (lately with Mr. R. Taggart), and purpose :in future conducting a. first-class Tailoring business in connection with their gen- eral store. A large and well selected stock of Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, Worsted and French Pant- ings will arrive in a few days. Reserve your ovders until they are opened out. Mr. Townley’s reputation :as 'a cut.- ter is well established throughout the district, and by em- ploying none but firstJJIass workmen, 'us'ing good trim- mings and material and selling at right prices, we hope to merit a large share of the public patronage. All Tweeds purchased at the Syndicate Store will be out free of charge. Our Mantles, Dress G ocds, Undeiclothing, Gent’s ur- nishings, etc, is now complete for the winter trade. Call early and get first choice. Men’s Fur Caps and Overcoabs for the million. We are now showing the finest stock of Men’s Long Boots, Felt Boots, Felt Socks and Rubbers, Shoeâ€"packs, and Men’s fine Foot-wear, ever opened out in Fenelon Falls. Our Ladies’ Boot and Shoe Department is fiill of staple goods at rock bottom prices, as well as an endless variety of the latest novelties“ in style and finish known to the trade. See our Ladies’ Imperial Kid, Congressâ€"no buttons, no laces, and the neatest fitter in the market. Our Teas, as always, lead in regard to flavor and price. New season’s Fruit at old fruit prices. Prompt delivery, cleanliness and moderate prices are features we never forget in our grocery trade. Everything in the line of Crockery and Glassware. Don’t forget to buy your Sleigh Robes and Horse Blan- kets from _McDouga11,Branon it Go. S. Nevison has just received his SPRING- STOCK ._.QF__ White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Japans, Turpenâ€" tine, Mixed Paints of all shades, Prepared Kalsomine and Alabastinc of all tints, Glass and Mirror Plates, Toilet Articles, Artists’ Materials, Fancy Goods, Crockery and Glassware, Gold and Silver Watches, Rings, Brooches and other J ew- elry, Pipes, Wall Paper and Window Blinds, Picture Frames made to order a specialty. ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT GROUND FLOOR PRICES‘ â€"ATâ€"i s. NEVISON’S BAZAAR. .»-¢â€"--- :FENELON FALLS,‘ ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 12TH, 1895. ‘ danger. . Quebec. No.9. A New Confederation; .â€"_. In a lecture delivered before the Im- perial Institute in London Dr. Jameson, Administrator of the Matabele and .‘ls- shoualand territories, stated a few facts which show the tremendous changes that have taken place there since the power of Lobengula was broken a year ago. In Buluwayo, the capital of the late king, 100 brick houses had been built before the end of last August; ; there was a population of 1,900 whites in the town; in the adjoining gold fields 2.000 prospectors were at work, and six hundred of the fierce native warriors who had escaped the disastrous fire of the Maxim guns were peacefully at work making brick for the houses of their conquerors. But, great as are the changes already affected, they are nothing to those pro- mised for the future. These recently acquired territories are, Dr. Jameson says, almost as large as Europe; the climate is suitable to Europeans; they are rich in minerals, including iron and coal; wheat, corn and vegetables can be grown in abundance; for grazing they are unsurpassed; and, to cap all, Dr. Jameson promises that there will be direct railway communication from Cape Colony to Bulawayo in three years. British South Africa premises are long to equal in importance the Canadian Confederation and the Con- federation ab0ut to be formed in Aus- tralssin.â€"Ncws. 0-. A Thin Dodge. According to the Mail, the remedial order is not an interference with Mani- , toba, but the foundations of a. precedent which will justify the federal power in . interfering, should the majority in Que- bec ever encroach upon the constitutional ' rights of the minority in that province. 4 It is wonderful how well Sir Kackenzie Bowcll has disguised this bcnificent ' design of building a bulwark around Protestantism. It will be observed that ' Sir Mackenzie is extremely busy defend- ; ing Protestantism at; some point where Protestantism is not in the slightest; There is no reason to appre- hend further danger to the minority in With the assent of that min~ ority to the Jesuits Estates’ Act, all Canada, outside of Quebec, recorded a vow to interest itself no more in the internal affairs of that province. Mat» itoba is not to be wronged now in order to establish a precedent that will protect a minority in Quebec against wrong in the future. The minority in Quebec will have to learn to do just what the minority in Manitoba should doâ€"look to the majority or home for redress, and cease 'to raid the arena of federal politics in search of help against the oppressor. â€" Telegram. *0 Chinese Monstrosities. .__.__ The Chinese have queer ideas about monstrosities and their right to dispose of such freaks. A woman at Woo-Foo, province of Lukion, recently gave birth to a child having four perfect eyes. The family were very greatly exercised over the matter and tried to get the priest to kill the monster. This he refused to do, telling them that the best way to guard against the recurrence of such a calamity was to exhibit it in a cage on the streets for a few days. The priest stated the length of time that would be necessary to make a public show of the monster in order to propitiato the evil spirit that was responsible for the freak, and when the time was up the mother coolly drowned her four-eyed offspring in a tub of water. 0-. She Had a Presentiment. LOUISVILLE. Ky., April 0.â€"Joe¢-ph J. Willis, head engineer of the Louis- ville Veneer Mills Company at Camp bell and Fulton streets, met death on Thursday in a terrible manner. While oiling the machinery he was caught by a flywheel, which makes about 200 rev- olmions in a minute, and was dashed against the wall and coiling of a room, crushing him to death instantly. A peculiar fact in connection with his death is that Mrs. Willis had told her husband in the morning before he had gone to work that she had had a pre- sentimcnt that something would happen - to him. He laughed it off. and wont to work, whilst at which he met his death. -Q It is reported that China has accepted seven of the eight conditions of pmco and this week will see the war ended,

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