. _ _.._,.___.. .._.__..______.____._____._- ._ , I’llRELY Billle NEWS. x __._ 'lNTEFXSTING ITEMS ABOUT OUR OWN COUNTRY. Gathered from Various Points from the Atlantlc to the Pnclnc. Stratford has a Humane Society. Elora has a new Board of Trade. Brantfor-l's city assessment is 17 mills Hills-dale will soon have a cheese factory. Paris is talking of organizing a Y.M.C.A. llilliardist Uspron’s wife died recently at Call. The Cult Y. M.C.A. has a membership of ï¬fty. Gait is to have a local Christian Aid Society. A carpet factory is to be established at Gloucoe. A new Presbyterian church is to be built at Novar. Electric cars will be running in Berlin by May 30. The revised list for Nipiesing contains‘ 7,060 names. Mr. Owen Sullivan, an old resident of Galt, is dead. John Askwith, and old settler of Ottawa, is dead. Angus Gillis, Cape Breton, died the other day, aged lull. A new and large planing mill is in opera. tion at Sudbury. The Territorial Exhibition will open at Regina July 20th. (Iodfrey Worth, aged 107, died recently in \Voodstock, N. B. The Thompson amounts to $31,000. Large shipments of wood are being made from Phelpston this winter. The Guelph waterworks is the best pay' ing investment that city has. ’l‘hirty young girls sent out by Miss Rye, arrived at Halifax recently. The Sands Turf Club will hold a two days' race meet about the 24 of May. Dr. A. S. Thompson, Strathroy, is gazet- ted as a coroner for East Middlesex. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian church, Ber- lin,has just celebrated its 40th anniversary. More ranch beef will be exported this year from Manitoba to England than before. There are 185 municipalities in the pro- vincc of Ontario in which no liquor licenses are issued. Mr. C. A. Mallory, grand president of the Patrons of Industry, has been lefta legacy of $40,000. An immigrant lad, George Hart, living near Chatham, has fallen heir to $15,000 in England. A stock company has been formed in Goderich to erect a ï¬rst-class curling and skating rink. John Pringle, of Ayr, well known as a breeder of Holstein cattle and Percheron horses, is dead. The Erskine Presbyterian church, Dun- das, has decided to rely on voluntary offer- ing for the year 1895. Thomas Killsn,8‘2 years old,wl.io has lived in Montreal for 40 years, has been sent in jail for vagrancy. A horse from Eramosa is the model used ‘in New York for the equestrian statue of Gen. Sherman, now being built there. It is expected that the new Sault Ste. Marie canal Will be opened aboutaweek after the commencement of navigation. Half a million dollars is to be expended on the construction of the OttawmArnprior and Parry Sound Railway this coming summer. J. M. Dykes, of \Vardsville, Canada’s champion checker player, lpurposes making a professional tour throug i the Southern States this summer. A verdict of $1,200 was recently given against the township of Yarmouth for dam- ages sustained by J. Ferguson, owing to the road being out of repair. Immense fields of petroleum have been discovered seventy miles north of Fort Saskatchewan, and the Dominion Govern- ment has promised to assist in their devel- opment. Fifty-two Presbyterian women of Nap- memorial fund now COUNTEBI‘EITBRS AT WORK. Iona Dealers Who Porn-ado [humped- ln: People to Take [usuriousâ€"Scans Pointers Worth Remembering. No medicine that is not of more than ordinary merit suffers from imitations or . substitutes. The fact that an imitation is oflend is one of the strongest proofs of the excellent qualities of the genuine article. The Dr. \Villiams Medicine ()0. is contin- ually trying to im ress upon the public the 5 fact that Dr. Wil iams' Pink Pills are only sold in securely sealed boxes, the wrapper around which is printed in red ink and bears the registered trade mark “ Dr. \Vil- liains’ Pink Pills for Pale People.†Note withstanding this constant waning there are unscrupulous dealers here and there who defraud the public by selling an imita- tion pill (also colored pink) either by the dozen, hundred or by the ounce, alleging that they are †just as good," or " just the Mme†as the genuine Dr. Williams’ Pink l’ills. This is a falsehood and the unscru- pulous dealer who ofl‘ers the imitation knows it, but: is more concerned for the extra proï¬t he makes on the imitation than for the health of his unfortunate victim. \Vill the public, in their own interest, bear in mind the following facts,â€"-Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold by the dozen, hundred, or ounce. If any dealer offers you spill in this form (no matter whether colored pink or not) he is trying to cheat you and should be avoided. ‘_ The formula of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills is a secret and is known only to the com- pany. Therefore if some dealer tells you a substitute is “just the same †or “just as good" he is simply trying to deceive you because there is a larger proï¬t for him in selling the imitation. When you ask for Dr. Willisms’ Pink Pills see that the trade mark is on the wrapper of every package, and do not be persuaded to take anything else, no matter ow plausible a story the dealer may tell.‘ Imitations in medicine are always cheap, always worthless and often dangerous, and people who have a care for their health will always refuse them. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cure when other medicines fail. That’s why they are imitated, and that is why you should insist on getting the genuine. Used as a spring medicine Dr. Wilhams' Pink Pills surpass all other medicines. If feeling “out of sorts" give them a trial. i Health and Mic luau-gored by Ulcer-pu- An Ohio manufacturing enterprise de- siring to locate a branch in Canada asks one village to grant free natural gas, free water, free site, free building, exemption from taxes and a bonus. Get Rid ofCNcurslgla. ' There is no use In fooling with neuralgia. It ire disease that gives way only to the most powerful remedies. No remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attends the employment of Pol- son’s Nervilinc. Ncrvilinc is a positive speciï¬c for all nerve , and ought to be kept on hand in every family. Sold every where, 25 cents a bottle. A by-law is before the Muskoka township council to exempt creamerics and cheese factories from taxation for ten years. Charlatans and Quack: Have lon lied their vocation on the suf- fering page of the people. The knife has pared to the quick; caustic applications ave tormented the victim of corn: until the conthion shaped itselfâ€"there’s no cure. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor proves on what slender basis public opinion often rests. If you suflor from com: get the Extractor and you will be satisï¬ed. Sold everywhere. E. H. Wilmot has given the city of Fred~ ericton, N. 3., 15 acres for a park. Wanted. Bright active, energetic men in every sections of the country to introduce in the neighborhood an article of universal usage. Snrc sale at every house. Splendid chance to make big money. Address, W. A. Lanes, Montreal. A. P. 757. ) I 'Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart Relieved Me of Agomning Pain In so Minutes. and Was the Means of Saving My Life." So Says Mrs. John Jamie- son. Tera. Ont. About three months ago I was attacked with nervous heart trouble. The pain was so severe I could hardly breathe. I could get no relief and feared that I could not live. I saw advertised in the Turn Lead or Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart, and im- mediately procured a bottle. I see nred perfect relief inside of ‘20 minutes and firmly believe it- was the means of as ving my life. . . If your heart flutters, palpitates or tires out easily, it is diseased, and treatment should not be delayed a single day. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart relieves _ al- most instantly and will effect a radical cure. Recipeâ€"For Making a Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. Adam's Root Beer Extract... ...one bottle Floischmann‘s Yeast†. .half a cake Sugar ................ . . .two pound. jLukewarm Water... .two gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast In the water, {add the extract. and bottle: place .in a warm lace for twenty-fear hours until it ferments, en lace on ice, when it will open sparkling nnd ellclous. The root beer can be obtainedln all drug and grocery stores In I0 and 25 cent bottles a make two and ï¬ve gallons. “Ltdâ€"Wk CAUTION Owing to the enormous sale of our famous “ Something flood †Cigar Other Manufacturers are putting on the {market inferior goods under this name. A oor article is never imitated. therefore ithe Tact that "Something Good" is beln -â€"o counterfeited is a guarantee to smokers thati Is the best 50. Cigar on the Market. In purchasing see that our trade mark (Th. Snowshoe) and ï¬rm name are on each box. up. other is genuine. Our “ Something Good brand is registered and any one selling other cigars under this name Will be prosecuted. Empire Tobacco 00., Montreal Don’t Forget that when you buy Scott's Emul- sion you are not getting a secret mixture containing worthless or harm£n1 drugs. Scott‘s Emulsion cannot be sec- ret. for an analysis reveals all there is in. it. Consequently th=eendorse- ment of the medical world mean: :qamf/zzhg. overcomes Warring, promotes the making of Solid Flex/z, and gives Vital Strength. It has no equal as a cure for Coughs. Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Scro‘ful Anaemia, Emaciationuand WastTng Diseases of Children. Scotti}: Boone, Bellcri‘lle- AII Druggists. 50c- li 8t ANTEDâ€"OFFICE M ANAGER In over City and County. Fortune for Agents Address, D. A. EVANS & CO., 74 College St,, Room 12. Toronto. Ont Permanently cured bya strictl Edna, tlonnl System. No itdvanca fees. rite for circular. THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE. 65 Sbnter St... Toronto. SAUSAGE OASINGS;§§I‘.‘iilgngu?§ Sheep and Narrow American Hog Casings at richtprlces. Park, Blackwell &. Co.Ltd.Tor‘nto I if I h i mMagi‘cal Apparatus. Broken m Ilealth TRIOKS. ones were given SI each oneyear ago,which That Feeling, constipation they invested for the church, and accumu- lated in twelve months the snug sum of $l,350. A panel is to be placed in the chancel window of the new Episcopal church, “'inghain, in memory of the late Rev. W. Davis, who was for nine years pastor of that parish. The Unit-ed States have permitted Canada to export cattle from Portland, Maine, without undergoing any quarantine. All that is needed is a clean bill of health at Montreal. Complete returns from all available sources in regard to the suffering in St. John's, Nlld, show 50 per cent. of the entire population of the City to be either receiving or in need of assistance. The cotton tail rabbit, introduced into Ontario a few years ago to furnish fun for a few sports, is multiplying with marvellous rapidity, and spreading over a large section of country greatly to its injury. A man in Barrie was sent to jail for two months for scalding his “rife with a pot of hot tea, while a woman in Hamilton gotl two years and a half in the penitentiary for, l l passing a bogus 23mm. piece. Geo. Donald, town line, Wutford has struck an oil well from which he pumps every three hours one barrel, or eight lmr~ rcls allay. He has been offered $10,000 forthe 100 acres with the well on, but dc:lined. The latest way of paying all a church debt is reported from Stratford, where the congregation pays the annual insurance premium on an old man, and at his death the amount of his insurance will be used in paying 08' the church debt. Atihc last meeting of the Ontario Fish and Game Commission it use decided to make the deer season the same as it was in ISQ‘Jâ€"«lrom the ï¬rst to the 15th of Nov- ember. It was also doc-Eleni to otl’cr a bounty of ï¬fty cents a head .‘or foxes, because of the damage they inflict on farmer's poultry. and Pain in the Back Appetite and Health Restored by Hood's Sarsaparllla. I a l f. r Mr. aha . Steele St. Catherine‘s, Out. ‘0. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mess; “ For a. number of years I hawe-becntroubler’ with a general tired feeling. shortness of breath, pain In the back, and constipatton. I could get only little rests: night on account of the pain and had no a petite whatever. I weather tired In my limbs t at I gave out before half the day was us. I tried a. great number of medicines but ld notget any permanent mlletkom any a- ood’swpw‘w Cures [puree until. upon recommendation of a friend, purchased a bottle of Hood's Bampanna,‘ vhlch made me feel better at once. I have con- tinned Its use. having mm three bottles, am‘ I I Feel lee a New Man. have a good appetite, feels: strong as ever I did and enjoy perfect rest at night. I hart much pleasure In recommending Hood's Saran. purine." Canines S'rzsuz. with Eric Pro ï¬ning 00.. St. Catherine's. Oatnrlc Hood's Pills m Prompt and asides}, yd easy in action. Sold by all «twists. 250 See. Our hr e catalogue run. F. E. Kart Eric): and Ngvclly 00.,157 Church Sit/Toronto. Still! ollectlons of stamps and get the hi2 heat cash L c for them from c. A. NEEDHAM, Main 5; E., Hamilton. Our. USKOKA SUMMER HOUSE For. SALE.â€"-I have one of the ï¬nest proper use Muskoka: cottage. with wide veranda!) all around, 3.1th new, boat house. too house twain launch. row and sail boat. canoe. steam boat wharf.all cmivcnicnces. situated on Lake Rooseau. right on steamboat channel. Price $850. Terms to suit. Won't rent. 8. Faun-t anon. 73 Adelaide St. VV., Toronto, Canada. G. DUTHIE & SONS Slate. Shoot-Hotel. The a: Gravel Roofers Sheet Metal Ceilings. Terra Cotta The. Red. Black and Green Roofln Slate. Metal Cor- . Eon, Tar. Rooï¬ng ‘tch. Etc. Gutters. pipes. to" supplied the trade. Telephone 1“. Adelaide & Wldmer Sh. TORONTO. FlSIIlNG TACKLE. SPECIAL OFFER. I Fine Trout Rod. Lauwwoed 'I‘ip . . . . . . . 81 25 [Waterproof Bmidlingflé yards . . . . . . . . 35 [Trout l-‘Iy Spoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 2) [Click Reel.40 yards ...................... 2S lGutCastln Line ........ ... .............. 15 then. Gut!ooks.......................... 25 [Box Sinkore.............................. 05 lDoa Good Trout Flies ...... ... ..... ..... 25 8‘2 65 We will supply thinlot forflecah. Send monev or order through your dealer. orfect Gut Casting Linea (Scotch) 8140 Dos moses. Footballs and all kinds of Sporting Goods. 2 THE WIGHTMAN SPORTING GOODS GO. 403 St. Paul Street. Montml. roe AI om causes an». To Dovm Spoons. A wealthy bachelor declared that a horrid nag had glared at him through the night. His friends laughed at him but he insisted that the house was haunted. He grewxli, complaining of extreme heaviness in the stomach, his appetite failed, he grew sallow, emaciated anddespondeut, believing he was going to die, the spook being a warning, and declared he could hear funeral bolls ringing in his ears, and even hinted at suicide. A friend induced him to use Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, and he rapidly grow well, spooks and all his distressing sym toms disappearing. A torpid liver and ispepsia caused his suffer- ing and the medicine cured both. A pamphlet free or a large Book, on Liver and Stomach diseases and how to cure them (136 ages) fi r 6 cents in stamps. Address, Worl 's Dispensary Medical As- sociation, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierco’s Pleasant Pellets cure serrati- pation, biliousness and derangements 0| Itomach, liver and bowels. Cold in the ahead. Nasalbalin gins in- Itant relief ,- speedily cures. Never fails Group 0m“: To Lease for Season or Term of Years. That Magniï¬cent Hotel at St. Leon Sprl Most attractive Summer Resort in Candida Elegantly furnished throughout.- Accommo- dation for 300 guests. Source of the world repowned St. Leon Water, so noted for its miraculous cure of disease. EXQuisite Scen- ery, most desirable class of patrons. Last year applications exceeded accommodation. For ull particulars applyâ€" ST- LEON MINERAL WATER 00-. (HO) TORONTO. ONT. JUST result). STAN DARD ANTHEM BOOK.v mm b a.a. our, OrganistJarvlt‘St. pacer:me Price, Single Copies, 8! .00: Per Du, 810.00 mutual)" WHALEY, ROYCE a. co. ms "INS! stem. - runwayâ€. :â€" Bargains in C. Bulbs and Plants The Maximum of Worth a: Minimum a] 00:: No. Bâ€"15 Gladiolus. ï¬nest assorted, for 50¢. “ I â€"-â€" 6 Dahlias,smect°howvariet's“ 50c. " G- 8 Montbretias, handsome . " 50c. “ 0- 6 Roses, everbloom'g beauties“ 50c. F Window Collection, 1 each, C Fuchsia, Dbl. Fl. Musk, Ivy and Sweet Sc't'd Geranium, 50c. Fâ€" Marietta Vine, Tropmolium. Mex. Primrose E: Heliotropc " Eâ€" 8 Geraniums, ï¬nest assorted “ 506. “ R-l‘l Coleus. fine assorted colors “ 50c. “ Sâ€" 5 Iris, ï¬nest varieties . . . “ 500. Any 2 rolloctlons for 85¢. ; 3 for 01.15: or 5 for n. By Mall, post-paid, our selection. A Snap i Catalogue Free. THE STEELE. Blllccs, MOON SEED cu. LTD. Toronto. Ont. W M TO PRINTERS I, THIS page of this News- paper is printed with Ink manufactured by the In l l ~Wiiiiiiiiiii8.30. The Largest Manufacturers 0! PURE, HIGH (man: §b BOCDAS IND means 021 this Continent. hm molt“ †‘HIGHEST AWARDS heathen-rut Industrial and Hill EXPOSITIONS “l In Europe and America. ' Unlikcths Dulchlï¬oeeamuoalkl- . Ilsa or other Chemicals or Dyes ore ' ‘- uu-d In anv of their town.“ Their delicious BREAKFAST COCOA a m punandnohhls, andceau Imus: “can†ROI-D BY GROCERS EWRYWHER‘. HALTER BAKER It fill. NEW to-il‘" A on“. WAN-inn- Pcrthclotoctandboctllnccfaooua-l uhGnnadgdlslncsandprtou terms liberal. Write for chasm vi . on. nua- NANTED.â€"Brlght, active. energetic men in every section of the country to introdu In the neighborhood an article of univorvn maid. 1. Sui-too cal: agievery Macias-go:- o once am e mono . W. A. LOF'PUS. Journal. Silllll uh BAIL W3 Intent! to more a thousand farmers happy this concert. Whynct home: than by buying a SN OWBALL WAGON. It will please you, give you mustache and save you money. No breakdowns or loch smitbs' bills topay out for repairing If we have no mm In your locality, write dlrooth lHl SNOWBIII lllllllll GllllPIlll. ST. GEORGE. ONT. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN’S BAKING ‘ POWDER THECOOICS BEST FRIEND ENC-EST BALI m â€" â€" "W. . «5-1:» ‘-.u = ‘ ~ For Batarrh Found at lastl For two years I have been suffering horriny from a severe attack of catnrrh, and after havm trlod'miiny remedies without success, one my friends recommended to my nation Dr. hviolctte’s Anti-Catarrhal Balm. 'l‘u-‘lay thanks to this excellent remedy which I use in congepctmn with Dr. Lavloletto's Syrup ol Turpentine. I can say that I am perfectly cured. I rooomrnendit to all those who are troubled with cnturrli as the best and “108' efï¬cacious preparation that exists. and I .llfl‘v" to thank you, doctor, for the great good and perfect cure your remedies have (affected in my case. Mlle EMELIE AYOTTE, 55 St. Elizabeth Street, Montreal For sale at all druggists. Anti-Catarrhuz Balm in metallic tubes. ‘25c. each. S 'rnp c Turpentine. 25c. and 500. per bottle. etha the signature “J. Gustave IMloIettc " in re Ink is on the labeL Sole Promise-to:- J, Gustave muons, Ill). r"""-‘734 St. (in! St, IVIO ntreul. I stool hand and Igor feed I“ “Maud u with (as! week we told of the process cl galvanith and Its 10le pcnnbls preservative qualities. Font bed we will use you thc experience of two rerrucutauvc bum lmu of IDinc' on. of whom has sold 400 and use otherbOOAumdom. 11-. week relieving we WI quote a price on the heat pumps made (hand, mud mill and irrigating) lower than was over before dreamed of; the week following that we sin-u talk to you of steel galvanised tanks, with covers, at flu unbound of price J In our adv. [Wu u “In no we told of our very upricr all of 2“ cruta per gallon. nabs is cheaper than wood. Tbqu not shrink, Isak, rel, rust or give that. to water. (The Aermolor Company treat.- tbo public generously. While state, legislatures are passing laws to secure in for farm nmclnnu at reasonable prices, W IS A In 'I‘Iu't THE AIR!!!) (Ill COII’ANY IIAS loll 1‘"! Y2"! I!“ BEEN'CIH'II'ELLED 1‘0 Inï¬ll I18 PRICES OH REPAIRS ka‘Al SE 9011! OF ITSCI’RTOII’RS HAVE BIEN ORDERING INDIYIIH'AL PARTH T0 “AS! IT I'OMPLETI MACllIiP3, BIKI‘K IS THAT W.†7"" COULD on A IIACIIIKI Clllfl'ï¬n TIIAN Ill ORDERING IT AHSI‘NBI.KI. l'mpk an not compelled to buy marhim-y; they on mm- pcllrd to buy "pairs. ThsAIrmuo: Cum) n mus lo a ,amll. Z was in title rupor! m- lold so low that cus- huy the repairs and thin. at less than the chins would cost. But ' toning (mild ‘ , mrmhlca ma- .3‘5 WMch 9 since it was would not the machine for "I. protection of IL. now): Company llll raised fast enough In preventlhil not cousin that they assembled in good shape, pwn limitation. the Arr- ths price of certain repairs in fulurc. Not onlyhn the ‘ hum-Aer Company Ilwarf [ivsnthcbutgomlnlthclow- ; “twice and refund to u aaeoranickngcrï¬- rice but - it has now liflshldflfll TWENTYBRAA (Mrs K VHIIOI‘S P1373 0 TH! corner is ennui 0 (one: 2111' . 1w. BL"! 10 imu i IDLIL'H. It exptcll loud GOODS EASILY “CK?â€- EBPAIRS WITHIN EASY to greatly inrrocu this number of llO'lb'l Th1! II Importation to [has “ll. . ACCldcbu wIII happeuJM a matter of the gnuzan ) O In purchasing mach 'v:‘ a 0 l |lVIl° man vull link J it when he lk lwyinx In “W b l Illlhal repairs can quick- ly be had at ruse-uni“ Ill-30 NAZARETH ST.. MONTREAL. New from cover to cover. compre‘hensiu.~ sin JV. if Webster’s Enternational Invaluable 111 Ofllcc. School, or Home. It is the Standard of the I’ ‘4 qll rm'n ('on't 4“ Pt ' ‘ . 7 ..:. . I; .sil..8. (.overnmeiit I‘rlnilng ‘Iflll’l‘,fllltl of ixrari; all of the’Scliu/l'r-ooks. 1t Ls warnny commended lg: «:very State Superintendent. of Schools. A. College President writes: “ Fu- cuso \.'Itli which the eye finds lll'.‘ ‘n'oril sought. for accrual-5‘ of definition. for 1-!- fectlvo methods iti Indicating pronunciation. for term yet its a working dictionary, ' IVs-beter’s Internstlomil ’ excels any other single volume." G. & C. Merriam (30., Publishers, Springfield, 31385., [7. 8. A. ua-lknd for tree mninldetmnislntnx x :cnmn m: illlull‘lth‘ who not buy cheap wthrnphs: repriiiu t: iffyï¬â€™cieter'of thigh aâ€; GRA'NBY RUBBER"? Better this season th..n ever. _ mt. Our veryluw pure-- and huh standards on errrjfllml I onnoued iviih water supply and power production b) run! j “other WIU] the accenibilily of a full line of our got-(b Mil again, will be appreciated. 9 Aermotor (20.. W 4 K is ,. Eiéï¬omary tenicnts of Earl... and for practical use I’ d g ‘0 ,o ‘3 ‘i (1 .4 E Everybody wants 01th Every dealer cells them. They wear like Iron. «.vâ€"aj. . i ‘1'. fl." ._,,. ,_,.,,, _ -A1A, £11.11. ..IL-;&WW--..,H..4 , ,-"__ A... ,W s