9 .A. Larger Stock to choose from then all the others W put together. CZI;LArIF{I§L dis ESCDdSI. MW in illitth e is a Sunni ms PUBLlC ARE NOW SATISFIED Wl'l‘ll THE PRICES AT WHICH THEY GET DRY GOODS AT THE OLD STAN-D. a° UFZEIIEETY’ ESIXfET -. roar tacos ARE NOT soLn caravan ANYWHERE. Please Continue Calling, for there is always Something New turning up. WM CAMPBELL. j hid Misï¬t FALL To stun '5 Prices in Tailoring. S. PENIIALE wishes to announce that he has secured a new and well selected stock of T'weeds, \Vorsteds, and various '1: her Cloths, and good durable Trimmings, and is prepared to i, do business with prices as follows: TWEED SUITS, $8 AND UPWARDS. "33(an warm F I t urm ure, l I close to the groin, that it cut through a , 7 Strong Pair or new overalls and woollen .il.‘ IYH.‘ p .u-. lâ€. _)’ {I}. I"! i :z'I ’ Ill-V ‘v-u'lv liri a r )‘thf‘l‘dl-lt‘. --l v :u; of‘ in may placvd only for Ills i: to ‘= :‘113'. wo. L: Li el Hie a! my va‘l I W HI rlrr't'e exp; :ses i Allan S. Macdonell. Barrister kc. Lindsayl for express hr 0 l6 Subsui BLACK WORSTED ‘6 55 H PANTS, $2.50 “ Workmauship second to none. Cutting, etc, proportionately cheap. at the Fashionable Tailor Shop, opposme water tountam. S. FEii-ELON FALLS. -â€"â€"-AND-â€"- uwnnnranmc, W. M‘Keown’s, FRANCIS ST. WEST. MOMEY T0 LOAH. â€"â€".â€"- ï¬rms at :\\2;:.l: u: ozlice.iasnring in the “ Gazelle.†i l .‘b‘ivu an .1 thin! I 1' 1301' ocutd l l l l Urn»; w. slit 1; ' v w in :v: or) tit-We terms i‘ 51 m‘l 'i H ileiav !~ 2:; t'ti‘ .\'>'uic;u:on. i ' - '3 I .- 1 ‘ l l. I v -‘ tom-z VT$ or 1.2: :: 1. s. 1 .t‘._. .zxgacr. ~~. la most cases“ FENELON FALLS. l l AA VVV’VVV PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. J’. Jones, Agent. Shirts. Colin-s. Carl’s. Tics. Table Covers, Pillow Curtains, Shams, Shades, Spreads. Blankets and Starr Linen u Silos. . . _;. r .. , spoon... . l 3‘53“ Mending done free and noï¬charge caving at Burner Shop on Monday, April 'lz‘nh. and every second Mon- day alter. Satisfaction guaranteed. AAAAAA VV Alli ch. in Time Saves Nine. FARMERS will do well to EXAMINE THEIR MACHINES before the RUSH of Spring work commences, and give their orders for REPAIRS t0- Thos. Robson and avoid express charges and loss of time. The†Fenclon Falls Gazette. Friday. May 3181;. 1895. Commandant Booth at the Falls. Commandant H. H. Booth, head of the Salvation Army in Canada, arrived at the Falls by train yesterday after- noon, and addressed a large audience in the Methodist church at night. As the Gazelle is made up on 'lhur<day even- ings. we must defer any more extended notice until next week. The can son... Friday last was the Quedn’s birthday, and was observed as a holiday in Fen- elon Falls, though the celebration talked of a short time ago was not held. At 10 in the forenoon a train ot‘ seven passenger cars conveying the Y. M. C. A. excursion from Lindsay to Halibut- ton drew up at- t-he station here, and a few residents of' the village or its vicin- ity went north to spend the day. A lit- tle before noon the steamer Ormzdclla arrived from Lindsay with a large~party of excursionists on board, and amongst them were the members of the “ Invin- cible " football club, who played a game in the driving park after dinner with the Fenelon Falls “ Rosebuds,†and the visitors were beaten “ out of sight.†The Cramldla left about 3 p. m., and, in endeavorin: to pass between a lot of sawlog's near the "mouth of the river and one of the Government piers, she collided with the latter and smashed her right paddle-wheel literally all to pieces; but she managed to work her way home, though, of course, at a great deal loss than her usual speed. The weather throughout the entire day was delight- ful, and the trips, both by land and by water, were exceedingly pleasant. A Chapter of Accidents. On Saturday morning last Mr. John Young, whose home is at l’Iarwood, met with a painful and serious accident while attending,r the edger in Howry 8'. S'ons’ mill in this village. By some means a piece of board was thrown from the saw, and struck him with such force 0n the inside of the left thigh, underwear and inflicted. a lacerated wound about four inches long and two and a half inches deep on the thigh, u - wards towards the abdomen. M r. Young had a very narrow escape From sudden death, for if he had received the blow on his abdomen he would probablyhave died from its effects. As it is, he is doinaz' fairly well, and but little fear as to his recovery is now entertained; He still remains at his boarding house under the care of Dr. Wilson. On the same day an Italian named July, employed on the ballast train, got three ï¬ngers of‘ the left hand jammed while coupling cars at the. gravel it. He was immediately taken to Dr. Wil- son's oflicc, and there, under the influ- ence of chlorol'orm, had them dressed. lie is doingr well. and, although two of the ï¬ngers will be shorter than before, he will be able to shovel again in a few days. On Monday night as Mr. Irvine Mar- tin. accompanied by his sister-in-law, Miss Jennie Windrim, was driving home with a load ol furniture from Formica Falls they met with a misha In turning in the dark towards their own gale Mr. Martin drove too for to the opposite side of' the road and upset his waggon and load. and Miss Win. drim susrained a fmctnre of the right wrist close to the joint. After some delay she ’was driven by a neighbor to this village to Dr. Wilson's ofï¬ce, where she had the injury attended to. So far she seems to be doing fairly wclL » Personals. Mr. E. D. Orde and Mr. F. D. Moore house 810. W. Hutcheson and wilb’ , and Mary McFayden, Sarah Mel’ayden. John McInnis and A. Douglass $5 each. of Lindsay were at the Falls on Tues- â€"Ca!ried. day. Moved by Mr. Currins, seconded by Miss Dunsford of Lindsay spent two Mr. Graham, That the following bills or three days this week with her friend y be paid: E. D. Hand, advertising oourt (Miss Dickson at the Falls. Rev. James Fraser ot‘ Fenclon Falls and Mr. David Curtis of Vernlam were at the Baptist convention at Toronto on Tuesday last. Miss Minnie Clark. returned home last Saturday from a visit of about eight months to her sister, Mrs. Camp- bell. at Dallas, Texas. Rev. John Hod-gins of Haliburton was at the Falls on Tuesday last, and purchased Rev. G. W. McCall‘s horse and whole driving outï¬t. Miss Susie McDiarmid, Miss Agnes Dickson and Miss Kate Austin came home from the Lindsay Collegiate Insti- tute on Friday last and remained until Monday. Miss May Greene has returned to the Falls from an extended visit to her mother at Winnipeg and friends in other places, and is now the guest of Mrs. (Dr) Wilson. Lieut.-Col. McLean of Port Hope, the McCarthyite candidate for East Durham, was at the Falls on the Queen’s birthday, as were also Mr. J. G. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. John D. Smith, their daughter and three sons. Mr. Joseph Heard left. for Toronto on Thursday of last week and returned on Monday. The chief object of his visit was to have a specialist examine his little son Charley, who has some- thing wrong with his eyes, and who is now wearing spectacles and is to be kept from school for at least a year. School Board Proceedings. Fenelon Falls, May 27th, 1895. The School Board met; all the mem- bers. present and. the chairman in the chair. Minutes of the previous meeting.r read and approved. Moved by Mr. Dickson, Seconded. by Mr. McKcndry, That the secretary be instructed to employ Mr. S. Broken- shirc to put the pump and. well at the north ward school in a proper state of repair.â€"Uarried. Moved by Mr. McKendry, seconded by Mr. Dickson, That the secretary be instructed to purchase locks and keys ' for the two small gates at the north ward school and one for the south ward school; also looks for all water closets; and that all be locked each evening by the janitors, also all windows be closed every nightâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. McKendry, That Mr. Hunter re~ pair the water-closets on the north and south sides of the livenâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Dickson. seconded by Dr. Graham, That a third class male teacher be engaged for Miss Cullen‘s room, and that Miss Cullon be transfer- red to Miss Macui-ven’s department.â€" Carried. Fonelon Court of Re vision. Glcnarm, May 28th, «1895. The Council of Feuelon met as Court of Revision. All the members having taken the oath of ofï¬ce, Mr. Chambers was appointed chairman. Mr. Currin, That Geo. Purrington’s as- sessment be reduced $100; that Wm. Jordan's and John Powlcs's aSSessnients be reduced $100 each; that Wm. Lit- tlctou’s, P. J'. Wilkinson’s and I. R. James‘s assessments be reduced $200 each ', that Wm. Rutherford be assessed as tenant of broken east part of lot 20, con. 11 ; that Wm. McDonald be assess- ed i'or part of the north-east corner of lot 15, con. 2; that Lucinda Tomlin be assessod for lot 25 north of Mill street. Cambray; that the west half of lot 13, Con. 3, be struck olf'the non-resident roll and nssesmd to D. Sinclair; that William Isaac not having appeared, his asses-uncut be sustained; and that the assessment roll of 1895, as now revised, stand approvedâ€"Carried. The Council then took up general business. Minutes ol'last meeting read and approved. Communications from C. D. Barr and R. S. Porter were read. Moved by Mr. Currin. sccond'ed by Mr. Graham. That Mr. Palmer be in- structed to close the bargain for a grav cl it with Mr. J. C. l’arrish,’and that Mr. Hall is authorized to close the bar- gain for a gravel pit with Mrs. J. C. Scott.â€"-Carricd. Moved by Mr. C'urrin, seconded by Mr. Graham, That Mr. James Blanch- l'ord's bill For cofï¬n for J. Ficldhouse cannot be entertainedâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, secondc-l by Mr. Palmer, That this Council will rant 820 as reward for the conviction of the persons guilty of the recent house- breakt‘ng at Sturgeon Point, provided the parties interested supplement it with a like sumâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Hall. That the following persons rcccivc aid from the poor rate: E. Field- t i i | h Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by " ol'revision, SI 50; J. Campbell. use of room for council. $1 ; H. J. Lytle. sta- tionery account 1894, $3 73; E. lien- derson, removing two dead horses left on lot 1‘, con. 4, 32; J. Chambers, at- tending tax sale, 33 90 ;_ Do do. lor research in I'Cgistl‘y oï¬ice, 25 cents.â€" Carried. . The Council then adjourned. to meet at Cameron on the 10th of June next. Powles’s Corners. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Mr. John Knox has been somewhat incapacitated for work for some time past by rheumatism. We trust that he» may be restored and set free from those racking pains. Mr. W. N. Jeffrey is busy at present veneerinj,r Mr. Joseph l’erriu's dwelling house. Mr. Jeffrey is a good bricklayer and fully understands his business. Mr. John M. Marshall returned on Monday last from Toronto, where he spent a few days in visiting.r rclntivca. Mr. Marshall reports greater damage done by frosts between Lindsay and Toronto than in this district. All goods bought at )I. McCallum‘s out free of charge; a lit guaranteed and none but superior workmen employed. ANY PERSON desiring a fashionable- suit of clothes should call on M. McCallum. Moan. Loosâ€"About 5,000 logs in- 'charge of Mr. Edward Elliott, foreman, commenced to go over the Fcuelon Falls slide last Tuesday evening. They were the ï¬rst to arrive of 28,000 out near Bear Lake for the Dominion Bunk, into whose hands the old' l’arkin mill at Lindsay fell some months ago. 1163' CALL on I". McDonald, agent for J. 11. Lennon, whose :ulvertisement you will. liuttelsewhcre, for Tinware, new and second hand Furniture, in that almost everything in the line of: Houscï¬ttings. A Cnn1031rr.â€" Mr. A. Clark Sr. was for. four days the owner of a small horned frog, which his daughter brought with her when she returned from Tunas last Saturday, and which died from. some unknown cause on Wednesday. It is now preserved in alcohol, and is such a curious looking creature that it is a pity it could not be kept alive. Call and: take advantage of the cheap sale at Mrs. R. MeDougall’s. 3%“ M. McCallum has just received his second order of Spring, goods, which are being sold cheap. 11%“ Eggs and produce taken in~exchangc at .\l rs. R. McDougnll’s milllnery store. Tun. ELECTRIC Liour Serraâ€"By -Wednesday's mail Reeve Dickson re- ceived from M‘essrs. MeSweyn & Ander- son a copy of the judgment in the now famous suit between the F'enelon Falls- Electric Liuht Co. and the village cor- poration. The judgment is for the de- l'endants, and the plaintile are to pay all costs except those of the ï¬rst day (Dec. 18m), when the case was ad- journed at the defendants' request. Mac has the best selected stock of suitings in Fenelou Falls. 3%†Just arrived from Montreal at Mrs. R. McDougall’s, the ucweststylcs in Spring- millinery. YOU CAN SAVE money by. calling on M. McCullum. for a spring suit two doors- south of'the post ofï¬ce. HAVE YOU HEARD that we carry the largest variety of Finn Shoes in the county? We mail any ladies’ ï¬ne shoes prepaid from Sl upwards on receipt of money. Men, you can easilv save 25 per cent. on course and line Men‘s Boots by coming to our store. JOHNSTON a SISSON. lst Door East of Duly House, Lindsay Aconnnsroivnnivcn. 7 â€" A Warning. To (In: Elihu of (In: Fcnelou Falls (I'tIZ/(h', Sin,â€" 'I‘he writer temporarily resided in a- littlc town in an adjoining county in which, through ill advised direction, sectarian prejudices had been aroused and swept away the kindly relations that should exist bctrvcen the I’rcsbytcrinns and Methodists. In the town referred to [municipal and school elections were run on those line-r, a. minister of the former body accepting [lulu- inatiou and securing a seat on the school board, and the evil only then commenced. E‘nch church had its grocer, doctor, drug- gist etc, and the place soon lmcamo a hot- bed of envy and strife, and the social elements ofgond feeling between the people a wreck. This cominued until it product-.1 its natural result, and the minister referred to accepted a call to another Spll'TC‘ of labor. It is a knowledge of this that in- duces me to write these lines of warning, as any one conversant with the state of adults in that town would notwish to see a similar state of affairs introduced here, and it does not require n. great deal of dis- cernmth to perceive that one or two per- sons in our village, either through ignor- once or ill-advised zeal for their church's prosperity, are doing their utmost to arouse the very same evil. Your correspondent sincerely hopes that the Presbyterian: will frown. down any attempt, no matter by A ._....-w.u . . "qr-.- m-M tau-wow M-‘m ...»....-....-- _.... r__ ~“m‘.w~wm‘w n.._ '