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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 31 May 1895, p. 5

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o ; Whom ntsdinto destroy the kindly relations i Mi. Editor, what is the rule for measuring that have ‘i-wr existed between them and g the soul of an indivdual ? And the silly t the Methodists. Let their good sense. if d y must attack the Methodist body. not Christian charity. point out to them ‘ and let the public know that their church, ’ I that the Methodists have no cause to be? was built 18 years ago and is in debt yet, j-aloiis, for the Prlisbyterians' prosperityl after all the financial aid given them by W i S'd l _ es l e S ore. ~ does not mean any loss either pecuniarin f the Presbyterinlls. If the Presllyterlniis u' numerically totllcmâ€"they haven clltircll _ were as wise as they pretend to be they and pastor of which they have not the, would unite with the Methodists, for itI At this tilne I defiire to can sizghtest need to be ashamed. and the rc- would be cheaper to help them to pay otf I I “I . Is proud of his big stock and low prices. If you want to buy 3 0m 11' emu)“ m m" ' new ligions prejudices with which we are born. the balance of that debt. for it‘maiiy of the I or Acquire very shortly after birth. gener-, Presbyterian subscribers are like some of - v I. . Stock ally keep us loyal to the church of our? them that I know they will be also 18 years i goods at very low pllces call at» Carter’s Store, Lindsay, and “ hiclffhgobztes anld {5309?}! " ' S ll SC QC 8 “'1 -l f‘tlii’H'S. It may be possible that. some-E in debt for their church. I you can buy :13 nl‘ln ' (r S v . t , ‘ . "f Almiudists may have g‘vcn expression toI Nuil'.sir, about the business ability ofgb I t. I Z ‘ 1" gilcood as 50“ ed” 031 P) 101 about $1 He greatca1.eI Prices .lnd Qtvleg sentiments that were indiscreet. but the : our council: if they want to buy a hall 3 “)8 01 CA?“ mu SL S for CAsuau‘nd can afford to sell Cheap: for ' “ L . ‘ Will be found all right. My stock of General Groceries entire body should not be judged by the Q Why not buy Dickson’s? It is more suit» he t-lkes no with (r'v' o- . ‘ I ' ,. . . For,“ Drone 0,. um membcm is our slStor able, and will not be dearer in the and than i ( \ DI Ina Cl edit. on cannon personal”) is the best that can be pur- chased, and my Teas speak churches are ‘ealolis of our irosieritv. but the old church. 3 001119 send 0“ )‘0111‘ letter orders and they will be shi ) ed same I l l . . let us return them nothing but charity”; One thing more, Mr. Editor, which I dot r_ Scuisf-lction n‘ual‘qn . 0. e . . a thes: words were spoken ill the 051 church , almost overlooked. Resident says “ it is l ) ‘ ‘ C ‘ teed, 01 000d“ can be lenuned‘ it four. weeks agi, and, if the sentiment oft degrading to the cause of religion to see Blan Cashmere, 47 inches wide . . . . . . Olilv . . . . . , .... 25 f _ 1 s , w o juilousy did exist, was the noblest advice i such a spirit as is manifested ill this village Ladies‘ Capes, all Colors . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . .. .Special . . . . “$le and 2 25 01 t lelm’elV 03- LVN‘Stllmg :Im CJtllll be given, and characterize sen- , his: now, and Ilinds expression through Lint-n Table Cloths, o6x12...... ....Fringed, white ..... .. 1.00 usually found in a first-class i tnrzits that should ever be fostered ; but l Listener. Benighted Presbyterlans '. for Llllt‘n Table Cloths, 06 x l2 . Fringed, colored border 95 o. . . . ' - llltl‘l}' .tre unkind enough to say that. the i this sentiment is on a par with the style of 400 Sample Pariisols .. . . . . . . . . . Half Price blocely StOle In StOCL- 03” 5pc iker of the gracious words and the l preaching to which they are often treated. Men‘s and hoys’IthitIe Unlaundercd Shirts . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. 29 and compare prices. I Will writer of the letter Signed Resident in the l I Will leave it to the whole community and “ Beautiful bllli 'llcs .. . . Two for . 25 319 q x v P - 1 f 1.151 0.124;, (redolent as it is Wm, anything i a Scottish jury to decide which of the two Cotton 'II‘owc-ls, 25 x 45 . ., I Colored Border.” 10 1 I {14’ D 0“- 10( lice 0 {I but charity to the sister church) are the l authors slanders common sense and decency 600 Men 5 flats and Caps, this season’s goods, bought in a very kinds bOllsl‘llt- and sold. same person. Let us hope that such is not g the most. “ Oll, wad some power the glftle I peculiar way, to be sold at half price to clear. » V the cage’und um the til-ads oi the clmrches i gie u: to see oorsels as iIlhei-s see us ! ” 38rd Wide Factory Cotton Three Cents .. .. 03 referred to and the leading members of; Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for your valll- Handsome Fancy Colored Flanncllettes A Snap .. . - 05 - 0 these bodies will exert their utmost to I able space in affording us room to air our Heavy Cotton Shirtings...... ....Fast Colors...... . . .. 05 maintain the true principles which should, i own conceit. Next! G’OQd BleflChi‘d Roller Towelling... 18 Inch 05 and I believe (lo, exist; for there is abnn- KICKER No. 2. ll lute .Itpron )llisllns . . . . . . . . . . . . New Patterns. . 05 ' that room in our village for [he cxpcndi- .Mfl)’ 27lll,1895. III, ('0 Y‘ds Bell”?le Prints, light and dill'k.. .FtlSi 001013.“... . ... 05 ' ,,, 0. b... M... ... g o M ping. ..... . ......ng Post (med Auction Sale : c lulhiitill-z with the evil amongst us and , v . r . 1 ' ‘ “19 “a “3' 41' e Linen . . .... . .. . . 62 Inches . . . . .. .. . . .. 30 : spreading ,he mussage of divin: love. and FEXELO)‘ PA ‘L‘S MARKETS Ladies’ Black and Colored Gloves, all sizes..4 button length.... .. 10 . 0F \'.rL1r.\1;LE . to not let their Services be but a CttrlC'ltlll'e F I “I I, I ‘ 0 _ I: Ladles' Fast. Black Cotton Hose Fine Goods. 05 ‘ ‘ ' of that “greatest thing ill the world." A we 0“ Fa ~‘i Fm“): lay "13h ~95“ Ladics’ Fancy Trimmed Undervests. . . . . . All Sizes. . . . .. . . . . .. 05 R M P R O P E R E S ‘ we,” deal more might be said, and Rest- Ii’qioi-ze I (11/ (he Nor-(Ii Slur Roller Hill 00 All wool Serge Dress Goods . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. 33 Shades” . . .. . .. 25 . .. ‘ dent treated to a little of his own medicine, W! c it. Scotch or lt‘it'c .. .. 95 to l 00 Hem." W001 'l‘\vce(lS-_.. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .New Patterlls.. .. . 25 1" THE To‘usnnls OF BEXLM’AND SOMN“.ILI'H for which he leaves the “my [emlnmgly “r1105”, funI per bushel. I I. 95 98 1,000 ‘3de FIJEIW Spring \‘eilings ... . o. . ... Wide “'idth .. . ... . . u 10 t ~16; open; but that is not my object, which is \\’iieuv,spriiig “ . ... 95 to 1 00 CNan and “Into. Lace Curtaius- “mind Edges um um 29 -â€"â€"â€" ! only to prevent a rupture of the kilid rclii- ' 1;,,ricI,-,,,eri,us1,c]. . n. 45 43 «Much :ipron GillgIllams. .. .. . . .. . .. Nobby Patterns . ..'.'.. 10 T1 :11 1, tions that have always existed amongst us. Buckwth u . . H ,, . . 5o 55 firgalgsligs JDIrchrles .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . New Designs. . . . . . .. . 07 mm m be so ‘10" ,‘ Trill -ours Oats “ 37 . 33 ,:)I at" s 0) less Goods Shades.......... 12g ; I y )SFV’PFF IDF\I Prose, “ . .. .. 57 58 Men 5 Heavy Cotton Socks . . .. ...... .. . . .. Assorted Colors... 05 saturday.’ the ELSt day Of June, 95' II III I If I .. t \. t. . RIIII “ 53 56 Men’s large Size annelettc ShirtsIIIIII I Com”, attached ,2} at eleven o clock in the forclloon, at Chirâ€" t ‘1‘) 311,15 -'- pbtzlmcs ,, II“ 25 30 Good Feather Ticking .. .. llold Water. .. 03- lmughys HEW”! "1 the Village Of “Glorifi- ~‘ - â€"~»~â€"nâ€"â€"'- Bunch P’Cr lbIIIIII IIIIII 10 11 Ladies" White Cotton Clienlisc,..... .... ....Lace Trimmed 29 ,Rondlby_“rme 0f puwors Pf Snlc conmi'wd 1.” [III] Editor of Me Femlon Falls Guzch EWIIISI IIeII dozeIIIIIIIII 8 9 Lt t: ii Drawersuuu n u 25 in Certain mortgages which will be proâ€" i SIII _ Hi; 'IIOII IOII I SIOO QIOO H u ii Night RochI I I I II I I I I u u I II 45 dllced at the sale, the following properties: (_ l t I I II I I “met: U 100 725 ii a u SkirtsIIIIIIIIII I I I I I ITuckedIIIIIIIIIIIIII 50 PARCEL l.â€"-Lot tell in the seventh cou- l’_ ; I" f‘oui'im ls'sue Him MS} {1. etml tinnstli'v'e')" ' . 450 485 White Bed-Spreadsfi‘inged ....Large Bed Size 95 “35”” 0f “‘0 5”“ T°“'"Ship 01” 80x10}. 2 31mm] 13'} new Sm. m Tl) y. ’0 plated)”: l IVIOES(Di-essé;1')u H ' i ' ' n ' ' 6-00 6.25 51) Yards. Silk Ribbons. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Assorted Shades ' _ . . 02 com‘linmg “V01“”“11'c‘lncreslm0re 0“ “‘53- ' IllnId lieIslgInedIIhls name I BlIalhcrs Ilte ot i Sheepskins " " " ' '35 75 Good Large llair Bl'llshos...... ...- ....Sllre Cure for Dn'n'diuir 20 The South half "nd the “St 1”” 0f “'0 ‘ - l~.mpty.lit:IldII IheI tyotIlIlIl IiiIlyLI glIven a, WOIII ' ‘ " ,8 20 Nice Clothes Brllsll...... “.very Neat Shape I 10 north half of Lot nine in the said seventh ‘ IlltllIllt‘I more IlIiIlI Icthingu it iI IiIinI Iettcpi IIAs FIOIIII IIIIIIIII;I. gage}: III“ 235 Ladies, Fine Leather Purses I I I II I I II I I I I II Nice and Noun, I I I I II 05 concession of chley aforesaid, containing 2 m. lllls- “0t 1 min-‘5“ [m an “tic a t, [It Flour, best lidkers’ 2.65 2.90 Men’s White Shirts.. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. Latlndried to Wear. . .. 50 150 “cres’ more or less’ except half“ an“ t 3””? en“ Ee‘qlmm ml]. “5'1”, 5 $31,” i Flour’ straightmnéd” ' ' " 235 2I55 Pure Linen Table Doylies .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. ... Assorted Shapes. . . 05 50m for.s°l'9°1l""l‘°5°5- aghast meI,II \iIlII notI t on t \Iliorti it it: I BIIIIII iIIIIII ton -- N no lGIOO Two Pair Menis Elasuc Web Braces I I II I I II New Styles I I II I I I I II 25 , Lot llIllle ill the eighth concession of the to Iiiilsp er lIlIsIsuipItllta quotations or say. I SIIOIIis ‘I - I7IOO ISIOO Men’s A“ W001 Sucks II II Ribbed Tops I I I I I I I 10 Township of Bexley, containing two hun- “unl’ ’r} m ‘fl‘l‘p‘ 0:1,?er 9r two 9.0””?(1) Mked 2,1,0“ pg}. H ' 22,00 2500 I See our New Shirtings... . . . . . . .. Regular Price 15c. . . .. 10 med “crest more or 1935' oIfII his otter. l I Ircs yiellans mix tieir ‘ v 434ml, Blue and Black Serge Good leityIIII I 20 The South-east parts of Lots three and n; Int/'3 mill llllllllCllIItllI ufiuzrs, then Itllelr m -.-- - _ .-â€"~â€" --â€"A.-â€"â€"- Ladies: Spring Jackets The Laws, S,yles"" ' 2 75 foul- in the Front Range, North-West lhly, I”)th become. {n-‘I "fl"""‘ “."d "I" "17""5 of Beautiful Cotton Delaines . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. Nobby Patterns . ’ 05 Townfl‘l" 0f "Mlle-‘7’ Conmi'liug 227 acmsv ""“l‘Iv' r‘llQlI‘“3?lI 0f the Vllll‘gei “I‘d “0 B N 6. Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs .. . . .. . .. .. Fine Patterns. . . .' 2' foi‘ 05 being an of said Lots except one h'm‘md oprIn :or :liInIcIlissmIrhIII III IIIIIII II IIOII I Buys: Suits I II I II I I II II I II III II I I I I II Spring Slylcs l 75 acres 011‘ the north-west end of said Lots, , . , ° “5' l '5 1‘ "I ‘ ." e 5‘ 9' - S . a w . . Men’s Tweed Suits . . . . Good L'nin sun o . . ‘ I . 4 50 and bounded 0" the North'wes‘ bl “W " " Jr“: “tort” “‘1‘: tests” ” “BLT‘NGW THE an. on Tweed :::.wnl mix: 22:21: i 00 straight line passing directly sum puth lasIe nIou.t } It I: cpglchl ,Ip oIp Ilt not Tloa‘rellillg, Dail.y very Heavy Cononflde PnntSI I I II II I I II Pate“, ButtonSI I II I III 50 Lots parallel with the boundary line at the Ii; >1!“ ‘- ‘33P”?c 0 e l (9‘3 e "‘f‘m Hemp Carpet.. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . Wide Width 10 North'wem end 0H1": 5"}‘11‘0‘3‘ :3, dINCl from ll“? "‘15‘0‘35 ‘0 ll|0_001‘l’°m“0ni sent out front the Ontario Agricultural , I ' ”' ' " And the south-easterly point of Lot linin- .;5 and save the expense ot a middle deed to College, will be held, "mm. the auspices of “e have the largest stock of CLOTHINGIand MEN’S FURNISHINGS in this County: her two, Front range, North-west Bay, liai- E M“. )Icl‘clid firgiI? I the East Victoria Farlnersl InsmumI in and at the lowest prlcps. As our terms ill buying and selling are cash, we can afford sum Luke, commencing at the intersection 0.," the count.“ speculate m may estate Cumbmy on FridayI June 7,1,; Omemee on to sell close, and we do so every time. We can save your fare and expense while ill of theva-th Shore 0f Balsam Luke. with and make an agreement for expenditure for Monday, June 10th ; Downeyvme on Tues- Lmdsuy 0n 8: $1) Purchase; The only Way to prove it is to try, so we are waiting for the lines between Lots two and thch a fcw years ahead when Ithere is no real any, June 11th; Dungfopd on. Wednesday, You With BARGAINS! BARGAINS“ BARGAINS 1 ll thence North westerly along the line he: surplus ? TliIei-Ic is no saving onrtli speak- June 12th; Bohcnygeon on Thursday, ' ‘ tween said Lots two and three, 7 chains I; I of, even it it were a good lgvcstmenti June 13th; - - - I - E I and 96 links more or less, to a post, thence jg. tell you count “LCI‘CS on ie Illllpall . ‘ _ . _ south 4 chains and eighty links more or r: oliutlll invested. expenses of repair, and Fenel‘m Falls 0" Fl'ldal’: June 14*“ i Store painted Red and White. less, to a post planted on the shore of Bill- I; l‘lls'lll'llllt‘tf, mm the nnnnnlIlDSS of about Coboconk on MondayI June 17th; Kin- sam Lake, thence easterly, along the short,- ' t“'$°°-Tafier .” would‘hnlle bf“? Humid mount on Tuesday, June 18th; Halibllrton 0f Balsam Lake: to “’0 NM“3 or beginning, tItllglIl.“:IIlilItieofllfiylgiI2:3: lIlIlIgsâ€"élt IuI'IcIJIlIltIl 0,, Wednesday, June 19th; Minden on ‘ ‘ continuing one aIcre, two rods and twelve l t) )L‘ l ' 5 ' ‘ C‘ . ( s ' ' ' . . Thursday Julie .2 :tll lSQo. ‘ Pele "351 mom 0‘ 055- %: come back to the old sainng, “ the wish ’ M JO’IWS President The following improvements are said to t was father to the thought, and the Pres- W'M TH‘UR'STOV scé_emr, be on the premises: On Lot 9 in the 8th, Ii liytel'lau conilCIl thought it would be "we ‘ ‘ l ‘ 5' Lot 10 ill the 7th and on part Lot 0 iii the ’_ to buy the old church for a town hall! P a Ttll there are about 250 acres cleared ll'tV- ; As for Resident's lastI remark regarding ing erected thereon frame and log dwell- I.‘ the to the MethotIlIlstsdlS chprstagoal i H A V ilig, log barn, frame stable, frame iiiltl stone. ,1 say lllllle 0 you, tiSl on, o ry o ' . ' .. ' . .' . . stable two old barns. ’l‘lere is l. l mm in “Twigs human My two renew“ E Send a gentleman 1n convelsatlon, lef'erllilg to the ttouble on theiIImIICIIIII OII IIIIIIls LOIIIaIIi: SiftntI'Itr;I :3 bmhes ‘slImng: mllgl’I! " lIIcouIlilI Stty he used to have 111 this respect. “ And I do not have to North-west Bay, about l30 acres cleared. i mean tilllgs ierc. oo, it won ( no 0 so P , ‘ .' . ' . ' , liavin erected thereon two i b: ,5 simply becitline paper will carry ink. be- 0 E N E D Pay blg p1 lees fOI than euhGlJ even If leathm‘ has gone and flame dwelling house. mmc "us cause. I would be sorry to see anything up 1361‘ cent. . TERMS.â€"-T0ll per cent. of the purchase llIolle IWlllICll I would I ISIclllll'Ititc any \{IXIYO money to he paid down on the day of sale. CIsllll‘CJeS .iirt icr iinar lan icy are. iy For balance, terms will be Ill‘lth known at single out Methodists: Are there not other 2 1 i I I: the sale. For further particulars tlpply lo “3?le “l 10“”I 190‘ I JONES. MCKESZIE & LEONARD «tore the next issue of yonrpaper the o i S 1' 't q T q . . ’ mono: will likely have ,becn settltll one l 18 because I buy my Shoes from 0 'm 0": "0"” km“: TO‘OW'v :I way or the other. so I will not promise any 7 “ Or 103'; I‘°I§?3£1?°br’l(“”klt I l H 3 rehl)’ to any further nonsense from Resi- ' z ' ” ‘ c oug“ ' ’mm‘m’ '9'” "n v“ "’ ; tlt‘tll. Thanking you for your valuable OF MY LINDSAY BUSlNESS o L- . space ll‘clllttln. - ' Blislilrss clutter Llsrnxna. ' " “at 99”“ MAYBEE BUlLDING ‘ - ~ ~ â€"“ To {do [Nilor oft/re Futalou Falls Gun‘ltc‘. on I indqu Street “Yhere (Lt ' , ' -‘ ' " " S It N ‘ J gt -, t ', t g ‘ '- Nllyâ€" - ' - . . UNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE ' lsce the ball is kept rolling re the all times Will he found a 001,...“ 0,, “01.0mm I I .°‘~r“i*:;.‘::;“::".tl. '3‘: stock of and second- â€"â€" - .. - 7 _; give i it"tt'.l‘s it 3' ~ I II I I I 4' evident intention of llittillg hiln hardâ€"and lltlllt} ,Nouce ‘3 homby 3”” that the =‘ . .SLCCF‘SSOR To as this is a game of‘hliild man's buff, let us i . . . ' wade ill :iiil kick time about. Resident ' mun-103.9341 Gounoll | M1,- miusmn’. f“? Kim’s of,llfflfcfbs’gi‘nfldm of the Corporation of the County of Vic- i begs to inform the residents of FDllOlon mm.“ he ‘m‘ “n’wmd 'bumr m'm'dmg ’ Lorin. will meet i Falls and its vicinity that he has '13 good to Lie Sl‘t‘Jtttl. but he has not observed that I' I j IIIIIIII IIIIII we” mum“! {I I~ -k I, i he has f.ll-.\ii bomb.st into the rut oIt' the ' In the Gaul-1011 Ghalnber’ 1n the = s cc. 0i tirst. ll;- t'orgvt» til it in lunatic asy nins . i-ilch lll'lltllt‘ :hi lT-ts they are all fools t-x- Court House, Lmdsay, cz-pt himself, and the greatest idiot amongst ’ I l _. ox- thl-ln thinks hinl~~ ~lftlic wisest of the lot. ' I I I Resident is malioiitlya Presbyterian. and I I I I g I. l Tuesday. the Hill Day Of lune. l895, its any merchant in the village, and mil is in a lit of ill nature about something. I I Cflll «1831116 )Otl pl 1005 “l , In 2 OXIIIIIIR III "III fur the tmnSIIcIion of' . sell at the lO\\-cstb[I)t)SSIll)lC prices. lie- sittings“ in; is 1‘ ilk-sv‘jndglgvi$103510“: be found awav down. Any i general on illcss » mu" ” 1"“ mm or “‘.I\I.<t‘ nu» le latt- o. : rgy e se - - ‘ - - l “ ” of. Mn hing n..- loans in t-t-min locali- poison deslrms anything m i T- MATC‘HET'F- l â€"* ANeW Broom sweeps Gleam tics in Sl'utlzt‘ltl. for the use of needy trav- this line will find it to their, CI III III County Clerk. l and that 5 ~'. ‘ s: is lit...“ t l0 5: cl ‘ts in ' COUM." -‘~' "5 UH“: . :I.!\:l‘:\v.lt|l:):llr int-nil ill-.ifi‘liilvo initialize or ad rantagc to call on myl Linds:ty..\lay28t‘n,1895.â€"ld.2 Wmdow Paper’ Pane? Grows! A NEW BUSINESS "A" -' '. I mt. com»: or :lIiIc cIlIl church. :tInd selI'atcllell , agent, hIcDoualiL “tho ’ - -â€"-'â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"'â€"~ Fancy Work! materlals for MUST Lil"? MONO good "Blue for lllt‘lr .' rather bird. :in :‘.-c s so sorc truul t it) fries I I ‘ ’ , , A G901) MAN in money it' he wish to attract and rctliili :, tion that h.» is mild uni} kip'is at: anything “Ii” béhlllc‘isegt to 5110“ I.‘ O“ i . your ,nsuim [0 rep. Faincy work' Toys! Etc' custom, of which great truth the new "m comes alongâ€"30. oy- i‘e, ct us it ' 5 t xl‘ollh‘ mu n-lve you “wees, a n, ,he .i youth," yursurics of Canada" business man now addressing you is well back- i c a v 1 'Eocrer 700 acresâ€"tha- lalgest iii the 00- l mm“: ""d “'m 80”“ himself "ccm‘l' ll I M“: my 0““ awn"? “Nu! “"3 "T‘s"? l H miniunI posilion permanent, suing-Iv m- l __ iiigly. Call in and see if you can’t do p; terians managing lltt‘tr buIsmcss WISQ‘LV.‘ I . - v .1 commission to fight mmI “'1”, we in_ l I III M “.0” win, him as “.m, anybody else_ lie accuses Listener of hearing too much, I creasin” demand for ruin a posmon Wm, , PRICES T0 SI lIT TlIIlu TIMES. or even a [cage better. WEE,“ bane“ E1"; and it is well known that those who listen ‘ q , us M :Mcsmfln will my 3.0,, Um“. man i lNJ’ECTth I.\\ ITED. vogcmmcsI ele,’ taken in exchange for gi“ “mm 1‘“: any i?“ or;ll:'lxl,seltus';‘m.elhi I on ' ALE“ engaging in farm work. Send us your I â€"â€" goods, and the highest market prices ” tholcss li.‘ is II 30 a“ 300- ‘f “‘V ml‘ I'm 5’ ' , , 2‘ lion ml we w.1l show vou how to ’ allowed' pokes fun .i: the Presbyterian. Resident3 Lot containing one quarter of an acre, :IlI‘é‘IIlc‘g‘II'od ‘Im'meyI School [e-flche”, “.3 E563 TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, 5,0,0 in Cunningham's mug-1',” do” gets angry. which shows that the has made ' with house and stable, on Franclssuoet I IIIIIII the “Ing I," you during we sumcrI 50m“ of Mn Campbc,,,sI Ii .elf ridiculous by “ answering a fool west, opposite Gmr'lr ofl‘ice,IFenelon Falls, _ _ ‘ . _ I ricgrdiug to his fully," and retorts that be for sale cheap. Apply to ll. A. LilleIiglttI‘, “ "m {or “'SLI lVGTOV RS W. J. (Listener) has no: soul coo-ugh in him to Room 9, Fortune Biock, Alain strceyrlaIiIiIlni-I IIIIIIIIII ~. . 41-:0IIOIII6IyOIIII . Y . FCIIIIIOII FBIIIII April ZINE 189,; be either a r‘wemun or Presbyterian. peg, Manitoba. u-

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