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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Jun 1895, p. 1

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FENELOX FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 218T, 1895. it; ...-.. w uMâ€"dcuw-m;«, n.4,-.-“ .... My... ~._.__'._.< .. Charged with Murder. THOMAS GRAY AND “is Wild“. .\RRl‘.S'l‘- ED IN FLORIDA ON THE ACt‘l'S \TlUN , THAT run? conrassnn turn» SCOLLIE'S nmru. FIELD s F E [45:33 E. MASHIVEH. Instruction given on ORGAN and PIANO at moderate rates For terms apply at the residence of Mr. ll. B. Sylvester, ‘- Mary- Thc fullUWint; lll" rel‘m" 0" N“ Of The circumstances surrounding lltL' if-‘r'llfi grt‘ilnwnqle Dumiuion Experirnuutal boruugh Lodge," Fcnolo" Fans. death of .DilVlkl SCOlllC. illC Olll l‘tllill)t'l~ < 4"“: 4 - _. :1: .,__..e._..- 471:1: ol' OtonabecTownship, near l‘eterboru'. 3 TURNIP l LEGAL ' whose body was taken out of the rnim SEED cent“ WHY: _A V _____m~_________ of his farm house on February 23rd. MANGOLD w- a T 7 hi fi' .- "" " "' "' "' "' " " 1894 after it had been burned down. . .. 7t 3,, t l Q ~ . . t ' . . . SbLD CBHt-t .lCl \[Gll] l\ «K MCDIARMID, and whose head was missing entirely, made. for the nudcrsignt-d from his pttr-I PARRISTLBS: SOlICItOY‘S: Etc, Lintlstlfi‘ chases of this season‘s seeds. and Fcnelon Falle- Lindsay Ollie“: , , l lv‘Ht-SL. opposite Market. Fenelon Falls Farmers buying these seeds Will know , Ullicc : Over Burgoyne a Co’s store. The their value before planting. llt‘cur-lon Falls office will be open every room rhx \lillet Field Corn in stock l““‘”‘“°°“‘”"m "trim 0*" [min from Lindâ€" . , -, . .. . ., sa ‘. has” .‘llonev to 10 n - l t t t GARDEN SEEDS sold by the ounce. y ’ a on lea es a e 0 lowest current rates. H. J. LYTL E.x R. J. MCLAL’GHLIN. F. A. MCDIARMID. Penelon Falls, April 23rd, 1895. are to be fully enquired into on the strength of the charge lately made that he was murdered As will be remem- bered by our readers, the body was exhumed on the first of this month and a postmortem examination ofthc l'(‘- mains made by Drs. (lawn and l’ritn- rose. The medical experts have sub- mitted their report. to the Attorney General’s ollicc, and today Dr. Caryn will make a deposition at that depart- ment that his examination of the \‘erta- bra: ol' the neck shows that the head or lCdTE SliRE. ihE-Slht m _,-... .v y â€"‘-Ww‘v‘ WV : McDoUGALL, BRANDON & Co. beg to announce to their numerous customers and the public generally that they have secured the services of Mr. J. J. Townley (lately with Mr. R. Taggart), and purpose in future conducting a first-class Tailoring business in connection with their gen- M. H. )lclmnonmx. A. r. onvmu, { ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. SECOND DIVISHHI counTv~»â€"v-_m..__- l i ) v T.‘ I ' t. ’ . t . ‘ . . ‘l - â€"0I-‘ Tlll-Jâ€" : G' ’1' “01km” e'al store. A large and well selected stock ot Scotch was 0mm in?" 0“ mm a chm-i min] . . r. _ 1 pAmuswfin, ,tvc, SOLICITUR FOR F ‘1.“1 ] C 1:‘ T y 1‘ \V H d ‘ 1 ’ tncut. This .act must necessarily scent County 01 V term-1a. , ,) H“, 0,,,,,,.,,, Bank M0,,” ,0 ,0," a, mg is 1 out {that lan w cet s, mste and F1 one 1 Pant- to sustain the charge or murder. lowest rates on terms to suit the borrower. The next sittings of the above Court will “me”: N0. 6, William Street Sum“. Lind_ in- bold in Dickson‘s hall, li‘enelon Falls, 51".. mm ' ON MONDAY, JULY 15hr. 1355, " " mnnncncingat 10 o'clock in the forenoon At the. time of the death of old David Scollie. Thomas Gray, to whom he had made over his farm on the condition that. he should be kept during.r his lilc- time, was absent, but Mrs. Gray was an ’ home, and, accm‘dingr to the stories told ‘, by the neighbors. not only were llll‘ , ‘ facts surrounding the burning of the house most suspicious, but threats had previously been made by her that old Scollic would have to be got rid ol. Gray and his wife and family some time after the death of Scollie sold the farm which had come into their possrssion in pursuance of the agreement, anti rc- moved to the United States, settling in t Ocala, Florida. On Friday last they were arrested on the charge of llflVlll'J“ murdered Scollie, and will undoubtedly be extradited to stand their trial before the Canadian courts of justice. Detecâ€" tive John Murray, who has had the case in hand, will probably go after them. ' ings will arrive in a few days. Reserve your orders until they are opened out. Mr. Townley’s reputation as a cut- ter is well established throughout the district, and by ent- ploying none but first-class workmen, using good trim- mings and material and selling at right prices, we hope to merit a large share of the public patronage. All Twecds purchased at the Syndicate Store will be out free of charge. Our Mantlcs, Dress Geods,Underclothing, Gent’s Fur- nishings, etc., is now complete for the winter trade. Call early and get first choice. Men's Fur Caps and Overcoats for the million. lVe are now showing the finest stock of Men’s Long Boots, Felt Boots, Felt Socks and Rubbers, Shoe-packs, and Men’s fine Footâ€"wear, ever opened out in Fenclon Falls. 1 Our Ladies’ Boot and Shoe Department is full of staple goods at rock bottom prices, as well as an endless variety of the latest novelties in style and finish known to the trade. noottn & JACKSON, _ _ )Aitl'tlS'l‘ERS, SOLICITORS, tire. Of- 'l‘iiursday, July -tth, Will be the last day! fice’Wimflm street Lindsay of service on defendants residing in this, p_ D_ MOORE. ’ A.J.\CKSON' County. Defendants living in other coun-, tins must be served on or before June 29th E. D.llA.\'D, Clerk MONEY "E'O LOAN. l have recently had a considerable, ‘ though limited, stun of money placed with me for loaning on farms at S. N'tzvtsox, ltailifl'. Fem-ion Falls, April 26th, l895. 'l‘o the I’ublie. , . . Parties Wishing to borrow on these terms 7- ROYAL should lit)! delay to make application. 1 Co. hits amalwamatcd with the Alliance [’"ge “mmmts 0f flmds: “t Slightly higher oi England. giving insurers the security or rarest “cmrdmg to Secur'ty' I" m0“ ""393 35",”01000 and the “we goo policy. 5olicitor work is done at my ollice,insuring‘ JOHV x QT”, [Wm speed and moderate expenses. A I x. 1 ,5‘ . Allan S. Macdonell, Barrister &:c., Lindsay [Five and a-halfper cent. 5155"“ Also agent for the Queen of Eng- land and Caledonia!) ofEdinburgh. Capi tal combined, $45,000,000. ::::: T::f:::*-* resonanon. mm” Mr. Wm. B. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At Very Loxvest Rates None butfirst-class British and Canadian Companieszrepresented. W FxLRL‘I P1§OPERTST at very low rates. James Arnold. Fettelon ‘alls Local Board of the Penple’slluilding and loan lss’n, 01‘ London, (int. '1‘. Robson, President: Dr. H. H. Graham, Vice-President; .l. '1‘. Arnold, Secd‘reas. ; Ll. ll. McLaughlin, Solicitor, Lindsay: F. A. w. J. DEGRASSI, M. D., .ORONER, Physician,Surgcon,&c., &c. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington treet, Lindsay. ' DR. A. WILSON, -â€"u. 3., M. c. r. a s., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON tic ACCOUCH- eur. Ollice, Colborne Street, Fenelon Falls. DR. H. H. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University ol Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of Ettglantl,.\letnl)er of the Col- lege. of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario. Ollicc and residence on Francis-St. West Fenclon Falls, opposite the Gazette ollice. ____._.â€"â€" Ru l‘I. BIASON, TETERINARY SURGEON; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, Toâ€" ronto, 1884 ; R. M. O. V. M. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, Fcnelon llrllougall, Valuator: Alex. Clark. Dr. A. F“l]9' Wilson, .\I. W. Brandon, J. Il. Brandon, Directors. DO YOU WANT to invest a small amount each month where it will be safe and yield you good returns in years? I CAN YOU AFFORD TO SAVE ?c a day for 7} years and get Sim) We. a day for Tl. years tin-l get $50” 20c. a day for if years and get $1,000 I 1 LITTLE .txn orrizx FILLS 'rur. PURSE. dress, Fcnelon Fells- Do you want to buy a home with the money you now pay {or rent '? So long as the masses of the people do not save any- thng out of tln-ir earnings, just so long will their spending; {:0 into the hands of those who do sth-. and rum‘ are the capi- Tltis is why the few own the “lists. houses and the lt‘ttt‘y pay the rent. FOR FULL l‘All'l'lt‘l'l.Al~lS call on or address any of the above named oilieinls, at Fettelon Falls. â€"‘.l‘.l-lyr. The “ Fenclon Falls Gazette" is printed every Friday it! the offing on the corner of May and l‘rant‘ts streets. Sl’BSCltll'Tlth 5! l Hill: IN ADVANCE. or one cent per \VI‘I'l-i will be added as long as ittentaitts unpaid. Atlvvrt isiug 1hr! vs. E. P. SDIITII, V’ETERINARY SURGEON and Dentist? Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College- Oflice : Caxnbray, Ont. L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. B., , (‘mwoyancen kc Residence, and ad- DENTAL. Dr. trains, DENTIST, LINDS‘AY, Evtracts teeth without pain by gas (vital- iznd air) administertd bv him for '27 years. He studied the gas ntan Dr. Colton, of .\'r\\' York, the origin utor of gas for extract- ing lt-L‘ill. llr. tfolton writes Dr. Neclands that llt' has given the gas to Nth-HT per- -on.: without an "(‘Citll'lll from the gas. titln-r pain ohtnnders used. A good Set of 101‘”! inserted tor SH W Dr. Neelands visits l-‘euelnn Falls (.‘chrthur House) the third Tuesday of every month. Cull early and secure an apnointtnent. W. H. 6323335», DENTIST. The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with start-ass. (ins and all other anaesthetics for vxtrAt-zing terth without See our Ladies’ Imperial Kid, Congressâ€"no buttons, no laces, and the neatest fitter in the market. Our Teas, as always, lead in regard to flavor and price. New season's Fruit at old fruit prices. Prompt delivery, cleanliness and moderate prices are features we never forget in our grocery trade. Everything in the line of Crockery and Glassware. Don’t forget to buy your Sleigh Robes and Horse Blan- kets from Malta. , Bin. 11 it C. S. Nevison has just received his SPRING STOCK __OF.__ White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Japans, Turpen- tine, Mixed Paints of all shades, Prepared Kalsominc and Alabastinc of all tints, Glass and Mirror Plates, Toilet Articles, Artists’ Materials, Fancy Goods, Crockery and Glassware, Gold and Silver Watches, Rings, Brooches and other Jewâ€" elry, Pipes, Wall Paper and \ lindow Blinds, Picture Frames made to order a specialty. ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT Among the statements made hv neighbors in Otonabcc township is one to the ellect that on the. night before his death old David Scollic Was given a sleeping draught, and the inference is that this was to render the murder of the old man more easy of accomplish- ment. Another story is that one ol the sons of Gray brought a load of wood into Pcterborough some time alter Scol- lie's death, and that. among the wood was a man‘sjawbonc. This at the time. occasioned some gossip. Whatever im- portance may be attached to these rumors, they at least go to show the. feelingr of the people living in the locai~ ity whcrc Scollic and the Grays resided, and this feeling is certainly one of strong enspicion, if not. of absolute con- viction, that the old man died by foul playâ€"Globe. .- oâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€".....- Gladstone’s Visit to Kiel. OVATION TO THE 0. O. Illsâ€"HE AN]. BISMARCK MAY MEET. LONDON,Junc 15.-â€"Thc Daily News to-day describes the passage of the River Elbe by the Tantallon Castle. Evcrbody, it says, seemed to be aware of the steamer’s coming. Outward- houud vessels steered close to her, and their crews and passengers throngcd the decks to get a glimpse of Mr. Glad- stone. Among thc vessels that passed the Tantallon Castle was the Hamburg- Amcrican liner Fucrst Bismarck. As she passed, her band playint.y the Brit- ish national anthem, Mr. Gladstone, who was on the hurricane deck of the Tao- tallon Castle, took off his but when he heard the latniliar strains of “ God Save the Queen.” The passengers on tho Fuerst Bismarck greeted him with ring, int: Cheers. The Tantallon Castle was moored of? Hamburg at 7 o'clock la-t evening. The piers and embankman were densely crowded with people, who watched the arrival of the steamer. There is some idea of arranging a mcct- lag between l’riucc Bismarck and Mr. Gladstone, but it. is improbable that it will be effected. -0 pain. .1 set of. Artificial Terri“ hotter than i the average, for $3 on. Rooms directly .mpmite Wood's stove depot, Lindsay. | Professional - :- business car-is, 50 centsl Advices from Qu’Appellc state that per line per "unit". 1' l~' :tl :ull.‘t'|'ll§\‘lllt‘fll$_ 5 cents per ii" i r :'.t- Iirst insertion. and 2 cents per ‘;.:i' t‘ r or :y :nltstqnent iii-pr. tion. Com: .1 '- ' 'a- yetr. half year or ’ 1,,_b‘:t~ terms. . {aevcro loss has been caused to cattle ‘and horses there, some seventy hch ,, F. i having died from attacks of swarms of ~-:'~ ”' “"R l' l" D' 5‘ _ AT “‘“3 a peculiar grey fly. The post lasted .-.- . . . .. --. " , . . ‘ ‘10. Gas -. .‘ ,, , r\, fl'tr SET OF GOOD TPFTH l-OR.._ J' "nd l"“1"l.“"‘°‘t""""8 f‘" mm?” "‘ ’ similar visitation occurred four'ycar-t of all ortzaart «.i-ztzs await: ‘. neatly. cor {nu-ting, Satisfaction guaranteed in all ‘go but the 1085 was not so lurue The at ".t -:::-'. t'rirva ' gm; «5 x ‘31 , 3 i a - rcctlya. t x n l t v. . 1:. “ ,.tnrht ofdtntt ry . I fly 18 and to resemble ‘ common “9‘ only 48 hours and has disappeared. A Other nrrr Fairwenther J: 00’: store . . ‘ cleanly insect mth mugs. - ...i,. (puma.- 2l r sz-otlicr, Lind:..y l

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