,. ‘i .3« r- _ - ._-...s__ - -- __-_. __ . _. _.c_..___ VISTERESTENG ACC EUNT OF ONE OF OUR EASTERN TOWNS. \ .‘lanufnrlnrrrs l’lopln and a ï¬reball- h-s l'nrmllwâ€"ltullwny I'm-lulle- K'n’ “grinnedâ€"l lk-nutlnll ï¬iimmcr Be' sunâ€"A Ill-toryor a Few onne kadlu: . Lulu-Arlen. llciievilie, Ontario, is pre-eminently an ideal Location "or manufacturzug concerns of azimut every kind that the raw material produced in Canada will warrant. Excel- lent water power, unrivalled railway con- nectmns and transportation facilities, cheap living, excellent schools and a low rate of taxatlull mske Belienlle of all places in Untano the manufacturers' Utopia and the mechmics’ paradise. From every point of View from which the astute capitalist can view the situation of Belleville as a desir- able manufacturing location, that city presents an array of inducements that are equalled nowhere else in this fair pzovince. lloilevdle’s reputation as a place of residence has long been established owing to the hundreds of visitors who have from time to time been entertained within her borders and by her enterprising citizens. That it is also a good manufactur- ing centre is amply attested by the large uumi.cr of mnnufsctories that have been established here for years, and have to-day large and lucrative connections with the world’s markets. Belleville's retail estabâ€" lishments are. both in number and quality, sufficient to supply the needs of a city very much larger than the one in which they are located, but there is not a more desirable location in all Canada for manufacturing concerns. W. W. .C'nown dz Co., proprietors of the Canadian Tin and Stamping Works, are known throughout the province as one of the largestmannfacterers of dairy supplies in the Dominion. They make lanterns, stamped and pieced tinwars,the Celebrated patent Empire State milk cans, cheese hoops, presses, vats, etc. Their trade in manufactured tin extends from coast to coast, and is constantly growing under a careful and enterprising management. 8.. J. Graham is one of the largest pro~ duce. exporters 111 Canada. He exports to the English and Continental markets cheese, butter, eggs, green apples in bar- rels, farmers' dried apples, and evaporated apples, waste and chops. He is at all times ready to buy these articles or con- sign them, giving the seller his option in the matter. He represents the best houses in London, Bristol, Liverpool, Giasgow, Hamburgdlremen. RotterdamCopenhagep, Amsterdam, Bordeaux and Havre, and he has good business connections throughout Canada and the United States. The ï¬rm of L. W. Yeomans &Co. has been established in the wholesale and retail drug business in Belleville for overs. quarter of a century. They are also proprietors of the Dominion Herb Co. and the Kennedy Medical Discovery, and are also the sole manufacturers in Canada of Scott’s hmul- lion of Codliver OiL In this city is located the famous Ontario Business College, now in its 27th year. The following is the opinion expressed of the O. B. C. by the Premier of Canada, the Hon. Sir Mackenzie Bowell, in a letter listed at Ottawa. Feb’y ‘22. 1895 :â€" Pntvv COUNCIL Ol-‘FlCE, OTTAWA, OTTAWA, Feb’y, 22nd, 1895. The Ontario Business College. of Belle- ville, has achieved and holds a distinguished position in the ï¬eld ofcommercialeducation. The books written and published by its principals have become so popular on account of their standard qualities,that the College is recognized as a representative Canadian Institution, meriting the fullest public conï¬dence. I speak from a personal knowledge of the Institution since its es- tablishment in the year 1868 up to the present time. The men who are now its Principals, Messrs. W. B. Robinson and John “'esley Johnson, have been known to mefor thirty years. Their success has been achieved by skill, ability and practical experience and personal training of their students, who come to them from all sections of the con- tinent and the \Vest Indies. (Signed,) MACKENZIE ansLL. Belleville would be famous if it were for no other reason than that in it was manu- factured one of the largest vehicle bridges in tho world,the famous Quintc bridge,aud that by a local ï¬rm, the U. & J. Brown Mfg. Co., which was established nearly half a century ago. Mr. H. Canitfis the proprietor of the Ashley Carriage Works, which were estab- lished in lo‘Til, being then known as the Ashley Carriage Company. The present management manufactures all kinds of carriages and vehicles. 'l‘hev own uvo very valuable patents, which have found a pro- minent position in the market from their intrinsic merit. The ï¬rst is the tubular axle which combines added strength with decreased weight. The other patent is the ' low down wagon especially adapted for} delivery purposes. Their goods ï¬nd a ready market in all parts of the Dominion, and are exported largely to foreign coun- tries. The llelleville Box and Basket Company is an new industry lately established in that For 20 “es: s the formula for making Scott‘s Emulsion has been endorsed by physicians of the whole world. No secret about it. This is one of its strongest endorsements. But the strongest endorsement possible is In the 31:1 .fl'l‘tl'gfll it gives. Scott’s _ .~-\\\. nourishes. It does more for weak Babicsund Growing Children than any other kind of nourishment. It strengthens Weak Mothers and re- stores health to all sufiering from Emacialion and General Debilily. For Coughs. Colds. Sore Throat, Bron- chitis, Weak Lungs. Consumption, Blood Diseases and Loss of Flesh. “of! i Home. [diam Ml 0m}!!! 50:. I ‘1. BEAUTIFUL†minim-i. h†be They manufacture all kinds of splint bask- ets, boxes for butter, lard, axle-grease, berries, plants, vegetables, etc. The name and fame of the ï¬rm of S. A. Lazier 5: Sons exten is throughout the Dominion. This ï¬rm manufactures paper, the Norwich Patent Folded Paper Carpet Lining. stair pads, floor deafeners, bottle packers, etc. Their mills are situated upon the Moira River, the water of which is peculiarly adapted to the manufacture of paper. 1 he ï¬rm buys and exports and im- ports grain, timber, coal. Mr. Henry Corby, M. P., is so well known as a distiller and miller throughout Canada and United States that only a mention of his name is sufï¬cient to bring to mind the products of his manufactoryst Corbyville.w'nere he has an immense capital invested in one of the most completely equipped distilleries in Canada. He also owns the beautiful and far-famed Masses- saga. Hotel and park,one of the best known and most beautiful summer resorts in Can- ads. The Mac Machine Company is one of the best equipped plants in Canada, and they l ' manufacture rock drills, air compres- sors, hoisting and stationary engines, ore drills,slag pots, and chutes, floor plates,crusher cast- ings, in fact every- thing necessary for the carrying out of successful mining andquarryingoper- ations. The accom- panying out is an illustration of their famous “ Peerless†,. rock drill, admitt- ‘ " edly the strongest, J lightest and most simple working ma- chine of its kind on the market. It has the prime requisite of a successful drill,namely a perfect working valve, and it is operated either by steam or compressed air. The business of Hart Bros. & Lazier has been established close to half a century, They manufacture all kinds of stoneware, water ï¬lters, chemical jars of all sorts, butter pots, churns, flower pots, all of which they make from the best imported clay, upon which only an acid proof glaze is obtainable. The ï¬rm also deals exten- sively in ï¬re brick, ï¬re clay, etc. Their trade extends from one end of the Dominion to the other. The glaze mentioned is proof against all acid except those which affect glass, and the ï¬rm guarantees its goods to keep its contents as perfect as glass so that no person need fear of fruit or other con- tents becoming poisoned by the glaze of the vessel dissolving. The manufacture is car- ried on scientiï¬cally, Mr. C. A. Hart, the manager, being thoroughly conversant with the details of the work, and- giving it his personal supervision. _ Mr. J. E. Walmsley, Mayor of the city of Belleville, conducts a large and well stocked wholesale grocery establishment. He enjoys a. large patronage from the retail merchants of the entire Midland district. Messrs. St. Charles & Pringle are pro- bably the best known omnibus and street car builders in Canada, the senior member of the ï¬rm having built the ï¬rst omnibus in this country. The ï¬rm manufactures electric street cars upon the latest and most improved designs, horse oars, hose wagons. phaetons, buggies, democrats, and in fact anything to ride in that runs on wheels drawn by a. horse. Vehicles having their name plate can be found in every section of Canada, a sufï¬cient evidence of the volume of the trade they do. G. S. Tickell d: Sons’ business has been established over half a. century, and they manufacture all kinds of furniture for the trade. Their goods are the very best that modern machinery and skilled labor can make. For twenty-one years M. Frost 6: Co. have carried on an extensive business in the manufacture of high grade show- cases, bank and ofï¬ce ï¬ttings mantels and in fact anything madefrom wood by ma- chinery and skilled labor. Their show- case trade is one of the largest in Canada, and they cheerfully furnish catalogues of their goods upon application. The ï¬rm of Harris and W’alton has been established some Sixteen years, and enjoys a wide reputation as the manufacturers of sashes, doors, blinds,builders’ supplies,etc. They make aspecialty of ï¬ttings intended for a special purpose such as churches, oï¬ices, hotels, etc., for the manufacture of the province. James Wallace & Co. carry on a very large wholesale and manufactur- ing confectionery concern, and do a very large business throughout Eastern Ontario. The ï¬rm of D. Pitceathly & Co. does a very large wholesale grocery trade, and carries a ï¬nely assorted stock of groceries, liquors and imported goods. No “drummer†on the road is better known than the genial Mr. S. R. Gorman who hails from the City on the Bay. He represents the Harvey & VanNormau Shoe Company of Toronto,and the Rubber Shoe Company of Toronto. S. S. Potter owns a large canning business, his factory having a capacity of 3,500 cans per day. He grows his own fruits and vegetables, so that his 'goods are always reliable. All of the manufacturing establishments of llelleville are doing well, and they are foun-ied upon asolid basis. Their combined prosperity is evidence of itselfthnt the city of Belleville is a good point at which to establish an industry. The citizens of the place are energetic and enterprising, and always willing to lend aid to any worthy project. The chairman of the industrial committee of the city council, Mr. Frank “'ills, will cheerfully furnish all desired information to these who are seeking a new ï¬eld for operations. CONTINUOUS SUFFERING UNNE-' CESSARY. One or Two Doses of South American Kidney Cure will Give Relief in the Most run-casing Cases 01' Kidney Trouble It is a fallacy tool-cueonr'p :01! into the belief that stillerinz when it com“ upon :is must be patientlr endured. l'â€" nlly suffering can be mm )vrxl. ifonc kn-‘u.v~ o! the means and. way. Murh sullering i~ "\"'1L‘ by :hczc who are vr;:i‘3lc.l with kidney .lh’eJn'L‘. The .li-trcw at times is keen. Bait in Suith Amerlc in Kidney L‘urc. medicine that is a kidney succirl-tnnd nothing more though nothing less. a. sure. wife. and ~pcc€r remedy is to he found. Relief ll sure in lcsâ€" than six hours. which they receive orders from all parts gafel‘rs' on several momma“ I could not I _____â€"_.___â€"â€"_.___.â€".__________ GAINED A POUND A DAY. A Lanark County Farmer’s Remark- able Cure. Taken with Blllous l-‘n-er the After 8! {cell or at kids Brought uim Almost to the “raveâ€"Ila Gladly Speaks for the Benefit of Other Sufferers. Smith's Falls Record. Mr. Joseph N. Barton, who lives about a mile from the village of Merrickville, is one of the best known farmers in the town- ship of Montague. Up to the spring of 1894 M r. Barton had always enjoyed the best of health. At that time,howevsr,he was taken with a bilions fever, the effects of which left him in a terribly weakened condition. M'lien the time came around to begin spring operations on the farm he found himself foo weak to take any part in the work,and notwithstanding that he was treated by an excellent physician, he was constantly growing weaker and his condition not only greatly alarmed himself but his friends. Having read so much concern- ing Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, be deter- mined to give them a trial, and without consulting his physician he began their use. He only used one box, and, not feeling better, be discontinued the use of. the pills. This was where he now admits he made a serious mistake as he not only fell back to his former weakness, but became worse than before. He could now do no work of any kind, and the least exertion left him almost helpless. Life was a misery to him I GAINED A FOUND A DAY. and he was on the point of giving his case up as hopeless when a friend strongly urged him to again begin the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. He agreed to do so, and by the time he had used three boxes there was a marvellous change in his appearance, and be felt like a new man. He still continued to use this life-saving medicine, with astonishing results. During his illness he had fallen in weight to 135 pounds, but he soon increased to 180 pounds. In fact, as he says, the increase averaged about a pound a day while he was taking the pills. He is now able to do any kind work on his farm, and it is needless to say that he is not only a ï¬rm believer in the efï¬cacy of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, but loses no opportunity to sound abroad their praise, with the result that others in his locality have beneï¬ted by_his experience and advice. To those who are Weak, easily tired, nervous, or whose blood is out of condition, Dr. “’illiams’ Pink Pills came as a veritable boon, curing when all other medicines fail, and restoring those who give them a fair trial, to a full measure of health and strength. They will be found an absolute cure for St. Vitus’ dance, locomotor ataxia, rheumatism, paralysis, sciatica, the after effects of lagrippe,loss ofappetitc,hcadache, dizziness, chronic erysipelas, scrofula, etc. They are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, correcting irregularities, suppressions and all forms of female weakness. In the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. Dr. \Villiums’ Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the ï¬rm’s trade mark and wrapper (printed in red ink), and may be had of all druggists or, direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Unt., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. _._â€"_.â€"â€"â€"- “ I Took One-HauBottle of South Ameri- can Rheumatic Cure and Obtained Perfect Relicf"-â€"Tnis Remed Gives Robot†in a Few Hours. and sunny Cures in One to Three Days. J. I'I.'G§rrott. nprominontpoliticinn of Liver' pool, IN. 5., makes, for the benefltof the public, the following statement: “I was greatly troubled with rheumatic pains for a number k. nor even put my feet to the floor. I trled everything and all local physicians, but my suffering continued. At ast I was prevailed upon to try South American Rheumatic Cure. I obtained perfect relief before I had taken half a. bottle of the remedy. and to-dav regard it as the only radical cure for rheumatism." Denver and Return. The Wabash Railroad is the direct line to the Great Annual meeting of the National Educational Association at Denver, Col. Tickets on sale July 3d. 4th, 5th, good until September 1st. The rate will be the lowest ever made to the public. The “’9.- hash is the only line that can take delegates via St. Louis and Kansas city and return them via Chicago, or (visa versa.) Take this route and pass through seven States of the Union in the ï¬nest equipped trains in America. All particulars from any Rail- road agent or J. A. Richardson, Canadian Passenger Agent, northeast corner King 8t Yonge streets, Toronto. _.___._.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- “ Grin Like a Cheshire Cat." “ Well, well ! Didn't ever hear of I ‘ grin like a Cheshire cm 2' Why, you see a man down in Cheshire had a cat whicl grinned and grinned until there was noth ing left of the cut but the grin, just at some scrofulous people, who don’t know 0: Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, get a cough. and then cough and song? until there is nothing left of them to erect a monument to but the cough." The " Golden Medical Discovery†is the most eï¬'eotive, anthbtlious, anti-dyspeptic, strength-giving remedy extant. For weak lungs, lingering coughs, spitting of blood, scrofula, soles, pluipies and ulc-ers, it is a wonderful and (flicacious remedy. Send 0 cents in stamps for a Book (160 page.) on these diseases and their curc. Address World's Dis ensary Medical Association, Buï¬â€™alo, N. '. Dr. Pierco's Pellets cure constipation, piles, sick headache, and indigestion, or dyspepsia. BANK OF TORONTO. The thirty-ninth annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Toronto was held on 19th inst. By request of the Chairman the Secretary read the following RS PO RT. The directors of the Bank of Toronto beg to present to the stockholders the thirty- ninth annual report, accompanied by a statement of the affairs of the bank. The followxng is asummary of the result of the year's business: â€" The net proï¬ts for the year, after making full provision for‘ all losses and deducting expenses. interest accrued on deposits and rebate on current discounts. amounted to the sum of ..... “3201.825 55‘ Add balance from last year.... ..... 71.166 76 $275,492 30 This sum has been appropriated as follows: Divnlend No. 77, 5 per cent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100,lX)0 00 Dividend No. 78. 5 per cent ..................... . 100,000 00 â€"â€"â€"â€"-3200.000 00 Carried forward to next year ...... . 75.492 30 8275.492 3% The General Manager and other ofllcers o the bank have performed their duties to the tatisfaction of the board. The whole res eclfully submitted. (Signed) G ‘CRGE GOODERHAM. President. General Statement. Slst May, 1885. LIABILITIES. Notes in circulation...............$ 1.212.786 00 Deposits bearing interest .............. $7,880,607 05 Deposit not hear- ing interest. ........ .. 1,810,109 75 -â€" - 9.723.716 80 Balances due to other banks. . . . . . 106.397 72 Balances due to agents of the..... bank in Great Britain... ...... .. 16,891 83 Unclaimed divi- dends . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1,015 00 Half-yearly divi- dend, payable lst June, 1895 ........ 100.000 00 101,015 00 Totalliabllitlesto the public..$-1T,187,807 35 Capital paid up....$ 2,IOU.OOO 00 Rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800,000 00 Interest accrued on_ deposit reâ€" ceipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,932 00 Rebate on notes discounted . . . . . . . . 93,178 00 Balance of profit and loss ac- count carried forward ........ . . . 75,492 30 4,020,602 30 sisâ€"308.409 65 ASSETS. Gold and silver coin on hand . . . . . . . . . . . . s 624.861 00 Dominion notes on hand ................ 1,165,672 00 Notes and checks of other banks . . . . . . . Balances due from other banks in Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balances due from agent of the bank in the United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deposit with Do- minion Govern- ment for security of note circula- tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Municipal and other debentures .......... 261,505 69 29,726 36 443,110 06 76,016 81 229,310 98 â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"$ 2,830,232 80 Loans and bills dis~ counted . . . . . . . . . . .. $12,171,05037 Overdue debts (esti- mated loss pro vided for) . . . . . . . . . 0.891 57 Real estate other than bank pre- mises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 91 â€",â€"-â€"-â€" 12,175,176 85 Bank premises ..... . . . . . . . ......... 200.000 00 $15,082.40.) 65 (Signed) D. Counsos, General Manager. The report was adopted, and the thanks of the stockholders were tendered to the President, Vice-President and Directors for their careful attention to the interests of the bank during the year. The following named gentlemen were elected Directors :â€" Georgc Gooderham, Henry Cawthra, Robert Reford, \Vm. H. Beatty, Wm. George Gooderhsm, GeorgeJ.Cook, Charles Stuart. At the meeting of the new board George Gooderham, Esq., was unanimously re- elected President, and Wm. H. Beatty, Esq., Vice-President. Death Seemed Preferable to the Agon- 1zlng Pain. Mrs. Roadhouse, of Willlscroft P. 0., Ont.- writes : “I have used Dr. Agnew's cure for the heart since last full. having taken in all nine bottles, andl now foolentirely like another woman. I_nm 51 years old, and have boon troubled With heart disease for more than twenty years; sometimes for than five hours at a time suffering such agony that death seemed preferable to the pain. The cold sweat would stand out in great beads upon my face. The Heart Cure gave mo re- lief from almost the first dose and has proved a great blessing. "You are at liberty to publish this letter if you than by so doing any good may be ac- complishcd." Glenboro’, Manitoba, will have a new Presbyterian church this summer. The Trust After No-To-Bac. Chicago Specia1.â€"Reported here to-day that a large sum of money had been offered for the famous tobacco habit cure called No-To-Bac, by a syndicate who want to take if. off the market. Inquiry at the zencral offices revealed the fact that No- To-Bac was not for sale to the trust at any price. No-To-Bac'a success is marvelous. Almost every Druggist in America sells No- I‘o-Bsc under guarantee to cure tobacco habit or refund monev. It is predicted that Winnipeg's population will be 50,000 in one or two years. West Shore Through ,Sleeping Cal‘ to New York. One of the handsomest sleeping cars that has ever been turned out of the fac- tory is now running from Toronto to New York without change via the popular “'est Shore route. It is a buffet car, and re- freshments can be obtained on route, if desired. This car leaves Union Station, Toronto, every day except Sunday, at 4.55 p. m. reaching New York next morning at 10.10 a. m. On Sundays the sleeper runs from Hamilton only, connecting with the through train from Toronto. Call at any Grand Trunk ofï¬ce in Toronto for information or space in this sleepirg car. Reservations can be made in advance if de- sired. â€".â€"__ us...- 5-. WALTER BAKER it Bill The Lancet Hanna-turns of is PURE, "EC" GRAD: ’§\ ‘ Ottth Continuum" melted OUBOASmmcHUBOerES HIGHEST AWARDS :_,x anathema: Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS Ill EUROPE Allll AMERICA. . ~ "A ‘ 0 -,: . o In view of the V.- 13‘ cautlon ' many imitations ' of the labels and wrappers on ou- coda, consumers should Inns lure _, at our place of menufhsluro, mmsly. Don-hector. Mass. is printed on out: Why. soan sv GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER s 00.. DORGHESTEB. sisa ___.â€"___.._____â€"___.__â€"â€"_â€" Alma. Ladles' College. Alma College, St. Thomas, Ont.. bu ï¬ve departments :â€"Literature, Music, Fine Art, Elocution and Commercial Soi- snce. The faculty numbers twenty thor- oughly qualiï¬ed teachers. Rates run from $40 to $40 per term for board, furn- ished room, light, laundry and tuition in all literary subjects including the classics and the modern languages. q $5190.00 paid in advance secures all the above advantages together with in- struction in drawing and piano by the regular teachers for one year. For An- nouncement address Principal Austin B, I). The Port Hops Gas Company has reduced the price of its gas. A Matter Now Beyond Dispute. The fact that St. Leon Mineral Water is the only recognized perfect medicinal water on the continent is now beyond dispute. That it cures ,Indigestlon, Rheumatism Biliousness and Kidney troubles is proven by the numerous instances in which it has cured where other remedies failed. Our leading physicians recommend it for these diseases, and,besides, the proprietors guarantee it. Sold by all reputable deal- ers. Oatsrrhâ€"Uso Nasal Balm. Quick, pod- tlvo euro. Soothinu. clean-inn. healing. A. P. 769. l'm Scotch but you canna smoke a better Cigar than “HOB BUY,†They cost 59. out I get sax sf them for a matter. IMPIRE TOBACCO 69.. Montana. lSHlNc TACKLF. Sporting Goods. Guns. Ammunition. Etc. very large stock. Send for list. Correspondence solicited. T. COSTEN 6a 00., ' 1698 Notro Dame St... Montreal $l 00 PER WEEK and stotdy em loy '- mcnt. you work in the locality WT‘IOI‘. you live. Send us your address and we will explain the busineis. W'rlto to-dn The Queen Silverware 00., blontroal. 4 MER8 here is a snap for you. Harris has sample cloth pieces for quilts. 8snd 260. for trial lot, good value. 27. 29. 31 William St.. Toronto. STAMMERING l.’°'"‘“°""’ "r y a strict] Id 'm°““£?trrsnr.nvsi3°armies: wannmfls'l‘om I AGENTS WANTED for the Farmers‘ l Friend and Account Book. hi hi ro- commcnded by the several MlnlstorsgofyA rlculturo for Canada. Prlcos low. Tormrz liberal. Send to ' . Toronto.om. rmrcumm' “ "44"†BRIG“! 0 run Air on: cause†arm.“ '50, med lolvvccn 1851 and 1â€. OK UP YOUR OLD LETTERS and old. collections of stamps and got the bin best cash i ll em from c. A. HuEDHA Padang; 8f. K... Hamilton. Ont. .' OROBTO CUTTING SCHOOL offers special advantage". to young men desirous of acquiring the art of cutting find fill 12;; gent lemon‘s garments. No bellml‘ (rule, It rare Emmet}i1 Write grrparalplgnrs. lltl l'unge .‘i. so ngen or c owefl's Garm Drafting Machine for Ladies. on. ‘VANTED IlEl.l’.â€"â€"Relfnble men in ot'cry locality (local or travelling) to intro- luce a new discovery and keep our show alrrls locked up on trees, fences and bridges through- out town and country. Steady om loymcnt. vommisrzion or salary $85 per monti and ex- ;enses, and money deposited in any bank when ltnrted. For particulars write The World Mod. Electric Co., PO. Box 221. London. Ont.. (Jon. Roosns' MEXIGAN HORN FLY SALVE The most successful remedy against the rav- ages of this post. Cheap, safe to use, sure and quick, and the fly goes. Hardware and gun. crnl storm .xll sull it. SAHL’HL ROGERS 6t 00., 3': Front St. l-Za-tt, ’l‘oronlo EG. DUTHiE & SONS invite. Shoot-Metal, T110 a: Grams swarm , Sheet Metal Cclllnlts. Tomi Cctla ‘leo. Red. ,Black and Green Roofing Slate. ï¬llets! Cur- } blocs. Felt. Tar. Roofing 1 itch. l-Slc Outta-o. .Downpipcs, ac“ supplled the trade Telephone 1936. Adolalde 6: WM or 8%. TORCH . GRANBY RUBBERS Better this can.“ titâ€"a over. Everybody want; u“ . Ivory deals" ï¬ll-l ting. They wear like Iron l l l l i l l l l 1 l l