it: “‘51.?â€3 u: “0“! r ,4 ï¬â€˜pw .0“; â€"-~ - . > v-w«o*www _ 2,000 Yards Good Tapestry at 300. name. per s'riLi. ETE EAD. .6... Larger Stock to choose W from than all the others put together. . . . . CLARK & SON. at Cheap Sale is a Success! “WWW THE PULIC ARE NOW SATESFEED WITH THE PRICES AT WHICH THEY GET DRY GOODS AT THE OLD STAND. .' THEY SAY" a rim cccns Ass iicr sctn csEArEn ANYWHERE. Please Continue Calling, for there is always Something New turning up. WM. CAMPBELL. hi5 AWFUL FALL Prices in Tailoring. S. PENHALE wishes to. announce that he has secured a new and well selected stock of Tweeds, \Vorsteds, and various other cloths, and good'diu‘able Trimmings, and is prepared to. do business with prices as follows: ' TWEED SUITS. $8 AND UPWARDS. BLACK WORSTED “ $15 “ u PANTS, $250 “ \‘Vorkmausliip second" to none. Cutting, etc, proportionately cheap, at the Fashionable Tailor Shop, opposrte water fountain. S. FENELON FALLS. i‘I‘TilMS CASH. gFurniture, Doors, Sash, -â€"-â€"-AND-â€" UNDERTAKTNG, W. FRANCIS ST. WEST. FENELON FALLS. l H EADQUARTERS IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR .' *2“ v ~ i v‘", via, COPYRIGHTS. “N ‘ “ml†t..§’a‘.’%§r§$’..t‘.%’.3 "5 “"' an {3553.33110 have had neat-303‘“) you-5‘ c mom-om in the patent blames. mmnntm- w A. GCGDWIN’S, t: inn strictly conï¬dential. A Handbook of In- . mm :1 Patents and how to ob‘ - ’ , ' - . Lindsa . ng‘dï¬i‘d'ï¬m trod. lsoncatalogneoxmcohan- ‘ Baker SBle’ hem: St ’ y r Baum Paper and Picture Frames "‘1 l a: and scientiï¬c boon sent nee. ' ’.‘tmknmmhMuun&mmelve r - wiwfdinnduceigtbo sc‘ix‘gnuac Artis‘s Goads a spec'any' glans on) bmugm ht rldotlgrbo'lrogatgmpub‘ljlc mot:- " n . . . i’l‘éï¬mmmnï¬igxuyinmmmmn Kim's Machine Needles, Alabastine and Dve nuns: circulation of scientiï¬c work In the W k A enc world. 33 nyoor. Sun 8 0550mm , or s g y. Bulldt' amperage?! ntuyï¬w I yariusmle it . 5 P 2?;ï¬g;£?n*wxm “a °°° “umâ€; 36" Please call and sec in) c. aper. 0‘“ e, . 1M with am. enabling mam chow tho i anâ€: deï¬up'nnd “cum contact; Address ' W"-°M"““W“PP°£“’- JOB PRfNTING. W ‘ after all had partakcn of it, amusements of various kinds and conversation ï¬lled up the time until nearly 2 a. in.. when the young.' couple lclt for the farm in Vernlain upon which they will reside, and the (forth: echoes the wish of their FARMERS KNOTTERS OR ANY PARTS OF YOUR BIN DEBS prosperous. which were very numerous and some of them of considerable value, were on view in the drawing room and other apartments, with the exception of a handsome set of dining-room furniture, NEED REPAIRS States, but purchased by Mrs. Robert Cameron at Mr. L. Deyinan's and taken direct to the house in Vcrulam. BE SURE TO CONSULT THOS. ROBSON BEFORE JULY 15. Accidents. On Sunday evening a young,r fellow at the Mansion House was foolingr with a little boy about ten years old named Willie O'Brien, and at. last tossed a copper into> his mouth, at; the same time giving his head a jerk backwards, thus causing him to swallow the coin, which, fortunately for the child, went all the way down into his stomach, instead of sticking in his gullet, as it might easily have done. It caused a great deal of nausea and colicy pain for about 24 Hymeneal' hours, but since then it has not been The home of M,._ R_ 001mm, Vem_ heard from, and possibly the services of 13m, was we scene of a very p’leqaant the minister “ who can get money out of The Fenelon Falls Gazette. Friday. July 5th, 1895. v " y . ' . , gathering on Wedpesduy, June 26th, all-iogfd-glmigi-lv Dyna? lfgullwbg'ne two gomgefftiiixgrgaf: 301i, SnJennflIe brothers, R. J: Iand J oscpli W. Wilson, - '. t ’ i n' 0 ms ' were eelimr bark for their brother in- Smitlieiam, of Fenelon. the ceremony p a ., . was performed by Rev G w MOON law, Samuel Carew, of homcrvillc, the a a S g . h l I Elf-egï¬lifea 2:12;:0(ilï¬xrgxdismbggq:eh was cutting a limb from a tree, and his \1- i p x ' - n .‘as brother tliinkinrr that he had struck 1 ms btta Lolmcr, Sister of the bride. “e las’t blow EC intended to Hive gun groom was supperted by his brother qt‘epped forward and put his loft “'3, it; tred. The resents wer ‘ . ‘ ’ and “,0†61,083] Apt“. thee 22:33:; such a posttion that the axe descended -' - - u on it. and inflicted a doe gash about the gueSts’ cons‘snug Of a few 0f the 1:50 and a half inches loriiv‘across the relatives and near friends of the happy ‘ n - - 12. As soon as possible he was couple, partook of the gold things on upper pm , . , the table, and anal. a couple of hours driven to Dr. Wilson 3 oflicc at; the Falls, Spent in social amusement the gathering where he had hiswound dressed, and at broke up In a few weeks Mn and last. account was doing well. _ Mrs. Smithemm will take 'up their On Thursday of last: week Mr. Find- home on 10, 22 concession 6’ Fenelon‘ ley‘McArthur,who has been living wrth by .‘ - - u , his uncle,_ Mr. Findley McDoug‘ill, at :3?an SSmPIEEEtgéTUODS gomc on them the Falls for the past month, was hurt in a. rather singular manner while assisting to lower a cistern into a hole dug for it under a small. shed on the north side of the kitchen of Mr. Mc- Dougall's residence on Colborne street. The cistern, which is ten feet deep and about; seven feet. in diameter at the top, was balanced at one edge of the hole, and a long and strong rope attached to it was passed around a fence post on the other side of the garden and held by two or three men. Mr. McArthur was standing on the lower edge' of the cistern. and. had hold of'tliei plate under the roof of the shed, when, either be- cause lhe rope slipped or was voluntarily slackcned, the cistern suddenly descend- ed into the hole, and he was thrown upâ€" wards with considerable force against the roof' of the shed and then fell into the cistern, striking violently against its edge in his descent. Fortunately he was not seriously injured, but was so badly bruised and shaken that, although a week has elapsed, he still feels the effects of‘ the accident. The few marriages that have taken place in St. James’s church, Fenelon Falls,-have all been very numerously attended, and on Wednesday evening last the sacred ediï¬ce was ï¬lled almost to overflowing with residents of the vil- lage and its vicinity, chiefly ladies, who had assembled to witness the union of Richard, eldest surviving son of Mr. George Mitchell of Yerulam, and Lily, third and youngest daughter of the late James Cameron, for many years a lead- ing member of the congregation and an efï¬cient and valued ofï¬cer of the church. ‘About a. quarter to 8 o'clock, the hour ï¬xed for the ceremony, the groom arrived on foot and slipped almost un- observed into the church, and a few minutes after 8 there drove np-to- the entrance 9. covered carriage containing the bride and her- sister, Miss Mary Cameron, who ofï¬ciated as bridesmaid, their mother, Mrs. James Cnmcron,and their sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert Cam- cron of Orillia, King county, Washing- :ton, U. S., and her two children. Mr. Henry Junkin, of Marmora, uncle of the bride, who “ gave her away,†was waiting to hpr the party to alight, and, taking her upon his arm, the little pro- cession entered the church. On their appearance the organist struck up the wedding march, and the choir after- wards sangthchymn commencing“ The voice that breathed o'cr Eden.†Two or three minutes later the bride and brides- maid, tho groom and uroomsman, Mr. The Promotion Examinations. Below we give the results of the recent promotion examinations in the village schools. and it is a great. relief to net- tliern off our hands, as children, anxious to know whether they had “passed,†were in. the oï¬icc almost every half hour from the day the exam- inations terminated until we were able to publish a bulletin and hang it up for Walter BI‘OWCT. were standing in a line, public inspection. The results of the with Mr. Henry Jiurkin behind the entrance and leaving and third-class bride. M the steps of the chancel, and teachers’ examinations will not be made Rev. William Farncomb, the incum- known for some little timei bent, immediately commenced the Jr. 4th to Sr. 4-tli.â€"Jolin Welsh, MéfleawnSS’dmprwsive marrich service of the AnnicNic, CharlieBorland,WillieJun- Church 01 Englind, which was listened kin, Finlay Rtlbsou» home BENTON.- to attentively by all present, many of‘l Archic McKcndry, Herbert. Pulcy, Eu- whom had never heard it before, and, genie Knox. Emma Junkin. accustomed to seeing couples united in Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th.-â€"Willic Aldous, “ the holy bonds of matrimony †in ï¬ve Freeman Aldous, Ernest Pearce, Harry or ten minutes, afterwards expressed Deyman, Herbert. 'I‘ownlcy, Lillie Wil- surprisc at its length. At its conclusion Son, Charlie Corbett. Kuth McKay, the newly married couple and their Mattie McFarland,Ethel Prescott. aattendants repaired to the vcstry and Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rdâ€"Elsa Wliytnll, Sigl‘ed the l'efliï¬le". after which they ' Maud Slater, Minnie Graham, Lillic returned to the body of the church and Austin. Willie Cook, Birdie Ray, Addie the customary congratulations and oscu- Quinn, Wilfrid Newman, K-ite McIn- lations took place. We almost. forgot to | tyre, James Campbell, Edith Qiiigg. Estate that the bride was attired in an ' Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rdâ€"Nellie Novison, 5 cleaanl costume of cream Cashmere, with Joseph Ingram. Arthur Ellis, May Dan- in white veil and orange blossoms, and ny, George Brandon, Violet Prn'scott, i that the bride-maid Wore n roses of tire. Ethel Robson, Willie Robson, Flossie i same miicrial and carried a beautiful i Maybce, Willie Crosgrcy, Lina McNeil, ! bouquet. The church was prcttily dcc- Q George Calder, Leslie Quinn, Cecil 1):)“ loratcd for the occasion with vines and ! men, Rczgie Sandford, Percy Aldous, 'flowi-rs, and C. W. Burgoyne and J. Wilbert Fisher, Lewis Dcymon. ~11. Hand ofliciitcd as ushers. A few Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd â€"Vincy Welfih. minutes after 9 n‘clor-k the bridal party Josie Smith. Mamie McNeil. Clara Bel- und the invited guests arriwd at. the lingham, John Robson, Mary Lane, .residuncc of Mrs James Cameron on Archic- Menzies, Mary Menzies, Willie ‘ Louisa street. where ample preparations Golden, Albert Northcy, Arthur Town- for their entertainment had been made. lcy, Arthur Byrnell. Benson Whit-3“. l the gift of the bride’s brothers in the ' . here from Jones, May Joseph Minorc. Lloyd McKillcn. Annie Sprouts. Wm. Barkley. Ethel Austin. yard; Extra Heavy, 50c. N “and, James Graham, Sr. Part 2nd to Jr. 2nd, north ward. â€"â€"-);ithan Monks. Edith Carpenter. charl Knox. Ted McKillcu, Thomas many relatives and friends that their 5 Whytall, Eddie Chambers, Duncan Mc- married lifc may be long. happy and I' Iutyrc, Violet l’uley. The wedding presents.2 Jr. l‘art 23ml to Sr. Part 21rd. north i ward â€"li‘l<issic Graham, I‘carl Austin. 0 l Hannah Johnston, llcrtlm Austin. E lith Minors, Bert Robson, ‘Kar Sylvester. Arthur Cnllon. Jr. Part 2nd to Sr. Part 2nd. south wardâ€"Willie Baby, Myrtle Valycar, Eva Littlcton, Eliza Liivcrcau, Mary Beatty. Lillie Brooks. Sr. Part. 2nd to Jr. 2nd, south ward. -â€"Frcd Barry, Joseph Dcymau, Bertha. Littleton, Wilbert Bcatty. Complimentary. At the closing of the l’owlcs's Corner school on Friday of last week for tho- midsummcr holidays, the tcachcr, Mr. A. E. Sinitheram, was presented with a handsome gift and the following compli- mentary address, :is an cxp'cssion of the esteem in which he is held by the» pupils he has had in charge during the past two years. DEAR TEACHER,â€" On learning,r of your intention of‘ leaving our school in order to pursue your studies at the Normal, we, the pupils, lclt and deeply regretth the loss. of so faithful a teacher. ’ During your two years inoiir midst,. you have Worked faithfully and co- dcavorcd to lead us onward and upward in our work: and now before we part we be}: of- you. to accept this book of‘ poems (Tennyson) as a slight token ol the cstccm in which yonare held by all. Trusting it may carry with it many fond rcmcmbraucos of your pupils and. friends at Powlcs's Corner, and wishing, you every success in the noble proch sion you have chosen, Signed in behalf of the school; MAUD Prams, MAY MINTIIURN; After the presentation the pupils sang; the following appropriate song :. GOODâ€"BYE; Good-bye, good-bye, we hope again to met-t; you) Good-bye, good-bye, we hope-again to meet you, When summer blooms arc-rarest, When suinmor skies are fairest, When laughing rills gleam downlhe liills,. A'nd friends and hopes are dearest. Ciionus.â€"-Good-byc, good-bye, we hope again to meet you. Good-bye, good-bye, the glad. bright day is. over, Good-bye, good-bye, the glad bright day is over Our songs of praise ascending, With lovc’s sweet incense blending, In joyful lays wc'll chant his praise, Till lifc's last day is ending. Good-bye, good-bye, good cheer and love be with you, -Good-bye,.good-bye, good cheer and love be“ with you. May Christ. our Saviour lead us, In heavenly pastures feed us, And bring us home, no more to room, For evcrmore to lead us. Personals. Mr. Henry Junkin of Mnrmora was. at the Falls from Saturday until yester‘ day morning. Mr. John Jewell, who left. the Falls. not. long ago for Brougham, Ont., was. here from Saturday until Tuesday. Mrs. Sullivan and Miss Johanna: Sullivan left on Monday morning,r for a months’ visit. to Mrs. Wm. Ball (Mrs. Sullivan’s eldest daughter) at Roches- tcr, N. Y. Mr. R. C. Ganshaw and Miss Johan- na Scott. of Pcnctanguishcnc, uncle and sister of Miss Isabella Scott, assistant in the Fenelon Falls post-ofï¬ce, were I Saturday until Monday morning. Mr. J. O. Rcvcll brought his little steamer .dI-Iggie Recall from C-vhocnnk to the Falls on Uniiiiuitm day (Monday last) with a number of int-ml)ch of the Canadian Order of C'lrlfcllows, who wanted to take a. look at our pretty village, and thought it. Worth going a much greater distance in see. Mr. Joseph Lisle of Tacoma, Wash- ington State, and his son, Mr. Alfred Lisle of Lindsay, were at. the Fall»: from Tuesday afternoon until the fulluwint: morning. Mr. Lisle. Sr., is looking hearty, and is so well pleated with his. present place of residence that. he would not be easily induced to return to Can- ada to live. Mrs. C. A.Craham, of Toronto. came to the Falls last Saturday for a brief visit to her parents, Mr; and Mrs. Golden, and Wes accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. Win. Davis and her cousin Daniel, upon whom the other boys ocu- fcrrcd various names suggested by his unusual size and adiposity when he lived here at the Falls a few years ago, and who, although Only about 17, is already a tall and powerful man. Mrs. Substahe hr ‘The Gazoue.’ Neat. Cheap. Prompt. The Gazette Oflice The supper was exceptionally good, and,’ Boyd Sylvester, Fred Warren, James Davis left for home on. Monday ;. Mrs. --~._