._â€"_._..._..... ._ .. NT) 75.. .4 3’; COM .I.’ EX T S. _........â€".â€"-â€"â€".. .â€" Ilrzmh pride in the navy of Great BTU-uh doe.- uo: close the eyes of an" Bauer: ‘A’Illrl’: to wrist :Ile'.‘ admit may be lit-Let‘s in the 6‘!!'\I1.l‘!llnlclll. The fault to wuzfll the I’azi )lail Hal-“.18 has just directed .tti-L-uziou 1'! no: one of a serious kind. I: ï¬nes not attribute to the men who nave il'jlll the line battleships and, cruisers. for England any neglect to embody in the new Vesstla the best and most approve-i ideas in naval architecture and ordnance. The complaint is one of a sen- timental nature, a nther impatient and analytical protest against what appears to be a disposition on the part of the Admiralty to name warships without due regard for the grub;- events and the heroes of British history. __ The heeiiiessness occasionally suggested in the naming of new vessels provokes the fear that the example may have been imitated of mo Lord of the Admiralty who labeled English ships with alien names out of a lexicon. While “Agamemnon†ls tolerable because it recalls ï¬elson and his dearest ship, and the resonance of “ Bellerophon†Is reminiscent; of renown, :‘Andromache†is objected to, and so is ‘ Apollo.†which the sailors call “Androm- aich†and “Appolo,†with great stress on n the last “0. 0f eighty-three British iron clads, twenty-ï¬ve have classrcal names . four only recall victories by sea, and twd are named for achievements on land ; seven a‘re called after Admirals, eight after great I I Englishmen or the royal house, four are named for French prizes won in hard ï¬ght, ï¬ve are names of places,nine are adjectives, and eighteen are named by “divers nouns.†This feeling of regret has recalled in the mind of the Pall Mall Gazette critic the conceit of the Roman Emperor who served upon his table viands that began With the same letter. And it has seemed to him that notion of the sovereign who made a feast of “pig, pie, pudding, pork, pan- cakes†might have inspired the men who chose “Burrosa,†“Barracouta,â€â€œBlonds,†and other names meaningless and devoid ofaasociation. As for the gunboats, which are called “worthless ships,†such meek names as “Pigeon,†“Plover,†“Pheasant,†and “Partridge†seem to be ï¬tting, in the estimation of the critic of the Admiralty, who declares that the torpedo destroyers have had "most unworthy names,"w1thout endearing associations, “dumped down upon them" with such labels as “Sturgeon,†“Sunï¬sh,†“ Swordï¬sh,†and the like. No “ Cromwell †or “Chatham " or “ Drake" or “ Alfred "or “ Elizabe'h †or “ Henry VIII.,†it is regretted, has been provided for the navy. The millennium seems to be at hand in England. Law cases, which have been steadily diminishing in number of late years, were so few at the Easter term of courts that in the Queen’s Bench, though three of the Judges were withdrawn for other duties, it was likely that the others would be left with nothing to do before the end of the term,and in the Court of Appeal the Judges could easily keep abreast of their work, sitting only ï¬ve days in th° week. The Superior Courts give decisions in many instances in from three to ï¬ve weeks, which is quicker than was possible two years ago, and sooner than a decision can be obtained in the County Courts. In the Equity Court, if cases do not proceed so fast, matters are in such a condition that it is hard to believe there could be a time when the business before the Judges wculd occupy them “for at least three years to come though no fresh business were to come befOre them.’ In all the courts, save the Probate and Divorce Court, there is a penury of suits. There is less to do and it is done more quickly, and the number of applicants for admission to the box has never been so small. Many causes are given for this change; the simpliï¬cation and acceleration of legal machinery; the vigorous spirit imparted by Lord Chief Justice Russell: the suppression of useless applications and appeals; but the most remarkable, and according to the times itis an undeniable fact, is the grow- ing sense in the community that in litiga- tion the game is rarely worth the candle. This axiomatic truth has been known so long to lawyers that it is safe to say that the greater part of every honest lawyer's business consists in preventing his clients from going to law. But that it should have worked into John Bull's head at last that he may pay too much to test his "rights" is hard to believe. If the news is true, the sooner we catch the infection the better. No need to worry about what will become of the lawyers. We hope that in England they are good people, just as they are here. and providence will temper the winds to suit their new condl- ! tion. One Minute Cramp Cure, This is the need of the hour and Nervi- line cures cramm in cue minute. Suasm is at once reliete-j by its use for It contains the most powerful and pain} subduln! remedies known lo Medical Sconce. Nd:- vxllne or N4»: [.i'v Cur» is sold by drug- l {we I HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Wit-3n Pour-mlslnon sourht to find I The fountain uh in: backlost youth. I' may be that he had in mind Tun! draught \\ hich seems to make a truth v T How It “as Found By a Lanark E Dumnhehmmmk 0m. County Lady. 8hr Ilnd Sufl'crrd for Years From Weak. nrnnnd Palm In the Barkâ€"iclnllra Compllraled the Trouble and Add! d to Her “lorryâ€"nor Ilrnllh Almest "Ir neulounly ltntorecl. l-‘rom Brockville Recorder. On a presperousfarm in the township of Montague. Lanark county, lives Mr. and Mrs. Joseph \Vood, esteemed by all who know them. Mrs. Wood was born in the village of Merrickville, and spent her whole life there until her marriage,and her many friends are congratulating: her on izer re- covery to health and strength after years of pain and suffering. ent of the Recorder called at the Wood homestead, Mrs “'ood, although now not looking the least like an invalid, said that since girlhood and until recently, she was troubled with a weak back which gave her great pain at times. As she grew older the weakness and pain increased, and for nearly twenty years she was never free from it. About a year ago her misery was increased by an attack of sciatica, and this with her back trouble forced her to take to bed, where she remaineda help- less invalid for over four months. Different doctors attended her and she tried nuiner~ ous remedies said to be a cure for her trouble, but despite all she continued to grow worse. She was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but she had dosed herself with so many medicines that her faith in the healing virtues of anything was about gone, and she had fully made up her mind that her trouble was incurable. At last a friend urged her so strongly that she consented to give the Pink Pills a trial. Before the ï¬rst box was all used she felt a slight improvement, which determin- ed her to continue this treatment. From that out she steadily improved, and was soon able to be up and about the house. A further use of the Pink Pills drove away every vest-ige of the pains which had so long alllicted her, and she found herself again enjoying the blessing of perfect health. Eight months have passed since she ceased using the Pink Bills, and in that time she has been entirely free from pain or weakness, and says she is conï¬dent no other medicine could have performed the wonder Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have done for her. She says, “ I feel happy not only because I am now free from pain or ache, but because if my old trouble should return at any time I know to what remedy to look for a release.†Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are especially valuable to women. They build up the blood, restore the nerves, and eradicate those troubles which make the lives of so many women, old and young, a burden. Dizziness, palpitation of the heart, nervous headache and nervous prostration speedily yield to this wonderful medicine. They are sold only in boxes, the trade mark and wrapper printed in red ink, at 50 cents s. box or six boxes for $2. 50, and may be had of druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont. ____â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-‘ Homes For Bright Little Boys. The Children’s Aid Society of Toronto is anxious to hear of Christian homes and lov- ing, motherly hearts that are ready to open for the reception of one of its ï¬ne little boys from ‘2 to 7 years old. Applications for girls of all ages and older boys have been numerous, but the little boys seem to have been nearly forgotten. Our readers should apply at once. . There are,doubtless, many boys and girls in Canada who would like to do something to help boys and girls who are neglected and abused and who can be rescued. The Society will be glad to have their help. Any children anxious to help can earn, save or collect money or give enter- tainments to make money and the Society will send any boy or girl anxious to do so, a neat iron box, with lock and key in which to deposit the money, if they will promise to send in yearly not less than 81.50, about Christmas time. Address, J. STUART COLEMAN. Secretary, 3'2 Confederation Life Build- ing, Toronto . _._â€"_*â€"â€"â€"â€" Alma Ladles’ College. The Fine Art department at Anna Lamas' COLLEGE, ST. THOMAS, Own, is domg very successful work, over 1000 certiï¬cates from the Ontario School of Art having been taken by the students. Stu- dents can qualify at Alma College and receive license to teach in the public and high schools the various subjects of the art course. Rates low. For Announcement address Principal Austin, B. D. It has been calculated that the saline nutter held In soluti H] in sea water com- prIsee one-twentieth of its weight. Tobacco-Weakened Resolutions. Nerves irritated by tobacco, always craving for stimulants, explains why it is so hard to swear oll. No-To-llac is the only guaranteed tobacco habit cure becatse it acts directly on affected nerve centers, destroys irritation, promotes digestion : [11 healthy, refreshing sleep. Many rain 11) pounds in II) days. You run no l‘lrk No- l‘o-Bac is sold and guaranteed by DI Ilggisla everywhere. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedv I‘o., 374 St. Paul St... Montreal. Au albino frog. with beautiful pins eyes has lately been ended to the curiosities in the museum at Berlin. __â€"__.. HEART DISEASE YIELDS AN IN- TENDED VICTIM. The Wife of Capt. Chas. Hugger Radl surreastmcsrm °' {or the Heart 8 y ' new“ “I†Mrs. Chan Mu Izer. Sydney. N. S. 'For over four year: was atflirted with seven- heart trouble. njuiolbering and choking sensa- tions. swelled (cc! and ankles, and pain in left fldo were my vympromu. I doctoral constant- I_v Without buncllt and in fa :llad tie-paired of overs-coin being Well. Ilr. Agnew's Pure fur the Heart wn~ at law trio: and. I0 m.‘ utoni-‘hmen! cure relief inside of .=r. hour :iavc nowusrd ï¬bres bottles and am rumplf 6:! cur. .2. .\o one can I130} ton strong language in ni‘ondneuding lhii remedy. as in: powehi 10 cure are u-uiv wonderful) When the correspond- . For drinking it [1.8 old grow young; I: i izzdccd, u draught of gold. 5'er ..=‘~ing all by poets sung. I The dlaugiit meant is Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Me ica‘. Ilzscovery, of course. It is a most poienl rejuvenalor of the weakened and debilitated system. It drives out all poison, ous. l’once-de-Leon didn’t discover it, but. Dr. P.erce did, and he rightly named it when he called it a "Golden Discovery." Dr. Pierce’s Pellets cure permanently constipation, indigestion and headaches. All dealers. Made Up in Satisfaction. He was the meanest man in town, and the dr‘uggist's clerk hated him accordingly. He came into the store and asked for arsenic. How much 2 said the clerk. Five cents’ worth. I want to poison a dog with in Oh. ah, politely smiled the clerk; you want to commit suicide, I perceive. He didn’t wait for the poison after that, and the clerk lost a sale, but made it up in satisfaction. Unnecessary Trouble. Hoganâ€"Oi have a joke on Houghlighan. They was a felly kem into his place an’ took three drinks in rapid secession av his whiskey, nn' thin pulled a gun an' shot himself. G roganâ€"Oi think the joke is on the man Fwat for did he go to the trouble av usin’ a gun afther three drinks av Houghlighan’s whiskey? â€"â€"â€"â€"¢-â€"â€"â€"â€" THE SUFFERING OFOLD PEOPLE. Finds Simple and Quick Relief in the Use of South American Kidney Cure. The suffering from kidney trouble enduer by men and women who are getting a little up in years is often exceedingly distre-sing. Tho annoyance nnd inconvenience cmi<ed by a de- rangement of the kidneys is only too plain to all who have been troubled in this way. How keen the distress is at times from what is known as prostatic troubles in the old. such as enlargement. inflammation and ulceration of the prostate gland. Without any present or after unpleasant effects Smith American Kidney Cure gives immrdinte and lasting relief in all such cases. It is a wonderful medicine for kidney trouble of whatever kind. It iso-sentinllyn kidney cure. and boasts of nothing more. But it is king here every time. _____‘w__â€"â€"â€"- There is somethng in the shape of harps as though they had been made by music.â€" Bailey. Denver and Return. The Wabash Railroad is the direct line to the Great Annual meeting of the National Educational Association at Denver, Col. Tickets on sale July 3d, 4th, 5th, good until September 1st. The rate will be the lowest ever made to the public. The \Va- bash is the only line that can take delegates via St. Louis and Kansas city and return them via Chicago, or (vise versa.) Take this route and pass through seven States of the Union in the ï¬nest equipped trains in America. All particulars from any Rail- road agent or J. A. Richardson, Canadian Passenger Agent. northeast corner King & Yonge streets, Toronto. Fiction is a potent agent for goodâ€"in the hands of the goodâ€"Mme. Necker. Recipeâ€"For Making a Dallclou; Health Drink at Small Cost. Adam's Root Beer Extract . . . . . . . . . . one bottle Fleischmnun‘s Yeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . half a cake Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .two pounds Lukewarm \Votcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two gallon-3 Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the wane add the extract. und bottle; place in a warm pluce for twenty-four hours until it ferment-u then place on ice. when it will open sparkling and delicious. The root beer can be obtained in all drug and grocery stores in 10 and 25 cent bottles to make twoand live gallons. Foster the beautiful, and every hour thou callest new flowers to birth.â€"ScbiIler. West Shore Through Sleeplng Cu? to New York. One of the handsomest sleeping cars that has ever been turned out of the fac- tory is now running from Toronto to New York without change via the popular West Shore route. It is a bullet car, and re- freshments can be obtained on route, if desired. This car leaves Union Station, Toronto, every day except Sunday, at 4.55 p. m. reaching New York next morning at 10.10 a. m. On Sundays the sleeper runs from Hamilton only, connecting with the through train from Toronto. Call at any Grand Trunk office in Toronto for infnrmation or space in this sleepii g car. Reservations can be made in advance if de- sired. I have great hope of a wicked man, slender hope of a mean oneâ€"Beecher. A Matter Now Beyond Dispute. The fact that St. Leon Mineral Water is the only recognized perfectmedicinal water on the continent is now beyond dispute. That it cures Indigestion, Rheumatism Billousness and Kidney troubles is proven by the numerous instances in which it has cured where other remedies failed. (Jur leading physicians recommend it for these diseases, and,besides, the proprietors guarantee It. Sold by all reputable deal- PPS. The greatest events dawn with no mcrl noise than the morning star makes in ris- ing.-â€"-Beecher. It Is Absurd. It is absurd to try to cure rheumatism with sarnpdrilla-x. and the ordinar} advertised compounds which aw recommended for the core 0;; :III'I‘IOSI. every disease to which the bum tn flesh is heir. , 'l'ui‘ disease. as all know. is caused by an acid poison in the blood. and can only be quickly and Mfectualiy removed; by the use of an internal rlmydy. which will neutrnlise It. and thus ductroy fts Irritating properties. The ingredients of South American Rheum- atic Cure have not been long known. but are recommended by content the latest English ï¬ne-'th workouts being to rheumatism what quinine is to «gut. nn absolute -po~lï¬c. The . 7-: dose of the PIPING-ll“ gnaw run-(cut raid. and It at onn'z- beztn~ :ha usheriizcnl pr -cc.«- of neutraiizing the acid of the blood. It usuazly curm in one to films :anIL all impurity, enriches the blood, and mbhes : the old and worn out feel young and vigor- Date of General Election. When is it to.be 2 This question le dis- :urbing the souls of politicians. In view of :ne :material alteration in the commercial policy of the country which would be involved in a change of government it is a. winter which concerns the general public. Meanwhile the aching come of the populace .ry for a remedy and the govern l u‘ cive no heed to the demand. Look here ‘ don't uil'cr this neglect to delay the. use of means flush to all and which removes the most -~ainful and obstinate come in two days. Painless. sure acting corn cure. Putnam’s Painless (,‘orn Extractor. Catarrhâ€"Use Nasal Balm. Quick, pool- tlvo cure. Soothing. clean-inn. healing. Cod-liver Oil is useful beyond any praise it has ever won, and yet few are Willing or can take it in its natural. state. Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil is not offensive; it is al- mos-t palatable. Children like it. It is Cod-liver Oil made more effectual, and combined with the Hypophosphites its strengthening and flesh-forming powers are largely increased. Don‘t be persuaded to accept a substitute I Scott 6L Boone, Bellsvllle. 50c. and $I. {ISiIll-S Y;.CKL§‘. Sporting Goods. Guns, i. Ammunition. Etc. very large stock. bend tor Ilhl. Correspondence solicited. T. COSTEN a: CO.. 1696 N otre Dame Sf... Montreal $l 00 PER WEEK and steady employ- .- night. you Work in the Iocnllty where you'liyc. bendus your address und we will exp min the business. “’rlte to day. The Queen Silverware Co. Montreal. T0 WOOLEN MANUFACTURERS. VI ools bougbi and sold.- Hard Waste. Hard Ends. Fgoclrs, ctc.. bought. or exchanged for Mill bupplics. gurnettcd waste or shoddy. Robt. b. Eraser. 3 St. Helen St... Montreal. FARMERS here Is a snap for you. Harris has smin 0 cloth pieces for quilts. Send $1 for trial Im, good vnlue. 27. >29, 31 Wlnlnniï¬j" Toronto. , GENTS WANTED for the Farmers _ Friend and Account Book. highly re- commended by the scvcrnl Ministers of Ag- riculture for Canada. Prices low. Terms liberal. Send for circulars. WILLIAM Bitioos, 'I_or‘o.nto, Ont. F‘ Permanently Cured tsidfaeflf‘ï¬ig Rbloflnd filigchTV'gfleug‘; circular. THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE. 65 Shiiter St Toronto 0 FOR AN OLD CANADIAN STAMP 3,} | . ucod between ISél and 1858. LOOK UP YOUR OLD LETTERS and old - c-“Ilcctions of stamps and got the his best cash price for them from ’ c. A. NEEDHAM, UPI Main St. IG..1Iumilton. Ont. TEXTILE MILL SUPPLIES (.‘ottou and \Voollen. Best English Curd Clothing. Aniline Dyes. High grade Log- wood Chips. Write for quotations. ROBERT & 00.. 14 St. Michael St.. Montreal. TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL offers speciul advan mges to young mun desirous of acquiring the art of cutting and tilting gentc lemen's garments. No better trade. it rare chance. Write for particuiars. [13 Yonge SI. Also agents for McDowell's Carmen! Drafting Machine for Ladies. G. DUTHIE & SONS Slate. Sheet-Metal. Tile 6: Gravel Roofers Sheet Metal Calling-i. Terra Cotta Tile, R31 Bluck und Green Rooting Slate. Metal Cor- nicco. Flell. 'I‘ur. Rooï¬ng l’ltch, Etc. Gutters. Downpipes, &C.. supplied the trade. Telephone 1936. Adelaide 8: Wldmor Sts TORONTO. Rob c. Roy Cigar It’s no because I’m Scotch but you canna smoke a better Cigar than “RUB ROY,†They cost 50. out I get sax 9f them for a. luartcr. EMPIRI TOBACCO co.. Moran; Better this season Every dealer sells them. . .ENIII uxxxcznnzn In Sim Ilcl Working gunne- ago D . Effective Milly. summit TO GIVE mu PU‘IIERRCLAIMED o 9 AND TO [In A! PEPPISZNTED ver ..,000 In successful operation. 1‘ ""23 I“? F310 Write us l=I-!.rs: Pump/ml}: AM I'll : iv .’ -»~ r-' ilk-L1 gnl rebuilt mun. a a! modes-z: mice: A enlisting: G'RANBY RUERS. "‘“ UPRIGHT and HORIZONTAL. A R M algtlgnarwarlab fron‘i {3:120 _ ‘ Wallfll Bllllï¬l d Ill]. lllllllill. The Larson lunchtime" of PURE, HIGH GRADE UBBGASiuCHOCDLATES Or: can Continent. have received HIGHEST AWARDS from the {rut “,Dj‘g‘lnduslrial and Food ,. EXPOSITIONS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA. 5 ill'cflution; In View “s m. i .. many imitations . “linfflze lable and "rippers on our \- 3 node. consumers lhuuld nuke-um but our pla. r of nllfl'l‘Sx‘IuN. namely. Dorehooler. Hun. is printed on sun package. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER A CO. LTD. UORCHESIER, HESS ' TANTED IIEI.I‘.â€"lloliublc men in every \‘ locality (local or travelling) to intro- Iuco a new discovery and keep our show cards lacked up on trees. fences lllld iridges through- bul town and country. Steady om loymcut. ‘ouimicsion or salary $5 per nionti and ex- enses, and money deposited in Imy bank when tun-[e i. For part lculuru write The V5 orld Mei Electric (‘n.. PO. Box 22!. London. Ont“ Con. Alch YOU HONEST. SOBER. INDUSTRI- OL'S lâ€"it‘ so. engage with us for 1:95; $30 a month, 334‘s") u yeir. You can make it easy; six hours a day. llur agents do not ccmpla n of hard times. “'1in They are making nioncysclling our Perfection llish Washer, the only practical family washer manufac- tured; washes. dries and poli~hes dishes por- fectly in two minutes: no experience ncoee- sury: a child of eight operates it easily: client) and durable ; weight thirteen pounds: made of anti-rust sheet slvel: oupltciiy too pieces: slum) for its equal; every family wants one. You don't have to canvuss; us soon as people know you have it for sale they send for adish washer. Euch agents territory protected: no competition. “‘9 furnish sample (weight six pounds) In moo case to Indy agents to lake orders with: one agent made $214.53 ï¬rst ten days. Address, for full particulars, Perfection Mfg. (‘o.. Englowood. Ill. O Y FORIT, ORSENDASCENT some $1 0 FUR PARTICULARSPRICE usr, SAMPLES.COT‘ITJN YARN.&c. , p ,rI-sISIscoooros-sz.ngtupro‘ REELMAN.‘BROS:NT? '- ;jG‘EORGI-ZIGWN.‘ON'I'... ' FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN’S AKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LAIGICT SAL! Ill CANADA. - NEW BOOKS .131:â€" BANADIAN AUTHORS Kiss Dexio: n Romance of the Pro- vinces. By Stanford EvelethIMrs.W. J. Dickson). Paper 50c. cloth . . . . . . . “31 oo Inpan. the Land of the Morning. By Rev J. W. Sauuby, B. A. ‘roely illustrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 M notloy: Verses Grove and Gay. By J. W. Bengou Ii. late Editor and Ar- tist of Grip. Vlth 106 original Illus- trations, by the author and other Canadian artists . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....81 fl Forest. Lake and Prairie. Twenty Years of Frontier Life in Western CanadIt-ISI‘Jâ€"GZ. lly John Mellougnll. With 27 full-page illustrations by J. E. Imunhlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 Etchings from a ParsonngoVorandn. By Mrs. If). chTcrs Graham. With illustrations by .l. W. Bengouxh . . . . . . 31 0G Lion the Mastiff. A Humane Story. By A. G. Savigny.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For Sale by all Booksellers: WILLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher. 28-33 Richmond. St. West. Toronto MUSIC HOUSE Music PublishersM'anufaclurou and Importers OF EVERYTHING MUSICAL SPECIALTI EC : Our ‘ Imperial ’ Band Instru- ments. Guitars, Mandolin- oo. Banjos. Harmonlcno. - and the Latest Music l’ubll- ' I-ntlons. It-Ir llun't purchase untll you see our prices. . .. . 501.! for Cataloqurs mentioning goods rtâ€" qunrll. 'l‘ WAN! YH‘ ADDRIBS OF lVlflV WI'O 71AMâ€! AND IANDMAIT†IN DANADA. WHALEY,BUYGE&GU. *5; V“ J Ins Yono: eraser, TORONTO. - CANADA than ever. Everybody wantsthem They wear like Iron. Ismail-Portable “one (I. ROUS. BRANTFos u :. no‘ar‘A. m._...A