t o “'I’ ' N0 TEE .4 ND CO .II .II ENTS. Unless seemingly weTâ€"founded reportl are misleading. War is a possibility of the immediate future, intolving on the on° side China. Russia and France, and on the other Japan and Great Britain. It is evi'ient that Rossia wiil extend her sovereignty EO'JLl'l to the Yellow Sea sooner or later. and at any cost :and it is natural that she should se-â€"k to do so by ï¬rst get- King a lien on China in anan of $80,000,000 to settle up with Japan, and, secondly, by forming a Chinese compact, defensive and aggressive, to make another step forward in her march to the Paciï¬c. â€"_ Alliance between Russia and China is logical. In the thirteenth century a Tartar from Mongolia invaded China and formed a dynasty which ruled over the whole eastern part of Asia except Japan from the end of the thirteenth past the middle of the four- teeuth century. The present dynasty in China is also of Mongolian extraction. It has long been prophesied that Russia, with the Mongol 'l‘artars, would cleave a way to the Yellow Sea. The prophecy has been, in part, fulï¬lled. W'hen by the treaty of Pekin foreign ambassadors were permitted to take up residence at the imperial capital, Russia sent as her plenipotentiary aman who more than any other of modern times after Napoleon combined the diplomatic and military genius. Iguatieil‘ blandly won his way into the conï¬dence of the allies, and as soon as the treaty had been conclud- ed he obtained for Russia eastern Siberia, with VIaditostock. This was in 1858. The foundation, therefore, of Russia‘s expecta- tions in that quarter is Chinese ; but she did not hesitate to resort to Japan for its ï¬rst addition. The Island of Saghalien lussia obtained the following year, in exchange for the Kurile Island, which was then apparently of greater importance to Japan. In fact, Russia wanted it because it formed a huge breakwater at the mouth of the Amoor. It also commands the northern entrance to the Sea of Japan and is rich in coal. It appears to be the intention of Russia in avowed deï¬ance of Japan to go south- ward io Port Lazareil' as the natural outlet for her trans-Siberian railway. While the government of Japan felt compelled to abandon a claim for territory on the main- land from China rather than to face a war with Russia, popular feeling throughout the island has proved more powerful than the discretion of the mikado. Flushed with victory, their treasury to be replen- ished by cash indemniï¬cation, the Japanese are liable to drive their rulers into another conflict, compared with which that with China was boys’ play. Rumor of a compact between Great Britain and Japan in regard to a possible conflict with Russia receives collateral corroboration in the sudden summons of Lord Dufl'erin from Paris to Downing street. The course to be pursued by Great Britain in the east is necessarily to as affected materially by that. to be adopted by France. Decoration of the president of the French republic by the Czar was undoubtedly intended to conï¬rm. immediately following it, announcement by the French government that a treaty was in existence bet-ween Russia and the republic, and England has a vital interest on the Nile which may be more nearly involved in the secret understanding than any concern of Germany. It is a curious coincidence of a rapid series of international wants that, while the French people were in frtnzy over participation by their shipI in the festivities at Kiel, anew Egyptian committee should be formed at Paris for the purpose of “persuading†England to Withdraw her troops from Egypt. Russian war preparations are apparently in progress. Captain Sanderson, of the Norwegian steamer Oscar IL, arriving at Tacoma from Vladivostock, roports 34.),000 men at that port ready, he asserts, for an advance south. The harbor is full of tor- does. and no vessels are allowed to pass or out without Russian naval ofï¬cers and pilots aboard. Captain Sanderson found there a large fleet of Russian war- ships equipped and manned to force a way Will] tho land force for Russia to extend her Siberian railway from Vladivostock to l the Yellow Sea. , At no time since the Crimean war until l the present have the English people been} dispmed to look upon war with a first-class power as expedientcrdesirable. lfa compact ' has been made witliJapan to resist Russian ‘ aggression on the Paciï¬c, popular feelingl in the United Kingdom Will probabéy ap- prme of its almost Certain consequence. It I was the Tory party, moreover, that made Great Britain a power in the east. Salisâ€" bury is the lineal heir of the ideas of Derby. Palmerston and Disraeli. The English manufacturers would not be averse to I ~ conflict that would put a little further oi‘f absorption of much of their eastern market by Japan. It would be, indeed, the begin- ning of a startling chapter in the history of the world should Great Britain once more become a ï¬ghting power in the east. standing with Japan to resist the descent of the Cossacks into the Western world. If Russia can keep back England and Japan with the help of China. the sequel. the long predicted rattle of the Cossack hoof in the halls of Constantinople, would seem to be within realisation. W "' Bu: evll ls wrought by want of thought. As well as want of heart." A STORY FOB MOTHERS _ ' By want of thought mothers allow, Which May Save the LIVGS 01' The“ daughters to become frail and puny. Over- Daughters. I study ingirls induces uterine disorders and __ I weaknesses, and blights their future hap- \ Young Lady at Merrie-Irvine Saved l Pine†5' “I?†‘ud "mun" J°m°d w ropsr hygienic care, Dr. Pisrce’s Favorite When Sear Death's Doorâ€"Ilen- Illness g . . . . 1 ed . h Brought About by Ailments Peculiar ' rucnpm’n B 3 pnce 8“ "m y m "c l . . . 33," :g-ggirsgggugggn :33: i 23:12:; .1:.;‘,32:..mu..;;8..,°'&“. ‘32:? ed I debilitated school girl gains color, flesh and Walls his & liillmliii, “IV.- Lartut mm of PURE, HIGH GRADE GOCOASaadCHDBOLATES 0am- madame Sucre-shed HIGHEST AWARDS tenths-«t Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS Nerve Pain Cure. A wonderful discovery was made when the combination known as NERVILINEâ€" aNcri-c Pain Cureâ€"was found. Its action upon pain is simply wonderful and doctors and scientists are lunch in their praise of its marvellous action upon nerve pain. If all other remedies have failed just buy farce Pam Cure or Nerviline; druggists se it. A. P. 772?. From the Ottawa Citizen. ; spirits, losing tnose deathly headaches, . Perhaps there is no healthier people on ' :he continent of America to-day than the i residents of the picturesque village of l llsrrickville, situated on the Rideau river, ’ ..nd the reason is not so much in its salab- rious climate as in the wise precautions ..keu by its inhabitants in warding off - menu by a timely use of proper medicine. ;he greatest favorite is Dr. Williams’ i'ink Pills. and many are the testimonials | . I regard to their virtues. Your correspon- ' out on Monday last called at the residence iMr. and Mrs. H. Ession,and interviewed l heir daughter, Miss Hattie Easton, a .indsome young lady of 20 years, who is :nown to have been very low and has been :stored to health by the use of Pink Pills. ‘ Yes," she said, “I suffered a great deal, -=it I am so thankful that lam once more catered to health. You have no idea shat it is to be so near the portals and feel hat everything in life's future is about. to lip from your grasp and an early grave .our doom. I was taken ill four years ago with troubles peculiar to my sex, and .‘hich have hurried many a young woman 4) her damnâ€"an early grave. l have «ken in all about twenty boxes of Pink 'ills, and I am only too glad to let the orld know what these wonderful little allots have done for me, hoping that some her unfortunate young woman may be «Ineï¬tted as I was. When sixteen cars of age I began to grow pale. and oak and many thought I was going .to decline. I became subject. to faint- ig spells and at times would become nconscious. My strength gradually de- rensed and I became so emaciated that I .'_.s simply a living skeleton. My blood :smed to turn towater and my face Was is color of a corpse. I had tried diï¬'srent :inds of medicines, but they did me no .cod. _I was at last 0 .nï¬ned to my room or several months and hope of my recovery vas given up. At last a friend strongly irged the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills ind after using a few boxes I began to grow slightly stronger. I continued their use until I had used about twelve boxes, when I found myself restored to health. I now quit using the pills and for six months I never felt better in my life. Then I began to feel that I was not as regular as I should be and to feel the old tired feeling once more coming on. Once more I resorted to Pink Pills, and by the time I had used six boxes I found my health fully restored. I keep a box by me and occasionally when I feel any symptoms of a return of the old trouble, I take a few and I am all right again. I cannot ï¬nd words of suflicient weight to express my appreciation of the wonderful curative qualities of Dr.WiIIiams’ Pink Pills and sincerely hope that all who are afllicted as I was will give them a trial and I am certain they will ï¬nd renewed health.†The facts above related are important to parents as there are many young girls just budding into womanhood whose condition is, to say the least, more critical than their parents imagine. Their complexion is pale and waxy in appearance, troubled with heart palpitation, headaches, shortness of breath, on the slightest exercise, faintness and other distressing symptoms which in- variably lead to a premature grave unless prompt steps are taken to bring abouts natural condition of health. In this emer- gency no remedy yet discovered can supply the place of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, which build anew the blood. strengthen the nerves and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. They are cer- tain cure for all troubles peculiar to the ___..__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Let the Cat. Out of the Bag. Principal (to new apprenticelâ€"Has the bookkeeper told you what; you have to do in the afternoon? Youthâ€"Yes, sir. I was to waken him when I saw you coming. Cleveland for Third Term. Washington, D. C.,-â€". â€"The possibility of his party uniting on Mr. Cleveland for third term attracts increased attention hers, and his nomination, despite its ex- ceptional character, is not an impossibility. Reciprocal trade relations with Canadai and the admission into the United States free of duty of that celebrat- ed Canadian product, Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, on account of its painless action and certainty, would be a plank in his platform. Use Putnam’s Corn Extrac- tor. Sure ! safe I painless I The King of Siam in his stats attire is woth more than $1,000,000. aklnnv Sufferers Saved. Tobnccou-iors a: a rule are away below normal weight became tobacco destroys digcmon nu causes nerve irritation that a ins bram power and vimlity. You ctn got .1 quick. tizirantccd relief by inches of No-To- Bic.nn then if you dont like your freedom and improve i physical condition you can learn [house of tobicco over again. just like the llr<t time. .\'c Bitcsolnl under guarantee to cure by Ilrugizids everywhere. Book free, A:l.>’:crliu,; llcmcdy (10.. 374 St. Paul 5'... Montreal. Samuel L. Clemenslhlark Twain) is poor, ani in very bad health. (hurrhâ€"Uss Nasal Balm. Quick, poul- tlvs cure. Soothing. cleansing. healing. ....-... .7 r -- ~ It Is Absurd. It is absurd to try to cure rheumatism with sarsapariilas. and the ordinary advertised mmpounis which are icrommcndcd for the f cure of! annual every disease to which the human ficin is Item ' This disease. a< all know. is caused by an : acid poison in the blood. and can only be , quickly and eichtuaI:y removed by the use of an internal rcmmly. which will neutralise it. and thus (It‘s'J'Oy its irritating pro urties. Tuningredicnte of South American I’lhenm- ntic ('ure have not been long known. but are rs‘cnnlfllfll‘idhi by smioof the latest English medical works as being; to rheumatism what quinine i~ to minor. an absciute spe ~illc. The nr-t time of the rents Iv give-a perfect relief. an}. it at once besin~ lllv.‘ chemical process of neutralizing the acid of the blood. It usually cures In one to three day s. I ..._.......~...._..4 .._. ___.._...___.__.__ .____ _ __ ' tormenting backaches, languor, dejectiou5 . and other symptoms of functional irregu- female system, young or old. I I Iaritiss, and nervous debility. It never harms the most delicate girl. I Robertsdale, Huntingdon Co., Pa. World’s Dispensary Medical Association : Gentlemen,â€"â€"I cannot sufï¬ciently express to you my gratitude for the beneï¬t your medicine has conferred upon my daughter. Of late she has suffered no pain whatever. It is simply marvelous. You have just reason to call it your “ Favorite Prescrip- tion,†and to stake your reputation as a physician on it. A favorite prescription it is, indeed, to you and to thousands in this Land, and I believe will be to suzlcriug women the world over. Yours gratefully, Tnouas TninLWsLL. Asthma cured by newly discovered treat~ ment. Pamphlet, testimonials and refer- ences free. Address World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. No fewer than 576 architects entered the competition for the preparation of plans for the projected Paris exhibition of 1900. THE SUFFERING OF OLD PEOPLE. Finds Simple and Quick Relief in the Use of South American Kidney Cure. The suffering from kidney trouble endured by men and women who are trotting a little up in years is often exceedingly distressing. The annoyance and inconvenience caused by a de- kncwn as prostatic troubles in the old. such as enlargement. inflammation and ulceration of the prostate gland. Without, any presenn or after unpleasant effects South American Kidney Cure give»: immediate and lastin relief in all such cases. It is a wonderfn medicine for kidney trouble of whatever kind. Itisesscntiallyakidncy cure. and boasts of plowing more. But it is king here every me. ____..-â€"â€"â€"-â€" New York is the wealthiest of the States The value of its real and personal property reaches the enormous aggregate of $2,651,-. 940.006. A Matter Now Beyond Dispute. The fact that St. Leon Mineral Water is the only recognized perfect medicinal water on the 'contincnt is now beyond dispute. That it cures Indigestion, Rheumatism Biliousness and Kidney troubles is proven by the numerous instances in which it has cured where other remedies failed. Our leading physicians recommend it for these diseases, and,besides, the proprietors guarantee it. Sold by all reputable deal- ers. Sweden has a deaf and dumb corps of the Salvation Army. Four meetings are held weekly. Recipeâ€"For Making a. Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. . . .one bottle Adam's Root Beer Extract... . ..lialf a cake Floischmann's Yeast . . . . . . . . Sugar....... ...I:wopounds Lnkewarm .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ . , two gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the wane add the extract. and bottle; pitch .1“ a warm place for twenty-four hours until it ferments, then place on ice, when it. Will open sparkling d d l'cious. mll‘heei-bot beer can be obtalnediu all drug and grocery stores in 10 and 25 cent bottles to make two and five gallons. It is said that the fossilized remains of an Irish giant, about twelve feet in'height,are lying unclaimed at a London railway sta- tion. Boys for Farm srs. Some smart, healthy, well-behaved boys from 10 to 16 years old from Mr. Fegan’s Homes in England have arrived in Toronto. They are likely to give valuable help to farmers in the busy season. Several experienced lads whose engagements have expired are constantly passing through the Distributing Home in Toronto. Those anxious to engage one of these boys should apply to the Superintendent Fegan Boys’ Home. 29.5 George St. , Toronto. Minnesota. has developed more rapidly than any other northwestern state. Its assessed valuation is $258,028,657. HEART DISEASE YIELDS “1 IN TENDED VICTIM. The Wife of Capt. Chas. Mngger Rodi cnny Cured of Henri: Disease of Four Years'Standing by Dr. Agnew's Curt for the Heart. Mrs. Chats. Muirtrer, Sydney. N. S. " F0 over four years I was afflicted with seven heart trouble. Smothering and choking sensd tions. swelled feet and ankles, and pain in left side were my >ym toms. Idootored constant- ly. Without. bene tand in fact had despoired of ever strain being Well. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart was at last tried and to my astonishment gave relief inside of an hour I have now_u1=cd three bottles and am completely cured. .\0 one can use too strong language ir recommending this remedy. as i‘s powers Ir cure are truly wonderful." It’s no because {’m Scotch but y o u c a n n a smoke a better Cigar than | “BOB ROY,†They cost 5c. out I get sax 5f them for a quarter. IIPIHI TOIACCO 60.. Iou‘rnxa; rangement of the kidneys is only too nlain to i ' all who have been troubled in this way. How TEXTILE MILL SUPPLIES keen the distress is at times from what is Cotton and “'oollsn. Best English Clud I I was aliving skeleton; the doc- tor said he was dying of Mares- mus and Indigestion. At I 3 months be weighed only seven pounds. Nothing strengthened or fattened him. I began using 'Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites, feed- ing it to him and rubbing it into his body. He began to fatten and is now a. beautiful dimpled boy. The Emulsion seemed to supply the one thing needful. Mrs. KENYON \VILLIAMS, May 21,1894. Cave Springs, Ga. Similar letters from other mothers. Don‘t bsperwadsd to accept a rubstlfutd.’ Scott 6t Bowne, Bellsvllls. 50c. and $1. . i F0“ AN OLD CANADIAN STAMP u-‘ed between 1351 and 1553. LOOKU YOUR OLD LETTERS and old collections of stamps and get tho highest c-wh price for them from C. A. NIEDHAM, 654 Main St. Hamilton. Ont. Clothing. Aniline Dyes. High grade Log- wood Chips. Write for quotations. OBERT 6: 00.. 14 St. Michael Mont real R 00 PER WEEK and steady emuloy- . mont, you work in the Icon ity where you live. Send us your address and We will explain the business. Write to day. The Queen Silverware Co, Montreal. FARMERS here is a, snap for you. Harris has sample cloth pieces for quilts. Send $1 for trial lot, good value. 1 ~Villlllstm_ St.,__'I;oronto. 27. 29. GENTS WANTED for the Furiiiors Friend and Account Bock. highly re- commended by the several Ministers of Ag- riculture for Canada. Prloes low. Terms liberal. Semi for circulars. WmLiAM BRIGGS, 'loronto. Ont. _________________ Permanently Cured §l§lflliflll§ï¬sicsanalyses; THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE. 65 Shiiter St Toronto circular. FISHING TACKLE Sporting Goods. Guns. Ammunition. Eta, very large stock. Write for prices. Correspondence solicited. T. COSTEN or CO.. 1696 Notre Dame Sn. Montreal ORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL offers special advantages to young men desirous of acquiring the artof cutting and fitting gone Ieman's garments. No better trade. it rare chance. Write for particulars, “3 Yonge St. Also agents for McDowell's Garment Drafting Mac _ iins for Ladies. MOMS Slate. Sheet-Metal. T110 s: Gravel Roofers Sheet Metal Ceilings. Terra Cotta Tile. Rcl Black and Green Rooï¬ng Slate, Metal Cor- nices. Felt. Tor. ltooflnu l itch. Etc Gutters. Downplpes. Sec. supplied the trade. Telephone 1936. Adelaide 8: Wldmor Sts TORONTO. ‘XTANTED HELPâ€"Reliable men in every locality (local or travelling) to intro- r luce a new discovery and keep our show cards lacked up on trees, fences and bridges through- out town and country. Steady employment. ommission or salary $65 per month and ex- ensos. and money deposited in any bank when Ilnrted. For particulars write The World Med. Electric 00.. P.0. Box 22L London. One" Can. ASKYOUR SEWING MACHINE AGENT FOR IT, OR SENDA SCENT STAMP ’ FDR PARTICULARSPRICE LIST, SAMPLES,COTTON YARN.&5. $10 I ' .‘ .~ ffrmsuscooaromï¬rssu 105' l Caution: guy-mgâ€: cruu labels sad wrappers on our -- gods. consumers should unclean ’ at our plan of manuch snidy. Dori-heater. Ila-t. updated on each pod up. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER I 00. HO. WHGHESTEB. was ARE YOU HONEST. SOBER. INDUSTRI- OUSlâ€"if so. engage with no for 1595: mo a month. 33.60011 year. You can make it can : six hours it day. Our agents do not conipla of hard times. Whyl They are making money soiling our Perfection Dish Washes. the only practical fainin washer manufw turod: washes. dries and polishes dishes por- fectly In two minutes : no experience nema- sary: a child of eight operates It easily: cheap and durable : weight thirteen pounds; made of anti~rust shoot steel; capacity 100 pieces; $10,(‘00 for its equal; every familr wants one. You don't have to canvass: as soon as people know you have it for sale they send for adlsh washer. Each “gents territory protected: no competition. \Vo furnish sample (weight. six pouudsl in aioi case to lady agents to take orders with: one ago:-t made 81:14.53 ï¬rst ten days. Address. . for full particulars. Perfection Mfg. Co†Eng‘iewood. Ill. IFOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN’S AKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. NEW BOOKS _BY_ DANADIAN AUTHORS Ines Dexic: a. Romance of the Pro- vlnces. 13y Stanford EveleLhIMrs. W. J. Dickson). Paper 50c. cloth. . N I’apun. the Land of the Morning. By Rev .I. W. Saunby. B. A. Freely illustrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 fl Honey: Verses Grave and Guy. By J. W. Bongou h. late Editor and Ar- tist of Grip. Vith 106 original illus- trations. by the author and other Canadian artists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 on Forest. Lake and Prairie. Twenty Years of Frontier Life in Western Canadaâ€"1842432. By John McDougnIl. With 21 full-page Illustrations by J. E. Lauchlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 Etchings from a ParsonageVeranda. By Mrs. E. chl‘crs Gi'n hum. With illustrations by J. W. Bongough . . . . . . 81 0! Lion the Mastiff. A Humane Story. By A. G. Saviizny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For Sale by all Booksellers: WILLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher. 29-38 Richmond St. West, Toronto MUSIC HOUSE Music Publishers,ManuIacIurm and Importers OF EVERYTHING MUSICAL SPECIALTIES: Our ' lmperlnl ’ Band Instru- ments. Guitars, Mandolln. es. Banjos, Harmonicau. and the Latoot Music Publi- cations. m Don’t inirchase until you see our prices. .. Stud for Catalogue: mentioning good: uâ€" quirrd. VIVIANY TN! ADDIBB W [VERY MUCIO ‘ .Il YEACNUI AND BANDMAI‘IIR IN OANADL ‘ WHALEY,BUYDE&I}U. I; T his YONGE s‘ruzz'r, ,‘ TORONTO. - CANADA McAnTHbR, CORNEILLE & 00., â€"si.inuvac'rtiti~:ns White Lead. Colors. Glass. AND IMPORTERB oirâ€" Vnrnishcs. Oils. Chemicals and. Dye Stuffs MONTREAL. GRANBYWR Better this season than ever. ’UBBERS†Everybody wantibhom Every dealer sells them. They wear like Iron. éT. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINING CO. (Limide Lannnaronv or INLAND Ravna't'n. Oi'i'iCi-z or Orrin/ii. ANALYST, Montreal. April 51h. 1835. "l IlCl’eb" certify that l have drawn. by my own hand; Zen ruinplcs oftlic ST. LAWIU'JNL'E SUGAR REFINING (10.5 EXTRA STANDARD til’..&.‘\'nl.A'I‘I-Zfl SUGAR. Inducrlmiuawly tnkt-n from lun‘IOIF of about 150 barrels each. fornily to contain : 991%?) T0 percent. of «Signodl JO! 1 have analysed mine. and found them uni- l’urc Cunt: Sugar with no impurities whatever." I.\' BAN lil‘. EIHVAItlx-Z. l‘li.l).. ll.C.I... I'rof. oi ( humiairy and Pub. Analyst. Montreal. mm 1'.\ EXCELLED in Simpllclty. Efl‘octlve It nrklng‘ Qualiï¬es and Durability. GUARANTEED TO GIVE FULL POWER BLAME A53 TO 82 AS PII'FFSXL-IED Over 2,000 in successful operation. It will ply you to wrzzr: r.= ‘ 'tsrc bujdnu. f'Jmfnir.’ fr Afairnmrly‘ {hr-'I. :-' ".1 uni re-bcil; engines at must-nu prices - UPRIGHT and HORIZONTAL. Sta #2.! , . " Ion,†‘ j. l . I : : .? alum In H to ‘30 [10m licnary, Poilable &Seml - Portable D (t. BRANTFORD Guiana III EUROPE AIIII AHERIGA. ‘ .a....... s...â€" mm ..â€"~._-.._._._ - ’. ' .. .w...~«. f~ ,.~40 Ice-m» ‘ ...~r .-.-....;.;~ an.