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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 2 Aug 1895, p. 7

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THE} LIME-Kim this. BROTHER GARDNER ADVOCATES THE USE (>3 PLAIN WORDS. £5 lurid Language is l'nsparinxly Condemn- edâ€"‘rhc Present Condition of the Colored Kai-.4- Set Forthâ€"Valuable [n- i'oriuatlen Collected for the Govern. melt. “iiem'len.” becan Brother Gardner as the regular Saturday night meeting of the Limo-Kiln Club was called to order with '213 members present, and Elder Toots ready for a two hours’ nap, “ let your con- verseshun be plain an' to do pint. Say what you mean, an' mean what you say. I has noticed a tendency on do part of cor- tain members of dis club to afl'ec’ do Shakes- pearean style. I want it stopped. It doan sound right in a man applyin’ whitewash or stove blackin’. How many members of dis club know do meaniu‘ of de term : ‘ Prognostioate towards do individuality? an' yitl h'ar it uttered a dozen times a day. \Vliat's do use of a cull’d man airnin' ten shillin’s a day remarkin’dat he expects to condesoond to the irresponsible endeavor when he kin just as well observe dat black berries am down to fifteen centss. quart? If any or you have an ideah dat do use of club words as bozobastic,dolirium tremens, Cicero, or inconsistency, elevates you in do unnd of your naybur, you is greatly mis~ r then. When a man comes to me an’ Iants to berry two tablespoonfuls of eighty- coul green tea, kaao do preacher am gwino to be at his bones to supper, let him spit it right out in plain English languagednstead oi beatin‘ round do woods an’ luggin’ in sich Words as abdicate. reaction, Ute-arism an’ cahoots. If i had a son ‘20 y’ars ole, an’ he should come hum wid his whitewash brush on his shoulder an’ inform me dat do gratificashun ob do incontestable syntax had withdrawn its bombardment of do planetary desderashun, I should riz up an' put my No, 1:: agin’ him wid sich auxxliery reprehensibility dat he would feel lame fur six weeks. “i take dis opportunity to say dat I hev received a letter from Washington axin’ me to furnish do guv’ment wid sich statis- ticks regerdin’ do cull'd race as we hev thus fur bin able to gather since do organi- zsshun of do Limo-Kiln Club. De secretary has prepared an’ will for’d do follcwm' waluable slicosof informashun : "l. Gin a darkey a cocked bat an’ a tin sword an’ do home of a drum, an' you kin load niui anywiiar’ you will. “‘2. We can'tseo dat do color am bleach- in’ out any. “3. We doan’ know dat do black man has growod any wuss dooriu' de las’ twenty y’ais, an’ we can’t prove dat he has growed any better. ' “4. Truth, honesty and industry am three great Jewels hidden in do groun’. Looks like a heap of ouil’d folks war’ too lazy to dig down an' find 'em. “5. Our religun am about do same, an' our poilyticks all mixed up. “0'. Do inventive genius of do race hasn’t turned so much to the mechanism an’ art as to plannin' how to make one day’s work bring in a libin’ fur do rest of do week. “in case any of do members know of any furder lacks b’ariiig’ on do issue I should like to h'ar from him.” Sir Isaac Walpole thought he could see a great improvement in social etiquette. Uolored brothers who formerly heaved bricx-hats at him now raised their hats as they passed, and women who once went barefoot in their shoes now wore stockings costing sixobits. Giveadam Jones had seen a great change in his race in ten years. Wlieua black liiiluwho never owned a fowl in his life had chicken pie three times a week the year ’rounli there was a combination of genius and progress which could not be kept down nor drowned out. Waydown Beebe thought the colored man was more industrious than in former years. He had known lots of them to work hard all day for insignificant wages to get money to patronize policy shops and pur- chase lottery tickets. Several other choice bits of information were cheerfully tendered, and the secretary was instructed to incorporate them and write his report in red ink. “ To boil do matter down inter syrup." added the President, "do cull'd man has got his liberty. but am hungry an' ragged fo-fiftlis of the time. He has got do ballot, but do white folks has got do offices. He has got civil rights, but he haiu’t got do cash for a seat in de parkay circle or the palace kyai‘. Let us purceed to do bizness Which has compounded us together." ___.__.â€"__â€"_.__ A Good Story. A story is going the rounds at the ex- pense of one of the best known men of this place. We shall not mention his name,but ou know him. l)f rather determined mien. c has of late been showmg si no of mental agitation. He wears a full eard, but a few days since his wife, much to her alarm, found hiui sharpening a razor. She thought his mind was unhinred and went into hysterica. Explanations followed and it was found that life had for him still some charm. lie intended to use the razor iipou painful corns. nam‘s Corn Emraetor with success advme-i its use, with the follow-mg results : Man qllllt‘ happy, wir'vditto, rnZ’Jf' sent away. Use Putnam‘s Corn Extractor. His Difficulty. Do you not sometimes have soulful yesrnings which you long to convev in words, but cannot? asked the sentimehtai girl. Yes, indeed, replied the young man. lwu once dreadfully acrious to send home for money. and I didn‘t have the price of a telegram. Truth is hid in great depthsâ€"the we to seek it does not appear to all the wori .â€" Goethe. No flattery, boy 1 An honest man can not live by it: is a little sneaking artnvhieh tnaves use to enjole and soften fools withal. ~0tway. A iri-iull who had used Put. ‘ THE TBBRORS 0F BYSPEPSIA. A Disease That Makes the Life of its Victims Almost Unbearable. A. "(Your For Years Tells New Sine on tuned Kellerâ€"A Bright Bay of Hope for Those Similarly Affected. From the Bowmanvllle News. The editor of the Novena company with Mr. Jury, of the well known firm of Stott 6: Jury, visited the home of Samuel Wood, In the township of Darliogtou, for the pur- pose of ascertaining the particulars of an- other of those remarkable cures happily brought about by the use of Dr. lVilliauis’ l’ink Pills for Pale People. It was Mrs. Wood who had thus been released from sufi'ering and when the newspaper man made known his mission she said, “ Yes I can give you a bright testimony in favor of Dr. Villiams’ Pink Pills, for I believe that if they did not save my life, they at all events released me from untold misery. Some three years ago dyspepsia came upon me in a severe form. 1 doctored with one of the local doctor: for more than a year, but all the time was growing steadily worse. The medicine I took com me a dollar a bottle, and the expenditure was worse than useless for it did me no vood. Then my husband thought as I was grow. ing worse, it. would be better to try some thing else, as they felt that unless achsnge soon came I was doomed to live through the terrors of a dyspeptie's life. Sometime! I would be fairly doubled up with pain,and it seemed as if a knife was cutting into me. I then tried a number of medicines recom- mended fcr dyspepsia, but. none of them brought the hoped for relief. We had so often readoi the remarkable cures achieved by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills that I deter- mined to give them a trial. I got a supply and before the second box was gone 1 found myself getting better I continued the use of the pills until I had taken eleven boxes when I was fully recovered. This was a couple of years ago, and I have not now the least sign of dyspepsia. " Mrs. Wood further said that her husband had been a victim of kidney trouble for a long time and had taken a great deal of medicine for its care but to no avail. When it was seen that Pink Pills were doing his wife so much good, Mr. Wood determined to try them, and they acted like a charm as he is now entirely free from his complaint, and be attributed all to the use of Pink Pills and would not be without them in the house. Messrs. Stott (it Jury informed the News that Pink Pills have enormous sale. They have handled Pink Pills for years and say that they cannot recall a single instance in which a customer came back and said they were not perfectly satisfied with the results. This is certainly a remarkable record, but then Dr. iVilliams' Pink Pills, is a remarkable medicine, and cures when other medicines fail. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the firm’s trade mark and wrapper (printed in red ink), and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail by Dr. V’Villiams' Medicine Company, Brock- ville 0nt., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $22.50. ___.__.__..â€"â€"â€"â€"-o A CONSCIENTIOUS TORONTO LADY. The FoliowingStslement is Published by Request. Iconsidor it my duty to inform the public of the extreme benefit I have received from the use of your South American Rheumatic Cure. I have been a great suti'orer for several years from rheumatism, and used this remedy. with the best results. I trust .others Will follow my cit-ample, and believe if they do so they will feel as grateful as I do for tht- boiieflt derived thereby. Mas. Barns. 71 Gloucester St., Toronto. No Doubt. First Man (a bibulous partylâ€"There's a. lot of body in this wine. Second Manâ€" Yes, and I’m beginning to think there’s lots of wine in the body. Recipeâ€"For Making a. Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. Adam’s Root Beer Extract . . . . . . . . . . one bottle Floischmann‘s Yeast ...... . . . . . . . . . . half a cake Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . two pounds Lukewarm W’cter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the wutc add the extract. and bottle; place in a warm place for twenty-four houns until it ferments. then place on ice. when it will open sparkling and delicious. The root beer can be obtained in all drug and grocery stores in 10 and 25 cent bottles to make two and five gallons. The truest mark of being born with great F qualities is being born Without euvy.â€"Ro- chefoucsuld. There is more than sentiment in the saying of Sir Walter Raleigh to his executioner. “\Vhat matters it about the head if the heart is right!" The trouble is that in this high pressure ago tho heart is seldom kept right. ily careful estimate it is calculated that one person of ~vury four or five hn: ii weak 0. ili>esaod heart. Think for A moment the ini portunt work that the heart has to perform. and it is nl'l,tlllll(‘llll.[0 realize whata do ‘11ng- iiienl. even to n. slight extent, of this organ liltllni Dr. Agnew}: cure for the heart is a : iirc for heart tr..iibles. and nothing else. it is :i mi~lzikc to suppose thut remedies that are :ivcn nut :is pancreas for all the ills llia' fie-ii lillBll'lo can cifectivcly cure heart disease. Within 30 minutes after inking the first dose of Dr. Azn'itv's (‘lll‘t‘ im- the Heart relief is sv- l‘lii‘"ll. :ind cvcntuulli i-oziipicte restoration i. "il‘cctod. it’s no because i'm Scotch but you canna make a better Cigar than “ROB ROY,” The} cost 5:. out I get sax 3f them for a garter. IIPIRC roucco 09.. Imam- Toroatc Indian-lei Fa‘r. An unbrokm record of successes in the past is the best possible guarantee that the Toronto industrial Exhibition ot 1395, which opens on the 2nd of September, will be adisplay of unrivalled attractiveness. Many improvements in the buildings and grounds have been made to furthtr the convenience of exhibitors and the public, and With the return of an era of prosperity the enterprise of the management will doubtless be rewarded by a thorough appreciation of the inducements offered. The volume of exhibits this season will be larger and more diversified than ever fore, and specs‘. attractions of a brilliant- and exciting character will be presented, including the novel military spectacle “The Relief of Lucknow,” with gorgeous Oriental accessories and pyrotechnic effects on a scale of grandeur and variety hitherto unequalled. The system of cheap railway fares and official excursions from far and near enables all to visit the fair at trifling cost and everyone should take advantage is best worth seeing and knowing in mechanical progress and scientific invention. All entries close on the 10th of August. Rheumatism many not always be cured but it may be greatly relieved and in one minute by the use of NERVILINE or nerve pain cure Its action can only be expressed by saying it is wonderful. Try Nervilino. You will be delighted. Falsehood always endeavored to copy the mien and attitudes of truthâ€"John- 5011. Tobacco Tattered and. Torn. Every day we meet the mauwith shah h) clothes. sallow skin and shambling footsteps. holding out a tobacco-palsled hand for the charity quarter. Tobacco destrovs manhood and the happiness of perfect vitality. No-To Bac is guaranteed to cure Just such cases. and it's charity to make them try. Sold under iziizirantee to cure by Druuglsts everywhere. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy 00.. 374 St. Paul St... Montreal. To overcome ovil with good is good. to resist evil by evil is evil.â€"-Mohammed. THAT DRAGGING IN THE LOINS ls llsurilly Caused by a Derangement ofthe Kidneys-South American Kidney Care Will Positively Believe it in Six flours. One may be decided by the feeling of weight or dragging in tho loins that causes unpleasant- ncss and inconveniencs to many men and women. Attributing thoti‘oublo to something else. they forgot that this may boevidonco of inflammatory ailcctions of the kidneys. that eveniully may develop into serious trouble. That very successful specific, Mm American Kidney Curogets at the root of kidney trouble. and will quickly remove the cause, and haying done this, complete recovery is soon reached. It is worth repeating that. South American Kidney Cure is a remedy for the perfect cure of this one trouble. It does not pretend to be a cure-all, but it is a cure certain in every case of kidney trouble. And it does it quickly. Pli sieiaiis prescribeyScott’S Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophos- phites because they find their patients can tolerate it for a. long time, as it does not upset the stomach nor derange the digestion like the plain oil. Scott’s Emulsion is as much easier to digest than the plain oil asflmilk is easier to digest than butter. Besides, the fish- fat taste is taken out of the oil, and it is almost palatable. The way sickly children, emaciated, anaemic and consumptive adults, gain flesh on Scott’s Emulsion is very remarkable. Don‘t be persuaded to accept a substitute! . Scull 6L Bowns, Belledlls. 50c. and $1. MELL SUPPLIES.~Tetlow's English Card Clothing. Belting. Mill Macliiiiory.VVools. (lotions, Yarns. Waste, Saponihod Wool Oils. Robt. S. Fraser. 3 St. Helen St. Montreal. ARMERS hero is a snap for you. Harris has stimplc cloth pieces for quilts. Send s, for trial lot, cod value. 27. 29, ol William‘St" Toronto; ,. GENTS WANTED for the Farmers Friend and Account, Book. highly ro~ commended by the several Ministers of Al:- ricultiire for Canada. Prices low. Terms liberal. Sand for circulars. WiLLiasi BRIGGS, 'lorontc, Out. Permanently Cured by it strictly Educa- tional System. No advanor- fees. Write for circular. 'l'lIE ONTARIO INSTITUTE. 85 Shutor St Toronto FOR AN OLD, DANADIAN STAMP u<cd between 18.51 and 186$. LOOK UP YOUR OLD LETTERS and old collections of stamps and got the highest cash price for them from V c. A. NEEDHAM. minim Si. E.. liamtlton. Ont. TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL ofi’ers special advantage-a to young men desirous of acquiring the art of cutting and fitting gent, leiiien'a garments. No better trade. 1\ rare chance. Write for particulars, iii: Yongs Si. Also agents for McDowell’s Garment Drafting Machine for Ladies. “TA.\'TED HHLP.â€"Rolinbio mon in every lorality (local or travelling) to intro. lure a new discovery and keep our show cards :acked up on trees. fences and ridgesthrough- but town and country. Steady employment. ,ommissinn or mlnrytfls per month and ex- nses, and money deposited in any bank when itartod. For particulars write The World Med. Electric Co.. l’.O. Box 221. London. Our... Can. All i-Z YOU HONEST. 50 8 Bit. lNDUSTKI- month. $3,614) a year. You can make it easy: six hours a day. (lursgeuts do not complain of hard tirnw. Whyl They are making money selling our Perfection Dish Vv'asher. ihe only practical family washer manufac- tured: washes. dries and polishes dishes per foctly in two minutes: no experience neme- eary: a child of eight operates it easily: cheap and durable ; Weight thirteen pounds ; made of anti-rust sheet steel: capacity ioo pieces; 210509 for its equal: every family wants one. too don‘t have to canvass: as aoon M know you have it for sale they send for fldL‘l) washer. Each agents territnry protected: no competition. We furnish sample iwelght six pounds! in nice case to lady agent-i to take orders with: one ago. t made $114.33 first ten days. Add'ou, fur- full particulars. Perfection Mtg. 00.. Ennlewood. lll. Waiter! Boersteak. Ham and Eggs. for One. “God gave us meet, but the devil me as cooks," is a trite saying. From bad cooking, fast eating and overeating, comes a whole train of diseasesâ€"iner tion, dyspepsia, bilieusness, catarrh of the stomach. headache, dizziness, and the like. God aleo gave us a brainy man, who coni- pounued the "Golden Medical Discovery,” aoorrective of all the ills resulting from overheating and bad blood. Dr. Pierce of Buffalo, has furnished in the "Discovery." rain an i it. limits, ‘18s What-torus e! PURE, HIGH canon COGOASaaflCHOCOLATES OuthlsOeotimgMu-dnd HIGHEST AWAR98 mm”: industrial and Food ‘ EXPOSITIONS a great desideratuin in America. where merybody is in such a hurry tomake money, soarer any time to live. the liver, cleanses the blood and tones up they have no time to eat, and It invigorates the system. Delicate diseases of either sex, however induced, speedily and permanently cured. Book of particulars )0 cents in stamps, mailed sealed in World's Dispensary Medical Association, of the opportunity, as it embodies all that 663 Main St.. Bufialo. N. Y. Cold in the ahead. Nasalball gives ll- stant relief 3 speedily cures. Never tails Machinery of all Kinds. from Windmills, Fire Department Sup- lios and “Waterworks Plants down to ngino Packing of the best kind. J', E. NAUD. Manufacturer: Agent. â€"â€"___ $ . youiive. Send us ex lain the business. Write today. he Queen Silverware Co. Montreal. on; N "BY R U Better this season than ever. Over 2,000 in successful operation. It wi “;..y you to write us before buying. Pamphlet/ree- Afairsuppiyouecondhand and re-bullt 8 00 iSli‘JR “THEEâ€"aha stead employ-â€" can‘t plain envelope. Address, PSHlNc l FOR A. P. 773. inent, you work in the} y when 2257 Notre Dame 8L. Montreal. your address and we WE LA L Ammunition. Write for prices Cor B’B‘E'RS ’1'; EUROPE Aim Astoria 7- .- 1Elgasutiori: 2.3"“;‘53 .2 oftbe Mend WW on e. -, sail. mum szould neat-use * our place men-hm angel , Dos-oboehr. I... on each package. is‘ $01.0 BY GROCERS “some. HALTER BAKER 8 00. L111. mm m __.._.. iscx .r. Bportlna' Goods. can. “a "‘7 imm‘ ‘66 'r. cosmmpgndo- '0 iesexotronamosa.ssm’ oal‘ TWENTY-M YEA" DUNN’S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND ROI" SALE ll “NADA. Everybody wantstshon Every dealer sells them. They wear like Iron. UPRIGHT All sites from 8 [020 1? EN mist“ UN’EXOELLED in Sim iici Effective Working Qualities aldd Dziabillty. GUARANTEED TO GIVE FULL POWER CLAIMED AND TO 33 AS REPRESENTED WATEROU at moderate prices Slatioiury. Porhbl and HORIZONTAL. S- BRANTFORD. canam Bigger than any other, better than any other, with over five acres of selling space and over a thousand employees. Think what that meansâ€"a whole town under one roof, and every class of merchandise that goes well together. Shoes, Furniture as well as Housefurnishings. here than what is. \Ve buy in the biggest markets, sell on the closest It sells Groceries as well as D ry Goods, Bicycles as well as Easier to tell what isn't margins and do a business aggregating millions of dollars every year. We have thousands of customers in small towns and villages all over Canada, who appreciate the advantages of SHOPPING BY MAIL! Wherever you are, the facilities of the store are at your service. Bright clerks do your shopping for you as carefully and as satisfactorily as though you stood at the counter in person. some day as received. Requests for samples and inquiries regarding goods receive the same careful attention. store to draw the trade of the country ; a store to be chosen all over the 0US!â€"-ifao. engage with us for 1505: $320 a. country. because it serves its customers near and far so well. If?“ All orders are filled the Our notion of a store is a T. EATON CO. LIMITED. Yon BL,190 ice. 194. 193. m zoo . . , , Quegsn'eet West. 10 and i2 i All Under Ham Miami“: 4 -“ James EL. 13. is, 17. is. ‘.’l. 23. 25 one ML Albert Street. 15. 17. and if) BUYING OFFlC-ES : i 7 Warwick Lane and Warwick Square. Lemma. Em. 190 YONGE ST TORONTO

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