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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 23 Aug 1895, p. 1

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- . . din é FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 231m, 1895. VOL. XXIII. REiddlldL The undersigned has removed his Drug ‘ , p ' 'm‘ 513018 to the premlses McLAUGI-lLIN & MCDIARMID, lately occupied by Mr. W. ’l‘. Junkin. .l. lint) Aug. 2lst, '1895. -â€"OF THEâ€"- 'County of Victoria. : at moderate rates. . residence of Mr. R. B. Sylvester, “ Mary- Professional Cards. MUSIC. MISS B. MAGNIVEN. Instruction given on'ORGAN and'PiAN’O For terms apply'at the borough Lodge," Fenclon Falls. .-LEGAL. ARRIS'I‘EBS, Solicitors, Etc., Lindsay and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay Office-z EKent-Sh, opposite Market. 'Fenelon Falls 'Oflice: Over Burgoyne '& ‘Co’s store. The Fenelon Falls office will “be open every a't'ternoon from arrival of train from Lind~ say. 56" Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. REJ. McLauon‘ms. ‘F. A. McDmumn. M. H. MCLAUGHLIN. A. P. DEVLIN, A'RRISTER, Attorney-atâ€"Law, Solicitor in Chancery, =Kent Street,ILindsay. G. H. HOPKINS, ARRISTER, so. somcn‘oa FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at lowest rates on terms to suit the borrower. The next. sittings of the above Court will Oflices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, say, Ont. 3ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8th,3895, ~tommencingat 10 o’clock in the forenoon; i" riday, Sept. "27 th, countv. Defendants living in other coun- ‘tics must be served on or before Sept. 22nd E. D.HA.\‘D, Clerk S. Nsvrsos, Bailiff. Fenclon Falls, July 16th, 1895. "1‘0 the Public. 7 lliE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security or $35,000,000 and the same good policy. JOllN AUSTIN,.4gen~t. 38" Also agent for the Queen of Eng~ land and Caledonian of Edinburgh. Capt tul combined, $45,000,000. IESURANGE. Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At Very Lowest Rates None but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented. .16" FARDI l’ROPERTY at very low rates. James Arnold. __________._____ Fenclon Falls Local Board of the Peuple'sBuilding and loan hs’n, Of London, Ont. T. Robson, President; Dr. H. H. Graham, Vice-President; J. '1‘. Arnold, Sec-Trens. ; if. if. McLaughlin, Solicitor, Lindsay; F. )chougall. Valuator; Alex. Clark, Dr. A. Wilson, M. W. Brandon, J. 11. Brandon, Directors. DO YOU WANT to invest a small amount each month where it will be safe and yield you good returns in 7:} years? CAN YOU AFFORD TO SAVE its a day for 7) years and get. $100 10c. a day for '1') years and get $500 20¢. a day for 7; years and get $1,000 I LITTLE AND OFTEN PILLS THE PURSE. Do you want to buy a home with the money you now pay for rent 7 So long as the masses of the people do not save any- thing out of their earnings, just so long will their npendings go into the hands of those who do save, and Turn are the capi- talists. This is why the few own the houses and the niauy pay the rent. FOR FULL PARTICULARS call on or? address anyof the above named olliciuls, at Penelon Falls. â€"39-lyr. The “ Fenelon Falls Gazette” is printed every Friday at the office, on the corner of May and Francis streets. HITBSCBIPTIOA 8| A YEAR [3' ADVANCE, or one cent per week will he added as long as itremaius unpaid. Atlvcrtising' lintea. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and I: eonu per line for every subsequent inner» tion. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING- ef all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cor hotly and at modemte prices. 1 E. D. BAND, 'I’ropriuor. i will be the last day‘ of service on defendants residing in this F-D- MOORE. MOORE JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. lice, William street,Lindsay. A.JACKSON. Of- MONEY Tl} LOAN. I have recently had a considerable, though limited, sum of money placed with me for loaning on farms at Five and a-halfper cent. Parties wishing to borrow on these terms should not delay to make application. Large amounts of funds, at slightly higher rates, according to security. In most cases solicitor work is done at my oftice, insuring speed and moderate expenses. Allan S. Macdonell. Barrister &c., Lindsay MEDIC A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. D., ,0RONER, Pliysician,Surgeon,&c., Arc. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington treet, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON. â€"â€"M. n., M. c. r. a: 8., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON Ar ACCOUCH- our. Office, Colborne Street, Fenelon Falls. Du. H. H. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University of Trinity G College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England,Memher of the Col- logo of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario. Office and residence on Francis-St. West Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gazette office. R. 1VI. DIASON, ETERINARY SURGEON ; HOnor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1884 ; R. M. O. V. M. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, Fenelon Falls. E. P. SDIITH, ‘TETERINARY SURGEON and Dentist; Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Oflice : Calnbray, Ont. suavnvoas. JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. B., . Conveyancer, &c Residence, and ad- dress, Fenelon Falls. DENTAL. Dr. NEELllllFS, DENTIST, LINDSAY, Evtracts teeth without pain by gas (vital- lled air) ndminislert‘d by him for 27 years. lie studied the gas under Dr. Colton, of New York. the originator of gas for extract- ing 100111. Dr. (‘olttm writes Dr. Neelands that he has given the gas to [86,“? per- , sous without an accident from the gas. i Other pain ot~zuudera used. A good set of teeth inst-rtml for Sam. 18' Dr. Neelands visits l-‘euelon Falls (McArthur House) the third Tuesday of every month. Call early and secure an appointment. I. H. GROSS, DENTIST. The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other anesthetics for extracting teeth without pain. A set of Artificial Teeth, better than the average, for $8 00. Rooms directly j opposite Wood's stove depot, Lindsay's - v t H. HART, L. D. S. SET OF GOOD TEETH FOR $10. Gas and 104.11 anaesthetics for painless ex- tracting. Sdtisfaction guaranteed in all branches of dentistry; ofiee over F‘nirwenther k Co's store nearly oppogite the post-office, Lindsay _ MERCHANT TAILORING .._.....AT___.. mâ€" MCDOUGALL, BRANDON 8; Co. beg to announce to their numerous customers and the public generally that. they have secured the services of Mr. J. J. Townley (lately with Mr. R. Taggart), and purpose in future conducting a first-class ‘Tail-ormg business in connection with their gen- eral store. A large and well selected stock of Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, Worsted and French Pant- ings will arrive in a few days. Reserve your orders until they are opened out. Mr. Townley’s reputation as a cut- ter is well established throughout the district, and by em- ploying none but. first-class workmen, using good trim- min gs and material and selling at right prices, we hope to merit a large share of the public patronage. All Tweeds purchased at the Syndicate Store will be out free of charge. Our Mantles, Dress Goods, Underclothing, Gent’s Fur- nishings, etc, is now complete for the winter trade. Call early and get first choice. ~ Men’s Fur Caps and Overcoats for the million- We are now showing the finest stock of Men’s Long Boots, Felt Boots, Felt Socks and Rubbers, Shoe-packs, and Men’s fine Foot-wear, ever opened out in Fenelon Falls. Our Ladies’ Boot; and Shoe Department is full of staple goods at rock bottom prices, as well as an endless variety of the latest; novelties in style and finish known to the trade. ’ See 0111' Ladies’ Imperial Kid, Congressâ€"no buttons, no laces, and the neatest fitter in the market. Our Teas, as always, lead in regard to flavor and price. New season’s Fruit at old fruit prices. Prompt delivery, cleanliness and moderate prices are features we never forget in our grocery trade. Everything in the line of Crockery and Glassware. Don’t forget to buy your Sleigh Robes and Horse Blan- kets from McDaugall, Brandonla Go. S. Nevison has just received his SPRING STOCK _OF_.. White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Japans, Turpen- tine, Mixed Paints of all shades, Prepared Kalsomine and Alabastine of all tints, Glass and Mirror Plates, Toilet Articles, , Artists’ Materials, Fancy Goods, Crockery and Glassware, Gold and Silver Watches, Rings, Brooches and other J ew- elry, Pipes, Wall Paper and Window Blinds, Picture Frames made to order a specialty. ALL or men WILL BE SOLD AT GROUND FLOOR PRICES ___AT_____ 8. NEVISON’S BAZAAR. radon jails diuretic. An Old Mai... Confessed. 'l‘he Orillizt Packet says: ” Old resi- dents remember the mystery Connected with the disappearance of a fur dealer between Griffin and Penetanguishene. when the settlement was young. Maj r Wilson, of Sault Ste. Marie, told the Packet, on Monday, that he read in the New York Spectator the dying confe- sion of Samuel Lobb, executed for mur- der in that State. Lobb had been a teamster in this district, and in 1837 BS served in Major MeGrttth's troop of Lancers. Prior to his execution he confessed that ho had been engaged to convey a fur buyer who came from the United States, on his way to Penetau- euisheno, from Orillia to Coldwster. Knowing that the man had oonsiderabh» money on his person, Lobb determined to gain possession of it. He therefore placed a spade in his waggon. The passenger asked what. it was for, and was told that it would be required to repair mud holes in the road. Near Bass Lake, at a spot where one could see along distance in both directions, Lobb got out of the waggon, struck the. passenger over the head with the spade, and repeated the blows until his victim was dead. Lobb took all the dead man's effects, stripped the body, buried. it in one hole in the centre of the road, and his clothes in another. He then proceeded to Goldwater. Subsequently there was a good deal of talk concern- ing the disappearance of the " peddler," his friends in the States tracing him, as they supposed, to Goldwater, where it. was believed he had gone on to Pene- tanguishene with two Indians. Lobb went into horse dealing and other busi- ness, and finally drifted to “ York State," where he committed the crime which led to his execution. The body was disc0verod by men engaged in road- work, and was buried nearby. The grave is known still as that of the “ ped- dler” who so mysteriously disappeared, and whom Lobb was afterwards suspeot~ ed of having murdered.” F... No Excuse for a Pardon. In Quebec wealth apparently is more powerful than charity. The latter cov- ereth a multitude of sins, but the for- mer wipes them out. Dnmarc Lafram- boise, a blood-thirsty ruffinn, was sen- tenced five years ago to fifteen years in the St. Vincent do Paul penitentiary. While in that institution he attempted to murder a guard. Now he has been left $25,000 by a swoetheart, and be- hold tho would-be murderer and robber becomes a subject of interest, and the efforts of a certain class of philanthro- pists are to be directed towards obtain- ing his release. The possession of $25,~ 000 has transformed the man’s char- acter. He is no longer a wild beast to be confined behind bars and stone walls. a menace to life and property. He is an unfortunateindividual who will make a useful member of society. He has a $25,000 halo of respectability around him,and his brutal instints and immoral degradation have entirely disappeared. All this and more is to be pointed out to the Minister of Justice at OttaWn in a petition which doubtless will be signed by clergymen and women. It will be shown that Luframboise was the victim of circumstances, and that when he atâ€" tacked tho guard the latter had aggra- vated him. Besides, he was not the possessor of 825,000 at that time. No doubt this gentleman will be released, and we shall bear soon that he is widely known for his piety and charity. lo the meantime we sneer at the Americans and say they worship the almighty dollar. We do more. We make a moral sponge of it.â€" Toronto News. A baby carriage, designed especially for those who live in date. which can be folded together, so that one person one handily carry it up and dowu stairs, is a New York invention. Since it was announced that the Prince of Wales appeared at a public function in a white hat, the hat stores of New York have been dr-plvted of headgear of that color by the Goth-m Anglo-maniacs. Amelia Sternccker has invented a fender for trolley cars which will be given a trial by the San Francisco elec- tric railways. She is only 17 years of ‘ age, but has had a passion for machin- ery since her early childhood. D J. l’. Chapman, of Camopnlifl, MlCll., l is the “ cynosurn of all eyes " wherever i he goes. He hitolws his white trotting ides. Joe with a white Shetland pony, rides in a white sultry, wears a white l suit himself, and uses white reins.

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