q" far-“'â€" 1 IN DEEP DESPAIR. A biontrealer Relates His Wonder ful Experience. Outdoor Work Preferred. So e years ago a young Irishman was but: ing for work among the farmers of a Western town at harvest-time. He made his applicatron to a benevolent- ---‘ looking farmer who was attracted by the It Had Tried Foreign and Local Physl- young mm'g frank,merry face, but was not Claus and was Operated l'pon Without Emily ,9 and of an†be!“ Sarcasm-Dr. “'Illlllnll 0‘“ you cradle 2 he ‘lked'.fler ‘ mo. (iii-ed When all Other )lediciaes many. hemugou. Failed. Cradle is it lrepeated the young Irishman tum we Momma} Hcmm, in bewilderment. That oi can, sort, bein’ Instances of marvellous cures by the use the owldest av eiivin children:but,ne added d Dr. \Vniiams' Pink Pills for Pale People persuasively, couldn’t yez give me a Job are numerous, but the one related below is nut-av-dures, sorr? of special interest, owing to the peculiarity of the illness, and also to the fact that in the present instances the gentleman is Well known in Montreal. Mr. Charles Frank. inspector of the mechanical department of the Bell Telephone (50., at 371 Aqueduct street, and who resides at 54 Argyle Ave., is an iulerltW with a Herai-i reporter,re~ htcd the following wonderful cure by the me of Pink Pills. Mr. Frank, who is 25 years of age, is a Russian by birth, ex- ceedingly intelligent, speaks several lan- guages fluently, and is now apparently in good health. “ My illness came about in a peculiar way,†said Mr. Frank. “Up to three years ago I was in the best of health. About that time while in Glas- giw, Scotland, where I was employed asla clerk in a hotel, and while sculling on the Clyde, a storm came up,and I had a pretty much lime of it for a while. I evidently must have injured myself internally, although I felt nothing wrong at the time. On my way home, however, I fell helpless as the street and had to be conveyed home is a cab, as my legs were utterly unable to hold me up. I was conï¬ned to bed for several days in the same helpless condition, when I rallied, but found that my urine ass of a strange reddiin hue. I called in Mistake Somewhere. “he a striking clock that isl ex- claimed Mrs. Gaskett, admiring a new timepiece on Mrs. Fosdick's mantel. 0. no; it doesn't strike ! replied the clock’s owner, who ought to know. no. ls Printed and Published in.... i 0 R0 NTO, I'll tell you right now , before we go any further, exclaimed the end of the next The Canadian Edition being identical with that: issued century woman, thatI am going to wear by the the bloomers in this family. .255.lemonade†“" “d Butterle Publishing CO., Ltd. “mused the 01d mam 7-17 West Thirteenth St., New York. NY- You, Mose, you break rascal ! Authority Arrested. Yes, pap '.' v Quit wahin' yo’ s’penders crossed in front. Half de time I dunno whedder yo’s comin’ or gwine. THE DELINEATOR is the exponent of the popular BUTTERICK Duns; PATTERNS, is issued monthly, each number containing over 125 pages â€"_â€" of interesting reading on the Fashions, FANCYWORK (including special wanted to Get in Shape‘ contributions on Lace-Making, Knitting, Crocheting, Tatting, Etc.), Had your Vacation Ye†Household Management, the Toilet, the Garden, Etc., Etc., and has wt; t,“ the matter , in addition each month articles by distinguished writers on the Topics 8 . o y - y ' ’ ' Too tired_waut to get tested up“ mm of the Times, \Vomen s and Children 5 Education, Women s. Handi- crafts and Occupations, Suggestions for Seasonable Entertainments, before I start. _ n -- â€" and a variety of other matter interesting and helpful to all women. 3 . . quite Prop r Actual Average sale in Canada during 1894-, 26,189 copies a month A young farmer from the upper ward of Lunarkshire,who became a benedict recent- ly, took his spouse to a Glasgow theatre on their honeymoon trip. less, said the bridegroom, consulting one of the large posters displayed outside the theatre before entering, that'there’s a guid wheen different kind 0' seats. There’s pit and stalls and dress circle and family _ gfgl°\I:‘;:i§‘ill°â€' “ hm" “‘8 “mum “"3 One Minute Cure for Toothache. Weel, Jamie, replied the buxom bride, “Mggggfllti'ltl’gt‘glcg “"11 power, lggnell‘fltll‘g . . . . , o i is uset nerve. orviincâ€" wn'h & becommg b “811’ seem that W6,†nerve pain cureâ€"cures toothache in a. mo- mait‘rit n00, maybe it wad be m8ail' propal‘ meiir. Nerviline, the most. marvellous pain SEPTEMBER NUMBER NOW READY...... Address The Belincator Publishing 00., Mention this paper. -â€"â€"a-.â€" CAUGIIT IN A STORM ON THE CLYDE. Subscription Price, $1.09 a year. Price of Single Copies, 15¢. each; of Toronto, Ltd. 33 Richmond Street West, orcnil '5§K..EQB McCASKILL, DOUGALL & coxs : : CARRIAGE VARNISHES- Unsurpassed for Durability, Brilliancy and Easy \Vorklng. MONTREAL. aphysician, who perscrihed, but did me no to sit in the faim’ly circle. remedy known in science. may he used for al good. I then called on Sir George McLeod, ) I I nerve pains. Test at once its efï¬cacy. , ' k ' . Id. 0., who also perscribed and advised me FlguringIt Out. COIï¬EZEI; “130Ԡhe 18 Old long befom he i to go to the hospital. I was averse to Father, said the small boy, 5 man doln this, and he advised me than to tr ' ' ' - - .chngnge of climate. telling me that mi. Egg: {113nm whiskey to excess is a chump, Strictly Educational. bladder was affected. I acted on his sugges- Ye,'__on1y him-t very nice to use “an Many people afflicted with atammering “on as to change and came to Montreal: 1 well if he drinks Whiske till he 6%; are under the impression that they cannot did not do anything for about 5 ye,“- aa 1 & blosson’. on his no“ ,_ y g be cured, this is a mistake as many testi- vished to get cured. Allthis timeniy urine Whgb ;,f it monlals “9 in Posaeagion 0f the Datum was tainted with blood. although I was Then he's. a bloomin chum isn't Slammering Insumle from leading PhY‘ .ufforing no pain, but this abnomml condi. he, g p’ sicians showing that permanent onres have ' been made. The Ontario Institute have tion was a source of continual anxiety. I -_--_____. ï¬nally went to the General Hospital,where removed to a large residence at 76 Bond street where patients are as much at home the physician in charge advised me to stay, A Large want which I did. After remaining there for is not generally considered a necessary as in their own house, and by strict atten- ï¬ve WC( ks with no beneï¬t, a consultation adjunct to the grace, beauty or symmetry tion to the teaching, cures can be effected of physicians Was held and an operation of the womanly form. Within the body, in four weeks. Write for circulars. gagKQQUd, to which I this time agreed, however, is agreat waste made necessary After the operation was performed I was according to the condition of thingsâ€"con- “ better. my condition remaining ab". tinually in process and requiring the per- lutsly utchanged. From this our, I w“ fact action of all bodily function, tolabsorb continually trying medicines and physicians 01' dispel the refuse- When the“! is but derivrd no beneï¬t from anything or irregularity or inaction ladies who anyone. lwas in despair, as the physicians value a clean, pure, healthy body will who had operated on me could not decide take Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescriptionâ€" " to my trouble. I visited the hospital the only remedy for woman which being once more, and they said they would oper. once used is always in favor. ",9 again ; but I did not, care to undergo a, To those about to become mothers,it is a “mud and perhaps equally unsuccessful priceless boon, for it lessens the pains and .pomtion, Some physicians thought my perils ofchildbirth,shortenslabor,promotes trouble was consumption of the bladder, an abundant secretion of nourishment for "in" that, it was Bright’s disease, but, the child and shortens the period of con- nothing could cure that strange bloody linemen?†“fowl†of my “tine. Dr. Pierce’l Pellets cure biliousness, Funny I We“ ‘0 "Wk l0? “‘9 30" constipation, sick headache,indigestion, or Teleph‘me Con 50"†"'0 yea" 58°» W110†dyspepsia,and kindred diseases. I worked myself up to in present position. , , :3,“ I was in a gate 0 comm,“ anxiety, Bridgetown, N. S., has a lady resident as I felt myself stting Weaker all the ‘Sï¬d 83 Yea" Wh° h)“. 0119 hunde “ltd time, and was list see and sleepy and weak thln'y “mend‘mts “VIBE i “"19 0WD 0h“- in the legs. I was also pale and ill-looking, dreno seventyiaven SFMdChlldl'Bu and no doubt owing to the loss of blood. From forty-four 8'?“ grandcmldl‘en- a naturally cheerful man I became morose, Kopns, Kopn3_ and gave up all hopes of ultimate recovery. One Saturday, some months ago, while walking along Bleury street, having seen the advertisement of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills in the Montreal Herald, I stopped at John T. Lyons' drug store, and bought a box. I had tried so many medicines- that I said to myself, ‘If they don't cure the I can't be any worse off than before.’ After taking the ï¬rst box I felt stronger and more cheerful, although there was col .._ .r.' .‘I * ARMERS here is a snap for you. Harris has sample cloth pieces for quilts. Send $1 for trial lot, good value. 27, 29, 31 William St.. Toronto. Parts of Michigan were visited with a July frost. Tobacco-Twisted Nerves. Millions of men keep asking for stimulants because the nervous system is constantly ir- Permanently cured ritated by nicotine poison. Chewing or smok- I by 3 Strictly Educ“- ing destroys manhood and nerve power. It's @0331 System- Np agivflnce “305.†Wyltlc‘fpr not a habit. but a. disease, and you will ï¬nd a cll‘cmar- THE 0h TA“ 10 “V b 1‘1'1 U 1 b. guaranteed cure in No-To-Bnc, sold by Drug- __‘_____> w______3§_lgoutLSt . Toronto ists everywhere. Book free. The Sterling “’T . SHING TACKLE. Sporting Goods. Guns emedy CO" 3†Sh Pamsr" Monneal' Fl Ammunition. Etc., very large stock - “’rite for prices. Correspondence solicited. 'I‘. COSTEN 6: 00.. “all†Hillel 3‘ ll; “111 ill. .. issuance“ The Largest Manufacturers of \Vools liou rm: and sold. Hard Waste. Hard Ends. F100 '5, etc., bought or exclianzcd for $3 PURE' HIGH GRADE Mill Supplies, garnettcd waste or shoddy. . and '_Rob.t._S_. raser, 3 St. Helen Eh. Monti-cal. On this Continent, have received ‘- HIGHEST AWARDS from the peat _ . industrial and Food ' ly,, EXPOSITIONS iii EUROPE AND AMERICA. - .Inviwoi‘the ' .; 'CaUtlon' many.lmitntione .‘<.- [of the labels and wrappers on our absmess CHANCES. , If you want to buy or sell a stock or business of any description write me. I have had large experience in the wholesale. Am selling busi- nesses continuhlly. Correspondence confiden- tial. No charge to buyers. JOHN NEW, 21 Adelaide East, Toronto CENTRAL There are more than one sort of korns. Some korn is planted in the ground and the other sort don’t need planting; they grow quite naturally on men's toes and don't need hoeiug. This kind of korn has two sortsâ€"one gentle or tender like until Bill Jones steps on your foot. when it gets boiling mad and swears like everything ; COR. YONCE & GERRARD STS., TORONTO. ONT. ANADA‘S Grentesn Commercial School; 3-- nlm'lt‘v Dord‘uu‘rv “M'- udvantages best. in the Dominion: stu- oods. consumers should make sure {hat our place of manufacture, mm“...me . "‘ i. change in the bloody condition of my urine. But I felt encouraged and got three more boxes, determined to make a thorough trial of Pink Pills. After I had ï¬nished the second box I found my urine was getting 65LIGNY COLLEGE OTTAWA, ONT. For the board and education of young ladies. Session opens l‘lLl‘i September, 18%. Ten resident teachers, includin English. Mathematical, Classical. Modern ngunges, Music and Fine Art. Fees moderate. The number of boarders is strictly limited. so that special individual at- tention may be given to each. and adecuate provision made for their physical. men and moral development. Grounds extensive. Buildings have latest sanitary improvements and are heated by hot water. Hot and cold baths. Cheerful home life. Unsurpassed anywhere. For circulars address. ltlzt'. DR. WARDEN, Box 1169. Post Ofï¬ce. Montreal. MONTREAL EXPDSITION COMPANY. The Greatest Exhibition in the Province of Quebec \Vill be held in ‘5 Pflm'd °n "ch “Ch†dents assisted to positions every week ; mode- “â€" rate ratios; everything first-class. Catalogue â€" _ SHAW 8: ELLIOTT. Pit-momma. the other is hard headed and makes a row I WALTER BAKER ll. CO. LTD. DDRGHESTER, MASS. â€" all the time, especially when your boots , ‘ ""‘â€"‘â€" extracting medicine, Putnam’s Painless ~ 7 Conservatory of Music Corn Extractor, which removes them D U N N S Will re-open September 9. The oldest, Lad. __...__.__._....._ Has l§U rooms. Ins hing instructors. reilning clear", .0 I continued the um of the ping, thBruce Czunty’fs rainfalll hiding: was only; 3 N G gtgeltgpgép'ns. Sen for terms. &c.. to the takin two after each meal. When I had ree'qu“ 9" 0 3“ mc‘iw ‘ 8 9 8°39†' 8 average there is four inches. A- S.T.D., LL.I). clear.for the ï¬rst time in three years. 1 was delighted, and continued taking the pills now and have had no recurrence of the Catglrh .Uge Nasal Balm Quick or T E trouble, a d s ' , theiii h - " 3 p H c ' u 3 3°“ C“ a“ “3 0‘ tive cure. Soothing, cleansin g, healing, LARGEST SA, a CANADA. that I was cured by the use of $3.00 worth of ' Dr. “'illiams' Pink Pills after trying a am sorry that I didn’t know about this grand R~ â€"â€" medicme before. I would have wtlltngly of Hoodts samapaflna' You smile at at the idea. But if you suffer from SOLD BY GROCERL EVERYWHERE. and specimens of ponmanship ties. are on. I don't like horns. and use the FOR TWENTY'FIVB YEARS â€"ANDâ€" painlessly in twenty-four hours. ies' College in Ontario. Everything ï¬rst-class. ï¬nished the third box my urine was quite -â€"â€"â€"~â€" ~ The other day an American ï¬rm bought $200,000 worth of logs from Halo & Booth, until I had ï¬nished six boxes. I em strong logs taken from the Spanish river section. health shows itself in my face. To think A. P. 777 number of physicians and undergoing an . ‘ e 'Q D operation in vain is a puzzle to me. and Il ‘ ,- . 4 given 8200 or $13M) to have been guaranteed “I am willing," said Mr. Frank, in Dyspepsia a care by anyone." conclusion. 'fto see anyone who wishes to zetpfyt this iptle‘rview, as Idconsider it my And Indigestion. try a bottle, and be- It's no because 3' u v o my 0 ow-men an a matter 0 . 1 gratitude to the marvellous cure their {in flif?“ tfkeu 11.3†allele“ doses‘ I’m SCOtCh but medicine has efl'eoted. I have come to the y u 1 m‘o “manly mmk‘ "1d “0 '0 u c an n a oomï¬usion that Pink Pills are the best blood doum “Claim, ) L b net bail on in existence and I think ever 'one . smo 'e a. e 'honld try ghom." ’ 3 H It!†. - .. , .TM m a Cigar than MONTREAL, ‘ a 500 n e t is - ,. A Small Demand. touch!" HOME sagapariu: “ROB u to September, 1893. Ladyâ€"If I were a big healthy mm like tones and strengthens the stomach ’ ' Gnnd Shows oi Live Stock. Agricultural and Dairy Products. BENCH SHOW OF 0008. Horticultural Din lay, Historical Museum. Ladiee' Art \ ork. Children's Work, H. M. Warships in harbor. Splendid Attractions. Reduced Rates on all [in lwnys. 8. C. STEVENSON. Manager and Secretary. ?6 St. Gabriel 3L. Mantra... and digestive organs, inwigorates the liver, creates a natural. healthy desire The! CUSI 50- Weary Waggiseâ€"I would work lady 10’ [00¢ 83"“ refreshing deep. and butdl can't get anything to do 'at my :flï¬sglgs tï¬ilgz‘égr‘one °f “15 but 1 get 53‘ m °' ' of them, for 0 Ladyâ€"Well, that is hard, poor fellow l Wh“ h ogï¬dm a bank president, _ 6 quarter. Weary M I I‘d" Hood's Pm. mire liver ills. 25;, ' suma;_'_roaacco 30.. Hanna. you, I'd be ashamed to beg l Why don't you go to work i Better this season than ever. Everybody wants them. Every dealer sells them. They wear like Iran. 3W2)!ch ‘ Tï¬zï¬â€™ c0 rs 5Ttirâ€"us'rt a N. Machinery of an Kinds, from Windmills, Fire Do urtment Sup- . plies and Waterworks 1’ nuts down to ' Engine Packing of the best kind. ' J'- E. NAUD, Manufacturers' Agent. 2257 Notre Dame Sh. Montreal. Ath “rigid? Ellllli Literature and Science. Music. Fine Art, l‘m-init'rciul. Address: ' PRESIDENT AUSTIN. B.A.. St. Thomas. OilLIlI‘IO. ’Agticultutal - Collect, l GUELPH. i The Ontario Agricultural College will re- open October lst. Full courses of lectures with practical instruction suited to young men who intondto bo farmers. Send for circu at giving information IN to course of stu y, terms of avlnnssion, cost, ctc. JAMES MILLS, MJL, President Guelph, July. 1895. $509,000. )RIVATE FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT on Mortgage of Real Estate. Interest at lowest rates. Special arrangements may i be made for Church Loans. Apply to Beatty, Blackstock, Nesbitt, Chadwick & Ridden, Bank of Toronto Ofllces. Church Street. Toronto. WOODSTOCK COLLEGE Thoroughly Equipped Residential School l for Boys and l oung Mon. .Mi'riiICULA'rl-orv. . . , , , . . â€"Rs-oru.vs I. R.‘ â€"Sgp’rr:,\1|ixy TEACIIERS’ COURSES “3rd. 1595- l’rlncipalâ€"J. I. BATES, ILA Ph.M., Woodstock, Ont , PRACTICAL TALKS . . . On Important Themes. _uy._ REV. H. T. CBOSSLEY. Cloth, $1.00. Those who know Mr. Crossleyâ€"and who docs not l-necd not be told that his book is tore-.3 practical an l spiritual in tone. it can- ltain= til talks on livmic questionsx such as l " lilunilcra About i'rovldencos," ' Fasting." " The Lord‘s Supper.†“ Music." “ Reading " "Health," “ Temptattonï¬â€˜ “The Un irdona l Sin." etc In the book wall be foun a fair and full discussion of " ’l‘hc Parlor Dance." " The Tillffll re.†" (.IardF.†" The “'eed.†" Liquor." etc. in the last thirty-one addresses important counsel is given to young converts out others in the Christian life. The volume contains ‘00 ' paired. is neatly bound. with a handsome deal n in gold showing portraits of Crowley and Iuntor on the cover. and is really a mar- vel oi clieapnoss at one dollar. ltis bound to have a wide circulation. Ministers and Ch tian workers should get it and recommend it to others. WILLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher.- 99-33 Richmond St. West. Toronto O . . . .- . .a......-..-â€". b.--..â€"â€". ~._..._....-- -._. .. .. -.~c..- l-> “a. . _ -_ - A.-..,..