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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Sep 1895, p. 1

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--.. ‘V It" 01.. XXIII. SPIQES! WE IIAVE THE FOLLOWING, \VHOLE. OR I’OWDEIIED: Cinnnnton All-spice, Cloves 312100 3 Ginger Curry 9 Cl‘urtneric Nutxncg’ â€" AND -â€" Pepper, \‘V liite, Black and lked. QUALITY: “ THE BEST.” H. J. ITYTLE. Fenclon Falls, Sept. 17th, 1895. SECOND DIVISION COURT -â€"-OF THE-â€" County of ‘Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will he held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 1895, commencingat 10 o’clock in the forenoon Friday, Sept. 27th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before Sept. 22nd S. Nevtson, E. D. HAND, Bailiff. Clerk Fcnelon Falls, July 16th, 1895. 1‘0 the 1311blic. HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security or $25,000,000 and the same good policy. JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. 31%” Also agent for the Queen of Eng- land and Caledonian of Edinburgh. Capi‘ tal combined, $45,000,000. 1N SURANCE. Mr. Wm. B. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At Very Loxvcst Rates None but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented. W F:&.RZ\I 1)].{OPERTY at very low rates. James Arnold. Fcnclon Falls Local Board of tho Peupie’sBuildingandLuanlss’n, Of London, Ont. T. Robson, President: Dr. II. II. Graham, Vice-President; J. T. Arnold, Sec-Trcas. ; .‘l. H. McLaughlin, Solicitor, Lindsay: F. )chougall. Valuator; Alex. Clark. Dr. A. Wilson, .\l. W. Brandon, J. H. Brandon, Directors. DO YOU WANT to invest a small amountcach month where it will be safe and yield you good returns in 7} years? CAN YOU AFFORD TO SAVE 2c :1 day for 7.} years and got 5100 10¢. a day for 75 years and get $500 206. a day for 75 years and get $1,000 I LITTLE AND OFTEN PILLS THE PURSE. Do you want to buy a home with the money you now pay for rent ? So long as the masses of the people do not save any- thing out of their earnings, just so long will their spendiugs go into the hands of those who do save, and rusv arc the capi- talists. This is why the few own the houses and the many pay the rent. FOR l-‘l'l.l. PARTICULARS call on or address any of the above named officials, at Fenclou Falls. â€"39-lyr. The “ Fcnelon Falls Gazette” is printed every Friday at the office, on the Corner of May and Francis streets. Sl'BSL‘llll‘IION 31 .l YEAR IN ADVANCE, or one cent per week will be added as long as itrcmuius unpaid. A.tlvortisiug Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line pcrannnm. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inscr- tion. Contracts by the year, half year orl less. upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cor xectly and at moderate prices. } E. D. BAND, 1 ‘rcprt'dcr. galls Carrillo . Professional Cards. MUSIC. MESS B. MACHIVEH. Instruction given on ORGAN and PIANO at moderate rates. For terms apply at the 9 residence of Mr. R. B. Sylvester, ‘4 Mary- borough Lodge," Fetielon Falls. LEGAL. MCLAUG HLIN A”. MCDIARM ID, ARRISTEBS, Solicitors, Etc., Lindsay B and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay Office: Kent-$1., opposite Market. Fenelon Falls Office: Over Burgoyne ti: Co's store. The Fenelon Falls office will be open every afternoon from arrival of train from Lind- say. 333” Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. R. J. MCLAUGan. F. A. McDunmm. M. H. MCLAUGBLIN. A. P. DEVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS, ARRISTER, &c. SOLICITOR ,FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at lowestgrates on terms to suit the borrower. Offices: No.6, William Street South, Lind- say, Ont. MOORE & JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, in. Of- ficc, William street,Lindsay. F. D. Home. A. Jacnsox. MONEY T0 LOAN. I have recently had a considerable, though limited, sum of money placed with me for loaning on farms at “ Five and a-halfpcr cent. Parties wishing to borrow on these terms should not delay to make application. Large amounts of funds, at slightly higher rates, according to security. In most cases ;_olicitor work is done at my office, insuring gpccd and moderate expenses. Allan S. Macdonell, Barrister 810., Lindsay MEDICAL. A. W. J. DEG RASSI. M. D., ORONER, Physician,Surgeon,&c., &c. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington treet, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON, â€"u. 3., M. c. r. .t 5., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON 8r. ACCOUCH- cur. Office, Colborne Street, Fenelon Falls. DR. H. H. GRAHAM, RADUA'I‘E of the University of Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England,Memher ot the Col- lege of Physicians 5: Surgeons of Ontario. Office and residence on Francis-St. West Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gazette office. 1%. M. DIAS ON, TETERINARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- V uate Ontario Veterinary College, T0- ronto, 1884 g R. M. O. V. M. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, Fcnelon Falls. E. P. SDIITIâ€"I, TETERINARY SURGEON and Dentist; ' Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Ollicc : Canlbruy, Ont. SURVEYORS. JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. 13., . Conveyauccr, kc Residence, and ad- dress, Fenelon Falls. DENTAL. Dr. NEELINDS. DENTIST, LINDSAY, Extracts teeth without pain by gas (vital- ized air) administered by hint for 27 years. He studied the gas under Dr. Colton. of New York, the originator of gas for extract- ing teeth. Dr. Colton writes Dr. Neelands that he has given the gas to 156,417 per- sons without. an accident from the gas. Other pain obtuuders used. A good set of teeth inserted for SIG. 355" Dr. Neelands visits Fenclon Falls (lchrthur House) the third Tuesday of every tnonth. Call early and secure an appt inltnent. W. H. GROSS, DENTIST. The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other :znzesthetics for extracting teeth without pain. .4 set of Artificial Tteth, better than the arc-rage, for SS 00. Rooms directly opposite Wood’s stove depot, Lindsay, H. HART, L. D. S. SET OF GOOD TEETH FOR $10. Gas and local antrsthctics for painless ex- trnctlug. Satisfaction guaranteed in all_ Actual cost humane I Loss at least branches of dentistry; Office over Fairvrenther & Co's store nearly oppogitc the post~ofiice, Lindsay a» U A West Side Store. At this time I desire to call your attention to my new stock of Boats and Shoes, which has been selected with great care.» Prices and styles will be found all right. My stock of General Groceries is the best that can be pur- chased, and my Teas speak for themselves. Everything usually found in a first-class grocery store in stock. Call and compare prices. I will please you. Produce of all kinds bought and sold. GEO. MARTIN. HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PANTING PAPER-HANGING, ETC. The undersigned respectfully informs the residents of the village and its vicinity that. he has‘returned to Fenelon Falls after several years’ experience in the States as well as in Canada, and is prepared to execute, In run nssr sum: up A'I‘ MODERATE PRICES, all work in the above lines with which he may be favored. 13%“ Orders left at S. Nevison’s store on Colborne street will receive prompt. at- lention. Chas. H. Nevison. Fenelon Falls, Aug. 7th, 1895.â€"â€"26tf H EADQUARTERS IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Room Paper and Picture Frames â€"â€"-IS ATâ€" W A. GOSJD'WIN’S, Baker’ 5 Block, Kent-sh, Lindsay . Artists’ Goods a Specialty. Machine Needles, Alabastine and Dve Works Agency. WPleasc calland see my 5c.Papcr. BATTEN DOORS. WIRE DOORS J. T. THOMPSON, J12, CARPENTER. Jobbing attended to. Wall Brackets and Easy Chairs made to order. Workshop on Lindsay Street, Near the G. T. It. station, Fenclon Falls. Boodling Revealed in One Parlia- meat. Cost to contractors of works built by Lar- kin. Connolly 5; (I . 32,1 Cost to country .. .. 3,1 Contractors‘ profits. . 9* ' Loss to country, after deducting fair profits Senecal‘s commissions on Printing Bureau contracts ...... Curran bridges, esti- mated cost . . . . . . . . Government commis- sion estimate of rea- sonable cost . . . . . . . . Actual cost . . . . . . . . Loss to country . Two revisions of \‘oters' Lists under a useless Franchise A ct Sheik's Islam! Dam, loss to country Little Rapids Lock, estimate . . . . . . . 44.000 Actual cost.... . . . . . . 200.000 Unpaid claims . . . . . . 90,000 Excess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246,000 Tuy canal, estimate.. 132,660 Actual cost . . . . . . . . . . 476,128 Excess Campaign contribu- tion recouped by sub. sidy to Lake SLJohn Railway . . . . . . . . . . St. Charles branch of the Intercolonial. l4 miles, estimated be- tween 5130,000 and $700,000 50,000 122,000 160.000 430,000 450,000 [O 5.000 l48,000 Total £053 $3,219,:6i W 270,000 . 125,000 . Brockvillc has just paid $1,325 to a. woman injured on a bad sidewalk. A petrified tomahawk has been found near Thamesvillc, Cut“ where Tecum- seh fought. and fell. The catch of codfish off the coast of Labrador is reported to be unprecedent- edly large this season. Railway construction in the United States since the 1st of January last. ag- gregates 182,138 miles. The cellar in the bank of France re- semblcs‘a largo warehouse. Silvar coin is stored there in 800 large barrels. There has been a terrible earthquake at. thapan, Honduras. About 1,800 persons were killed and property to the Value of $600,000 destroyed. Seven hotel-keepers Were recently on trial at the same time in Orangevillo for selling liquor to drunken men. The peach crop in Michigan is un- precedented, and, as it is impossible to obtain baskets, hundreds of bushels of the fruit have been left on the trees to rot. John W. Paul, of the Drexel banking firm of Philadelphia, has had his stamp collection insured for $30,000. The col- lcctlon is one of the mOst valuable in the world, some of the stamps in it be- ing worth 8500 each. - Sicily is pcstered by gangs of bandltti almost as of old. Not. long ago a man» sion near the railway station at Agiru was attacked by eight. heavily armed robbers. They killed four farmers, wounded another, and plllaged every building on the estate. Numerous sim- ilar outrages are reported from different points. Charles J. Parsons, about 3 years of age, caught his neck in between the sprocket. and a chain on a carrier in the \Vatertown Canning Factory, on the evening of the 12th inst. Ills head was severed from his body, and death re- sulted instantly. He was playing about. the machinery at the time of the acci- dent. George Brown, coloured, a native of Virginia, has a certificate from his for- mer master setting forth that ho was born in 1764. Brown lives in New Orleans. He says that be blocked George Washington’s boots and lighted his cigars. For a man one hundred and thirty-one years of age, Brown is pretty well preserved, especially in his imagi- native faculties. A son of Gchcmrath Julius Schwa- bach, a member of the firm of Bleich- roeder, of Berlin, has shown himself a phenomenal spcndthrift. Within eight- een months he squandered Over $250,- 000. While residing at Leipslo, Ger- many, he sometimes telegraphed to his tailor at Berlin to come to him by spe- cial train to take an order. He is now under guardianship. Clifford Calverly, a wire walker, fell front a wire at Pleasure Beach, Conn., recently. He dropped fifty feet, but struck on his right hip in sandy soil, and was not fatally hurt. His hip and shoulder were bruised, and his right eye blackened from hitting a hook on a pole. He ascribed his fall to perspira- tion on his hands; He fell at Trenton two years ago and nearly lost. his life. A little boy two years of age, son of Mr. Martin Negal, who lives near Rain ham Centre, Ont., was in the field play- ing near where his father was cutting corn with a binder. Ile hid in the corn and his father came upon him un- noticed, and before he saw him the knife of the machine struck him, cutting off both legs. The child died from loss of blood before medical aid could be summoned. A remarkable family of big boys met at; their old home in Tioncsta, Pa.. .a few days ago, after many years of l separation. The shortest of the your): men is just six feet. tall in his stocking , feet. Two of the brothers are six feet : five inches tall, two others six feet three 'inches. and the remaining one six feet l two inches. The father and mother of gthe boys, Mr. and Mrs. llarmon Cole- I man. are of only average height. I The young lizyptlau Khedlvc is: said to possess the most costly set of harness | I in the world. It ls: made of black leath- 2 er, with chased gold buckles, and (:Ul'lll's g ornamented with the some nwtal. The pad cloths are al~o embroidered with L'Oltl, and the set IS said to have cost SILOUO. l totla comes a good SCCUDd. I harness. made many years ago, for eight I FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH, .1895. N0. 3 A Cyclone at Kingst 11. $100,000 DAMAGE IN 30 .ulxt‘l‘ss. KINGSTON. 0x12, Sept. l3.â€"A cy- clone and electric storm on Wednest did much damage here. Hundreds 02 trees were leveled. chimneys knocked down, windows smashed, and telephone and telegraph wires torn from their fast~ eulngs. The storm began at 9 o’clock and lasted half an hour. T. Clyde-s house in Jenkins-street, newly built and occupied. was demolished and one lady was slightly injured. The car-works‘ buildings were much shattered, while cars were wrecked. The loss is 810,000. The cotton mill is badly damaged. and the repairs will cost $70,000. Twenty-five hundred feet of roof was doubled over. The root" then crashed into the mill, wrecking six mules and 3,6th spindles. The water pipes burst, flooding the mill. For some weeks Ever 200 employees will be out of work. Scores of burns and houses in the country were unroofod. while walks, trees, fences and out-buildings. both in city and country, Were ripped up. and the various parts scattered for yards around. Many of the streets were. blocked up with fallen trees. The Kingston Il‘icld Battery, camped on Barricfield Common, received the force of the cyclone. Ono marquee and five tents were totally destroyed and 13 tents were damaged. The harness and equipments were blown all over the camp, and two llmbors were blown from the middle of the commons clear across to the military college fences. Forty ol' the men were marched to “ A " Battery barracks, where they were quartered for the night. Possibly 8100.000 will cover the damage in this section. -~â€"â€"â€"-â€" ~ â€" - a o -.-. Japan Playing at War. The very playthings of Japan have now a warlike character, says a recent. newspaper from that country. Chess is a humid: amusement of the Miktdo's subjects, and the shapes of the piccrs have all been changed of late to meet. the popular taste, the pawns being made to represent. Japanese and Chinese sol- diers, and the bishops, knights and rocks the officers of higher rank. The market is also being flooded with a great variety of mechanical toys, of tin or wood, which, by turning a crank or by simple clockwurk, are made to show Chinese soldiers in various uncuvlablo p0sitions. Some of them represent the Cclcstials pursued by Japanese troopers, who make tcrrlillc sweeps with swurd or lauco in a study seesaw; others show prisoners caught. by their queues, and trying to avoid the rising and falling blades. A favorite paper-weight. or desk ornament is a clay figure of a China- man pleading for mercy. The most flill- bitlous bit. of mechanism represents a Japanese war vessel gradually closing with a Chinese ship. The latter is struck, its flag comes down with :1 MN), and tho doomed vessel sinks beneath the turbulent tlu two/es. _..___.~. All Eventful August 16th. A strange coincidence in dates was presented to Olliccr Stiblo. of the Cen- tral Station, on August 16th, when he returned to Mrs. Simon liuschkin, of No. 483 State street, a Watch which l-ad been stolen from her cx.ctly one year before. Not only will August lb'th be memorable to her On this account. but the Same watch was pro-:euted to her as a gill. by her mother exactly one year before it was stolen. and two years b:- f'orc it was returned. “ This is my watch,” she said, “ but it has had a strange experience. My mother went to Europe on August 16(1). 1593, and just before lcuving she now me this watch. August 16th, 1-394, burglars entered our house and robbed us. of about $200 worth of property. Aumug the goods taken Was this watch. 'l'uls is August lb'lh, 189."), and you return it. to mc."â€"C/u'c Igo Inter 06am. m-.. - ~ â€" u s â€" .â€" Kelr Hurdle. lute English .‘I. I’., I: In America on a lecturing tour. Japan ls mid to be about to makr large Contracts in England for w...=hlp~. . . . . i and arms. It is for four horses. and 18‘ 1 lbcll on all state occasions. Queen Vic- i _ ‘ p “u, hum, I cles werv annually prnvluc wl Ill l'. .gtand. Fifteen years ago about 3 00') bit-y: lluriu.’ 159-1 OVer GU,UU(J lt‘ct‘c manu- lhorsos. Cost Q20.000. It Is tirade. of ' “UNI”! the“:- ru~sct leather. elaborately stitched with silk and mounted. The Straps are all ,0.,,,_0,,O so wide. and the mou-ntllus so heavy! Nine Mile, a Itaml-r! in I)v‘flll-._‘,'lV-'ll.lit. l~ in a fever of excitement lJ'v'cl‘ the Wonderful exiaibltlom of healing lltttdt‘ that the llalllCco for each horse weighsi by the so-cnlled faith doctor. the Itiv, about 2300 lbs. l Ii. L. Raymund, of Alount Jewett, Pal --.. .....â€". ., - -A-.- o . .... M... ,.._. m-.â€"â€". .._._.-.._._ _._ ..-.

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