I I I I I m (DEFECT NOTES. Spain will during the present mouth add 303“) to the 54,000 troops assembled in Cuba, and should the exigencies of the 'ituaivon demand it, Will. in October. send on: another army of 40,000 men. The ex- pense of maintaining such a force will prove a tremendous strain on her finances, and the drafting of reserves is already ere mm: serious discontent in some of her prov:i:ces, but the government is plainly determinei to make any sacriï¬ce rather than lose its hold on its last great transato lsutic possession. The insurgents are, however, equally determined, and as they have the se ‘t‘el sympathy, wherethey have not the open support, of almost the entire Cuban population, white and black, the task of suppressing them is one of exceed- ing difficulty. Although Spain has pitted against them her most competent general, and the struggle has now been in progress ‘or months, the rebel leader Gomez has steadily outmanceuvered his antagonist, and the revolt so far from showing signs of collapse, is constantly increasing in strength. The active force in the ï¬eld is now said to number 16,000, fully two- thirds more than the largest force assem. bled during the ten years' rebellion ; and as the rebels know the country, are thoroughly acclimated, and wage a guerills war, the Spanish military problem is a difficult one. The solution attempted by General Campos was to conï¬ne the revolt to the province of Santiago de Cuba, in which it ï¬rst broke out, {and his initial operations were directed to that end ; but Gomez, realizing that success depended on carrying on the war from many widely separated centres, broke through the Spanish cordon, and stirred up disafl'ection in the central provinces. The result is that the Spanish troops are forced to divide into small bodies, marched irapidly from place to place, that they are harried and attacked by theinsurgents,are weakened by disease, and are at no time able to grapple with the rebels in such force as to deal them a crushing blow. I Apparently,the only hope of Spanish suc' cess lies in capturing the leading insurgent chiefs, or in such a vigorous blockade of the island as will deprive the rebels, who must Import all their stores, of ammunition, a matierwhich,owing to thelongconstlineaud the vicinity of neutral ports,will be hard to accomplish. But even should the revolt be put down, the dissatisfaction of the Cubans will not be removed without a radical change of the system on which the island is administered, a system intended to beneï¬t Spain without much regard to the hardships it may impose on the Cubans and the evils of which have of late years been greatly augmented byeconomic depres- sion. Indeed, it is doubtful whether th mass of the Cuban people would now accept any reforms at the hands of Spain in return or continued allegiance, though there is an important party on the island which would prefer the Spanish connection to independ- ence, could a full measure of local self government be secured. The Autonomitts believe that the Cubans are not yet suf- ï¬CentIy advanced for a republican form of government, and fear that the demand of the negroes, who constitute the majority of the population, for equal rights with the whites, would render orderly administra- tion impossible. However this may be, it is evident that a continuance of thezpresent system can only end in chronic insurrection, and that if the island is to be worth keep- ing at all, some concessions must be made to moderate demands for a change. Live Stock Trade. The reports of this season’s live stock trade are very satisfactory. From the Department of Agriculture it is learned that at the port of Montreal 29,449 sheep were exported during August, making a total for the season of 72,341. For the corresponding period last year the ship- ments aggregated 60.977. In ISI|3 we ex- ported only 71‘.’ shot-p up to the Correspcud. ing date. In the cattle trade a similar improvement presents itself. In August last 155:9 head of cattle were shipped, making a total for the season of 60,2l6. as agsinst a total up to thecirre~ponding date in ISM of 55,332. 0i horses 1,039 were shipped during the month oi August, matting 3,251 for the season, whereas up to the same date last year we had exported only 3,174. ,.__..._____, Pure Philanthropy. Weary Business Man ihangiug to strap) ._\\'hy in creation don’t you run more cars‘.’ Street-Car Presidentâ€"My dear air, it would pain me exceedingly to deprive courteous gentlemen like yourself of the privilege of giving up a seat to a lady. D'Aubar's Effort. First Artistâ€"How is D‘Auber’s exhibi- tion picture this year? Second Artistâ€"Out of sight. l on don't say so 1 Top row. Luck at Last. Pater Familiasâ€"Hurrah I beir ten million. Mater Familiuâ€"Isn’t that grand i Now we can bequ to take ice. I‘ve fallen The world condemns a man for adhering stubbornly to his opinion, and begins to doubt his sincerity as soon as he gas in. THE PASTOB'S WIFE. An Interesting Interview With Mrs. (Rem) F. R Stratton. Threatened With Paralysisâ€"Weak, Erna elated and taxable to Stand Tongue- Pink Pills Restore sler Health: From the Napanee Beaver. The Rev. 1“. B. Strattcn, of Selby, is one of the best known ministers in Bay of Quinta conference, of which body he is the President. During the two years Mr. Stratton has been stationed at Selby, both he and Mrs. Strattou have won hosts of friends among all classes for their unassum~ ing and sincere Christian work. Some time ago M rs. Stratum was attacked with partial paralysis, and her restoration having been attributed to the use of Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills, a reporter of the Beaver was sent to interview her. In reply to the reporter's question Mrs. Stratton said that she had been roatly beneï¬tted by Dr. Williams' Pink ills, and was perfectly willing to give her experience that. these similarly afflicted might be beneï¬tted. Mrs. Strattou said that before moving to Selby she had been greatly troubled by a numbnesscoming overheraides and arms (partial paralysis) which,wheu she moved; felt as though hundreds of needles were sticking in the flesh. For ver a year she had been troubled in th s way, with occasionally a dizzy spell. She was becoming emaciated and easily fatigued and was unable to get sleep from this cause. The trouble seemed to be worse at night time. Mr. Stratton had become greatly alarmed at her bad state of health, and it was feared that complete paralysis would ensue as Mrs. Stratton's mother, the late Mrs. Weaver, of Ingersoll, had been similarly stricken, at about the same age. Knowing a young lady in Trenton, where Mr Strattcn had been previously stationed,who had been cured by Dr. Wil liama’ Pink Pills,it was determined to give them a fair triaL When Mrs. Stratton began using the Pink Pills she was very thin and her system badly run down, but after taking the pills for a time, all symptoms of paralysis disappeared, and she found her health and strength renewed and her weightincreased. Mrs. Stratton is about ï¬fty years of age, and a more healthy, robust, and younger looking lady is seldom seen at that age. In reply to the reporter’s inquiry as to what Pink Pills had done for his wife, Mr. Strabton said, “Look at her, look at her, doesn’t she show it,†and the reporter could not but admit the truth of the state- ment- These pills are a positive cure for .all troubles arising from a vitiatcd condition of the blood or a shattered nervous system. Sold by all dealers or by mail from the ‘Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockvule, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50. There are num- erous imitations and substitutes against which the public is cautioned. "Beware the pine tree's withered branch, Beware the awful avalanche"! ‘ I was the peasant’s warning to the aspiring Alpine youth. Dangers greater than these lurk in the pathway of the young man or the young woman of the present as they journey up the rugged sidehill of Time. But they may all be met and overcome bya. judicious and timely use of Dr. Pieroe’s Golden Medical Discovery, the celebrated - cure for colds, coughs, catarrh, and con- sumption. Better than hypophoephiter or cod liver oil ; unrivalled and unapproachâ€" ableiu all diseases arising froma scrofulous enfeebled condition of the system. Send for a freebook. Address World’s Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street Buffalo, N. Y. Hernia, or Rupture, permanently cured or no pay. For treatise, testimonials, and numerous references, address World’s IIgispcnsary Medical Association, Buffalo, . Y. Prayer has a right to the word "inefl'a- ble.†It is an hour of outpourings which words can not expressâ€"of that interior speech which we do not articulate, even when we employ itâ€"Mme. Swetcbine. _â€" TERRIBLE RHEUMATIC PAINS. Lose Their Sway Arler ITslng South Ameri- can Rheumatic Cure. The pain and sufl‘ering caused by rheu' matism is indescribable in language. The bent back, the crippled limls, the intense neuralgia trouble almost drive the victims to despair. The blessing comes to those who have learned of South American Rheumatic Cure which is simply marvellous in its effects, curing desperate cases in from one to three days. About some things there is no cer- tainty, but of the certain cure that comes from South American Rheumatic Cure there is no doubt. Sold by local druggiste. â€"â€"_ Privileges Limited. Sharptongueâ€"I am surprised to ï¬nd you riding in a parlor car. Graball (railway hoglâ€"Huh I I’d like to know why! Sharptongueâ€"No matter how hard you try, you can't occupy but one seat. NO EQUAL IN THE WORLD. Rev. W. I]. \Yltlsrow, 0.0.. now Touring Europe with a Canadian Party. is one or Many to Talk fas‘onrnbly or Dr. Agiiew's (‘atarrlinl Powders. There are few more noted travellers than the Rev. \V. B. \Vithrow, D. D., editor of the ('anadian methodist Magazine, and of other publications of the great Methodist church of this country. He is a wide trav- eller, and enjoys the opportunities that travel gives 0i jud ring broadly oi the merits of any article e has expressed the writ- ten cpinion that Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder is a most excellent remedy for cold in the bead and various catarrhal troubles. (‘ue abort pull’ of the breath thrOugh the Blower, su plied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew'a atarrhal Powder, diffuses the powder over the surface of the nasal pass- ages. Painleu and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Favors, Colds, Headache, Sore Throag Tonsilitia and Deafness. 60cents. Sample bottle and Blower sent on receipt of two three-cent stamps. S. G. Eetchon, 64 Church street, Toronto. pains that are caused by this' PROPPED UP BY PILLOWS FOB EIGHTEEN MONTHS. Dread Kidney Disease Quickly Re- moved. To oven bunch the many words of praise written of South American Kidney Cure would consume large newspa er space. But take a random a few : A. an Super. Burk's Falls, Out: “ One bottle of South American Kidney Cure convinced me of its great worth." Michael McMulleu, Cheeley, OnL: †I procured one bottle of South American Kidney Cure, and taking it according to directions get immediate relief." D. J. Locke, Slisrbroke, Que: “I spent over $IUO for treatment, but never received marked relief until I began the use of South American Kidney Cure." Rev. James Murdoch, St. John, N. B. “l have received one hundred dollars worth of good from one bottle of South American Kidney Cure." Sold by local drugglsts. A terrible EXpei-Ience with Heart Disease l’et Cured by Dr. Agnew‘s Cure hr the Heart. Do not our largest sympathies wall out to those who suffer from heart disease 2 It comes so suddenly, and its symptom are usually so distressing that the direct agony is experienced by the patient. The case of Mr. L. “7. Law, of Toronto Junction,0ut., who unable to lie down in bed for eighteen months owing to smothering spells and palpitation, is by no means exceptional. Who would have thought the case could be cured, and yet one bottle of Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart removed trouble in this case. It gives such speedy relief, thatevou where the symptoms are less dangerous, it ought at once to be taken as a means of driving this terrible disease from the systein.-â€"Scld by local druggists. Qtarrhâ€"Uu Nasal Balm. ï¬ve cure. Boothinu. cum-infill..an A. P. 780. My Baby was a living skeleton; the doc- tor said he was dying of Mares- mus and Indigestion. At 13 months he weighed only seven pounds. Nothing strengthened or fattened him. I began using Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites, feed- ing it to him and rubbing it into his body. He began to fatten and is now a beautiful dimpled boy. The Emulsion seemed to supply the one thing needful. Mrs. KENYOI WILLIAMS, May 21,1894. Cave Springs, Ga. Similar letters from other mothers. Don’t be persuaded to accept a substitute! Scott 6; Bowne, Bellevllle. 50c. and $1. FOR AN OLD OANADIAN STAMP - used between 1351 and 18:58. LOOK U YOUR OLD LETTERS and old collections of stamps and got the highest cash rice for them from O. A. NIEDHAM, Em ~' Sf. 19.. Hamilton. Ont. TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL offers special advantages to young men desirous of acquiring the art of cutting and fitting gent lemons garments. No better trade. a rare chance. Write for particulars, "3 Venue Si. Also agents for MoDoweIl' Drafting Machine for Ladies. a cannon, gimg “mums .. YOUNG Canadian g College Literature and Science. Music, Fine Art. CommerciuL Addrc~sz PRESib BA... St. Thomas, Ontario. “T Aug-"x ll ilclli For Rheumatism. Dyspepsia. Inflamv mation of the Lungs. 61c. dtc. See the testimonials published daily. “ALEXANDRE.†Specialist from Paris. 1694 Notre Dame St... Montreal â€" $583,393. RIVATE FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT . on Mortgage of Real Estate. Interest atlowest rates. Special arrangements may be made for Church Loans. Apply to Beatty, Blackstock, Nesbitt, Chadwick & Ridden, Bank of Toronto Offices. Church Street Torontc When Should a Man Swear? Man is not only a reasoning but a sWear- ing animal. Sometimes his feelings are expressed audibly and at others they are so deep down in his nature that nothing less than a volcano would thrust them to the surface. If man should swear at all, when should that time be 2 The church is silent on this important matter and the law gives no sanction to cues words. Stovepipes are provocative of feeling, but cams are for worse. Wives should see that their husband’s cams are kept down. This may be done quite easily, painlessly, and with absolute certainty by Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Beware of flesh-eating substitutes ofl'ered for Putnam's Corn Extractor. The plaiuest case in many words entangl- ing.â€"Jcanna Baillie. Failure Impossible When Nervilineâ€"nerve pain cureâ€"is ap' plied. It matters not of how long standing, its penetrating and pain subduing power is such that relief is almost instantaneous. Nerviliue is a nerva pain cure. This statement expresses all. Try it and be convinced. The world cures alike the optimist and the misanthrope.â€"Bulwer. Catarrh Relievedin 10 to 60 Minutes. One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Aguewa Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonsilltis and Deafness. 60 cents. Sold by local druggist. The great art of life is to play for much and stake little.â€"-Johnsou. Results of Gross Mismanagement. Disease and perhaps death are sure to result from using our present water supply. Every tap in Toronto is supplying citizens with positive ï¬lth. Be warned in time and provide yourself with a liberal supply of St. Leon Mineral Water, whose purity is beyond question. A carload just to hand, more on the way and can be purchased from nearly every dealer in the city. Order quick. Head ofï¬ce 101% King St. W. Tel. 1321. It Is Not What We But What Hood’s 323?; Does That Tells the Story. Its record is unequalled in the history of medicine. Even when other preparations fail, Qflood’s -â€" ARE YOU HONEST, SOBER. INDUSTRI- 0US?â€"ii‘ so. engage with us for 1605: 3300 a month. $3,600 a year. You can make it cue : six hours a day. our agents do not complain of hard times. W by! They are making nioneysclling our Perfection Dish “'nsher, the only practical famin washer manufac- tured; washes. dries and polishes dishes per- fectly in two minutes: no experience neces- sary: a child of eight operates it easily: cheap and durnblc : weight thirteen pounds: made of anti-rust ehcct steel: capacity IOO pieces: $10,100 for its equal: every family wants one. You don't have to canvass; as soon as people know you have it for sale they send for adiin wrisher. Each agents territory protected: no competition. We furnish sample (weight six pnundal in nice case to Indy agents ts: take orders with: One agent made $214.53 first ten days. Address, for full particulars, I’orfcctiou Mfg. 00.. Englewood. lIl. Sars a- parilla Hood's Pills 3W Purely Vegetable. 25c. ARHERB here is a snap for you. Harris has sample cloth pieces for quilts. Send SI for trial lot, good value. . 27, 29, 31 William 8t.. Toronto. â€"HANL'FACTL'REIIS Permanently Cured White Lend. Colo". Gm“. by a strictly Educa- tional System. No advance fees. Write for circular. THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE. 85 Shuter St Toronto . ._. solute): sure; we furnish the work and W'll you frzv; you work in the loamy .. win-re you live, Send us your address . and we will explain the buxiuras fully rem-mber we guarantee a clear prz {it of :1 for every dsty‘s work; alooiiiteiy sure; don't fail to write to day. address D. T. Morgan. Stranger. Windsor. ON. 130er COR- YONCk 8: CERRARD STS.. TORONTO, ONT. ANADA‘S Greatest Corniiierciai School; advantages but in the Dominion; stu- dents “slat/3d to positions ei'--i‘_'.' week: nimio. ratc rates: everything first‘rlaaï¬. Catalogues and specimens of perimaneh: free. SHAW a: ELLIOT . Principals. .'... F0 l mascara- STANDARD ANTHEM BOOK. Edited e a. a. vent. Organist Janis St. apti‘et Church. Toronto. Price, Single Copies, $1.00; Per 001,310.00 rt'ausnrn av WHALEY, ROYCE at cc. 1613 relic: offliil‘. - Toacnmcst. “Elm OAN tea room, an 000, 1200 m 1075. as WATEROUS. BR MONTREAL. «51...»... . _. . 33 i use'r VARNISHES you how i.» make on day, all: McCaskill, Dougall 8s 00., Montreal SATISFACTION _________A .r iiaiiei Baler & in. until. The mum“ PURE, HIOH GRAD: Guccismcuucoims _ Onthla (hadnghnemdved HIGHEST AWARDS tenth-nus _ , Industrial and Food . EXPOSITIONS Ill EUROPE AID AIERIM. Caution: any“; of the labels and wrappers on or. swede. consumers should make sure at our place of mnuhsrure, namely. Don-heater. In“. Is printed on each page. SOLD sv cnocsss EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER a co. LTD. uoscstsrts. Mm OUOLAS BROS, Slate. Gravel and mom reefers. metallic ceilings. lights sheet metal workers. as Adelaiae Wu ronto BUSINESS CHANOIO. It you want to buy or sell a stock or business of any description write me. I have had large ex performs in the wholesale. Am selling bul- ae sees continually. Correspondence oonfideta Llal. No charge to buyers. Jenn Saw, 3| Adelaide smï¬ronm TEXTILE MILL SUPPLIES Cotton and Woollen. Best English Card Olotiii Aniline Dyes. High grade Low woods ips. Write for quotations. ROBERT & 60.. 1‘ St. Michael St.. Montreal (III. H. W. IEAYITT'S Latest Dehiinlng IIIppu Pat. lob. IRQh) IBOB. This Is without oubt the bell Clipper made. or prices, tea .tlmonlals. kc“ address S. S. KIMBALL, 577 Craig Sr... Montreal. Cures Salt Rheum. Old Sores. Sore Eyes. Piles Bails. Sore Nipples, Burns. ‘c'ilds. etc. KYOUR SEWING MACHINE AGENT FOR IT, OR SENDA 3C£NT STAMP FOR PARTICULARSPRICE LIST, SAMPLES.COTTON YARN &c. ...â€".>..~..Tuis-giseoooirasfz , 9,975.5NPTO; x...:v;.G.EflflG§I0Wil%9mlr "I,I FORï¬WlEJNï¬Fll/Nï¬i’gm AKING POWDER THECOOK’S BEST FRIEND LAIGIOT SALE IN CANADA. PRACTICAL TALKS.†On Important Themes. _By_. REV. E T. CROSSLEY. 010th. $1. 00. Those who know Mr. Crossleyâ€"and why does notlâ€"nccd not be told that his book ii terse, practical and spiritual in time. It can rains 6| tnlks on living questions. such a: Blunders About l’rowdencoe," " Fasting, “ The Lord's Supper," “ Music." " Reading) “lleulth.†“Temptation.†"'l‘he Uri ardonabll Sin," etc. In the bees will bu lot! a pair and full discussion of " The I’ario'r Dances “ Tit’ Tnenirc." " Cards." “ The V: cod.†f‘ Liquor. etc. In the 'sstihirty-one addressee importers counsel Is given to )oung converts and pthen in the Christian life. The volume contains 40f pages, is neatly bound, with a hupdsoml design in gold showing portraits of Lroaoloi and Hunter on the cover. and is really a mas vol of chespness nt ( nc dodar. It is bound is have a wide cirr'ula'ion. Miniswrsand Chris tian workers should get it and recommend ii to others. “'ILLIAM BRIGGS. Pllbliiher. TELRS Rich ' m- l “'1. “'HI Toronu lusAnTHu‘R, OfllthTELr; 8. 00., .mo lMl’IlltTflltB osâ€" Vumishcs. Oils. Chemicals and Dye Stuns ..... For Carriage Work .zlziniil’iiz'tii etl by GUARAN 'I‘E ED- ï¬bfleï¬ï¬‚of STIPATI O N"; A MOST SATISFACTORY All!) DURABLE CHAIN '03 L00 JACKS, REVUEI CONVET‘iRU, (70.. (TC. LAROI QUANTITY OF TNIS AND OYNKR ITVLES IN STOCK FCR ELEVATING auo CONVEYING All. KINDS OF HATERIAL. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY SHAPTINO. PULLEYS, GRIP PUL' ' DY WATERPOOF BELTINO 0!? DUI QUOTITIONO un‘ NEW LINK~IILT OATlLOC'; ANTFORD. Cilia-u...“ ,_ i I --â€"-.