-wv... v . , WM {2“ > stringy? NOTES. l Th :ltatton in England in favor of old- age pensions for workingmen, and the existence of a limit for compulsory retire- ment in the army and navy, seem to have acted upon the liberal professions. From them all comes the cry. “ The old men must go.†A letter appeared in the Lancet. not long since advocating the withdrawa of successful physicians from their practice BHIBUMATISM CONQUEBED. A Great Advance in hiedical Science. _. Paris. OnL. Relates His Experience With the Cure. Parts. Our" Review. Rheumatism has long baffled the medi- cal profession. Medicine for external and it 65.“) 3! ‘0 8â€" “1°†YWBE" “when in l internal use has been produced, plasters the profession a chance. The curates suggest. in the Guardian the appli- cation of the army and navy limit of age to incumbents of beneï¬ces as ‘ proper means of relieving the pressure in the Church. A law journal, perhaps not seriously, has proposed the retirement of the leaders of the bar, and, after the ap- plication last spring by Lord Rosebe ry's .Government of the rule for age to an Irish college President and a number of Irish professors, the colleges of Oxford are pre- paring statutes putting an end to life ton- ures and establishing age limits, with com- pulsory retirement for heads of houses, professors, and tutors. Exeter College leads the way. Its new statutes are now before Parliament. Provision for small pensions is made in the plan, and some an- alogous provision is intended by those who advocate the retirement of clergyman ; but in both cases there is no disguising of the theory that at sixty or sixty-ï¬ve a man has outlived his usefulness as a pastor or a teacher, and should be put, decently if possible, but ï¬rmly and deï¬nitely, on the shelf. At the same time the increased demands of modern science have put 06 in all pro- fessions the time at which a man can enter upon his work. The dootor,the lawyer,the minister, and the teacher must give a longer time to preparation before beginning active practice; and the tendency is grow- ing so that thirty is not an unusual age for the real start in life. With the proposed cutting short of professional careers at sixty or thereabout, a man’s career, his opportunities for success, his ability to attain independence and provide for his family, are restricted to the thirty-three years which measure a generation. A theory based on the assumption that at aixty man's mental and physical powers are i0 enfeebled as to debar him from active life needs no refutation; it simply neglects the actual facts in human ox perieuce. With Chevreul working in‘ his laboratory at 100; with Ranks beginning at 84 to write a voluminous University History and sub- °tantially completing it; with Leo XIII. at 85 dictating his encylicals and acting as his own Prime Minister; with Gladstone and Bismarck as ready of pen and sharp of tongue as ever ; with the long list of sep- tusgonarian Judges, commanders, diplo' mats,editors,educators,clergyinen,scientiï¬c and business men, who show us what ripe- ness of intellect means,the physiological fact seems well established that with ordinary health, man’s mind when kept active, will keep unimpaired practically as long as the body lasts. As for the men between sixty and seventy, it might prove dangerous to a young man to suggestto any one of them to his face that he Was no longer of any use. It is a curious sign of the changed atti. tude of modern times toward things religious that within the Church of En gland men should he found willing to place their calling on the same footing as other professions. The abuses of the patronage system and the difficulty of obtainiugda sufficiency of this world's goods makes them ask for the application of the army and navy rule to the Church. The idea of special consecration,the theoreticunworld- house of the priesthood, the thought of the Church apart from her servants, are put aside till a more even distribution of the loaves and ï¬shes is obtained. The strength of the Church has always been in her old men. In no other calling is age by itself so important an element. No amount of theological learning or parochial activity :an compare for the influence it has on mankind with the long life of a good priest. even of moderate ability, spent in the simple performance of this duty. tried, electricity experimented With, hot and cold baths and a thousand other thin I tried, but without avail. Rheumatism sti 1 held the fort, making the life of its victims one of misery and pain. The ï¬rst real step toward conquering rheumatism Was made when the pre aration - known as Dr. Williams’ Pink ills for Pale People was discovered, and since that time thousands have testiï¬ed to their wonderful eï¬icaoy in this, as well as in other troubles, the origin of which may be traced to the blood. Among those who speak in the highest terms of Dr.‘ Williams' Pink Pills is Mr. Blasdell, of this town. who is known not only to all our citizens but to residents of this section, and he is as highly esteemed as he is widely known. To the editor of the Review Mr. Blasdsllrecently said: “I have reason to speak in terms of the warm- est praise of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills. as they not only saved me a bi doctor's bill but have restored ms to healt . which was impaired by rheumatism and neuralgia. These troubles were, I think, the after edeots of an attack of measles. After the latter trouble had disappeared I felt an awful pain in my head, neck, and down my back. I tried a number of remedies but without effect. I was then advised by Mrs. Homing, of Copstown, who had been cured of paralysis by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, to give them a trial. 1 followed her advice, and after using a box or two I began to feel much better, and with their continued use I constantly improved in health, and am new feeling better than I have done before in ten years. I am satis- ï¬ed that but for the timely use of Pink Pills I would to-day have been a physical wreck, living a life of constant pain, and I cannot speak too highly of their curative powers, or recommend them too strongly to other suil‘erers. I cheerfully give permission to publish my statement in the hope that some other suï¬erer may read and proï¬t by it." Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease, driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and strength. In cases of paralysis, spinal trouble, locomotsr ataxia, sciatica, rheu- matism, erysipelas, scrofulous troubles, etc., these pills are superior to all other treatment. They are also a speciï¬c for the troubles which make the lives of so many women a burden, and speedily restore the rich glow of health to pale and sailow cheeks. Men broken down by overwork, worry or excesses, will ï¬nd in Pink Pills a certain cure. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail post-paid, at 500 a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. “'illiams’ Medicine Company, Brockvills, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of imitations and substitutes alleged to he “ just as good." ‘ Nature's Voices. To the discerning ear Nature has many g voices. She has amessage in the sweet T. hillside in ocean‘s moody voices, now rippling with gentlest cadence upon the golden sands, anon in deep boisterous voice as she lashes the beach with foam. I‘hen the voice of trees which the laughing winds bear to our ears, of sunshine and shade, of hill and valley, of bird and flowers. But she comes in pain too, the voice of the aching, stinging corn speaks impressively, but Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor removes the worst corn in tweuty-four hours, painlessly and without leaving sore I SPULB. Dr. Talmage will go to \Vnshinglou as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS A lllAR’i‘YFl '10 RHEUMATISM. Released From Pain in One Day. “ It is my desire," says Mr. James Kerri farmer, of Kara, Ont., “to tell for the pub' lic good of the great blessing South Ameri' can Rheumatic Cure has been to my wife She had been a great sufferer from rheumatism for 25 years; had doctored with all physicians, far and near, but never received perfect relief until she used South American Rheumatic Cure. It banished all pain in one day, and seven bottles cured radically. I think two or three bottles would have been suilicieu‘. had it not been for delay in securing medicine. I most :heerfully and fre-ely give this testimony, ind strongly recommend suilerers from 'heuinatisni to use this remedy, as I believe will cure in every case.†The eggs of a crocodile are scarcely lar- ger than those of the goose. In Penetrating Power No remedy in the world equals NerVIline -â€"nerve pain cure. Neuralgia and rheu- , I’d expect of such a thing, but what is it!" A Discovery Which This Painful Disease I Cannot Resistâ€"1mg, 3. Blank“. of‘ match is its light end," responded Cyrus l Why, it cured Cousin Ben who had Con- !sumption and was almost reduced to a and speciuicnsnf pnnmanshi free. ‘ 5:: :::l°3gh:"l~:n:l:° :Tm) fmd navy l matism are relieved almost instantly, and . 0 age is acceptedi the minor aches and sins are cured by a there as a necessary evil in a profession in single application. herviliueâ€"nerve pain which, in time of peace, advancement isl cureâ€"u “me to cum' inâ€? Pofflbh by “niwllY- 1‘. I" all “i1 William J. Hollis, formerly private sec- .ess serious than that of cutting off .11 reiary of Sir Joseph Hickson, was arrested “uougble hope from young men entering-i in Boston on a charge of robbing his em- the service. The profession must be kept, pmyen‘ N'OWded in time of peace that the country THE MEMBER FOR ALGOMA. may be ready in case of war. No one can u ‘ 3". George llJle ouurll. ll. P..for Al oma assert truthfully that at6‘.) an cihcer be- anammeus. nr. Agnew's ("atlgrhal some: incompetent. The rule would have Powderâ€"It Relieves in to to 60 Miss- The Heavy Endvor a. Match. "Mary," said Farmer Flint at the break- fast table as he asked for the second cup 0: sodas. “I’ve made a discovery. †“Well, Cyrus, you‘re about the last one " .l have found that the heavy end of a with a grin that would have adorned a ikull. Mary looked disgusted, but with an air of triumph quickly retroted. “I've got a discovery too, Cyrus. It was made by Dr. R. V. Pierce, and is called a ‘Goldeu Medical Discovery.’ It drives sway blotches and pimples, puriï¬es the blood, tones up the system and makes one feel brand-new. skeletop. Before his wife began to use it she was a pale, sickly thing, but look at her; she's rosy-checked and healthy, and weighs 165 pounds. ’Ihat, Cyrus is a discovery worth mentioning.†. Young or middle aged men, suffering from premature decline of power. however induced, speedin and radically cured. illustrated book sent securely sealed for 10 cents in stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buï¬'alo, N. Y. Impudent Professionals. Mrs. Sqnillsâ€"The doctor has sent in that bill again ; it’s the fourth or ï¬fth time, too. I really believe he wants us to pay lb. Mr. Squillsâ€"VVell, I’ll be durned l Such impudence l Nex’ thing the preacher will be wantin’ pay, too. THE COLD SWEAT 0F HEART DIS- EASE. Is Dispelled in 30 Minutes by Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Heart. The thousands who suffer from heart dis- ease will understand what is meant by Mrs. Roadhouse, of \Villscroft. Ont... when she says : “Cold sweat would stand out in great beads upon my face." With everyone who suffers from heart trouble it is a death struggle, for it is hard to say when the cord of life will not snap with this disease controlling the system. In the interests of human life, let all who suffer from heart trouble always act promptly, and use a remedy that is effective. Death may easily occur if it is a case simply of experiment- ing with medicines that are not specially intended to remove the trouble in this direction. Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart is a heart speciï¬o,and will give relief with- in 30 minutes after the ï¬rst dose is taken and cure permanently,as many have already testiï¬ed through these columns. Headaches, Dizzy Spells and faintuess have been my aï¬lictions for 2.). years. Often I would fall in a sudden faint we and several times narâ€" '- rowiy escaped being burnt on the stove. No medicine gave me more than a few days relief, and I laughed when a friend urged the to try Hood’s Sarsaparilln. But I took it and in - six months I was free from all headache trou- ble, faintness or dizzi- ' ness. I am now poi-- " fecily well. Icanuot .. say too much in praise , ' ' " n" of Hood's Sarsaparilla. M 5- B- H~ Ham’s It is worth its weight in gold to me. Mus. R. H. Ilaxns, Paris, Ont. Hood’ss'ï¬iaCures Hood’s Pills are the best. 25¢. per box. I)ouoaas BROS, sime. Gravel nnd inetII I, routers, meimlic ceilings. skylights sneet metal workers. 121 Adelaide W..Tcronto BUSINESS CHANCES. If you want to buy n" sell astock or businc=s of any description write me. I have had large experience in the wholesale. Am soiling hu< - n'e sses ~coniinuully. Correspondence coniiden- tial. No charge to buyers. JOHN .\'E\\', 21 Adelaide East. Toronto 'I‘EYTILE MILL SUPPLIES Cotton and \l'ooiien. Best. lin'riish 0.: Clothing. Aniline Dyes. High grade List:l Wood (.‘hips. \\ rite for quotations. ROBERT do 00.. 14 St. Michael Sh. Montreal M 9% COR-'YONCE 8. QERRARD STS.. TORONTO. OHT. CANADA'S Greatest. Commercial School: advantages best. in the Dominion; stu- dents aSNHLOd to positions every week: mode- rate rates; everything ï¬rst-class. Catalogue: SHAW] J: ELLIOI‘ . Principals. cmï¬â€˜Ã©ian v STOMP & STONE EXTRACTOR. There are more of these Machinei in use than all other kinds com- bined. ll years' trial has pr Wed them the bc~t. Send for prices and terms to S. S. KIMBALL, .577Craig S:., Montreal ENGLISH ENGINEER ’ OOMIIIO T0 TORONTO. And thesucces-‘s of his mission is already as- sured. Of course be In i'umilir with the merits of St. Leon Mineral water. and it is a foregone conclusion that he will at once advi~e a pipe to be laid direct from 5:. Leon ~prings to this city; 40.000 gs ions daily is their c ipa- city andittnight be tin-minced the company are allowing ‘5) per cent. dir-count while the citizens are in their present dilemma. Death Through the Kidneys. Hardly any organs of the human system play a more vital part than'the kidneys. A derangement of these, even to a slight degree, wsll lead to trouble that is likely, if not stayed, to prove fatal. There is only one way for the system to be rid of this disease, and that is by tryinga medicine that will act especially, and is a speciï¬c for kidney disease. This is the strong faoo tor in the great South American Kidney Cure. It is prepared specially for these organs, is radical in its banishment of disease located here, and rich in the healing powers necessary to complete restoration. (htarrhâ€"Use Nasal Balm. Quick ped- tin cure. Sosthinu. cleansing. bealihg, A. P. 782 Scott’s Emulsion is Cod-liver Oil emulsiï¬ed, or made easy of digestion and asâ€" similation. To this is added the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, which aid in the digestion of the Oil and increase materially the potency of both. It is a re- markable flesh-producer. Emaâ€" ciated, anmmic and consumptive persons gain flesh upon it very rapidly. The combination is a most happy one. Physicians recognize its su- perior merit in all conditions of wasting. It has had the en- dorsement of the medical pro- fession for 20 years. Don't bepertuaded to take a substitute! Scott 6L Bcwne, Bellevlllo. 50c. and Si. by a strictl Educa- tional System. 0 advance fees. rite for circular. THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE. 65 shuter St Toronto Permanzntly Cured PORTING GOODSâ€"All‘klnds Guns. Rifles. Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. Agents for Blue Rock. (‘ln Pigeons and Traps. '1‘. (war N e: 00.. 1696 Notre Dame St... Montren .4- ‘ FOR AN OLD OANADIAN STAMP used between 1851 and 1858. LOOK UP YOUR OLD LETTERS and old collections of stamps and got the nu; hest cash price for them from ' O. A. NEEDHAM, .2; Math St. E . Hamilton. Out. IIIaIIII Balei & simmer. ‘11. Last“! Murmurâ€. of _ PURE, HIGH GRï¬DE nocuismcuocntms ‘ HIGHEST AWARDS On this conï¬ne“. have received tom the great industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS i ll EUROPE AND AMERIGA. v f Caution: {magma ',‘ ofths label-and vra pen on o ‘ ' . . a. coast ere shots dis-take one at our p see of manufaer - nan-l . Donne-tor. Hue. ls pdn on each package. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER 8 00. LTD. DORBHESTER. HES‘. here is a snap for you. Hart has sample cloth pieces for qullu. Sen 8! for trial lot. goo v ins. ft. 29. 1 am In. Toronto. ,ALM é ll‘llli Literature and Salem; Music. Fine Art. Commercial. Address: asswnx'r Am. RA... St- Thomas. Ontario. 3 A UAYSUHE 23% and we will show you how to make 83 a day; a saint-sly sure; we furnish the work an teach you free; you work hithe locality where you live. Hench†your aria-F ‘ol , - and we will explain the human remember we guarantee a class- paid: $3 for every day‘s work; absolutely don't (all to write Mday. audios: D. T. Morgan, Mrnnger. Windsor, Ont. Boxa‘ l Cures Salt Rheum. Old Sores. Sore Eyes. Plies, Boils. Sore Nipples. Burns, Scolds. etc. PO yiiice ii For Rheumatism. Dys sepsis. Inflam- mation of the Lungs. die. crc. See the testimonials published daily. “ALEXANDRE.†Specialist from Paris. 1694 None Dame St... Montreal MCARTHUR, CORNEILLE 8. 06., â€"msuurac'runsns sun msonrsns or..- White Lead. Colors. Glass. Varnishss. 0113, Chemical; and Dy. Stun. MONTREAL. BEST VAï¬NlSl-TE’ “.- For Carriage Work f Manufactqu by McCaskill, Dougall 85 00., Montreal. SATISFACTION GUARAN TEED- V. IN 3?. LAWRENCE TIPATI o Nâ€. a“. ,____. SUGAR REFINING 00. (Limited) Lanonaronr or lamaxp REVENUE. OFFICE or OFFICIAL ANALYST, Montreal. AprilSlh. 1895. “l hereb" certify that l have drnwu, by my own hand. Zen v-nmplcs ofLiIc S'l‘. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINle CU.’S EXTRA STANDARD (i RANULA'l'l‘Ll) SUGAR, indII-ici'iiriinuwl takI-n from ten 1015 of about 150 barrels euch. .fortnly to contain : I have analysed sumo. and found them ill) - 99 99 To per cent. of Pure Cane Sugar wiih no impurities whatever." (Signed) JOHN BAKER EDWARDS. Ph.l)., l).C.L.. Prof. of Chemistry and Pub. Analyst, Montreal. I00 LOG TOOTH, OH 600, 1200 AND 1075. u 'WATEROUS. BRANTFORD. CANADA, 413/ ._ HEART. Does he chew or smoke? only a question of time when cm GB grow dim, manly steps lose ï¬rmness, and the Vigor and vitality so enjoyable now A MOST SATISFACTORY AND DURABLE CHAIN FOR LOG JACKS, REFUSE OOHVEYCRS, 1-70., ETO. LARGE QUANTITY OF THIS ANL‘ OTHER BTYLES IN STOCK FOR ELEVATING A... CONVEYlNG ALL KINDS OF MATERIAL. POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY SHAFTING. PULLEYS, GRIP PULLEYB, CANDY WATERPOOF BELTINO oer ou’n qua-various and new LINK-near OATALOOUI .N‘OETLO I If so, it is bright eyes . . n. a. -4. 4'... ,vmmaa, as..- 4-x...s4cc-laxaâ€"‘xxlï¬".-. .' cut off Moitke and Macllahon before the war of 1570. It is as asacriiics to the anomalous crowding of the profession that tne older officers are retired. In th church. as in the other professions, wha crowding exists is due to natural causes and will regulate itself. Littieness Often Rules. Lire. Limitsâ€"Isn‘t it user that such a little bit of a country at .ngland can rule each a vast amount of territory? Mr. blinksâ€"Well, I don’t know. You're not very big yourself, my dear. O will be gone forever. Millions of men are making tobacco hearts. Are you one? Call a halt. Abox or two of No-To-Bac will rtgulale tobacco using, make you strong and vigorous in more ways than one. Three boxes any druggist will guar- antee to cure. Written guarantee. Book entitled “Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away" and free sample of Noâ€" To-Bac mailed for the asking. Address THE STERLING REMEDY 00., I123. Let no one be surprised at the highoharo ST. LEON MlNERAl. WATER 00.. L“: actor of the testimonials received by the H __ » s roprietora of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal “d 0m“ mug L W" Toronto Powder. This medicine merits the best things that can be said of it. for be the trouble Cold in the Head Catarrh, Hay Fever or Catarrhal Deafness, relief is so ’ I s eedy and effective that it charms all. â€"â€" his is the view of the popular member of PRIVATE FUSDS FOR [XVESTMENT the House of Commons for the District of 1 01‘ Mortgages of tï¬rst Estate. Interest - at owest t Algotna, who has used this medicine. and be Rude ,O?C°;um:°° .iffligï¬rf:u "It, does not hesitate to tell the people of Can~ I“ ‘d‘ o, m mg “mg. Beaï¬y, Blackstock, Neebitt, Sample ottleand Blowersenton receipt Chadwick & Riddell, of two 3-centsiamps. Bank of Toronto Oï¬ioee, S. G. Dawson. 44 Church st.. Toronto Church :‘trcc: ’I‘Orontt i i ; l l l I i l ,. m ,<_. ,A. eon, V-vv