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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 25 Oct 1895, p. 3

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.,:~721-;.,_v u-o.‘ ’5'“??? r2: aw C L’Iffa’BNT ( N0 TES. ‘_ The return of Lieut. Peary from his Arctic expedition, with a confession of failure and a story of severe privation and narrow escape from death, adds another to the long list of such attempts and disappointments. Taking them all in all, i‘ may well be doubted if their results are worth the suffering they have cost. It is true that they have added something to the 6took of geographical knowledge, but it is of little or no practical value, and if it had remained concealed in the icy fastnesses it would have been just as serviceable to the world. There is a certain gratification of curiosity in the tales told by these intrepid adventurers with regard to distant and mysterious regions, but the information is not such as can be said to represent an adequate compensation for the associated labors, perils and sacrifices. It is profitles‘ to us to learn that the northern border 0 Greenland is covered with an ice cap thousands of feet in thickness : that travel- ing in that locality is extremely hazardous; that certain bodies of water up there have given dimensions, and that there is really nothing to be found in the prevailing desolation that anybody wants. This is all that there is to show for the cost of Arctic exploration, for the money spent and the lives lost, and it is unreasonable to claim thata conclusion thus squalid and useless is a justification in the case. It is easy to say that these explorers of the unknown have displayed qualities of high courage and fortitude, and have been animated by motives of a sincere and creditable order. There is no blame to be attributed to them in the respect of manly and consistent devotion to an ideal. They have borne all sorts of hardships and exposed themselves to all sorts of dangers in search of the rapture of discovery. Some have come back mutilated by the remorseless cruelty of the winter that they encountered; others have remained ab- sorbed into the eternal silence, as victims of their own ambitious temerity. There 18 infinite pathos in the records of their journeyings and their sufferings, the stormy vicissitudes through which they passed. The Dimple Checked Village Maid may not retain her dimple and rosy cheeks “blooming! with health,” until she finds a good husband. A little neglect or accident may bring about some one of the many “female” diseases and “ weakness," to which the sex is subject, and health maybe forever impaired, and hopes and happiness be at an and. Thanks to Dr. Pierce, his Favorite Prescription, prepared by him for women, cures the worst cases of uterine diseases, nervousness, neuralgia, irregulari- ties, and “weakness.” It is a great in- vigorating tonic and nervine, and rapidly builds up the health and strength. Dr. l’iorco's Pellets, for constipation, sick headache, biliousness, indigestion. Once taken, always in favor. We should not quarrel rashly with adversities not yet understood,nor overlook the merctes often bound up in them.â€"Sir I‘. Browne. __â€" A Jlnrvellous Statement by a Promi- llelll'fflflfldlMII--A Rheumatic ltelue' (13' Which is (‘uriug the World. Mr. E. W. Sherman, proprietor of the Sherman House, Morrisburg, Unt., is known by thousands of Canadians, hence the following statement from Mr. Sherman will be read with great interest and plea- sure: "I have been cured of rheumatism of ten years' standing in three days. One bottle of South American Rheumatic Cure performed this most remarkable ours. I nad' sutered from this disease, as I say, for ten years, and I did not ever expect to be entirely cured. The eizects of the first dose of South American Rheumatic (lure were truly wonderful. one bottle of the remedy, and now haven’t any sign of rheumatism in my system. It dill me more good than all the doctoring I ever did in my life.” If I might control the literature of the household, I would guarantee the well- being of the Church and State. -llacon. - A Question. How can we raise more com to the sober? Why, of course by using Putnam’s Corn Extractor. l’utnam’s Painless Corn Ex- tractor has given universal satisfaction, for it- is auto, safe and painless. Like every article of real merit it has a host of limit-l!" tors, and we would specmliy warn the public to guard against those dungerousl substltutcs ot’ered for the genuine Put-‘ nam's Extractor. N. C. Poison & L‘o.,l proprietors, laingston. l Everyone of us, whatevcrour speculative * opRiions, knows butter than he practices” and recognizes a better law than he obeys. i --Froude. I l lichen! Adams, H.P. for H‘orthutnber-l mm. no. la Another “no "as tmii Dr. Agni-N's tatnrrbal render and. Been Inn-«i. ‘ In does not seem to matter where one looks for good results from that wonderzul ' medicine, Dr. Agnew'a Catarriial Powder, they are to be. found. Every one in llll own rovince.eud every member of the Commons news Michael Adams,the popular member ’ for Norihumberiand. NJl. When he says ' to the world, as he has done over his own signature, that Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal ’ Powder is productive of most satisfactory results for cold in the head and other 5 catarrhal troubles. they know it means 3 much. The medicine is one possessed of peculiar virtues and never fails to reflect a cure. One short of! of the breath through the Blower supp led with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's “ tarrhal Powder difl‘uses this powder ever the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it rollevenn ten minutes, and permanently cures atarrh. hay fever, colds, headache, - sore throat, toanlistis and deafness, 60 I‘mmlm’t. dyiprpsia i A SKBPTIC CONVINCED- He Had NouPaith in “any Advertised Medicine. l Attacked With a Bad Cold. Its Trouble i “out From Bad to Worse Until he Was Threatened With ueomoter ataxiaâ€" ‘l'hen Dr. Williams' Pink nun Cured A'ter Other .Vledietnes nod Failed. From the Yarmouth. 21.8., Times The remarkable cures effected by Dr? Willisms’ Pink Pills have long been a matter of newspaper notoriety, and many , of themâ€"well described as miraclesâ€"have i been in our own province, but we believe so far none have been published from Yar‘ mouth. A Times representative enquired in a quarter where such matter: would likely be known, and learned that there , were several remarkable cases of restoration 1 to health directly traceable to Dr. Wil- lliams’ Pink Pills, right in our midst. l Curious to ascertain the facts in relation ! thereto, our representative called on Mr. l Charles E. Trask, who had been known to t. have experienced a long illness, and now was apparently in excellent health,his cure being attributed to Pink Pills. Mr. Trash, who has been an accountant in Yarmouth for many years, was in his eflice on John street when the reporter waited on him. IOUND mt. masx IN HIS OFFICE. "Yes," he said,"there can be no possibl doubt of the efficacy of Dr. Williams ' Pink Pills in my case, and I will be pleased if the publication of the facts helps some other sufferer back to health. I caught :old, was careless and caught more cold. 1‘he first thing I knew I was seriously ill. [could not walk. All strength seemed to have left my legs and the weakness in- creased. From being obliged to remain in the house I became obliged to remain in bed, but still supposed it Was a very bad cold. I became so helples I could not move in bed without help. I had good attendance and the best of care and nurs- ing, but as week succeeded week I seemed I to grow worse instead of better, till I was worn to a more shadow and began to care very little if I ever recovered. A hint that I was threatened with something called looomotor ataxia reminded a friend that my case seemed similar to some of those described in the Times. which had been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis,and this first drew attention to them as a possible aid to me. I admit that I was skepticalâ€" very skepticalâ€"there are so many medi- cines being advertised just now, and I was never much of a believer in them. Well, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were pur- chased aud I took them, as I suppose I 'would have taken anything else, simply as the routine of a sick room. The first box seemed to show littleefi‘ect,andby thetimsl had got through with the third box there could be no doubt my condition showed a marked improvement, and I was corres- pondingly encouraged. The pills were continued and I became rapidly better, so that I was able to sit up and go about the house, and occasionally go out if the weather was fine. Day by day I grew stronger, and to make a long story short, I feel I am today in as good health as ever I was in my life, and I can hardly realize I am the same man who suffered for six months, a helpless, despondent being,who never expected to he on his feet again. While I have no desire for publicity I am quite willing these facts should be made known for the benefit of others, and am ready at any time to bear hearty testimony to the genuine worth of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. 'l‘hev restored me to health when I never expected to be about again.” Mr. Trask certainly looks the picture of health,and remembering the long period I have only taken I when‘he had been laid up, our representa- tive left,fully convinced that Dr.Williams’ Pink Pills have well deserved all that was said of them elsewhere. When such cases can be pointed to in our own midst there can no longer be any doubt of the reliabil- ity of the many statements of wonderful cures efi'ected throughout the country. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-¢-â€"â€"â€" Be not misled by strange fantas tic art, but in your dress let nature take so me part. â€"Garrick. “+â€" SAVED HER LIFE. What One Bottle of Dr. Agnevv's Cure for. Ills- Heart “id «or ms. J.l. lliiilcr, of “ liltewood, 5.".1‘. Only those who have so suffered know the distressing feelzngs that follow an af- frction of the heart. Let one who has been afflicted speak, and tell of the remedy which will cure. Says Mrs. J. L. Hillier, i of \V'nitewood, N.W.T. : “Forsrmetimel was much aililcted with heart failure; in fact I could not sleep or lie down for fear of slitiocaiion. I tried all the doctorsin this section of country, but they failed to give me relief. A local druggist recommended a bottle of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart; I tried it, and with the result thatI im- 5 mediateiy secured ease that I did not. know before, and after taking further doses of the medicine, the trouble altogether left me. The {art is knowing how serious was my condition, this remedy saved my life.” This month Sarah Bernhardt will be fifty-one years of age. “I Have Had Rheumatism for years, and Nerviline is the only remedy that has done me any wood." 80 writes Thomas McGlsshsn, 'orth Pelham, and his testimony is”sup~ ported by thousands of others who have experienced the wonderfully penetrating and painsnbduing power of Nervilineâ€"the great nerve-pain cure. I never think he is quite ready for another world who is altogether weary of this.â€"-â€"H. A. Hamilton. SEVERE KIDNEY TROUBLE COMâ€" . PLETELY CURED. rwe Bottles of South American Kidney Cure Did It. The idea that disease of the kidneys cannot be cured is a mistake. True, many so-called kidney cures do not cure, but in that great discovery, South American Kidney Cure, there is found an unfailinti remedy. This is what Mr David Hogg, o Sunnymead, N. \Y.'I‘., says: “I wasgreatly afilicted with severe kidney trouble. sufi’er: ing the many annoyances and pain that follow this disease. There was hardly any remedy that I did not use, in hopes of securing relief, but it was not until I bought a bottle of South.American Kidney Cars that relief came. The one bottle immediately relieved me, and two bottles produced a complete cure." All science rests on a basis of faith, for it assumes the permanence and uniformity of natural lawaâ€"Tryon Edwards. Cold in the ahead. Nasalbalm gives tn- stant relief 3 speedily cures. Never falls A. P. 785. Women, who seem to be all worn out, will find in purified blood, made rich and healthy by Hood’s Ssrsapa- rilla, permanent relief and strength. The following is from a well known nurse: “ I have suffered for years with female complaints and kidney troubles and I have had a great deal of medical advice during that time, but have received link or no benefit. A friend advised me to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and I be an to use it, together with Hood’s Pills. have real- ized more benefit from these medicines than from anythin elseI have ever taken. From my persona experience I believe Hood’s Sarsaparilla to be a most complete blood purifier.” Mae. 0. CROMPTON, 71 Cumberland 813., Toronto, Ontario. Hood’s S'arsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. 9 I - easy to buy, easy to take. “Dad 5 plus easy in effect. 25c. ARMERO here is a snap for you. Harris has sample cloth pieces for quilts. Send SI for trial lot, good value. 87, 29. 1 William st... Toronto. SPORTINQ GOODSâ€"All kinds Guns. Rifles, Ammunition and Fishingr Tackle. Agents 601' Blue Rock Cla Pigeons and Traps. '1'. 0651' N 00.. _ 1696 Notre Dame Sit. Mantra. D UBLAS anos. SiateTGruveinnu seal roofers, metallic ceilings, sk lights sheet metal workers. 124 Adelaide W.. oronto BUSINESS CHANCES. If you want to buy or sell a stock or business of any description write me. I have had large ex perience in the wholesale. Am selling bust. uesses continually. Correspondence confiden- tial. No charge to buyers. JOHN NEW, 21 Adelaide East, Toronto MILL SUPPLIES,â€"Tetlow's English Card Clotliingmcltmg. Mill Machinery,Wools. Cottons, Yarns. \Vaste. Sapouihed Wool Oils. Robt. 8. Fraser, 8 St. Helen St... Montreal. (fiâ€" Permanently Cured §olilllllllllillillhhsstimulant circular. THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE, 65 Shuter St Toronto Machinery of all Kinds. front \Vindmills. Fire Department Sup plies and “interworks l’limts down (1 Cngino l'ncking of the best kind. J. E. NAUD. Mnnutacturcrs' Agent, 2257 Notro Dome St., Montrea 10R SALEâ€"NEAR Gl’thSBYâ€"FRUIT Ii FARMâ€"SOIL NEW and rich: thirty acres cleared: eighteen planted to choice fruits: very convenient and beautiful loca- tion ; murkotingifucilities tin-surpassed: no trash; worth formative hundred. If taken at ones will take thirty-five hundred cash, or one thousand may remain on mortgage; a snap; more quick. I... Box il3, Winona, Out. 0031 YONCE & GERRARO 81's.. TORONTO, ONT. CANADA‘S Greatest Commercial School: advantages best in the Dominion: stu- dents assistvd to positions every woek; mode- rate rates: everything first-class. Catalogue! and specimens of ponmanshi free. SHAW & ELLIOT‘II.'PrInoipaln. w The Only Chemical Band Fire Extinguisher now approved of by no Ins ector of Government of Que 3‘.” rec an all tire department authori. tics. It is the simplest. the best and _ thecheapestaud is nowin uscln mos! ‘ public buildings. factories. etc. Price $2410 per Dozen. WHAT A" 7-0 St. Peter 83.. Montreal. REMARKAB LE iCHANGE! In your appearance, conversation and general benring. if you have been latel drinking it. Lem regularly. Yourstomne may have been occur. your liver slug' ith, cryour Hum-rs 1'4:ch tone form their uty. St. Loot-tinnitus everything smooth and if you don't believe ll. just try it. As an enemy of pleasure, health and SI. LEO" MINERAL WITER 30., Ull- lxas no equal. It a“ ’ \smshus when St. Leon water is liberally Used Bead Officeâ€"King Lt. “1. Toronto. Tel. 1331. ‘9' {ill culmu HRE lellGUISHlR co; _ 'l lmely Warning. The great success of the chocolate preparations of the house.of Walter Baker & Co. (established ‘ ‘ in 1780) has led to the placing on the market ~53 many misleading‘and-unscrupulous imitations of their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter Baker 8:. Co. are the oldest and largest manu- facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are . used in their manufactures. = Consumers should ask for, and be sure that i " they get,the genuine Walter Baker a Co.’s goods. WALTER BAKER a 00., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. ‘ ‘35: ., s A DAYSUR-E- law” a Strictly High and. 0, Wheel at a MODERATE Manufacturer. 73 to 81 _ Adelaide St. W.‘ Toronto and vre will show you how so make ts a day, ab- soluter sure; we furnish the work and , snobyou free; you work lathe locality .2 whet-ego: live Sad us your ad ,-' _«‘ and we will explain the Macs ...._.____. fu . . . , ‘ remember-we guaranteeaclur Mg G' D I E 8‘ Write at once. Address D. T. Morgan. Slate, Sheet-Metal. Tile .3: Gravel Roofers Box A. 4. Windmr. Onto. i 0 MVva d (3 en Robiln Slate. Meta or- glsfll sell; "all. Rooting itch. Etc. Gutters. TH p Adelaide a Widmer Sts $ Telephone 1936. TORONTO. 0 YOUR LUNGS AWAY, WE “Y's SALLOW SlillihEh frequently chew and smoke immense AND I?! OURED OF THE COUGK. ‘Sold by Dmssists . At 25 and 50 Cent‘- ihe time why then look so bad, feel M'- "~~* so mean. Try under an absolute guar- _-* wâ€"_P~V as for every day’s work: abselu Sheet Metal Ceilings. Terra Cotta Tile Red ‘ ownpiper‘, etc" supplied the trade. DON'T GWGH SLEEPLESS 45° GERMAN BREAST BALSAM, quantities of tobacco and wonder all i :A units of Benefit and ilnal cure, or mOney STuaHPAzplgÂ¥DNE reiunded,ihe taking of a single 'x of EXTRACTOR. N '- There are more of these Machines in use than all other kinds oom- biucd. 14 years' trial has proved them the best. Sand for prices and terms to S. S. KIMBALL, - l: 577 Craig St..Monti-i:a1 muslin, Remedy : Polycilie (iii. ‘3'an FRENCH DISCOVERYâ€" A... regulates tobacco using, ‘ builds up nervous system; makes pure, rich blood. Many report a gain of ten pounds in ten days. (lo buy at box. Try it under your own DHUGGlST’S 'GUARAHTEE. Elli! gistis authorized to sell Noâ€"To-Bao un- der absolute guarantee to cure every form of tobacco using. Our written gnar- antee, free sum do of No-To-Bnc and booklet called" on't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Awn ," mulled for the asking. Address ’I‘ll STERLING REM- MWWAA“ Oil can be kept for sevorul yours. See certificates of cures obtainedâ€" Publishnd in lbs Monircnlpupors. CANAD'AN SHORT trauma WEXPLANATORY Pamrnmxr $1. _ “ ALEXANDRE." Specialist of Paris. 169% Notre Dame St.. Montreal. Apparatus and Oil from $10 to $50. | ggpgtypgatbulargg'ycxm AND OTHER STORIES, ...33_ a, "snowmen" EDWARD WILLIAM THOMSON description. All Kinds of cloth . alga. Musical instruments. Manufacturers of Band In- struments, Drums as. Music Engravers. Il’rin- tera and Publishers. Tho largest stock in Oonrnnrs : Old Man Bavariaâ€"Elie Privilege of the Limitsâ€"McGruth's Bad Nighto-Greal Godfre 's bullwhipâ€"The Red-Headed WI (3030â€" ‘he Shinir Cross of Rigaudâ€"tht 0 Baptisteâ€"The Ri e b Nightâ€"Drafted-A an“; to choc,” from, Turke Apleocâ€"Gran pa a's Wolf Stor â€"- Get on,- pric“ before pm. The atcrloo Vetoranâ€" ohn Bedellâ€" er- chaslng clsewhsreband save bitukr'l Strsfasem. monBJ- 55” 0" “Moran. runes OPINIONS. “mil-“IV: "equmd' Montreal Gazette: “ Mr Thomson has Wm studied with equal success the French settles FOR Yum on the banks of the Ottawa or its atributnrios, the transplanted Highlanders, the veteran who has carried across the ocean all the tradb tions of European battlefields. the Nor'westor who has become the ancestor of half-becods and Is still a true son of sold Scotla, the voy- azonr and shanty man. the hunter and trap- psz, apd even the stranger that. IE within our [a as. Saturday Night: " I wonder what one could say about this book that would induce the intelligent reading public of Canada to i. 1. its merits deserve. . . . it is one of the few great books written by Cunudiuus, and most of the stories are located in Gunman." WILLIAM muons. Publisher, 29-33 Richmond St. West. Toronto THECOOK'S BET FRIEND LARGEST SALE lN CANADA. Mean-mun, OORNEILLE foo, â€"srmuracrunans AND mt-ourims onâ€" Whlte Lead. Colors, Glass, Vamlshos, Oils. Chemicals and Dye Stuffs FEONTREAL. EST VARNISHES liltifr‘l'filfé’a‘ll'k McCaskill, Dougall & 00., Montreal. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED- : â€" . . 3,“, ,1“... :54 ‘ “ 7+ F0 (:0 __... T. LAWRENCE SUGAR R'EFINING CO. ' (Limited) LABORATORY or Luann Rsvsxuz. Onto: or Orr-tour. Arum". Montreal, Aprilsth. 1896. "I herebv certify that I have drawn. by my own hand. ten samples of the ST. LAWREIEJE W‘s ;â€"-â€"- EUGAR REFINING CU.'S EXTRA STANDARD GltANULATbD SUGAR. indiscrimlna taken from ten lots of about 160 barrels each. I have analysed same, and found them fox-me to contain : 9 3.?) T0 lOO per cent. of Pure Cans Sugar with no impurities whateven' 3 ed JOHN BAKER EDWARDS. Pb.D.. D.0.L~ ( “In l Prof. of Chemistry and Pub. Analyst. Montreal. on: or sun cum truism: elitists FIR .AWDUBT. RWOI. TAN BARK. ITO. oven 50 SIZES auo STYLES or CHAINS VARYINO FROM 75 1’0 MOW LII. WONG“ m IPIMAL ATI'AONMEMT LINK. FOR ALL Names. "00“ 0V“ - 7°. MRO! UNI OI WHIIL PATTIRNI. PROMPT IHIPIIKXTI PULLIYI. GRIP PULLIYI. IMHO UP TO as It" Loud on our Quotation. ens Hill nubile-r1 Bond for NEW CHAIN CATALOGUE (Just Out! EDYOO.. calcium. Montreal. Can., N.Y. as 3 OLD MAN SAVARIN...‘ greetlt with the whirlwmd of approval that . » A ~ n”..- . Wye-r17,“th «Mnâ€"w..~...wâ€" swraig‘wxm..nasi~"W~v~"¥‘"i<ll W ' .‘M’ m. .\ . . I a

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