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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Nov 1895, p. 5

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Canaan Dcntcarxox.â€"â€" The formal dedication of the new Presbyterian church is to take place on Sunday. No vember 10th, and the services will be conducted, morning and evening. by the Rev. John Hay. M. A., B. D.. of Cobourg, who will also address a mass meeting: of the Sabbath school children and young people in the afternoon. On the evening of Monday. November 17th. the ladies of the congregation will give a supper in Dickson's hull from 5 until ' 8 O'CIUCk, alter which a programme of choice music and recitations will be rendered in the new church. Admis. aion. 25 cents; children 15 cents. After the posters announcing the date of the dedication, etc., had been issued. it was ascertained that the Rev. D Y. Ross of Cnnninuton, agent of the Upper Canada Bible Society, would be able to be pics- ont and lend his valuable services on Monday evening. :6“ You can save money by calling on MrCnllum for your Fall Suits. [8" The same price to every one at the lending ’I‘nilor‘s, one door below the barber shop, Fenclon Falls.â€"2-I. l'lEthlNGs --Thc delicious little fresh water herrings that commence “ run- ning " about this time of yearâ€"gener- ally after the lirst fall of snowâ€"made their appearance SCt’urul days ago at Rosedale, where many bushels of them have already been captured by means of the small dip-nets used for the pur- pose. From some reason they always arrive at the Falls 0. little later than at Rosedale, and but very few were cauaht here until \Vctlncsday. when they came up to the usual fishing ground in con- siderable numbers. They are a tooth- some delicacy that suits everybody's palate, and they sell readily at from 25 to 50 cents per pailful, according to the season's crop. Some complain that, on account of their smallness. it takes too long; to open and scale them ; but it is a waste of time and labor to do either, as their single intestine shrivels under the influence of heat into an almost in- visible string that can be removed with the head after cooking. and the scales melt into a soft brown crust that tastes just like the rest ofthc fish. Many per- sons object to eating.r the rues and the milts, but this prejudice is not shared by old country people who have been accustomed to Yarnmuth bloaters and other “ round " herrings, as those that have not been opened are called. LADIES, CALLâ€"no trouble whatever to show our Millinery, whether purchasing or not.â€"â€".\lrs. R. McDougnll. THE LEADING, most stylish and best made Corsets always kept. in stockâ€"Mrs. R. McDougnll. HAVE YOU HEARD that we carry the largest variety of Fin! Shoes in the county? \\ e mail any ladies’ fine shoes prepaid front SI upwards on receipt of money. Men, you can easily sure 25 per cent. on coarse and line Men's Boots by coming to our store. JOHNSTON tit SISSON, lat Door East of Duly House, Lindsay The wax figure of a girl in a dry goods store window in Wilmington. Del.. melted from the heat. The State Veterinary Department of Iowa has decided that tuberculosis in cattle in not hereditary. Smith Mowrv, of Uhatnpaign. Ill.. has a tree that has 159 pears on a limb one and one quarter inches in diameter. It is calculated that in ninety years. at the present rate of increase. Australia will contain 40.000000 cilia-us. Angus McLeod of Sarnia rode a mile on the road in one minute 33 2-5 see- onds, the fastest performance on record f0" a cyclist. Edward Stuart. of Diamond, Maine. who has just passed his 98th birthday. in the oldest veteran of the war of 1812 now living in Maine. Several London and Liverpool news- pnpcrs are now printed on American wood-pulp paper, which is sold cheaper than any other. . The most precious bicycle in the world is owned by the Gaikover ofJo- horn. It is of massive cold. and inlaid with diamonds and sapphires. Mr. Frank )Izulill. 31. l’. for North Ontario, divd at B-averton on Friday cvettim: Deceased was in his 45th year. lie was a barrister by profession. ' in... Hand nun nl Hamilton placed a handkerchief saturated with land- auum over her face to relieve a pain. nod lay down. She was dead when found. The smallest man in Chicago is George W itlimn Steele, a negro ” news. boy." 20 y» nrs of ago. George is forty- two inchcs in height and weighs fifty pounds. The latest application of electricitv i~ for the purpis' of preserving meat. A two million dollar company has been formed in the Argentine Republic which will s3au;lit:‘t‘ 3 300 cattle. a day. The tnnt nili he sllippa‘tl to Europe. London lf-v'tntv Council has no lor cou~i l -: o: N a plan for a pure water 3 supply that inroltes the construction of an allow-lulu lTll unlit“ lnu‘Z. extending from t': W:- ill in u~taini. The. supply I l l l l l l l the year round. The Pope Troop, 11 wealthv American banker. he intended doing when awake. when Completed, will take away from Lawrence. A man calling himself a respectable pitchlork and knocked out the eye of a valuable horse. be prosecuted. BIR-TIâ€"IS. Courtsâ€"In Fenelon Falls, on Saturday, Oct. 26th, the wife of Mr. C. Curtis Jr. ofa SOIL 1‘1 A R. RIED . Jnmzl.t.â€"Cn.mnsns.-â€"â€"At the residence of the bride’s father. by Rev. M. )chinnon, on Wednesday, October 30th, Mr. J. T. Jewell, of Brougham, Out, to Clara, fourth daugh- ter of Mr. John Chambers, of Penelon Falls. ___.. PENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Nov. lst, 1895. Wheut.Scotch or Fife 67 to 70 Wheat, fall, per bushel.... 65 67 Whent,spring “ .... 63 66 Barley, per bushel. . 30 36 Buckwheat“ .... 37 38 Oats, “ 23 24 Pcnse, “ 48 52 Rye, “ . . . . . . . . 38 40 Potatoes, ” l5 20 Butter, per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 15 Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . .. l3 14 Hay, per ton ..... . ..... . . 10.00 12.00 Hides ...........-. . . . . . 6.00 6.50 Hogs (live) 4.25 4.50 Hogs (Dressed) .. .. . 5.00 5.25 Sheepskins.............. 35 50 W001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 20 Flour, family, Silver Lcuf.. 1.70‘ 1.90 Flour, best bukers’ . . . . . . . . 2.00 2.20 Flour straight rolled...... 1.60 1.80 Bran, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 00 15.00 Shorts, “ . . . . . . ..... . 15.00 17.00 Mixed chon. per ton . 20.00 22.00 I AM INSTRUCTED BY MR. JAS. H. LENNON TO OFFER FOR SALE BY PiIBLIS AIISTION ._ ON _ SATURDAY, NOV. 16th. 1895, on the premises now occupied by him adjoining Mrs Samuel Mnybce's residence, FFJNEL()N ITALLS, the following goods : BEDSTEADS SIDEBOARDS SI’IIINGS ROCKING CHAIRS MA'I‘I‘HASSES LOUNGES WASHSTANDS CROCKERY BUREAUS GLASSWARE TABLES TINWARE KITCHEN CHAIRS EASY CHAIRS and a lot of other goods too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALEâ€" CASH. The sale will commence at one o'clock p. m ,and the goods will he sold positively without any reserve whatever. J . J. POWER, Auctioneer. E8131}. AY lkAM. Game on to the premises of the under- signed, west half Lot I8 Con. I, Somerville, on October 23rd, a wh~te Ram. The owner can have. him upon proving property and paying expenses. JOHN ROBE. Fcnelon Falls P. 0, Oct. 28th, 1895.â€"â€"37 3p NOTICE TO DEBTORS- The undersigned is going out of business in Penelon Falls, and hereby gives notice to all who are indebted to her that they must call and Settlc at once, or the claims against them will be placed in other hands for collection. DIRS. HEICLEY. .Fenclon Falls, Oct. 2nd, 1895. NW an. All AGENTS AT FENELON FALLS FOR THE Victoria. Laundry. Lindsay. (IRS Joint train-ix, raurnisrnnss.) Parcels left at Northey Broe' store on Mondays may be had on the following Sat- urduys. First-class work done, Your put- ronugx: respectfully solicited. Rates and any other inform.ttion on application. BATTEV DOORS. J. T. THOMPSON. J12, (XXIII? I'JN'I‘ I‘ll}. Wall Brackets and WIRE DOORS Jobbing attended to. Easy Chairs made to order. There are 24 creamcries in Maine that do nothing but manufacture butter is now possessor of prob. ably the most valuable chair on earth. It is made of solid silver and is of the value of $40,000. It is the gift of Mr. Archibald Clark. a Kentucky man, is a somnambulist. and the peculiar di- rection his weakness takes is to go into his truck patch and perform the labor The great Chicago drainage canal. the lake six hundred thousand cubic feet water per minute. and will serious- ly interfere with navigation on the St. farmer. livingr at Bell Rock. because his team did not draw a heavy load. took a The cruel wretch will l l WARNING. YOU ARE HEREBY WARNED not to make any purchases until you have examined the ‘ new Fall and \Vinter Stock of “CARTERS, Under penalty of missing one of the largest displays of Dry Goods, Clothing, Furs and Gents’ Furnishings ever before offered. We were very fortunate in securing our mammoth stock before the advance in price of nearly all lines. CARTE R Wants your money and he intends to haye it if Big Bargains will secure it. CA RTER Wants you to tell your uncles, aunts and cousins about the Bargains, and have come with the crowds that are daily made happy. CARTER, LINDSAY. P. S.-Letter orders promptly looked after the same day ' as received. Furniture, Doors, Sas , -â€"AND-â€"-- UNDERTAKING, . â€"â€"â€"-ATâ€"â€"â€"â€" m. M‘Keomn’s, “FRANCIS ST. WEST, FENELON FALLS. CALL AT 8. N EVISON’S BAZAAR â€" FORâ€"â€" White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Japans, Turpen- tine. Alixed Paints of all shades, Prepared Kalsominc and Alabastine of all tints, Glass and Mirror Plates, ’l‘oilot Articles, Artists’ .‘rlatcrials, Fancy Goods, l Crockerv and Glassware, Gold and Silver Watches, Rings. Brooches and other Jew- elry, Pipes, Wall Paper and Window Blinds, Picture Frames made to order a specialty. ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOID AT __â€"..._. l l l l HOUSE, SIGN IND DECORATIVE PAINT NG PAPER-HANGING, ETC. The undersigned respectfully informs the residents of the village and its vicinity that he has returned to I-‘enelon Falls after several years’ experience. in the States as well as in Canada, and is prepnrt'tl to execute, Ix Tns assr srvts .\.\‘0 ar MUDRIMTK l‘llIC.S. all work in the above lines with which he may be favored. :55“ Orders leIt at S Nevison‘s store on Colhnrnc street will receive prompt at- tention. Chas. H. Nevison. Fcnelou Falls, Aug 7th, ISSl5.â€"-‘20tf >< . RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. Wishing to retire from busmess as soon as possible, I have commenced SELLING OFF my entire stock of Millinery Fancy Goods. etc.. at greatly reduced prices for cash. This is a. genuine Clearing Sale, and great bargains will be given until everything is disposed of. AIRS. HEELEY. Fenelon Falls. June 6th. 1895. >< H E ADEQUARTERS IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Room Paper and Picture Frames â€"IS ATâ€" W A. GODDWIN’S, Baker’s Block, Kent-st” Lindsay . Artists’ Goods 8 Specialty. Machine Needles, Alabastine and Dye Works Agency. WPlcnse callund see my 50.?nper. R'I'P'A'N‘S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- Cures the _ common every-day cine : ills of humanity. ONE GIVES RELIEF. wante A 600D_MAN i- I your district to rep- resent the “ Fonthill‘Nnrseries of Canada " --nver 700 acresâ€"the largest in the Do- minion. Position permanent. Salary or ctunmission to right man. With the in- creasing demand for fruit, :1. position with us as salesman will pay you better than engaging in farm work. Send us your application and we will show you how to earn good money. School teachers! it's just the thing for you during the summer- Write for particulars. STONE :5: WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. 143m ATS, COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATEHT ? For n mpt answer and an honest oplnton. write to Uh N d: 00.. who have had owl any yean’ experience In the patent bunnies. mumm- tlona atrIctly confidential. A Handbook of In. Mutation concerning Patent. and bow to on. tun them sent tree. Also a catalogue ct Mur- Ical and actentmc boon sent tree. Patents taken through Mann & Go. recolva nodeeln the Sclentlllc American. and us are brought. wIdely before the pnbllc wlth- ont coat to the Inventor. This anleudld paper. Issued weekly. elegantly Illustrated. bu arthe largest circulation or any scientific wo In the world. 33 a you. Sun In lea sent tree. Building Edition moo hly. .50- yw. Single copies. 2.. cents. livery nun: tr continua bonn- tztuI platen. In colors. and photographs of new “at b. .11 '. unilooo gallons daily and Workshop on Lindsay Street. Near the i G R G U a; F a A n: houses. with plans. enabling uIIdcratoahnthm ,1... am..- 1 a... $191,000,000. a c. 'l‘.lt.SlatIon, I-‘enelon Falls. 1 ' :1‘ Lin," 0 " P a U , “fifidfifbo‘i’du‘tt‘il’o‘illf’flh‘i‘ 81.32.50”.

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