._ ._.. ,_, _W:W. m_,...._... VOL. XXIII. FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH, 1895. No. 38. TORONTO HIIHEMIEHBPBRIHIH Authorized Capital, $2,500,000. Subscribed (.apital, $630,000. J. K. Kerr, Q. 0., President. . E. J. Davis, M. P. P., Vice-President. Geo. Dunstan, General Manager. Fenelon Falls Branch. Accounts opened and deposits received. Interest allowed at highest current rates in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Drafts issued on all points. Exchange bought and sold. Notes discounted. Special attention given to the collection of sale and other notes. Ofï¬ce in the McArthur Block. H. J. LYTLE, Idanager. Mchonmx & McDIAtunn, Solicitors. SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"â€"01~‘ THE-â€" County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dicksou’s hall, Fenelon Falls, ON THURSDAY, DEC’R 19th, 1895, eommencingat 10 o'clock in the forenoon Saturday, Dec’r 7th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this eonntv. Defendants living in other coun- ties niust be served on or before Dec. 3rd. S. Nsvrsox, E. D.stn, Bailiff. Clerk Fenelon Falls, Oct’r 8th, 1895. 1‘0 the Public. HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security or $25,000,000 and the same good policy. JOHN AUSTIN,Ageut '13" Also agent for the. Queen of Eng- land and Caledonian of Edinburgh. Cnpr tal combined,$45,000,000. INSURANCE. Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At Very Lowvest Rates I None buttirst-class British and Canadian Companies represented. fl‘ FARDI PllOPERTY at very low rates. James Arnold. Fenelon Falls Local Board of the People’sBuilding and loan Ass’n, 01‘ London, Ont. T. Robson, President; Dr. II. II. Graham, Vice-President; J. T. Arnold, Sec-Treats. ; M. II. McLaughlin, Solicitor, Lindsay; F. lIcDougall. Valuator; Alex. Clark, Dr. A. Wilson, .\I. W. Brandon, J. II. Brandon, Directors. DO YOU WANT to invest a small amonnteach month where it will be safe and yield you good returns in 7% years? CAN YOU AFFORD TO SAVE to a day for 7Q years and get SlOO Me. a day for 7§ years and get $500 tile. 8. day for 7.} years and get $1,000 I LITTLE AND OFTEN PILLS THE PURSE. Do vou want to buy a home with the nonev'yon now pay for rent ? So long as the niasses of the people do not save any- thing out of their earnings, leSL so long will their spendings go into the hands of those who do save, and THEY are the capi- talists. This is why the few own the houses and the many pay the rent. FOR FULL PARTICULARS call on or address anyof the above named oï¬icials, at Fenelon Falls. Tâ€"39-lyr. lthe:Fenelon Falls Gazette†is printed every Friday at the ottice, on the corner of May and Francrs streets. IL'BSLRII‘TION $1.1 l'l-llll IN ADVANCE, or one cent per week will be added as long as itremains unpaid. :\¢lvort ising- Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line per .runum Casual advertisements, I Cents per liltt' fur the tits! insertion. and 3 cents per lrn-é for t‘\'t'.’}‘ subsequent inser. tion. Contract: in :ho _‘.:‘:tr_. half year or less. an. 'i was»: “hie terms. 3-0133 EQLRF‘ILLVTING- ProfesSi-oiial Cardâ€"S. MUSIC. -â€"â€"___â€"___â€"_______ m...“â€" IISS B. MAGNIVEN. Instruction given on ORGAN and PIANO at moderate rates. For terms apply at the residence of Mr. R. 8. Sylvester, “ Mary- borough Lodge,†Fenelon Falls. LEGAL. McLAUG HLIN A: MCDIARM ID. ARRISTEBS, Solicitors, Etc, Lindsay and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay Ofï¬ce: Kent-St, opposite Market. Fenelon Falls Office: Over Burgoyne d: Co’s store. The Fenelon Falls ofï¬ce will be open every afternoon from arrival of train from Lind- say. RE†Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. R. J. Mchoan. F. A. MCDIARMID. M. H. McLanoan. A. 9. DEV LIN, BARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street,Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS, ARRISTER, &c. SOLICITOR FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at lowest rates on terms to suit the borrower. Oï¬ices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- say, Ont. MOORE & JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. Of- ï¬ce, William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON. HONEY TO LOAN. I have recently had a considerable, though limited, sum of money placed with me for loaning on farms at Five and a-halfper cent. Parties wishing to borrow on these terms should not delay to make application. Large amounts of funds, at slightly higher rates, according to security. In most cases olicitor work rs done at my ottice, insuring speed and moderate expenses. Allan S. Macdonell. - Barrister &c., Lindsay MEDICAL. A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. D., ,ORONER, Physician,Surgeon,&c., &c. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington trcet, Lindsay. ~ DR. A. WILSON, â€"â€"n. 3., M. c. r. .t 8., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH- eur. Olï¬ce, Colborne Street, Fenelon Falls. Da. H. n. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University 01 Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons ct England,Member ot the Col- lege of Physicians (it Surgeons of Ontario. Oï¬ice and residence on Francis-St. West Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gazette olï¬ce. R. DI. DIAS 0N, ETERINARY SURGEON; Honor Grad- V uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1884 ; R. M. O. V. M. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, Fenelon Falls. E. P. SDIITI-I, fETERINARY SURGEON and Dentist; \ Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Ollice : Carnbray, Ont. SURVEYORS. JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. 13., . Gonveyancer,&c Residence, and ad- dress, Fenelon Falls. DENTAL. Dr. IlEEllIDS, DENTIST, IND SAY, Extracts teeth without pain by gas (vital- izcd air) administered by him for 27 years. He studied the gas under Dr. Colton. of New York, the originator of gas for extract- ing teeth. Dr. Colton writes Dr. Neelands that be has given the gas to 186,417 per- sons without an accident from the gas. Other pain obtunders used. A good set of teeth inserted for $10. 36‘ Dr. Neelands visits Fenelon Falls (McArthur House) the third Tuesday of every month. Call early and secure an appointment. I. II. GROSS, DENTIST. West Side Store. At this time I desire to call your attention to my new stock of Boots and Shoes, which has been selected with great care. Prices and styles will be found all right. My stock of General Groceries is the best that can be pur- chased, and my Teas speak for themselves. Everything usually found in 'a ï¬rst-class grocer I store in stock. Call and compare prices; I will please you. Produce of all kinds bought and sold. GEO. MARTIN. TELEGRAPII rolls WANTED. H.D.Mclallrey, of Uswego, N.Y., IS PREPARED TO PURCHASE ANY QUANTITY OF GOOD CEDAR POLES2 Delivered at Railway Sidings during the coming season. Parties having §TANDING CEDAR, suitable for Poles, can dispose of it also, by corresponding with the undersigned. Full particulars cheerfully furnished on application to J. W. BLAIR, Manager, ORILLIA, ONT. Just Receive. A FALL AND WINTER 81'0th 0F BOOTS 85 SHOES, RUBBERS, OVEBSHOES. MOGGASINS, ETG. A Highwaymen. HELD UP A FRAZER"ILLE FARMER AND DEMANDED MONEY. Archie Reynolds of Frazer-ville met with a thrilling experience on Friday night. He was returning from his farm to Frazert‘ille at 10 o'clock in the even- ing, driving a team of horses. The road was lonely and the night was weirdly dim by the faint moonlight. Mr Reynolds did not feel any too secure for he had 8100 in his pocket, and the recent dcprcdatious of tramps were trcsh in his mind. Consequently he was urging the horses along at pretty good speed. When about one and a half miles from Frazer-ville, and passing alonga stretch of timber, a man sud- denly appeared in the middle. of the road and seizing the horses by the bridles exclaimed: “I want your money, shell it out dâ€"-â€"n quick, or I’ll put a bullet through you I" Mr. Reynolds had his money in an inside coat pocket. and along with it. was his pipe. In order to get the " wad †out, he took the pipe out ï¬rst. The pipe saved Mr. Reynolds's money. It had asllver band around it, and this glistenod in the moonlight. As soon as he produced his favorite cnubcen the man started to run. Mr. Reynolds was at a loss to know why the highwayman should take fright so easily. Then he looked athis pipe, which he had grasped in his hand by the bowl, and it at once dawned upon him that the would-be- murderer had mistaken it for a pistol. So Mr. Reynolds drove home much relieved and duly impressed with the great service his pipe had rendered him. -â€"Petcrborough Times. Raidâ€"idzdvance. About two months ago Mr. Aaron Comstock, the welhknown George street undertaker, was summoned to the resi- dence ofa widow lady living near Peter- borough. Mr. Comstock repaired to the lady’s house and was greeted with the following strange request: “ I want you to make out the bill for my funeral expenses, and I will pay it now." Naturally, the request was a stagger- er. and the worthy undertaker tried to dissuade the lady from her determina- tion to pay for her funeral, while still in the flesh. “Why,†he said, “you may outlive me.†But the lady insisted. She knew she would not live very long and she wanted everything settled before she departed this life. Finally Mr. Cornstcck made out the bill and the lady paid it. Less than two weeks ago the lady in question expired, and the undertaker fulfilled the agreement. he had been paid for in ad- ] vnnce.â€"Pcterborough Times. Another Human Fiend. BERLIN, Germany, Nov. 5th.â€"This week the‘hearing of one of the most Quality as good and Prices celebrated cause celebres in the annals as Low as at any store in town. Call and see them. ill. Jinan. NEW BICYCLE â€" ANDâ€" lillllllll tram sun. W. WEBSTER, Practical Machinist, Tool Maker, Lock and Gunsmith, Repairs anything from a Clock to a Steam Engine. Lawn Mowers sharpened and repaired. Sewing Machines repaired in ï¬rst-class style. No.23 North William Street, Lindsay. of criminal law in Germany begins. The case will be heard in the court of Prenzlau. The man accused is a black. smith named Springsteln. who is alleged to have poisoned his wife, mother and mother-in-la‘w, the latter’s son, a gover- ness, a girl named Frecklebcrn, and one of his apprentices. All these crimes were carried out with the most diaboli- cal skill. Springstein is also accused of having murdered his father by throwing him into a pond and holding his head under water until he expired. The man is a. monster in every sense of the word He got rid of his victimsâ€"“ polished them off,†as he cynically put it lo'u man whom he had taken into his conti- deuceâ€"“ by means of strychnine,†of which be got a large quantity. _~.._. A. . ._... .-- ._._â€" Diseased Horse Flesh. HAMMoND. Ind..Nov 2.â€"-Three em- ployees of Mncrscke’s horse meat pack- , ins! home have been arrested by Sheriff Hayes and lour deputies, after a mrmt exciting chose throngh the dense timber and brush in one of the loneliest and most inaccessible parts of Lake County. The beautiful Crown and Bridge work .., ‘ _. practised with success. Gas and all otherl I , 1 m mâ€) were Mmpd “uh heavy “305' ana-sthelics for extracting teeth without pain. A set of Artificial Teeth, better than the average, for $8 00. Rooms directly! opposite Wood‘s stove depot, Lindsay. a I II. HART, L. D. K ear or coon rssrn roasio. Gas 3 L and local analsthetics for painless ex- ‘3 Pushing, trustworthy men to represent as in the Sale of our Choice Nursery Stock. Specialties controlled by us. Highest sal- 'ary or commission paid weekly. Shady employment the year round. Onttit free. Exclusive territory; experience not neces-‘ sary; big pay assured workers; special nducements to beginners. Write at once of all ordtn..ry kéuis -.')‘.I?C11I(‘d neatly, cor "mung, saris-ma,†guaranteed in “u ' for particulars to branches of dentistry. 06cc over Fairweather & Co's store Inelrly opposite the pest-0830:. Lindsay “to, and dildo-16:1.“ prices. 8. D. HAND. I'm-pricier. | ALLEN NURSERY co, lioclrcsttr, N. 1'. which they attempted to use on their; captors. but they were overpowered and , : brought to this city in n patrol watrtmn. l , At police headquarterr they nave their! C names as Ferdinand Crim. William ()tt ' and Matthew Mier. The charges against } them are killing diseased horses and disposing of the meat for food. The l men were placed under 8300 bonds, in ' l l I i gdefanlt of which they were taken to“ Crown Point. The Gold Boom. EXPERTS SA}: IT WILL BE ON IN BRIT- 15H COLUMBIA IN THREE YEARS. VANCOUVER, Nov. 2nd.-â€"A report. came in yesterday that a rich goldâ€" bearing ore has been discovered in a ledge at Agassiz. B. 0., two or three hours’ ride from Vancouver, while the gravel in the stream running through a poor settler’s acre term was found to be heavily goldbearing. The excitement over the Agassiz strike almost equals the nervous unrest occasioned by the Lulu Island atfair, which is still tur'n- lug men’s heads. In fact, in a radius of one hundred miles around the cities of Victoria, Nanaitno, Vancouver and New Westminster, promising ï¬elds are becoming so frequent that credulous citizens are looking for big gold nug- gets in their back yards and in vacant lots in commercial centres of the pro- vince. Experts now in the city claim that the boom will be here in three years, and from appearances it; will come with the flowers that bloom in the spring, and will be as welcome. _.___.___. - .__ _.__. Australian Cattle. A most formidable competitor of the United States and Canada for the con~ trol of the European cattle market has arisen in Australia. Nuw South Wales and Queensland, where the industry flourishes, have about ten times as much land ï¬t for cattle feeding as the whole Province of Ontario. while much of this land is so scantily supplied with natural water as to greatly limit live stock oper- ations. The Government has come to the rescue, and by succcsful experiments in artosian well boring has vastly ex- tended the possibilities of the industry' At present. prices cattle can be raised in Queensland at a proï¬t on the hides alone. In that colony, there are 7,000,005! head of cattle and 2.500,000 in New South Wales. Evidently the hides are more valuable over there than here, or else feed is vastly cheaper. Our main hold is to grow a better grade of beef cattle than they can. ._ -0 Vexatious Regulations. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., Nov. 2.â€" The recent order of the United States Gomrnment to the Customs ofï¬cials to examine the baggage of all passengers on trains coming into this country, has occasioned quite a severe loss in busi- ness to the trunk lines passingthrough Canada, through passengers objecting to the annoyance of being aroused in the middle of the night to have their luggage examined by the Customs oili- cers. To put an end to this difï¬culty, the Michigan Central Railway employs now ï¬ve special ofï¬cials, whose ‘duty it. is to travel between this port. and Buf- falo and Detroit on the Michigan Cen- tral trains, and keep track of the bag- gage of the through passengers, as well as Canadian passengers, and thus pre- vent them from being subjected to dis- comfort or inconvenience either at night or in the daytime. â€"-â€"o‘-¢ Some idea of the work required of modern marine engineers on war vessels may be obtained from the fact that in H. M. S. Terrible there are 89 engines, large and small, all at which have to be kept in order by the engineer corps. The Indians in the Northwest arr: predicting an early and unusually severe winter this year. One thin;' that seems to back them up so for is the fact that many of the mountain peaks in that region are already white with the earli~ est snows known in the history of the country. The marriage of her daughter will lessen )lrs.Vanderbllt’s income by 8'35,- (mil. By the terms oi the arrangement with Mr. Vanderbilt she is allowml $150,000 a yenr,anrl with the lllill‘l‘lilu‘: ul Ctilill child $35,000 is to be with- drawn. Her other children, William K. Vanderbilt Jr., and Harold Vanderbilt. are sixteen and twelve years old re spectively. Many young men in New York “'lzl be ~lrocked to learn that one of the twenty-seven dukes of England will he married in a suit made by an Americzzn tailor. There are New York youths who wouldn't. wear a bicycle suit no! ilflfltlc in England. It will also pain these young men to know that the illu- terinl of the Duke's wcrlrlin; clothe?- l‘. pray, with small fizums looking like in- \ vurted carats. 'I‘he frock c at. dunhlw breasted waistcoat and trousers will all I be of the tune material. .4 -â€"--._~ ~. l I l l l l AA--_*_--_-AA,A-_.. .... I.._r-