W _________________._____ 1. King’s Co , N. 5., Man Suffers ior Long Weary Months. â€"â€" and Ruched a Stage When He Was tumble to Turn in Bed Without AIdâ€"unndnd: or hoilnu spent lathe Search for Be- llefâ€"Dr. Willlnms' Pink Pills Alain Prove Their Wonderful Health Civil: Power. from the Kentviiie. N. S. Chronicle. Mr. David 0. Corkum, of Scott's Bay Road, is the owner of one of the best farms in King's Co.. NS, and is oncof the best known farmers in that section of the county. He is naturally a'hard working man and when strong IS 8:1- ways to be found busy on his place- Last winter he spent the whole season in the lumber woods, was strong and healthy and worked as hard as unYODB- But it has not always been so. in fact it is the wonder of the neighborhood tiuit he is able to work at all. Before moving to Scott's Bay Road, Mr. Lorâ€" ktim lived at Chester. Lunenburg C0.. N.S., and while there was a great suf- ferer from rheumatism. which affected: him in such a way that he was unable. to do manual labor of any kind. About this time he moved to his present home. but he could not get a moment's re- spite from the effects of his disease. l-celing that he must get well at any] cost he had his old doctor brought from‘ Chester to th relief. but he was unable to do anything for him. lie tried many kinds of medicine hoping to receive bene- fit but to no avail. Being determined not to die without a. struggle he hadl doctors summoned from Halifax, but still continued to get worse. Abput three years ago he took to his bed and his case developed into bone and muscle rheumatism of the worst type. it spread through all his bones, up into his arm. causing partial paralysis of that limb. rendering it utterly_uselcss Since, he could not. lift it above his waist. All: the strength left his muscles, and heI was unable to turn in bed without aid.| ciorï¬n BY RHEUMATISM} l 'He was able to stand upon his feet. but could not walk. Still the doctors wait- ed upon him and still he took their medicines. but with no beneficial. reâ€"l suit. During this time Mr. Corkumr paid out several hundred dollars ml hard cash for doctor's bills and medi- cine, all of which did him not one par- ticle of good. After lying in bed for fifteen months his case was pronounced hopeless and he was given up by all.; About this time he heard of Dr. Wil-i liams' Pink l’ills.and as alast resource be? resolved to give them a trial. The first four boxes produced no noticeable cf-l feet. but at the fifth he began to notice a change. Feeling encouraged he keptf on and from that time be rapidly imâ€"‘ proved and after using the Pink Pills for a period of some twelve weeks he was restored to perfect health. Such was the wonderful story told a repreâ€" sentative of the \Vestcrn Chronicle by, Mr. Corkuni a short time ago. OIL. Corkum is now 59 years of age and per-: fccily healthy and feels younger and better than he has for years and attri-v buies his recovery solely to the use of Dr. Williams' Pills. and he is willing to prove. the truth of these statements to anyone who may call upon him. 'i‘husc pills are a positive cure for all, troubles arising from a vitiated condi-é tion of the blood or a shattered nervous" system. Sold by all dealers or by1 mail from the Dr. \Viliiams' Medicine‘ Company. Brockville, Ont... or Schench tady. N.Y., at 50 cents a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50. There are numerous imiia-f tions and substitutes against which the, public is cautioned. I At the Post Office Window i It is a never-ending trouble in some‘ country Post Offices to answer callers. The Postmaster at a certain village was i a very patient man; but the gentlest; temper gets ruffled. Anxious relatives; who are expecting letters sometimes cut up rough at a sarcastic repartee. butK the solemn lantern-jawed young man looking after letters for his family was very much in earnest and not easily disturbed. " Any thing for the “'attscs’iԠhe asked. "No, nothing." said the Postmaster. "Anything for June Watts?“ "Nothing." "Anything for Alec Watts?" "No, sir." “Any- thing for Tom Waits ?" "No, nothing." "Anything addressed for ‘i’ool .loe' Wat is i" “No. nor for Dick Watts. Jim Waits, Bill Watts. Sweet Watts, Wise “'uits. nor any other Watiscs. dead, living. unborn, native. foreign. civilized, uncivilized, black or white. franchised or distranchiscd. naturalised, or other- wise. No there is positively nothing for any of (he \Vaitses, either individu- ally. severally, jointly, now and forever one and inseparable." The lantern-jaw- ed young man gazed at tho Postmaster in astonishment, and said. "Please look if there is anything for John 'l‘liomas Waits." | i l __.. ._ .. _...-‘___ The Burden or a Name. The Rev. B. \V'. Lyonei ’l‘olleinache- l‘ollciimchc, eldest son of the late Rev. the lion. llugh I". 'l‘olli-niache. brother of the seventh Earl of Dysart. whose death has just taken place, was twice married, and leaves children by both i marriages. The names of some of the children are quite extraordinary. One of his sons. for instance, was given the mamas of Lyuiph deallo Odin Nesiorl Egbert Lyonel 'l'oedniag litigh [ï¬rehou- \vyiie Saxon l‘lsa Cromwell Ornia Nevill Dyuirt l’ianiugcnoi, whilst a daughter‘s‘ name is given in llobri‘it as Lyona De- (‘ililil Veronica l-Isyih i'ndino (‘yssu llyl- da Rowena Adela 'l'liyru l'rsiiia Ysuhel Blanche Lolilb' llysari Plantagenet. Mr. Tolleuuiche's other children have been, hardly less liberally dealt with. - .. W.,..- ,..-_ Pills do not cure Constipation. They only aggravate. Karl‘s Clover Root Tea gives perfect regularity of the bowels. She's a Swell. Aimeâ€"Miss Putierson is rather in- chped to cinbonpoini. i‘hollieâ€"Of course; she is a swell girl. General llucliesne. the French com- mander in Madagascar. has served for forty years and gone through eighteen cmnpaigns. lie has been once wound- ed. and twin: maimed in general or- tiers. ' " My baby had crimp and “3.4 \‘le'flli by Siiiloh’s i‘uije. writes Mrs. .l.i:‘. :‘llir-l tin. of Huntsville, Ala. ' BIBLE PROBLEHS. Give chlptcr nd vane of the flm cue cf medical treatment mentioned in the Bible, where c plainzcr of ï¬g: wu recom- mended u a cure for boils. The [ADIIS' J concur. in ofl’eriug the foliovving series of valuable articles to thou who answer thin problem correctly :â€" FIEST REWARDS. To the ï¬ns pcmu sending a correct answer will be given a Fine-toned Rosc- wood Piano, by one of our belt Canadian mnkcrl, valued at four hundred dollarl. 2 to Bâ€"Fivc Handsome Go‘d Watches (lady or gentleman's size, as preferred). 1 to 16~Teu Silver Watches. lad or gentn'. 17 to 38â€"Twent ' Open Face lid Nickel. Heavy Beve led Crystal Watches. 8? ti; {SO-Thirty half-dozen TriplcPlatcd Ten poona. ' in to milâ€"Forty dozen Nickel Tea Spoons. 107 to lï¬Oâ€"Forty-four Handsome Gem Rings. MIDDLE REW'ARDS. To the person landing the middle correct anal er in the whole competition will be given number one of the following list of prize: : lâ€"A Handsome Piano. valued at four hun‘ dred dollars. 2â€"0:]. Silver Tea Set (4 pieces) Quadruple plate. 3â€"0ne complete Set; Dickens (15 vols.) 4 to liâ€"Eight beau titully bound books (History of the Bible). 12 to 25â€"F0urteon Handsome Gold Thimbles. 26 tcLQQâ€" ï¬lmy-seven Testaments, handsomely oun . 93 to i'lbâ€"Thirty-thrce Solid Silver Thimblos. 126 to liOâ€"Fifiecn dozen Dinner Knives (quad- ru pie plate). 141 to iGOâ€"Twenty Handsome Silver - plated Cake Baskets. 161 to isoâ€"Twoniy halt-dozen Table Spoons (extra quality). . 181 to ills-Fifteen Silvar Tote-aâ€"Tcte Sets (quadruple plate). 196 to ZOOâ€"it ivo Silver Tea Services (1. pieces) quadruple plate. CONSOLATION REWARDS. The last one hundred persona sending correct answers will be awarded prize! as follows :â€" 1 to ioâ€"Ten half-dozen Tea Spoons (Triple Silver Plated). 11 to 20â€"Tcn Open Face Solid Nickel W'atches. 21 to -i0â€"'l‘wenty Silver 'l‘himbics. 41 to 6"â€"Tiventy half-dozen Table Spoons (Sil~ var Rated). 81 to {lo-Thirty Testaments (Morocco Bound). 91 to maSevon Pair Silver Sugar Tongs. (ls-One Complete Set Cooper (16 Vols.) 99â€"0ne Black Silk Dress. 100 (or lastlâ€"Fino ’l‘oncd Rosewood Piano, val- ued at four hundred dollars. Each person competing must be or become an actual subscriber to the Lamxs’ JOUR- NAL. Present subscribers competing will have their term extended one vear for th- eighiy cents sent. If you send one dollar it will pay for fourteen mouths subscrip- tion. _ The regular subscription price in out dollar per year, but during the term of this competition, which remains open only until the 16th of December, inclusive, subscriptions will be received at the rate of eighty cents per year, or two for one dollar and ï¬fty cents. - The JOURNAL has been established for ï¬fteen years, and is thoroughly reliable in every respect, and is cheap at one dollar per year. Every person who competes cannot get a prize, but those who do not will get good ‘ value for their eighty cent investment,’and all the above articles, as far as they go,will be given to those whoae answers are correct. ho charges will be exacted, beyond the subscription price named, from those who succce in obtaining rewards. The list of successful competitors will be published in the issue of the JOURNAL following the clone of the competition. Ten days after the date of closing of the competition will be given for letters to reach the imniss‘ JOURNAL ofï¬ce from dia- taut points, but they must all be post- marked not later than the 16th December. This competition ll revived, after about ï¬ve years’ silence, only at the solicita- tion of the many subscribers and friends of the LADIES' JOURNAL. Thane prizes have heretofore been given to agents for getting up clubr, but they (the prizes) are now oifered direct to the public, and we know that the winner: will be well pleased with the articles oï¬cred. 0f the thousands of persons who gained rewards in previous competitions, word in yet to be received from a dissatisï¬ed com- pctitor. Address The LADIES' J OURNLL, 73 Adelaide St. W4 Toronto, Canada. That Tired Feeling Means danger. It is a serious condition and will lead to disas- trous results if it is not over- come at once. It is a sure sigh that the blood is impoverished and impure. The best remedy ll HOOD’S Sarsaparilla Which makes rich, red blood, and thus gives strength and elas- ticity to the muscles, vigor to the brain and health and vitality to every part of the body. Hood's Sarsaparilla positively Makes the Weak Strong “1 have used six bottles of Hood’s Sar- saparilla as a general tonic and have enjoyed the beat of health. Although I ind a strain of work I have had no sick spell: for many months mu no lost time, I0 I am doubly repaid." THOMAS S. BILL, 261 Bruseclla St.,St. John, NewBi-uncwick. Hood’s Sarsaparilln Is the Only True Blood Purifier Promincutiy in the public eye. , 9 v cure habitual constipa- HOOJ 5 Pills non. l’ricempcrbox. New Danger in Cities. An explosion of gas in the fashionable section of Fifth avenue in New York the other day threw a dozen massive flagstones into the air. The explosion was a. tremendous one. All the win- dows in the mansion opposite were brok- en. a basement door was torn from its himcs. hon-:63 on 120.11 sides of the sticzt p’ere shaken up, and all the aristocrat- ic neighborhood was as badly fright' ened as if Gabriel had blown his trump- ct. The cause of the explosion calls at- tention to a. new danger in cities. The leakage of the electric fluid from Wires had eaten into the gaspipe. This grad‘ ual rotting of the pipe finally caused a leak. The gas accumulated under the Sidewalk, and was finally ignited hi 3 Spark from the electric wire which ad corroded the pipe. Electrical experts say that this corrosion of gas_and_water Pipes 15 going on in every city in the country. This fact appears to sugge,“ some tremendous pro embs, that Will Probably not be fully appreciated until there has been some great public catas- trophe. ‘ __.____..__â€"â€"-â€" An Old Rhyme Reset. "Affliction sore long time she bore Physicians were in vain." At last one day, a friend did say, ' "You'd soon be well again " if you would take, as I did, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. for that is the cure for all the peculiar ailments of wo- men. It is a safe, simple and sure rem- edy. It banishes those distressing mal- adies that make woman's life a burden, curing all painful irregularities, uterine disorders, inflammations and ulceration, prolapsus and kindred weaknesses. .As a nervine it cures nervous exhaustion. prostration, debility. relieves mental anxiety and hypochondria and induces refreshing sleep." She took the advtqe and is well. “Favorite Prescription" is the only remedy for the delicate dc- rangements and weaknesses of females. sold by druggists. A pamphlet free. Address \Vorid’s Dispensary Medical As- sociation, Buffalo, N.Y. Asthma. cured, by newly discovered treatment. For pamphlet, testimonials and references, address \Vorld's Dispen- sary Medical Association. Buffalo. N.Y. .......__n_.~.._. Not Necessary. Mammaâ€"Your pen-wiper has not been used at all. Jackâ€"Don't need it, my new pants are black. Consum tion can be cured by the use of . hiloh's Cure. This great Cough Cure is the only known remedy for that terrible disease. Hamilton City Council has decided to apply to the Legislature for an exten- sion of one year to enable the H.. G. and B. Co. to earn the city's bonus by extending its line to Beamsville. I have seen a farmer travel about so much that there was nothing at home worth looking after. Persons call daily and say they can- not get along without St. Leon Waterl « __._._â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" I have seen a rich man's son begin where his father left off, and end where his father lieganâ€"penniless. Diseased blood, constipation, and kidney, liver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. Sir Henry James. who might have been Lord Chancellor if he liked, wears the shabbiest clothes. perhaps, of any celebrity of the day. His tail hats are, however, always conspicuous for their immaculate glossiness. Heis a. real; favorite With the Prince of Vales. Cold in the headâ€"Nasal Balm gives ifnstant relief, speedily cures. Never ails. hhsicicns prescribeyScott’s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil 'and Hypophos- phites because they ï¬nd their patients can tolerate it for a long time, as it does not upset the stomach nor derange the digestion like the plain oil. Scott's Emulsion is as much easier to digest than the plain oil as milk is easier to digest than butter. Besides, the ï¬sh- fat taste is taken out of the oil and it is almost palatable. The way sickly children, emaciated, anatomic and consumptive adults, gain flesh on Scott’s Emulsion is very remarkable. Don‘t be permaded to accept a substitute! Scott 5:. Bowne, Bolleidllo. 50c. and $!. AUSAGE CASINGS, Finest imported Eng L lmh abet-p and narrow American hog cu logs, at right prim-s. Park. Harwell a Co.. Ltd. Toronto “IE are always open to buy or sell Hay. Straw. Grain. or Potatoes, in car lots. \YM. HANNAH & 00.. Toronto. ' A Strictly High GradI Wheel at a. MOD U" m. M. pméltif. anufacturer. 73 to 81 Adelaide St.W..Tornw OUGLA8-B§OB, Slate. Gravel and roofer-s. metallic ceilings, ck light- Iboct metal workargligi Adelaide W., ornate Machinery of all Kinds. from “'indmilis. Fire De artment Sup lies and \K-‘aterworka lama down it Engine Packing of the best kind. J. n NAU‘D. Manufacturen' Agent, 2357 .‘u'otrc Dunc Si... Monti-ca mug‘nnns was put mm um] Show; Wolf!“ 103 W99 ‘flmlx ll“ Wilma W‘ m mount Wm itnm flu sit unit-mun: mun mum: m: u "m up†cum Jo .‘ one cinvu up: u nonwiiddi uo mpg N W Henna WI "-736 '99qu missus! "9351131301 10.38 99111 W! \_ . ' BOIIILL WINNIch mnoidmoo ’ ' cant-painting ‘pois ‘puvca , ; .: pm Studumd mum :1 1mm -. mun Icuoui mi aux emu: Jcnaq I Wu) flop put an :1 along .mqu , I] ‘ sire-Ln pun rpm: at souddns pun 'samoq ‘ quch mm sun :1 tan: til it's: 9‘! (413.506 {tutu )0 in» cm pampu no it GmCT»-‘I1‘l$ofl'i7.: "'T'v'n mm 9‘0 m 090? ‘02) :lflliilJiiil 11.;1'. circular. '1 i111er Warning. The great success of the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter Baker .3. Co. (established in 1780) has led to the placing on the market 3- many misleading and unscrupulous imitations of their name, labels, and wrappers. Baker a CO. are the oldest and largest manu- facturers of pure and high-grade Oocoas and Chocolate: on this continent. i. used in their manufactures. , Consumers should ask for, and be sure that they get,thc genuine Walter Baker 3:. Co.’s goods. Walter No chemicals are WALTER BAKER «St (30., Limited, ooacussreu. MASS. Spit and Smoke Your Life men ,~ and - brings a o h: the feelings of '. youth to the pro- -~ maturoly old man. You may gain ton . pound- in ten days. / GUARANTEED :5" TOBIOOO HABl'I' OilliE. I Go buy and try a. box to-day. It 9 costs only in. Your own druggiut will guarantee a cure or money rc- - funded. Booklet, written guarantee ofcure ' and. sample free. Address nearest omoe. THE STERLlNG REMEDY (30., CHICAGO. H MLNurAcrUaun I! ï¬ll“ 0.1. PENDRITH '13 to 81 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. Catalogue on application. All Bakers Should Have Them. Great Labor Savor: STAM M Elli ll fï¬â€™fi‘éfiill’ ‘ ‘E‘i‘iâ€˜ï¬ 0 tion-.18 ' tam. N advance fees. rite for )8 THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE, 66 Shutcr St Toronto $3 A lliYSURE- and we will chow you how :0 maï¬a( a day; a: iutui sure- we mm: 0 war an ï¬nch y’bu free; you work in the locality _ where you live. Hand us your addrca and we will explain the hustnms fully- runiouibcr we guarantee a clear profit 0 33 for m'cr'v d! \"s work; uluoiutely lure: "Win: at once. Address D.T. Morgan,Mauager Box A. 4. Windsor, Onto. ntario BUSIN ESS Yrs COLLEGE. Must widely attended in America. Aï¬iliab ed with the Institute of Chartered Account- ants. For catalogue address. ROBINSON 8: JOHNSON. Belleville. Ont TWO SCHOOLS UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT TORONTO AND STRATFORD, ONT. Unquestionably the leading Cammercial Schools of the Dominion; advantages best in Canada; moderate rates :students may enter at any time; write to either school and mention this pa er. ‘ SEA & ELLIOTT, Principals. m Slate. Sheet-Metal, Tile a: Gravel Rooter- Sheot Metal Colilnks. Terra. Cotta Tile Red Black and Green Rooflu Slate. Metal Cor- nicca. Polo. Tar, Roofluiz itch. Etc. Guam-s, DoWnpipcn ate“ supplied the try-dc: Telephone 1986. Adelaide a: Widmer s:- TORONTO. m DON'T COUGH YOUR LUNGS AWAY, "(THE 1137'! GERMAN BREAST BALSAM, AND BE CURE!) OI“ THE OOUGH. Sold by Druggiats At 25 and 50 cents. M Champion Fire and Burglar-Proof Safes “These Safes are in use " from St. John's. N‘fld. to Vancouver. 'I‘berc hurl never been one of them opened by a burglar. All have the best combina- tion looks with 1000000 changes. Do not delay until you are robbed of 111' Sand for prices. etc. 8, S. KIMBA LL. 571 Craig St. Montreal. P.Q. burned on 0. $500,000. WAT! FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT on Moria-ac at Real Estate. Interact slowest ram. Special arrangements may made for Church Loans. Apply to Boaï¬y, Blackstock, Nesbitt, Chadwick 8‘ Riddcli, ' Bank of Toronto Offices, l Church Street TC)an llllEilliiTiSll, Remedy : Polycine (iii. H'le ERBNCH Disccavgï¬iiâ€" ‘ Dentin an ram 10 to an Oil can be kept for ucvoral years. See certiï¬cates of cures Obtainedâ€" Pubiished in the Monircalpuperc. HExrux \TORY PAMPH1£T 81. “ ALEXANDBE." Speciali-t of Paris. luv-l :i'otre Dame 8i... Montreal. MONTREAL, CAN. NEW YORK. \ caud cathartic cure constipation. Purely ve ctabic. smooth and easy.’sold by druggists everywhere. guaranteed to cure. Onlv )Oc. ‘ 'usic We want every MUSIO TEACHER tohavoacopy of our NEW (886 age) Mualo CATALOGUE JUBT Isaurro. t tone of the LARGEST GENERAL MUOIO,nntl MqSlO BOOK Catalogues ever: issued. Contaiun s TEACHER"S GUIDE for the so cut on of Music. no MUSIO TEACHER can AFFORD 70 BE WITHOUT THIS WORK. We also can . EVERYTHING PERTAINING t0 MUSIC an MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. WHALIY, ROYCE & 60., I58 Yonze 82.. TORONTO. CANADA- . :réf‘l‘lioNEY-MAKERT‘ " INITTINGMACHINE ONLY ï¬ffll‘éflfï¬di’lï¬f $10 assess-rises? THiS Is 43000 was?†seupro REELMAN BROS; NIâ€? .2. , GEORGETOWNDN . n TWENTY-FM: YEA. RI DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LAIGIIT BALI II CANADA. EVERY DISHONES'F- AOT leaves its ctcmai reward. If you an crippled with ilhcumtitiem or are I misciablc Dynueptic be honest with yourself and give at. Leon 0. trial. Th1! water has never failed to cure others; it is sure to cure you. ST. LEON MINERAL WATER 00., Ltd. Head Ofï¬ceâ€"King St. W., Toronto. Sold by all Drugzists. Grocers and Hth CANADIAN SHORT 8TORIES. __.._____.â€"â€"â€"â€" OLD MAN SAVARIN... AND OTHER STORIES, EDWARDWtffiiM THOMSON CONTENTS : Old Man Bavariaâ€"The Privilcgc of the Umltsâ€"MoGrnth'c Bad Nightâ€"Ore“ Godfrc 's Lamentâ€"Tho licd~Hended Win- degoâ€" he Shinlrg Croce of Rixaudâ€"Littli Baptisteâ€"The Rt 0 by Nightâ€"Drdwdâ€"A Turke Aplcceâ€"Grundpn n'l Wolf Stor -â€" The cterloo Vcterauâ€" ohu Bcdcllâ€" cl- bituky'c Strungan Pause eruptions. Montreal Gazette: †Mr. Thomson bu Iiudied with equal succcu the trench u on the banks of the Ottaw- or it. ctrihu the transplanted lilghlnndcrn, the vote who has carried acros- thc ocean all the tradi- tions of European battleï¬elds, the Nor‘wcl whom.- become the ancestor of lid!- and in Itili a. true non of auid Booth. the 701' ngeur and shanty mui. the hunter and in." per, apd oven the stranger that 11 within W “mi Saturday Ni ht: " I wow: win†say about tiabook thch . U the intelligent reading ubiic of 1M rest it with the whirlw ad of IPPWV“ fl.» merim deserve. it in one 01 the M great. book: written by Canndlanlnlnd most of the stories are located in Canada. WILLIMI nitrous. """llu‘u‘ru 29-33 Rich-san - . Ofl-~ *- .â€" "w- -_..