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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 6 Dec 1895, p. 7

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m FRIENDLY ADVICE s the loans of Renewed Health to a Suil'erer. â€"_ Dr. Wllliumc' Plait rill: Succeed Wher- Doelon Rad Fallon! for Thirty Years- The Bufl'crer One or Northnmbcrlnnd Co's Best Known )Ien. From the Trenton Advocate. Mr. John Frost's case is a most re- markable one. He is one of the best known residents in the county of Northumberland. being a retired far- mer of most ample means. and having financial dealings with hiindreds throughout the townshi s. “e have known him intimately or over ten ears. From him we gleaned the fol- owing facts in February last:â€"â€"” Iwas born in England and at twelve years of age arrived in Canada. with my par- ents. who settled in Prince Edward county and remained there for three years. We then moved to Rawdon township in the neighborhood county of Hastings. For thirty years I was a resident of Ilawdon, three years I resided in Seymour township and Iam at present and have been for the past ten years, a resident of Murray town- ship. For thirty years I have been a martyr to rheumatism. During that time I have been treated by scores of doctors and found partial relief from but one. I have during the same per- Gctting Into My Rig Was Agonizing. iod tried innumerable remedies, but all failed to cure me. Sc rcely a month passes that I am not aid up, and fre- q_uently I am confined to bed stx or eight weeks. unable to move hand or foot. and suffering untold agonics. Two Well known doctors told me one time that I would have to have an arm tak- en off to save my life. I tell you Ihave been a great sufferer in my_ time and I would give anything to find relief. 'My business causes me a great deal of 'driving and getting in and out of my ri is agony. Iinm 'ing is story to be true and anx- ious that Dr. \Villlams’ Pink Bills should have a. severe test. we prevailed on Mr. Frost, much against his Will, to ive them a trial. He got Six boxes ant commenced to use them. A}: the start he smiled at our confidence in the ills. “'6 saw him after he had used the first box and he admitted some rcâ€" lief and said he believed there was something in the remedy. _Hc contin- ued their use and by the time he had finished the six boxes he was as sound and proud 8. man as could be found in five counties. A couple of months have passed since the cure was effected and we deferred giving a history of the case in order that we could see for a. cer- tainty that the cure was permanent. \Ve see him several times a week active. 1y attending to his busmess and stall times loud in his praise of Pink Pills. All who know Mr. Frost know that his Word is as good as his bond. Yesterday we said to him, “Now, Mr. Frost, do you really feel that you are cured 9f rheu- matism? Do you feel any twmges of the old trouble at all 9" He replied, " i am cured. The Pink Pills have thor- oughly routed the disease out of my sysâ€" tem and I feel a new man. The use of the pills has given me new life and I am telling everyone I meet about the cure." Such is the case, and havmg known Mr. Frost for years the suffer- er he was. and seeing him now active, and almost youthful again. the «rapid change from suffering to health seems almost a miracle. However, we are not at all surprised, for on all stdes we hear of cures effected by the use of Pink Pills. The druggists remark their rapid sale and the satisfaction they glv. their customers. How she Knew. Mrs. Dixâ€"\Vhat makes you think your husband will bring you an expenâ€" sive present '( Mrs. Hicksâ€"\Ve had an awful row at breakfast and he slammed the door when he started. AMONG THE GERMANS. (also I. Bowman, M. P. for Waterloo. Praises Dr. Agnow's Catnrrhal Pow- der. the Remedy Which Relieves in ten Minutes. Our Teutonic. friends are not rash iii anything they do. and none are quicker to appreciate a good thing. They soon prick the bubble of unreliability. The tesliiiioiiy of Isaac ii. Bowman, M. P.. for Waterloo, is that he found Dr. Agiicw’s Cutarrhal Powder accomplish- ed just what it claims to accomplishâ€"a sure. pleasant and certain specific in the case of catarrhal trouble in the head or throat. But what. Mr. Bowman says of it is what everybody is saying ofl this great medicine. Reject worthlessl imitations. 'l‘uke only lJr. Agnew's ifi you wish instant relief and a permanent’ cure. Sample bottle and blower sent by S. Li. llctrhon. H Church St.. Toron- to, on revel t of ten cents in silver or stamps. So :1 by druggisis. An Accommodating Husband. Bickemâ€"My wife told me last night She was going to elope with Trotter to- av. l‘i'ivvetâ€"\\‘:isn't it very singular that she should tell youi ilirkorsâ€"Oii, not at all. She wanted a hundred dollars for traveling ex- penses and i gave her the money. Thousinds of cases of Consumption. Asthma. Coughs. Colds and Croup are cun-d every day by Shiloh's Cure. Good taste the flower of good sense. -- Poincc lot. â€"â€"._ Consumption 1.:uirippe. Pneumonia, and all l‘hroot and Lung dLsesses are cured by Shiioh's Cure. BIBLE PROBLEMS. Give chapter and verse of the fir" out of medical treatment mentioned in the Bible, where a ploistcr of fig. we: mean- nunded u a cure for boils. Tho I ADIBS' Jonas“. in offering the iollowxng series of valuable articles to than who answer thil problem correctly :â€" FIRST REWARDS- To the first person sending a correct answer will be given a Fina-toned Roco- wood Piano, by one of our but Canadian makers, valued at four hundred dollars. 2 to Sâ€"Fivc Handsome Go'd Watches (lady or gentleman's sizo, as preferred). 7 to illâ€"Ten Silver “‘aichcs. lady or gentl'. 17 to 36â€"Twcnt Open Face Solid Nickel. Heavy Bcve led Crystal Watches. 1'! tg 66â€"Tbirty halt-dozen Triple Plated Too boom. 57 to lO6â€"Forty dozen Nickel Tea Spoons. 107 to lGOâ€"Forty-four Handsome Gem Ringo. MIDI) LE REWABDI. To the person landing the middle correct Answer in the whole competition will be given number one of the following list of prizes : lâ€"A Handsome Plano.valucd at four hun‘ dred dollars. 2â€"Onc Silver Tea Set (l pieces) Qufidfllpl. plate. lâ€"Onc complete Set Dickens (15 vols.) ito liâ€"Eightbcautifull bo db oks Eli-to of the Bible). I an o ( r, 12 to Mâ€"Fonrteen Handsome Gold Thimblcs. 26 to 9‘2â€" Sixty-scvcn Testaments, handsomely bound. D3 to liéâ€"Thirty-three Solid Silver Thimblcs. 126 to bioâ€"Fifteen dozen Dinner Knives (quad- ruple plate). ill to 160â€"Twenty Handsome Silver - platod Coke Baukcts. lflltolSO-Twenty halfâ€"dozen Table Spoons (extra quality). in to [SS-Fifteen Silver Tcte-a-Tcte Soils (quadru lc plate). 196 to 200â€" ivo Silver Tea Services (4 pieces) quadruple plate. OONSOLATION REWARDS. The last one hundred person! sending correct answers will be awarded prizes as follows :â€" l to IOâ€"Ten half-dozen Tea Spoons (Triple Silver Plated). ii to 20â€"Ten Open Face Solid Nickel Watche& 21 to 40â€"Twcnty Silver Thimbles. £1 to (ivâ€"Twenty half-dozen Table Spoons (Sil- ver Plated). ‘ 81 to Elliâ€"Thirty Testaments (Morocco Bound). 91 to 97â€"chcn Pair Silver Sugar Tongs. 98â€"Ono Com lcto Set Cooper (16 vols.) 99â€"0nc Blac Silk Dress. 100 (or loanâ€"Fine Toned Rosewood Plano, val- ued at four hundred dollars. Each person competing must be or become an actual subscriber to the LADIEs’ JOUR- NAL. Present subscribers competing will have their term extended one year for tho ei ht cents sent. If you send one dol- la‘i‘ itywill pay for fourteen months sub- WhOIG “Stem- soription. The regular subscri tion price is on! dollar per year, but uring the term of this competition, which remains open ’ only until the 16th of December, inclusive, subscriptions will be received at the rate of eighty cents per year, or two for one dollar and fifty cents. The Joumur. has been established for fifteen years, and is thoroughly reliable in every rclpcct, and in cheap at one dollar per year. Every person who competes cannot get a prize, but those who do not will get good value for their eighty cent investment, and all the above articles, as for as they go,will bolsiven to those whom answers are correct. 0 charges will be exacted, beyond the subscription price named, from those who Inccced in obtaining rewards. The list of successful competitors will be published in the issue of the JOURNAL following the close of the competition. 7 Ten days after the date of closing of the competition will be given for letters to reac the LADizs’ JOURNAL office from dis- tant points, but they must all be post- marked not later than the 16th December. This competition in revivcd, after about five yonrl’ silence, only at the solicita- tion of the many subscribers and friends of the LADIES’ J OURNAL. Thane prizes have heretofore been given to agents for getting up club', but they (the prizes) are now offered direct to the public, and we know that the winners will be wall planned with the article! ofi'ercd. Of the thousands of per-om who gained rewards in previous competitions, word in yet to be received from a dilntiafied com- tltor. Addrcu. The LADIIS' JOURNAL. 3 Adelaide St. W.; Toronto, Canada. A. R791. M Weak and Nervous Whenever the body has been weak. cued by disease, it s ould be built up by Hood’s Sai‘saparilla. Read this: “About two years ago i enlisted with a very severe attack of inflammation of tho bowsls. When I began to recover I was in a very weak and nervous condition, and suffered intensely with nouralfic point in my head, which caused ion a Ileap,cnd having no appetite, I Became Very Thin and weak. Fortunate! a friend who had used Hood’s Saruparil with great benc- fit kind! recommended me to try it. 1 did so ansd I perfect cure has been «Bound. I now as well u I over wu and l wiaglid not be without Hood’s l mu. in my house for nnythln ." G. Kxax, 245 Manning Ave., ronto, Ont. Hood’s Sarsaparllla lo the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. m 035 to buy. easy to m Hood’s Pills m; ,3 mm m PEARLS 0F TRUTH. “'hatever is pure is also simpchâ€" Wilmot. Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtueâ€"Isaac Wai- ton. A wise neuter joins with neither.but uses both as his honest interest leads him.â€"Penn. The sun does not shine for a. few trees and flowers, but for the wide nvorld's joys.â€"Simms. No rsons are more frequently wrong han those who will not admit they are wrongâ€"Rochefoucauld. There is nothing so agonizingto the fine skin of vanity as the application of a. rough truth.â€"Bulwer. The excesses of our youth are drafts upon our old age, payable with inter- est about thirty years after dateâ€"Coi- ton. Brave conquerorsl for so you are, that war against your own affections and the huge army of the world's de- sires.4hakspeare. Fiction allures to the severe task by a. gayer reface. Embellished truths are the illuminated alphabet of larger children.--\Villmot. Sensibilit would be a good fortress, if she han but one hand; with her right she opens the door to pleasure, but with her left to pain.â€"Colton. Not Prepared to Try It. Sheâ€"No. Ned, it wouldn't be .judiâ€" cious for us to marry until after you have had your salary increased. He (pleadingly)â€"-But two can live cheaper than one. you know, Nellie. Sheâ€"Yes, I know. that’s what peo- ple say. As a matter of fact they have to. Children Who Suffer from scrofulous, skin or scalp diseases, ought to be given Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, for purifying the blood. For children who are puny, pale or weak, the "Discovery" 13 a tonic which builds up both flesh and stren th. \Vh'at is said of it for children apples equally to adults. As an appetizin'g, restorative tonic, it sets at work all the processes of digestion and nutrition, rousos every organ into natural action, and brings ack health and strength. In recovering from " grippe," or in convale- scencs from pneumonia, fevers, and. other wasting diseases, it speedily and surely invigorates and builds up the For all diseases caused by a torpid liver or impure blood. as Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Blotches and Eruptions. i gives most perfect satisfaction. Danger. First Trampâ€"It makes me nervous to sleep in one of dese lodgin’ houses. Supposm' a. fire was to break out in de night? Second Trampâ€"Dat's so. Dem fire- men would turn a hose on yer in a minute. - GREATER THAN PASTEUR. ARemedy for Heart: Disease Greater in its Results Than the Great Discoveries of Louis Pasteur. All honour to that great Frenchman. Louis Pasteur, whose famous hydro- phobia cure and other scientific disâ€" coveries have made him famous. Peace to his ashes now that he has left this world. But it is a problem, measured by actual results, whether he has done more for the worldthan the discoverer of Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart. \Ve speak of heart disease as incurable, and yet here is a remedy that has practically grasped thousands from the hands of death. In cases where it seemed that every breath taken would be the last, in half an hour's time patients have been brought around, and alittle perseverance in its use removes the disease, even when of a thoroughly chronic character. _.â€"._ Great men undertake great things because they are great; fools because they think them easy.â€"Vauvenargâ€" ues. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. _ It is easy for aman to write and. talk like philosophers, but to act with wis- dom, there is the rub.â€"Rivarol. Cold in the headâ€"Nasal Balm ives instant relief. speedily cures. ever fails. â€"_ Our distinctions do not lie in the places we occupy, but in the grace and: dignity with which we fill them.â€" Sunnis. Karl's Clover Root Tea isasure cure for _Headache and Nervous Diseases. Nothing relieves so quickly. Strange, but Trioâ€" The child that cannot digest milk can digest Cod-liver Oil as it is pre- pared in Scott’s Emul- ‘sion. Careful scientific tests have proven it to be more easily digested than milk, butter, or any other fat. That is the reason Why puny, 'sickly chil- dren, and thin, emaciated and anaemic persons grow fleshy so rapidly on Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites when their ordinary food does not nourish them. Don't be permdad to accept a muzqu scat! & Dunc, Ddlovlllc. 50¢. M “o I R; Mohair .‘JACI’AIILANR Specialist-Hg Ear-and Throat. “Carlton 8t. Tocon ' BlGYGLES-J'ilifi 6.395%.‘333’! Moderate l’ricc. Semi for catalogue. G. T. PERI)le Manufacturer. 78 to 81 Adelaide St. W" Toronm 'l imely Warning. The great success of the chocolate preparations of ‘5 the house of Walter Baker a. 00. (established in 1780) has led to the placlng on the mark” - e ‘ ‘ many misleading and unscrupulous imitations of their. name. labels, and wrappers. Walter Baker It Co. are the oldest and largest manu- facturers of pure and high-grade Cocos: and Chocolate: on this continent. No chemicals are used in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for, and be sure that they got, the genuine Walter Baker It. Co.’s goods. WALTER BAKER & (30., Limited, noacnssrea. MASS. ruéMONtYâ€"MAKER“ KNITTINGMACHINE SEWINGME AGENT SENDA 30W STAMP LA PR! US ~ OIR‘IO Y ".‘(C-F Trusts oooo roe S-Z"°‘5£Npro REELMAN BROS. Mfr? , . . GEORGETOWN,ONT. _ -' WE are always open to buy or sell Hny, l straw. Gram. or Potatoes. in car, lots. W. M. HANNAH 8: C0. Toronto, i l M AUSAGE CASINOS. Finest imported Eng ' lish sheep and narrow American hog ou- ings, at right prices. Park, Blackwell b Co., Ltd, Toronto. OUGLAG BIO Slate. rcvcl and metal routers. metal coil to. I! lights tmotalworkcral Adelaide W.. orcnto i mum-Am n Olin" "mm c. T. moms ' 73 to 31 Adelaide 8t. w., Toronto. Catalogue on ligation. All Bolton Ibouid Have Them- rut Labor Savor-c. grit MERINq sen-w as OI muuÂ¥mÂ¥3?&T °f§§iir0¥§2 20' ' . Isaiah“: St. Toronto . Machinery of all Kinds. from Windmills. Fire Department Sup- Eliei and \Vatcrworks Plants down to ngine Packing of the best kind. We wnnt 8v“? MUSIC TEACHER J, I. NAUD, Manufacturer-3' Agent, to have acopy of our NEW (336 CATALOGUE JUST Iosuno. . e 2257 Norm Dame Sb" Montreal LARGEST GENERAL MUSIC and MUS/O BOOK Catalogues ever: issued. Containin a A “5‘33 TEA CHER'S GUIDE for the select on '“Ildd’ of Music. Ivo MUSIO TEACHER elm aprons! on he, .0 £23,". a”. f: TO BE WITHOUT rms WORK. W e also on .01....” {um .. mm .1: "an... EVERYTHING PERTAINING to MUSIC cuchyou ken; you work indie locality MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. what you “w Sud 0' 1°“? “mg! WHALEY, nova: as oo.. ins Yanxe at. ' Sfigfl.mmfiglbcmim“ as 'rononvo. CANADA. a for ever! day'l work: absolute y luv: Write at once. Address D.T. Morgan,Manago BoxA. '4. Windsor, Onto. m I Ontario ' 27th YEAR BUSINESS N’s COLLEGE. Most widely attended in America. Afliliat- ‘ ‘ t I ed with the Institute of Chartered Account- * ants. 5 F is] as address. nolii'fiis‘bo & JOHNSON. Bellevillc, Ont I'D SGHDDLS UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LAIGIOT BALI IN CANADA. i i > Touou'ro AN!) Swan's-oar), ONT. E . Unquestionably the leading Commercial Schools of the Dominion; advantages best in Canada; moderate rates :students may enter 0 . at any time ; write to either school and mention this a or. SHR d: ELLIOTT, Principals. . G. DUTHIE & SONS Slate. Sheet-Metal. Tile 4: Gravel Roofer: Shut Metal Cellini". Terra Ootta Tile Red Black and Green R ofin Slate, Metal Cor- al 3,170“, Tar, R00 nu itch. Etc. Gotten. Do npipcs. &:c.. luppliod tho taro-do. Telephone 1936. Adelaide a Widmor Sta l leaves it: eternal reward. If you Ill crippled with Rheumatism or on miserable Dyspoptic be honest wi yourself and give st. Loon a trial. T water has never failed to cure onion 3 is sure to care you. ST. LEON MINERAL WATER 00., Li. Head Officeâ€"King St. W., Tomato. TORONTO. Bold by all Druuzi-tc. Gl'ooorl and g CANADIAN .HOIT =TOIIE Jggni‘glgiAwu’ OLD MAN SAVARIN... GERMAN BREAST BALSAM, AND OTHER aromas, AND Bl OURID 0! ml 60V”. â€"B'!'â€"- acid by Uranium M *6 wd 5° mu EDWARD WILLIAM THOMSON Oloth - CLOC- 1‘11" 5.1;..5‘0'1' ‘; 0v. docs unit the world's wind‘iiiiil bustling, b‘é'énuso it has reduced the cost or CONTENT! 2 Old Man Sawmillâ€"Tho Privil wind power to 1:0 what it was. It has many branch Of "‘0 U'mitBâ€"McGrfl-th a Bld Nightâ€"G . houses'nndgupplloguagoodsand :9 air; Godfro s Lamondâ€"Tho Rod-Headed Wl .y at. your door. It can and does turn aha degoâ€" ho Shinir- Cross of [ligandâ€"Ll bsgtcr artiitclc title? moneythag gapéisto~11he Riga by Night~Drnftcd~ bi. 0t 61'8- Im 08 “minus 111 ur e Ap ccoâ€" rand a in Wolf Btor - '5 “flit? 833:0chgwohvggifimmlafifigl; The T‘aterloo Veteranpâ€"fohn Badenâ€"Vil- p n . and Fixed Steel Towers, Steel buzz Saw hunky . scraugmn‘ PRESS oriNIONs. games, Steel Flood 1Cufteriliunud Feed r n ers- Onnpv lcat on W" 11811160“ Montreal Gazette: “Mr. 'l‘homon [no or these articles that it will furnish “Btu studied with equal success the French cettld January lst at 1/3 the usual Drlce- 1" 313° max“ on the banks of the Ottawa or its atribntarld. Tanks and Pille 0’ 3” km“ 30"" ‘0' c'm‘m" the transplanted Highlanders the veteran Fldor!‘ ‘2"): Rod‘W‘" “4 Fillmore Sine“! cum“ who has carried across the occa'n all the tradi- tions of European battlefields. the Nor'wcetcl' who has become the ancestor of half-becedl and is still a true son or cold Scotia, the var. ’ I savour and shanty man, the hunter and trap- u‘ per, and even the stranger that is within our gates." RIVATE FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT Hfiturdfl-Y Ni ht: “I wendor whatoncconld P on Mortgage of Real Estate. Interact My about t in book that would induce at lowest rates. Special arrangements may the intelligent roadinlg public or Canada to 1,. made {Or Church Loam. Apply no great it with the whir w ad of approval that s merits deserve. . . . ltin one of the few 30am; B'Mk3tock: N°.bltt! great books written by Canadians, and most Chadwick & Ridden, of the stories are located in Canada." Back of Toronto Ola“. WILLIAM BRIGQS, Publisher. Church Street Taro-I 29-38 Richmond St. West. Toronto _. '_ ....â€"-’_».._ .sufivo-avor *.o-~.ac~ -~- Slop Naturally! ‘ You Don’t Have or own druggiot uro or money r6- fimded. Bookiet,wrltten guarantee ofonre '.I and sample free. Address nearest office. THE STERLING REMEDY 00.. MONTREAL, CAN. NEW YORK. M CHICAGO. candy cathartic cure constipation. Purely vegetable. singnh and my, sold by druggists everywhere, guaranteed to cure. Only 190.

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