i am toâ€"day, and that I attribute it "to the patient. oersevering use of Dr. \\ ll- iiams' Pink Pills. "I fully, cordially and strongly com- mend Dr. “'illiums' Pink Pills to all or any who sufferin a similar waynnd feel sure that any one who adopts I’mk Pills with perseverance and patience cannot find their expectations unre- :ilized or their reasonable hopes blast- ed. But he will find that blessing which is the reward of a full trust in a true and reliable remedy. I shall always wish and desire the greatest success for Dr. “'illiams' Pink Pills 9‘1 FAMOUS REFORMEB. Rev. C. J. Freeman Speaks of‘Hls Life and Work. â€"â€" 80 Run Written and l’rcaeberl on Both hide: of the Atlanticâ€"Recon“: the Vic- llm or n Peculiar Affliction from Which He Was Belt-luau In 3 Marvel- loin nun-nor. from the Boston Herald. A Grim Amusement. A custom of the Abyssinian braves is described by Pearson's \Veekly. The girls themselves play an active part there. When young people are gather- ed for amusement. one of them will be- gin peeling a straw of green millet, which is full of pith. Her lover's blood runs cold. probably, but he must. smile or own himself a craven. \Vhen she has cut the pith into bits an inch long. he.s'tretches out his bare arms. The 'l imely Warning. The great success of the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter Baker a 00. (established in 1780) has led to the placing on the market ‘ many misleading and unscrupulous imitations of their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter Baker a Co. are the oldest and largest manu~ facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and 'o ' you. . .. . _,-s _ ‘ 3.0- 1‘“ _I‘“"~fmm 5" SPUté’JBOEton’ and always cherish a deep feeling 9f example set. every girl who respects Chocolates on this continent. NO chemicals are ‘3 m†mum!“ Home 0‘ Re" " ‘ we- gratitude to the friend Who first said herself and has a lover follows it. The men, 13.1., l’h.l)., the recent rector of used in their manufactures. to me buy Pink Pills. I have tried men form a circle with arms ex- "'3th’.'44-1.:1£.-'- - They are an unfailing spe- cific for such diseases as locomotor at- axia, partial paralysis. St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nerv- ~ . .‘ - . . - . - _ young . . a. : Ectg‘lï¬ia{isltlmï¬ï¬opglr S‘ll‘tlr;g}03ï¬3 them and know their value. and um tended. Blithely, then. _\v1th many a consumers should ask for, and b0 sum “18' - I. » - 71 :11th v31 (3.5.“ B “ton Dr truly glad I did, for _I have found them Jest, doubtless. the_maidens arrange :1} h th I waiter Baku. & co ,. oode : b‘zn3 figquehllvheaard Ironi “gum 5'" gfodnexplexilegge'fogo thdgngore liltifu‘dblf‘s Of plttlllhupnght {‘11: sgmgnaansgg t 9’ got! a gen†n° ' g .0 ‘; manxsacuwcaun - 881M“ “’8†5' . Elash“.5haste“???fz‘ï¬féié‘éï¬Ã©l V°5YJ‘“‘£~’:‘..“2;Y..J°‘§: P. D the “35%â€taheihï¬fu-ï¬e‘i§ail§d§ “$332 WALTER BAKER & 60-» Limited. Le“.fifï¬ï¬xï¬gï¬diï¬Ã©ï¬gi’sflï¬bï¬ï¬ Late Rector of St. Mark's: Montana. the hapless youth must stand and smile DORCHESTER. MASS. .- 13;.';;:.‘.;,;;;';,; was ten PMS a‘g'o on A Dr. “'iiliams' Pink Pills contain, in as we“ as he cap up the blood of the cirirmiéiozi:ipuointed in England to in- "' condensed {qrm' all the Blame-mtg seared flesh eXtmnghes them’ Gctmydescrlptlve catalogu- ve‘siii'ii'n U»:- ‘troublmome nuestion of necesiari'htob‘lrwe agl‘flze‘lsgiennguaceg‘ â€" - â€" about D “h M. Z" :72,†“ . .- ;‘;. ‘ ness 0 8 00d 8. s . - Y .‘ ,7 the "‘"" "f We†“"“" cd nerves. Nothing Stands as High atl'ordtodo without $.32“ out? new ’ I lie has preached before cultured au- divnccn' in the: old world, as well as to the rough plLlllefi‘S ill the mining towns 3 sued-.1 w asaremedy for every womanly ailment, G'T- Pendrlth: MTV-’1 “TORONTO.dO.Ns;: as Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. PRIVATE FUNDS FOR INVESTMBL n M 1 - - ' . a ' _ . - . ‘ . . . 5m ‘ :5...‘.¥‘:'.:“:irl 2:;"l?.‘iii‘:ia.;:§ were. thefaggerf2§85§mï¬ ligati‘infgnvéfï¬â€˜Zi‘étgiiiii’taé“?.§€$§: 3 3 l EAYSUBE. 2., 0:: ....:s.*is§:zt.zz.£°:thea..sss ‘ fl 3 ' ‘ . 3. .m ... ' . ‘ . 8' grlPDe- P3 P1 a 1011 0 e ‘9‘ ' - - - - d bounds for Church Loans. Appytc in the line of prnsrl 33 .-.1d llel‘dllL). and sumo“, complexions’ an forms of and acomplete cure £01 all the derange mum†on 63:31:??nfg Beatty, Blacketook, Neabltt. Chadwick Si Ridden, Bank of Toronto Ofï¬ces. Church Street '1?an 3F. -. , We want every MUSIC TEACHER to have a copy of our NEW (386 page) MUGIO CATALOGUE Jusr Issuun. t in one of tho LARGEST GENERAL MUSIO_alld MUS! BOOK Catalogues ver: issue? Containiu TEACHER’S éU/DE or the select on of Music. NO MUSIO TEACHER c911 AFFOR , 70 as WITHOUT Tma womc. ll :3 also our EVERYTHING PERTAINING‘ L0 MUSIC an MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ments, painful disorders and chronic weaknesses peculiar to the sex. For young girls entering womanhood; for women at the critical "change of life "; for women approaching conflue- ment; nursing mothers; and every wo- man who is "runâ€"down," tired, or over- workedâ€"it is a special, safe, and cer- tain help. Send for free pamphlet or remit 10 etc. (stamps) for a. book of 168 pages, on "Woman and her Diseases " and how to cure them with home treat- ment. Address \Vorld's Dispensary Medical Association. Buffalo, N.Y. wellâ€"seasoned with practical common sense. llr. Freeman has written this paper a letter which will be read with interest. He says:â€" “Some five years since I found that deep study and excessive. literary work. in addition to my ordinary ministerial duties. were underminingr my health. I detected that Iwas unable to understand things as clearly as I usually did; that after but little thought and study Isufâ€" forced from a dull pain in the head and great wearincss, and all thought and study became a trouble to me. I lost appetite, did not relish ordinary food. after eating. suffering acute pains in the chest and back. There was soreness of the stomach. and the most of my food seemed to turn to sour water, with most sickly and suffocating feeling in vomitâ€" ing up such sour water. solute); sure; we furnish the work and leech you tree; you work in the looeiliy in.“ when you live. Send us your eder and we will explain tbebusinou fully- ‘33: ember we gnu-ante. a clear prom Shrim- evorv day's work: Absolutely an: Writs at once. AddressD.T. Illorgan,lifanago Box A. 4. “'indsor, Onto. Ontario 27th YEAR USINESS COLLEGE. Most widely attended in America. Afï¬liat- zgtgith the Institute of Chartered Account- For catalogue address. ROBINSON a: JOHNSON, Bollovillo, Ont weakness either male or female. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent. post paid on receipt of price. (50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50â€" they are never sold in bqu or by the 100) by addressing Dr. \Villiams' Mc- dicine Company, Brockvilie. 0nt.. or Schenectady, NY. w» A Co njuror’s Mistake. A French conjuror. doing a. perform- ance at the court of iiL'idagascar, asked the queen throu h an interpreter if she would taste a. g ass of wine. On her refusal the oonjurer, with simulated anger. emptied the gloss over her. and the contents dropped in the shape of a rose into her majesty’s lap. The court functionaries were so indignant at his Dr. Piercc's Pellets cure constipation. piles, biliousncss, indigestion, or dyspep- sia, and headaches. TWO SGH’JOLS ORDER OHE MANAGEMENT Japan Honors its Heroes. I Rev. C. J. Freeman, B.A., Ph.D. at this time I consulted several physi- cians. One said I was run down. an- other said I had chronic indigestion; but this I do know, that with all the prescriptions which they gave me Iwas not improving; for in addition, I had pains in the regions of the kidneys. a very sluggish liver. so much so that I was very much like a yellow man, was depressed in spirits, imagined all sorts of things and was daily becoming worse and felt that I should soon become a confirmed invalid if I did not soon understand my complaints. I followed the advice of physicians most severely, but wiih all I was completely unable to do my ministerial duty. and all I could possibly do was to rest and try to be thankful. After eighteen months' treatment I found I was the victim of severe palpitation of the heart. and was almost afraid to walk across my room. Amid all this I was advised to take absolute rest from all mental work. In fact, I was already unable to take any duty for the reason that the feeling of complete prostration after the least exertion, precluded me from any duty whatever, and it appeared to my mind that I was very near being a perfect wreck. As for taking absolute rest, I could not take more than I did unless it was so absolute as to rest in the grave. Then it would have been absolute enough. “It is now quite three years, since, in addition to all the pains and penal- ties which I ondured, I found creep- ing upon me a peculiar numbness of the left limbs. and in fact could ,not walk about. If I tried to walk I had to drag the left foot along the round. The power of locomotion seemet to be one, and I was consoled with the ’m- ormntion that it was partial paralysis. “'hether it was or not I do not know. but this I do know, I could not walk about and I begun to think my second childhood had commenced at the age of 41 years. "Just about two years ago or a little more. a ministerial friend came to see me. I was sick in bed and could hardly move. and he was something like old Job's comforter. although not quite. He had much regret and comrniseration which was very poor balm for a sick man But the best thing he did say was this "Did you ever see Pink Pills i" I said. "\Vho in the world is he 7" He mid. "\be do you not. try Pink Pills I" Ilc said good bye. very affectionately, so much so that doubtless he thought it was the. last farewell. Nevertheless, after thinking a little. Ijust came to the conclusion that I would make an in- novation and sec wlmt Pink Pills would do. i ltilkcll at them, and I said can any grod possibly come out of tlirse lit- tle pink things? Anyway, I would see. I was suspicious of Pink Pills, and I remembered the. old proverb: "Sospet- to liveniizl folio." “ suspicion is the pass- port to faith." So Pink Pills I obtained. and Pink Pills I swallowed. But one box of them did not cure me. nor did I feel any difference. But after I had taken nine. or ten hoses of pillsl was decidedly better. Yes. I was certainly improving. and after eight months of Pink l‘illemuid get about. The numb- nees of the left limb was nearly gone. ibepiinsinib: head hwdcniire’ weasel, the appedie was better. i con «i enjoy food and i had a free quiet a.st of the heart without palpitation. In fact. in twelve months I was :1 new creature. and to-doy I can stand and speak over two hours without a rest, loan nerl‘nrm all my public duties which devolve up. on me. without fatigue. and do all the walking whisli I have do :m-l am thankful for ii. i can safely ssv i was never in a better slate of health than proceeding that they jumped up from their seats, insisted upon the queen’s leaving the apartment, and charged the performer with high treason. The unfortunate man had to be protected by the native troops from the fury of the populace, and was compelled to leave the capital before daybreak. The best cough cure is Shiloh's Cure. neglected cough is dangerous. Stop it at once with Shiloh's Cure. Man's Gallantry. Mrs. J inksâ€"This temperance paper says rum is made from the refuse of su er. ifr. Jinksâ€"Yes, my dear. Man uses the bestr~ of the sugar to make bon bone for lovely woman, and has to content himself with the refuse. A LADY OF DELHI SAYS SO. Mrs. Norman E. Colnke. ol'Delhl,0nt.. Pro- ntraled will: Kidney Disease Woe Re lleved in Six Hours by South American Kidney Care. One claim of South American Kidney Ours is that it will relieve pain in six hours, and taken according to direc- tions will vanquish disease. Let one of many cases be cited. Mrs. Norman E. Cooke, of Delhi, Ont.. says; " About one year previous to last spring I was much troubled with kidney disease. At times the pain was so severe that I could not rest or even attend to my duties. I doctored with our looal physician, but got no relief. I also tried porous plas- ters and other remedies. but to the same effect. I saw South American Kidney Cure advertised as a speedy relief, and procured a bottle, which did just as it was advertisedâ€"relieved me in six hours. I purchased five more bottles, and I am now entirely well. and have not had an attack since." South American Kidney Cure is the remedy known that will cure diabetes and Bright’s disease, and relieves al- most instantly ain in the kidneys, bladder and bac '. I was nervous, tired. irritable and cross. Karl's Clover Root Tea has made me well and happy. MRS. E.B. \VORDEN. A. R792. Mr. Jacob Wilcox of St. Thomas, Ontario, is one of the best known men in that vicinity. He is now, he says, an old man, but Hood’s Sarsaparilia has made him feel young again. †About a year ago I had a very severe attack of the grip, which resulted in my not having a well day for several months otterwsrds. I was completely run down and my system was in e Terrible Condition. I lost flesh and became depressed in spirits. Finally a friend who had been beneï¬ted by Hood’s Sarsaparllio advised me to try it and I did so. .I continued tak- ing it. until I used twelve bottles and today 1 can honestly say Hood’s Sam- perliln has restored me to my former health." J soon Wilcox, Ontario. Hood’s Sarsaparllla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominemtly in the public eye today. I. cures when all other preparations fall. __..._.-.._ - ._._..._...____. tho attentions: pill and {lazily cadmrtlc. ï¬e. Hood’s Pills 8â€â€œ 8TA MERING Japan does not mean to forget its heroes who perished in the late war with China. Statues of the chief miliâ€" tary and naval officers will be erected in the imperial palace. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"...__. A. Toronto Citizen. Bed-ridden for Five Months fro Rheumatism. Cured by South American Rheumatlc Cureâ€" ‘Touderful Testimony to the Virtue of -flll§ Great Rheumatic Remedy. What would sufferers not give to seâ€" cure relief in case of rheumatism? Bed ridden for five months, and e. sufferer for a greater eriod of time. it is not rising that ll . WJ. Tracie, 120 Church St... Toronto, being new cured through the use of this medicine, calls it " Go '3 own remedy." In his own words: "You do not know how thankful I am for having tried South American Rheu- matic Cure. For years I had suffered. suffered intensely. and could get no re- lief until I was influenced to use this remedy. How great a sufferer I was is known to hundreds of citizens in To- ronto. and my condition was well known to exâ€"Ald. Peter Macdonald, whose place of business is near to my own. Use my name in any way you like." Tcnozv'ro AND STRATFOBD, ONT. Unqueetlcnably the loading Commercial Schools of the Dominion; advantages boat in Canada; moderate rates ;studonls may enter ".0 any limo; write to either school and mention this pa or. emu a ELLIOTT, Principals. The Only Chemical Hand Fire the Ins actor of Government of Quo- ‘ bee an all fire department authori- ties. It is the simplest, the best and the cheapest and is now in use in most public buildings. factories. etc. Price $24.00 per Dozen. CANADIAN FIRE EXTINGUISHER 60. J†THE ‘- 7-9 St. Peter 81:... Montreal. illilllilll’i‘lSll, dzflm ran TREATMENT AND cum; us: Folyuice Oil. “ ALEXANDER." PARISIAN Srucume'r. 1894 Notre Dame St., Montreal. THE AERMOTOR CO. does halt the world's windmill business, because it has reduced the cost of Wind power to 1:6 what it was. It has many branch _ . - houses. and supplies ltsgoods and repairs ‘ at your door. It can and does furnish a _ better article for less money than ’ others. It makes Pumping and Geared, Stool Gaivanlzed~after- ‘ Completion Windmills. Tilting ’ xed Stool Towers, Steel Buzz Saw . ‘ Frames, Steel Feed Cutters and Feed Grinders. On application it will name one i of these articles that it will furnish until January 1:: at 1/3 the usual price. It also makes Tanks and Pumps 0! all kinds. Send for catalogue. Factory: lZih. Rockwell and Fillmore Streets, Chicago. ' i ‘ Stylish COMFORTABLE ' - FOOTWEAR. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. ASK FOR Prof. Huxley's widow has received a civil list pension of £200. - Pills do not cure Constipation. They only aggravate. Karl‘s Clover Root Tea gives perfect regularity of the bowels. A heavy purse in a. fool's pocket is a heavy curseâ€"Cumberland. Catarrhâ€"Use Nasal Balm†Quick,posi- ive cure. Soothing, cleansing, healing. _._. A woman's lot is made for her by the love she acceptsâ€"George Eliot. Truth is everlasting, but our ideas of truth are not.â€"â€"Beecher. " My baby had croup and was saved by Shiloh's Cure," writes Mrs. J.B. Mar- tin. of Huntsville, Ala. LOSS OF FLESH is weakening. You cannot af- ford to fall below your healthy weight. If you Will take Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soï¬a when your friends ï¬rst tell you you are getting thin, you will quickly restore your healthy weightand may thereby prevent serious illness. . As 5 2 FOR IT, OR SENDA 3cm STAMP FOR PARTICULARS. PRlCE LIST, . SAM PLES.COTTON YAR N.&c. Z99 ’SENUTU' ‘ . n _ 1» 10 p, :-?I-Kl$l§iGOOO£OR'~ I L ‘ 3‘;GEORGETQWN;ON‘E -" Persons have been known to gain a. pound a day by taking an ounce a. day of Scott’s Emul- sion. This seems extraordinary; but it is absolutely true. Don‘t be permaded to accept a substatith Scott 6L Bowne. Bellovlllo. 50c. and Si. ' You Don’t Ilavo . to Sw’ear DR. )IURRAY MACFARLANE. Specialist-Eye Ear and Throat. 8‘2 Carlton St... Toronto AUSAGE CASINOS. Finest imported Eng lish sheep and narrow American hog and ings, of right priCL-s. Park. Blmkwell s Co., Ltd. Toronto. ‘VEore always open to buy or sell Hay, Straw, Grain, or Potatoes. in our lots. W. M. HANNAH 8500. Toronto. OUGLAB BROS. Slate Gravel and metal roofere, metallic co lingo, ck lights Ibeet metal workers. 124 Adelaide W.. cronto Pormwen 1 0cm “ d ’ N by alt-trio ‘Vltélurr on lam. o v cos c 0 fl amm.’ THE onidsï¬to ms wigs. . 668an Toronto FLORIDA LAN no or extraordinary fertility in healthy location ; lmn enao'proflu on «nipping winter crown vegetables to northern markets. No clearing. drainage or in lion needed. Low pricel; on)!" terms. . J. Fun-row, MChnroh Street, oronto. ill Bliiili CHICAGO. OASOARETS Wheel at a on NICE. 6. 'l‘. Manon-mun. r. 73 to 81 Adelaide :L. \i'- To: our: Extinguisher now approved of by A ' '- W'U’M’VHWW‘J . . Slop Naturally! guarantee a. cure funded. Book! or and sample free. THE STERLING REMEDY 00.. ' WHALIY, ROYCE 85 60-, I 8 Yonxo U... TORONTO. CAN DA. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEAR. w- R THECOOK'S BE T FRIEND “ROBOT BALI IN CANADA. EVERY DlSHONES'D AOT ' loaves its eternal reward. It you are crippled with Rheumatism or are I miserable Dyspeptlo be honest With yourself and give 39. Leon a trial. This water has never failed to cure others i ii is sure to cure you. sr. LEON MINERAL mm 00., ltd. Head Ofï¬ceâ€"King St. W., Tomato. Sold by all Druc‘zlsts. Grocers and Hutch CANADIAN 8HORT STORIES. m OLD MAN Ski/ARIN...» AND OTHER STORIES, _By._ ’ EDWARD WILLIAM THOMSON Cloth - 8|.00. ‘Donrrmrs : . Old Man Savarlnâ€"Tho Privilege of the Limitsâ€"McGrath's Bad Nightâ€"Greet Godfrc 's Lamontâ€"Tho Rod-Headed Win- dego'â€"' ‘he Shinir: Croce of Rigaudâ€"thtlo Baptisteâ€"The Ru e by Nightâ€"Draftodâ€"A Turkey Aplecoâ€"Grundpa a’s Wolf Stor â€"- The V atcrloo Vctcrnnâ€" chn Bedellâ€" or blteeky's 8tratagem. PRESS OPINIONS. Montreal Gazette: "Mr. Thomson bu _ studied with equal success the French some! THEM. on the banks of the Ottawa or its atrlbutaflq the transplanted Highlanders. the veteran who has carried acres»; the ocean all the trad!- tione of European battleï¬elds, tho Nor'weatol who has become the ancestor of halt-beeodn and in still a true son of uuld Scotin, the var. ogeur and shanty man. the hunter and trap- per, and even the stranger that is within our gates." Saturday Night: “ I wonder what one could my about this book than would induce the intolll ent reading ubllo of Canada. to greetit th the wblr w ad of approval the! its merits deserve. . . . Itla one or the few great books written by Canadians, and moot of the Itorlel are located in Canada." WILLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher. 18-88 Richmond St. West. Toronto .. -..a .a' a? _ GUARANTEED TOBIOGO mu BORE. mono ro- ; euwrlttenzuamnteeotouro Address nooreetoflce. l, MONTREAL. can. new You. Mm candy cathartic cure constipation. Purely‘ vegetable, 37,100“; and my, sold by drugglsls everywhere. guaranteed to cure. .‘iniy 2:43.