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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 3 Jan 1896, p. 4

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. Err-c t r. 1“?" ‘5 . i z) . f. «a i: 7. . f: . ,: ~.. ‘. 1 ,.' g ' ‘ _’ -W' V . "r5 -\_ STILL AT TH HEAD. A. Larger Stock to choose W from than all the others put together. . . . . CLARK & SON. lllYeSilgille the quality of my Boots and Shoes. Dilllllefflle and you will find them the best and cheapest. Meditate and you will not Hesitate .. m... ,0... ma... Of course you will, when you find I am giVing 22 pounds of 613111113le Sugar for $1.00. W. L. ROBSON. The A an ion of he Lt in IS DIRECTED TO MY STOCK OF Fancy Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Cottons, Flannelettes, Waterproof Cloaks, Umbrellas, Bed-spreads, Municipal Nominations. Monday last, December 30th, being the last Monday in the year, was the day appointed for the nomination of candidates to fill the offices of rccvc, deputy reere, councillors and school All Farmers Want T0 wish of the root-e, the proceedings here y. commenced at noon, as last year. when the nominations were held in the evcn~ The Massey.Harris ing, the hall was crowded by alot 0f CUTTERS PULPERS FEED GUTTERS When Mr. W. T. Junkin, the returning officer, announced that he was ready to ball was fairly well filled. The nomin- FENELON FALLS" ations were as follows :â€" Feed Cutters are Feed Savers. Feed Saved is Money Made. boys who, to some extent, made them- selves a nuisance and whose room was Are the Best. See Them. _ ., . . , F sale b ieceitc nominatioastierewcrc not many or y of the electors present, but others far more desirable than their company. - dropped in by twos and threes, and by the time the speaking commenced the FOR REE“. canon)”: novxa sandman Jas. Dickson \Vm. Golden J. Slater J. A. Ellis W. Dcyman T. Roberts The Fenelon Falls Gazette, John Austin W. Fountain F. M'Dougall __.__.______L_.___ J.McF'arland J. Nugeut J. Quibell FOR COUNCILLORS. Geo. Martin W. McArthur Wm. Scwcll F. Sundford Geo. Martin W. MoArthur Friday, Jan. 3rd, 1896.. Two Liberal Victories. ,J.,Sla_tcr W.._ Campbell. W. Sewell Durinn' the past Week the Liberals W’- D°Ymn J- Slam W' 90W" 0.? - ,- ,- T. Johnston J. Nugent W. Golden have c,ained two important \ictoncs, TI Robson J. Austin PLAustin which their opponents are attributing to everything but the true reasons, viz, that the majority of the people are tired of the present trade policy and are op- posed to the coercion of Manitoba. in FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEES- scliool matters. In _Montreal Centre, F. McDougall J. Austin G. Martin on Friday last, Mr. McShane, the Lib- J. Austin T. Roberts W. Campbell oral candidate, was elected by a majority Dr. Wilson W. McArtliur J. Austin of 336 over Hon. J. J. Curran, who had Dr. Graham J. Dickson J. Slater a majority of 1,214 in 1891;1md in At the expiration of the hour for Jacques Game"! 0“ Mondayv Ml“ Chm" receiving nominations, Mr. Junkiii Wus bonneau; the 1111391111, “’33 elected by a appointed chairman and the meeting majority °f 572 over M“ Giroum'd: Who was addressed by all the nominees cx- has held the scat 31”” 1878- Bow ccpt three or four who were not present. CODStitueDCies were 10"de , “P00 as All the speeches were brief, the longest almostimprcgnable Conservative strong- only occupy-ma about a quarter of" an holds, and their capture by the Liberals 1,0,“. and. mm; WAS as lime u spamnq n shows a wonderful turn over in public as “3,3 ever heard at a memo" of we opinion. Cardwell, Montreal Centre kind. Mn Dickson said that, mm of “Pd Jacques Cartier 1 Three glofious taxation had been raised because there Victoriesin rapid succcssmn, and, in all was no other way, except by borrowing probability. 50°" to be followed by W0 money, (which he thought was worse,) more- of paying ofi‘ old debts that had been allowed to accumulate; Mr._ Martin said a few words about things ingencral, including the cow by-law; Mr. Saiidlord R. M. Mason John Jones T. Lane S. Brokcnsjiirc H. Scwcll T. Archer E. Fitzgerald T. Austin T. Roberts The Fever Abating. Ladies’ and Childrens’ Vests, Babies’. Knitted ‘Woollen Caps, Tam O’Shanters, Cashmere Hose, Ladies and Children’s Fancy Knitting and Fingering Yarn, Ladies’ Belt Buckles, Fancy Combs, etc , Wash Silk, Embroidering Silks, Kid Gloves, Cash- mere Gloves, etc. Thanking my customers for past favors, I respectfully invite them to inspect my stock and get prices. Hodrthur’s Block. Mpg Hamilton. Fenelon Falls. In the Fetch/ion, In the Warld‘. Pack away that summer suit, that it may do. for next summer. Buy a man Suit, And be in style now and next year too. It costs no more to look well all the year around, and wear seasonable clothes. “ ’Tis not the clothes that make the man, but they help.” If you will give us a. call we will surprise you both - in prices and quality. S. PENHALE. orrosrrn JOS. HEARD’S HARDWARE STORE. On our first page will be found .a timely and thoughtful article on “ The Crisis,” from that high class publica- tien, the Scientific American, followed thanked his mover and seconder, but declined to run again, as he had too much business of his own to attend to ;, Mr. Slater indignantly laid down four by 3 sample 0f the kind or talkindulgw dollars before the chairman, (and rc~ in by the blatant asses of whom there are several millions too many in the neighboring Republic, though it is to be hoped that it is very seldom that one of them is permitted to make a dc- liberate attempt to mislead and corrupt the minds of a schoolful of the rising generation. A couple of weeks ago the misguided masses who pretend to. be spoiling for a fight appeared to be. hav- ing things all their own way; but wiser counsels have since prevailed, the bel- ligerent fever is rapidly abating, and council and already the “ nays " have 'it by a de- fused to take them up again), because fault was found with the payment to him of that amount by the council for his six day’s attendance at the electric light .trial at Lindsay; Mr. Fitzgerald said that his private duties took up so much time that he must decline nomin- ation, and than made a few remarks concerning taxation, advising rigid econ- omy until the present debt is paid off; Mr. Ellis told how successful he had been in getting money from the county (in answer to a question put by Mr; Lane) said he had not then, ‘31de "‘"jmlW- Eve" if the “Shem and never had, the slightest pecuniary go to war with England were a great interest in the electric light contract. deal more general in America than we M,- John Austin said that rims, and believe it to be, the utter madness of side issues toooftcn elected’mcn to oflice, domg {50 has already been Show“ §° and that, if his wishes had been carried concluswely thatorators of the Captain out, the chemo light trouble would D“ Quail“ type Win spend their 310‘ have been settled without a lawsuit; quenccin vain. There are millions of Mr. Dcyman criticised some items of men and millions of dollars across the expenditure during the Veal. and said lakes, but they can’t fight with specie any more than they can eat or wear it, the financial statement was not suf- ficiently explicit ;, MT. JohnstOn thought and to convert it into ,mcn‘°f‘“'“"i 100’ it was bad policy for the council to buy ‘0“ guns 0‘ fortresses ‘3 a 510W Process a suit of official clothes for a tall con- eveu when an enemy isn't interfering stable unless they were sure that a short With it- The SCENIC/5° American: in one would not takcliis place before the an “"1010 contl'flllng “1° “Mal 1"" uniform was worn out; and Mr. Robson sources of theS‘tatcs and England, says satisfactorily explained the item of that the former has only 43 ships of war, with a total displacement of 180,- 825 tons, while the latter has 208, with a displacement of 1,158,005 tons; and $20.18 for repairing a shaft. Mr. Dickson, who took the floor a second time to say a few words regarding the grant to Mr. Slater and the expenditure admits that, ifcach nation added to its 0,, Mn Swdpordvs force pump, drew, navy with the utmost possible rapidity, attention to the fact that no fault what- ever had been foundwith him ; and said he was opposed. simply because others . C i T a iEnglnud, with her unrivalled building ‘ I facilities, could float six ships to her W 1 THE PUBLIC ARE NOW SATISFEE l WITH THE PRICES AT WHICH THEY GET DRY GOODS 1 AT THE OLD STAND. I a THEY SAY ’ THAT GOODS ARE NOT SOLDEGHEAPER ANYWHERE. m» Centinus Cutting, for there is always Something New turning up. i WM. CAMPBELL. l. l OPQOWDVS °"f31' OWing to t1"°_unl’°l’u‘ wished for the rccvcship and some of 1‘"le 0f Pl'CS‘dent Cleveland? mmfpl'?‘ the ratepayers would like them to have tation of the Monroe doctrine, it is it. Of the four gentlemen nominated probable that the States would have to for trustees the only two present were fight single handed, and General Mich Mr. John Austin and Mr. F. McDougall, has PO‘E‘ECfi 0‘", “'3‘ the “ "cry Opening both of whom made brief speeches suit- of hostilities with a great naval power able to the occasion. Just as the meet, “(mm 999 every 593003“ (my 0“ the ing was about to rise Mr. Martin ad- ] Alla-“tic Md Pncmc sul’lcc‘ ell-he" ‘0 vanccd to the platformand said that the the humiliation of an indemnity or to Council had offered m submit a bylaw the horrors of bombardment." Aided by considerations of religion and liunian- condition that the Linht Um should im, the contemplation of the above'facts be“. the expense if [1,7, bylaw were “1“ fiY-lures has had '1 very sedan” defeated, and that Mr. John Austin, effect: unfl‘ "llhoflt-lh m" Salli in}! from the President, had refused the offer. “m? ‘0 “me be '"dlflged 1”» ‘5 “PM ‘3‘ As Messrs. McFarland, Saudford, 8” lfkely ‘0 nsm. “30 ‘0 tile height "- Johnston, Brokensbirc, Fitzgerald and attained -bcfore the Americans found Dr. Grab“, nu sent in “mm” resign“. pathow Ill preamd they were wch tiona within the period prescribed b N “9- Already It has practically rnjned law, Dr. Wilson and Messrs. Monougafi thousands of merchants and business “(1 Again 'm be “3,001 mmee. with. men. the fall in the price of cotton alone 0 y d a, a, mud b, smug amounted to “6,000,000. ff?‘ m" "° ° ° " ' rc electric. light to the co in on the. p p and Sunday school, where she has so «'4‘ For: Rsnvn ~Jaines Dickson and John A. Ellis. . Foa Couxcumoitsnâ€"Wm.’ Dcymaa. George Martin, R. M. Mason, V. 8., Thus. Robson and John Slater. The candidates in the neighboring municipalities are as follows : SOMERVILLE -â€"li‘or recve, John Foll‘ Sn. John Ilowic and Alexander \lor- rison. For deputy roere: Win. Craig: and George Romney. For councillors : Benjamin Burtohall, Ribert Callou, James Grifiivi, Robert Oswald and Win. Stewart. FESBI.0R.â€"-Iu this township there will be no contest, Mr. Daniel, who was nominated to oppose Mr. Chambers for the recveship, having resigned. Mr. Win. Hall, deputy reeve, and Messrs. John Currin, Jas. P. Palmer and Alex. McGee. councillors, were elected by ac. clamation. The only new member is Mr. McGee, who takes the place of Mr. John Graham, rctirul. VERUI.AM.â€"For recvc, James Jun~ kin and James llitllgOW'. For deputy rccve, John Kelly and Morgon Johns. For councillors, James Akister, Thomas Junkin, Wm. Mann, Robert Thurston, Wm. Davidson and Wm. Hethcringtou. Boncarosomm For rocve, J. L. Reid, S. W. Criibtree, James Lewis and S B. MoClcllaud. Messrs. R. L. Garlick." John Kerr, H. W. Hiirohiner and S; McClellaud were elected councillors by acclauintion. [Mavenâ€"All the old council re- elected by acclamation. Powles’s Corners. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Mr. and Mrs. 11. Card, of the town- ship of Camden, have been visiting friends and relatives here, and have returned. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Powlcs spent Christmas in Eldon with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Greaves, Mrs. Powles’s parents. Mrs. Jas. Marshall is at present on- joying a visit with friends and relatives in tlic towusnip of Cavau. Mrs. F. Robe is spending a week with friends in Omemco. The Cardwcll and Montreal Centre elections have taught the Conservatives a lesson that they won’t forget for a while. Mr. H. W. Johnston is back again from the Northwest. We haven’t had any conversation with him since his re- turn, but quite likely his opinion will be the same as that of others who have come home from there. The annual school meeting was held here on, the 26th. Mr. John Marshall was moved and seconded into the chair; and Mr. W. H. Cullis acted as scorc- tary. Considerable time was taken up in reference to the 27 children that did not attend school 100 days in 1895. A, motion was passed to enforce the law. next year without fear or favor. Mr. John B. Pcwles, the retiring trustee, secretary and treasurer, was reelected for another term. The gentleman that coaxed Mr. Alex. McGee’s dog away is putting in 21 days. in jail with hard labor. At the time of writing we regret to. learn of the serious illness of Mrs. John. We would be glad to hear of' Duuccy. her. recovery. Presentation and Address. _ On Friday, Dec. 20th, a. large num~. ber of parents of pupils in S. S. No. 4,. Fcuelon, gathered at the school house to pay the teachers, Mr. W, H. Day, and Miss M. A. Gillis, a token of re~ spect. There was quite a lengthy pro- gramme by the children, Master Rolly. Willock acting as chairman. The chair- man called on. Messrs. Classpcll and Powlcs, trustees, and both responded, very feelingly. After several rcadiogs, recitations, dialogues, and some sweet singing by the children and the teacher, an address was read. by Master Bcrtic Parrish, and at the right time Edna Worslcy presented Miss Gillis with a, silver butter dish, and Archie Parrish presented Mr. Day with a silver napkin. ring. Dear Teachers, â€"â€"Wo, lic pupils of; S. S. No. 4, Fcnclmi, desire to give. some expression to the tender feelings. of the school toward you. As we look, back over the past years we see that you have been vary f:nitlifnl,,and never have we found you lacking in your duties as tcnclicrs. We assure you that you wi.l always be remembered by the pupils of this school with feelings of tho, highest regard and esteem. Miss Gilli!) will also be much iiiisacd in the choir faithfully lubered during the past two. years and a half. Please accept this. butter dish and napkin ring, not that their value can in any way repay you, but that they may in some way show how much We appreciate your services. We join heartily in wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Mr. Day made the following brief: reply on behalf of himself and Miss. Gillie, who was so deeply moqu- and; --...~....~ m u. w‘- ......._ p'._.-A... . ... “h

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