' . fir. ." . -;;':‘_'â€"_‘53n .~ STILL AHEEAD. .A. Larger Stock to choose F†from than all the others put together. . CLARK & SON. the quality of my Boots and Shoes. and you will ï¬nd them the best and cheapest. and you will not to make your purchases. Of coCIiLrsefyou will, when you ï¬nd I am giving 2 poun s o Sugar for $1.00. W. L. ROBSON. The en in of he Le iee IS DIRECTED TO MY STOCK OF Fancy Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Cottons, Flannelettes, Waterproof Cloaks, Umbrellas, Bed-spreads, Ladies’ and Childrens’ Vests, Babies’ Knitted Woollen Caps, Tam O’Shanters, Cashmere Hose, Ladies and Children’s Fancy Knitting and Fingering Yarn, Ladies’ Belt Buckles, Fancy Combs, etc , Wash Silk, Embroidering Silks, Kid Gloves, Cash- mere Gloves, etc. Thanking my customers for past favors, I respectfully invite them to inspect my stock and get prices. McArthur's Block, Mrs. 'Eamflton. Feuelon Falls. In the Fashion, In the World. Pack away that summer suit, that it may do for next summer. Buy a Winter Suit, And be in style now and next year too. It costs no more to look well all the year around, and wear seasonable clothes. “ ’Tis not the clothes that make the man, but they help." If you will give us a call we will surprise you both in prices and quality. S. PENHALE. OPPOSITE JOS. HEARD’S HARDWARE STORE. Our Cheap Sale is a. Succeesl THE PUBLIC Ali‘s?" iiiow'éATlsnEn WITH THE PRICES AT “'lllCli THEY GET DRY GOODS AT THE OLD STAND. -- THEY SAY -. rem cones ARE nor soLu CHEAPER ANYWHERE. Please Continue Calling. for there is always Something New turning up. WM. CAMPBELL. ' Thomas Robson of Fenelcn Falls is agent for the Solid Comfort Heater, FDR WARMING: Steers. . The newest and best thing ever invented: as a foot warmer; A\ stove that will give you more comfort with lesst‘rcuble than anything you- ever saw. No smoke. No odor. Perfectly safe. lie-possibility of ï¬re. THOS. ROBSON. The Fenel'o‘n Fall‘s Ganette. Friday, J an. 24th,. 1896. Misplaced Education. : The Toronto News of Saturday last tells us that the Board of Trade intends to draw the attention of the Government to the existence of a great and growing . ‘evil that is the result of the presence in the city of “ a horde of shyster lawyers who are starving in scantily furnished rooms rather than go out to the woods and work for a living." One of the practices of these men, who will do any mortal dirty thing that is not punish- able, is to examine every paragraph in the daily papers for a cause of action by any person against another, and. having found one, they immediately do their best to persuade the nggrinve-l or injured party to commence a lawsuit; and a short time ago the friends of a wonmn who had refused to bring an action against a mercantile ï¬rm were urged to use their influence to induce her to do so. That. these wretched “professional parasites †as the News calls them, are the victims of misplaced education is self evident, and but for the temptation to become lawyers offered by our school system, nine tenths of them would be earning an honest living on, farms or at occupations for which nature gave them suï¬icient ability. There is no greater, nor more general nor pernicious mistake than the idea that a ï¬rstvcluss education ï¬ts a youth for anything; for it creates in the recipient a haughty contempt for every kind of manual labor, and does not ï¬t him for either of the learned professions, unless he possess two or three higher intellect- unl gifts than the ability to memorise which enables him to pass examinations with flying colors. Every “shyster†lawyer, evory incompetent doctor and every clergyman who can't preach has had to pass several examinations, and no doubt every time he did so he and his friends thoughthe had taken another step on the road to fame and fortune. At the farmer's meeting on Friday evening the Rev. Mr. McKinnon said he favored the liberal grant of public money to the high schools, because but for them the brilliant sons of poor men might not be able to obtain a good education. That, we are aware, is the view taken by-the vast majority of people; but, if we had our way, not one dollar of public money should be given to any but the common schools, at which can be obtained as good an education as is required at any ordinary evocation. If such an education be given to a really brilliant boy. poverty will not prevent him from rising, and it is better that there should be in his path a few of the obstacles that the high schools and , Collegiate institutes remove, than that a l dozen commonplace boys should be ; afforded facilities for getting into pos- 'itions they are not ï¬tted for, and in nhich they can only make a living by disreputable or dishonest means. Farmers’ Institute Meeting. The annual meeting of the Host Vic- toria Farmers' Institute was held ac- cording' to announcement in Dickson‘s lmll, Fenelon Falls, on Friday last, and ;we are pleased to be able to say that l there was an noprcccdcutedly numerous l attendance, which was no doubt owing ilurgely to the fact that an excellent programme Was prepared and printed, . and copies of it distributed union!“ the i children attending all the rural schools ; of the vicinity. Mr. Morgan Johns. 1 the President. was to have ofï¬ciated as -chairmnn, but as he was from some icause absent, his place was taken by Mr. W. H. Cullis, the Vice-President, who ï¬lled the position in a highly cred- itable and satisfactory manner. The ‘ .evcning the hall was crammed so full .Thurston and sixteen others praying that a. school section be formed out of also, that the corporate seal be attached .- pnid: J. Dickson, balance of account for surveying Cambray plan, 844 50; U. .D. Barr, account. for registrations rc Cambrny plan, 825; McLaughlin 6: Mo- 9 â€"»r jmorning session, which was to have Dior-mid commenced at too o'clock,.was not held, as the hall was too cold in consequence of the ï¬res not having been lighted early enough, and Mr. Nathan Day's essay on " The best method of~ fatteu~ ing lambs "’ had to be postponed until the afternoon session. - He was followed by Mr. J'. McE'wing on “ Mistakes made in farming; †Mr. Alex. McGee of Fenelon on †Pointers about a round silo "; and Mr. John Campbell, who gave the audience †A talk about sheep." A‘t the conclusion of each ad'- dress numerous questions were asked and a good deal of useful information was elicited. There was a good attend- ance at; the afternoon session, but in the , for legal services re Cambray plan, 62 50; Mc [otyre & Stewart, legal advice in 1890, 35; Cameron Orange Lodge, hall to date, 85; M. Haygarth, 85 loads of gravel, $4 25; Mrs. Mc- Neil, taxes refunded, $5 86; Robert ‘ Phillips, cutting brush along lot 1-! con- cession 5, $23.50; Wm. Hall. inspecting proposed road at. lot 30 con. 2, 82; John Currin. inspecting proposed road at. lot 30 con. 2, 82; J. Bryson, work on lot 7 con. 5; Siâ€"Cnrried. A petition from W. Eyres and others was laid on the table, to be taken up at next meeting. The council then adjourned, to meet- at Cambray on the 24th of Feb'y next. $1.1... .. __.... .. _. Village Council Proceedings. Fenelon Falls, Jan. 20th, 1896. Council met pursuant to statute. The following members subscribed to the necessary declarations of qualiï¬ca- tion and other, and took seats at the council board: John A. Ellis. recve; R. M. Mason, Goo. Martin, Wm. Doy. man and Thos. Robson, councillors. Minutes of last meeting were res-l and approved, and the council ad- journed until 7 p. tn. ' Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. All the members present. Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Martin, That the following stand-r ing committee be appointed and. the ï¬rst named on each be chairman: Deyman, Robson and Mason, street and bridge; Mason, Martin and Deymnu, ï¬nance; Martin, Robson and Doymne, charityâ€"Carried. A byduw to appoint auditors, and a by-lnw to appoint alocal board of health and a medical health ofï¬cer were read and passed. and‘ Mr. Martin gave notice that he \vould introduce at next meet-- lug-a by-law to appoint an assessor. Moved by Mr. Deynmn, seconded by Mr; Martin, That the following ac-~ counts be paid and the recve give his orders for the snnmr l‘l'. D. Hand, printing account, $17.50; I). Sincl:tir,. hook and ladder truck, $37); N. Val» year, overcharge on taxes, $1.50 ; Mu-- nicipnl World, 8‘l.â€"Carried. The council then adjourned until. Feb. 3rd. that many who went to the door had to go away again from sheer inability to efl'cct an entrance. The proceedings embraced an instrumental concert, in which the organ was played by Mr. Ao- gus Fountain, a violin‘by Mr. William Bowie, and mouth organs by D. Swan and Frederick and Wesley Howie; a song by Mr. James Moynes; an address on “ Spraying fruit and its results," by Mr. A. H. Pettit; an address on “ How to keep accounts," by Mr. John Camp- boll ; a quartettc by Messrs. and Misses Snelling, Worsley and Moyncs; an ad- dress on †Brain Culture as a catch crop on the farm ; " a mouth organ solo by Master Wesley Howie ;. an address (not political) on “ Protection to Fitrm- era,†by Mr. Thomas Robertson ot Dunsford ; a song by Miss Worslcy ; a brief address by Rev. M. McKinnon; a song by Mr. D. Swan; a few remarks, chiefly on lumbering, by Reeve Ellis ; a song by Mr. James Moynes ; a vote. of thanks to everybody who deserved it; concluding with a few bars of the national anthem. The large attendance no doubt resulted in an increased men» bcrship, and we noticed the Secretary, Mr. William Thurston, raking in quar- ters, with a pleased expression of coun- tenance, at the close of the afternoon session. â€". Penelon Council Proceedings. Cameron, Jan. 20th, 1896. The following gentlemen subscribed to the declarations of qualiï¬cation and oilioc: John Chambers, recve; William llall, deputy recve ; James P. Palmer, John Currin and Alex. McGee, coun- cillors. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Communimtions from Messrs. C. D. Barr and McLauglin & McDiarmid were read. Mr. (Turri'ns presented a petition signed by J. H. Personals. Mr. Wilbur Austin is back from Bob» caygeon, where he has been living fern the past three or four months. Miss Minnie Archer, got home last Saturday from a two months" visit to friends in Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. Edward English of Fimol'on left- on Monday for. a. visit to relatives at; Bbllci'illc.. Mrs. Joseph McArthur and her son Clare left on Monday for Belloville,. wlierc they will probably reside for some considerable time. Clare McArthur and. Mr. John A. Ellie’s son Walter, who-also left for Belleville on Monday, are to take a full course in the business. college in that city. Miss Annie Shane of Camden East is visiting her brothers at the Falls. Mrs, Hamilton Fowler of Lindsay is; visiting at Mrs. Nie’s. parts of sections 5, 9- and 8-. .On motion, Mr. Thurston addressed the council on behalf of the petitioners. Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Hall, That we do not deem it ex- pedient to forums new section as prayed for. Moved in amendment by Mr. C’urri'ns, seconded by Mr. McGee, That the prayer of the petitioners be granted. Motion carried. Applications for the ofï¬ce of assessor were read. ' Moved by Mr. Curt-ins, seconded by Mr. Hall, That Mr. Downer be ap- pointed assessor for the current year at a salary of $65, and that Mr. M. May- bee be appointed auditor for the current year, and that a by-law to conï¬rm the foregoing appointment and the appoint ment of fence viewers and pound keep- ers be received and read a ï¬rst time.--â€"- Carried. By-law received, read and passed. Moved by Mr. Magoo, seconded by Mr. Palmer, That Mr. 1’. Allan be in- structed to sell the timber on the allow- ance for road between lots 15 and 16- in the 5th concession.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. McGee, That the recve is hereby in- structed to employ Mr. Dickson to make a survey and execute a conveyance for an allowance for road across the north- west. corner of lot 30 in the 2nd conces- P'owles’s Corners. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) The many friends of M rs. Wm. Ham-- ilton will regret to learn of her-serious- illnoss. Very poor hopes are held out; for her recovery- This winter will be remembered by many on account of the scarcity of hay and straw, and the sixth session of Parliament. Mr. A. “0000 spent a few days in Hamilton last week visiting his sister, Mrs. Sturdy ...... Mr. R. Marshall, one of Lindsay's prominent bakers, spent a few days with his brother, Mr. John M. Marshall, last week ..... .Mies Edith Marshall and her sister Sarah of Lind- say spent a. week amongst friends in , this locality ..... .Mrs. J. Dullehn of 3'0" 0f Fen-91°“: Purchased “'9'†MP Lindsay spent a week with friends and “we†Slaples for ‘hc sum or 390’ Ba'd relatives in this locality...... llrs. J. sum to be payable when tunes are col- lected for 1896.â€"Carried. Also that Mr. Currins is hereby instructed to attend with Mr. Dickson to look after the interests of this municipality in the locating of said roadâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. McGee, secOnded by Mr. Currins, That the following grants , be made out of the poor rote: Mary Manyden, Sarah Manyden, Mrs. Sanguines, Mrs. McFarquhnr, 85 each; E. Fieldhouse, $10. â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr. McGee, seconded by expect {Hr “A, lam, . U, (gm, Mr. Currin, That Mr. J. E. Fittul bcl Misng‘iam Rube spent a few days hereby re-appointed to cdlect the un- l _ with friends in Lin-lci' list wcok. paid taxes on the roll for 189:). andl __ I, that the same be COllL‘Clml tortliwith' " , l a ’ HAVE 1. on HEARD to the mailedâ€"Untied, i that we carry the irgelt variety of Finn Moved by MR Palmer, seconded by 5 Shoes in the county? is e mail any lndies’ .. t . 5..., shoes prépn'li from $1 upwards on Mr. McGee, That the follow “1,: bills be. recap, 0,. ("men Mm, ,0" can “my save 25 per cent on coarse and fine Men's Boots by cominr Lu our store. J‘lélNSTON A: SISSOX, lst Doc: East of Duly House, Lindsay Dnncy is not recovering from her late illness as fast as we would like to see her. It is to be hoped that she may soon be able to attend to her household duties. The new furnace recently put into the school-house hero by Mr. Joseph lleard is giving it Ivar-- :I ~.uisfaction. We had a. mun in; hands with Mr. James MW 2 --1 went to the Northwest; l4 year l‘hcrc is not as much change i l. 4 some would