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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Feb 1896, p. 1

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‘ l A 5 VjIâ€"r-v - Elie simulate jails Diuretic. VOL. XXIV. FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRlDAY, FEBRUARY 2m, 1896. Professional Cards. MISS . MAGNIVEN. H. J. Instruction given on ORGAN and PIANO THE LARGE STOCK 0F ....ALIIU.\IS.... ....LADIES’ WORK BOXES... ....TOILET SETS.... ....SMOKERS’ SETS.... ....MANICURE SETS.... . ...SHAVI.‘IG SETS. . .. (Is rwsn, LEATHER um CELLCLOID) AT ABOUT HALF éseuuta PatcEs. TOY BOOKS AND XMAS CARDS MUST BE SOLD. ‘ A FINE ASSORTMENT 0F BIBLES TO CHOOSE FROM. szcoxn DIVISION co'um' â€"-0P TIIEâ€" County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, on THURSDAY, FEB'Y 20th, 1896, commencingat 10 o’clock in the forenoon Siturday, Feb’y 8th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this countv. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before Feb. 4th. 8. NEVISON, E. l). limo, Bailiff. Clerk Fenclou Falls, Dec.19th, 1895. 1‘0 the Public. \IIE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security or $35,000,000 and the same good policy. JOHN AUSTIN,Agent W Also agent for the Queen of Eng- ‘and and Caledonian of Edinburgh. Capr al combined,$t$,000,000. INSUEEANCE. l )lr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes nf property ‘At Very LO‘sV'cst liates None but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented. W FJXIEBI P IEOPERTY at very low rates. James Arnold. Fenelon Falls Local Board of the "People’s Buildinganiloanlss’n, Of London, Out. » T. Robson, President; Dr. II. II. Graham, Vice-President; J. T. Arnold, Sec-Trees. ; M. II. McLaughlin, Solicitor, Lindsay; F. McDougall. Valnator; Alex. Clark, Dr. A. Wilson, M. W. Brandon, J. ll. Brandon, Directors. DO YOU WANT to invest a small amount each month where i it will be safe :tull yield you good returns in 7% years? CAN YOU AFFORD TO SAVE "c a dav for Tl rears and get $100 ‘ . . - t \- lnr. a d:tv for it} years and get S v00 wide. a dav for 7; years and get $1,000 - LITTLE AND OFTEN FILLS TIIE PURSE. Do you want to buy a home with the army you now pay for rent 1’ So long as the masses of the people do not save any- hing out of tlwir earnings, Just so long firill their spendings go into the hands of f’t’tlmac who do save, and THEY are the capi- gi italists. ‘ “ houses and the many pay the mm, This is why the few own the FOR FULL l‘.\lt'l‘lt.‘»l’l..\ltS call on or address auyof the above named officials, at Feat-loo Falls. â€"3n-tyr. .. The “ Fcnelon Falls Gazette" is printed every Friday at the oflice, on the corner of May and Francis streets. sensemrrtox 81A rats 15' tumor, or one cent per Week will he added as long as itremains unpaid. Advertising: Itutcs. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line pernnnum. Casual adrertiscmenls. cents per line for the first insertion, and cents per line for every subscqnoatinscp ion. Contracts bv,,tli¢'.' fear,halt'-year OI «‘ " ‘ " «_ ” " kb‘tlei'tiunns. ‘ I kind: exdcuted neatly, cob ly and “moderate prices. 3. D. "AND. Proprietor. 1/ Fat moderate rates. For terms apply at the residence of Mr. R. B. Sylvester, “' Mary- borough Lodge,” Fenclon Falls. BARRISTEBS, Solicitors, Etc., Lindsay and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay Offico: Kent-Sh, opposite Market. Fenelon Falls ,Oflice: Over Burgoyne & Co's store. The Fenelcn Falls office will be open every Monday and Friday afternoon from arrival of train from Lindsay. @- Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. R. J. MCLAUGHLIN. F. A. McDmnum. M. H. MCLAUGHLIN. A. P. DEVLIN, BARRISTER, Attorney-atâ€"Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street,Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS. ARRISTER, the. SOLICITOR FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at lowest rates on terms to suit the borrower. Offices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- say, Ont. MOORE & JACKSON, PARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. 0f- ) fice, William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON. MONEY 1’0 LOAN. I have recently had a considerable, though limited,sum of money placed with me for loaning on farms at Five and a-hulf‘per cent. Parties wishing to borrow on these terms should not delay to make application. Large amounts of funds, at slightly higher rates, according to security. In most cases olicitor work Is done at my office,insnring speed and moderate expenses. Allen S. Macdonell. Barrister &c., Lindsay MEDICAL. DR. A. WILSON, â€"u. 11., M. c. r. a: 3., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON Jr ACCOUCII- enr. Office, Colborne Street, Fc’nelon Falls. Du. H. n. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University of Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England,l\lemher of the Col- lege of Physicians 35 Surgeons of Ontario. Office and residence on Francis-St. West Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gazette oflice. 12.. M. BIASON, VETERINARY SURGEON; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1884 ; R. M. O. V. M. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, Fenelou Falls. 14]. P. SDIITIâ€"I, fE'I‘ERINARY SURGEON and Dentist? " Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College- Oflice : Canlbray, Ont. “SURVEYORS. JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. B., . Conveyancer, kc Residence, and ad- dress, Fenelon Falls. DENTAL. Dr. DEELANDS, DENTIST, LINDSAY, Extracts teeth without pain'by gas (vitalâ€" izcd air) administered by him for '27 years. lie studied the gas under Dr. Colton, of, New York, the originator of gas for extract- ing teeth. Dr. Colton writes Dr. Neelauds that he has given the gas to 136,“? per-, suns without an accident from the gns.l Hnitlllliiiinmn Authorized Capital, $2,500,000. Subscribed Capital, $630,000. J. K. Kerr, Q.*C., President. E. J. Davis, M. P. P., Viceâ€"President. Geo. Dunstan, General Manager. Fenelon Falls Branch. -‘"Accounts opened and deposits received. Interest allowed at highest current rates in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Drafts issued .on all points. Exchange bought and sold. Notes discounted. Special attention given to the collection of sale and other notes. Office in the McArthur Block. H. J. LYTLE. Manager. McLAUGnLIa & McDmaMto, Solicitors. West Side At this time I desire to call your attention to my new stock of Boats and Shoes, which has been selected with great care. Prices and styles will be found all right. My stock of General Groceries is the best that can be purâ€" chased, and my Teas speak for themselves. Everything usually found in a first-class grocery store in stock. ‘ Call and compare prices. I will please you. Produce of all kinds bought and sold. GEO. MARTIN. Furniture. BEDROOM SUITES BUREAUS SIDEBOARDS . EASY CHAIRS LOUNGES . CENTRE TABLES MIRRORS PICTURES and other articlesâ€"useful and orna- mental, and the prices are not high. Perhaps you have Pictures stowed awayâ€"of little use for want ofa frame. Bring them here and have their decorative qualities made the most of. ; L. DEYMAN, Comoros-St, Penelon Falls. H EADQUARTERS IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Baum Papa.r and Picture Frames â€"18 ATâ€" Olllt‘l‘ pain obtunders used. A good set of} w, A. teeth inserted for SW. W Dr. Neelandsl visits Fenelon Falls (McArthur House) the third Tuesday of every month. Call early and secure an appointment. l W. H. GROSS, DENTIST. The beautiful Crown and Bridge work: lpractiScd with success. Gas and all other i unreslhetics for extracting teeth without; pain. A set of Artificial Teeth, better than I the average, for $3 00. Rooms directly opposite Wood's stove depot, Lindsay. l l n. HART. L. D. s. l SET OF GOOD TEETH FOR 310. Gas 9: and local anaesthetics for painless ex~ tracting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all branches of dentistry. Odiee orcr Fairweatlu-r & Co‘s store, nearly opposite the post-office, Lindsay"; I; l : sary; big pay assured workers: .' nducements to beginners. Baker’ sBlock, Kent-st. ,Lindsay . Artisls’ Goods a Specialty. Machine Needles. Alabastine and Dve Works Agency. Wl’lease calland see my 5c.I’aper. SALESMEN WANTED. l other side. Pushing, trustworthy men to represent us . in the sale of our ChoiCe Nursery Stock. Specialties controlled by us. Ilighest sal- ary or commission paid weekly. Steady employment the year‘round. Outfit free. for particulars to ALLEN NURSERY 00., liochestcr, N. Y. Dr. Murray’s Telegram. SIR CHARLES TUPPBa SAID TO HAVE USED A MESSAGE THAT was NEVER SENTâ€"A MINISTER MISREPREâ€" SENTED. HALIFAX, Feb. 16.â€" During the early stages of the Cape Breton cam- paign at a public meeting at Glace Bay Sir Charles Tupper read a telegram from Rev. Dr. Isaac Murray. Presby- terian divine of North-Sydney, which heartily endorsed Sir Charles’s method of settling the school question, and de- claring in favor of equal rights and justice to all. This had the result of creating trouble between Rev. Dr. M ur- ray and his congregation. It now de- velops that no such telegram was sent him by Dr. Murray. The facts are that Father McPherson, Little Bras d’Or, called on Dr. Murray and asked him to sign a paper endorsing the can- didature of Sir Charles Tupper and favoring the remedial school bill. Dr. Murray declined to sign the paper, but. told Mr. McPherson if he saw Sir Charles he could tell him that: he was a Conservative, and by all means to uphold the constitution, or words to that effect, but he never sent the tele- gram. It is reported Dr. Murray wrote Sir Charles asking him not to repeat the statement. In addition to this, it is stated that when Dr. Murray was asked why he did not; deny Sir Charles Tupper's statement at once, when he saw Sir Charles was using the bogus telegram story todeceive the people, the doctor explained that he hesitated to publicly brand Sir Charles as speaking falsely, and let the matter rest. ‘ These are the main facts of the case, as they come from a. reputable and well in- formed source. -0 The Meddling Archbishop. Archbishop Cleary, of Kingston, plays a good second to Bishop Gravel in im- pressing his vicws on the Privy Council. The latter, through the Pope, endea- vored to influence the Imperial Privy Council to give out a judgment: favor- able to the Catholic minority of Mani- toba in the school case. He has been vain enough to boast.that he succeeded, and certainly the circumstances warrant his conclusion. His Grace of Kingston, following the example of his brother of Three Rivers, has written a letter to the Ministerof Justice, evidently with the object of securing a commutation of the sentence of Murderer Shortis, and he also seems to have had success. It is simply intolerable that in a Protest- ant country the word of a priest is superior to the judgment of the courts. There has been no pretence that Shortis did not get a fair trial. The meddling archbishop could not. argue that, so he l pours out his wrath on the eminent Q. C. whose unpleasant duty it was to convict the man of murder. Surely it is time for the people of Canada to put down their foot on Papal interference with the course of justice, and declare in unmistakable terms that Canada is to be governed by Canadians and not by the priestsâ€"film'onto News. Probably a Newspaper Fake. LONDON, Feb. 15.â€"All whose opin- ion is of any value strongly discredit the report from Irkutsk that Dr. Nansen has discovered the North Pole. Mr. Clements R. Markham. president of the Royal GeOgraphical Society, treats the story as an amusing canard, saying that if Dr. Nansen had been able to send a messenger he would have come himself, , or, at all events, would have sent some message to his agents and friends. Mr. J. Scott Kcltic, who is Dr. Nansen's London agent, says: " I should have been the first to l'CCL‘lVC a message from him if the news were true. Rumors of a similar kind and from similar sources have reached this country more than once before. If the story were true it would indicate that Dr. Nansen had not accomplished his object in the way he intended, which was to drift across .the polar regions and emerge on the According to the report he must have returned the same way he went." E- Henry Ray has been fined 810 and l costs at Coldwater for shooting deer out Exclusive territory; experience not neces- of season. special , Write at once, IQ, A report comes from the Society ands by way of San Francisco that a French ironclad, in cudeavoring to check a native uprising, fired on the British flag. Guawed The Corps; & AWFUL TALE OF THE SEA. CARRABELE, Fla, Fun. 15.â€"-A bout containing five corpses and six men barely alive was drifted ashore on Dog Island. When discovered by two fisherâ€" men the snrvivers were lying uncou- scious on the decomposing corpses of their companions. The living were revived and Gilbert Holmes, who was strongest, related a story of awful suf- fering. Last week the eleven left Key West on a smack to fish in the West Coast. When two days out the smack was wrecked, the men escaping in a boat without food, water or clothing. Three days after the wreck one man died, and one after another four others succumbed. rI‘he survivors were too weak to throw their dead comrades into the sea, and the corpses. remained in the boa t. For the last two davsllolmcs was the only one of the livnl; ,Who remained conscious, and he does not remember all that. happened. The scene at the boat was horrible, The living and the dead, without a rag of clothes, were tumbled together. The corpses seemed to be gnawed in places, and the fishermen suggested that. in desperation the survivorstried to sus- tain life on the flesh of their dead com- panions. W.~.â€".... . Our Fortifications. â€"â€"_.. The only fortifications of any account in Canada are at Halifax and Esqui- malt. The fortifications at Esquimalt, which will be completed very shortly, are to the Pacific what; the Halifax fortifications are to the Atlantic. Be- sides these fortifications, there is an immense dry dock which can accomo- date the largest cruiser in the Pacific Coast fleet. The water is pumped into the dry dock and out again by steam, and it has been filled and emptied in four and a half hours. There is also a fine harbor in which the cruisers could find ample protection, should they re- quire such. Another good feature in connection with this Pacific Coast sta- tion is that in case the fleet should run short of coal, they could get as much as ‘they required from the mines at; Nanaimo, which are but a short distance from Esquimalt. The coal used by the fleet at present is anthracite and is brought from English mines. Anthra- cite coal gives forth practically no smoke, and a vessel using it could creep up on an enemy very easily, but bituminous coal, which is not from the mines at Nanaimo, yields very heavy, black smoke, and any vessel using it would give warning of its approach long before it would be in sight. of the enemy, but in case of an emergency thc bituminous coal would, no doubt, be used. At Quebec there are three forts, which only require to be armed to be effective. Should occasion require, Canada could very easily put in the field l,()U(),00fl men armed, as already stated. To be prepared for any emergency, 0. large number of Maxim quick-firingguus should be possessed. With such a force, and with such arms, fighting in their own country, who could say that Canada oou'd not defend herself, even against; five times the number of troops she could put in the field. Guillotined Himself. PARIS. Feb. l5.â€"M. Dcparcleux, a tailor, of Saint Pierre la l’nlud. near Lyons. who disappeared from his house several days ago, has been found guillo- tincd in his cellar. He had chosen this strange means of committing suicide. According: to the Marin the deceased was stretched on his back with his arms crossed. Ills head had rolled into a sack placed in position to receive it. ll. Depnrcicux had made the guillotine himself. and for some time had been haunted with the idea of' a stranuc form of committing suicide. The machine was almost identical with that used for the purposes ofjustice. The blade was formed by means of a large hatchet. By the side of the body Was an extin- guished lamp, and from Deparcieux's position it was evident that he wished to see the knife fall upon him when he pulled the string which released it from its place. This extraordinary suicide. has caused a great smsitinn in the dis- trict, where the deceased was well known. Sir Gilbert King. BJI‘I.. who died recently in England, held his baronch for seventy years, having succeeded his father at 13 years of' age. r l

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