#3 i '1. .99â€, l f, 8. r.i‘0llnd it out and how near it 08.1118 t0 L'05t- Boci‘ation' Buffalo. N. Y. ‘5 A correspondent writm “'henever I read of a case of choking in any paper I always endeavor to send the same paper a sure and certain relief for chok- ing that has never yet failed. The rem- edy is simply this: To immediale re- verse the upright ition of the ody. supported by the nds and feet elo- Vat-3d. when instant relief will be ob- tained and the obstruction will falll from the mouth. A child can be seizedz‘ by the l and head turned down. and} relief \Yi be instantaneous. Severali lives have been saved by this treatment and I have received several grateful let- tors advising ins of its success when death seemed inevitable." Very Polite. Sheâ€"Oh, Mr. Some . I am so grate- ful to you for your t oughtfulnem in writing so promptly to tell me of poor Harry's accident! lie-Pray don't mention it; I was very glad to have the opportunity of doing it l An Oil for Bicycle Lamps. A bicycle expert gives the following formula as a well-tried oil mixture for lumps: l’ill two-thirds of 8. int bottle with the best lard oil, and t 0 balance with headlight oil. Adda piece of gum ramphor about the size of a small egg; it should be broken up fine so as to (li~.~’tt)lve more easily. This gives a nice white light. does not char the wick and will not jolt out. M. Andre, of Stockholm. who will attempt to reach the North Pole by balloon, is having his balloon built in Paris. It is to be finished on May 11. when it will be transported to Gothenburg, and then to a small is- land in the Spitsbergen group, whence the expedition Will start. A mounts ADVICE. He Tells the People to Shun Imita- tions. _â€"- lle llad Been Imposed Upon by on Un- ncrupuloun Denier With the Result that it Nearly Cost the Life of a Loved Member of Ills Family. tion; the one evil is dissipationâ€"Emer- UNSANITARY WALL COATINGS CONDEMNED BY THE BIBLE. “Andbcholdifthe bointhcwalhoftbo bouuwith hollows ' otmddiah.then thepricat shall out of a home to the door of the unsound ut mmehmmcndaya"" And he shall cause house to be scraped within round about, and they shall pour out the dust that they grape off without the dty into an unclean 121ch- To each of the ï¬rst three persons in every city and town in the Dominion of Canada who write The Alabastinc Co., Limited, of Paris, Ont. giving the chapter containing the above passage of scripture, will be sent an order on the Alabastino dealer in the town for a package of Alabastine, enough to cover 50 square ards ofwall, two coats, tinted or white. 0 all who apply, giving us the name of the paper in which they saw this notice, will be given an ingenious puzzle, the solving of which may earn you $50.00. To test a. wall coating, take a small quantity of it, mix in equal quantity of boiling water, and ifit does not set when left in the dish over night, and ï¬nally form a. stone-like cement without shrinking, it is a. kalsomine, and dependent upon glue to hold it to the wall, the feature sostrongly objected to by sanitarians. This matter of looking to the sanitary nature of wall coatings seems to be con- sidered of much importance of late. A supplement to the Michigan State Board of Health, condemns wall paper and kalsomines for walls, and recommends Alabastine as being sanitary, pure, porous, permanent, economical and beautiful. Alabastine is ready for use by mixing in cold water. Tired but Sleepless Is a condition which gradually wears away the strength. Let the blood be puriï¬ed and enriched by Hood’s Sar- saparilla and this condition will cease. “ For two or three years I was subject to poor spells. I always felt tired, could not sleep at night and the little I could eat did not do me any good. I read about Hood’s Sarsaparllla and decided to try it. Before I had ï¬nished two bottles I began to feel better and in a short time I felt all right and had gained 21 pounds in weight. I am stronger and healthier than ‘ I have ever been in my life.†JOHN W. COUGHLIN, Wallaceburg, Ontario. Hood’s Sareaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. Be sure to get Hood’s and only Hood’s. Do not be induced to buy and other. t 3 i ll , Hood’s Pills 32:23.2..523 35‘?“ The late Paul Verlaine, the French poet, lived as a. ‘social outcast, but his funeral was attended by distin- guished men of letters, including many Academicians. Francois Coppee spoke at the grave, and said that Verlaine had won mortality in letters. llusbamd untl “'li‘e lind Occasion to Use t and Received Relief from Cutarrh 1 Troubles in 10 Minutes. “My wife and I." So Rev. John Bochror, of Buffalo, will tell the enquirer, were both troubled with distressing catarrh, but have en- joyed freedom from the ravating malady since the day they irst use The one prudence in life is concentrat- Peace or War 9 by any means esirable, and one of our leading men and deepest thinkers sug- gests a remed . It is evident Presi- ent Clevelan '3 communication to the British Government was written at a time when his liver was completely out of order. Congress should at once. vote funds for a barrel of St. Leon \Vatsr. It never fails with liver troubles; it lwould relieve the President and also the United States the expense of 3 commission to Venezuela. sold by all reliable dealers. Cold in theâ€"Heed.â€"Nasa1 Balm ives instant reliefspeedily cures. Never ails. W. P.C. S02. conditions In some conditions the gain from the use of Scott’s Emulsion of cod-liver oil is rapid. For this reason we put up a Soc. size, which is enough for an ordinary cou h or cold or useful as a trio. for babies and children. In other conditions gain must be slow, sometimes almostimperceptible,hea1th can’t be built up in a day. For this Scott’s Emulsion must be taken as nourish- ment, food rather than medicine, food prepared for tired and weak digestions. Soon- & Bows, Chemists, 50c. and $1.00 o UGLAS BROS, Slat.e.Grave1 and meta roofers, metallic ceilings, skylights sheet metalworkers. 124 Adelaide W..Toronto AUSAGE GAS INGS. Finest imported Eng lish sheep and narrow American hog cas iucs,atright prices. Purk.Blnckwell a 00.. Ltd..Toronto 00K! A chance in a. life time! Young man, there is no better trade or profession l no... “gum... m. o m. SETTLERS’ TRAINS Will leave TORONTO at 9 pm. MARCH and APRIL, MAN :3 A. AND CANADIAN jDRTN-WEST. A Colonist sleeper will be attached to Pacific Express leaving Toronto 12.28 noon on same date. Ask or write for nmphlet "S ‘ T'I‘LERS' TRAINS." 8|DYGLES--"E.’.‘.§ €3.35"xvt.§ff‘2.“i Moderate Price. Send for catalogue. G. '1‘. PENDRI’I‘H. Manufacturer. 13 to 51 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. KEEP Run a. shingle-mill, choppex lath-mill or small sawmil . 12 horse-powar thrcsbln en- YOUB gins will run a 44 to 4 -lnc2 E _ gang. cu‘titing four thousan en per av. nglne “'rite for circulars to-day. WATEROUS AT WO R BRANTFORD, CANADA. 9 _ _'.r:a:n_ MDNA‘RDH BICYCLE. --â€"000â€" Agents wanted every- where. . $4:5 To $100. 6 & 8 ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO- BEST DISCOUNTS. From. the \Voodstock, N. B. Sentinel. son. A reporter of the Sentinel recently dropped into the Victoria hotel looking for general news and to scan the 1‘8ng- tcr tor arrivals. Among those present he noticed a well dre§ed farmer sitting i'ezulinzir asmall pamphlet. The reporter asked the landlord if there was any- thing new, and being answered in the negative the farmer turned and address- ed him. "Looking for news. eh? \Vell, sit down and I'll give you something worth publishing." The reporter was at once on the alert and the farmer con- oontiuued, “You see this little book I hold in m hand? Well the title of it is “Five rize Stories" and there is more good sense in it than half of the philoeophical works of the day, and it don't lay in any of the stories either. \Vell about a. year ago I got hold of another little book by the same authors entitled “Four Generations" which I read carefully through and one very im- I poran thing I read in it was, beware of imitations, just as I read in this little ' book. Now I wish to show how I hadl been taken in (deceived) and how 1' mg the the densest. member of my house- hold. Well to lxtgiu at the beginning. My name is Shepherd Banks; I reside ll 1-2 miles from the village of Bristol.| Carleton Co.. N.B., and am a. well toâ€"} do farmer. For several years my wife was troubled with pains in the back and. weakness of the kidneys. About two years ago, she was taken very ill, the trouble taking the form of acute rhea umatism. We consulted no less than three different doctors who. however,e failed to help her. She continued to, grow weaker and weaker. and the pains: she endured were something terrible.l For over a year she was enable to do had fallen away in weight from 180 to covery. l happened to notice in one of 130 pounds, and we dospaired of her re- thc iicu'spupers a testimonial of a. simiâ€" lar cure through the use of Dr. Will- iam's l’inli l’ills. I immediately got a couple of boxes. My wife he ran taking them. and by the time she had used those she began to gain appetite and her pains with: much cased, and we begun to have gmat hopes of an for an- This time tiltiumtc cum. I then went other supply of the pills. : in the habit of summoning his It's Astonishing how Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription acts upon nervous women. It’s a max- velous. remedy for nervous and ener- al debility, Chores, or St. Vitus's ance, Insomnia, or Inability to sleep, spasms, convulsions, or "fits," and. every like disorder. Even in cases of insanity resulting from functional dcran, ements, the per- sxstent use of the "Pg‘escription" will, by restoring the natural functions. genâ€" erally effect a. cure. For women suffering from any chronic "female complaint†or weakness; .for women who are run down or overworked; at the change from "girlhood to womanâ€" hood; and, Later, at the criticalmchauge of life"â€"it is. a medicine that safely and certainly builds up. strengthens, regu- lates, and cures. Send for a. free pamphlet br remit 10 cents (stain ) for a. large book (168 pages) on \ Quinn's Diseases and how 0 cure them With home treatment. Ad~ dress World’s Dispensary Medical As- Venezueia’s President. President Crespo. of Venezuela, is a tall. heavy man, with a. countenance re- vealing force and determination. He is 1 very abstemious, and generally goes to bed at 8 o’clock in the eveningi He is i inistcrs I to him. at He is fond of cattle ranching. and owns a. large number of acres not far from the Venezuelan Capi- tal. He is a. fine equestrian. CHEWEfl TON. AFTER THREE YEARS, S. D. ROBEY, M. D., REPORTS HIS CURE. Ills Prol‘osdonul .ltlvlcc to his Follow- Sim'crcrs : “ Tukc No-To-Bnc and lie , Yoursrif Again." ' YOU are a tobacco user ? a single thing about the house, and she‘ I purchased them in bulk, paying 30 cents for 100 pills, which were taken‘ them home aud my wife began their use.l Soon after sue began to grow worsel from a. large glass bottle. I took again; the old pains returned severer than over. We still nmtinued the use of the pills until about a third of them. were gone. About this time I got through the iiiail.:tloug with my neighâ€" bots. the book entitled, “Four Generâ€" ations." issued by the Dr. \Villiums' Alt'tlloinc Co. Uu reading it it did not; hike me long to find out that the pills i had bought in bulk won: a fraud. aslthe Lotmwo 1mm“ There is (mo,__0nlv Dr. Williams" l’iuk Pills are not sold in i tmoâ€"No-TmBarâ€"u11d it is absolutely llulk- but» in “WM With We ("1‘19 mark ’ guaranteed. 'l'hous'tnds have been cur- lllieiiguflgmltnmibmthesiliptugfdin, mull million. will in, if they onlyl '\ : ' (0 ' c. .x in hut! .16: ’now mw much mod it will do for. pill:l \‘i'eit;\tlit‘ei\'lilt.autl it: conltvuts ‘ill‘ '; glam. Is Your curixliiiiou any Worse than; 0 1‘ 3" '0- “'11 "'11 in“ I’m“ "‘3 .‘x‘tnr llulrev's.’ l e. was cured o t ed a half dozen boxes of the genuine V ago, and writ‘m under law data mlfgï¬l \Yhy ? ? ? ? Can't give any good reason, ex« cept that “lâ€"Iâ€" â€"Oh, I learned when I was a kid." Th e wo r l d l moves, scie n c c evolutcs, and is it I not reason a b l e i that a cure should 3 be discovered for l Pink mills, and frlom the time my wife tows; i began t ivir use tiers was an improve-i . - , v v « V . v 3 - . mum in her condition. She used about! rumer {OI ND†{H‘A‘ 11‘“ 30“ ' iuclvc boxes altogether. and 10â€"day" Sigel. 111., September 23rd, 1895. them is in» heartier ut‘ healthier woman iioullmm‘n: I write you a note in ‘ in the nuighlurhtmd, and Dr. Willinnis“ pmiw of No-To-lizu‘ \Vllll‘ll I took near-l Pink l’ills are the standard tuedivim‘iu , lv three years um». I hurl been using our home. Publish this? Yes. it may ' tblmcvo nearly 50 years. The habit had- do some other sufferer good. \\'e are ‘ grown on me to such an extent thatl all thankful for What Pink Pills havclit required a pound every ten days. ltl done for us. but be sure you caution is.) effected my nervous system that ii your readers against. those vile imita- could not sleep. had no appetite and was1 tions.†' used up generally. On the 19th day of The warning uttered hr .\Ir. IbtnksiJanum'y ’93 I commenced the use of is one that the public will do well to;.\'...1'o.u3.~ and gained 15 pounds the first hood. {or some unscrupuloth dealers in; month. No-To-Bac enttmlv dcstrovml different. parts of the country try to; my desire for tobacco. and'l have not] impose upon the. public by lm-‘Thi‘ imi~fmsted the vile weed since. I am now tan-ans colomd to pursuit the appear- I 30 pounds heavier than when I used to- nucc of the genuine Pink Pills. 'l‘heilmm-o, and I would like to say to every )uMic van :tlwuvs protect tlwtzb‘olveshy i one who uses tobacco, "take NoJI‘o-Bac string in mind that the genuine ,ills'and be vouxself again." an! newr sold by the dozen. hum red ' Verv ré<pevtfuilv vours, or ounce. They are always ut up in .L. D. HOBBY, M. D. lnxes‘nmuml \vhirh will be ound full; Am you a, sufferer from disease that directions for their use. the whole en- you long to cure. and all the time using :losed in a label beam ' the full trade tobacco? Noâ€"Toâ€"Bac is sold by vour mark. " Dr Willituns‘ul‘ink Pills {or own drugnist under absolute guarantee Pale People." I! you want a medicine of cure. Start your new manhood to- "Don‘t Tobacco or watch blood. or shattered nerves. Spit and Smoke Your Life Away." for {be genuine Pink Pills, and Written guarantee of cure and free joke nothing else. no matter what some sample mailed for the asking. Address .‘y that will cure all disonsm due to poor dgv, Get our booklet tested dealer who is looking for a The Sterling . Remedy Co.. Chicago or . proht may say. New York. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Rev. Mr. Bochror is the aged and beloved pastor of the Evangelist Protestant Christ Church, and hundreds in his conâ€" gregation are familiar with the im- provement which immediately followed the use of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der. Its action is almost instantane- ous, giving the most grateful relief within ten minutes or so in even the most chronic cases, and straightway continues to cure until the last trace of catmh is gone. And the cured stay cured as thousands of testimonials prove. Sample bottles and blower sent by S. G. Detchon, 44 Church street, Toronto, on receipt of 10 cents in silver or stamps. Passion is the drunkenness of the mindâ€"South. Ask your physician, your druggist and your friends about Shiloh's Cure fpr Consumption. They will recommend it. Each generation lives in a different worldâ€"Anon. “'hy Kidney liiscusc ('uunot be Cured by Powders. Tablets or l'ills. One of America's most eminent spec- ialists, who has ior years studied pro- foundly the construction as well as the disease of the kidneys, gives it as his belief, that pills, powders and tablets of kidney diseases. Bright's disease. dia- betes, giravel. and almost all disorders of the idncys are caused by the pres- ence of oxalate of lime and uric acid, both of which are solids. in order to dissolve these solids so that they may be eliminated from the system a. liq- uid medicine must be used. South Am- erican Kidney Cure the most perfect solvent known, and for this reason it. generally relieves in six hours, and. never fails to cure. A lie that is half a truth is ever the blackcst of liesâ€"Tennyson. Constipation the ills of women. Karl's Clover Tea is a pleasant cure for Constipation. :I‘he sure way to miss success is to miss the opportunity.â€"Chaslcs. Three Years of illli‘list‘ Agony from Rheu- matism onle in Three Days by south Amt-rival“ Ritcuumtic Cureâ€"(lost $1.12. Mr. F.Nugcnt, of Niagara. Falls,Ont., writes: “For three years I have suf- fered intensely from rheumatism. The win in my limbs was especially severe. ilr. Smith, our local druggist. advised me to take South American Rheumatic Cure, which i did. As a. result, am per- fcct 1y free from rheumatism. One and a half bottles cured me in three days." Sold by all druggists at 75 cents. 'l‘hcy who have light in themselves will not revolve as satellitesâ€"Anon. The best cough cure is Shiloh's Cure. A neglected cough is dangerous. Stop it > at once with Shilob's Cure. If you would know the value of mon- ; 705', go and try to borrow some.â€"l’t‘ank~ » 'i m.-â€" lin. A VETERAN 0F 12E LATE WAR (‘nru-d or Hutu-ring: of the Heart and Smothering spells by Dr. jam-“‘5' (‘tlrc for the Heartâ€"it Always BI'HCVPs in 30 .‘viinntrs. and thin. .ï¬nvtw‘ Thousands of Lin". Afr. \\'. H. Musselman, member of the G.A.R., Weiss-port, Pa... writes: “ I have used two bottles of Dr. Agncw's Cure for the Heart. and have been en- limly cured of palpitation or fluttering of the heart and smothering spells. I took 10 bottles of sarsa ills, but it failed in any wu to re love me. I do not think the v no of the Heart Cure can be estimated. It wrought such a change in my condition that I feel like a new man." The mighty hopes that make us men. â€"-Teunyson. I w†nervous. tired. irritable and cross. Karl’s Clover Root Tea has ll d . ““d‘ m “ “ï¬ngffl. wonnsN. are almost worthless in the treatment} causes more than half, to-day than cutting. Good cuttcm are in great demand at big wages. Write for particulars to 'l‘onon'ro Currmc SCHOOL. 113 Yonge St. l MACLi-IITINERY: xzw A: SECOND-HAND. l l H. w_ mm, Ofllce and Works: ‘ Toronto, Gan. Adjoining New Union Station E OAT-A-LOG FOE ASKING. . 0.1. PENDRITH ’- 13 to 81 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. . Catalogue on application. All Bakers Should Have Them. Great Labor Savers. 33 i DAY'SUREQW and we will show you how to make :1 5 day; ab ; o l I l MANUFACTURED B! ooiuteiy lure; we furnish t work and : teach you free; you work in the locality , '. where you live. Bend us your adduc- . and we will explain the busine- tuna remember we tnth a clear profit i 83 for every day's work- Absolutely sure; - Write at once. Addess D.T.Morgan, Manage! _ Box A. 4. Windsor. Ont. CANADA PERMANENT LOAN AN SAVINGS COMPANY Subscribed Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5,000,000 Paid-upcapltui.......... 2.600.000, Aoooto, over .................... . l2,ooo.ooo ___.._â€"-. FOR TlVENTYâ€"SIX YEARS. HEAD OFFICEâ€"TORONTO SIX, TORONTO. Branch Ollices: Winnipeg, Man. Vancouver, 13.0. .-.â€"â€"..â€" The ample resources of this Company pueblo its Directors to make advances on HEAL LSTA'I‘I without delay. at low rate: of interest. nnd on the most favorable terms of repayment. LOAN! ranted on Improved Farms and on Productive ‘own and City Properties. MORTGAGES AND MUNICXPAL Dansm'onns I’URCliAH-il). Application may be made through the Company LLocnl Appraisers, or at. the omen! of the Company: J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. Toronto. THE COOK'S BEST FRlEND lARGFâ€"ST SAME IN CANADA. Assessment System, MUTUAL nasanvs ,, rum: " IFE l Association m Mntnal Principll. Founder. ' FannABUrutw President. 15 Yeah; Completed The Largest And Strongest l Natural i Premium Life Insurance . Conipany in the world. $89,000,000 of New Business In 1896. OF EVERYTHING MUSICAL $808,680,000 of Business In force. 3.4084375 Death cIaImo Paid in 1895. SPECIALTIES ‘ $25,000,000 Death Olalms Pald smco Buolnou Our 'lmpcrlll'Bnnd Instruments. aegam ' Guitars, Mandolines, l895 shows an Increase In Gross Assets, Net Sur- Blnloa. Harmonicas, plus, Income, and Business In Force. and the Late" Music WOVCr 105,800 members interested. Plgnï¬iuons'h W. J. MoMURTRY. Manager for Ontario. Free- ' 1mg; pure “5° “um you see our h‘old Loan Building, ’l‘oronto. Ont. ' A. R. WHALEY, Home a (:0. (to umhia and North-Vina: Territories. Mela tyre Block, 156 YONGE STREET Winnipeg. Man ;D. Z. BESSHTI‘E. Manager for tie- i bcc. l2 Place. tl'Armes, Montrml, Que.; COL. JA E8 1 TORONTO, - - ONT. CANADA’ MUSIC HOUSE Music Publlshers, Manufacturers &' Importers .~ .e‘i: l)()hl\'li.i.i2. Man er {or New Brunswick, St. John, N. it: W. J. MU BAY, Manager for Non Scone. Halifax. N. S. ’12» let sprint MANY :1} FOR To brighten metall. To scour bath-tubs. To scour kettles. To renew oilvclotii. 'l'o scrub noon. To rush out link. To whiten marble. To remove rust. VERYBODY USES IT. Home!!! to scrub marble been Chains to um": um lulu. To clean tomblionu. To polish hires. To clean dishes. To renovate pllnL Dentin: “den mu teeth. lagoon in palm ibdr laments. legion" to sin.- puu oi’machlnu. Italian to menu 01:! chapels. W to so." their pan. Bum†to than the Wblun“. Cunn w 1W: their nine. Xxknial in bonus Mr mu. Emtltu on Manuel n4 mu norm. urge-I one: u new 0H m" Ml» Conn In duo- on kitchen sink. Artist- to clean their yum Soldier: to brighten tbdr Inn. Palm is clean a: lumen. Man I- ain: bis-yam. mama to sin: cum EVERY ONE FINDS A NEW USE. up; l i c l ~ "» " ’ ‘ NM 2~J~IJ y‘N/w/VKA o- _ .. \ IMMW‘ AA: