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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 10 Apr 1896, p. 5

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SUPPLEMENT _ _ . " “~~ “‘83 ultra-zed by the arbitrary proceed-lstitute laws to; those of the Provinciallas an official language, one We are told that the Legislature oil cusion. I charge them with deceit ing _which trampled under foot the Legislatures] “regard to education. was an act abolishing separate Manitoba has the right to legislate in either four years ago or toâ€"dny; they Agmly and Self-respect 01' a DYOUd peo- E - "R'fil . ‘ Schools, one was an act establishing mtitters of education. Is that denied? can choose between the option: but lple. If the hon. gentleman. while he . kTR-‘xo _..., )‘ARY POWRS- la cattle quarantine. and the last was NO. that is not denied. The Legisla-l, them is deceit in some way; there has was tracing the history of Confedera- .\ow. beforel'go any further. it may.an act dealing with public companies. ture of Manitoba has the right to es-l been deceit all along, mid, because I tion. had recalled that page, it might not be out of placeto ask, what was the'Two of these acts were, disallowed tabllsh Separate Schools; thisis not dt-l lht‘re has been SilllSt‘ert‘ilt‘y 10 exiled- perhaps have struck him and those reason for these extraordinary powersiand two were allowed to go into 013- nled. The Legislature of Manitoba hos icncy all along. the quvslirm is as dit- around him that coercive methods bclngimporredlnto our constitution? inlerauon, which were the acts which the right to abolish Separate Schools: icult of solution as it is at the present never yet led any people to good and so faras the power of disallowance islwere disallowed ? were they the acts this is not denied. Somebody says no.) time. But even under the terms of the wise action. concerned, this can be traced very clear~ ‘; abollsnlng the French language and The' Judicial Committee of the Privy ; decree rendered by the judgment of the Pisa. AGITATIOVS l) to the power of-dlsaJlowaJicc which isithe Separate schools '3 x0. these were Council says yes. The Judicial Com-g Privy Council there was not that con- ‘ ‘ ' possessed by the Imperial authoritiesmuowpd to go into operation, and the mittee has decided that the Legislu- Sequence which upncum to attach to it The hon. gentleman has told us over comm“ l‘engla-lllres- The Im'lacts disallowed were the act to estab- “"9 had a right to pass that leng~ Neda): It may seem invitiious in a that ever since Confederation we perlal Pariinmenthas the power of dis-lush the cattle qnnmmlne ln tlon; but the constitution also; man of my crccd and race that I have been a happy people. “7.”. allowance, of supervision. over the acts'Manuobn, and the not to make 5915's. that although the Manitoba‘; should nssuiithe basis of this bill. ldo told us that ever Since Confident“... , of these colonial legislative bodies. ,cnrmln nmvlslons Wm, regard Legislature had the right to pass; so because 1 am of the creed and race we have been a happy people. “veIL i This may beieasliy understood. because-gm public companies m Mnnm,hn_ that act. the minority has on . of the minority. i do so because i be« lg this were not so imponam a debate ico onles are (.ependemies. lâ€"Zut the rein-i The can“, act was of such great conga- appeal to this Government and to this, llu‘VO that lllt‘ mliwi‘ll)’ llm'e ti fitmllt I would say that it the people have lions between the Dominion and thej quence to the Government of Canaan Parliament: but again i assert that if; PM? ‘0 PIT-“I‘m t0 (liv- lh‘ol‘lt‘ Of Chum!“ been happy the Cabinet Ministers un- PFOVlnceS 31"? “Gt “"3 Slime. Betweenz thm they had to dlsaum‘. it. nna they, you tell me that this appeal is to be f “‘llonm‘cr they have the chance to do fortunately have not always been hap' these there ’5 "0 superiority and “0 ' disallowed it because. they said thch Framed “5 ’1 mull” 0‘ “0“”? “1mm” ‘ 5‘" m“! 1 d“ “m “‘“m um" “we ‘0 “99‘ Dy, But the subject is too important inferiority; all are equal. with this ex-l was {mother act passed by mis Patna- an inquiry, Without any inv‘szligntion ; on mist-hoods of any kind. Let the for pleasantry. I take issue with Cemlon' marine Dominim‘ Parlla'lmert which we now know was never Whatever. I rebelli- Whni I Sflld n “10- : ll‘lllll lli‘ l‘l‘i‘i‘i‘lllt‘tl lllltl l hello“? ll “'lll the hon, genllgman when he say; "mm is ln‘v’eb‘ted with larger DOWOX‘SLappiled this 12am. fact being the cause ment ago, that this power of lcgisln-‘gnllpeal to the hour: and cunscicuco of that the people have always been that 15- powers "f a more emendea mm of the scheduling of our cattle in Eng- “0" 0“ lâ€"‘dui‘mlo‘l “'“S ‘1 m0“ {Mill 3 ally "mll- “0 lllillli‘l‘ “'lllll lllS l‘l‘t‘fll Mid happy. IS that the way the hon. gen- 3 more 1311301131?! 0113111610? than then-ma The other act was Wm, regard {lift to plum) in the hands of the Pro- race. but 1 do llnl want the cusc to go tieman has read the history of Carl-iLocal Leglsmlu' 5' Indeed it mufllto public companies. one of the pl‘o- "mee- 1‘ “'35 “‘3‘ mm" a mu“ gllt-i‘m false {“Cls l‘l‘l't‘i‘hlcd by hon. gem nda slnce Contedemuon? The people - be accepted as a truism, that un- visions of which enacted that ‘f any but it was a deiusive right. it was ngllemt‘h Oill‘t‘Slll‘- ls‘buke a moment “KO 0: Canada have been happy! \thlder popular government the ma- Dublin lands can“: with,“ the pogses_ snare to entrap the Legislature intoiln regard to the reference to what has been the course 0: eventsnorlty mus; rule... 1 do not mean to sion '0: public companies and reswd humiliation. Because, if they had notlthe l‘rivy Council and the ques- e‘v'er since we have had Confedera- say that the majority will always be there for ten years at the end of ten the right to pass legislation, if it wusition whether the Government bud tion ? Is it not a fact that almost Tlght- N0. the majority may err. the years they qhould revert to the Crown. far beyond the power of the Province. ; the right to pass llicsu remedial from the first moments of lts existence majority may Px‘evarlcate. But I am The "act‘wa; disallowed [or this reason then the Provincial Government \vcl‘e { orders. Shall we be told that the Gov- until now Confederation has been tom not prepared to say that the majority amongst “hers ._ entrapped into the belief that they ornmcnt horn will place on the answer not once. not twicg but repeatedly by I will always do wrong, will ahvuys pre- ' possessed that power. But. though ‘ to this question it grvulcr Weight thuu ' Hon. Wilfrid Laurier’s Great Speech on the School Question. ‘ Straight Motion Against the Deceitful and Oppressive Mea'sure introduced by the Dominion Government. agitations which more than once have varicate and will always wantoniy and The rovisions that land held by any com: the Legislature of Manitoba hadé was placed on it by the minority shaken it to the very roots . and] wickedly do injustice to the minority. Pally 01' :1 longer perlml £1131“. to}! you‘re the right to pass that legislation. i thmuscivcs 1’ Let mo rcior, sir, to the threatened us Very exlslence. “my, l It may be that the majority will pre- "0"} the date ggfihdsum lllgilgeg‘nfigbe the minority of Manitoba has i argument of Mr. l-lwurt. tho counsel of the ink was scarcely dry upon the Vii-“Gale: ll “lily be that the majority 19:11 ain‘érgaéomr {fie $930“: the nmvmc‘e o: the right to come to this Parlin- i the minority before the Judiciul Coluâ€" documents which established Confed_ will do wrangeto the minority. \V'hat ' ' lment to ask redress for this griev-imittce of the Privy Council. Here it eratlon when .the New Brunswick.” the remedy of the minority under lance. That redresg must bcl is :â€""l‘lt-i‘orc closing 1 should like to Conciliation and Justice Against Arrogance and Coercion. Manitoba. except that any company no“ holding lands may hold them for five yours SchOOI question arose. From New these circumstances? The remedy of from the dam o: the passln of thnt uct.ibilsed on one conditionâ€"that thc‘say a word or two as in what we are would have the (-i'i‘cct of can smtion in rc- minority of Manitoba. alleges and seeking. As has aim-any been rcmnrk- Sim‘t 10 all Companlt‘s Whlt‘h- before the proves a wrong such as the hon. oil, we are not uskiiw for unv declara- passing of the “Ct' “Cal‘lrf‘idtlmdsnhnhmnfi‘é: gentleman has described. a wrong! tion as to the extent hr the rl~lior to ho .tobn' under cornilclentl»isl§ ll, 0““ Eh of which appeals to the heart und'glvon by the (iovcrnur-tleuorui. \\'o min.0n Land lattnto. lmoivcs a brcn mi d ,‘_ v ,1 9 mm) by cuusmgu dcuhmnmlchnnge m the . n of ex Ll) man, it iich is a x merely usk that it should be hold that. terms on which the contracts with times VlOlathll Of those Sacred l‘lShtB “'lllCll he has jurisdiction to hour our pruycr companies were made. (30d has lleamed lh the bri‘fist 0?. and to grunt us some. rciici‘ it he thinks - every man, and which the Greek poctl proper to do so." The decision wus that. vslr, it wasaconilsczltlml.b“;l 7:311:11; has called the Governor in t‘ouucil hud jurisdic- bgrtxllghébg‘plgigl’s erllL exlninint'y in I‘1‘3""“‘ll'l‘lllii'. unwritten and unchangcablc. tion to make the rcmediul orders if he 0 , . . , . . . . , all their petitions was that I underm‘md the posmon mken {fitglill‘lusillll‘cllgyt lulsi hf- tio they were subjected to coriflsâ€" by lhe minority m the Provmce ration f ii in Lf’l i. mp l“ l nu’lfl' ‘ cation by the a“ 0: 1890- The at man‘mbn. m . the” Damon? {0 l {was ihco cons‘tLructlifnS lint; Slum“ power of disallowunce has always been as egg? tghfiie Eggglesgglba’hafifimfigi l judgment by tho minority tin-msclvrs held by the Government OpDOSlle ‘0 ‘ ' ' ‘ \when they came before the Privy Couu~ Brunswick u Spread into Quebec. and the minority under a. free government thence into Ontario, and for years. asl is to agitate and endeavor to bring everyone knows, it emblttered and 1m- over the majority to their way of think- passioned public opinion of the Domlnâ€" ins. This is therule under free gov- ion to the excluslon almost 0: everyiernment. But under our constitution other topic. Then, immediately after the minority has also another power. that, the attempt by this Government, It may- not only. agitate within the of which the hon, gentleman was 3 , sphere of the Province to convince the member, to take away from the stat- ' majorlth but lt‘may appeal to the Ex- utc book of Ontario the not known as eulth 0f C‘ih‘ld‘l- the Parllamenl 0f the streams bill roused the peo- Canada. to the'lieQDle Of Canada. and pie of omen-lo to a determlnatlon thus force the 'isSue which was con- 10 maintain their legislative lndcpend- filled to the” WWII PYOVlhce into the ence at all hazards, Then, a, few years .Federal arena. Now if in any Proâ€" after, the repeated disallowance by the Vlhce there lS ti“ Eontest 01' such bit- Government of which the hon. gentle- terness that the'mninority will not rest man was a member of the railway leg- satisfied with.tll.8 ~8Tl>ltrhment 05 the islation of Manitobaâ€"that legislation by majority. ll must. he that that fact which Manitoba. sought to get rid of alone proves that the question at is- the incubus lot the monopoly sue is one which‘deepiy; very deep- ln transportation which had been ly, affects the-people in that Province. given the C. P. R.â€"brought~1t is. therefore, manifest, it is ob- Manitoha to the very verge of rebel- vious, that if: ur’ider these circum- lion. The day ,eame when bloodshed stances the minority take an appeal to was within measurable distance, and the, Executive, of Canada. to the it was only when the Government de- Parliament of N'C'ainnda, the bitterness cided to come down and yield that of the strifewiil be imported into the strife was averted. Then arose the Dominion at large and there rage not agitation consequent on the demand only with equal-violence but perhaps for the disallowance of the Jesuits‘ with increased fury. That has been Estate law, which rekindled the re- our experience within the last ‘25, yes ligious passions and prejudices of almost 30, years. Recall the fierceness former years and excited them to a of the agitationover the New Bruns- very dangerous pitch. Now, again, wick school actznthink of the feeling I am sorry to say, we can hear aroused by the Jesuit estates ques- the roar coming upon us of an- tion. In these cases the whole coun- othcr wave of agitation and civil com- try was convuised. In one disallow- motiori in this country. The demon unce was demanded in the name of of discord is in the land, blowing the Roman Catholicism, while in the wind of strife over all and in all di- other disallowance was demanded in rections, awakening slumbol-ing pus- the name of Protestantism, and the old sions, arousing old prejudices. You feuds which divided our ancestors in can follow the trace of its passage in other lands threatened to invade our our cities, towns and country villages: country and here work the mischief may in the backwoods settlements, which they had worked in other lands. Where the rude toll and anxious days In View of Lhasa “facts. what is the of the pioneer do not save him from lesson to be deducted from the teaching its evil suggestions. Still the hon. of our history ? The lesson we should gentleman seems to think lightly! deduce is that if it-was a. wise provision 011 this- He thought it would be l to establish this power in the constitu- misery if we had a civil and religious ' tion for the supervision of the Lacul war. It would be mlSGrY, most Legislatures, perhaps it was not certainly. But if religious war is to dictated .by , unmixed‘ wisdom. be brought into this country, by whose For experience has taught us fiction Will it be brought but by the that this remedy‘of interference with action of this Government, which, 31- 'local legislation has never been up- though it had the methods of persuas- piled and probably never can be ap- ion in its hands, has chosen to take plied without friction, disturbance and the methods of coercion in order to re- discontent: that you cannot apply that dress a. wreng? V remedy without causing as much (lis- . satisfaction as satisfaction. It must be FLA-"TUBES 03' THE CONSTITUTION evident that While you redress the grievance of the minority by such not There 15 one thing “flat is cer' of interference‘you run grave risk of 3ft tailgspergllgr:eflllgm {fillepaggeg‘éi creating a. grievance on the part of the e the e . ‘ ‘ majority. But the remedy of interfer- this bill pretends to help, in r ferred to the page of the history of the country l3 upon this chamber, ence ,3 found m the constitution ; and, name of this young nation on which Confederation which tells us of the and whatever may be our opinion being thcré' u .must- be applied, so many hopes are centred, I rise to manner in which his native Province “l’on lhls quesu‘m' Whatever Views “'e,But it must be applied in such ‘ may hold as to the policy of the Gov- a way as not. to provoke irritation; nslt this Parliament not to proceed any of Nova, scotm was brought mm fine emmem the . . re is one thing which 3‘ .. . v further with this bill. (Loud Cheers-l union. The hon. gentleman has not cannot be denied: These frequent re- 1%“?gffenbshozisgehi ggfisrfig; ft S‘Kgil The position which I have taken from forgotten, surelyâ€"or if he has he is the currences 0’3 aglmtlon and commotl‘m continue to love the constitution. shall are a severe strain, and a very severe be ready to maggot it, and, if neces. the first on this questlon- and Whlcl‘ 1 only man in this country who WIS-- strain. up0n the tie which binds these sary to die for " it The have maintained all along up ‘0 thls that when the idea. of Confederationâ€" Provinces together, and the danger is power is thwemand' being there_ the moment,and in which I more this: eve: a great, a good, a noble idcaâ€" :ézrlgifin‘gngzitfigr f2: &Zp::::239£311‘:§{ aid of the Dominion Gonernngnt wlill - of uch stren tha ' ‘ ' b he min 1- . ’hat 5 dimly relY. l3 5 g was brought ‘0 the “tenth” have brought about this commotion. tfiesgfifihihgi‘2ught t: b: followed? it easily takes away the Dfllh \Vthh “0 of the people of Nova: Scotla it you find that on every occasion there . h . ie on man of sensitiveness can well twoid did not meet wltn ready acceptance, was only one cause, always the some, lsfi‘aghgfigglérfg’pgrf :1: "m5: “he “has when, impelled by a paramount sense and for obvlons. van. obglous. reasons. sailutmt atfischthfbge‘géggetgg (1):; egg:- airâ€"ergo};l tollld‘uzatgatt the finale wofis ‘ ‘ mcc an ca y a. a no u gmen s of public duty he has to take a course I am with", the mark when I say that deuce the Soverei ' _ _ . . gnty, of the P10\ln- u “’thh be km’w” may n“ be tree” Slhce the days of Athens of old there clal Legislatures. in one form or other i: Egghefiggzig lilyhatthfanggingén shared in and believed in by all his was never perhaps a corner of the fig; was! 31:“, eggsslega ggfiililtugig‘; rule. It cannot be that this remedy is friends. But the argument seems earth of ' ' . 1 I to apply mechanically. This remedy ' so few acres' so few peome' it may “0t be out or place at 13""5‘ "t must be granted or denied, accord- to be overwhelming that it which in a given “me produced such to look further into the history of our mg as the circumstances of each case} lhls Ill“ “'0” to“ bgcome ‘he a. galaxy of men of the very Elfiguggu‘ngéhaag 11:56 lggsse‘zlallfiffj" require. Andvthat is the very 1ilan- law, while it would a or no protec- first class as the smnl p - , . ;“ gunge of the statute that the on. i rm incc of if possible to atmd the danger “ith‘gcmleman cued a few moments ag,,_ The Parliament of Canada Should Not Proceed Any Furtherâ€"Govern ment'. Policy 8. Danger to Confederation and no Benefit to the Minority-Perilous Proceedings of the Governmentâ€"Wrong From First to Last â€"The Law on the Casoâ€"â€"Answer ofthe Manitoba Gov- ernment and Their Request for Investigationâ€"What They Are Willing to Doâ€"How the Government of Canada. Should Have Aotedâ€"The Doctrine of the English Liberal School On the Clergy in Politicsâ€"Mr. Laurler's Standâ€"The Grandest. Speech Ever Deâ€" livered in Canada. be essential tothe administration of 533’ ll! their Damon mm the” must" oil of Canada ? llid Mr. l-Zwurt. tho . ences are outi‘uged' and if their con- this Confederation. If they ever had a. - v counsel 1-”. p . l l.“ v . v 1 . (‘ ._ . sciences are outrn ed it seems to ' ‘ L ‘“ m "‘1 5' “‘3 l“ “" 0901mm“ 3 ’ ernmcnt were bound to not iuuumliute- e. always me that this in the opinion- of l, , , , _ n ’ . even, mm woum be held to be one 3 without .in_\ more inquiry into the preached. the? had ltv “0t When they f . facts ? \\ by, the very first thing that. disallowed the Gaul“? fi‘l‘g‘slgfigx 0 “105.9 uomuons or Mr. Ewart proposed to do was to put but when they lt “0 Heavens inw. unwritten nno unchangcnbie. before the Privy Council of Cunndu They sav more They say that many facts which in his opinion should nfr. Moncrlefiâ€"Would the hon. gen- they made a compact between “1(1qu title Gavel-uni‘cnt of Caxu'itluund ueman to ask him a and 0: 3123.;i:.lf;i‘21i’li.£.‘.5.llll‘lh.i3.."iif“f.i‘i “on 7 Does he cmpk that the. Gm ern- Cunadn' and ma" 3' Compact was seeking for Mr liwurtcommcm-od by ment Bhou‘d nine dzlsauo“ed that made between the Crown of Eng" Iquill)" lliilt ‘llI‘II‘L‘qlf‘d his ('ilflt‘ruhon Manitoba schoms 8'“ ' yum Sud themselves' and “ml “‘15 four 0'} ilvc (was which being proved. V ius cen violated. and if a. com- . i.{.‘ l‘ h u'd. ‘..l n. GOVERAMENT PROCEDURE' pact to “With “‘0' CNN.” was a rm?" lllllce {shill hhllkiillhto jthchllclfilr' \t\(')lil'cli was violated I hold, at all events or .. {.9 Hum". Th, ,3 .5. h b Mr. Laurierâ€"The answer to that my part. mat mm ought to be new tliifi‘d\.;lit.m:;m "i: of t«heibmuillrtozmn. question is Very pmm' The hon' gm" to be one of the violations of 7 . . Q .. .q , tieman asked me what. was my f‘leél; Those are the grievhnces which the Knopf?yo2"¢~f.,,fifl‘;,”‘3{,nfi. ‘; Did the hon“ gent'lemml] ml in?" J? ’[ minority or mammlm hm"? to um" soihmu nirrcvmcnt tutti. in Manitoba. else on film hide 8‘ er tah‘e he Hie“ 0: upon- this Parliament. How are we we' 59mm“, Hmum be 80pm.- El‘e lemm Oparty 0“ {we glues? 0“ ° to know what the facts are? liow are. an, n 11,». “knd that u w,“ (‘lsauowancc' I am 3‘“ limb the? hond we to dcnl with them except by invcstl- aminemmn hm] been mm“, "ad gentlemen out Of Fheir 0““ ‘mout S m"l gallon find by inquiry 1’ Slr- “"3 say if it were proved to have liccn mndc by the” 0“: d%Ctllne' film this is the position that ought to be the“ it mimild hind ihc people of (1m): I say; to t e on' gen -elâ€" take“ by everyblldy- 'l'hld l5 lllc llllhl' iillil in honor in innintuin it ngninsi tho man Who has put the the questolr, f “on 1 have taken myself. I know pmplc of liinniiobu. Mr. l~2\v:irt's soc- he thinks it “as light and proper to there are some hon. gentcimcu 0nd ,.J.guumm was a ,.Ommumwe of dfsqnow the Cgtube qliarail-thle bait 0“ the Olllel' Slth Of lhe 1101”? tho first. llu said: "The lusgisinturo $113123; 2%,.le‘a‘fdvfi‘n‘3v‘aggugm {3 51;. Who COIIU‘OVCN ll. and I “'lll (10511 “'ll‘l of Linnitohit was conipmscil ut the nut- t ' t pannow ‘t‘fns \fammba lllelll lmmedlfllelY- I llllilw ‘l'llll-l 13 not of u. llillllllnl‘lil‘nilcll mm of n. Sen- (Eo'un n 313: N ' i til A it 'ti their ground m“ saying “l9” l3 ll” :Lic. illld it l‘cw \‘r-urs uficrwurds tho 2%:001éfi5e'megt':hnugual Serggiymtheiig “u'ossny {01‘ lll‘llllT‘Y- 'l‘h'fll‘ Z‘l‘illlllil. Senate was ulmlishcd." \\'cil. rim-0nd devil‘an just tit quite {hém “hymn is that ill"3 0850 1111-3 been llf‘lllllil '3' l-ll”=' chambers urc not vrry popular nowa- the'y think at is comfnme‘nt to a'ppn, d“, Judicial Committee of the Privy Conn- (luyg' pm If “my hm-p n vnmm nnd Hwy doctrine thev 50's}, {mt when they find ell. and the decree lcuvcs thcm noz shillllil have that vuiuc. it is that tilt-Y lt ls inéonvénlené {hey do not imply 1t Ollllml l0 ll” fillyllllni‘.’ llllt Oil" thing. ought to be umi on: n protection fur Vow I refer to this matter slm'pw fig what they are doing ioâ€"dayâ€"dlrcct lil- the minority. 'l‘ho liomhn cannula 2m dnswcr m the cmhn which 'was lcricrencc. Such is their conclusion. lf' minoer ln Mnnlmlm' Mr. Ewart made‘ a moment ago I)". the so, let us inquire into it for a moment. 1 sum, did not viuw in a fuv- hon gentleman that the (govern- T110! tell US the facts have‘bt'vil Fifi-wu‘uble light the :‘lbuliiion of thclt merit in this C'nge acted simply n5 tled by the decree of the Privy i_?ollil- Senate, but tiicy \i'rrr: lumit- to ugrcc to the frlends of the minority, Then they 011. and “1th Cimlllll be any (illf‘s- it upon thi- rr-pri-s-‘niutinun manic to referred the minority to the courts to “on "0‘" for the. Government to inâ€" them tllntlllcir :u-houis nud their insti- test the validity of the act. And you vcstlgutc and determine. Are the facts tuiiuns should never lm tampered with remember the terms of the order in hello? linown to-duy than th'ev were by tiu- Legislature of Milliilolni. mui it Council . they stated Specifically that 1: four years ago, when the i'ei‘crcncc seemed to me iiiut this is u strong and a court ’confirmed the “many of an. was made to the Judicial Committee of powerful argument in favor of the min- not then they might come before the the Privy Council? Have we more why. if tin-y mum .«mnw thnt tinny Donnnmn Governnmnt and then the knowledge to-day ? Were lili]ll(ft'i1 in muitc away with mic of Dominion Government would take up An hon. memberâ€"We do not require “‘9 l“”“"“"k-“ “'l‘l"ll “‘“S ‘l l”“"""‘l0n their Claims. “re”. they went before 1L to their rights and lllit'l‘lli'ii and priv- ilcgcs, it Sl'l‘liiii in mc it is :i filming the courts and they were not auc' Mr. Laurler-I will come to that by- .. . . . ,, ., , . I the {wt was “gm and Within; tge known m'dm' “m’” “NY “We four invc tin-ir countrv "rm-1} \er l-‘lv'irt‘s power and puy‘mw or line. Nan Kola years 9'30 '3 The knowledge “"3 hm"? third urgumr-ni {v.ns' "'i‘ilut'llir-‘i ib- chislamre‘ 'lhen the) c‘mra abut? 10-day is the knOchthU we lull] fulll‘icrzti party in Muniiuliu \vhon continuin- With petitions' Thigse peutbons a - years “30' and "0 mom“ L“ “‘9 “Call to liOWcl' in 1887 liud mode it conip'ict firmed tl‘fee grievances m 8‘; 12313112,:é the attention of the House one? more ' with the ,nmurlw m.“ Ulla“. first 3‘93 Sam “flame actio ‘1 ‘0 _ to the reference which was made to the “0110018 wnnm “a 1,2. “W.” n 0“ “‘39 “90” t. 0 r conscten‘éf’ n?me courts, first to the Supreme Court, fem] Wm, H Tm, four“, “1;”. ' tsa'glgsfilslrfg a “mgzestfflt t‘gougfion was and then to the Judicial Committee of , men: was {11110.1 tn “,0 mlrd I"- “gmlgan' n‘§§310m’of bommofi qvhonlg ll‘he PFlVY CounCll- 'l‘lle llon- KEllllt" :umunt. iuld wuu tllut suhm-quuniiy n. vet ln rialltv they were estahllthng' mu" (5” Chm'lc‘s Tulll’crl ‘1 few lll‘l' similar agreement had also 1,}, tesumt schools Then they alleged merits ago read some of the questions. hm.“ mad... and Mn 1.3.31,” an another reason' that the act was a There were Slx. bill- 30m0 0‘ 31131" may procccdcd its follows, mu] 1 call the ol- v'lolaflon of the-compact which humble dismissed. The first question was lump-m n; the Hum“, u, the lmmuuwl been entered into by the: Damnation this : “is the appeal referred to in the used by Mn 1.;wnn:_ ‘ of the Northwest Territories and the said memorials and petitions and us- Governnlent of Canada whlch com. sane!) “lamb? Shell an allDeul as is. Mi’llryi i‘nurnrgumcnin. llll‘ll,fll‘l'fflillllll‘d pa" had been re entedgfléffl “movadmlssime by finb-sc(.Uon 3 0g section‘lilmli :Itzrm-mvnm uml :ruznlmm :» lv‘ll‘nl. lim ‘ p ‘ “ liili of the British North America not. i """lilm'i "Hill" ll)’ ilw 'umlhlun "f l‘llllli'l" i afterwards by the Legislature-Of Lianhwsm or by Huhâ€"secuon 2 of “HOMO” m, . H'l'iiiitl. ilu- promises iiiiuil' li)‘ ilu- I‘l’ulc-Nl- v ' "" . unis of dinniinim '. third. iiu- pruniin inn-in tobalr .N ',.. ‘. ,i . ,, _ he” 0“ q“. the GO‘omment n of the manllm’n “C‘- 33 ‘H'lm'l‘l ("Ml"- i by lilo Lilli-mi inartv in .‘lnniiwii ‘ lilnl my estimation, should have done just 1 ., .,.. , , . one thing above all others \vhcn they 113-. c "Inter "- Canada - I“) llllh l'llll‘l'lll‘lll | fillli‘lli. llu- lpi‘utiilsvr; mmi ~ v)‘ llil' (ii any reived these petitions they should havclthe ‘mS‘VL‘l‘ “'33. 3’09. lllfll lll'? llilil'w'nl; ‘iW-‘l‘l‘lllm‘hl- All Hit-w n. ‘ '2 4- ) r ‘ ~ .' . . . v l . l r .' - l invest, no th m: h shoum naval iciclrui to in the sand iiiitiiiiflnllb .lliil ill-r” " ll” “will H- lll'm' "l ll!" 3‘ d e t ey ‘ petitions is such on uplu-ui us is mi ("W'l‘ ‘ ' “l 3 “WW”? ll’" l"’-"""'l‘ ascertained the facts which mere 111-: _. . , , ..,r 11.. l .1 . , i, . .,,-, .. legcd by the minority of Manitoba in i mlhll’k" “he “ml” (“myth-“n “m ” Li wlith'; “'x m. ill-M. I” ‘ ________.____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- The (OllOWlhg ’5 9' °°mplet°° “390"- ‘do justice, and of all things to do jus- of the speech delivered by Hon. Wilfrid tice to a. minority. is always a. great Laufler on the School mu m we and noble thing. It is one of the noblest attributes of human nature. House 0‘ C°mm°n3 Maren 3' 1896:â€"' But the hon. gentleman who has spok- Mr. Speaker. l1. lh 3» debate 0: ‘ueh en for the Government knows from his moment. it were not 01“ 0: Place for long Parliamentary experience that me to make 8- pePSOlla-l rerel‘ence to amongst men the standard of justice myselfâ€"a reference Wthhv however' is not uniform. but is affected by dif- may perhaps be Ill-filmed: “M 5° mum" ferences of religion. differences of ed- On account 01 the feellng “mien may ucation and a. multitude of other cir- not urinal-“Pally be ullrlbuted to "‘0' cumstanccs. The hon. gentleman is being of the race and of the creed of awarkmore than anybody else, per. which I am. but still more in consider- naps, he ought to be nwurkthat m a atlon 0f the great responsmmw “mien community with a free government, in has been Placed upon me by the too a country like this, whenever upon Find raga-I‘d 0f the “lends by Whom I any question involving a different con- nm surrounded hereâ€"I would any that cepmm of what is right '01. wrong, a in the course 0‘ my Parliamentary different standard of what is just or career. dul'lhg Whmh it has been my unjust. it is the part of statesmanship duty On more “‘9‘” one occasm“ to not to force the views of any section, take part ln the dlscussmn 0‘: those but to endeavor to bring them all to a dangerous (11195“0“hWhIE’humoezitiz uniform standard and a uniform con- lmve come before l e M am caption of what is rlzht. Canada. never did I rise with a. greater sense of security, never did I feel so COERCION 0F NOVA SCOTLA. strong in the consciousness of right as The hon. gentleman has referred at I do now, at this anxious moment,when lengthâ€"and I do not blame him for in the name of the constitution so that-to the history of this Confedera- outmgeousiy misinterpreted by the tion. I followed, him closely. There Government, in the name of peace is a. page. however, of which he might and harmony in this land. when have spoken, but of which he has not in the name of this minority which said a. single word. Y He might have tion whatever to the suffering minor- Nova Scoun- Th‘, names or Hunting- which we are threatened. I call at- The remedy is to be sought and an. ity in Mnnltobfi. ll would be 9- m°5t ton. Uninoke. Young and Howeâ€"above {emion to “"3 fact' film When the plied as thei'oircumstances of the case Violent wrench of the Drlnclnles “90" all Howeâ€"are names of mun who were “lea 0! .9” "mo" °.f 0‘” Plovmces require. Audit can beinteiiigemlv ap- ' “as firs“ mooted' ‘he questl‘m "as plied only after full and ample inâ€" which our constitution is based. The up. a a .- . . ,. . I, i Ltrs of th- most famous men of debated whether the bond of union -. - » follows :â€"“\rt‘ ll‘c "1 ' i“ ‘v " v i - v ‘ - - i i. - . till” IMO the facts 0f the order to a i such remcd as thel - t - N "l" --‘ ’1 l H >l - . -.. . H; ,1 . ., . hon. gentlcmun who has Just mo‘ comm, generauon_,the names of men filipuid'r be ' legislatue or feticm- casey and finer an means of facts, “.amgggém This was” the first i in the petitions and nn-murlais r‘ur‘h :-..-: 'y§'.‘,.,;.'.',,:,, '{ M", ,,.,.f,,,,‘ 1", I. _',,f,, n, the second reading of this bill, who who. 11 me). had moved and acted on uh?“ {gagging igfignfl Cliff: thud: concmmmn have been exhuusm¢ thing they shoum have done. But “my 3 may be the subject 0:: appmii umior ih~ :liu' ruin: mi. 1 my” .- ...l, ; ...,.l ' comes back to this House again. after,u wide, and better known theatre the Pravmcm'am qcéttorég 52d ‘61 ; and only * as a last resort. laid not do it. They went again , nflulhn‘ritt) oi tlllu‘hllll;l?(:lliliii-imiiliiif'b n-I rilu‘.».»;tl.,...:l.;. ill.'..”,,.... . “int..- an interval 0‘ several years to take would to day live not only in the "law by long distanogs and by di\.1q_lTll(1‘.‘St’, igxffly judgment. lfire the prm- lltmfore the1 courts 1and this tllmg , 13:38:11: Shannan ‘thsnmu.1e ilo'itxhi: “rm”. .. uld'.“ “£1.12. : finn'uvx . ' . . - ‘ h , ‘ ‘ ._‘ Cl') 03 W C l on}; ll. 10 "ll 0 US ll 1 S 0 ascerta n whet yer t icy 1,1 .t - ' uh 1.. 'ii: I“ :H ‘ "I. t' _1 ~ H “A A». I hlS Plum 5“ “‘9 h'mll 0‘ ms pull” mm ‘ hearts of their own countrymen. as ,fifemmfl‘je it a'lm‘attcr. And. assuming these princi- power under the constitution to 1)(15p.~'ltl\-p_ ] pass qncstlnnfi 3 ‘ 51.31“ :.:,.,,;., n.1,?“ ;.',‘._;‘,,,:,“'.,‘.,'{,‘, . “1,”, who. we are told, is to force this bill . they do now and will forever live. bu lnf legislative “0.30;? .1 (3,513.” Lifg‘glplc‘s i0 be true. I may now apply my- the remedial order which they wer» indbl}cacl‘l):‘:o tulfifimqal‘i; nott fill‘lltli‘1‘rfll', n.3,» ..;.»- a nil" r-n‘sl. ‘ win n '1" O ) “Wm”, an .. has my.“ some‘ would also be honored names; ‘ ‘ . .', ' ‘” ,",. :Seif to a history of this case. asked to pass in favor of the minority; ; ' -~ H n. It \\ .w r i {hm :li'i' lam-m, 12.. ~:. mt. 'luuH n fig u g p y u. ' throughout me Cwlfized worm. zlatture to be'im estcl pith that L]fl.}S PISTORY OF THE SCHOOL CASE The judgment of the mum of In... rc_ ! ask the clusc, attention of the limbo-4 i uni,“ ~.'.l.i i;- mum liva ,r. . .i...i .-.| in. credit to himself and to the Gm ern- (“we”) Th,“ [g M, a" In "a “(my ,pn subjecasthlcthgffxctist all the kProv- ‘T h I did t i - co” the lumen, Committee of mp ; it is as {niiowsz "H.115 his ice-.14. Ju-iz. ,. {Tu-mud. um ; m :u- ..r :uy . . . _ " ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ' ; ccs. an oca .g s a urcs to e in- he on. gent cmnn no say ' . I. ' ., ;: one v 1h. (-0... _.; . . i 1., npm.» i. y tn,- :1,» 4:. , . l ".24 up”, mam or “mum he ‘3 a memler 0: be “on' "8 Seml'ln‘lepondtnce- "‘0 Pm‘ Ivested with those subjects which aloneimuch. in fact did not say anything 11: PH“ councu‘ has that me amufi, (Jouhcll power I {.f”°r,,,,',,'§,'.“”n,_. 1 .3» phi-gum” r i.ui:| v.-:.x.:.i lzul lilJll in li‘u- in lC‘JiI‘Iillht‘il “I m. . ion In! sunli went bad the power to interfere, . . 1 . .. merchants. ikc the merchants of Ven- i lutely essenunl to the federal form power to enforce it by lemsmmn’ “what; said memorials and pctitiuirt. ~.:y ;,--r.;.ii: 111â€": :w’ilnn. I the not the slightest,deslrc to take 1pc, were nrmces‘ It Is not elm“ i ' 5 tlsefore this Parliament for discussion one 5mg” pm“le {mm the encomiums m be wondered at tlmt’ “ha; of got crnment. It seems also cs>entinlicn this occasion. Those Circumstances “.ns men the am). of 1m, “Gym.” {flssu-nl‘lng . the mm?!“ (n. m n, asked to join in the Canadian Confcd- ment ? Again I say it was their duty. ’3: 4-“ H‘htil tlii'rr-n. or has: hir‘ ' _, I _, h. , r ‘ I to investigate the complaints of mm l?‘“‘?ll”ll‘3)‘ the iiovt-z'nrvr-i'lcn-wzti in ill" LUNA-J fll ‘ nil-"mu. in HM mmorny But they {fined to do that. , Council tiny other Jurimiictiun in U)": l ,l“’l"5r“““l5‘ "f‘«1‘«ll1"l-lv‘;”l‘lll“ lll" llVU' ' ' ' luv- u fi-ixunu. uIi-l . r. 'ji-.:.ri_ inn. lhey assed a drastic order in Council, 1 Prl'"llS‘-‘-“l '3" AFSmnlni: ih': mulrriiil , Which) they sent to Manitoba. and non-1m?” to be as stated then-in : mam..-’ lllTi-d tho ulziilluli ll‘ill :ru plum: 11.3 ‘ih‘ri-u they ask us, in the name at the mln-iing the {new to he ns “and n“, 3, no}. “(1.;14 l... EMU...“ “I”, “WNW,” ority to pass this bill. though no in- i "Iflllm was the answer to this rimâ€"M up “will; 3:1‘11‘tll'liul‘i'l.’ [liltil‘xl K‘tql‘ill «dirt? ‘ "fl - " . ‘ ‘ . -' I ‘0 answer “'35 in 1']: il‘rrr: 11‘: ~, I)! ‘ " ’7 ' "".' " I J nil. h Ill. nr \C'Ft'mwm 1‘35"”? “mm pm“ Thr’“ " u ' ” ‘md the minority u! :duuimim. thut .‘clr. thnv are bound to pass it. l‘lfnms m be as slut-«i in the p: .; l “""flfl' "3“th sui'iw’il'd “ll ilu'm‘ "on- take issue with them. and in the name! "1"” this finterrupt-m. hm; the xii-3.! in "’“L’m‘l "lllll "3"“! “Wl “lll‘lll‘fill. of the minority of Manitoba. I say that; W193 111" rl'mcdiul «mil-r1; whirl; .rt- lh" ll':ll- Firth”! 'm . who nu ._ [iii-flf'1ll'u tliv- (neon 'j.’ havvrlilnr-n! .‘iil-I'utliiy, ilm on that audition. .‘lr. -1-r fur Stun-mu Hull-ll iizzil lm ing the champions of the minority. In "lllce 0‘ 30"“- Scml“ lm‘l mmlnea r1Luffcct the different communities. This'all, with regard to the. history of this order which was ‘; declarations or rum-dial Ill'i-vl‘.~’| ‘ ’i‘iivrr- was :in up;qu lnzniu )il'l'.‘ in - . » . . .. . . . l -. ;. A - . no for as tliis.contention is crincerncd1r‘l““rl‘3m‘ degr‘e or plo"l’erll3- “3 division of legislative power is abso-icnsc. or the circumstances which bring \azfigdtg; paflmmem had mp 1 which are asked for in tEw . , . r 4 that all the Legislatures. whether thoearc so well known. however, that I do central or the Local Legislatues. .not wholly blame him for not having to which the Government may be en- er u h i t N I _ “fled . but the hon genuemm has a on t e poop e 0 e 0‘3 560‘”- llad should be absolutely free of eachlrcferred to them. But there are ' ‘ mime mlszl‘lnzs 8'3 m “‘43” (’Ourse- :other and free from supervision. ’some salient farts which it is well to lnrgcly taken away from the Drills? “hat would have hoe“ the Part Ofi'i‘hc hon. gentleman has alludcdibring ugz’in before the Ellemlm‘ 0‘ which we would gladly have given to§52302:?““salggrlglgsth‘n0*‘1'ilsl‘i‘ih3 Th" 3 to the differences which exist betweenlthe House. In 1570 the Legislature of the Govcrumcnt by the statement he 3,: Q“ m U h and w g- ”; 3‘0“ x 111:“ o. ‘ our constitution in this respect and thelefiunm' shortly after. the Province nn. made over and over 3 am m ms: ,‘f‘ _ 3“ iii-um o no peopt of American constitution. Though I am was brough: mm the “mom in the full ‘ ' g t " .3‘.“““‘“’ M m“ l‘l"“”‘“"“““-"e prepared to say that in mar-z: I‘CSDQi‘lSroxcrciso or the power which had been Ipeceh. reiterated not once but lh“! £9"? 0- Pt’ollle Chillientli' fitted tn' the Canadian constitution is far StipCT-lcnnferrcd upon it by this Parliament. pprhnns ten mnes__“.mch was. m f‘egnxtlfanrghrlg‘uir rofusucl} amidesâ€"'0! ior to the American. it may be that in sconlirmedb)’. the Imperial Parliament. (not the burden uf his whole speech ‘ not t‘l ix out: on’T’;x‘.h“L}‘ “35 tlils respect it is not on It par with theicstahlishcd a system of Separate 1h. -~ l ‘ ‘ x“ htlsidcofrthotli‘o’tfl- «m “Hie 2‘“: 5-“ Ampflcnin' Lad” the "mm-mun syslem l SCll‘mlf‘f 1" 159” ll“? l-figl-‘vlatumv 353‘ l“ their course toâ€"dav is unconstitutional l ‘L‘ll‘e’l 0‘ "Will. I ask. W'rc lial- ("Ii -' M the Gmnnmem m “'15 msmnc‘ . sent“, In: mm in"... figfflenfim‘ 3;,“ an L095 aturcs' “hem” m" ("Rural 5 in the full exorcise of its powers. 2b0]-: 13 wank and dangerous_ The non: ; ernmcnt when tin-y druitmi thin r .. 7-. “e not free RROMS. but Slmply cren- ‘ L l’ ‘ ‘ ° Loglsmtur“ 0" the 5mm Ilegl-‘l‘llul'es- ’ ished those schools. Now. the minim-l “magnum mm us a moment ago that 1, 921m! to the courts of the sum" opinioan ‘4- l l i I say. in the name of the minority (course; that. assuming the HM“. to-dny has been brought brie" ~om - . râ€" . . ~ . v- t - r .v . - . . . lures of necessity. the tools. the lnstru- England to this counth to :05}... this #113933; in“: tihfi’fi?‘ “f 53‘,“ if”? 1 lit". Under . SUCh Clrt‘UmSlilnc‘éfi. the hivernment is bound to act inc-1 “3 the"; Km.- nt the prom-lit time? i‘. hr", ‘ ’l $21???“ f‘ N “11‘ ‘ ~‘l“’-f " lf’Hl memo of the constitution which in measure upon the mole of C'V‘c l5 ' ‘ “t ( can m t" ‘ 'efiluld Comalmy 30‘ "'5'- qul“" Chanlmll)’ 1“ lhlfi mallet No“-- l Ml“ 13"” 0‘ m" "l’l’ll'm “5"” "l" ""“l """""l i “L “"3 l" "O H' ""4 "’r' . . ‘ h . p . “h _, a. Supreme Court‘ but this comm; is 51m- I having a remedy again“ the; pamaumm [my ,mnmion . A“, “13-, tt-.r.li known and ruluirt-(l no inoneiliga- i (liA' . xtummy tell-tinnml-‘m. awry hwy“- "-1 5'. 11 1"." )3.” tin-.- mu: 1"." t v uy, ., . ilnsea -r'>" : ‘31 m- - .- .. r this matter. ltmcs them no option, ‘ ‘1 or J'“ '5l"~ h‘m“” to mfg“ I‘ll Ju‘llcml- 1‘ ls “"l nllmwa l” ‘("’l(';.'l5'i113l0n that had been. passed. Thvy l Upon the complaint of the minority. “00- If they were of that opinion. V-‘m‘i WWW“ I” l .. , ._,“:.'._., . ,1_ . ‘.. , w. .. .» ..= “mg m” 0“" mm“ cm" r-m‘" ”‘ “‘7' “"3 ‘llscmllon “hl‘l‘ ‘3 “‘5‘?” lhlcame before this Government. they unsupported by evidence. \vithnut;did they not any so in the rt‘fl-rl'l‘if‘i- ‘--*“l‘ l W” "‘~'""‘l“l l'lll but compels them to bring forward the the annual . a , . ll‘ of this act of .,onf~d~r- » . u- ~ .. .. measure which they have now brought allot:z he forced the project ‘dowrl t‘he .E‘°;’,‘5l,i‘}3f°',.,,'f.l“ ‘MII’ .acofrmérllgczme before this Pariinmcnt. with 90- having made any investigation. are we . Sent 10 the Charm 7 11' thci' VII-r" 0!; 3351‘”, Mt" Ml“); “film'l’, "' “ll H M“ lh'oa'ts 01 the w it of Vova 5 ti ‘ ' ‘ ‘ .‘ m mm.” ‘ '° r'illilm‘u“ 35mm: far ri‘dr-JSS of their l to be told that the law of the major-llhfll opinion. that the {arm roquimi liilg’,",““j"‘, Ml 1m Hid-2'11": ohm to the attention of the House. In so b ; “1 _ “up cc 2): C0 1 «i‘crent Legislatures and prcxcnt the ell-lp,.h.v.lrc(. "The hm, rpnuhmnn hnq‘. .u. is m be an 351de pwosugumq um" I “mm m yum,“ lntitl Multan“, v.'llluiit-v.' nil his itiilulit'fifl' “ .. z. -. ‘ ‘_ _ 0‘ _ ‘,. tl.‘ .. ,. . .., . - v 4 -. I u "t ,,. , w I,,,/. , for as this slatrmem ls concerned. I ;,.?,,,mc‘al 2,335,“; m a a n%Ԥ_rfi.’§affi‘m§m ‘3‘ find-hrefipiclf'i Pnl‘ers-gtaknn crpdilpto himself for the fact why did they ask urbitrnrmvnli 3'3," T‘f_,-v’,l-h'“l-"*z,l" ll,”*‘;ll “gum! Um do not [Mend m mm mom,“ m con. , hum, parnamem' and the ‘hm Emgorfi‘; lggénémlful ’L’fifx‘ffilqfifissjgti.nt the Government acted in a spirit THE GOVERNMENT As_ JUDGES. on a false (statement or (acts '.'l '15,?“ 22",;,‘,,,t'nf”j "h"; 'il"",“”""' l" l""' -overt il in an - wa - thou ’h l h ii ‘ Senllcmnn must today bear the re; 3 tl~c hon civic 3m 'rhn ': 3‘64 .3 30‘ {Mme-‘3" and ill-“l9? t0 the minority. H “105' “we not of U“: fame Olllhlnn' dun-(i l" u ’r .17. n "’3’ ” ~"’."”"' “"" .. i ). i, s a . . . . . i i. . g i .. nt..... . rc.er\e pou- .1, this Government had Ewen the mm_ It you ten me mm. "not, I my and cm,” no, “mm mm the {new “.0”, Ram." u . r. mart. .zlr. luv-art than . h ti . o . ., . . mares: mu m u an: s:;?.i“;l$.§‘i.°r.liii~ same mm or u P...“ “1°C?” ‘° I m l we ever “hwanm to m. d u. vc ' . ’ ‘ , V, _, . “ ‘ ~- has given to other parties, the minor- 19 l 0 \’ nae 0A anllnba the’tcil us to-dny that no invcnllgntion isl "Allow up 3.. .. . , . x y L “ “ on'edem‘lo" ““3 m m" “ND” '3'; But 0“? ‘-°-‘5mull°“ 30“ mWh fill-.111; would. hayc hm redress of [hell-Tight to legislate upon this qucsâ€"lrequin-d? A judgment has hem rcn-‘gthrow the :: zi»r”,."1,.,.:h,",f ,ERE‘JZIT‘g - v -_ w. Xova Scotin synonymous with o rcs-' - ' .i ' ,_ the non. gentwmnn um: ln by "x. ism“ nnd cmrriom hm ‘ am “:13 m: {afizgst‘oolth‘sth’rnilnign {.ot‘irn imievmce‘q‘mg 330' tion. it is true hon. gentlemen a denâ€"d on a certain stair-mom which ns-l would bc limp: amp. .. e. “nymm’, in: forward this bill he is impelled I, ya). m.“ “hm”. me pmmc of Nova? 0‘." prm,§“d‘a‘l I omfla'ums gill: A“ non member__gow .2 any that they stand upon the 1 numcd the {acts to ht.- truc. and the am! mum be dout‘ thin w . ; rump} by lht (ll-‘51“? 0! (1013‘ 3030“ w lhk‘ : Smtm. Psilévlnlly lhe you“: Renew-5 gentlemandtaid (Wan-us a boon LY "‘1‘; Mr Laurierâ€"l will tell the hon gen losfiizrllluglzz'ugohalclfeig‘hgtSEll‘omeml1Eager“ was Thmwn h m um at. him" mm “mum MM r x” mm. ‘ x ‘ . 5 , , .. u. . - at . . o . - , u . " . ‘ V” to . _ - ,' l ' , ' v. r - .,. . .. mummy, “91L u such “1mm in‘ mm ha“ “900"”: “W’ldli-‘l ‘0 lhcswrbnns it was a very great mlstake.lllt‘man how: The ban. gentleman. ll rest the case on the: Juligmrntnrgf lf-rl’lna u: to-tlaira tut-,3 .li“”?’$l{l $.53; '2'321?lilid‘hi-’-v ~"Y'all “3",” I ‘ _ . , . , A r . .. u I’ i, . , imp , ., . , _ a n. t oni’rdcmtlom 'ihe hon. gcn- Under our constitution the Dominic : e:- a s ~ ~' ‘ ‘l’ - ‘- ' ' ’ “mum ‘nd me m0“?! of "w Gmem. huffing”. ham-WM. mm“? um um bl": Gavel-“m?” mm in “3 pow” m dish :phnthfifimungt Earl? Ennmlian. of all then .who l are atoll known and "quire rm lawsui- up. LAM-rain of Canada, the Prop-gt. mom I commend their intention. I itcrnessof the initial coercion has neverl allow within a certain period all. nctsl four acts ’whlch came up for m-‘ulw‘ r5:L {.53} “till” [o‘eti‘i‘r’nl’tuuhmn‘ "a? mum". mm. ‘wmn "my we!“ My,” was at ‘mmdu' "m DWI,” “t mm- commend their motive: would to beg. been removed. and never will' passed by wool Legislatures. ln mutVbi {ore nu; Minister uf'Jthlc» and ill". l {raffhfior inctvse mix-ain't! 'mdm thtg ‘f’url3r“_‘lll'.ll bad if? di'f'lllc the Win. vim" rll‘mm Mr. Ewart filled to . . . entirely disappear until it is ters of education llze Governmer' has‘ir‘m-«rnmmt of (“Z-iv d1 1w! it‘ll-«Cr?- i x ‘3‘": . . r a“ 5’ ‘ 01“ 'la'm. I m) riiri not huh! 11173.! pt-M- come to the rescue of the minority \en i could likewise conunend their l hum”, u. the W, of the but In“ mu "mp enerfiw'e we -q ‘85-» N , fr s 0‘.“ 1 .n . .o u . .... , i. .t- u! .t thvâ€"ro or» .o be round those: tion, but they held that the farm wore upon these facts being known. wen . gm . , - ... t . no r.. maul-e~ Mar. ..e 0. these acts was an acylawn of eternal truth and justice rln:\'l‘r)'dt_lubl.!ul. lrhnrt'l- thcm with «it:- ticpriwzli of the very evidence upon sound Judgment Md good sense. To of that generation whose manhoodll'ariiament here can interfere and sub- labolishing the French language ,Which alone nations can be founded. ': cell. on one Occasion or on the other ace, Whit-h be tested hi: can for a favor.

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