,SUPERSTITION IN RENTING. l ' _ l Jurillnn and .‘In\\ I‘.’l)lll"ni~ .lrc ‘ml the. uni) “ chair ,lp‘utn. City real estate {lgl‘n7‘3 t-ili sir 1113; stories about the hon-ave “iii-xii or p] ire-d in their charge by the Owners. Him shift on them all care and respon- siwili'y. and. for a ceri :in per-wining.) qu 1h» rvl‘"ipis, expect the ll'flJ‘i's in yield (11» aniil.iiir:ii ri-venuc. Bu: s.vii.e'iiiie~: houses will yield nothing bu: worry and expense. i With everything in the way of loca~ lion and architecture in their favor. houws sometimes remain vacant fox" long periods, and in many instances the . Owners l'l'lfl'lP. the agents, but find liter tli'i'. superstition and not laxity on the part of the agent birs the way to rents ! and revenue. _ linii.<cs_in which several people have died within a._shurt period LU‘P‘. less val: ua'ole for a tune on [hat account. “()1 course," an agent said, "when deaths have Oi'CUl‘I‘Nl because of bad sewerage. and where the sanitary L'Olldlllï¬nï¬ are otherwise bad, no onc would blame peo- ple for remaining away. But houses; where a. couplc had died of old age; would be looked upon by a certain class i as ‘unlucky,’ and there are ilii‘iimandsi who could not be bought to go inn) such a. house. V "The worst pnople in that respectfi he. (‘Unllllllv(l, “are the young mothers.1 “'e have had contracts broken becausei somebody said that 'habies neverthrive. on that block.’ and because ‘ihe last family that occupied the flat had twins.' But the greatest trouble in that line comes became of Friday and the num- ber 13. When you find a. man who Will Sign a. lease on a Friday you may make up your mind that ho Will be a good. tenant, and thnt he dovs not possess! 51.ny of the qualities of the dreaded kick- I ing tenant. As to the numberd3, why it is :is hard to rent a house with that number as one in which there is a cross~eyod hallboy or from which a con- , tagious disease flag is flying." ‘1 To .prove this the agent told of a. beautiful apartment house which had been completed recently, and for which, despite its advantages as .to location and superiority of construction, no len- Lnfs could be found, allhough its less attractive neighbors were occupied. ll". took the landlord only a short tune to learn the; causn, and when the. number was changed from No. 13 10 ll lI-Z he found that the homo-seeking public apâ€" precuited his building. ACTIVE EXERCISE and good food in‘ plenty, tends to make children healthy. If children suffer, however, from Scrol'ulous. Skin or Scalp Diseases-if their blood is impure. and pimples or boils appear. they should be ivcn the right medicine. Dr. Pierce's olden Medical Discovery brings about the best bodily condition. It purifies; the blood and rcndcrs tho liver active :3 well as builds'up health and strength. Puny. pale, weak children get a. last-I l l lng benefit. and “a good start" from the I use. of the "Discovery." It puis on wholesome flesh, and (lors not nauscate and offend the. stomach like lhvx various ' preparations of cod liver oil. Once used » it is alwnys in favor. Dr. Picrcc's Pcllcls cure constipation. l headaches, indigestion. (lysinipsui. One a; dose. Sold by all dealers. _._.___.â€"__.____.. \VHY HE REGRETTED. An old Scnlchman who had been a, long time in the colonies paid a visit; to his "native glen." and, meeting an old whooll‘ollow, they sat down to. have a talk about. old times and no- quaintanocs. In the course of conversation the Itmnger happened to ask about a. oertain Geordie McKay. He's dead long ago, said his friend, 111' I'll never cease regrettin' him. as lung as I live. Dear me! Had on such a. great re- spect for him as but? Na, rial It wisna' ony respeo' Thad for himsol' but. I married his widow! ._._._._ It is stated that the Papal Nunoiio it Madrid has been instructed to pro- mthe mediation of the Pope in the u n troubles. ‘Tired but Sleepless In a condition which gradually wear: away the strength. Let the blood be puriï¬ed and enriched by Hood’s Sar- sapurilla and this condition will cease. “ For two or three years I mu! subject to poor spells. I always felt tired, could not .ioep at night and the lime I could eat did not dome any good. 1 road nbout Hood's Sarnopuilla and decided to try it. Before I had finished “to bottle: f b to feel better and in n short ï¬lm. I all Ill right and had gained 21 pound: in wright. I am stronger and humble: than I have ever been in my lilo." JOHN W. Coconun, Walnceburg, Ontario. Hood’s Saroaparilln lo the Oniy True Blood Purlflor Prominontly in tho public on today. 80 cure to get Hood'u not! only Hood's. Do not ho induced to buy nnd olhc. o . Hood's Pills mm: 6â€" Km“ ‘35». .â€"â€"-â€"- i g ll l come without this starvation. the fishâ€"fat taste taken out. 536. and Snoo a: all druggists. l A YOUNGâ€"LABS RESCUE. Confined To His Room For More Than a Year. An Intciuc Suffer-er Through rains in the Muscles of "In Legs and Armsâ€"Rb dlfl‘Nl Almost (0 a Living Skeleton. From the \Volfville. N.S.. Acadian. Mr. T. Vi. Beckwiih is the proprietor of the Royal Hotel, \Volfville, the most important hostelry in the town. He has a bright handsome looking son. 13 years of age, named Freddie, who is a lad of more than average intelli- gence. It is pretty well known in \Volf- villa that Freddie underwent a very severe illness, though perhaps the means to which he owes his recovery is not so generally known and a. stateâ€" ment of the case may be the means of hel )in some other sufferer. On the 26L 0 December, 1893,}:‘reddie was tak- en ill and was confined to his room and his bed until March, 1894. Two .(lifferâ€" out physicians were called in during his long" illness. One said he had in. grippe and the other that his trouble was rheu- matic fever. He was troubled with sev- ere pains through the muscles of his legs and arms, after three or four days was obliged to take to bed, where. he lay nearly all winter, suffering terribly from the pains. He became reduced al- most to a skeleton and was unable to , relish food of any kind. During his ill- - mess he suffered relapse owing to try- ing; to get: up sooner than he should. ‘Boylike he was anxious he get out i and anoy the beautiful spring sunshine and for several days was carried out and taken for a drive. This brought on the relapse. The doctor was again called in and as he continued to grow worse he was ordered once more to bed. Things then looked very dark as despite the medical care he did not get any better. At last his father de- cided to try Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills. Soon after beginning their use Freddie began to feel better. His appetite be- gun to return and the pains were less severe. As he continued the use of the Pink Pills ho regained health and strength rapidly, and in about a. month was apparently as well as over, the only remaining symptom of his trying ill- which did not disappear for several months. It is OVG'I‘ one and a. half years a 0 since Freddie took his last pill, an in that time he has not had a recurrence of the attack. There is no doubt that Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills cured him, and bdtlh the boy and his parents speak high}; in their praise. Dr. \Villiams' ink Pills are the medical marvel of the age. In hun- dreds of cases they have cured after all other medicines had failed. They are a. positive cure for all troubles arisin from n. vitiated condition of the bloo or a shattered nervous system. Sold by all dealers oir by mail, from Dr. \Vill'iams' Medicme Company, Brock- villo. Ont., at; 50 cents a. box, or sixlexcept Sunday, at 4.55 P. m†reaching bores for $2.50. There are numerous imitations and substitutions against which the public is cautioned. ._.._.__._....__ THE FACE TN ILLNESS. The face is a. good index to the state of one’s physical being, and from it symptoms of disease can be detected alâ€" most before the patient is aware that anything serious is the matter with him. For instance, incomplete closure of the eyelids, rendering the whites of the eyes visible durin sleep, is asymp. ' ohronic disease-8i of a. severe type; it is also to be ob-l ptom in all nouns an served when rest. is unsound from pain, wherever seated. Twitching of the eyelids. associated with the mediation of the eyeballs, or squinting heralds the visit of convulsions. \Videning of ih: orifices of the nose. with movement: of the, nostrils to and fro, point to em- barrassed breathing from disease of the lungs or their pleural investment. .Con- traction of the brows indicates pain in the head; sharpness of the nostrilspain in the chest, and a. drawn upper lip, pain in the abdomen. To make a gen- oral rule, it may be stated that the upâ€" per third of the face is altered in 09 pression in nffectionspf the brain. the middle third. in the diseases of the org- ans contained in the abdominal cavity. KINGS AND CARDS. The Emperor of Austria. never touch.- es cards unless something Weighs heav- ily on his mind. Then he does not dis- dain to imitate his good subjects in Hungary, who never starts any busi- ness without previously consulting the cards. The Kin of Ital has (horror of auxin. in whic be our mly does not msemble his father. Queen Christine has prohibited every form of card p13 - ing at the Spanish court. A5 for t German Emperor.- he has a whole sys- tem of secret police watching in even the most exclusive clubs, to one that no heavy gambling is dorm. His Imperial Majesty seldom touches cards except when aboard his yacht, Where he in accmdited with playing heavily. is for men and women who are Weak, when they should be strong; for babies and children who are thin, when the should be fat 3 for all who get no nourishment from their f Poor blood is starved blood. Consumption and Scrofula. never And nothing is better for starved blood than cod-liver oil. Scott’s Emulsion is cod-liver oil with Kootenay Cure. l mess being a slight pain in the leg':Pallller L. Beare, 318 Jackson St. W., $100 Reward $00. 9 l The reed-\rs of th 5 paper w;ll be pleased to ‘ learn “‘5! more is l'. leiut one dreaded disease [out science lms been able to run: in All its ungrs, and that is Catarrh. Hall's tutu-ch ' Ours is the only pesihvo cure known to tho medicnltmlci'nity. Camrrl; beingaconslltu liens] diseuc. requires ii constitutional treat ment. Hull's Catarrh cure i’aken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous uurfnces of the system. the: eby dpsimving the foundation of lho discus». and giiiag the patient strength by building up the constitu- tion and assisting natum In (low in: work. The pioprieiors have so much aith in it! curative powers. that they otl’er One Hundred Dollars for any use that it. falls tocure. Bond for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY it 00.. Toledo. 0. Sold by Druzgisu. 75c. H. H. Holmes, the condemned mun . demr. has been baptised into the R0.- mnn Catholic church. - FORCED TO LIVE ON BREAD. Itrnnge Case of a Lady of Edzchlll, Ont... who lun‘ercd from Dyspepsia for Ten Years-A Peculiar-1y Interesting Cue. Recipeâ€"For Making a Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. I dums' Root Beer Extrucb..........one bottle . lelschmnnu's Yeast ........ .........hnlf n oukI N “(31310081 day Ol Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............two pounds indigestimx is aboug Luxewnrm “'ater ......... . ... ...... two gallon: Dissolve the sugar and you" in the water. ldd the extract, and bottle: 111505 in n warm place for twenty-four hours until it tormenm, hon place on ice, when it will open sparkling and delicious. The root beer can be obtalnod in all drug and grocery store: in 10 and 25 cent bottle: to make two and ï¬re 3111011“. as much of that trouble. as ordinary mortals want, but a siege of ten years oi this kind of thing is distressing beyond ~ 6 n s v calculation. This was what Mrs. Jas. Edge. who is in charge of the post-ofï¬ce at Edgehill, Ont., had to endure. Her case took peculiar form. \Vhere bread is spoken of as the staff of life, and is a leading item of the. bill of fare of. every meal, it is the case that-even With bread one may have too much of a. good thing. This was Mrs. Edge's experience, for her indigestion assumed that shape that she practically could eat nothing but bread, and, unfortun- ately, very little of that, Onl one re- sult could follow, that the sys em was thoroughly Weakened, and she soon be- came prostrated. She tried medicines, and she tried doo- tors; but her case grew worse rather than better. She says “Last winterI be- came prostrated, and a friend who visâ€" ited me induced me to try South Am- erican Nervine. .After two bottles I was greatly relieved, and before the third bottle was taken 1 was entirely well, and for the last six months I have enJoyed perfect health. I may say that I tried nearly every other remedy on the market, but none did its work so well and completelyv and perfectly as South American LNervine, which I do not: heSLtate to say: is the only remedy on the market t at will successfully. cure stomach trduble." . The Hamilton License Commissioners have refused to make any reduction in the number of licenses. - A Strictly High Gnu. Wheel at a ODERATi P ICE. 0. T. mom-m, It unufactnrer. 73 to 81 Adelaide SI.W.. Toronto BASH I wish purchase all kinds of used Postage pun Stamps. 0k up old letters and and mo the or stamps on the envelopes. stating what you want M for them. Especial! old Canadian, Now Bruno- †swiok, Newfoundlun British Columbia nltod amp States. eto. JAMS BURKE’I‘I‘. Wol [ton ‘ and Jordsn 804.. Toronto, Onn. KEEP‘XO-UB: OPEN rah; B In :arumufï¬jï¬? NERY‘. OlFlCEEisiar-W .- A ultimatum“ Aviwï¬mï¬Ã©â€˜ï¬ewsut!‘MS... _. Rough on Rain. ‘ This new pre oration who applied too lnnry'olothin ' Will make it PERFEOTL RAINPROOF, and will not altar the feel or up enranu of tho goods. Invu unhlo to cyclistl, Iporumen. farmer: nnd olhen. A form!“ for tailor: and Fiiun' - Gus: Aons‘rs. Pro and for B. W. HANK , Toronto. Ryakman’s ,Knntenay (lure. Positive Cure for Rheumatism and Paralysis. it she ll content to on- duro hot palm and wukneu without at- hmptlng to no! relief can got along withou‘ MILII' (Gun. Vla- [TABLI 00M DUI"). I I ‘ ' w,- be wall WAR 8 to be ‘ ’ strongï¬VANT to VIII ' 't and work with on. and comfort III. will in. Mitah' (0331.) VII) ETAILI 00M- PoUnn. If rho can't get it It her Dru gill'l, sho will enclose 50 to The “A. M. C." MEDICINE 00.. 573 St. Paul St, Montreal, and gut a large bottle. If wile aha will lose no time in doing it. Explanatory plmphlet. “ Woman's Triump ." nailed free on application. hirst Rodwell, 225 Main St. E., Hamil- on. Rheumatism cured by one bottle of John Taylor, Esq., 42 King St. W., Hamilton. Muscular Rheumatism cured by one bottle of Kootenay Cure. \Valitier Fink, Jr: 137; Elgin so, Ham- ton. Cuied of Rheumatism by one. bot;- tle of Kootenay Cure. Alice Johns, 42 O’Reilly St., Hamilton. Have taken three bottles of Roots,- nay Cure and am entirely cured of Rheumatism. IF YWWANT A SPRING MEDICINE THAT WON'T DISAPPMNT YOU TRY S’l‘. LEON MINERAL WATER, s:- ‘WW Hamilton. Took one bottle and a half of Roots- {ray Cure and it cured me of Rheum»- ism. The Salvation Army in London has been forbidden to hold meetings on the street corners. \VEST SHORE THROUGH SLEEPING CAR TO NEW YORK. ~ One of the handsomest sleeping cars that had ever been turned out of the factor L5 now running from Toronto to New 'ork Without change via the pop- ular \Vest shore route. It is a. buffet car, and refreshments can he obtained en route. if desrred. This car leaves Union Station, Toronto, every day New York next morning at 10.10 a. In. On Sundays the sleeper runs from Ham- ‘ ilton only, connecting with the through _V train from Toronto. Call at any Grand ‘ - Trunk office in Toronto for information _ or s ace in sleeping car. Reservations 1 .i haunt-orble a AMERICAN RATTA can made in advance if desired. WV. P4). 812. HigheSt Award 27 WORLD'S Gold Medals and FAI R other Awards - - - “m"Suanht CAII 12°. . _ nonu- IT II noun-1’ now, run Au- oun- 0 Boom ron WRAPPEII For every x: "Sunlight" o - wrappers sent to Lever Bron. Ltd.. Toronto. a useful paper- 0 5 bound book will be mm, or . . . GEN'I‘B' FRAME. acloth-bound for so wrappers ~ . . Have man mmm ,vz: 3‘2? bolnu Dut P cum.“ no 815th land to . 0" roofers, me 110 on NY. at light , wk“. P ‘ u shcetmetnl workmlflAdelmueW.. amt “91 7"†all?!†’m ï¬ller n. lulu:- no . STAMPS consuls? 3.13936 “‘1Ԡ5"“ "‘ M“? {"9} '"“ t I‘ ands. . Bill and Law Sum bou ht. Good rim, ’ Winn. Ax)ng >7 pf. Eo‘mpghogtâ€" Bprockob. Roux-dbl. Cm! Luau 0d without dio- The bonding No but» Inï¬ll mm. m... a hut" 0.. owl my Ihd 9'...“ Mixer- “‘5'â€th my“ "m" “2...†ring In BITE. In G. . . ares. T! to u MAI-Moat. W., Toronto. DAL flout malarial md n llod workman-hip. he P. D. DUDS 85 (ill. 188-190 11ch 8t†[anneal important improvements. covered by patent! an foundin no other 21199;.†They megs/Jr... RAVI YOU TASTID ii IT IS CEYLBN TEA. 80m my DELIOIGUS. In Land Puck“. 'lron Fencing. '.- Ofï¬ce A Communion Mum and All kind! of IRON AHDjflRE WDRK. TORONTO FINDS AND ORNAMENTAL WORK. TORONTO. CAN. -_â€"â€"â€"â€"g . p - £3“ a r. WHO WOU LD SU F F El! Tho excruciating pain of ' RHEUMATIBM OR NIUMLQIA When you can buy nbottle of n b y'- Rho-“mutual. For 26 cents and have iinmcdlute relief. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. ~ 3.: -:1-: run AERMOTOR 00. doe. Ml! no wlnumlll business, because it h reduced in.“ wind power to 1:0 what II In: In in - . housesmndluppllu In good!†u ' .- It your door. It on and do.- main ‘ boner nruolo 1an menu ‘ 9*. others. It mun. umpr . ‘3‘ (3 Our-d. 8 o - ‘ _ 00m lo on dmll ' and mod to Tm stool a road (mI and and rind On npplluuon l! nun. . u... 1..“ 91’" ‘3‘“ ‘r‘l'... 1"“... “' an a o usun p than and Pun: or All kinds. Bond a and PM: 120:. Rockwell and Pill-«I m -.-- __ .__.. .__ "â€"4 BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRlEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Wall Paper King OF CANADA. IF YOU THINK OF PAPERING uRoaidonoo Ohuroh Oflloo, Lodg- Room, Public Hall, Hotel or Story WRITE A POSTAL T0 C. B. Scantlebury, Box no, Ballovlllo. Ont. Mention tho Room- you think of paper-ins, about tho pric- you want. topay, and when you our this "64." You will so. by noun until-I10 oomph hobo! choice VII Pipe: «the but prices um i to tho Conudhn trade, and an: M. .-..- ' «,: 2.0- r- .A or“ ovum“. £922." ragga: “ low to Papa." We pay oxpreu charges on on orders-summon “Mallo- arrow-0.01m Balms. Can. mdDoxn. Expres- can. An hmdwmo, light. dul n uhun I dun- nlug, much- M- W Stcarns Bicycle 35:;b*:;,::hw nbout" mount on: on] be “cured by the m u npprond'moth 96 Steam. wll the beat bio elo Ills possible to produoe. Finished on ~ .~ " drou now to! beautiful on: unlogu. min?“ ‘9' . 0 low ', - , N 00., TORONTO. our. unnnnun Buuulc Anna-r- ISLAND‘GITY FLOOR PAINTS! Will dry had over night with a hard glo- ï¬nish. It rnro Invited noun Punkâ€"‘2 Ihfldll,‘ _________________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Band for 3 sample cord. "rv Th3] on all an“ will Mada“ Buddies. tho malt ox Inn'i In "MM uddlo our placed on mg; 9 . Ti’q ‘- m won! two a! any, ink-La ‘ éuirodiowand ridouuqd’lo at 68. Bond B-cont stump {a a“ W MANUFAUIURBD BY Canadian ’l‘ypograph Co. (Ltd) Windsor, Ont ._ x.-- .w, .