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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 15 May 1896, p. 1

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CWT!" - r VOL. XXIV. l ‘_~Professional Cards; MUSIC. Flowers, Vegetables. .mnss B. "Acumen. e l u'Instructiou given on ORGAN and PIANO you are g01ng to hav at moderate rates. For terms apply at the either or both of the,rcsidenee of Mr. R. B. Sylvester, n Mary- above this sumuler you E borough Lodge," Fenelon Falls. Wlll consult your-own 1n- LEGAL. terest by purchasmg your .vSeeds at the Drug Store, where they are for sale by the ounce or package. I McLAUGHLIN 8r, MCDIARMID, BARRISTEBS, Solicitors, Etc, Lindsay and Fonelon Falls. Lindsay Oflice: Kent-Sh, opposite Market. Fenelon Falls Otiice: Over Burgoyne a: Co’s store. The Fenelcn Falls office will be open every Monday and Friday afternoon from arrival of train from Lindsay. 3%“ Money to loan garden , on real estate at lowest current rates. No vegetable P J M L complete without a bed 0 'i " ' ° McLAmffifif' “IMAM”- ‘lDutch Set Onions, A' “ DEW“: ARRISTER, Attorney-nt-Luw, Solicitor selling this year at 100. in Chancery, Kent. Street,Lindsay. per lb. No one planting these will ever bother with the old potato onion. 3. J'. Lytle. April 20th, 1896. G. H. HOPKINS, ARRISTER, &c. SOLICITOR FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at. lowest‘rates on terms to suit the borrower. Otiices‘: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- say, Ont. MOORE & JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. 0f- fice, William street,Lindsuy. seamen Dunstan coum' F-D-MWE- Avmsou. â€"-or rusâ€" "‘ County of Victoria. MEDICAL. DR. A. WILSON. -â€"x. 3., u. c. r. a: 8., Ontario,â€" "rhe next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenclon Falls, IIYSICIAN SURGEON dz ACCOUCH- 0" TUESDAY’ JULY 7th’ 1896’ our. Office: Colborue Street, Fenclon commencingatt 10 o’clock in the forenoon Falls. Friday, June 26th, will be the last. day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must. be se rvcd on or before June 29th. S. Nevrsou, E. D . HAND, Dn. H. H. GRAHAM, GRADUATE of the University oi Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical ‘School, Member of the Royal College or Builifl', Clerk Surgeons ot England,.\lemher of the Col- _ ego of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario. Fenelou Filllsi All“l 29”" 1896' Office and residence on Francis-St. West. : Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gazette office. “ U it ARISE ! A . Hr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business tome, 1 am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At Very Loxvcst Rates ..~ wk“ _...___.â€" 1?" DI. I‘IJAS ON, ETERINARY SURGEON; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1884 ; R. M. O. V. M. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street. East, Fenelon Falls. .- :‘n at I). P. SNIITII; VETERINARY SURGEON and Dentist; Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Office : Crunln'uy, Ont. None butfirst-class British and Canadian Companies represented. gs- FARM PROPERTY m SURVEYORS. at very low rates. James Arnold. _ JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. 8., .._ Fenelon Falls Local Board of the r x A emery. r . Conveyancer, &c Residence, and ad- I ’ I l d L A ’ dress, Fenelon Falls. People sllmldmg an an 33 n, DENTAL. or London, Ont. T. Robson, President; Dr. H. H. Graham, Viceâ€"President; J. '1‘. Arnold, Scc-Trens ; M. R. McLaughlin, Solicitor, Lindsay; F. HcDougnll, Vulunlor; Alex. Clark, Dr. A. Wilson, M. W. Brandon, J. ll. Brandon, Directors. Dr. NEELANDS, DENTIST, LINDSAY, Evtracts teeth without pain by gas (vital- ized air) adniiuisterid by him 't'or 27 years. lie studied the gas under Dr. Colton, of New York, the origin .tor of gas for extract- ing teeth. Dr. Colton writes Dr. Neelauds that he has given the gas to 186,-“? per- sons without an accident from the gas. Other pain obtunders used. A good set of teeth inserted for SID. a? Dr. Neeluuds visits Fenelon Falls (McArthur House) the third Tuesday of every month. Call early and secure an appointment. DO YOU WANT to invest a small amountcach month where it will be safe and yield you good returns in 7.} years? ' CAN YOU AFFORD TO SAVE 2c 3 day for 7:} years and get $100 We. a day for 7._l years and get $500 20¢. a day for 7Q years and get $1,000 I LITTLE AND OFTEN PILLS THE PURSE. v «.00 van want to buy a home with the moneyiyou now pay for rent ? So long as the masses of the people do not save any- thing out of their earnings, just so long will their spendiugs go into the hands at" those who do save, and rusr are the capi- talists. This is why the few own the houses and the manv pav the rent. g . ,.' . ' . the average, for S8 00. Rooms directly FOR FULL PAL “(’ULARS m” on or. opposite Wood's stove depot, Lindsay. uddrcss any of the above named otlirials, at i H. HART, L. D. S. Echelon Falls. â€"â€"3‘J-l_vr. , SET OF GOOD TEETH FOR $10. Gas , . , . f and local unrestlieties for painless ex- ” pnuwd "H"- P “day M me. omee’ on , tracting. Satisfaction) guaranteed in all the corner of May and Francis streets. ,bmnches of demislry. sussemrnox StIl‘HARINADVANCE,l Oflice om Fuirwenthcr e Co‘s store or one cent per week will be added as newly opp°sue w" p°5l"°mcet L'ndm‘y long as itrcmains unpaid. Advertising Iiittes. Professional or business cards. 50 cents porlino perannum. Cnsualadvertisements, 3 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING- of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cogs, not]: and I! moderate prices. 3. D. HAND. W. H. GROSS, DENTIST. The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other auicSIhetics for extracting teeth without pain. A set of Artificial Teeth, better than The “ Fenclon Falls Gazette" INSURANCE. ’1‘0 the Public. HR ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security or $25,6o9,000 and the same good policy. JOHN AUSTIN,Agent fl- Also Agent for the Queen of Eng- und and Caledoninn odeinhui-gb. Capi- ‘I‘rcpn‘uor. l ulcomoinrd,$45,000,000.] .' c o . .- ‘ I I FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 15TH, TORONTO _.__+- lllllllllllllllllll’lllllllll Authorized Capital, $2,500,000. Subscribed Capital, $630,000. J. K. Kerr, Q. 0., President. E. J. Davis, M. P. P., Vice-President. Geo. Dunstan, General Manager. Fenelon Falls Branch. Accounts opened and deposits received. Interest allowed at highest current rates in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Drafts issued on all points. Exchange bought and sold. Notes discounted. Special attention given to the collection of sale and other notes. Office in the McArthur Block. H. J. LYTLE, Manager. McLAUGnLIN & McDiAnum, Solicitors. Just Arrived-“- Baby Carriages, which will be sold at a small advance on cost. Call and see them. L. Day-man. MISS NELLIE SLATER, DRESSMAKER. Work done by the day or at home, BOND STREET EAST. West Side Store. At this time I desire to call your attention to my new stock of Bots and Shoes, which has been selected with great care. Prices and styles will be found all right. My stock of General Groceries is the best that can be pur- - chased, and my Teas speak for themselves. Everything usually found in a first-class grocery store in stock. Call and compare prices. I will please you. Produce of all kinds bought and sold. GEO. MARTIN. Ha qutr an IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Rum Paper and Picture Frames â€"lB ATâ€" W. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker's Block. Kent-st. ,L'mdsay. Artists’ Goods a Specialty. Machine Needles. Alabastine and Dve Works Agency. fiPlcaae calland-sec my 5c.Puper. l l l l Their Hour Has Come. (From the Dundas Banner.) They may shuflle their portfolios, complete their work of treachery and change their leaders. They may bribe, bully and beseech, fawn and flatter and frown, as best suits their purpose. They may get down on their knees to the Quebec hierarchy, and send their secret emissaries to work the Orange lodges. They may dangle collectorships, post- masterships and judgeships before the eyes of their followers. They may splutter and splurge and scream out about “obstruction” till the cows come home. _ They may fondle wild-cat schemes like the Hudson Bay railway and the Chignccto canal, and fill the air with promises of subsidies and grants. They may prate of imperial federa- tion and national defences of Canada until all is blue. They may debauch the members and defile the constituencies. They may appeal to the bigotry and intolerance of one 'class and the selfish interests of another. They may deluge the country with the most pitiful appeals to their former supporters not to dgscrt them in their hour of woe. . ' _ , They may invoke the spirit of Sir John Macdouald and work the iniquit- ous gerrymander and the rascale fran- chise not too all these are worth. They may plot and plan and play the traitor inside the cabinet and outside. They may bleed the manufacmrers white in the way of coatributions to the election fund. They may load the dice and stack the cards and resort to every wicked device of the gambler’s art. They may shout out their loyalty from the market place and their honesty from the housctops, with their arms elbow deep in the public treasury and the tariff working the motherland incul- culable evil. They may play the despot with their party friends and the bully with their political opponents. They may desecrate and discrace the council-room of the nation with their scandalous behaviour. They may open the jail doors and let their coufedcrates in public robbery go free. They may do all these things and a thousand more. Yet it will avail them nought, for “in vain is the not spread in the sight of any bird." They are doomed. The shadow of' despair is already upon them. The national conscience has been awakened. The moral sense of the people has at last been aroused. The handwriting is on the wall. The sword of the avonging anch of outraged justice and honor is suspended over lllell‘ heads. “ Righteousness exaltcth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” The hour for submitting to the national judgment and receiving the national verdict cannot be longer evaded. The day of retribution is at hand. The executioner is at. the door. A new day is dawning in the history of our Country, and already the morn- ing sun is glinting the hilhtops with gold. In a little While it will fill the plains and the valleys with sunshine and the whole laud Will be bathed in a new lightâ€"the light of justice, of tol- eration. of equal rights, of honesty in the administration of nfl‘hirs, of lreedom of conscience, of an equal distribution ol'the public burdens. of a higher stand- ard of public morality. We are about to see the government of lllt‘ country carried on according to the well understood wishes of the people. and for the benefit of the masses rather than of the classes. A new era is about to open. Lam-icr and the liberals are calmly awaiting their country's call. ' And the people of Canada, like the children of Israel in the days of old. are lacking.' with longing eyes to the uplifting rod of the leader who shall load them out of the wilderness of shame and humiliation and despair, 1896. ' t éithtlmt . oils dietetic..- No. 13. l Village Council Froceedinss. Fonrlon Falls, May 11th, 189d. Council met at regular meeting. All the members present. Minutes of last. meeting: read and approved. Mr. Jor- dan waited on the council re back taxes on lots north of Queen street. Moved by Mr. Martin. seconded by the enactment of a butchers’ by-law. Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Deyman, That the following ac- counts be paid and the rceve give his orders for the same 1â€"0. Curtis. chur- ity to Wilkinson, $3.10; McLaughlin & McDiarmid, account, three months, 36.10 ; L. B. Quieg, work on sidewalks and culvert, $5.20; S. Nevisonnmcnis lor tramps, Hieâ€"postage and station- cry. $2.13-salary to dataâ€"$29; H: Stoddart, work on sidewalks and cul- Vert, $5 20; T. Scott, building side- walks, 3285; Mrs. Jordon, balance due late treasurer, 868.75.-â€"Cnrried. Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by M r. Martin, That Mr. Northcy be paid the sum of 12330 per post. out of come- tery funds for replacing posts and putâ€" tins: fence in good rcpair.â€"Carried. . Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Robson, That the following abate- ments be allowed the collector: Mach. nnics‘ Institute, 321; Smith Estate. lot 10 south of Oak street, 75c. ; Mrs. l’carSou, $3; Mrs. Warren, $6.75, Mrs. Taggart, $4.50; John Thomson, 8238; and that the following properties be returned to the county treasurer for collection: J. W. Kennedy. soutb.of river, north half 42, 46, 40, 50’: 74 and 75. $3; Robert Jackctt, north of Dean, lots Q. south of Elgin, 16, 7, our part block U, north of Fytncis st of Clif- ton, 3 and 4, west of Bach, 5 and G, $11.10; Fred Jackett and Mrs. Al)" Ellis. lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8,9, who" of Clifton, ‘uorth of Bondâ€"I, 2, 3, It, 5. 6. 7, 8, 9, cast of; Church, north of Bondâ€"10, lfuorth of Francis west of Cliltonâ€"IOI'II. north of Francis, east of Church, $6.90 ; and that the roll be accepted and the collector's sureties re- leasedâ€" Carried. The council then adjourned, to meet on Sattui-day,i\lay 30th, as a court of revision. Powles’s Corners. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Seeding is well advanced in this locality. Some are done, and the ground has been in good shape for the seed, which is an indication of good crops. The political heat has not risen very high yet. We don’t hear Mr. Dela- merc’s nnmc mentioned very often, and as for his policy and platform, the elec- tors hcre don't. know anything about it, but no doubt Mr. Delamere will hold a [Declng here some time before the 23rd of June. The McGee Bros. have sold their beef cattle and hogs to two buyers from Lindsay, the beef at 83.50 per cwt. and the pigs tits-1.50. They had the misv fortune to lose a very fine beef that in ordinary times would be worth sixty or seventy dollars. Mr. John Cullis attended the funeral of M rs. W. J. Westington, near Co- bnurg. week before last. We are informed that all the bicycle manufacturers of Canada have formed a ring to keep up the prices of bikes. They are not satisfied with an honest. price for them“ It has been proven in court that the material in them doesn’t cost more than 815, and to ask 8100 for a bicycle is a shame and also dis- honest. and especially byn firm like the Massey-Harris 00., one of the membch of which recently died, and was so very benevolent as to take exorbitant prim"l from poor people to make large dona tions to different causes that could very well do without them. . At the time of writingI it good shown of rain would be thankfully reeviwd and it is to be hoped it. will come lw: lore long. .. o..~â€"---â€"-â€" «â€" H. II. Ilolmes was hanged at Phil:- ,hcnl [llclll 0f their afflictions, and lead dclphiu on Friday last, the T”) iuxlv them into the promised land of justice lle mct death with as much indiffer‘ alld 00"“?"lm‘m “"d We 811003 mchOWS once as he inflicted it upon others. and of patriotism and peace. '. WHY WEAR YOUR OLD HAT when you can get a new one so cheap and pretty ' at Mrs. R. .lchongnll'a 7 0 Mr. Deymnn, That a rebate of $2.l2 be allowed Mr. Wm. Jordan, taxes that accrued on lots 7 and 8 west of Queen and east of Dodd street in 1891â€"011. A petition was laid on the table from H. Austin and P. Ouclette, praying for die-J, it is believed, with a lie upon hi! i lips, for in the brief speech he made (in l the gallows he declared that he did not kill Benjaman F. Pietzel, the men fr-i whose murder he was emeutedi .I.~

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