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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 15 May 1896, p. 4

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F‘ 1" MJ.’ en‘ “rs. "Wt-A .,,... . 1.- ALWAYS WAS AND 18 STILL AHEAD. . “ PLfl'UGHS For the Spring and summer, trade of 1896 we have , 'I‘he Igargestâ€" The Best Assortedâ€"â€" The Newvest Styles.â€" And the Cheapestâ€"- irllLLlNERY, DRESS GOODS, I And everything else in connection with the Dry Goods trade. , s CAMPBELL. .5§E3§EE§EJE_ coming contest, for he is doomed beyond the shadow of a doubt, and it may not even decrease his minority, for though it may secure for him the votes of a few “ deserving" men who are too hard up to be independent, it will in all prob- ability prove the “last straw "that will turn against him in disgust many waverers who might otherwise have decided in his favor. Of course it doesn't matter- to the contractor whether the work is done by Grits or Tories, white men or black, so long as he gets it done satisfactorily and at a low rate, and as it is probable that the Italians and.0tber5»wh0m he at first employed worked for less_ wages than free and independent electors are willing to accept, it is possible that he may have been offered inducements to discharge the unfortunate foreigners, as he is said to have done, in order to make room for Sam’s petsa As an in- stance of the recklessness with which the public funds have been squandered in the pastâ€"and will be squandered in the future if 'l‘uppcr have. the handling of them for the next five yearsâ€"we give the following extract from a letter written in the county of Haldimand by a.Special correspondentâ€"of the Evening Telegram :â€" Farmers needing their ~ will please bring them to THOS. ROBSON, as he is in a position to put on MDULDsBflABDS AND. LAND-SIDES. The. Fenclon’ Falls Gazette. Friday, May315th,1896.' _~ DOMINION- ELECTIONS... “ While in Cayuga I. was given a Nominations, - Tuesday, June 16%., striking object lesson in the-manner in believe. what. we say 2- Just, call and SEE' if we can’t put a. suit on you cheaper than anyone else... EY__RYBODE SAYS have the best Hats. Clark & Son. <. Ge wwog. It. is not known as a. fact that g Dr. Nansen-hrs Dis-corered‘the North Pole, 3“ But it is an admitted fact that if you wish to enjoy a cup of good Tea it is absolutely. necessary for you to purchase Salado. Tea WWWW “WWW? at W. ROBSON’S.. W WWW The A an in of is ladies IS DIRECTED TO MY STOCKOF _. Fancy Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Cottcns, Flannclcttcs, Waterproof Cloaks, Umbrellas, Bed-spreads, Ladies’ and Childrens’ Vests, Babies’ Knitted W'oollcn Caps, Tam O’Shanters, Cashmere Hose, Ladies and Children’s Fancy Knitting and Fingering Yarn, Lil-C1188,“ Belt rBuckles, Fancy lornbs. etc , Wash Silk, Embrmdermg Silks, Ind Gloves, Cash- mere Gloves, etc. ‘ . . Thanking my customers for past. favors, I-respectfully 1nv1te them to inspect my stock and get prices. mum's mock. Mrs. Hamilton. Penelon Falls. ’i Flue Grades of Men’s Trousers g and Spring Sultlugs. A Fitting Idea. W 15 ONE THIXL} TO COVER UP YOUR BODY. Robiniii Crusoe did that with Goat Skins. 55;: But that time is past. It is not necessary to 3‘5 clothe yourself in any unsightly garb when you can get clothes that lit you like bark to a tree, and at prices consistent with the times. Call and select from a lot of choice pieces. We will make it worth your while. THE lr‘ASRIONABLE CUTTER AND FITTER. OPPOSITE JOS. HEARD'S. s. PEE‘IHALE, . flowering“; you» Hm v. w. . («Wwowtwm «v- rrzmox FALLS. l ‘ p l 7-99-000me M 1 5 the Conservative olrction fund in every l Sympi‘ihy “m5 “thed if) the Pmllle | . Dominion campaign. i'lvcrv means, no ’ 0f Quebec on account of the rucklcsS= the local lodge of ()ddfcllows. l lnntth. ho“! di\h(.“‘;est and c6ntemptiblo’ Way in \Vlllcll kllcll‘ funds “'Cl": italidlcd. i I for ket'ping the Government in power . .. . .. ,-... vand pcrpt.-tuating an exploded tradeI 'lhe Catholic Vote. 'ticket similar to the above, without . Tuesday, june'23nda which a wasteful Government carries ' ‘ out a public work on one side and a frugal municipality carries outa simi- lar work on theothcr. On one side ol the roadway is a postcfiice building, erected by the Dominion Government, which cost $14,000. On the other is a town hall, erected by the municipality, at a cost of $5,000. And, so far as I could see, the. town. hall is the better building of the two. But then, munici- palities have not yct got into the scheme of using public. works as bundle-pro- ducers.” ‘ Polling,_ - M Mr. McLaughlin, the Liberal candidate, will address a meeting at Coboconk on Saturday, May 16th, at 7.30 p. m, ' m Bribery and Corruption. There is a story told of a man who hadbcepsuch, a tough character all his life that when he died his few acquaint- ances could think of no single merit- he possessed, until one of them, a Dutch- man, determined to say something in his favor, gravely remarked; ” He vas a $003 SelllDOkhr-n Shhllm‘lya SM" Some time ago the Rev. Mr. John- Hughes has behaved SO discreditably so", pastor of this Queen street Aletbo- throughout his public career that there dish Church, Kingsmn’ preached so is scarcely anything to “1'33 in his vigorous and eloquentasermon on the balm”, but alile days 355.0. one Of hlS‘ mismanagement of public afih‘irs that it supporters said thhh “ What the P001‘ is a pity it cannot be read in its entirety man wants is work and Sam is able ‘0 by every elector in the country. ‘ In it. give it to him; " and a card that was he predicted that if some change did PlUkEd “P in low“ and ‘1 COPY OF Wthh not take place soon in the business of .We give belowtemeptfihe 0111119 0f the the Dominion there would be iriaug- person who dropped it) clearly shows what the speaker meant: Revolution Not Far Oli‘. as would make the rulers and those high in authority tremble. He believed this revolution was not- fat; ofl’,.and it would be the outcome of high taxation and reckless government. What was needed for this country was legislators who would handle the funds of the country as carefully as they would their own. If such men. had-2 composed the government at Ottawa, would the debt of the Dominion have been as great as it is? Would not the funds have been honestly spent, andwould there have been such revelations as have come to light in connection with the letting of government-u contracts and in the buildings of canals and bridges; while thousands of men are: going up and down the country looking for work and unable to find it ? Unless the gov- ernmental policy. of managing the coun- try's afi‘a‘irs is not. changed soon, there will be cause for the common people to l He is . By giving lzz'm cooré you evil! groggy 2's desirous of i-(Sigtted) C. Faz'tfifuZQ, To Mr. Danton, Contractor, Kirly’icld. Lindsay, .. Dear Mr. Damon, run down those in high position, and demand their rights under threats 6f violence. People needed to be repre- sented by men of character and bravery, whorwocld do their duty faithfully, no matter what the result. Are there such men at Ottawa?: The cabinet has been fighting shy of the Manitoba school question, which could be settled in five minutes by men who desired to be fair and just in their rulings. All they have to do in thismattcr, as in other matters, is to give the people their T/ze Beater, Mr. ooiaz'mrzg airplay/moat on lee Trent Cruzch Works. a deserving 7mm. oolzge we. of Bribery and corruption are the two pillars upon which the Couservative Government has stood for years past; without them it would have come to an end long ago. For awhile the National policy was believed in by the masses, who accepted Sir John Macdonald’s and Sir Charles Tuppcr‘s warranty that it would prove a cure for and proven- tive of hard times, and by the time that the discovery that it was a delusion and a snare had been made it had so en- | richcd a number of manufacturers that “ ECWOWF fwd lIOOd government-"l they and the equally favored recipients CW1“ “‘45 NW" the. flown} llof'em'l of WWI-“mun; commas were able to. l merit for honest administrationbf the I and did, comribnm immense sums to , affairs of the Province of Ontario, and | rights. Kingston done in the matter of repre- sentation in parliament? Have they not voted formcn whom they Would not trust alone in a drawing room while l a purse filled with money lay on al table? He urged them to consider this matter, and let their slogan be a policy has been resorted to, and the. ‘_public Works now in progress in this, Some of the ultra Protestants of ther ‘ county are bring used to pacin «lis- l village appear to be greatly exercised, ‘gtuntlcd Conservatives and bribe itti-§abt-ut the Catholic vote, which they; pounious Grits. An elector who will aaccuse both political parties ol bciugi promise to vote for Sam Hughes (or equally eager to obtain, and allrgc that ’ pcrlmps‘ for Dr. VrOoman‘; will get a “one is jlhl as bad as the other." Of; course, what is true of both cannot b‘ ‘ which no man can obtain employment advanced as an argument for or against for by the peopleat-large, without regard to their politics.~ The disgrace- ful coercion thus resortcd~to will not save Sam Huglit-5<from defeat in the What have the electors of Lindsay. Will urated before long a reign of terror, and people would carry on such a revolution I not Conservatives have swallowed theirs principles and pretended to be anxious‘ to pass the remedial hill with intent to ~ propitiatc the Quebec bishops, whilc the Protestant Liberals have conscientiously opposed coercion, regardless of the effect it may have upon the Catholic vote. Sir Mackenzie Bawcll, a life-long Orangeman, endeavoredâ€"«1r, what was worse. pretended to cudmvorâ€"to force - separate schools upon Manitoba, in re- turn for the assurance of the bishops thatif he tried his best to carry out their wishes they would (whether he succeeded or not) do everything in their power to secure his rc-clcction; Mr. Lauricr, though reared in the Catholic faith, hasâ€"notwithstamiing the pressure brought to bear upon himâ€"steadily opposed arbitrary measures and advocat- ed a full and thorough invcscigation of all the facts connected with the Manito- ba- school trouble, with the view of" asccrtaining whether there are or are not grounds for Federal interferance. Mr. Laurier's followers are with him to a man. In the Conservative ranks, now headed by 'l‘upper, there are discord and disunion of the worst kind; and Scripture tells us that ” a house divided: against itself cannot stand." Butcher’s Licenses. By the council proceedings published ~ ‘ in another column it will be seen that the village butchers have applied for licenses,~or, in other words, for “ protec- tion," and a ratcpayer who says he is i “ Interested." opposes their application. Some years ago a coolness arose between us and the butchers over the same mat- ter, and one of them has hardly forgiven us to this day for being unable to sea with his eyes. There is probably no business man in this village who suffers as much as we do from outside compe- tition, but we should he laughed at if we asked for legislation in our behalf, though we admit that it would not bu as easy to protect us as to protect tho I butchers. If they want a license to enable them to raise the price of meat. we can hardly side with them; but if they can show that. it will not raise the price, but will, by preventing putty inroads upon their business, enable then: .- to sell cheaper rather than dearer, that is another phase of the question. Wo very much doubt whether they would, not be throwing away the money they paid for their licenses, as a law to which nearly everybody is opposed is cxcccd- ingly difficult to enforce, and a man who is making money by peddling meat through a community is not likely to be stopped by having to pay a few dol- lars annually for the privilege. One of thc dogmas of the Liberals is, that every. man shall have the privilege of buying in the cheapest market and selling in the dearest, and what is sound economic doctrine for the country at large is also . sound doctrine for the village of Fcuclon :. Falls. . M m‘. Personals. Miss Cullon of Lindsay has been on; a visit to her relatives at the Falls slucu Saturday. Mr. A Clark. Sr., left on Wednesday fora trip to Belleville and got. home yesterday. . Mrs. John Jones, Sr., and her dough-v ter, Mrs. Peter Dcyman, returned on. Saturday from a visit to relatives at Peter-borough. M r. [‘Iarry Robson returned on Tues- tlaylrom .the College of Pharmacy at Toronto. He has written .for his final examination as a druggist, but has not' yet heard whether he has passed. Mr. and Mrs. 11. l’. llcxning, now of Mcaford, came to the Falls yesterday to take another look at once familiar . scenes, and will leave to-morrow mornâ€" ing. They see great changes and im- provements in the village since they moved from here to Toronto fifteen years ago. Duranâ€"Dr. Ncclands, dentist, of be at the McArthur House, Fcnelon Falls, on Monday. May 18th, on arrival of train from Lindsay, and will remain over Tuesday. He will have a complete gas (vilalizcd air) ap~ paratus, also the best local pain obtun- dcrs, for extracting teeth. (lull early. WATCH for the bargains in Mrs. Mt:- Dougall’s windows on Saturday. A SUCCI-ISS.â€"'l'hc new Cosgrovc Con- cert Company scored another success in the entertainment thrygave here last Friday evening under the auspices of The audience, though not particularly large, ; was approciuivc, as was evidenced by ithe frequan rounds of applause, cs" * pccially after the songs by Mr. McLeod. WA special line of Huts to he sold cheap on Saturday, at 5115. li. hchullgall‘s. 5131's )1 l:l;'fl.\'us.-\lajur Sam Hughes has announced a series 01 seven (meetings in his behalf, the first to be held in lr'cuclon Fallson Saturday evening next. They are to be addressed by Mr. Huylms himself, or by one or more of a numb-'1' on the 'l‘. V. C., which is being paid either; but. it is plain that the i’rotest- of. local gentlch!) who have kindly; . . --... .-â€". w....â€"â€"_ w.-»._. ..â€".....-â€"-...

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