*i v FEMALE INEBRIATES. Lady flrnry sumrrsrt‘i Plan for Their Rb lormanlonâ€"llcrt‘oilag» syuu-m in box- bunt. Lily llnnry Somerset's latest Plan fo. :;;~ 'f‘enlluï¬-DL and sai'.':-.:ioii of fe- u.-.'.-' '.u.-'I:'.;i:v.-5 is this. She his obtain- e'i [\Hw-‘s‘iufl of 150 acres of land :n Lith twin ‘1! lluxhursr, England, situ- at-ni icy-rid easy reach of all drinkable ljpun this tract :Je his bog-uh in: construction of a small village to cozms: of so'ittered cottages, which til-'- pith-nu will (iccupy. There wid be a litmpï¬. Li, .2. chapel, a children's hulnc, office puddings, and laundry for general use. Six patients will occupy each cottzig , and they will be ex- pected to take part in the industries which are being organized on the es- tate. There will be light; agricultural work, poultry raising. bee-keeping. dairy work, flower culture, ‘am-mak- ing. and a small amount 0 needle- f--r:u.~; oi I;.-..L.ol. work, and washing, Lady Henry Som- . erect is of the opinion that nothing has been Worse for habitual drunkards then the. sedentary employment usu- ally assigned to them in reformatory homes. The idea of the new colony is to put the Women to work on the land, where they can olxscrve and take pride in the results of their labour. She can- not provide for free patients, she ex- plains, and there will be a. minimum t'llrll'ge of $1.25 per week upon the in- mates. if, however, a patient has Worked out the cost of her maintenance while in the village the amount is credited to her, and when she is cured and disrharged the amount is handed to her in the form of wages earned. Those of the English public who believe in Lady I-li-nry Somerset are being ask- ed to furnish money for the develop- ment of this Scheme. THE SOUDAN. â€"â€" England Sever Means to Abandon Egypt-â€" Lord salisbury Urged to .Vlalte a Pink: Declaration: of the Fact. A remarkable article in the Edin- burgh Review. demanding the frank avowal that we never mean to aban- don Egypt, probably written by Sir Alfred. Milner. is exciting plentiful abuse in European capitals of “l’erfide Albion.†Lord Salisbury’s equally re- markable speech on the Soudan expe- dition in the House of Lords on Thurs- day strengthens the belief that de- spite its solemn pledges to Europe, the Government is not concerned so much with the dervishes as with the creat- mg of a strong British interest in North Africa, from which no European jealousy can dislodge them. The Spectator strongly urges the Government to tell the simple truth and say plainly that "conditions have changed since we pledged ourselves to evacuate Egypt. and that we mean to stay and make Egypt 8. self-supâ€" porting part of this Empire.†It says that Lord Salisbury probably will not accept this advice, because European diplomatists urgtuitly klesire England to keep silence. They know that Engâ€" land cannot, and will not, leave Egypt. but fear that. the frank avowal of her intention to stay would lead to popu- lar outbursts, compelling war. _â€" A NEW’ PROFESSION. First Tramp (in the suburl)5)â€"Say, Bill, I’ve got u. reg'lar job, and it 'tain't Work. nuther. It's just like a reg’iar profesh, and I'm gittin' big fees. See that Leaner? Second ’l‘rampo-Jimminy Crickets! 'W'at does yer do? I sneaks around at night and throws people's lawn-mowers out of gear. But who pays yer for that? Next door neighbors wot wants ter sleep. KEEPING THE RECORD GOOD. \Vhy, asked the casual observer, did you shoot that tenderfoot? Because. replied the chairman of the Civic Federation, always glad to sup- ply reasonable informatiou. he avould otherwise. (have died of consumption. and We are trying to have our town rec- ognized as a health resort, you know. Blood means sound health. With pure.rich, healthy blood. the stomach and digestive organs will be vigorous, and there will be no dyspepsia. Rheumatism and neuralgia will be unknown. Scrofulzi and salt rhoum will disap- pear. Your nerves will be strong. your sleep sound. sweet and refreshing. Hood's Sal-sepa- rllla makes pure blood. That is why it cures so many diseases. That is why thousands take it to cure disease. retain good health. Remember Hoods Sarsaparilla In the One True Blood Purifier. All drugglstc. $1. euro Liver Ills; easy to HOOd'S take,essy to operate.2bc. :56“? Every Woman 0; e†Should Enjoy Life. How Many do 7 “any on miserable I.“ and Iicily, and and" untold alarms '. through animonupecub . W to ilmr sex. ‘ lTls WRONG. The nun of meet all thou iii- a euily reach and effectively rum-v I by tho you Ionian! median“. IIILR' (ll-n.) VEGETABLE COHPG‘JND and llleo’ Sanatlvo Nash. Prion 1‘»: and 23:. The] input vitality and 0:10. 1. and hill. the No of the "Hells" Sax“ mil living. For u‘c l-yall Dinning _ _ Er Linll-Al†pamphlet. "\hucca‘s Triumph. not moo. application. “A. M. C." MEDICINE C0.. 378 5!. Pool 58.. Montreal. E d Loci-"roan tom‘s. , An Illness That Almost Carried Away ; An Only Child. I ‘ ~he Suffered Trrrlbly From Pain! In Back, Heart Trouble and Rheumatismâ€"Ilen- l’arrnti 11mm! licspnlred of Her Ro-‘ coirryullow it “as Brought About. From the Arnprior Chronicle. Perhaps there is no better known man in Arnprior and vicinity than Mr.a.\lrâ€" tin Brennan. who has resided in the town for over a quarter of a century. and has taken a foremost part in many a political campaign in North Lanai-k. A reporter of the L‘hronicle‘cadled at his residence not long ago and was made at home at once. During a eneral conversation Mr. Brennan gave t spar- tii'ulais of a remarkable cure in his lamily. He said; " My daughter. Elean- ‘or Elizabeth. who is now 14 years of age, was taken very ill in the summer go; 1:92, with back tro‘uble, rheumat- i ism and heart disease. She also became iterribly nervous and. could not ESipr. We sent for a doctor and he egave her medicine which seem- 'ed to help her for a. time. but she lconlinued to lose in flesh until she was ! terribly reduced. When first taken ill SShc Weighed. one hundred pounds. but incarne reduced to sixty pounds, losing forty pounds in the course of a few months. For about two years she contin- ued in this condition. her health in a most delicate sta te. and we had very little hopes of her ever getting better. Our hopes, little we had. were entirely shattered when she was taken with a second at- tack far more serious than the what nus I ~MM-MMMMWCQOC Mm condition to be of the most immediate use in W Z COTT’S EMULSION is Cod-liver on in the body, and to be of the greatest use. It is g e ‘ tasteless ; at ast it has no fish-fat taste. It has 5 a little flavoring in it. Hypophos bites of Lime : and Soda are in it. They are ways wanted in the body when Cod-liver Oil is wanted. :cc. and $1.00 at all druggists 0.00'9"03‘60Oiwvu-u-uvi0I*OOCOSQ'.°OW WEST SHORE THROUGH maï¬a CAR TO NEW YORK. One of the handsomest sleeping cars that had ever been turned out of the factory is now running from Toronto to haw Tork without change via the pop- ular West shore route. It is a. buffet car. and refreshments can be obtained en route. if desired. This car leaves Union Station, Toronto. every day encept Sunday, at 4.55 p. m.. reaching New York next morning at 10.10 a. to. _On Sundays the sleeper runs from Ham- ilton only, connecting with the through train from Toronto. Call at any Grand Trunk office inToronto for information or space in sleeping car. Reservations can be made in advance if desrred. A HARD HEART SOFTENED. Young Lady-Father, this is scandal- The idea of a man of your stand- coming home in this conditionl Old Gentlemanâ€"Couldn't (hic) help it, ï¬rst- m' dear, Met: zee young feller I wouldn’t This second attack took place about two let you marry. an' (hie) had some drinks years after thefirst. We now fully made wiz him, and he’s such good feller I up Our minds that she could pot Ill/<3; said he (hie) could marry you right off, “but while there is life there is hope. m’ dear. and. Seeing constantly in the newspapers the wonderful cures effected by the use of Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills. we decided Before she had l to give them a. trial. . ï¬lli>h0d the first box, we noticed that her appetite was slightly improving. and by the time she had used the second box a decided improvement had taken plate. By the time she had used four boxes more she regained her former weight of one hundred pounds and was as Well as ever she had been in her life. Her back trouble, heart affection, rheu- matism and sleepleï¬ness had all dis- appeared. She now enjoys the best of health, but still continues to takq‘an ocmsional pill when she feels a little out of sorts, and so it passes away. L'Irs. Brennan, together with the young lady. who is an only child. were present dur- ing the recital, and all were loud. in their praises of Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills. Mr. Brennan also stated that he had used the pills himself and.believ- ed that there was no other medtcme like them for building up a weakened sys- tem or driving away a wearied feeling; in fact he thought that as a blood tonic they were away ahead of all other medi- clues. . Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills act directly upon the blood and nerves. building them anew and thus drivmg disease from the system. There is no trouble due. to either of these causes. which Pink Pills will not cure, and in hun- dreds of cases they have restored pati- cnts to health after all other remedies had failed. Ask for Dr. \Villianis' Pink Pills and take .nothing else. The gon- uine are always enclosed in boxes the wrapper around which bears'tlie full trade mark. “Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People." May be had from all dealers or sent post paid on receipt of 50 cents a box or six hoses for 813.50 by addressing the Dr. \Yilliams’ Medi- cine Co., lirockville. Ont. l l DEEPLY GRATEFUL. The following lately appeared in an English paper: " Mr. and MrsCavevs wish to express their thanks to the neighbors who kindly asststed 'at the burning of their house last night. ENGLISH \VOMEN \VAITERS. Since it has been decided that women instead of men be employed as waiters on the Terrace of the House of Com- mons, the committee» in charge has been overwhelmed with applications. The character of the Terrace has been com- pletely changed within recent years. It was once devoted to men alone. and was governed by the same rules as those that apply to a smoking room. Now women go there in great numbers for afternoon tea. and this probably suggested having women for waiters. Eyckmiii’; Eflfllï¬ï¬‚ay Gare Positive Cure for Rheumatism and Paralvsfs. A HIGHLY RESPECTED CITIZEN _.â€"â€" Mnkes a Sworn Statement of the Cure of an Extremely Bad Case of Eczema. Province of Ontario. County of \Vent- worth, to wit: I, Wm. Marchnm. of the city of Ham- ilton, county of \Vontworih. provmce of Ontario, engineer. do solemnly de- clare. that. I live at 24:2 Catharine street north. and am seventy-three years I suffered most intensely from eczema for about two years and it covered my whole body. I tried sev- eral kinds of medicine, was in the city hospital for six weeks. and was told them that they had done all they could for me. and \v as discharged a year ago last December as incurable. After leaving the hospital [was under the care of a Hamilton physician for a lcnglh of time. but got no relief. SO bud was my case that before i could lie. in my bed I had to procure silk un- derwear. the weight of the clothes be- \\'ith the mercy of llyckman's of age. ing unbearable. God and four lhiltlva‘ of glfotiienay Cure 1 am now well and en- :tirely cured of eczema. The medicine l is a grand ionic and a wonderful blood pllrlllt'f‘. I recommcni it most highly. And I make this solemn (lei-lziriiion. t‘onscwntiously believing it to be true. and knowin lint it is of ill" smio form, and of ect as if mide under oath 1nd by virtue of the. Canada Evidence c . (Signed) “'51. MARCHAM. ; Takcn_nnd acknowledged before me. ‘at the city of Hamilton. in the county of \hniworth, this 9th day of Janu- mic. (Signed). \l'. FRED. WALKER. A mmmiksiuncr for taking affidavits. an-i notary public. Mercyl Where is he? Dunno, m' dear. P’liceman took 'm off (hie) in wheelbarrow. STATE or OHIO, CITY or 'l‘onxno, 88 Lucas Cons'rv. ' . FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is the senior partner of the flrni of F. J. CHENEY 85 Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, Countv und 8 are aforesaid, and that said ï¬rm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDR’ED DOL- LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S 0"â€an CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. I Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence. this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886. A. W GL1! ASON { BE‘I‘} - A'otary Plubh'c. V Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Sand for testimonials. froo. F. J. CHENEY aco Toledo,0. 68016. by Druzzisiis. 750. Age makes us not childish, as some say; it finds us still true children.â€" Goethe. Karl’s Clover Root Tea is'a sure cure for Headache and nervous diseases. No- thing relieves so quickly. . Every by which comes to us 18 only to stengtiien us for some greater labor that is to succeed.â€"Elchte. Consumption. LaGrippe, Pneumonia, and all Throat and Lung diseases are cured by Shiloh's Cure. Experience is by industry achieved, and perfected by the swrft course of time.â€"Shakspeare. Consumption can be cured. by the use of Shiloh’s Cure. This great Cough Cure is the only known remedy for that terrible disease. Grammar, which knows how to lord it. over kings and With high. hand makes them obey its ‘laws.â€"Molrere.- Cold in the Headâ€"Nasal Balm gives instant relief. speedily cures. Never fails. Mrs. Snobbsâ€""How manyI girls do the Newlies keep ’2" Mrs. obbsâ€"“Only one." Mrs. Snobbsâ€""Only one? Good gracious. and I came pretty near call- ing there yesterday." l Everybody knows that the Art Gar- land Stoves and Rangesaro the They combine elegant finish, durabili- ty and convenience With economy in fuel. and in spite of all competition hold their station far in advance of all oth- ers. \Ve take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to their merits. ’0. friend, as long as Istudy and prac- tice humility. I know where I am.â€" Cleobulus. How ThlSl We offer One Hundred liollars Reward for any case of (‘atarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Caiarrli Cl re. F. J. CHENEY 8t (10.. I’rops.. Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cho any for the in t 15 years, and believe ‘him perfectly honorable in all business transacc lions and ï¬nancially'ablo to carry out any ob- ligation nmdo by their firm. i \\ EST 3'. TRUAX. Wholesale D:uggistn. Toledo. . 0. Wumxo. KlNNAN 8t MARviN. Wholesale Drug ists, Toledo, 0. Ha i's ()atarrh Cure is taken internally. act- ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system. Price 750. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.. Testimonials Free. Mrs. Henpeckâ€"My dear. you will make a great mistake if you marry '- Meak. He has no beard. and he wears a wig. I Daughterâ€"\Vhai‘. difference does that make? Huh! You try managing a. hus- band with no hair of his own, and you'll find out. W.P.C 825 GOLDMED '__f if . (E Highest Award ‘7 WORLD'S o :% lillllliir““ othetAwudl - . . i i BUG-ltlsunlight Can: O .... -W a“ t _.s T. . o o . :I:.AUII nous-Y IT-AIIIWOII IJGNY ‘!!lI!!'n~n- DUI. colour-bound for somappon . . . . IOA'. Boon ron Winn-mo ' For every n "Sunlight" - a wrapper: seat to Lever Bros. 1.111.. Toronto. a useful paper- 0 handbook will ho cannot - o o i sheet metal wm'knrs. 121 Adelaide lV..'l‘or'i-it WEEK ~1'on'd lee All You llavc of Mom to be Restored to Healthâ€"Dr. Agnew's Great Cures are Speciï¬c (‘ures for Speciï¬c Ailments. HEART DISEASE-Reliefin thirty mmutas 111 most alarming cases of heart trouble. A strong statement to make for Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Heart, but it is borne out by the testi- mony of thousands who to-day pro- claim themselves snatched from the grave by its wonderful curative pow- ers. If the heart flutters, palpitates, tires easily, it indicates heart disease.' Be_ warned in time. Use this surest and quickest cure; it never fails.- James Allen of St. Stephen, N. B.. writes: "I was troubled with very severe pains in the heart, pain in the side. and shortness of breath. I became com- pletely exhausted with the least exer- tion. Doctors said my case wasahopeâ€" elss one. 1 procured a bottle of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. A few doses gave me permanent reliefâ€"six' bottles entirer cured me, and to-day i I am well, and strong as I ever was. i I think if: the best medicine on earth for heart trouble." ‘ CATARRH.â€"lt goes right to the seat of the trouble, attacks the dis- and heals the parts. quickly and per- manently. Dr. Agnew’s Catarrlial Powder does all this, and it's no hear- say. The slaves who are freed from this loathsome malady, by this positive cure, are singing its praises day in and day out. “I am 80 years old. I have had catarrh for 50 years. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder cured me, and I look upon my cure as almost a miracle," says Geo. Lewis. of Shamo- kin, Pa. A simple cold in the head may be the first step toward chronic catarrli. Stop the cold and prevent; catarrh. Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Pow- der is harmless and easily applied. PILES CURED IN 1“ 10M THREE TO SIX NIGHTSâ€" Dr. Agnew's oint- ment will cure all cases of I piles in from 3 to 6 nights, One appllâ€" l cation brings comfort. For blind and' bleeding piles it is peerless. Also cures . 'l‘etter, Salli Rheum. Eczema, Barber's. ltclti, and all eruptions of the skin. 35 con 5. ‘ IT IS IIUCI “Sill or a.“ m..... “m RAVI YOU TASTED canon TEA. s 008. old (In In Load Foolish ILLS. MILLS & MALES. llxirriswrs. Solicito so- .‘tbctdceii thammrs. 3.5 Ade-laid 5 reel East, 'l‘tronto. Money to Loan. G. G. Mills. Butâ€"A. Millsâ€"Jam Hales. LLB. ii A Strictly Hi h GM 0 Wheel at a Him I! PRICE. G.T. DIMEka Manufacturer. 73 to Adelaide St.\\'..s'1‘orqn_h LADIES! The McDowell Garment Drafting Machineâ€"Fits Every Form! Follow! oycry fashionl Easy to learn! Rapid to use No ro-flitlngl .Nopapor pattern. Has no oqu in cutting Itvluih. graceful, and perfect flttini garments. Write for particulars. 3. CORRIGAN. us Tonga Sn. Torong llll'l‘llililtl lllll'UlilEliTS Enamolled to represent Grant and Marble, su erlor to stone. they will not ch p, crack or dis] color, and sold at less than b the cost. of stone. Catalogue free. Agents wanted throughou t Canada. METALLIC MONUMENT 00.. . . Limited.) ‘ 341 Yongo Sn. Toronto. E. H. WILSON, Manager. Patents obtained T0 E in all countries by International Patent Bureau. 12 Melinda SL. Toronto. Lennon experience. Lowestrntoo. Information free. (3. O. FREEMAN Mann R. A. KELLOND. Export and Examiner. British American Business College 00.. (Ltd), Confederation Life Building, Toronto. 3 AFFILIATED WITH INSTITUTE 01" CHARTIRID ACCOUNTANTS. Owned and controlled by leading Toronto burl- noss mon. Best. Shorthand College in Cande ease. removes the cause, cleanses out Handsome prospectus free. New Term Begins Sept. 1, 1896. EDW. TROUT, President. DAVID HOSKINS. Socromm Iron Fencing, Offloo lllllll AND_Vfl RE WORK. TORONTO FENCE AND ORNAMENTAL WORKS TORONTO. CAN. J. communion nailing, , ‘ and all kinds of WHY DESTROY itching HEALTH, happiness. sleep and domestic felicity, by drinking impure water. Sir Henry Thompson says the only, safe water to drink is mineral. and St. LEON | TEN CENTS CURES CONSTIPAâ€" has been shown by analysis .md up“. TION AND LIVER new's Liver Pills are the most perfect i made, and cure like magic Sick Head-l ache. Constipation, Biliousness, lndiâ€"l gestion and all liver ills. 10 cents a. vialâ€"40 doses. ’ A TACTFUL BOY. Johnnieâ€"Please, father, let me have a quarter to give a poor, lame man. Fatherâ€"Who is the poor. lame man. Johnnie? Johnnieâ€"Erâ€"well. father. he happens to be the doorkeeper at the circus. Adams’ Ginger Beer. RECIPE. Adams Extract ~ - One bottle. Flclrclllllallll'b‘ Yeast - One lialf loone c: ke. Sugar - - - ’l‘wo pounds. Cream of Tartar One half ounce. Lukewarm Water - - 'l‘wo gallons. Dissolve the sugar, cream of tartar and yeast In the water. add the exlrucl, and bottle; place in a warm place for twenty-four hours until it; ferment», then place on ice when il. will open sparkling. cool and delicious. The ginger beer can be obtained in all drug and grocery stores in 10 cent. battles to make two gallons. i "M baby had croup and was savedi by Shiyloh's Cure." writes Mrs. J.B. Mar- ‘ . tin. of Huntsville. Ala. ' . Fire insurance companies were in ex- istence in Italy in the iwelfi Ii century. They were established in England in the sixteenth century. OUGLAS BROS..ISlato.Gravol and meta. roofera, metallic ciiliagi. liy‘ ligit ILLSâ€"Dr- Ag' ience to be the best water If“ diSOOV‘ cred. Don't endanger life 1) drinking filthy water. Got a jar 0 St. Lead at. once. _ For sale by all principal Grocers. Druggists and Hotels. or ST. LEON MINERAD \VATER CO. (Limited) Head Office. Toronto. liiifliltlll\l<:: POWDER TH ECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Sovereign Remedy For Weak and Ill- flamed Bye-. Chronic Granula- tion of the Clouds, Film or Weaknou of Sight. from at» ute or chronic in» (lamination wheth‘ or induced by aorofuloul origin : or or her causes; \\ onknoss of Vision or of thl _ dating before mm of Cm n l; ' Optic Nerve, or n diseased state of the tlnauod Provinces, United States; lulst; °°nurucunï¬ the eye- 80†by 9“ drulfBlflb‘o Bill and L'aw S umpu bou'rht. Good l’ric WM. It. ADAMS, 7 Ann sf. Toronto. one" “OF. CHAMBERLAIN â€"EYE Specialist-40 King St. E.. To- ronto. Home Sept. let to 12th. B A K E R 8 Get bmytducrlptlve catalogue - l on - You can't “mm °° d° "mm ihem' 73 to 31 Adelaide n w G.T. Pondrlth. M in, mom. 0x1: i 7 FL“ lull “Never Turn a Wheelâ€"Without rams" PEERLESS . q,y MACHINE ,1 All: yourdenler for it-fl‘sk o lhillmllull llul .-u oval purpose all made- Adlpte to furmcrii' use-Gena lno lubricantâ€"Sun machinery. samuol Razors a Cool Ouoon Olty 0| worka‘l’oronu g Agents, â€" â€" PRUROU/VCE YHEM UN EQUALLED .Q G. C. BRIGGS d SONS. Iliuuliton, Ont. MUSICIANS auufvovotsmu waaeaooms. ’ l58 YONGE STR EET. v j TORONTO ' CANADA' "A (.37 ’ TNE.*TOUCH. DURABILITY. ‘ wonmgusmp l 3“». V I; ‘lhr‘ @égf 3...“ . All slum from u (020 â€" UPRIGHT and HORIZONTAL. A R M Stationary, PonahlliSeml -Porlahla ‘ ' fin/“LY. . . lg. “I. ammonium In Blmpllcl Effective Working Qualities and thi’abmly- GUARANTEED TO GIVE FULL POWER CLAIMED AND 70 33 A! IZPRZSZNIED Over 2,000 in successful operation. 1‘ "i '3! you to write in before buying. Pamphlet Inc. wc__.__-,.___. “_ ‘______c..,__. ,. , .. _... w masseuse-essay“ WATEROUS. aamrrono. CANADA. l i j l i : A~Ag\~'v .. ~.â€".a~‘d’~.4MW~â€"4~".' » -v 4--<v~w'v -. .