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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Aug 1896, p. 3

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AG RICCLTURAL NOTES. ‘1 . . . . . L 4&2: English scientist finds that when p..atoes are cooked without removing their skins they Ices only Spar cent of their nutritive quality through ex- tramii-n of th~,-ir Juices. Win-n the skins wrrc remover before boiling the loss was lper cent, u‘hi'h makes the latter way a very wasteful one. Persistent work pays in net profit and satisfaction. “Reds eat up so much plant food and drink up so much water in a. dry time : and yet they can be kept down so t'hvziply with mower and smoothing harrozv and “gender if we use our brains in the way oi good manage- ment. Three methods are practiced to pre- arve the fertility of the soil. toâ€"wit: Rotation of crops. application of com- mercial fertilizers and the use of barn- yard manures. Though all three are Often blended the first is of primary importance, as it costs nothing but labor of mind in determining the rela- tive value. of crops produced and the condition in Whli'h the soil is left. Luxurinnt crops am always produced upon new land where the woods have been burned over. The power of potash in ashes to liberate nitrogen from the humus in the soil is sufficient to make ashes of great value. Rank. rich scil, full of vrgetable matter will produce crops much better after an application of wood ashes than if supplix With a good dressing of manure. CANADA'S PRIDE. A little over a month hence the Fall Fairs will be commencing, and first and foremost will be the Industrial at Toronto, which is to be held this year from the 31st of August to the 12 of September. Every ‘anadian is very properly in- terested iii and justly proud of the suc- cess of this great Exhibition, because it: brings prominently before them, as well as the outside world, the vast: re- sources and products of our country, and the progress which is being made from year to year in its Agricultural and Industrial pursuits, consequently the approaching Industrial Fair is be- Ing looked forward to with increased interest and pleasurable anticipation, and many are already making arrangeâ€" ments to visit it. By thousands it is made the occasion of their annual hol- iday outing, and it is usually a very enjoyable one. There is every indica- tion that it will this year fully equal, if not: excel, its predecessors. To meet the desires of those who usually look for this kind of thing, a large number of Special attractions are being pro- vided, of a. new and interesting char- acter. The Live Stock and all other exhibits, except cut flowers and fruit, will be on the grounds from Sept. 3rd so that the first; week of the am will be equally as good as the second. All entries have to be made before the 8th of August. The Toronto Exhibition has now become one of the best and most popular educational and enter- tainment enterprises on this continent, and those who have never visited it. would be surprised at; its magnitude and attractiveness, being almost like a small \Vorld’s Fair. Prize Lists and Entr Forms can be procured by any- one esiring them bv dropping a post card to Mr. H. J. Hill, Manager. To- ronto. BOYS IN THE ROYAL NAVY. The earliest age at which a boy can enter the royal navy is 15. He must be five feet in height and measure thirâ€" ty and a half inches around the chest. The standard is altered from time to time, according to the requirements of the navy. A boy must be of actor, a lie to read and write and have the written consent of his parents or guardian to his entry. , THOUGHTEUL. HAY! YOU TASTID Wjflmoy ‘ “Kalil-“Lil‘s It‘s No Hopeless Wail, but Testimony; With a True Ring to It for the! Great South Ameaican Cures. o Cod-l'ver Oil . . . . . because it keeps the sys- : f I tern in such good condl- IT IS Gin-0“ TEA- 80,,” IILIOIOIIS. in in: rule». tlori that thin' gs are not ‘ . oucus sacs. 81“anch and moist rectors. metallic celll Ik lights, “'ON DERF UL TESTIMONIALS. RHEUMATISLLâ€"The Great South, American Rheumatic Cure ' with Hypopbosphites Prevents Consumgiog ltles I threw away my stick and went I l good chzir- ‘ harmless, and acts quickly. Gives in- stant mlief and an absolute cure in one to three days; works wonders in the most acute forms of rheumatism and neuralgia. “I was crippled so that I had to use a stick to get about," writes James A. Anderson cl. Calgary, N.\V.T. " At times I suffered untold misery. I tried every medicine under the sunâ€" spent six weeks in the hospital under special treatment, without any relief. I was induced to try South American Rheumatic Cure. After using two hot- to work. and have worked every day since. and that was two and. a half years ago." KlDNEYS.â€"â€"“I believe it saved my life," is the witivc testimony of Mr. James McBrine. of Jamestown, Huron Co., Ont.,'in speaking of the miraculous a complication of kidney trou- bles by the Great South American Kidney Cure. This gentleman was so severely affected that his physician had to attend him daily to take the urine from him. The first, dose ave him relief, and halfa bottle cured im completely, dissolving all obstructions, and healing and strengthening the parts. South American Kidney Cure is a. kidney cific only, and it does all that; is claimed for it every time. STOMACH AND NERVES.â€"Two thirds of all chronic diseases to disordered nerve Cure the control. the cum of are due centres. and you disease. South Am- erican Nervine has proved this thousands of times. It is a. powerful nerve builder and. in cases of acute in- digestion and dyspepsia, has effected marvellous cures. Geo. \Vebster of Forest writes: “For a. number of years I suffered greatly from nervous. ness. stwiching of muscles and sleep- lemness. I tried almost every known remedy without relief. I was induced as a last resort to try South American Nervine. The first bottle benefitted ‘ me, and five bottles cured me. It is a :grand medicine, and I owe my life to nerves HIS FORTUNE. I in." i My dear Jimson, what is the cause of your joyful expression of counten- iance? Have you received a fortune? l have my dear fellow, I have. Congratulations. And the figure! It’s a bâ€"o-yi ONE MINUTE CURE FOR TOOTH- ACHE. Magical in potency and power, pene- ltratlng at once to the diseased nerve. i Nervillneâ€"ncrve pain cureâ€"cures toothâ€" in a moment. Nerviline, the most linarvelous pain remedy known to sci- 1once, may be_ used for all nerve pains. [Test at once its efficacy. ‘ __ . Egg scissors are a recent invention. lThey neatly take off the top of a boil- ed egg, and enable a. person to quickly get at the contents. l HOW' TO CURE CORNS. Easy? Yep. if you go about it the right way. Get the best always. Put-l Ina-m’s Painless Corn Extractor never 'fails to cure. Acts in twentyâ€"four , hours and causes neither pain nor disâ€" , comfort. Putnam's Corn Extractor ex- :tracts corns; it is the best. : .Cyclometcrs are in use on public car- riages in Berlin, Leipsic, and Dresden. ,Tlley record the exact amount of miles itraveled, and the legal fare of the oc- cupants. . Cold in the Headâ€"Nasal Balm gives instant relief. speedily cures. Never fails. Diseased blood, constipation. and MY h‘mbwnd is the most commemm: kidney, liver and bowel troubles are man in the world. In what way? When he gave me my new writing- desk he had two keys made so that if Few I lost mine he would have one. man would be as thoughtful as that. M'vcwufivm' fl muc- ur-‘v‘r-zvâ€"e warn-v“ Is what gives Hood's Sarsaparilla Its great pop- ularity, illcrcnsing sales and wonch fill cures. The combination. proportion and process In preparing Hood's Saraaparilla are unknown to other medicines. and make It peculiar to itself. It acts directly and positively upon the blood. and as the blood reaches every nook and corner of the human system. all the nerves. muscles, bones and tissues come un- dcr thc beneflccnt influence of Sarsaparilla Ibo One True Blood Purifier. All drugglsts. $1. cure I.l\t‘l’ Ills; easy to fiOOd’S take,essy tcopcraie. 25c. omnummuc No. l ENJOY LIFE AS THEY OUGHT. I Many are miserable weak and sickly, In . suffer untold minn‘e‘ _ through ailment: pecul- lu to thfll sex. 11' IS WRONG. Must all these llll re- mit from womb trouble cl some sort. No no m1 an ninth: tuck at in who use: HILES' (can) VEGETABLE GOIPOUHD and Illics’ Sanatlve Wash. 4;. WIS-cme Far ul- bi all Dream; The, lumen vitality and merit. Ind make the life of the “ Home: 891' worth “'19.. aphch "Woman M' "A. M. C." flEDICINE CO., 5:8 St. Paul 5L. Montreal. leakin- unwed w an) 4411'“: an out“ lcured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. I A huge frog, weighing eleven and three-quarter pounds was shot by Toney ‘. Hotel, at Delaware Lake, Ind. Its .legs were almost as long as a man's 3 arms. blood and complexion. Kansas City has a generous citizen, Mr. Thomas H. Swope, who has just donated to that. commonwealth a pub- lic park of 1,300 acres. Consumption can be cured by the use of Shiloh's Cure. This great Cough Cure is the only known remedy for that terrible disease. Little Prince Edward of York goes by the sobriquct of “King David" at. Marlborough House. Thousands of cases of Consumption. Asthma, Coughs, Colds and Group are lcured every day by Shiloh’s Cure. gives a clear and beautiful Everybme knows that the Art Gar- land Stoves and Railch are the best. l’l‘hey combine elegant finish, durabili- xty and convenience with economy in : filt'l, and in Spite of all coiilpctition hold iLIlt‘il‘ station far in advance of all oth- iers. -\\'0. take pleasure in calling the i attention of our readers to their merits. IIER CHOICE. Mr. Oldback (aged fifty)-â€"â€"\\'ill you be my wife? )Iisi Oldlnaid (aged fort.y)â€"â€"Yâ€"e-s, my s‘lov«. l'd rather be. an old man's darâ€" iling than a young man's slave.” l ‘, WEST SHORE THROUGH SLEEPING I CAR TO NEW YORK. One of the handsome Sleeping cars that. had ever been turned out of the : factory is now running from_'l‘orunto toi l how iork Without change via the pop- : it is a buffet" i ular West shore route. I car. and refreshments can be obtained I en route. if desired. This car leaves I Union Station. Toronto, every day : except. Sunday, at 4.55 p. m.. reaching I New York next morning at 10.10 a. in. i, On Sundays thesleeper runs from Ham-- 9 iltqn only. connecting with the through train from Toronto. Call at any Grand i Trunk office in Toronto for information I or space in sleeping car. Reservations Ican be made in advance if desired. A DANGEROUS EXPERIMENT. Miss Antique (school-teacher)â€"-Wliat 'do-S \v-hâ€"i-t~e spell! I (‘Zass (No Ausw-vr.) ‘ .‘ilv‘ Antiqueâ€"“mat is the color of my skin i Class (in chorus)â€"Ycllow. i will i Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies thc/ \can be obtained inull drug and grocery stores 50c. and $1.00 at all druggltts. m~~~~s~~~~wsm-§ ACUTE DESPEPSIA. A TROUBLE THAT MAKES THE LIVES 0P THOUSANDS MISERABLE. The Only national Treatment II to Be- move the Cause or the Troubleâ€"Ono Who Suffered Greatly Shows How This Can be none at a. Com par-anver Trill- lng Expense. The life of a. dyspeptic is beyond doubt one of the most unhappy lots that can befall humanity. There is al- ways a feeling of over-fullness and (118- trcm after eating. no matter how care- fully the food may be prepared. and even when the atient uses food spar- ingl there is requently no cessation of t e distressing pains. How thank- ful one who has undergone this mis- ery and has been restored to health feels can erhaps he better ima med than descri (1. One such suf erer, Mrs. Thomas E. \Vorrell. of Dunbar- ton. N. B., relates her experience in the hope that it may prove beneficial to some other similar sufferer. Mrs. \Vor- rell 5a a that for more than two years her lie was one of constant misery.- She took only the plainestfoods, and yet her condition kept getting worse. and was at last seriously aggravated by palpitation of the heart brought on by the stomach troubles. She lost all relish for food and grew so weak that: it was with difficulty she could go about the house. and to do her share of the necessary housework made life. a burâ€" den. At times it was simply impose»- bio for her to take food as every mouthful produced a feeling of nausea, and sometimas brou hi: on violent fits of vomiting which le t her weaker than before. She had taken a great. deal of medicine but id not find any improve- ment. At is she read in a newspaper of acure in a similiar case through the use of Dr. William’s Pink Pills and dc- cided to give them a trial.: After usâ€" ing three or four boxes there was a great improvement: in her condition and after the use of eight boxes Mrs. \Vorrell says, “I can assure you I am now a well woman, as strong as ever I was in my life, and I owe my present condition entirely to the use of Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills, which have provi- cd to me a. wonderful medicine." Mrs. Worrell further says that Pink .Pillsl were also of the greatest benefit to her husband, who suffered greatly with ‘ rheumatism in his hands and arms. At times these would swell up and the pains were so great that he could not sleep and would sit the whole night; he- side a fire in order to get a little/.m- lief from the pain he was enduring. Seeing how much benefit his Wife had deriVed. from the use of Pink Pills he began their use, and soon drove the rheumatism from his system and he has since been free from the terrible pains which had formerly made his life misâ€" 'erable. Both Mr. and Mrs. \Vorrell isay they will always strongly recomâ€" lmend Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills to ail- ling friends. nerve rcstorcr, and there isno trouble whose origin is due to either of these causes that they will not cure if given a. fair trial. The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes, the wrapper around which bears the full trade mark, “Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills for Pale People." There are imitations of this great medicine, also colored pink,which are offered by the dozen, hundred or ounce, or in boxes, without, the direc~ lions and trade mark; Always refuse ltllese imitations, no matter what the I interested dealer who tries to sell them ~ may say. LESSONS Oi?â€" EXPERIENCE. Newsboyâ€"Extra! Extra} Gentlemanâ€"How much is it? Newsboyâ€"Two cents. Have one? Gentlemanâ€"No. . . Friendâ€"Two cents is the regular Erica of that paper. \Vhy didn’t you uy? Gentlemanâ€"If there had been any- thing in it. worth reading would have charged five cents. â€"- Adams’ Ginger Beer. RECIPE. Adams Extract - - One bottle. Fleisclllllllllll'ti Yeast; - One half to one cs kc. Sugnr 'l‘wo pounds. Cream of Tumor - One half ounce. Lukcwarm Water - - 'l‘wo gallons. Dissolve the sugar, cream of tartar and yeast in the water, add the extract, and bottle; place in a warm place f.~r twenty-tour hours until in Icl‘lllt‘lllw, then place on ice when it will opcn sparkling. cool and delicious. The igingcr beer in 10 cent bottles to make two gallons. W.P.C 826 I Posse-55¢: all the good tbzrc can be In I good Soap. In short, IT IS PU RE i Nothing I: added to 6 ; I cheapen it or reduce 4 its quality . . . i BOOKS FOR WRAPPERS i l Fer every x: “Sunlight” wrapper: vent i to Ll'll 8103., Ltd. Toronto, (3 , a useful apex-bound back will be sent. i or a clot -bouod for go wrappers. l .rhese pills are a - blood builder and‘ E R the boy | How This: We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'- Catarrh Cure. 1". J. CHENEY a: 00.. Props” Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cb. any for the lax-t 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transco- tiona and financially able to carry out any ob- ligation made by their firm. W us’r a Turing, Wholesale Drugglst Toledo. 0. witmxc, hINNAN a Minvix, holeaslo Drug isle, Toledo. 0. Hill '5 Qatari-h Curc is taken internally, cob- ing directly upon the blood and mucous curs faces of the syrtem. Price 750. per bottle. Sold by all Druggiste" Testimonials Free. Patent. obtained To In all countries by International Patent Bureau, 12 Melinda St, Toronto. Longest experience. Lowest rates. Information free. G. 0. ananN Manager. 8.. A. thnonn, Expert and Exam car. The Leading Our _ ndlnn COLLEGE * for Ycoxo Wop! xx. Build- ings and Equipment. Facul- lP ty, School & Health Record. , _ ; .3: and Methods of Instruction ‘ "M‘s unsurpassed. sup ago illu. analogue. PRES. AUSTIN , A.M., St. Thomas, Ont Btratford, Ontario A large, finely-equipped. old-established insti- tutionâ€"NONE BETTER IN CANADA. Best Business Education at: Lowest Possible Cost. Graduates always successful. Write for catalogue. TV. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Conboy’s IMPllOfilll CARRIAGE TOPS Received the highest: award at the World's Fair. Chicago. 1893. They are manufactured in every style and trade, from cheapest. to finest). It. is not strange that. the public prefer them, as they have all latest improvemean known to the trade. the most Important are patented and not found in any other make. The Roller Top, with Automatic Back Ourtsln, patented 1895, is fast supcrscding the old style, over which it. has many ndvnlu ages. The extra. cost, one dollar, is but a I nilecomparcd to their increased durability. convenience and comfort. Investigate and learn the real merits of the Roller l‘op. and you will use no other. Order one from your carriage builder. WHY DESTROY HEALTH, happiness, sleep and domestic felicity by drinking impure water. Sir Henry Thompson says the only safe water to drink is mineral, and St. LEON has been shown by analysis and 'exper- . ””” ience to be the best water yet; discov- ered. Don't endanger life b drinking filthy water. Get a jar 0 St. Leon at once. For sale by all principal Grocers, Druggists and Hotels, or 'ST. LEON MINERAL WATER CO. (Limited) Head Office, Toronto. “CANADA’S PRIDE” - - THE GREAT - - fiL’ =§ A." ..._. .. _. ,5. .3..._ and Acsicunuam EXHIBITION, TORONTO, I896. iiugfibfiept. l2 ENTRIES CLOSE AUG. 8th New Departments Superior Attractions Latest Inventions EVERYTHING UP TO DATE I THE PEOPLE’s GREAT HOLIDAY OUT- ING OF THE YEAR. WWait for 11: Cheap Excursions from Everywhere. For Prize Lists, Entry Forms, etc, address J. J. WITHROW, H. J. HILL, President. Manager. Toronto L sheet. metal workers. 124 Adel-ado W2. crouto. ROI. CHAMBERLAINâ€" ‘ PSpodn. list-41 King 83. I..ng route. Home 809g in to lab. ILLS. MILLS & MALESt Burrllufl. Bond to. abandon chambers, 35 Adolald 81209! East. Toronto. Money to Loan. 3. G.Mills. BLâ€"A. Mills.-Jiu. Helen. KAI-5‘ A Std R! “11°0ch ll llllll ALL m “‘5‘” BAKERS ffyl’t‘fldfldg ‘7“ 0"“ worthwhile Iboul Dou 1:. Minor- b. “a”, (u. b, Ml-ll'il)‘ mSSIHO. DRI‘I‘H. W In". 73 to 81 Adelaide 8k \V- Toronto. Ont. Tho McDowell Garment Drnffl‘lj ADIESI M-ichlnoâ€"Fits Every Form! Folio every fashion! Easy to lecrnl Rs Id to use No ro-tiitingl _No paper pa corn. in no cqu in cutting stylish. graceful, (1 perfect flttinl garments. Write for union . S. CORRIGA. . 113 Y go as. Tor-on “ Sever Turn a Wheelâ€"Without lining " PEERLESS j~ ., MACHINE _. - an. «I Ask your dealer for itâ€"Tnlio no lullutiuu~ Ben S oral purpose oll madeâ€"Adapted to farmers' incâ€"Gui Ina lubricantâ€"Savesmachinery. Samuel Rogers & co..| Oueen Olty 0| workaToronI Iron Fencing, Office a communlon Ralllng, and all kinds of IRON AND_VflRE WORK. roses-re runes AND ' ORNAMENTAL woaxs l Cor. Gerrard and Yonge Sta, TORONTO. Ont. Largest and Most Successful commercial School in the Dominion. Hundreds of students placed directly Into good paying positions. Everything Strictly First Class. Catalogue free. W. IL SIIAlV, Principal. AMIL’I‘ON LADIES' COLLEGE and Conservatory of limit The 37th year will begin on Sept. 8th, l8984 .â€" Equlpmcnb very complete In all departmch New Pipe Organ in building. For new cal» logue con raining terms. ctc., address th Principal, A. BURNS. D.D.. LL.D. 'Britisll American Business Gollego l 00., (Ltd). Confederation Life nulldlll. Toronto. AFFILIATED wrrn INSTITUTE or Cum'ramm ACCOUNTANTS. Owned and controlled by 191- ding Toronto busi- ness men. Boat Shorthand College in Canada. Handsome prospectus free. New Term Begins Sept. 1, 1898. EDW. TROUT, DAVID HOSKINS. President. Secretary's ________________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"- FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. D U N N’S ‘ THECOOKS EST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. A Sovereign Remedy For Wank and In- flliinodila on, Chronic rnnulcr Lion of the Glands, Film or Weakness of Slght, from no- uto or chronic in- tinmlnatlonwhclh- or induced by scrofuloua origin or other causes; \\ euklloan of Viv-ion or of the Optic Nerve, or a diseased state of the tlnsuu constructing the eye. Sold by all drugglsts. G. C. BRIGGS dz Sins. Agents, -- -- Hamilton, Ont. ' 1.4.4: . " , Everythlng UNEXOEIJZED In Sim I' “ Err p m ectivo Working Qualities and alkalinity. GUARANTEED TO GIVE FULL POWER CLAIMED AND TO B! AS IZI’HESIZSIPD Over 2,000 in successful operation. It wi 'D‘:y you to write in before buying. I'umflfln [7“. WATEROUS. BRAMTFORD. mums Am: cur: Iy of "wind-Paw! and ham 1 Luau a: mad-mi: was" ‘43'33; the farmer sells 5 V ‘ sells low to hlm F We have rcpeatedlyretuud - to join. and, therefore. defeated windmill comblo p nations. and base. since reduced the cost of 1- Will c‘ and large sales. :3, but pum power stroke pumps, with best sonar '7’ 0 Iron onesâ€"Ii 2% x 16 inch at 81m. Tell , - yourdealer. Buynonccther. Acmolorprlcucnd _ . goods are always but. ‘ " because we are Juice makers. and are safe“ to - deal with. the wcrl l - Its windmill businesl. We have mbranch housesâ€" . i I UPli‘IGHTai-ldHORIMZONTAL A Stationary, Portable 8:. Se Allulum .. rrotho'?“ .;. .. ,.. , .fi. . I low. owcr to one-sixth what it was.‘ ricer. hiin grades : 7-; 0 one knows the or prices until he knows We make short hand and long i We be lave in low ' ours. es: brass tube cylinder. Iowa! than Through gratitude, and in given on more than half ._.....â€".. H Mesaâ€"ow.._~._ b... .w f 2.4. ... .._...-.. -,, ....~ “cg-adhqu .W».m~ w‘vr-rVrv -.-.. I ,- A4 _-.

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