.. -._._____ ‘__.._.__...â€".._ .L . more...“ Ingenious for the Amusement of Clever swimmer: and Their friends. Thane is no end of tricks a. clever “timer can do in water: Then there are signs and games played on rafts or water shoes, log rolling, high diving, water ballets, polo, and hockey. The most popular sport at present, however, is shooting the "chutes," or water to- boggan. More in the amateur's line is hocking on the water; a. ball and hockey clubs are necessary, and little “boats†for the feet, which are kept on by straps,someâ€" thing like snowshoes. Quarterstaff is another water game. If the players don sailor suits it adds to their picturesque appearance, trousers, say, of turkey red twill, with red sailor collars on their white shirts and red bands on their hats. Water tricks, or “ornamental swim- ming," are useful on two accounts, to amuse yourself or to amuse othaers. Oft- en friends accompany a swimmer as spectators, and what is the consequence? After the bather has been swimming 3 while, they are tired of it, and no won- der. They become restless and fidgetty and keep demanding "When are you coming out i" But if the swimmer understands a few tricks it will amuse and interest his friends more than swim- ming ever could do. They also teach the bother nerve and pluck. Of all water figures the most laugh- able is that of "TURNING THE SPIT." Here are the directions: Lie on the water as though about to float, then, drawing the knees up to the chin, place both hands beneath the knees, back to back, and move them gently backward and forward, by de~ grees increasing the speedl Do not. be frightened by the result; you Will spin around like a. top. The nature of spit is to turn one way and then an- other, and this is done by movmg only one hand until fairly gomg around an- other way, and then both are used,_ as before†Do not in this feat, let excite- ment run away with your judgment or you will get giddy, and giddmess in .the water is a serious off directly the least symptom appears. The boat. figure is a pretty one, as it is supposed to represent a boat suppli- ed with no oars. The swimmer lies on his back as th iugh about to float, then cross the feet to form the. prow of the boat, then, instead of raising the arms above the head, as in swnimiing on the back, move them in exactly the opposrto direction; that is, move them from the hips to a line with the shoulder: The arms represent the ears, and they may easily be “feathered†by placing them near the surface with the fingers slight/- ;y outstretched) As the feet advances first, this figure presents a. curious sight.~ A clever girl could do this trick easily as Well as the one in which the bathing costume is changed under wat- er. The swimmer puts on, over her or- dinary bathing dress. another one that is at least a size too large, without faswning it at the neck; standing on the diving platform, she must Jump or dive to the bottom of the water, and, hastily divesting herself of the semnd. dress, swim to the top, carrying it. in her hands.: Deep water, in preference to shallow, should be chosen for this feat which perhaps sounds a trifle difficult, although in reality it is not. A good way to practice reniaming under water is to sink to the bottom on the knees and remain there as long as possible; raismg the hands above the head Will keep you there some time, but if ever you are in danger of drowning do not throw up your arms. _________.__.â€"â€"-â€" ONE OF HER \VAYS. Heâ€"ll'hat is Miss Woolston getting that; $800 dress for! Sheâ€"To wear to a lawn fete for char- ity; admisSion ten cents. ‘13 never done, and It Is especially wearing and wearisome to those whose blood ls lmpuro and until; properly to tone, sustain and renew the wasting of nerve. muscle and tissue. The only remedy for tired, weak, nervous women 13 In building-up by taking a good nerve tonic, blood purltlcr and vitalizer like Hood's Sarsaparilla. For troubles Peculiar to Women at change of reason. climate or life, great cures are made by Sarsapari I I a The One True Blood Purifier. All drugglsts. zl. Prepared only by 0.]. Hood 5; Co., Lo“ cll. Mass. ." do not. cause pain or I-Iood,5 gripe. All druggists. 15c. suaor LIFE A: “ may occur. “any are rub-gnu ' weak and sickly, as war: untold mlutin , - through ailment. was. ‘< I 1- In to thrsrnx. ' IT IS WRONG. Meet all them ill: re- sult tron we» trouble at “me and. Ne ro- am can rend-Ink or ill who use III-EU (Gum) VEGETABLE OGIPOLIID and lflu’ tannin Ween. “Maurizio. '3 oh by." Wu ï¬reman†and «era. and am a: O! " um Bu‘ v Ii'lh‘. . a“ a maid. ‘ omn- M' “A. u. (3" 11 MCINB 60.. 375 8!. an! BL. Montreal. umwumwam. m “M l cum“ 1 ! I mattera Leave pain cureâ€"which possesses such I ing of I I \Vins in Every Contestâ€"This Is the; Record of Dr. Agnew": Cure for the; Heartâ€"Abs. \V. T. Bundle of Dun- dalk, Ont., Cured in One Dayâ€"Dr.- Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder the Only '- llemedy to do Sylvester Lawrence,2 of “'yndham Centre, Ont., Any Good: â€"Dr. Agnew's Ointment 21 Certain1 Cure for Pilesâ€"Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills Cure Constipation and Head-E ache. 5 Continued experiments are needed to i , test the certainty of some things, but this has no application in the case of Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart. No matter how severe the pain, it will imâ€" mediater relieve. Relief comes with- in one-half hour. The disease may be of years' standing, this specific will remove it. Mrs. \‘l’. ’1’. Bundle, wife of a. well-known cattle dealer in Dun- dzilk, suffered severely for a consider- able time from heart disease. As she says: "I was for some time unable to attend to my household duties. No remedies did me any good. I was in- duced to try Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart, and I must sa the result was wonderful. The pain eft me after the first day and l have had no trou- ble. since." Dr. Agnew's Catarrh’ai Powder is re- commended by all classes of people. ’l'he leading clergymen of the country. over their own Signatures, have borne testimony to its effectiveness. Nearly 100 members ofthe late House of Com- mons have done the same service. It has cured the worst cases of deafness, an outcome of catarrh. Sylvester Law- rence of Wyndham Centre, one, says that this remedy istheonly thing that he can use with ease and comfort. His words are: "It. is the best remedy I have ever tried. and I have used a good many." _ The very best thing that can said of Dr. Agnew's Ointment is that in the case of piles it will cure in from three to six nights. It is a certain cure for letter, salt rheum and all eruptions of the skin. _ Simple and yet most effective are the Little Liver Pills of Dr. Agnew. They afare easy to take and cure sick head- biliousness and in- :u-he, constipation. _ 10 cents avtal digestion as by magic. ~40 doses. _._-â€" CAN RHEUMATISM BE CURED’I The application of Nervilineâ€" nerve marâ€" vellous power over all nerve pain, goes greatly to prove that it can. NerVil- inc acts on the nerves, soothes them, drives pain out, and in this_way gives relief. Try it and be convxnced. Hed esâ€"“Sappy is continually fall- his wheel." Roseâ€"" What can you expect from a fellow who isn't well- balanced." câ€"nâ€"nâ€"a MEN AND WOMEN AGREE That corns are painful, not easdy cured, and quite useless. Men and we- men who have used Putnam's Corn Extractor testify that it is the best, acts without pain, and cures. Use Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor. â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-.â€"-â€"-â€"' Adams’ Ginger Beer. RECIPE. Adams Extract - - One bottle. Fleischmann's Yeast - One half to one cake. Sugar - - - ’l‘wo pounds. Cream of Tartar - One half ounce. Lukevvarm lVater - - 'l‘wo gallons. Dissolve the sugar, cream of tartar and yeast in the water, add the extract and bottle : place in a warm place for twenty-four hours until it fornients, then place on ice. when it. will open sparkling, cool and delicious. The ginger beer can be obtained in all drug and grocery stores in 10 cent battles to make two gallons. Teacherâ€"And what ls meant by keepin the Sabbath holy? Ethe â€"I_t meansâ€"it means to think of something you would like to doâ€"oh. ever so much, and then not. doing it, 'cause it’s Sunday. Pills do not. cure Constipation. They only qggravate. Karl's Clover Root Tea gives perfect regularity of the bowels. CONVINCING PROOF. Fleming won't allow his wife to get trusted. He says she hasn't any judg- ment. I That's so. She showed her want of it when she married him. Man wants but little here below, As someone said before. But when he gets it, don’t you. know. He wants a little more. Ryekman’s yummy [lure Positive Cure for Rheumatism and Paralysis. (Testimony U nder Oath.) County of \l'cn‘tworth, To Wit: 1, Emerson liannon. of the Township of Glzinforil, County of Wentworth. far- mer. do solemnly declare that: | 1. About :12! years ago lhud what Dr. Bethune declared to be the worst case of Inflammatory Rheumatism that, be lizid ever treated. I subsequently re- covered from this. I 2. About three years ago I was again? attacked by the SJlut‘ disease and it. kept. 3 O gradually getting. worse. 3 3. About live necks ago the lnl‘lainma- 3 iory Rheumatism became so bid 1 wasi compelled to go to bed and was unublei to leave nry bed, and I suffered thel most intense pain. «l._ During the last three years I ex- iwrieneed the greatest difficulty in do- ing any work. dud \lllt‘llel't‘l' idid any! work whatever I would suffer intense pain every night for so doing. .3. About three weeks ago 1 lirst start- ed taking the medicine, Kcotcnziy Cure, given to me by Air. S. Ryckman. M. if" and within one week the Rheuma- llzllll had completely disappeared and af- ter I had only used one bottle. 6. The Rheumatic ins have com- pletely left me and consider myself completely cured of this dreadful dis- ease. ‘ And I make this solemn declaration conscmnticusly beliegigg it to be true. etc. ‘ N IIANNON. v Declared before me at the City ofHam- ;:ton. County of \l’entworth. this 11th by of May. A.D. 1895. ~ I lj‘rancis Fitzgerald. \. hotary Public in and for the Pro- vince of Ontario. NUT innit?â€" NEARLY BENT DOUBLE. The Story of 2. Well Known Delhi Man. Tortured With Rheumatism for Nearly Twenty Yearsâ€"Spent Large Sums 1n n Vain Search for Renewed Healthâ€"now lie at Last Found. It. From the Delhi Reporter. There are very few troubles more wide spread and none more difficult to eradicate from the system than rheu- matism. The sufferer is racked With pains that seem unbearable, and. fre- quently feels that. even death itself would be a relief. Among those who have found much of their lives-made miserable by this dread trouble is hfr. Michael Schctt', of Delhi. and havmg found a means of release from its agon- ies he is anxious that other sufferers should profit by his 8 erience. Mr. Schott is in the emp oy of Messrs. Quance Bros, millers, and has a repuâ€" tation for sterlin integrity among all who know him. \ hen one of the staff of the Reporter interviewed him. Mr. Schott gave the facts of his illness and recovery as followszâ€"He had been a sufferer from rheumatism_smce about eighteen years of age. At times he was confined to bed but obtained no rest day not night from the excruciating pains he was undergoing. Again he was able to go about and follow his employment, but even then frequent- ly walked about in an almost doubled up condition. Then again he would have another relapse, and. would be forced to take to his bed. During all these years he was almost continually doctormg, but never obtained. any- thing more than temporary relief for the large sums hee 'ndedm thisway. Having failed to obtain relief at home he went to Simcoe for treatment but receiv- ed no permanent benefit and soon after coming home was as bad as ever. It Will be readily understood that he was seri- ously discouraged, and had come to look upon his case as hopeless. Finallydie was urged to try Dr. _Williams’ Pink Pills, and after hesitating at; spending any more money, in what he new con- sidereda vain pursuit of health, he at last consented to give thema trial. By the time he had useda half dozen boxes there was no longer any. doubt. m_ his mind that be was steadily unprovmg. and the treatment was then gladly con- tinued. When he had taken a dozen boxes he found himself entirely recov- ered, entirely free from pain and from all stiffness of joints. and he is now able to do as hard a day's work as any man in the village. He has now been free from his old enemy for so long a period that he feels his cure is permanent. and. is consequently_an enâ€" thusiastic admirer of Dr. \Villiams' wonderful Pink Pills, and urges all who are similarly suffering to give thematriai, feeling confident that they will prove quite as efficacious as they did in his case. _ . Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease, driving it from the system and restoring the patient. to health and strength. In cases of par- alysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataXia, sciatica, rheumatism, erysipelas, scroful- ous troubles, etc., these pills are sup- erior to all other treatment. They are also a specific for the troubles which make the lives of so many women. a burden, and speedily restore the rich glow of health to pale and sallow cheeksi' ’Men broken down by ever- work, worry or excesses, will find in Pink Pills a certain cure: Sold by all dealers or sent by mail post paid, at 500 a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by ad- dressing the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., or Schenec- tady,.N.Y.5 Beware of imitations and. substitutes alleged to be "just as good." There.are. many times and circumâ€" stances in life when "Our strength is, to sit still."â€"Tr_von Edwards. "My baby had croup and was saved by Shilch's Cure.â€'writes Mrs. J .B. Mar- tin. of Huntsville. Ala. “Them folks from town didn’t stay much of a spell, Uncle Reub '2" "Naw; went back mad 'cause‘ we didn't hev no cycle paths an’ 'lectric lights in ther blackberry patch.†Cattarh.â€"â€"Use Nasal Balm. Quick. pos- itive cure. Soothing. cleansing. healing. The row boat. which started from New York with two sailors on IlOILI‘d on June 6th to cross the Atlantic has reached the Scilly Islands in safety. The best cough cure is Shiloh's Cure. A neglected cough is dangerous. Stop it at once with Shiloh's Cure. \VJ’J} 8‘57 ...-.~........._.. ~â€":â€" ~~ .. . 0 00000008 MAKE UP YOUR MIND .--._ ., O O O In Soap as well as In everything also. Old-fashioned Soups and old- 8 fashioned drudglnz wash-days are not good enough for up-to-date people. No. they are all using 8 - Soap and are keeping their homes clean. 8 brlght and cheerful with very little labor. To all who use this world- !uncd Soap It means LESS LABOR GREATER GGHFORT , For every 15 Scull ht BOOKS FOR{ grappexru‘segt to liver w {05. 1a., oromc, a RAPPE as useful paper-bound book will be cent, or a cloth-hound for 50 wrap- O O I l .LFFILIA'I‘ED WITH INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED __.._ -- ._ s...__.__;2===3 Him: 3' . , . . ‘ '3 ° . . - . i V . . E Of Codâ€"liver on, witth- It iumishes material for the E emu T E pophosphites, will fill out growth of bone, and food 3 “$3â€. u EA' 8qu on g the sunken checks of pale for the brain and nerves. It E u w m 2 children, and give color lays a strongfoundation for : POP BOTTLES. 3 to the lips. growth and development. : I?†5" ° "" “'“h “'9’†WI 3'1“ g 500. and $2.00 at all dmggilta. : £;I:V:‘.“WIUIOII “ C.°..°CC5.GO..C°.....9'30,G3.9000OO93‘9:0.00..‘1._29321 w. G. Toronto. PERFECTLY wILLINc. Do you think your mother would let you have another piece of cake, \l'illiel Oh yes, ma'gim. She told me to be sure and get filled up while I had the “These Bottles will only be In d outside City of Toronto or Oountyo York. ORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL offer-c un- equalled ndvantngeu to all desirous 01 acquiring a thorough and practical kn w edge chance, of cutting gentleman's tarnientq. lT to a. p _ once for ape :1 offer. Addrcss. 118 Yo so St ' Toronto. Also agents for McDowell'a'ladioI How This ! Garment Drafting Machine. We offer one hundred Dollars Reward for any car-e of t‘atsrrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Cataï¬h Cure. 1". J. C ENEY & 00.. Props.. Toledo, 0. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Che ney or the 1:» t 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorablo in all business transac- uonnnd financially able to carry out any ob- li atlon made by their ï¬rm. EST at TRUAX, Wholesale Druggist' Toledo, 0. WALDING. KlNNAN 8:. Maizvm, holesale Drug lets, Toledo, 0. Hal ’0 Catarrh Cure ls taken internally, act~ DOUGLAS BROS. Slatavael and more reefers. metallic ccilin , alt light». sheet metal workers. 12! Adele do W.. orcnto. ROF. CHAMBERLAIN~EYE Spectellst~87 King St. BL, To- :‘ ronto. Home Sept. let to llth. ILLS. MILLS & HALES, Barristers, Solicito 819., Abeideen chambers. 36 Adoleid S'reet Mat, Toronto. Money to Loan. 3. G. Mills. B.A.â€"A. Millaâ€"Jos. Hales. LLR TD Patents obtained In all countries by International Patent Bureau, 12 Melinda 83., Toronto. Louzest experience, Lowosl rntol. . Informatlon tree. G. O. Insulin, Manngen. R. A. KELLOND, Expert and Examiner. The Le dIn (I adieu 8015.12??? ' for YoUNuWoxsx. Bul ‘ Inga and Equipment, Fee , . . ty, School .It Heal th Reoor V '. , and Methods of Instruction -' unsuipnsmd. SU-p age “In analogue. PRES. AUSTIN . A. .. St. Thomas, One. AMIL’I‘ON LADIES’ COLLEGE and Conservatory of Music Ing directly upon the blend and mucous sur- faces of the system. Price 750. per bottle. Sold by all Drugglsts.. Testimonials Free. The Cunarder Etruria, which arrived at New York, on Saturday, was heard- ed by an immense wave on Tuesday morning. The wave did a good deal of damage and frightened the sleep- ing pamengers, but no one was hurt. WEST SHORE THROUGH SLEEPING CAR TO NE\V YORK. One of the handsomest sleeping cars that had ever been turned out of the factor is now running from Toronto to New ork without change via the pop- ular West shore route. It is a buffet; car, and refreshments can be obtained en route, if desired. This car leaves Union Station, Toronto, every day except Sunday. at 4.55 p. m., reaching The 37th year will begin on Sept. 8th. I890: Equipment very complete In all departmentl. - New Pipe Orgnn in building. For new calm New York neXt morning at 10'10 8" m' Iague eon mining terms, etc. address tbt On Sundays thesleeper runs from Ham- Winch)“. A†BURNS. DD" but). . _, ________._______._ ilton only, connecting with the through ._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" train from Toronto. Call at any Grand V - . Trunk office in'l‘oronto for information ‘ Iron Fenc'nge 0': 3%?†"1 3159991118 081'- , Resf‘lrvatmna 3n" Offlceacommunlonlamng, can made in advance if deSired. i. and “I kind. of Maudeâ€""VVould you marry Freddy if he asked you to?" Bella (airily)â€""I can only answer that by saying that he wouldn't be single now were I so foolish." I was nervous, tired, lrritable and cross. Karl's Clover Root Tea has made me well and happy. MRS. E.B. WORDEN. He is a great friend to the poor. So he is. He will keep any of his friends poor if they Will give him half a chance. mun Alwyn WORK. TORONTO "no: Arm 1 e: ORNAMENTALwonKo ’ ' TORONTO. CAN. METALLIC MONUMENTS Enamellod to represent Granite and Marble, superior to atone. cl they will not chip, crack or dine color, and sold at: less than hall the cost. of stone. Catalogue free. Agents wanted throughout. Canada. METALLIC MONUMENT 00.. ' r 5 _ ‘ Limited.) - l 311 Yongo St... Toronto, E. H. WILSON. Manazer. Stratford, Ontario A large. finely-equipped. old-established insti- tutionâ€"NONE BETTER IN CANADA. Best Business Education at Lowest; Possible Cont. Graduates always suroessful. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor. Gerrard and Yonge Sta, 'ronos'ro. Ont. Largest and Most Successful Commercial School in the Dominion. liundrodsol‘ student: placed directly into good paying positions. Catalogue “Never Turn a Wheelâ€"William Using " Everything Strictly First (lines. free. W. H. SIIAW’, Principal. MAGHIIIE‘ _ . 50. A , ar$:“¥gg:edgï¬ler f3! itAâ€"d'l‘alée {no iinitatiouv-Bcst gun mu % ' 30â€"4} Ina lubricantâ€"Savesniachhieg. w (“men u an Remedy Samuelnozorasi co..iouean city0lworka1'oronti For W'enk ind Ir.- _ .___ ,____ _,_, _ flamed Baron. Chronic Granule. non of the Glllndl'; Film or Wenknci. of Sight. from at“ uto or chronic in tiiimmutlon wh-rth. or induced by acrotuloua origil or ill her «ounce; \\ enlincss of Vision or of the. Optic Nerve, or u dimmed state of the tlusuel constructing the eye. Sold by all druggiste. G. C. BRIGGS ct sons, uninllton, om. British American Business Colligt 00., (Ltd),00nfederauen Lire Building. Toronto. ACCOUNTANTS. Owned and controlled by loading Toronto busi- ness men. Best :liorthund college in Canada. Handsome prospectus free. New Term Begins Sept. 1, 1896. EDW. TROUT, President. Agents, â€" _ DAVID HOSKINS. Secretary. WHY DESTROY HEALTH, happiness, sleep and domestic felicity by _drinking impure water. Sir Henry Thompson says the only safe water to drink is mineral, and St. LEON has been shown by analysis and exper- ience to be the best water yet discov- ered. Don't endanger life by drinking filthy water. Get a jar of St. Leon at once. For _sale by all principal Grocers. Druggists and Hotels. or ST. LEON MINERAL \VA'I‘EII. CO. (Limited) Head Office, Toronto. THECOOK’B TFRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. ? In what the People wantâ€"VENTILATED IOOTB keep youryfoef - H E 3 summer, dry and warm In winter. Persplratlon dampneae abound?“ . 1'" TS. : | .-. w’ 4» ~ 'o4-I‘ '. e’. 4 ’r ‘ v « n â€"' . . - .. x . ‘0 ‘..=g‘:‘."43~.‘?’.v}"?4§ "Sf 79%, «2512"»; ,_ .H‘ ,. -. . ., l. 1... ur PIIIIIES Bverythlug the farmer cells ls low. Who 2 , sells [ow to tilt! ? We line to eitedly refuted . . tome. and. therefore. defeate windmill ccmbl- ,; -‘ nations. and have. since '69. reduced the cost of :9; wind power to c-neveixtb what it was. t'. , . is; We believe in low ricu, high grade: ' - .- and large “In. 0 one known the , " best pum or rlcu until he known :7? n _ ours. a ma 3 short hand and long g four stroke pumps, with but sunk in; WABO cu bran tube cylinder. lower than ;' v ton onesâ€"e 255116 inch titan. Tell :’ '2 yonrdealer. Boycott-other. Aemotor prices.“ goods are IIWI)". but. Through gratitude, and " because we no true. makers, and are sales: to , dell with, the worl hu given us more than half .. Itewiudmill business. “'e haveaobnnch housesâ€" ’, ‘v . one near you. Write for healthily ill-luau duel". 5- v I. ctr-.4112-2:r3.:;.5...,».,-r,v -. 4.: Wu, .. . ‘ '* -:. . ,‘¢‘l~_- ... -.... . . ~.. --....â€"â€"- w. .w._.-. ...-. -....p... u.