k .. saw ras BATTLE. lode 120 mm and Wired Four Columns, All Within Thirty “can. The greatest feat. ever performed by a war correspondent was that of Arch- ilnld 1870. The nearest telegraph station, Semlm, was distant 125) miles from the Scene of the battle. and the available riding nags were of the worst possible di-scriplisui. As soon as llr. Forbes knew the result of the battle. he rode off at a gallop. and all night longy he kept at it, changing borers every 15 miles. and forcing them on at the top of their speed. AL nine o'clock next. morning. sore from head to foot, he was cluttering over the stones of the Belgrade ill-.lll street. and never drew tutu until he reached the ferry boat. At Semlin, one long drink of beer, and then at once to the task of writing. hour after hour against time, the tidings of which be. was the bearer. After he: had written his story of the battle and put it on the wires. he lay down in his clothes. and slept. 20 hours without once awakening. lie had wit- nI-S‘ie‘d the battle, which had lasted 6 hours. ridden 1:30 lllllt'S, and written and dispatched to the Daily News a tell-graphic message, four columns in length, all in the space of 30 hours. W AS TO LOOKS. The woman who is indifferent to her looks is no true woman. God meant women to be attractive, to look well. to please, and it is one of her duties to carry out this intention of her Mak- er. llut that dress is to do it all, and to suffice is more than we can be brought to believe. Just. because we do love to see girls look well as well as to live to some purâ€" pots», we would urge upon them such a course of reading and study as will confer such charms as no modiste can supply. ‘ A wellâ€"known author once wrote a very pretty essay on the power of edu- cation to beautifyâ€"that it absolutely chiselled the features; that he had seen many a clumsy nose and thick pair of lips so modified by thought awakened and active sentiment as to be. unrecognizable. And he put it on this ground that we so often see peo- ple, homely and unattractive in youth, tones. \VONDERFUL SUNLIGHT. From a comparison of the relative in- lunar and artificial light, as determined by Profs. Euler and .\Vollaston, it appears that the rays of the sun have an illuminating power that it is wonderful in the extreme. deductions the il- "grcat day star" is equal to that of 14,000 candles, at. a distance of one foot, or of 8,500,000,- 000.UOU.UUU.UU=).IHill(300,000 candles at a 'distance of 95,000,000 miles; From the that the li ht which flows from the Isolar orb con (1 not be produced by the 'daily burning of 200 globes of fallow, each equal to the earth in magnitude. tensity of solar, According to their luminating power of the above fi uros it follows amount 0 .____â€"_â€".-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" MADE PRIME EATING. Ahl exclaimed the cannibal chief, smacking his lips, what kind of a min- ister was that we had for dinner? Your Excellency, replied his compani- on, I should say it was a Prime Minist- or. W PUTNAM'S CORN EXTRACTOR Cures in twanty-four hours.» This is the testimony of tens of thousands who have Putnam’s acts speedily, with. out pain and removes coma in twenty- uscd it. four hours. \VIIAT I-IE NEEDED. Mr. \Voodwarcâ€"That young fellow on have in your office is the most con- ccited puppy I ever ran ilCl'OSs'. Mr. Quecnswareâ€"Yes, I know; {but you must remember he is young yet, and his character is not fully formed, He has never been tried by fire. Mr. \Voodwarcâ€"Then you had better fire him. i People wonder why their nerves are so weak; why theyget tired so easily; why they do not sleep naturally; why they have frequent head- aches, indigestion and Nervous Dyspepsia. The explanation is ' simple. It is found in that Impurc Mood {ced- ‘ ing the nerves on refuse instead of the cle- ments of sirngihand Vigor. Opiate and nerve compcurgls ‘liilpr deadcn and do not cure. Hood 3 .arSap-srilla fer-«is the nerves Nil“, rich blood: gives natural sleep, fmiuct lacs- tlon. is the tmercmcdy for all nervous troubles. Sarsaparilla I: the One True Blood Purifier. All drugglsts. $1. cure Liver easy to H00d’5 take, easyto opt-rate. 270. O $W†Wm ‘M‘ ( '69‘ No. I Few i‘ Women 3’ ENJOY LIFE 58 k3; THEY DUGHT. “any on nimble «with and niclly, and . rut!" untold miseries f-q lhrough ailments pecul- «fi' in.- to thcitux. 1T 13 WRONG. MI‘II all these Ill: ro- ad: from womb trouble of some sort. No wo- man can remain weak @MPOUND IlllLES' (Cam) VEGETAILE COMPOUND and Kilas’ Sanative Nash. Prionâ€: andâ€; For sale by all Drum; The, :iuliiy and cum. and man um Hg! e "umber Rx' worth living. phosth xmphlcl. "Woman‘s Waugh,‘ fun on applaud \a. "A. M. C." 38010565 (0.. 518 St. Paul 51... Montreal. Medicinal “pruned L: an.) aura: t a order. .WW )lOOUl, in middle life, into softened In- dian Summer of good looks and mellow A GOOD SAMARITAN. Having Found Health He Points the Way to Others. Forbes in the Servian War of ms Advice Was .icicd rpon by Sir. mm Pain, of “'clllnglon. Who, as a Result, New Rejolccs in Renewed Health and Strength. From the Piston Times. Mr. Miles Pcttit. of \Yellington. was arccent caller at the Times office. He is an old subscriber to the paper. and has for years been one of the most re- specth business men of Wellington. He is also possessed of consrderablc inven- 0 Codive , against attack. have no a FAILURE IhIPOSSIBLE tive genius, and is the holder of several When Nervilme_nerva pain cure_is np_ patents for his own inventions. The "" '. . '. i " .\ . P ttit's serious . . , “mes “u 1“ “m†01 Ir e its penetrating and pain sub umg plied. It matters not how 10 standing . ‘ a '1 :dx'asde- . . “m long Gonunum Linea m ‘ er is such that relief is almost metam- lichted to see that he had been restor- Ct to health. romptly and emphatically Bl . P (tit r e 1 p Pink Pills did replied "Dr. \Yilliams‘ it†Being further Interrogath as to tions for the coming visit of the Czar. whether he was willing that the facts should be made public, be cheerfully consented to give a statement for that purpose. which in substance 13 as fol- lowszâ€"He was first attacked in the fall of 1892, after assisting in digging a collar. The first sym item was lameness in the right hip. w ich continued for gradual- It then other leg and sensations were and pricking. which nearly two years. 1y extended to the to both feet. The a, numbnes continued to get worse and worse. until he practically lost control of his feet. He could walk but a short dis- tance before his limbs would give out, and he would be obliged to rest. He felt that if he could walk forty rods without resting he was accomplishing a great deal. He had the best of med- ical attendance and tried many medi- cines without any beneficial results. He remained in this condition for about two years, when he unexpectedly got relief. One day he wasin Picton and was returning to Wellington by train. Mr. John Soby, of Picton, was also _a. pas- senger on the train. Mr. Sob , it will bo remembered. was one of t 6 many who had found benefit from Pink Pills and had given a testimonial that was published extensively. Having been bencfitted by Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills he has ever since been a staunch friend of the medicine. and noticing Mr. Pet- tit’s condition made enquiry as to who he was. Having been informed. Mr. Soby tapped him on the shoulder and said, "hriend you look a sick man." Mr. Pettit described his case, and Mr. Soby replied. " Take Dr. \Vllliams' Pink Pills, I know from experience what virtue there is in them and I am satisfied they will cure you." Mr. Pet- tit had tried so many things and failed to get relief that he was somewhat skeptical, but the advice was so disinter- ested, and given so earnestly that he. concluded to give Pink Pills a. trial. The rest is shortly summed up. He bought the Pink Pills. used them according to the directions which accompany each box, and was cured. His cure he be- lieves to be permanent for it is now fully a year since be discontinued the use of the pills. Mr. Peti'it says he be- lieves he would have become _utterly hefpless had it not been for.i;hls wonâ€" derful health restoring medicine. The experience of years was proved that there is absolutely no disease due to a vitiated condition of the blood or slrtltorcd nerves, that Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills will not promptly cure, and those ‘who are suffering from such troubles would avoid much misery and save money by promptly resorting to this treatmentl Get the genuine Pink Pills every time and do not be persuad- ed to take an imitation or some other remedy from a dealer, which, for the sake of extra profit to himself. he may say is “just as good.†Dr. \V‘illiams’ Pink Pills make rich, red blood, and cure when other medicines fail. __â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"-â€"-â€" JUST AS BAD. Does your girl ever give you the mar- ble heart? No; but she often turns the cold shoul- der. Ryukman’s fluently [lure Positive Cure for Rheumatism and Paralysis. â€" "Is Ampuv as to 'Sou ‘N '.i "sent Ottawa: Rheumatism cured by lxoot- enay Cure. G. C. Armstroiig, Esq., 184 Bossuer St.. Ottawa: Ryckman's Kootenay Cure cured me of Sciatica. Thomas Moffa't, Esq., 176 Murray St., Ottawa: Rheumatism entirely cured by Kootenay Cure. Mrs. Thomas Hewlett, 98 LaBreton St, Ottawa: One. bottle and a half of Ryckman's Kooicnay Cure was a com- plcle remedy for Rheumatism and Hives. Patrick Brenden, Esq., Russell House, Ottawa: Rheumatism cured by Ryckâ€" man's Kootenay. A. H. Taylor, lino†G.'I'.R. Ticket Agent. Ottawa: \Vas cured of Rheu- matism by Kootenay Cure. Bertha Carrigun, 196. Albert St., Ottawa: Indigestion entirely cured by Kootenay _. Cure. Mrs. John Manson, 276 Albert St., Ottawa: Cured of Elves by the Koote- nay Cure. Alma. Dory. 227 Church St.. Ottawa: lixnizn-ly cured of luflamatory Rheuâ€" modem. - - taneous. Nerviline is a nerve ve to en uiries . In am“ r q This statement as to how that had been brought about, and be convinced. ed to time. Kidney Cure." great surprise and . . of its exceeding promptness in reliev- ing pain in the bladder,_kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. plied with each bottle of Dr. . Catarrhal Powder, diffuses thlS powder Over the surface of the nasal passages. Sore Throat, ain cure. expresses a1. Try it are as noted for durability, convenience and economy of fuel. as for style and beauty.- IT’S POSSIBLE. Sheâ€"The secret. of my age is intrast- Heâ€"Are you not sometimes afraid that time will tell? Relief in Six Hours.-â€" Distress! Kidney and Bladder Diseases relieve in six hours by the “South American This new remedy is a delight on account It relieves reten- tion of water and pain in passxngit almost immediately. If youwant qmck relief and cure this is your remedy. The Mormon colonies in Mexico are prospering, owing to frugal and ener- getic busmess management. Hay Fever and Catarrh Relieved in 10 to 60 Minutesâ€"One short puff of the breath through the Blower, sup- Agnew'a Painless and delightful to use. It roâ€" lieves instantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Feverl Colds, Headache, Tonsilitis and Deafness. .â€".â€"â€" l I could not give my girl, slack, A yacht to cross the ocean; But then I've given her many asmaok To prove my love’s devotion. Rheumatism Cured in a Day.â€" South" American Rheumatic Cure_ for Rheu- matism and Neuralgia, radically euros in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at; once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 7:) cents. A toothpick factory flourishes. in Har- bor Springs, Mich. The output 15 7,500,â€" 000 toothpicks every day. _â€" CELERY SEIDLI'I‘Z. A poxverful nervine effervescent salt. A most prompt and effective remedy for sick or nervous headache, sick stom- ach, mental strain, exhausted nerves, sleeplessncss, ~depression of spirits, worry and anxiety, and all cond1tion8 arising from alcoholic or other excess- es. Doseâ€"From one to two teaspoon- fuls in half a glam of water, repeated. in twenty minutes if not relieved. For sale everywhere by druggists in 10 and 25 cent bottles. The Toronto Pharâ€" macal 00., Ltd., Toronto, Wholesale Agents. Consumgtion can be cured by the use of hiloh's Cure. This great Cough Cure is the only known remedy for that terrible disease. The new Russian loan of $200,000,000 floated by the Rothschilds in Paris was subscribed about 25 times over. Diseased blood, constipation, and kidney. liver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. NOT AFRAID OF IT. Housewifeâ€"Are you afraid of work? Slumbering Samâ€"No, marm. not in do least. I have slept soundly by do side uv it for hours. WEST SHORE THROUGH SLEEPING CAR TO NEIV YORK. One of the handsomest. sleeping cars that had evenbeen turned out of the factory is now running from_Toronto to New lork without change via the pop- ular West shore route. It is a. buffet car, and refreshments can be obtained en route, if desired. This car leaves Union Station. Toronto. every day except Sunday, at. 4.55 p. m.. reaching New York next morning at 10.10 a. m. On Sundays tho'slecper runs from Ham- ilton only, connecting With the through train from Toronto. Call at any Grand Trunk office inToronto for information Reservations or space in sleeping car. can be m ado in advance if desired. W.P.C 8739 Highest Award WORLD'S :7 Gold Medal: and FA! R other Awards 1'. ..Soap 33;"- NONI" nuancewonn u-wr .°,,,, 0 no ‘IIIONY ' Boon ton Wanna: o For every x: "Sunlight" o o wrapper: seal to Lever Bram, 144.. 70:01:10.: useful paper- - bonndbookwlilbeunfmr - o o scion-bound for sownppcu - o - m °OOO$Q¥§ ’ ' supplies just the kind f needed fat, prevents uselegs waste of tissue makes rich blood, and fortifies the body You should take it at once if you feel weak, tite, or are losin flesh. sac. and s...» n all drugguts. 90“" in an Elizabethan barge, and, landing - eustachian tube. When this tube gets inflamed RAVI YOU TABTBD . . . ~ . is the best known preventive .. “SAMBA†to serious Ion trouble. It saw-o“ TM- 8 maniacs. In £3.23... ALMA 13-353,! for Youxo Won u. 5;... . n... , minions. PRES. AUSTIN. A. QUAINT ENGLISH CUSTOM. Once in five ears the Mayor of Newâ€" castle, Englan , is rowed up the river green, kisses the prettiest at. a village lves her a sovereign, La girl he sees and to clinch Newcaat e's r' hi: to the fore. lmnndlqur In mam t as: am used. a» mu. 3.. Bl. “03:03.. t and Most Successful Common! School in the Dominion. Hundreds of atudon placed directly into good paying positions. ino lub omitâ€"Saves machinery. Asthma, Can he. Colds and Group are cured every ay by Shiloh's Cure. "Make hay while the sun shines" Is advice ‘often needed. "Make love while the moon shines" Is oftener heeded. Cold in the Hoad.--Nasal Balm ivss instant relief. speedily cures. Never ails. )Vaiter (at club restaurant)â€"â€""Ready With your order, ssh 9" City Sports- man (back from a week's fishing)â€" "Give me spme fish‘; I’m tired to death of other things." Stratford, 03: “1° Business Education at Low t P ‘ Graduates 1 “r†Ohm“ catalogue. a vm 5 sum... sful. Write LADIES' OOLLEGE. Demil shore. Some of those 0 d lish cus- E . to , vorytbing Strictly First Class. Camlom France is making elaborate preparaâ€" ma are 1101: so 33.51“, a m an. _ W' H‘ SHAW hump“ Karl's may†Root T“ puriï¬es ï¬ne "Rover hrnnmeelâ€"wnhoutmllt“ The Art Garland stoves and Ranges blood1 and gives a clear and beautiful . have the most artistic finish of any mmP-ean- _ that we have ever seen. They are \Vlld horses are. so numerous in everywhere acknowledged to be the Queensland, Australia, that the ople Samuel Rogers & no..| Ouosn Oltv 0| worka‘l’orull Alargo, ï¬nely-equi pcd old-oat canonâ€"non: BETPTER. m effllll‘ï¬â€˜ El; 1 '. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Opens Sept. 15th, in the CITY OF ST. CATHARINES. Deafness Cannot be Cured gy local applications. as they cannot reach the Sciences. S Soholarshi s, including‘nll English branceo angun es, Fine Art. Music, Eloou eased portion of the car. There is only one “On Commercial curse well ru way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitu- andilflundri'. for $165 for'the yearriiigiii-ngé’éa ' I , 10 tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an at 0006- Atidrosa REV. A. 13. DE inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the YOPkVille Ave, Toronto, Ont. KENoofl’cr equal in America. on have a rumbling sound or im errect hear- A Pipe Off!!!" 10? DfnClicc in tho 0011680. mg. and when it is entirely closet Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition. hearing will be destro ed forever; nine cases out of ten are cause by catarrh, which Ls nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. best made, while they cost no more than Shoot them to reduce their mum on d u . xâ€".» , . I . _ - year c f nâ€" - ~ .. LS often asked for Inferior EOOdS They Thousands of cases of Consumption. “3%,, “0,,g,3;.,ï¬;{;;gy;umg§ v“ 2 We will give One Hundred Dollars for any llilLTON LADIES' COLLEGE and Conservatory of lllusi l The 37th year will begin on Sept. 8th, I890- oaso of Deafness (caused by outarrh) that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sand for bli‘ll‘gfggngrâ€˜Ã©ï¬ Si‘flfï¬n‘: ï¬gdfpm‘bmenttl- . 0‘ new on or E‘Sold by Druggisla, 750. Fâ€"ncâ€"n A Turkish in“ has been issued “0‘3: British American Business Collegt ifying the Council of Armenia and Patriarchate that they will be held re- sponsible hereafter for any treason on the part of the Armenians. â€"â€"â€" Toronto. ACCOUNTANTS. 00., (Ltd), confederation lire Building. LFFIIJATED WITH INSTITUTE OF CKARTRRID Owned and controlled by leading Toronto bulb, Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Min- utesâ€"Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief .in all cases of Or- ganic. or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedin effects acure. It is a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of One dose convinces. Handsome prospectus free. New Term Begins Sept. 1, 18M. EDW. TROUT. President. DAVID HOSKINS, Score A a Diseased Heart. m La Blache, the great basso, had a voice so strong that on several occasions it cracked the window glass in the room where he was practicing. flamed I! Chronic ran Piles Cured in 3 to 6 {Nightsâ€"Dr. of Sight. from iAgncw’s Ointment will cure all cases of Itching Piles in.from 3 to 6 nights. one application brings comfort. For Blind and Bleedin Piles it is leerless. Also cures Tetter, ‘ 1t Rheum, czema, lBarber's Itch, and all eruptions of the lskm. 35 ol‘s. FULLY OCCUPIED. o r in d u 00 d ' aorofulous or or other causes; \‘l'ouknoua of Vision or of G. c. BRIGGS at sass, Agents, â€" â€" circulars, free. . . F. J. CHENEY so CO..'l‘olodo, o. kmmgytmmnz EgghNetsob stifling the men men. Best Shorthund College in Canada. tam ._...‘ Sovereign Remedy For Wonk and II:- ed. 111» _ Lion of the Gland Film or Weakno 80' uto or chronic i [lamination who - b lgii’l the Optic Nerve, or o. diseased state of the tissue! constructing the eye. Sold by all drugglnta. \Vhai: does Miss Frivolous do when Montreal Exposition company she isn’htakin care of her dog? I â€"-â€"â€"â€"--â€"- She thinks a out him. FRIDAY. 11th _ _ I 10 cts. Cures Constipation and Liver 8ATll§nAY,SEPTE-M 19th Illsâ€"Dr. Agncw’s Liver Pills are the 1896_ I most perfect made, and cure like magic, lSLck Headache, Constipation, Bilious- ness, Indigestion and all Liver Ills. 10 cents a vialâ€"40 doses. CONTENTED. Say, Boberty, in all your travels did you ever happen to see the ghost dance? No. I'm always perfectly satisfied if 5 I can Silica the ghost walk regularly once a wee . I'II‘TE Montreal Exhibitio ENTRIES CLOSE 31". AUGUST. ._...L_.. M._____ A N c THECDOK’S BT FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Splendid Show of lee Stock. Manufactures, Fine Poultry Show. Military and Other Bands. Reduced Rates on all Railways. For all information apply to 8. C. STEVENSON. M'gr 56 Booy. Grand Agricultural and Industrial Fair. Maznlflcont Horticultural Display. Machinery in Motion. NEW SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. 76 St. Gabriel Street. Montreal. still}, voiliauilï¬i “Al'le To HEAVY CONTINUOUS TUBULAR and FIRE-BOX BOILER Bond for donorlptlvo muloguu v .l' is a solid handsome c he or scouting soap which has unequal for all cleaning purposes except in lite laundryaTo use it is to value. il'm What will EAPOLIO do? Why it will clean paint, malts oil-cloths bright, and give the floors, tabla: and shelves 3. new appearance. It will take the grease off the dishes and oï¬' the pots and p . You can wear the knives and fork: with it, and make the tin aba- shine rightly. Tho wash-basin, an bath-tub. even the greasy kitchen sinkwlll be as clean as a now pin if you nu SAPOLIO. One cake will prove all may. Be a clever housekeeper-admit. BEWARE OF lMlTATlONs. THERE IS BUT OHE SAPi’IUO. ’ ENOOH MORGAN’S SONS 30., NEW YORK. was» Enom E8 on; gas-.2: SAW MILLS WATEROUS, Bran’cford, Gentile. 3 A -4. . 1,, _. _ . ...................., a“ 5...“- «p.- ‘ c ‘at' .. . mug..- u. .wn..-‘ . @«a‘.m w 1‘ a