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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 11 Sep 1896, p. 3

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COAL CONSDHPTION. â€"â€"' A REGULAR GRIPPLE- (amber of'roiu Consumed on the Ball The Story of an Old settler in way: of the World. Art .‘ndustrious trifler. writing in a. French review, has been at the pains to ascertain what is the annual con- sumption of coal on the railways and steam companies of the country, and be has worked out a total of 3,782,850 tons. This, he tells us, would make a pyramid 516 feet high and 894 feet at the basis, or nearly 70 feet above the Dufferin County. iSnlfei-ed Teri-Iny with Rheumatism. and Bad to tse flrchnnical Appliances to Turn in Bedâ€"Friends Thought he Could Not Recover. From the Economist, Shelburne. .Ont. . Almost over body in the townshipugf ihielancihon, ufferin Co., knows ; . ;\\'m. Au ust, J.P., postmaster of Au- .guston. ‘ r. August, now in his 77th i b - height of the Great Pyramid. Theniyear, came to Canada from England he goes on to calculate that if all this § forty years ago, and for thirty-eight. coal were loaded in trucks the trainiyears has been a resident of Melanoâ€" would be 1.625 miles, orâ€"as with a,thon. During some thirty years ofthat nice feeling for the Franco-Russian - time he has beena. postmaster, and for alliance he puts itâ€"the distance beâ€"leleven or twelve years was a member tween Paris and St. Petersburg. If of the township council, for some years this train had to traval at the rate of ; holding the position of deputy reeve. 18 1'2 miles an hour. it would take her . He has also been a justice of the peace tween 3 and 4 days to pass a givenisinoe the formation of the county. It pomt. ’l‘he railways of the whole worldiwill thus be seen that Mr. August consume, he asserts, on the faith ofistands high in the estimation of his statistics which are doubtless fairlyineighborg_ accurate. nearly 63,000,030 tons of coal,i In the winter of 1894-5 Mr. August which would make :25 “Great Pyraâ€" was laid up with an unusually severe mids." but he does not draw any mor- attack of rheumatism. being confined ‘11 from “1988 figures except that 8- to the house and to his bed for about great deal of carbonic acid is thus preâ€" three months. To a reporter of the Clplmted into the atmosphere- Economist, Mr. August said: "I was in factare ular cripple. Suspended from the eel ing over my bedovas a rope which I would some With my -~. A BIG CIRCULATION. A statistician has learned that the annual aggregate circulation of the pa- pers of the world is calculated to be 12,- 000.000,000 copies. To grasp any idea of this magnitude we may state that it would cover no fewer than 10,450 square miles of surface, and it is printed on 781,250 tons of aper, and, further, that if the number 2,000,000,000 represented, instead of copies, seconds, it u ould take over 833 years for them to elapse. In lieu of this arrangement we might press and pile them vertically upward to gradually reach our highest moun- tains. To ping all these and even the highest A ps, the pile would reach the magnificent altitude of 490, or, in round numbers, 500 miles. Calculating that the average man spends five minutes (this is a very low estimate), we find that the people of the world altogether annually occupy time equivalent to 100,000 years reading his paper in the day reading the papers. HO‘W THEY WILL PROVE IT. The way explorers will prove that they have reached the North Pole is explained by one of them. "I will take a bullet and suspend it. from a. string. This bullet will cast a. shadow. In our latitude the bullet would, in a day's V At the North Pole the shadow would make a per- fect circle. I will photograph the cir- cle throughout the day. Of course, it time, describe. an ellipse will be necessary to bring back only an arc, or practically impossible to get. a picture of the perfect circle. Any part; of_ it. however. would be enough to convmce a scientist that I have reached the North Pole.” __.__._-.â€"â€"â€"â€"-’ CHEER UP Cheer up. ye toilcrs of the earth, And pray, peruse my rhyme; The millionaire can only eat One dinner at; a time! Ono bed at night alone can rest, That form we envy so, And just one journey at a. time Is all that he can gol His clothes and hats and shoes may be Superb beyond compare; But just one set of each at once Is all that he can wear. There are so many, many things, His money cannot buy; And when he's ill. he's just as ill As either you or I THE REAL REASON. Bride at the wedding to best. man; “'hy is marriage often a failure? Best Man: Because not marry the best man. Blood means sound health. With purc. rich, healthy blood. the stomach and digestive organs will be vigorous, and there will be no dyspepsia. Rheumatism and neuralgia will be unknown. Scroiula and salt rhcum will disap- pear. Your nerves will be strong. your sleep sound. sweet and refreshing. Hood‘s Sarsapa- rilla makes pure blood. That is why It cures so many diseases. That is why thousands take it to cure disease, retain good health. ltcnmiiiber Sarsaparil Is the One True Blood l‘urifier. All druggists. $1. cure Liv-r ills; easy to HOQd‘S take.easy to oporate.25c. MWSMWO 9356’“? Many I Women 1 . new? BELIEVE Ia quack modulate. YOU DO scum thflmm weak and 01. no YOU 130w mm can easily to- @MPOUND $.53?“ '"'““‘ IILES' (0311.) VEGETABLE OBINUIID and lflu’ Sensitive Wash lots-flour all mm at T‘s-M 1&3. Imp-fl vault, and my. and uh tho life oltlu “mum Su’ worth living, ‘ y. 81%qu pun-files. ‘ Woman‘s Triumph. «in! man up it n. “will promptlyhoutheisbaam‘ "A. M. C." MEDICthZ CO.. 5:5 St. Paul 5L. flontml. part of a circle. As a day at the Pole is six months long it Would be the bride does hands, and thus change my pesition in bed or rise to a sitting position. I suf- fered as only those racked with rheu- matic pains could suffer, and owmg to my advanced age, my neighbors did not think it possible for me to recover. I_ had read much concerning Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and at last determin- ed to give them a. trial. I commenced taking the pills about the 151. of Feb., 1895, taking at the outset one after each meal. \Vithin a couple of weeks I could notice an improvement, and b the first of April I was able to be aiout as usual, tree from the pains, and with but very little of the stiff- ness left. I continued the treatment a. short time longer and found myself fully restored. It is now nearly a. year since 1 discontinued taking the Pink Pills, and I have not had any return of the trouble in that time. I have no hesitation in saying that I owe my recovery to Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills." These pills are a. perfect blood build- er and nerve restorer, curing such dis- eases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus' Dance, nervous headache, all nervous troubles. palpitation of the heart, the after effects of la. grippe. diseases de- pending on humor's of the blood, such as scrofula, chronic crysipelas, etc. Pink Pills give a. healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and are a spect- fic for troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from. metnal worry. overwork, or ex- cesses. Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. \Villiams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.. or Schenectady, N.Y., at 50c. a box. or six for $2.50. See that the company's registered trade mark is on the wrapper of every box offered you, and positively refuse all imitaâ€" tions or substitutes alleged to be “just as good.” Remember no other remedy has been discovered that can success- do the work of Dr. \Villiams' Pink i . ' - - STORBIY TIME. They must have had a cyclone. over at Newrichos last. week. What makes you think so? Mrs. Newriches said they had their monogram blown‘ into every piece of glass in the house. 6 IN PENETRATI NG POIVER. No remedy in the world equals Nerv- ilineâ€"ncrve pain cure. Neuralgia and rheumatism are. relieved almost. in- ,stunily, and the minor aches and pains 'aa'e cured by a single application. Ner- viliueâ€"nervo pain cureâ€"is sure to cure. Why Kidney Disease Cannot be Cured by Powders. Tablets or Pills. One of America’s most eminent spec- ialists. who has for years studied pro- foundly the construction :is well as the disease of the kidneys, gives it as his belief that. pills. powders and tablets are almost worthless in the. treatment of kidney diseases. Bright's disease, di- abetes, gravel. and alums! all disorders of the kidneys are caused by the presâ€" aencc of oxalate of lime and uric acid, both of which are solids. In order to dissolve thesq solids so that they may be eliminated from the system a liqu- id medicine must be usod. South Am- erican Kidney Cure is the most perfect solvent known. and for this reason it generally relieves in six hours, and never fails to cure. CAN'T ABBREVIATE IT. A great problem is soon to occupy the minds of the people of the world. In four years the sweep of time will carry us into a new century, and the figures which indicated the century of 1800 will be. exchanged for 1900. \\ him this time comes can we abbreviate the year in writing and printing, as we do now in 1896? If we may abbreviate. how shall it be done? How will this look. '00! Or this, 19'? “'hen you. write at the top of your letter. August 10th. ’96, it looks all right; but August 10, '00. will not be at all satistactory. Did you ever before think what an inconvenient time 1900 is ing to be? If so. just oonsuler how luc. 5; your stars are that you Will not be living on this mundane sphere in 2000! BIS STRONG AND \I'EAK POINTS. Dobbv tells me that he can carry im~ mouse sums in his head. 1 Perhaps so. but he never carries over , [fifty cents in his pocket. of CodgliVQr fives immediate aid by soothing 3 Oil, with Hypophos- 2 phites ventive Three Years of Intense A ony From Rheumatism Ended in Three Days by South American Rheumatic Cure â€"Cost $1.12. Mir. F. Nugent, of Niagara Falls, Ont.. writes: "For three years I have sufferâ€" ‘ ed intensely from rheumatism. The in in my; limbs was especially severe. r. Smlt . our loo-Ll druggist, advised me to take South American Rheumatic Cure, which I did. As a. result, am perfectly free from rheumatism. One and a: half bottles cured me in three days. Sold by druggists at 75 cents. MERE ASSUMPTION. Mrs. Grumpeybâ€"VVhy do nearly all the people cry at weddings? Grumpeyrâ€"Because most of them have been married themselves. Ryekmaii’s finality [hire Positive Cure for Rheumatism and Paralysis. Alma Dory, 227 Church St., Ottawa: Entirely cured of Inflammatory Rheu- matism. Maggie O’Brien, East Templeton, Que; Cured of Rheumatism by Koote- nay. 'John C. Kenna, Esq, Richmond Road, Ottawa: Ryckman's Kootenay cured me of Rheumatism. ‘Martin \Vatson, Esq.. Ottawa: Rheu- matism cured by Ryckman’s .Kootenay. Hugh H. O’Connor, Esq.. 257 Nepeine St. Ottawa: Have taken two bottles of Ryckman’s Kooiuenay Cure, and am now a. new man. - D. C. Smith. Esq., Glanford P. 0., Out; Cured of Rheumatism by Kooteâ€" nay. ‘ Mrs. W. Brooks, 47 Ferguson Ave. 8.. Hamilton: Cured of Rheumatism and other complaints by taking Ryckman's Kootenay Cure. Do not know its equal. \Vm. Reid. Esq, 394 Barton St... East, Hamilton: One bottle and a. half of Ryckman’s Kootenay Cure, complete- ly cured me of Sciatica. â€"â€"â€"â€" ‘ I J. B. Samson, Esq, 211 Church. St... Ottawa: Indigestion cured by Ryck- man’s Kootenay. . Mrs. \Vm. Grieve, 56 \Vilson St., Ham- ilton: Cured of Inflammatory Rheuma- tism by Koobeinay. â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"°â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- SHE’LL RULE BY RIGHT. I'm afraid than when Yappy and that Miss Prettyold are married she Will run the whole establishment. And why not? She will be the senior ' partner by at least ten years. LIFE’S A BURDEN IETHE STOMACH is NOT RIGHT. Is There Nausea? Is There Constipa-- tion? Is the Tongue Coated? Are You Light-Headed? Do you Have Sick Headaches? Any and all of those denote Stomach . and Liver Disorder. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills act quickly and will cure most stubborn and chronâ€" ic crises. No ttnploilsuntness. No gripâ€" ing. These little pills are little wonder workers and are farâ€"famed. 40 in a Vial for 10 cents. The larvae of the mosquito are the "\vigrrinrs” and "tumblers" so familiar in sis‘gnant water. â€"â€" Some kinds of wasp honey are ex- tremely pmsonous, a few grains caus- ing a. kind of delirium. The Art Garland Stoves and Ranges‘ are too well-known to need any indorso- 1 meat. from us. and we. only require to call the. attention of our roadch to their reputation and advise them to examine. into their nieiiis. Any Stove or Range bearing the name "Garland" is warranted to be the best that; can be made. W.P.C 831 i THT . . .. BEAUTIFUL WHITENESS WHICH YOU 80 MUG” DESIRE To SEE AFTER TH. CLOTHES HAVE BEEN WASHfiD. 0‘” BEST Bl SECURED BY USING . a a o ‘SOAP‘ :2 ’â€" on oâ€" 3".- 0r- .â€"- :3 ’â€" oâ€" It is also well to Book] for remember that Wrappers. Pol olotbuwasbedwith every :1 "Sunlight" E this Soapare saved wrapper; seat to from any in'ury; so Lever Bros. 144.. c are the b a. Toronto. a useful , This Soapcannot pa bound book hurt anything. til i be not or a Ii :1 para. cloth-bound for so L IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVWVIIIIIIIIIIIII _ Try it. wrappers. I"? - - .ris Ik£i~ E‘ 1 ‘ 4. ‘. x? 391;" :h ' curing colds and so I the pre- POWer by ngcfim e system can withstand disease. soc-.8131] druggists RAVI YOU TASTI§ ‘ “SALADA” GEYLON TEA. stu born cough and so Iyin tonic IT I: sold on remedies to the weakcne systgm. It “mm”. w W m“ prevents consumption by promptly - amazon: iii? a QC t. I 1 m; in. .Bt: i_ aunt-attire: T8 to ' Adelaide seizures- I o I Patent- obtained T n in all countr as by International Patent Bureau. 13 Melin ASL. Toronto. longest experience. Lowest. rat Information tree. G. 0. FRRIMAN. Man R. A. Kurosn. Expert and Examiner. STINGING CORNS, Next toa stinging conscience makes life a misery. The. stinging pain of a corn ‘may be speedily and painlessly removâ€" odEreSurxeonandocull""01“ 3'" ed by the use of Putnam's Painless Y(Wk- Wl” b° ‘t p”"‘"‘"‘“mrl“m1 ‘ C ' E- H ' ' s 1 cm Extractor. ,T v - )0 ospiial 87 king 8:. E... Toronto, opt. Ii ‘ enty four hours w12m.to poiiform operations on the eye. and Remove Cataracts. etc. DOCTOR SATTERI.E E. the Coiehrah ,after Putnam’s is applied the corn may Lbe removed. i i r WORONTO cu'r'rmc scuoox. oiTei- an- 1 Twelve People Silt down at an Em?) eQiialled advantages to oil dosh-mi: 0! .N. H., dinner table recently whose uniâ€" acquiringathorough and practical knowlodz ,ted ages were 900 years. or cutting veiuiemon’s gin-minis. Write cl once for spec al oil‘er. Addrffii. 113 '01:”th Tomato. Also agents for hicl owel “a La OJ Garment Drafting Machine. PATENT MONUMENTS, DRUMENTS ENAMELLID IN . Granite and Marble. super- ior to siono. See our display a Toronto Exhibition. H'Agou wanted. Catalogue tree. m METALLiC Moxunnxr 00.. m., ‘3 ~' 1‘91. 289;. 841 Yonge St" Toronto. Iron Fencing, Office at. communion Railing. ' and all kinds of man Minna: WORK. ronom’o vanes AND ORNAMENTAL WORKS i TORONTO. CAN. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications. as they cannot. reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitu- _ tional remedies. Deafness is caused 11 ' an I lnflamed condition of the mucous lining o the cusiachian tube. When this tube gets inflamed . Em have a runibiiug sound or imperfect hear- ] g. and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the remit. and unless the inflammation can be 1 taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition. hearing will be destroyed forever; l nine cases on}; ol.‘ ten are can-ed by catairh. which is nothing but an inflamed condition or the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrb) that can- not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars. tree. F. J. CHENEY 8:. 00., Toledo. 0. M'Sold by Drugglsis. 754:. The worker wasps, like the worker bees, are smaller than the queens or males. .â€"â€"-â€"â€" ____________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€""P 0 federation WEST SHORE THROUGH SLEEPING BRITISH AMERICAN L32: CAR TO NEW YORK.~ Building One of the handsomest sileepingtcglil's Cor, Yon’go . that had ever been turner on o 9 Richmond factory is now running fromToronto to TOrCN‘IO, strogtg. New York without; change Via the pop- , . . Affiliated with Institute of Chartered Accountantl. ula‘r “' est shore route' It ‘5 8‘ bunet Directors and Sliareholdorsâ€"Edw. Trout. E. B. Q car. and refreshments can be obtained Ularluon. Fred Wyld, Stiiplcion Caldt-Colt wm. no. on route, if desired. This car leaves Cabe.S. r. McKinnon. n. E. Thomson,Q.O. Write id . . . ttd' l. a mhlts. Union Station. '101'0nt0: 0V8” ‘1” milib'w."riilirictiii.r1°>r'iansia33:.p °D.nosams.seo'y. 'except. Sunday, at 4.55 p. m., reaching , New York next morning at 10.10 a. m. _ On Sundays the sleeper runs from Hamâ€" V ilton only, connecting With the through train from Toronto. Call at. any ~(«rand Trunk office in Toronto for information or space in sleeping car. Reservations can be made in advance if desired. TORONTOâ€"Gerrard and Yonge Sta, Gives the latest and best courses of trainin. . . ' in its Commercial. Shorthand and Poll Some Varieties of mosquito E'ogktonlfi rgztnshigzibeoartments. £3 ziii‘dcntslasslist- . 0t ers are .1100 urna u a, e oposi 101 Sin SIX wee 's. ‘e a .puri. cu at" by ddy’ h by writing for New Pro=poctua Mention thll paper. Address, W. H. SHAW, Principal. .sâ€"._._.. _ _.-__ are equally ferocious. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a. sure cure for Headache and nervous diseases. N0< thing relieves so quickly. Tired Tattersâ€""Yes, sir, pard. it pays ter be honest." \Veary Vaggics‘râ€"“I know now why ye'r so durn poor." I \ Consumption. LaGrippe, Pneumonia, ‘ iASKYUNG AHIiIGNT FOR IT, OR SENDA 30m STAMP a FOR PARTICULARSPRICE LIST, SAMPLES.COTTONYARN.&c. ' ' iScpob‘toRa:229‘;scna1'q;( “W . ,. _, , a , insuth - v . :2 _ ,. sm’YnA‘as. and all Throat and Lung diseases are cured by Shiloh's Care. A cat with eight feet belongs to Miss Edna \Vebster. of Delaware, Ohio. Ask your physician, Isour druggist and your friends about-S iloh's Cure for Consumption. They Will recommend it. For the last fifty years of her life, Betty \Vebster. of W'ensleydote. Eng- Sho has 2. non TwnN'r‘r land. was a constant smoker. .just‘. died. at. the age of 107. i Constipation causes more than half the ills of women. Karl'splover Tea is a pleasant cure for Constipation. Arthurâ€"“Arc you sure she loves you?" Jackâ€"“Yes. ‘Vhen I told her I had no money to marry on she asked me if I couldn’t. borrow some." Cold in the Headâ€"Nasal Balm gives instant relief. speedily cures. Never fails. Laughter proves nothing. \Vise men laugh and idiots grin all the time. M - THECDK’SBESTFRID » LARGEST SAL; m CANADA.__4 ‘ A 1 CELERY SEIDLITZ. i A powerful nervinc effervescent salt. sovereign IA most prompt and effective remedy Remedy for sick or nervous headache,sick stom- ach, mental strain, exhausted nervesfi sleeplessncss. depression of spirits, ‘ worry and anxiety, and all conditions; arisin from alcoholic or oilier excess-f es. ose.â€"lr‘rom one to two teaspoon- i fiils in half a glass of water. repeatcdl in twenty minutes if not relieved. Forf or induced 1), sale everywhere by druggists in 10 aorofiiloul ori In and 25 cent bottles. The Toronto Phar- or other utilises; \i'eultnemi of Vision or of hl‘ macal Co., Ltd" Toronto, \Vholcsale Optic Nerve. or a diseased state of the tissue! Agents. l constructing the eye. Sold by all druggism. G. C. littlqu Ar soss, Agents, -- â€"â€" Hamilton, Ont. .___4 For 'Wenk ind II- iiamod Eyes, Chronic tirunnla- tion of the Gland l’ilm or Weakno of Sight. from so! iito or chronic sa- ilammation wheth- ‘ PfllLLS. MILLS & HALES, llnrriiicr. . Solicitor ‘ 51c" Abodcrn tilt-[1143174, 3.5 Adelail . 5 root bust, ’I‘uronto. Money to Loan. I a. G. Mills. BIL-A. Mills.â€"â€"Jas. llalos. LLB. G. T. PENDRITH 13 to 81 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. Catalogui- on application. All Bakers Should Have 7 hem. Croat Labor 83v“ , XGUBSINS i A large. finely-equiézipté . tailg'egtgglgrggd lilzfitli all; ' -1" ‘ ~T0â€" ‘ gdigggilold‘ifcngiin at Lowltaslt Pog3b‘lgCofsi; tllld ra on s a ways sures“ u . r o . CANADIAN NORTH-WEST w. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Going Sept. latâ€"Return until Oct 3M Going Sept. l5thâ€"Relurn until Nov. l4th From all Stations In Ontario. Sudbury and East. For l’amplilei containing rates and full infot~ n'afion, apply to any (':.n -diun Pacific Railway Agent. or C. B. MCPHI’JIBON. 1 King M. IL. Toronto. . MANUFACX'HIID n1 V . i catalogue. “ Never Turn a Wheelâ€"Without Using” PEERLESS Ask your dealer for lipâ€"Take no imitation but .« n oral urpoae uil madeâ€"Adapted to farmer! Menu in. ubricantâ€"Savumaclu'ucry. lamuol Razors 8: Co..10ueon om 0| workaTorontt .o AAA..- a.._..m_.___.. A ,

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