xii; , ITEMS or INTEREST ____.._..__.______â€"â€"â€"-._. "k ....... A Few Paragraph: Which lay Prove Very Readable. Smells are so plentiful in BelllnEm-m Biff. \Vashin too. that they come to the margin 0 the water in schoolï¬ï¬ndi are drawn ashore with garden raked and } swoop-nets. A ton of the writer of the Dead 583- h'hun evaporated, yields lb? pounds of ’91:; a ton of the water of the Atlan- tic ()VP-‘lll, ‘51 pounds; a ton of Illa W3“ ter of the Pacific. 81 poundï¬- A. flat entered the ear of Adolphus Doncourt. of Flushing. N.Y.. and for an oour Adolphus danced without mus- ic. {lien a removing the little intruder- _ lhe longest distance to which appl'o' 3-caile has been thrown was at Slice- ouryness, England. on April 15. 1388- unen a Longritlge wire-bound- g‘m' WWW a. shot 21,338 yards. or 12 males 33! yards. A colored couple in Americus, Ga... met Justice Graham. on the street and reâ€" quueted him to marry them. He prompt- ll‘ gratified them, standing on the high- “W3 and then resumed his walk. This _world is full of suffering and The cold nose of a spaniel, pressed unhappiness. In every walk in lifemay Jgamst the face of a. sleeping man iii’be seen young girls, pale, 33110“,- and Mklaud. Mo†awoke him. He arose.inerjv'9less. the victims of troubles pe- tollowed his dog to the kitchen, and » t'lLliar to_ their sex from which they suf- found it flooded with. water from a]fer_in Silence, and with the mistaken leaking tank, notion that there is no help for them. The Cuban - . I t be- aJole,’l‘heir lives are made miserable by mulgems no mg lheadaches, dizziness, pal-pitetion of to buy the cannon in general use._ make them of a tree which has a. « - - . . . . 8min. bore them with hot iron, andslightest exertion; an indispOSition for leither work or pleasure, and frequ- str \ -. v‘ - f - r . . . . . ength‘e“ them “lb bandages 0 0x 'entiy a feeling that. his is butadreary hide ' burden scarcel worth reserv‘ .. ’ Perfectly healthy man 8-1'8 ch- 1“ all such we 3on take h2pe; tingling i512 0.11". {110ml}. at anrjl-I'lny 1‘86?!“th Sta“ cure for your trouble and it is with- llou In Chicago. 400 men applied for en“ in your power to be bright eyed, rosy lislmt'nt. and only twenty-seven of them Cheeked amd Imp ,v_ DI.- Williams: were milled. all of the Others, bemg Pink Pills for ~ale People will re- unsound. . . store your lost color, correct irregul~ some electricians carry a small com- critics and bring back health and hap- puss in their pockets, and before they [)111833. In proof of this assertion read touch a Wiro_hold the com near it. , the following testimony from those who If the needle is not deflectc , they know have suffered and found renewed health there is no current in it. and that it through this marvellous medicine. is safe to handle it. in China. liens are kept busy hatch- .. . , .mg ï¬sh. The wn is placed in egg_ Mr. William Stoughton is a well- shi-Lla, hermetically sealed, and a hen know.“ and 1.119“? esmemed farmer H“ is induced to sit. on them. At the proâ€" mg m the "malty 0f Barryvale- Ren- ll‘ time the little fish a removed and new County, on“ H6 is one Of the gut in carefully tendedrgonds. many who have reason to bless the day ' , that Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills wer D‘UFLDS a mall-P0X Beale, ,m JOh‘m‘ brought Into his home, for they save no» we. Africa. an enterprising fellow ed the life of his daughter Mr Siou h- ueclared that he was a_doctor. and With ton says: all] 1893 my daugï¬ter Him a. can of condensed milk and 3 Beefne a picture of health, and strengthhvent vaccmatcd about 1.009 people- Chergmg to Ardock, North Dakota. In April- of each of than five Shillings for 1115 531" that year she caught a severe cold v.ce_s. . ' g which brought her to the verge of the Lightning played guoer pranks in the grave. The cold was followed by head- residence. of Paul Simmonson, at Mpn- ache, dizziness and palpitation of the tague, Mich†It passed down the chim- heart, and she became so pale and em- ncy, rent the stove-pipe, burned holes aciated that her doctor there said shei in. a table-cloth, and out some picture was going into consumption and ad- Wircs. Six persons were in the house. vised her return home. She’had been but. they were not injured. under the doctor's care for some months A telephone wire in Springfield, Mo.. belore this advice was given. and in was unintentionally connected with the Kahlua-FY. 1894, she returned home. fire-alarm wires, and when the teleâ€" She was 50 weak as to be al.1110le 11011)- phone was tested the fire department less: and We decided that the Wombats AND SUFFERING GIRLS. A Nineteenth Century Danger. Physician MS sums“ ml Mothers are too Delicate About Advising Their Daughters-â€" Plain, Sensible Talk sWith Them Often Save Years of Suffering How They flan Have Bright Eyes, Rosy llheeks and he Happy. that my experiences will help them that I make this staement public. f l Miss Catharine Flood. daughter of wmding'the heart, shortness of breath on the' Patrick Flood, Esq.. who lives a. few miles from Mallorytown, Ont., says:â€" "A little more than a. year 0 I be- gan to decline in health. I sit con- stantly tired, my appetite failed and 1my color was deathly. My father saw a doctor and described my case, and lhe said the trouble was_a.naemia, and :sent me a bottle of medicine. I found that the medicine did not agree With 1 me and discontinued it. I was constant- I1y growing worse and was subject _to lweak spells and was fast becommg lit- tle more than a living skeleton. One lSunday after I had been to church, a. ;friend who returned “nth. me, strong- ly urged me to try Dr. \Villiams’ Pink iPills. I decided to give them a. trial and my father purchased a supiply._Tli_e %change I noticed was that t e ’dizgiâ€" ncss was leaving me. then my appetite ; improved and my color began to return T and soon I was enjoyin as good health T as I had ever done. t is now about {a year since I discontinued the use of :the pills and I have not felt one symâ€" ; tom of the old trouble. Ibelieve that , Pink Pills saved me from the grave and I I strongly urge other girls who may be gm 3 condition sianilar to mine to tr them. . i Miss Alma Miller. of Upper South- : ampton, N. B., says: “I scarcely know: ’when my illnem began, as my moth- . er was unable to work and most of the :‘duties of a large household devolved 'upon me. so that. I felt that. I must keep up, but I kept. getting worse and :worse. My appetite failed. my com- jplexion became sallow, and my eyes . sunken. I was troubled Withdizgmess. Tshortness of breath and palpitation of [the heart, until I would almost. suffoa cats. I was also troubled With a ter- rible pain in the side. I could not go best ‘ up stairs without resting, and was so was aroused by a long-continued false “m3 t° be ‘10“ was ‘0 send 11Ԡt° ' afflicted with headache that my life be- slarm, which for several minutes kept the hl‘DS'Slion hospital.Where she Could. the firemen on an exasperating hunt. 11.3“) llettel‘ treatment than was POS- sible in our country home. She re- mained for two months in the hospit- _ al. gradually growin weaker inst ad HO\V TO CURE CORNS. of Stronger, and as It seemed to ens Easy! Yes, if on go about it the that there was no hope of recovery we right way. Get L a best airways. Put- brought her home» At this time she nam's Painless Corn Extractor never was 30 weak 38 to be scarcely able to failetocure. Acts in twenty-four hours walk across 8- 1‘00m. ï¬nd was confined and causes neither pain nor disoomâ€" 3'1th GODSta-lltly to 11te bed. She was fort. Putnam's ‘Corn Extractor ex- Pale and. “INN! emaciated. had con- tracts corns; it is the best. Slant Pam m her back and limos. had literally no appetite, and was to all ap- pearances gradually sinking. SEED WHEAT FOR GERMANY. I came almost unbearable. At last 3 was forced to give up and keep_my bed. ‘ My friends feared I was gomg into con- ;sumption, but recommemded one rem- ‘edy after another, which, however, did Inot hel me. Finally I was induced lto try . Williams’ Pink Pills, and in less than three weeks I was able-to leave my bed, and after usmg the pills I a few weeks longer I feel that I_ am as ,well as ever I was. My appetite has ‘ returned as well, and my strength and general health is_ in every way restor- ed. I feel that in bringing this sub- we had; - ,' ' given up hope, for had not: the bestl‘lggttiggfoig the public I am only domg ' of_ physicians failed to help her? My‘l The 0mm“) Depzutment of Agricup Wife and I, like a good many more“ suffer' humanity, and. ope that all afflic ed as I_ was Will give Dr. Williams' Pink Plus a. fair tum has just received a, request from had. read much of the cures wrought I trial." by the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, l . y more, were 9 They somewhat skeptical. All else had fail-i ’ among the two farmers in Germany to send them and perhaps also like man small samples of seed wheat. ' say that they read reports in German 9‘1. however. and. We decided that per- . - -, mad . hops Pink Pills Y ‘ '~ 1 , papers of the hue “dds 6 at the Words cannot expiyggd‘eho‘woiiilzlmlffliiiuiï¬: Ontario Agricultural College of Dawâ€" ‘ . . - ' - son‘s Golden Chaff and Early Genesee £32: £5? :ï¬â€˜tbgfoémfmio $213.3???er Lxuint. The bulletin pullllShed by the were all gone there was a decided ini- oollege in August on the result of the provement. Ho e once more returned years testing 0f 74 “(miles 917 f8†and we procure another six boxes 5hr; wheat contained pb0t0,llllu,5tratlon,3 9‘ took them and the story is now sum- these two wheats KIOWlâ€"ng “1 the field- med up in two wordsâ€"was cured. ~She now feels neither pain not ache; her color has returned; she is strong and healthy, and does not now look like one who had ever seen a day's sickness. And this great change was brought about l'izluis' Pink Pills, after many of medical- treatment had failed, and [I what gives llood‘s Sursaparilla. its greatpop- at a “"19 When death “'33 thought t0 ularity, increasing sales and wonderfulcurcs. The combination, proportion and process in preparing llood'u Sarsuparllla are unknown to other medlcmcs, and make it peculiar to Itself. It acts directly and positively upon tho blood, and M the blood reaches every nook and corner of the human system, all the nerves, tnusclcs, bow": and tissues come un. der the bonellccnt. influence of of this great life saving medicine? Miss S. A. Manchester, of Huntley, Ont., writes:â€"~â€Up to the age of 18 I was always healthy, but at that time my health began to give way. My ill- ncss came on gradually and I was grow- ing weaker and weaker. My Complexion, hitherto good, became pale and yellow, ’ almost corpse like. My blood seemed to have turned to water; my heart would polpiiate Violently on the slightest. ex- ertion and I was easily'tired. if I went [0 the pump for a pail of water I would tremble. so badly that I could hardly reach the house with it. When going up stairs I had to rust when I reached the top, and if I walked a short distance I would almost choke from the effects of the Iii-art ptilpiialion. My hands and feet \vcre_most always cold. I was irregular in my periods. and altogether was .Lso'rry s *ctucic. I took dootors muwuwo prescriptions. let‘f, iron and wine, and No.1 while those helped me some I did not go; strong, nor did my blood appear to llllpl‘th‘. 'l'hen I decided to try Dr. I Williams' Pink Pills. When I had taken nearly two boxes I felt. somewhat betâ€" . ENJOY LIFE A. g. THEY OUGHT. a; ter, aud'from that out I began to re- am. can reman cover quite rapidly. I continued taking . 9| 5 i I » @Mpouuo W...†the Pink Pills for a couple of months and. when Ilstopped usin them I was agmn enjoying good heath. I gained mum (0m) VEGETABLE CONNOR. and Iliad mum Wash. mneth Yo: ‘10 by all flesh and strength. the heart trouble mv face; my changes became regular. K3! vitalin and new. “A not. the M “ Hm lox‘ worth living. we. " Won-a M‘ are In mil: “A. M. C." f'lEDlClNE CO.. 576 St. Paul St. Montml. M "M to In: “Mm «a order. "-""' éldP Sarsaparilla Th.- Oue True Blood l‘uriltcr. All druggists. 31. y..â€" mer Lin-r Ills: easy to HOOd’S l i5 t"'.:‘.4'.lâ€~)' to operate. ‘15:. Ken: In: miserable. In: and richly, and in!" untold miseries thrth ailment! pecul- lu \0 than ux. ['1‘ IS WRONG. Most all the†llll n- suli from womb trouble of mum. No to- lhc least fatiguc.~ In fact my friends scarcely realized that. I was the weak and miserable irl of a few months before. sorts, as the e ression goes. I resort for as I did. and It is on Trees which grow on the northern There are very few people, especially agriculturists of Kent. County. N. B., who do not know Mr. H. H. \Varman, the popular agent for agricultural machinery, of Molus River. A. Richibucto, N.B.. Review representa- tive was in conversation with Mr. \Var- man recently, when the subyect of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills was inc1den_tally, touched upon. Mr. \Varman said _he wusastaunch believer in their curative properties, and to justify hiso inion he \Varman, aged 15, who he said had been I related the cure of his sister, 3 iss Jessie IVVilliams' Pink Pills." by the use of twelve boxes of Dr. \Vil-l months f l l he not far off. Have we not therefore' reason to speak in the warmest terms' si in of a hill make more durable lumber state rmm upâ€"s “almost wrested from the rave by Dr. h 138 \Varman had been suffering for nearly a year with troubles incident; to girlhood. She suffered from severe anti almost, con- stant headaches, dizziness, heart pal- pitzition, and was pale and bloodless, and eventually became so weak and emaciated that her parents thought she was in consum tion, and had all ' but given up hope 0 her recovery. Her father spared no expense to procure re- lief for the poor sufferer. The best available medical advice was employed but no relief came, and although the parents were almost in despair, they still strove to find the means of re- storing their Ioved one to health. Mr. \Varman, like everybody else who reads the newspapers, had read of the many milI'VellOUS cures effected by the use of Dr. Willizims' Pink Pills, but like some others. looked upon these stories as “more patent medicine advertiseâ€" ments." However. as everything else had failed he determined that Pink I’ills should be given a trial, with a result no less marvellous than that of other 011585 related through the press. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have complete- ly cured the young lady. so that in a few months, from a helpless and sup- posedly dving girl, she has become a. picture of health and activity. Dr. \Vill'ioins’ Pink Pills are a. tonic medicine, enriching the blood and strengthening the nerves, thus reaching the root of disease and driving it from the system. They are beyond doubt the greatest medicine of the 19th century, and have cured in hundreds of cases after all other medicines had failed. The rent popularity of Dr. \Villiams' I’inlc -’ills has caused unscrupulous dealers to imitate them extensively, and in- lelt me. a healthy color returned to? tending buyers are ur ed to see that. and I was able to walk long distancesl every box is cut-loser and run up and down stairs \vithout . in a wrapper bearin the full registered trade mark "Dr. \\ illiams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- l i la." l’ills colored pink, but sold in ones form by the dozen, hundred or Nowi I feel myself out of ounce, or taken from glass jars, are fraudulent. imitations and should al- to Pink Pills ant am soon myself again. ways be refused. no matter how plans! I know there are many girls who suf~ ible may be the story of the interested y in the hope dealer offering them. . A Breton barber advertises "a sep- last word. acts as a brake to declining life. ceases and the intrusion†‘ Uflllllflll SENSE learn to Recognize Kidney Disease by its Symptomn. AVOID vaï¬ DANGERS. Never Neglect Your Trouble in its Minor Formsâ€"Never Despair at any Stageâ€"Dodd's Kidney Pills Always Cure. It is far easier to prevent than. to cure the serious forms and complica- tions of kidney disease. . \Ve don’t 511 this became we doubt. the efficacy 0 Dodd’s Kidney Pills,- but itis better toavoid the wear and 50°. and '8.†It all druggilto The downward course climb upwards ‘P'RyckmnIâ€"flâ€"IKnntenay [lure 1-!!! P031 vo Cure for Rheumatism and Paralysis. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER CURED. Mrs. Celia. Gillies, No. 9, Walnut. St, Hamilton, writes that she can recom- ment the. Kootenay Cure above all oth- er medicmes. She was a Ion suffers; from rheumatism, sore back, fired fool. ingand dizziness. and was nobon to d a day's work until she was cured the use of half 8. bottle of the ram Mrs. Gillies' daughter, a young lady of 17 years, was not well since she Wt! 14. She has now completely recover- ed her health. as the result of the u of Kootenay Cure. Mothers will be g1 to know of this medicine for young girls of this age. door by curing at the minor stage with! __ a. single box. . The dangers of every sufferer are of a threeâ€"fold unmetâ€"Not to know what ails; to loot when he knows} and to despair w' ‘ everyone says he m going to 639. v_ I ,If you are not posted in the symp- toms of kidney disease write to the Dodds Medicine Company, Toronto, Ont, for their Calendar for 1897. If: will cost. you only a postal card and is worth a. hundred. _ If you suffer and neglect kidney di- sease. _ every twenty death's result from this disease and that. every such death is prevented by using Dodd’s Kidney Pills. 'Ilo these who suffer and despair of cure, we briefly say; \Ve have never yet heard of Dodd’s Kidney Pills faiL- mg to cure. \Ve have letters from more than a thousand who were cured when given up by physicians and friends. “’0 ' have published many scores of such‘ letters and the writ- t'grgfaro still living in health and com:- o . . Over one hundred thousand persons in Canada. have been cured of kidney disease in its simpler forms-cured [by from one to three boxes of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. . lDlodd’s Kidney Pills Will cure _ any kidney disease. If in need of kidney treatment don't [permit ourself to buy anything short. of t 0 original and genuine. \Vhy should you try exâ€" lperiments to benefit tih‘ose who say they have something “just as good i" In the palace of Emperor William. in Berlin, 500 housemaids and 1,800 liver- ied footmen find employment. I ONE MNUTE CURE FOR TOOTH- ACBJE. ' '~ . Magical! in potency and power, pene- trating at once to he diseased nerve. Nervilmeâ€"nerve Pain cureâ€"cures tooth.- acho in a momen . Nervilï¬ne, the most marvellous pain remedy known to soicnce, may be used for all nerve pains. Test at once its efficacy. ~â€".â€" The memory of abeloved mother will often warm the heart and sway the life of a strong man, as her pre- sence never did when, as a boy, she yearned over him. ‘ Everybody knows that the Art Gar- lland Stoves and Ranges are the best. They combine elegant finish, durabili- ty and convenience with economy in fuel, and in spite of all competition hold their station far in advance of all oth- ers. \Ve take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to their merits. A cane worth $3,000, a. gift from some friends, is carried by Dr. H. H. Hale, of Detroit. It is ornamented with gold and jewels. and in the head is a fine watch. A FREE FIGHT. The rent reputation of Briggs' I'll:-| il- ‘13 such that it has induced] ectric unprincipled persons to adopt other names as near as possible. The proprie- tors of Briggs’ Eilcotric Oil have the nijime and style of 'the Electric Oil re- gistered both in Canada. and the Uliited Stlates, and no one can use it but them- se ves. The tall silk but first came into comâ€" mon use in Paris in 1797. Relief in Six Hours.â€"- Distressing Kidney and Bladder Diseases relieved in_ SIX hburs by the “South American Kidney Cure." [This new remedy is a great surprise and delight. on account of its exceeding promptness in reliev- ing pain in the b adder, kidneys, back and every part. of the urinary passages ll_l male or female. It relieves reten- tion of water and pain in passing it; almost immediately. If you want; quick relief and cure this is your re- medy. In all lives therein a crisis in the for motion of character. It comes from many causes, and from some which on the surface are apparently trivial. But the result is the sameâ€"a sudden reve- latlon to ourselves of our secret pur- poses. and a recognition of our per- haps long shadowed but now master- ful convictions. Rheumatism Cured in n Dayâ€"South Azncrimn Rheumatic Cure. for Itheu- matism and Neurnlgia. rallii-allycures in 1 toSdays. Its action uponlhe system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disapwars. 'l'he first dose greatly benefits. 76 cents. How much trouble he avoids who does not look to aye what his neighbor says or does or thinks; but only to what he does himself that it may be just. and pure. - .Brigg's’ Electric ()i.’ cures Ilheumap tism, .\!‘lll’fl;§’l'2<, Sprouts and Ilruisrs, fairs for dving" ignorâ€" comp‘c‘nts 'll'l‘ll'lg from cold ....- .. . - ,-. ...., .‘suchns 'l.z l .II'N' s inch grow on the southern antly omittinc the letter "e" from the so» Throat. Cough. Auhma, Bronchi- 312; 9.1:! difficult brr'i’hing. I i remember that nineteen out of» A law flint enacted by the l ' llr- ture of New Zealand excludes the hin- ese from that country. l Hay Fever and Oaialrrh‘ Relieved ! 10 to 60 Minutesâ€"One short. puff 't‘he breath through the Blower. nu?- pied With each bottle of Dr. Agnewa Catarrhal Powder. diffuses this Pom- derover the surface of the nasal sages“ Painless and delightful to use. lIt relieves instantly, and ‘ cures Catarrh', Hay Fever, rmment Old! Hon. u ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and D ness. a. tooth for a patron, an asaistantp no on a gong, to drown the cries o t o victim. When a dentist in China is pulliia $100, Reward, $100 The readers of this pa or will be pleotlwl learn that. there is at long one dreaded Adina“ that science has been able to cure in 3 stages and that is Ustarrh. Hull's Cater Cure in the only poultlw cure now known the medical fraternity. Catarrh being ace stitutionul disease, requires a constitutions treatment. Hall's Catath Cure is taken ternully, noting directly upon the blood on mucous nurfucea of the system, thereby d troylng the foundation of the disease. as giving the patient strength by bulldlng_up . constitution and assisting nature in domgnl ‘ work. The proprietors have lomuoh hilt. in Its curative powers. that. they offer Ono Kun- drad dollars for any case that it fails to euro. Band for list of Testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & 00.. Toledo. 0. ‘8' Sold by Drugglstl, 750. W.I’.C 889 “2....- Sunligh Soap Pictures " FOR Wrappers -; A pretty colored piotur'l for every 12 “Sunlight†or '. ; every 6 “Lifebuoy†Soap . wrappers. - ; These pictures are well 5‘ worth getting. Ad dross : ‘ LEVER anus, LTD 23 Scott S. ’.\_~.‘.;\:o.>.~.,\‘ .. . \ .- A,“ Farmer- hnvlnx fir-Milan “our fly to offer can secure money I. low rates by It? lain to W. E, I. g l, h on or CREDIT FUN , Eli, 28 Wellington H! East, ’I'UIION'I‘O. Strut ford. Ontario A large, fln--ly-equlppc(l. old-established inn!- mf-ionâ€"NONE BETTER IN CANADA. Bod Business Education at Lowest. Poulhlo Cost. Graduates always surctwful. Write an catalome. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. TORONTOâ€"Gerrard and Yong. Sta... Give! the latest and but course! of train in its Commercial. Shorthand and Pal. munch! Departments. 23 students null-O- ed taper: tlonein six weeks. Get Ill portion .1)! writing for New I’impoctun. Mention paper. Addreu. W. H. SHAW. Prlnolp YOU ARE ONE Perhaps, that has never trio] ‘Sa ada’ OEYLON TEA Why not now} It has no equal. In“! PM only. Black and Mixed. All grocers Sold at 25. 40, 50 A: 60 cents per lb: .._.... FOR 'I‘W ENTY-SIX YEARS. DUNN? {BAKENG powers THECUOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA‘ 5.44 .‘a s a â€" 9..-»-..Aâ€"Ju-c «Ari. . '1 ..-.-.‘-..-.-u.-..