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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Jan 1897, p. 7

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' hmmums Two Instances of Many Where The)‘ Effected Cures. MEN AND Wthiiiil MADE WELL Gratitude (‘nmpejs thn lo 'l'estit'y to the Curative ‘v'illu'f of Dodd's Kitln'.'_\' liljhfllllt' (il't'dlrii D15’- cm'ery of the l‘:'h Century. Smith's Fails, Ont, {h-c. lip-This vil- lilgu can ‘produce evidence indisputable tint the llz>ea~es most feared l-y nicn and women are rural-1c. 'l'wo well-known cilimens gr..it_el'u'_ly testify to the efficacy of Dullll's l\l(lllt.‘_\' Pills. They have been cured. . .\o kidney disense is so far advanced or so severe that these Piils will not d'l fer-t a cure. Bright's disease disappears, diabetes is conquered, gout subsides, calculi are dissolved, weak backs are made. ‘strong, rheumatism vanish-cs, through the agency of Dodd's Kidney Pills. ' . limits-ands of Canadians who have suf- fiit'in Distinct.‘ _ A BOON AND A BLESSIXG TO MAN- KIND. The Life of a Dyspt-ptic one of Con- stant Misery-One \Vho Has Suf- fered From Its pangs Points the \Vay to Renewed Health. l-‘rom the Cornwall Freeholder. The life of a dyspeptic- is prover- bizilly a. miserable one, eliciting uni- lvers'i. commiseration. Not so much lbcl'ausc of the actual painfulness of lilie aliment, but largely because it lprojects its pessimistic shadows upon lall the concerns of life. and here they lsit like a deadly incubus upon every lcnterprise. An _iinpai1_‘e_d digestion lgives rise to an irritability that ex- ; )oses the person to much annoyance, - sides being extremely trying upon others. “'e are all aware of the value lof cheerfulness in life. It is a flower lof the rarest worth and strongest at- l tractions. It is a tonic to the sick and la disinfectant to the healthy. 'l'hose things that destroy a man's habitual cheerfulness, lessen his usefulness, and THE POWER OP ELECTRICITY. By this agency Nerviline is made to penetrate to the most remote nerveâ€"_â€" every bone. musrie. and ligament_ is: made to fee.‘ its benefit-cut power. _\er<i viline in a wonderful remedy. pleasant to even the youngest child. yet so powerfully far reaching in its work that the most agonizing internal or ex- ternal pain yields as if by magic. “The Noddings have at last agreed to live apart." “Gracious! As bad as that?" “Well, it amounts to as much. Thlesy've taken a house in the sub- m ‘II It is not our custom to puff articles of merchandise. but in duty to our subscribers we cannot help mentioning the stoves sold under the name "Gar- land." Garland stoves and ranges cost no more than other first-class goods, but are superior in many ways. Happy indeed are the homes which contain a Garland Stove. “What kind of goods, ma'am?" asked the salesman. “I think," replied the young woman who had just bought a wheel and was about to order her first riding suit, "you may show me some of your early fall styles." good blood, im roves the appetite, mercascs flesh, furnishes bodily warmt , and prevents the ill results from colds, ‘\v/ N coughs, and exposures. l Monthly Competition Commencing Jan. 1897, and Continued during the you 31,82 III BIGYGLES AN" WATCHES GIVEN FREE EACH MONTH Sunlight colts Eiiiti siolz l . x of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypophosphitcs, is the best warmth- ~ food. Thin people, people with poor blood, who are easily Ni shaken by a cold wind, take Scott's Emulsion. Ni :i ‘w 5-.~c. and $1.00 at all druggists. ‘w 00m09§09006000000OOOOOOOOOOOOQQOOOOOMO § O. It makes 609669000 ‘0.960 LIKE MY WIFE TO USE “ SALADA ’? Ceylon. Tea. load Packets (Duty All Groccn Ithrk and Mixed 25r.. 40c‘... Mia, 6M dentfiflhflldsfllccnupcrmu- FREE l! gggt FREE II fercd f'i'ulil .Sitllln: form or Ul lie!‘ 0f kidney ought LherefOIe IQ be 18:15. tad ‘y Y0‘) R Standard Work If on o . . . Tm tlf'ls ‘C and e f c'ent remed The . - . y will: fulfil )_.'llllt, l0â€"(ltl\' 0!] (Y )t'.'l‘f . it lk‘allllâ€" bu ,‘i' ' ' tl- ‘ I l 1 ' 3 ' 01-“ 0E y ' e n purt'ci'll'rl 1 I, N (in ‘ l ' J,’ l (k duties that dEVOIVG 11an the average (p)?! Orlbl“&fth.,33llichmonll 'W..'.l'ol’0x"|“'.I thanks to Dodd's' Kidney Pills. Budd's Kidney l-illls are the cure. The)’ curi- backacke, weak back, bearing-down sensations of women, rheumatic pains wherecvrr located. 'l'hey cure Bright's disease. They cure diabetes. They cure them for a.l time .'l"hey have cured. others. They wiiIl cure you. Don't take our word for it, if you don't. wish to. Inquire of those who have been cured. Let those who have tried Dodd's Kidney Pills speak in their behalf. For example, read this statement from man and woman are invested in . so much difficulty as to put a premium on liopcl'ulnrss. The relation ‘between the prevailing moods of the mind, and the health of the digestive apparatus is close and vital. Hence it is not sur- have. caught the patronage of suffer- ers from indigestion. Judging _by re- sults, Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills IS a re- medy unique in its success, therefore it is confidently recommended as a safe and adequate cure for acute dyspepsia. Lhurch ul England lllergyman A Philanthroplst Makes Personal Investigation. RYCKMAN’S K00'PENAY CURE HAS SAVED ME s... Wrappers AS FOLLOWS I l0 First Prlles, $100 Sloarns' Bloyola,$ 1,000 25 Second “ $25 Gold \‘Ialoh . . . 625 Bloyole: and Watches glvan each monlh 15%; Total given dur'g year '97, $19,500 â€"__ “- Was the Verdict‘ in the 25 Cases He H0\V TO F" "l" and fu" aniwlm. sec the Toronto Lona PROF. UHAMBERLAIN, Eye Specialist, Will not travel an cure but. can bu fouu * at all times at his place of business, 79 RINK Street East, Toronto. Solld Gold Spectacles, scat by mull ifor “Q usual price $5.00. Walnuts liliugh Drops glygeuulzgtriggnjitizen of a town in last 'l'hls claim is slubstantifateéd byn exlper- InVeStlgElted. OBTAIN :gplhii; of ‘saiusday issue, or . . . l . o _ . . . . ience as the fol owing ac s Wi s ow. , . . y pos -car i Alinontt, Ont., Dm" ... HM“ Grace, Mrs. D. McCr'meon, of \Villlams- St‘ Peters Misston House, THEM R. .M‘. W. Stamped on each Drop. ‘i of this town, has been troubled with Lumliago, for over a year. Doctors could give him no relief. He is now cured. He says:â€""[ heard 0f the wonderful cures effected by Dodd's Kidney Pills. I thought 1 would try them. I have tried one box. and I must say they have cured mc. l have no objection to al- lowing you to publish’ this as you see fit. so it may help others. "Harry Grace, Ottawa St." Sbifoh‘s Consumption Cure cures where others fail. It is the leading Cough Cure, and no homo should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. First tramp-“The papers all say that work is starting up everywhere." Second ditto-“I know; isn't it_awful? You and l may be drawn into it yet." Stop that Cough! Take warning. It may lead to Consumption. A 25c. bot- tle of Shiloh"s Cure may save your life. A cigar store, in New Orleans, own- ed by a colored man, does a big trade town, Glengarry 00., suffered untold misery from a severe attack of dyspep- sia, which manifested itself in those many unpleasant ways for which dys- pepsia is notorious. Every attempt to take food was a menace to every feel- ing of comfort, until the stomach was relieved of its burden by vomiting. When not suffering from the presence of food in the stomach, there were oth- er symptoms more or less disagreeable consequent to tho. functional dis~ turbance of the stomach,_such an rim- paired taste and appetite, unwanted languor, increasing apathy, and failing ambition. Such an aggregation of the. symptoms produced a trying state of affairs, and relief was eagerly sought. One of the best physicians of the neigh- .borhood was consulted. He prescribed. IHis medicine was taken and his direc- risng that many would-bc-benefactors tions followed, but unfortunately three months of the treatment brou ht ‘no substantial relief. When Mrs. IcCrun- mon expressed her intention of trying Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills the _ ldoctor laughed and held the thought in deâ€" Hamilton, Ont., Sept. 25,1895. S. S. Ryckman, Esq., M. P., Hamilton, Ont. _Dear Sits-Acting upon your sugges- tion, I made personal inquiries from 25 persons of_different ages and various social conditions who have been stiffer- ing from Rheumatism and kindred dis- eases, as to the effect of your medi- cine upon them.- From each and every one the testimony was the same: “Koot- 'ro LEVER BR05., LTD., u Scott St, Toronto History for Really llelereiioo And Topical Reading IN FIVE IMPERIAL VOLUMES By J. N. LARNED, Ext-Pres. Am. Library Alc'n £8‘lean History on All Topics ln tho Exact Words of the Historians Themselves This work is a. New Departure in Book enay Cure" has saved me. Several very Making, as It fllla a place hitherto wholly un- striking cases of Chronic Rheumatism, Paralysis, Loss of Sight and Hearing came under my notice, and had it not been for the personal testimony of the patients themselves I could not have be- lieved that such results were possible. From young and old came the same hearty and grateful testimony of pain removed, health restored, and a new lease of life gained. Wishing you continued success, I am, yours faithfully, Thomas Geoghegan, Rector. ~¢un occupled. 1t gives History in the very language of its besglntorprotera, and within easy reach 0f the rec er. Its system of Ready Reference and Gross Reference is new and complete, and shows Ills- tory in Its relations as does no other work. It; also presents History in its Literature, henceln its mow: attractive torni, and vnth it~ sources clearly given.‘ Quotations from over flve thousand volumes make it equivalent, pructlcsly, to a library of \ cry many volumes. or, us Bishop Vincentsayr. “puts the history of the world on a slngle shcll'." It will answer more quostlons in History. more authcrltatlvely, with greater excellenco of literary expression, and with a greater economy of tlmo, than any other work in the world. fltr-tford, Ontario A largo, fln-ilycqulppt-d. old-established in!“ union-NON: BETTER m cunt». Boll Business Education at. Lowest. Possible Coat Graduates always fi“(‘0m~~flll. Write fol catalogue. W. J. El.LlO'l"l‘, PrincipaL -s_.__.-..___.___â€"-â€"- British Columbia lnl Mines FOR SALE 'l'rnll Creek, Rosalind, “OllfCIIIR‘,',N 5,0,, Gold MInIng Mocks,” “Jo~ c. "lilontl Crlsto," "Old lronsldcs. "Ft. hlmo, “Cali ifornia," “Albert-i" and "Eldon" also Bil Three " Prospectus of \vbnh will be rent on YIOITAILI EON- POUIIO. I! ‘In can't ‘cl ls at be: DIP-{841... oho will ecclou ‘Sc to The "A. M. C." MEDICINE $0., m 8t. Poul St, Montreal. lad ‘at m lute bottlo. U In: she Itli lea no Ill. tn his‘ iL throughoutnhlsmccnodry . ' - . ....Addrcss.... compuisorily settled in small colonies ~ . . teetcndcolldoomtcrt. in those parts of Siberia where the cli- MARTYN COLLEGE mate conditions most favor agricultur- al labor. The scheme, it is believed, has the hearty support of the Czar. who is prepared to devote large sums fri-ui his private means to further its otright prices. Torollo- 1223 £01231‘: 8L, Washington, D. O. THE J. D. KING 00., LTO., ONTARIO. ‘AtsAGE CHIN-‘9. English 1Sheep MG American Bog Casings. Rename goodl quk, BIICILWC“. I (0-, WRONTO' leiI-lth r7 pamphleg " Wanna‘: Mandi,‘ Il-Allod In: ca c in the sale of feel: belonging to "grave- _ ' , . - _ Hoax-“\Vhatl You lbu in‘ a bic - rod. l yard rabbits!" rlswn. However Mrs.Mch1mtnon de_ ole? I thought you detistgd themy" Sent. carriage {we to “wens-lb“, sub- npplloatlon. Any atockwnntud can bu ccou t , - - ~. eldetl she could not afford to leave un n . ' BCl'il)» . l; S nd for circu ar For further particulars apply to . hor Confilllmllflfl taiko KBJUS Clover - h . 11 recommended rem- Joax- So I do, but I ve been run over . . J5 °“ easy paymen 8' e ‘ ' , _ . Root Tea, the. great Blood Purifier. :Siedqsstgir Williams’ Pink Pills. Hence long enough. Now I'm going to have gtVing tullIDfOrmlblOH. Lw-éIObbs&-Ctoiiasb.'roronba Cures Headache, Nervousness. Erupé lshg took ‘ a. course of this medicine. my revenge..." i \ SOLIOITORS EMPLOYED- ....._.._._.___.-_‘ ng trcc . gigs-s 311 iihebgllme’ and makes the hea Iwhich aftersa. fair trial was emglientt- The G A N1chols CO” Pubhshers 1N TIME iv, . . 1 ‘S - l ly successful. From betfli only a e _ 0 necrusss CANNOT as cunso SPRINGFIELD. MASS. > mom “Well. now that you are back. you . take Stale bread and mil or soda bis- by 100.11 applicationsas the cannot r 0h th ___ __. -._____~~ __-- AND can te-Id how much It “"u COSt to go to . cults, she became able i0 taken. hem:ty diseased portion of tho corny There isegiily on: ‘ Put your mill refuse into force. USE BTW Europe." "Awl you've got and all Youi meal of any variety, Wlthout the pain- way to cure deafness, and tliatis by constitut- DIRECT m can borrow over there." 'ful effects that once asserted them- icnulrempdiemDeaf»oasis caused bynninflam- Dlrcct Action CarriagoFced, selves after every meal. It {1111015 _re- 15d (inqndl'liloll; or t-‘liviil mu .3th115 lining of! tldeus- swam Kickers, ' 1 ‘ r . 1- , _ 1m- at-lan ue. entitue" , ‘VHAT .Dlt. A‘ L. bAL'IéER SAXS. r l gghns igpgvesdniln ‘tifllztlighllugsnd‘L genleral image a] ruinbline; sound (:r impiasrfgctahnetitriyii); :tcamglggcrgo =, - -_~ ..__,. _ _ _ . - , _ m um aw. - willtliadilt.“$2.22... assets. . m... m... t... h... _......,.,._ of .h. sitar.lizcniirltchiaanacan .... .31... ....';. .53.... .........,, th l iffect of 'oziii: Shiloh's Cure in cases l pills, and. almost anything going she outnnd this “Ibo refilomd l-O it“ "cram! condi- f LI I: ll C01 V‘ on Lum- - f0 Ll " I‘ l 5 C ‘ tion I am pre- l could Gilt With llllputh- Dyspepsw, be- tion, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine Trans er V6 ° I, l (J . 0 a‘ \antot . cnsump t’ 1‘ ble l camea thing 1,333 dreaded, and largely cases outofien arecaused by calnrrh,whichis berSorIcl-c. . Italireig iyo illhtlhalss etvhfr 132?“ ifrriltiéiii to l belonging to the past. It is little won- 1111:3322? 331911.012‘; inflamed condition olf the Write f0!‘ Catalogue 2 " e t ' " i _ -' _ ‘ he use ,ns _ . , - , , ved l der therefore that_she urges t We w ll . H d ll . giguiigig,”ponsffmgiiogmm‘Y 8*‘ o. Dr.Willi.1ms'_Pink Pills up... 0.... ...... 13...’.‘533.mat"t.’2§..?.°.dil.§€‘£fl’f WATERQUS» lilramtfom'- ca"- ) ___,,_ ' ers similarly affléctegP.“ t n 11103131130111§dllyfialrbcflbflrrh Cure. Send for “to __.. .--_.. . - , "lliams' in 1 s crea e ew crcu are, tee. , a. . MR’ GRATEBAR TO PHILIP‘ b13351, littlild up the nerves and thus drive HS ldb DF' J._CHE_NEY 8t C0..T010<10. 0- g . AGENT-a WANTED" "Philip," said Mr. Gralebar, “there déseasc ftrfim {aha systeifi. llilzleflzltlllldlotlls O y luggmt's'hc' ((Mg/lvlésgfigllrjfm ,DURABILITY, J Steady work and good pay to men - . . - ' 0 03595 9y ave cure a' ‘ - ' p" ' WORKMANSHIP‘ dwomcn. No ex ocricncc necessar . are tunes ‘w hit-1 lucizfjgisnagziilililit :2 er medicines had ftaitlcd, thus estalillisléi W.P.C 84 - \ UNEQUALLED BEAUTvoiiDESlGN Iii/‘rite at once. Adilrcss, .Y 3 . . , ~ , 1 "r' . - > - . m. ______ _ when cunt. 1118 ‘ b ’ ' mg the claun thc hgy age 1L di al Us": .. _ , \ ( _ -’ and everything seems to co wrong.iauiong the triumphso m9 “1113338 ° WARERQQMS, C‘>\ Standard Sliverware 00. » but there never comes a time wnen we i au-dnce. (the genuine Pink ‘l s are '58 YONGE STREET, _ 2408c James st. Montreal 03mm. 5 - . . l' . - ;sold only in boxes. bearing the lull 'TORONTO'CANADA' m I . m ., want to 1;? (lolly. k1 nontnllofnicgseuilg . trade mark, "Dr. “71113131115. Pink ( M Mr . ,' '_~~ , in ever ' l . . " - ' highltiilglfof his OWn foil-tunes; but lEellltlS'ftigfn lirzhlgosliafglhleby ll-ggfigfggyzlhry ” ' ’_Q Fifi. 15&---Yolu)nghr‘n:a :zgtlngogécnâ€"â€"15% ~ . ' I . â€"â€"_ ~~~-.. ' 9 there are tluncs w lilen circumstaulctg l pill that does not bear the registered Wt‘? ‘ __ their’: hortciililngrsmwliiin etiliiflva' sléiiiii' to rho I trade mark around the box. What c L e i ~- , , - ~ against him. But. asbl Sttlld befcfire. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"-- . has hap- $1-OO M f th-rc can be no posst ‘.e ime w en _‘ _ -. - ~ , a inan should give up; for there .is no ANTISEPTIC QUALITIES OF COINS. into your enedP. me-‘1'i'o'bel'mrd and YORK!’ 318-. 5-“, lt , l )w-ver great that the _ house one . . Simpl Latest nnd bustcourse: of Busluosu'lralnlng t icu 5. ll l. 'i _ It is a well-known fact that paper . the cold Most thorough and complete facilities for man of stout heart and unbroken te- _ _ . day last week __ ' gnonhand and Typowm," are round lnlhl nacity of purpose. vii-"MY; surmount. ln money ‘s liable to transfer bacteria and touched " as settled on Coll-go. Students nesisfcd to position; this free country- Phiilp- we don't so ‘from one person to another. and thus You lightly in .~' = YOur kidneys. continuum... w. u. squ, "rim-ind. WY)’ much for boost-Pit C’? 31.312fi3d (L332: to spread contagious diseases. It is al- v passing. '3 You I’ They are over- Tn]: ii; Iiiilytc Otinéhiiliiixde I bid __i,'iiti blazon on it so supposed that 00mg’ “'hifih are 13101-8 thoughtlittle of the :ggrfixghl%fi a bulldog Fit-Ul'llllillt,l'\y'lll1 a collar mark- in circulation than notes. might similar- matter at the time, . s.tead of passingthc S M U G G L E R . ed howl say (to 1y act as agents for spreading . isease. fox-the enemy was ~ waste matter out of . ' B _ 1 JOSH BlLl'ING SUD and investigations in that direction onlyavagrant cuc' the body they are El t3,‘ M t ' {fillxcvimu-{ii cow mum; mo mnmqooqmm, Ni't to 31‘er cdnscience for solid were made at the Vienna. University rent 0f air. But damnur'ig'it “P in cc lh/ 0 01 Get one for; minim Fully Paid-up Sharon. only 25c.cnch. in cohifort glVqulO. at; old shoe. Put- When AUSlrifl- changed its currency to now youare begin- lb? b1°°d~ Every t ch t d l d enlotamFZt fupffiiliiiz'hi Mocks ornotlcclrhnu one hundred aharcc . naui's Painless Corn Extractor rc- the good basi. A report about his ob- ning to learn what hmmutfgeg'madevw n?’ Eieel'hco :hpiizica. +0.3“... Electrlca Thisinadcv'lopbddvllmflhllth allaftkllofcfl ' moves tlie worst conga in ltwenty-fol? scrvations was recently published by mischief the little tl'fgrtoisontin dguto Works. 41 Adelaide St. West. Toronto. fighfii'cifiil'13.‘.liiiiii'gh'ii3it o'teBMnlgl:i;'no hours. _thi‘t.iiltins ‘>‘Ltilaé)[12)l? sure. sa e Dr. Vincent in the Vienna "Medical intruder did, for _ NP l y“ ' To INVENTUBS Patents obtalno- \llncc very tavorablv. 36nd n: GKO- IL and pm“ “s L01“ ‘ ' Gazette." in which he states that met- yourbackisstiffand of :hmak'ldii on 1 m ll’ t B o .‘n all; cfpvlitrllcssb' ‘.luéaim. 19:078. 34 Victoria Street, Toronto, _ 1- ~ - _ . - a ' '.~ ' , ; e I e 5 n rnationa cent. ureaa, eln a u ‘or noet'lt - CYCLE CHAIR FOR 'lHE AMBER. (fezagdtllgobhztggiiilk'ormmaigrL-(liieelfst“all: painful. Yourhead will purify g"; Toronto. Longest experience, Lowcsl rates ~~--â€"â€"â€"-~~-~ A strange vehicle, called a. cycle chair, l fact being that tliese microscopic or- “115$: and at times blood. Nothing wgflmilffog'fif'ggefl fnfixfiffgifgfim” FOR TWEHI ['SIX YEQRH' has been constructed in London for the ganlsuis have but a "QTY short lease Y0u feel dizzv- 0 else will. ._ It f of llle while on metals. The destroy- ' AltlfllllE\l'llLl“IEKPAPBH. Wuhan Ameer Of Afghilfllbmn- “"1513le O mg. influences of. metals increases with dlfl but quality 0m)‘ 8°16 in low to ‘lull a miniature carriage body. upholstered their temperature. and also with the purchasers, l'I-l'li. Blflclflnll 6 60-0 11:1,, in green morocco andr1 Ytnblazoifd dnih close touch of the micro-organisitn with “mm” _____ the Anicer's arms. ‘_us is P1100 In tic metal. At a temperature o 95 to front. of two parallel bicycles. to be pro- lUU degrces Fahrenheit. which is c0m~ -H‘G(ER Magazinee.3:c.J.REN.‘l E polled by attendants, and IS steered by mon in the pockets where money is hemp“, Banks, IITMutual St..'1‘urvuto. a small wheel in front. lltiles are made carried. the destruction of microbes oc- â€"“" “ _ _ . _ in the floor. through “'lllvll titre Atnfier curs within three hours. The various l' °l§€§lglrfil‘2‘c1ult'\iio fiiilgliiliac Yam’; can exercise his legs on trea es w en metals used for coins are. somewhat. dit- . .15 . ' ~ . . . F . " 9 ~ ‘ - ‘ . -- ' '~ . -. - - ' \. -- - - ' - for circular \vmg full information, aim Q ho feels like it. ft tent in this rtsptét, sandernlxoclng the isthefrlend in need. It willreducethe inflam- "gems 1°.’ Me )mtelrs Ladies Garment Um“. THECOOK S BEST FRIENL , _ lljfel flmmlmc a" _‘8°i i‘ 011.“- mallon,|so that the grip on the tissues of u".- inz Mathuw. its ‘tor-cc St- LARGEST SALE m CANAoc. ~â€"â€"â€"- . topper and bronze ho-d about the mid~ blood-vessels I3 relaxed, and the uric acid la __..- _-_...__._ - _ __._-._-.-..____-__-.._._.-_._- H__._.. .. - n... .__ ilgtlisbetween the two more precious me- snt on its way our of the. body. , J D Kl“ G 00 L d Tho only Manufacturer. I - In 0mm: of . . - , I I I t I ~‘ VAGABONDD 0F SIBlaRIA. Till; THREE. .... "â€"__'â€"" areal flexible, strong, light and durabloloot, 5 In many parts of Siberia there wan- i Noaquoak, No Tacks, No Hallo. _.__ .- - . t fr m villa to vill e num_ BEATEST BOOKS .- “2333:2113; “3,, d" aim“ ° _ g” _ “g _ _ G The Patent Sleeper Insole- Good you ‘an... mm“, ‘g. bers of men and w omen u ho are known '11!" AG!“ Ask for “115an _ Sawnup-todctc .1 23:2?‘myzmlif; as “vagabcnds.” These are Russians ...... 0r .. - Buy this Boot. :mf- g’: if‘: . ‘ > . v , . . - u ' " ' Bo Comfortable. ' :legtl (aazogggt and Ions-people who what-e either Personal Magnetlgm, $4.00 You will be Pleased. ,md moat com- p amt: tho wurrs lo themselves been sent to Siberia. or are “ThOHVhlZ Transference " $400 $330 b°°" " b:"‘l-“%§§'w‘:"§ the descendants of criminals or out- .t ~‘1 ,, l _“’.__ _ " 13”‘;0“ mu: ,u. laws. These "vagabondfhare passport- RalSiOIl Cllll) BOOki $100 boot“ l}; §Igthelg°a°igmlél2 ‘ ~6- ' cad comic u.- mu less people. over whom t e police can- i '_ q _ “9, "; ~T '3" “'L‘ ' (“"3 not exeircisc any very effective con- A" Three f0!’ $7.50 Slain! guéle'Pfé}:l?1~i‘;l'_;-* q trol. Thev are now to be collected and 5.013,,“ fitted-WilllCork SUCCUSS . a: <.,..~ ,~.7 . .

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