«constituted as provided for in the folâ€" ‘ ed. or if the members of the tribunal. THE TEXT 0T THT TRTiTT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN. Details of the Agreementâ€"nadi- to Settle all thutrs -llo\v the Arltltmton are to be ( lion-u. The preamble expresses the desire 05 Great Britain and the United States In runsnlidate the relations of amitl‘ hippiy existing between them, and to mus-crate by treaty the pancipie 01' inta-rnational arbitration. Art‘nfe. l.â€"'l'ho parties agree to arbiâ€" trate. subject to th's treaty. all QU‘TS‘ (ions in difference which they may fail and adjust themselv'us bydiplonmtic neâ€" gotznt mus, Article lI.-â€"All pecmiiary claims 01†groups of claims, which in the aggre- gum do not exceed £100,000 in amounL and do not involve the determination of territoriul claims, shall be dealt with and decided by an arbitration tribunal lowing articles. Article III.--Each party shall nom- inate one arbitrator, who be :1 lurist of repute. and the two arbitra- tors so nominated shall. within two Months of their nomination, select 8.11 umpire. In the event of their failing to do so within the limit of time, the umpire shall be appointed by agree‘ ment between the members of the Su- preme Court of the United States and the members of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council of Great Britain. Each nominating body shall act by I. majority. In case they fail to agree upon an umpire within three months, the umpire shall be selected in the manner provided for in Article X. The person so selected shall be president of the tribunal. The award of a major- ity of the members shall be final. PECUNIARY CLAIMS. ArtioIeIV.â€"All pecuniary claims or groups of claims exceeding £100,000. and all other matters in respect whereof either of the parties shall have rights against the other under the treaty or otherwise, provided they do not in- volve territorial claims shall betlecided by the tribunal constituted as follows:â€" Articls V.â€"Any subject of arbitra- tion described in Article IV. shall be submitted the tribunal provided for in Article III. the award whereof, if ulnâ€" animaus. shall be final. If not unan- imous either party may within six months from the date of the award demand a. review thereof. In such case the matter in dispute shall be submit- ted to an arbitration tribunal consisting of five jurists of repute, no one of whom has been amember of the tribunal whose award is to be reviewed, and who shall be selected time, namely. two by each party, one to act as umpire. by these four and. to be chosen with- in. three months from nomination. Failing to choose in time, the umpire shall be appointed by agreement of the nominating bodies in Article III. In also they do not agree upon an umpire \V'lillm three months of the date ap- plied to by the parties the umpire shall selected asinArticlc X.. the person so selected to be president. The award of a majority shall be final. .Artiole VLâ€"Any controversy invol- vuig the determination of territorial claims shall be submitted to a. tribun- al of six members, three of whom. subâ€" ject: to the judgment of Article. \'Ill.. shall be judges of the. Superior Court, or justice of circuit courts, to be nom~ indie-d by the President of the United States. The other three. momix‘rs shall bojudges of the, British Supreme Court, or members of the .Iudirial Committee of the Prirvy Council. to be nominated by the Queen). ’l‘heir award by a mu- f'ority of not lees than five to one shall )0 final. If there is less than the pre- scribed majority the award Sllil.†also be. final. unless either party within three months rolests that the award is erroneous. f the award is protest~ are equally divided, there shall be no recourse to hostile measures of any description until the meditation of one or more. friendly powers shall have Men invited by one or the other party. Article \'lI.-â€"t)bjeetions shall not be made to the jurisdiction of the tribunal except thus: If before the c'os'e of the hearing of the claim the, tribunal slmll decide. upon the motion ofeithe-r party, that the determination of the claim of necessity involvesa derision ofa disput- ed question of principle. of gnu'e gen- eral importance affecting the national rights of sin-h party as distinct from its private rights,of which ttis merely an interns! ionul represent“ ive, t he jurisdiction of the tribunal over the. claim shall cease and the. same shall be dealt with by arbitration under Article VI. Artinlo VII[.â€"\\'h-3rethe question in- volwd concerns it particular Stain or territory of the United chutes the Pre- sidnnt may appoint a judicial officer . m..- -----â€".. --‘o '~~v DON'T IELIEVE In quuk modicum; - , YOU DO BILIIVI ' . “am no rock And DO YOU KNOW thtyou an «all: ro- QMPOUND $.31“ M“ IILIC' (Gm) "CHAIR COIMIB uni Illoo' "noun Vluh 3' l “at: t no end 53» input .qnncg’y. M. nah m hfv of th- ‘ I‘m): lying . _ _ W . u.‘ "can: mm. . 50d..." mums-wimp: "A. M. C." MEDICINE CO.. 573 8!. PI!“ 51.. Heath-l. of such State babe one of the arbitra- tors. similarly in the case of a British colony, her Majesty may appoint an officer thereof to be one of the arbitra- tors. TERRITORIAL CLAIMS. Article. lX.â€"'l‘erritorial claims shall include all claims to territory_a.nd all other claian involving questions of servitude, rights of navigation, access to fisheries andaJl rights and interests {Necessary to control the enjoyment of sither's territory. Article X.â€"If the nominating bodies designated by Articles 3 and?) do not. agree upon an umpire the latter shall i,» appointed by the King of Sweden. Here follows aparagraph which the Chronicle ism-Table to furnish accurateâ€" ly. It seems to provide for the with- drawal of the treaty in the event of either party notifying the other that changes in existing conditions make withdrawal desirable. Article XII. provides for each party paying its own counsel and arbitrators. but in the event of essential matters of difference it is the right of either arty to receive disuvowais or a ologige or acts of the other not resw ting in substantial pecuniary injury. the tri- bunal finally disposing of the matter direct whether the unsuccessful party bears any other expense. Article XMLâ€"The time andplace of meeting and all questions of procedure shall be decided by the tribunal itself. This article also deals with the keeping of the records and stipulates that ads- cision shall be made if possible within three months from the close of the arguments. ; ' Article XIV. provides that the treaty shall remain in force five years from the date it becomes operative, and un- til 3. year after either party shall have notified the other of its Wish to term- inate it. o . Article XV.â€"The treaty shallberatiâ€" fied by the President and the Queen, the ratfiiations to be exchanged at Washington or London within six months of the date thereof. WOMEN’S WEAKNESS. Female Complaints Combined With Kidney Troubles are "Fatal. LUCKY \VOItIAN FSC APED. Conscnted to Try Dodd's Kidney Pills the Premier of Proprietary Mediâ€" cines. and is Now Strong and \Vell -â€"One Box Cured Her. \Valkerton, Ont.. Jan. 18.â€"Half a dol- lar saved a. woman's life in this town not many months agoâ€"only last August to be exact. Half a. dollar is the price of a box of DODD'S KIDNEY .PILLS. One box of these far-famed and justly-famed pills was enough to put Mrs. Elwena Ady on her feet, when she was very ill with female complaint. combined with Kidney trouble. - With this example in Iview. why should there be a. single woman in Can- ada tottering on the brink of the rave. or going about her work dragged own, I l dis rited, despondent. and discouraged? dney diseases are fatal. They mean slow death, if not cured. But there is a. cure. and it is the purpose of these lines to demonstrate it. Here is Mrs. Ady's testimonial :â€" Gentlemcn.â€"I have been troubled with a complaint called women's weak- ness and Kidney trouble. I read of the many cures DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS had done. Iconsented to try them. I have used one box and I am completely cur- ed. No pains or backaches haveevcr come back. I can highly recommend them to all women. You may publish this so as to help others. MRS. E. ADY, August 8. \Valkerton. Ont. Any druggist has DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. If your druggist should be out of them. address the DODD'S IVIEDIâ€" CINE COMPANY, Toronto. Price fifty cents a. box; six boxes for Carryâ€""Jack thinks I'm fickle." Lena -â€"“'l‘hat's probany the-reason he does- n't propose a. second time." I KEEN COMPETITION. “Clinm’b 'up higher to get: away from competition.†has been the motto oil the. Central Business College of Toron- to. The. result. is tlut it is now. the largest and best. patronized school of its kind in Canada. Improved courses ofnetua-l business training. modern and complete equi )ment. and the services of a. full staff oi seven experienced teach- cm are some. of the advantages enjoyed bythe. many young people who attend this popular and progressive business school. It well deserves the foremost place among its competitors. Tngleighâ€""Ballnon sleeves were bound to go up in the end." \Vngleighâ€"~ “Sure. That is why they were named balloon sleeves." DREADFULLY NERVOUS. Gentszâ€"I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous Sys- tem. I was troubled with Constipa- lion. Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea. soon cleaned my system so thor- ou hly that I m idl ' regained health on strength. it rs. . A. Sweet, Hart.- fcrd. Conn. Sold by all druggists. AN OVER ZEAIDUS SEN'I‘RY. A London correspondent relates the following remarkuble incident. The story is that while walking ins. park at 'I‘zarkoe the Czar summoned to his sided gardener he saw working about the grounds. The man obeyed with slacrity, when an overzealous sentry, mistaking the gnr'dener's approach for an evidence of hostility. shot him dead within a. few feet of where the Em- peror stood. Whether the _ stor be true or not. the occurrence is un or_tu- nately not too improbable, considenn the high nervous tension of every 0 - firisl of the Russian Court. and the ever-present thought of assassination which. if this face is any index to the fears within. was never absent from the mind of the Czar himself. ' MORTAR MIXED \VITII MUSK. The Mosque of St. Sophia. at Con- stantinople. was built with mortar per- fumed with musk. It was erected 1.000 lyeirs ago. yet the musk smell is still ' noticenblï¬. HEART FAEUBE. .__ 7 Great Danger Involved In Weak Heart Action. The Trouble Cu MTured. and In. D. A. Of COd‘llver u o o o 0 because it the 87'5â€" Bullock, or Georgeville, Points 01: the F Ion: to Renewed Health. ’ th Hypopbospbfles gm Q «and; tom t. Mngog. Q ., N w . ‘ on 3... D? 3.11.5; mini“... .. Prevents Consum ion .3 b. m“ a†“ Georgeville. ls well and favorably S m e Cod-W011 for the growthof the germs of that disease. rich __ known to all the residents of that vil- 50c. Ind $1.00 at all drugglats. lags. He has passed‘ through a very .Wâ€W~~WQ sI-Xn or Onto. On": or TOLEDO. u tryin illness from which his friends “r onon'ro currmo ouch}. 1'- LUCAB CoUNTY- F men. learn toout n banter twang once more happily enjoying good health. To a correspondent of the Magog News Mr. Bullock recently gave the particul- ars of his illness and cure. saying that. he would be very glad if his experi« ence would prove helpful in enabling someone else to mgain health. He says :â€"â€There is no doubt in my mind that (Dr. “'illiam's Pink Pills brought me from the horrors of death to the glud cheerful world. Some 'esrs ago. owing to overwork and tron x’le I was reduced to a weak state of health, wherein the heart failed to do its work properly, and not unnaturally the stom- ach became inactive. I had visits from three doctors, but without beneficial reâ€" sults. The medicine given by one of them caused a nervous shock that rostrated me for several weeks. The ast one who treated me gave me a preparation of strychnine which upset my kidneys to such an extent that I was confined to the house and daily growing weaker. I had to keep stimul- ants constantly at my side to keep {the heart at work, and even with this arti- fiCiall aid its action was very faint. Then I began to try advertised med- icmes. but still without any good re~ suits. I lost strength, flesh and hope I'wa-s advised to try ‘Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills and that reminded me that I had a. box of them at my place of business. which had been lying there for more than a. year. \Vithout‘ very much conï¬dence in them I decided to give the pills a. trial. The result I must confess seemed to be almost ma.â€" gical. I had not taken the Pink Pills long when I was able to rest; in my feare he could not recover. but he is FRANKLCnunr nukes oath at he is the go, cum“, “in f“ “army.†senior partner of the ï¬rm of F. J. Cnxnnr & mom. to, Mo 0,†1-5 I‘M“ Gum.“ C .domg busixiossln the Cit of Toledo. Coun- tyqbnd State aforesaid. and that said ï¬rm will in“ Luann“ us You“. 33' 3y the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLA R3 or ouch and every case of Court-h that cannot be cured by the use or HALL'S Cnmnn Cunr. rnv ‘ FRANK J. carrier. 9 with:,Theta.n;zss.:iuirissr Watson S Dough Drops (A A. W. GLEASON. {as} Notary Public. Hall’s Cstsrrh Cure ls taken internally and dots directly on the blood and mucous surface: of the system. Send for testimonials free. I. J. CHEN“ a; 00.. Toledo. 0. M'Sold by Druzxintn. 160. “Men generally admire business sense in a woman. don't they t" “Yes; but they admire it only in other men's wives and daughters." W.P.C 852 B. a 'r. W. Stamped an each Buy, dill; hose. splendid Equipment and Good soml Wot â€"hve placed theâ€" mn m wnm To us: if. 6 a , 3 TORONTOâ€"Gerrard and Yong? in, at the top. It has more teachers. mm ants. and assists many morn yannfl women into good mlth . an 0 Canadian Business“school:Ii Eat. Bng Enter any time. \Vrito W. H. S Ceylon Tea. load Pockets Only All Grocers Black and Mixed 259.. 40:... 500.. so: maï¬ï¬‚iflflmmmn‘mm British!“ ritishAmerican chair and take good refreshing sleep. something that had not taken place for months before. From that day with usiness Gallo c I Anti-ted with Institute of 01!. Bond or H» doom. gr. - 59': .r" .- “1‘3. . . . . Btu-tiara, On Lingo. ï¬nely ul ed. old-oat. n nationâ€"nonn'i’drgm m “an†Business Education at Low 0. Po? ï¬red to: .1 antelqu ‘" frfun‘ii‘iito 33$ MACHINï¬ Peeling giant.ng the use of the Pink Pills I continued to gain in strength. and am to-day a. strontizond healthy man. I believe that even ink Pills should be assisted in their good work on the system. and that assistance is exercise. and this ox- ercise I took from the time I began to regain my strength. I have now evâ€" . I cry faith in this medicine and believe ~o‘.‘ , if those who are sick will use it, health ‘, , - will be the reward. l. "US'C'AN-s Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills strike at the mot of the disease. driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and strength. In cases of paralysm, spinal 'troubles. locomdtor Company, Ltd., Milk? eroucu ounA‘tl urv WWI/[ICE Till/4 wo R K ‘ h . . UNEQUALLED l58 YONGE STR EET. atax1a,sciattca, rheumaltism. erysipelas. WADAo vestni scrofulousc troliibletsï¬eetcg thbhese {Zillsmare . graduate superior o a o r rea. en . ey " ' cl 00.9 0% are also aspecific for the troubles 3‘33: “1,511. which make the lives of so many wo- W n. m id {norm ‘ , so of chess f otorl men a. burden. and speedily restore the tart-ins makes a. rent dorgan'd torobgfg B . O rich glow of health to pale and sallow pinyin price. lace your order our ad rib cheeks. Men broken down by over- puro For next season. Non-1y cyanl 8:1 work, worry or excesses, will find in “loom†“lab†writ“ ‘1‘ “‘13†t In what the Family Needs Punk PLUS a certain cure. Sold by all when the “breadwlnner “ so“. WATEROUS, Brantford. 0;!!! dealers, or soul: by mail postpaid. at; run 591% a box, ttill‘ 535x bay}??- for 5&53 by . *â€"--d ï¬iï¬mh Life Insurance com nnvma AND mu.th oo..3m. rally Paid-up Shares. only 25c. cock. I. N.Y. Beware of imitations and sub- stitutes alleged to be “just as good.†{V‘gggdggsï¬af-hmofltmded‘ ï¬n GUN OF THE EVENmG' ' blocks ornot lullhan one hundred slum I suppose “mm were 501110 bright Thislsadovelopodolslm,with lbsftllOfod things said at Mrs. Lionuntsr's litsr- deep and an in paying on mill test-a o in ary dinner party last night? ' magniï¬cent results. when of Ml A few, E Mince very favorable. Send to ï¬ne: > \th got off the most interesting% E B. HARPER. Founder. 0‘0“.- F. A. BURNHAM, President. Mumnn. Seo'y. 84 Victor-In Street. The butlerâ€"when he remarked that Pays Promptly. (or Faosrltc'rua. dinner was ready: Be Not Dace-Wei A Cough, Hearse- Intii1Lhi5nlat-jgflgvt3‘flldtlll‘ï¬l premium life mascots. FOR TWENTYâ€"sner YEARS. ness or Group. are not to be trifled It ban a Reserve or Emergency Fund of with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure over thirty-tour hundred thousand d 1 will save you much trouble. Sold by It “Spam POlicy'lIOldBPS 0V0? Twentyflatlivcsli all druggists. Azoï¬glllvgnstoadollaï¬s. ‘ - . . . a. First; artistâ€"‘ \Vhere did Scratchwcll 0:13.11igaaaen‘i'ilegffï¬gigg.mum" get his artistic education ’I" Second artâ€" A. R. McNicnot. Mann er r M ' mt, savage,1y’_.."At some school for me- Columbia. and North-West’l‘eï¬ritoiliao. iigigiï¬'aliï¬gli: chanme drguvlng." gvlnnl at}. 91311. ; Z. BESSET’I‘E. Manager for Quo- Mea.“ 2 Ilace (l Armex. Montreal. um; W. J. Karl's Clover Root Tea IS a pleasant RAY, Manager for Nova Scotin. Ha il'ux. N.8. laxative. Regulates the bowels. puri- W. J. McMURTRY, Manager for Ontario, fies t , bl 0d. 1 . I"I‘OOhOIdLo B ' he 0 C cars the coniplexton an mldmg,Toronto,Ont, LARGEST SALE IN CANADA- ganstyétgotliaak; sunlil glï¬gitgsto take. 25 . ..__ -_,__ ._. ,, . _ _ ._ _ , . . THE Toma KNITTING MACHINES . . Sheâ€"“'I‘he Misses Brown usually sing .4. mBBING OLD AND RELIABLE duets, do they not?" fieâ€"“Yes; they ambushed 18H divide the responsibility." Cure the Cough with Shiloh's Cure. THIS IS FOR YOUâ€"Clothe your family from head to foot with our The best Cough Cure. Relieves Croupl promptly. One million bottles sold last. MONEY MAKER PRICES 0NLY $15, $20, $30 CREELMAN BROS. - Georgetown, Ont. druggista. ‘8’ For Tynan-lion write In 1:: as»... l L L h L h L k h For the Kidneys, liver and Urinary Organs. HERB ls only one way by which any disease can be cured, and that is by removln the cause, what- ever It may be. he great medical authorities of the day declare that near- ly every disease I: caused by deranged Kidneys or Liver. To restore theu.thcrcfore. ls ' the only way by which health can be secured. Hercls when dfl are MADAM LA HABY OORDIAII MARK "' ‘ . ’ ‘ " I - inf. For Nervous Reluouncu. Wind on the Stooh. Collo. sun Com lain fro- !‘oethlng. or other Cannon. "For sale by ulngrug T u. Tho ruult 01 men an: tronty non oxporlcnu u Plantain and Name, both in Europe on! with VmeVVVWVVWVVVV 7777??? ._I.._._.-....¢__. J. D. KING Gilli, "f'°'.'.i’.'2:2.."".'.‘"" a mi flexible, strong. light .nd cumin. \ oat. NoIquoak. No To.qu No Hallo. __.__ b... “New, m m. m The Patent Sleeper Insole. Goody. tattoo. It “k! ‘hunooh Boogdnu {0-4. I. O T ACTS DIRECTLY " program... use. up to an mo. UPON THE You wul b. Pun†lovable boon _.-...... nude. It in not the coming boot; it t- horo Ali-gr! '. withln our rent-b. a with t o SLEEPER IN. KIDNEY8 AND LIVER and by plndn them In a healthy and don. drives about and polo fro- the "im- t‘OLE and ï¬tted with Cork Its tlonâ€"" Twenty throughout-this meant dry eel. ud oolld comfort years 0 success." In four continents. Warner's Solo Cure Co.. London. Roches- ter. Pnnkfort, Melbourne, Toronto. THE J. 0. KING 60., LTD., . TORONTO. ONTARIO. IMAWMMJAAAAAAAAAAMAAIMA i ....._ u.... ..