to J ._ .__.__ _. __ _â€"_-â€"â€"â€"_ -â€" The Cough Which lingers A LEGACY 0F DISEASE. Vesrans or the War Repaid in Suf- fering and Disease. â€"-â€"-1 For Over Twenty tears llr. John Sher-n bought Release tron: the Torture: of lnflmntory Hermann-n. From the Prescott Journal. There is no man in the township of Edwardsburg who is better known it gives strength to the weakened body and than Mr. John Sherman. He is one of the many Canadians who at the out~ enables it to throw off disease. 4' J“ J' 4' J J} J' J' break of the American rebellion, 'oined I. _ _ V. _ , - the army of the North. and to t 6 ex- -' V ' posures and hardships which he an- n____. . ._.___.._.-_ Bran or Onto. Orr!r or Toma. dured during that trying and perilous AND Loon Counrr. "‘ time, does he owe to long years of suf- ’ , That cams are mmï¬ï¬‚‘ not “5“, min: J. Onnur mum?“ at iioiu . J fering which he has since undergone. . The writer remembers seem cured. and quite ulseless. Man and we- "nm, am“, of the an,“ . Cum“, Sherman a few years ago when he was men who have Used Putnam's Corn EX- Co.,d nabuslnoeain the 01 ot'l‘oloduOoq BREEK'S POWER OVER BBASTS- â€"â€" ____._.â€"_â€" O 0 Huh on on A LARGE LIST OF VALUABLE PRIZES OFFERED FOR CORRECT ANSWERS TO THE QUES- TIONS ASKED. le Astounde People by Fascinating Skin)“. link, and Foxes. Nordorf Brock. a -gypsy. went to Northwood, N. Y.. a year ago. and ever since has amazed the natives by his success in approaching wild animals. even coming up with a £2}, and hand- ling it as if it were a pet dog. Brook lives by himself in a shanty. and biuejriys and squirrels, mink and rabbit gather about his door to feed on the scraps that he throws to them. or to listen to his voice. which is so peculiar that many Northwood men say it makes them shiver. If any one mis- ses a dog in the vicinity of Northwood a visit to Brwk’s camp usually reveals the whereabouts of the brute. and five cats are constantly hanging about anx- ous for a word or caress from the itrange man. although they all be- ong to families who feed them and get them. _ I Brock laughs when anybody asks bun ibout his animal friends. and the other evening. when a skunk came waddl- ing into the store at his heels. Dave will yield readily to Scott’s Emulsion because Will You Be One of the Sucmflul Winners? The lnducement is Great and the Outlay Smell. 1. In what" year was Victoria made Queen of England. , 2. In what year did the Battle of Water- iloo take place. 3. In what year did the Battle of Queenston Heights occur. 4.. In what year did Quebec City surâ€" render to the languishâ€"which end- ed French rule in Canada. 5. In what year was the British North America Act passed. The Ladies' Journal will give free to the first person sending a correct ans- wer to all the above questions, the first prize (the bicycle) in the list below. l‘he sender of the second set of correct: answers, another bio ole equal to the so cripplednvith rheumatism that it tinctor testify that it is the best, acts U and 3 to “01'0"†R d I“ Mid 31' W was impossible for him to walk. and “'l‘lhout pain. and cures. Use IzPultnams {33:11523‘ 21' gfgugoflégafrg 32:4 as. having heard that a. cure had been Painlem Corn Extractor. effected. determined to investigate FRANK J. CHEN the matter for himself. \Vhen the re- Germany has issued 6.516 new books sworn to bozo" mo “(1 sum-mud 1. porter called at Mr. Sherman's home in ayear. preseason!- 6th «rot December.A.D. he found him in the yard handling an I LW.GLI:ASON. V are and chopping wood like a young L I NOW, Public. S H‘n.‘ (nun-h Ours ll taken internally on main. and he found him also quite will- ms to relate his trying experience 1 Th Iaotl directly on the blood ondmuoouunm ° ' of the system. Send for tantlmonlail tree. have suffered with rheumatism for Cannot Turn Back ‘the Tide. twenty years," said Dir. Sherman. “and Demand for Dr. A new 3 Little 1'. J. CHENEY I: 00.. Toledo. 0. be cured b the meet Ham's Cumin! C I nil. gfdkï¬iffhhcï¬tlii‘h‘lruuqï¬n thtpggifzhdefgfâ€" ESL $531.18: 0: tm 9' the†ï¬rst Prize“ I have doctored with four different ’ P1113 i5 8 “791- ‘501‘1MD1'W‘ 75* away hastily, but the expected cause. 8 w y" doctors and yet I kept getting W.P.0 854 worse and worse. I was bent douâ€" It's the Old Story. "The SUTYival 0f um ble with the pain in my back and both Fittest" and "Jealousy its Own legs were so drawn up that I was un- ' Destroyer- 31’1‘3 to Straighten them. and for four Cheap to 'buy. but diamonds in qual- months when I wanted to move about ityâ€"banish nausea. coated tongue. wa- THE FIRST PRIZES. Number oneâ€"A. handsome upâ€"to-date, high grade bicycle. by a well known maker. (ladies' or gentleman’s wheel as may be preferred.) quenccs did not come. Breek took the skunk to the door and dro ped it from. the stoop into the road. e came back, purchased a. side of bacon and some cheese, and made his way up the road, PERFECT . - o. In flavor and quality followed by the skunk. Two to Sevenâ€"Each Ten Dollars in I had to do so on my hands and knees. her mash, pain after eating, sick head- The Northwood woodsmen 'would. Gold... | I tried man medicines but got no ache. never gri e, operate pleasantly. never believe before Break came that Eight to Fifteen__Each seven Dollars benefit and had given up all hope 40 doses in 3. vi . 20 cents at all drug- ‘ foxes had gone to men for protection in G01d_ \ of being able to walk again. One of gists. my sons tried to ersuade me to use Dir. \Viilliams' Pin Pills but I refus- ed to take any more medicine. At last: one day my son Ibrought home three boxes of the pills. and after they had been in the house for over two weeks, I at last consented to take them, but not because I thought they would do me any good. Before they were gone, however, I could feel that m back was [getting stronger and could straighten up. It required no further persuasion to get me to take the pills, and from that time on I be- g‘gtn to get better" until now with the aid of a light. cane, 1 can walk all over the farm. get in and out of a buggy, and do most of the chores round the house and barns. I feel tu‘enty years younger. and I consider Dr. \Villliams' Pink Pills the most wonderful mediâ€" cine for rheumatism in the hvhole wotfld. ‘ I began them only to please my son and it was umost agreeable surprise to me when I found my legs limber, and my back gaining new strength. I can cheerfully recom- mend Dr. VViIlliazms' Pink Pills to the! half dozen silver plated Forks. suffering rheumatics of the world. Then will follow the consolation .An,ani‘1yms.5h°ws that . D1“ “711" Prizes, when to thesenderofthelastset Ila-m5 Pmk Plus 0011153411 “1 a 0011‘ of correct answers will b3 given No_- densed form all] the elements necessary one (the bicycle), and so on counting to give new life and richness to the from the. last received up to one hm“ blood. and restore shattered nerves. dred, when each. sénder of Don-act ans- They are an unfailing specific for (such wem up to one hundred inclusive will“- diseases as locomotor ataxia, . partial be given the prizes as per this list of paralySis. St. Vitus' dance. sciatica. neu- , ralgia. rheumatism. nervous headache, MST OR CON‘bOLATION PRIZES. the after effects of la, grippe’ palpitaâ€" No. oneâ€"A Bicycle, same as No. one tion of the heart, nervous prostration. in first list. i all diseases depending upon vitiated Two 'to Seventeenâ€"Each a handsome huinors in the blood, suchasscrofeila. silver plated Tea Set of 4 pieces. chronic .erysipelzis, etc. They are also Eighteen to Thirtyâ€"Each a handsome a. specific for troubles, peculiar to fe- Gem Ring. males, such as suppressions, irregular- Thirty-one to Thirty-flve_Each Ten ities, and all forms of wezilkiicss. They Dollars in Gold; . build up the blood, and restore the Thirty-six to Fiftyâ€"Each Three Dol- glow of health to pale and sallow lars in Cash.. ' cheeks. In men they effect a radical Fift -one to Sixty-oneâ€"Each Five Dol- Sixteen to Forty-nine.-Each‘ Five Dol- v lars Ln Golds - i l bitty and Fifty-one.â€"Each another Bi- . cycle same as No. 1, same choice. Fiftyâ€"two to one Hundredâ€"Each. Two Dollars and a half in Gold. After _these prizes will follow the middle list. To the sender of the mid- dle set_o_f correct answers in the whole competition, counting all the correct sets of answers from first to last, will be given Number One of these LHDDLE LIST OF PRIZES. Number Oneâ€"A thorou hly up-to- date Bicycle. same as as. 1, 50 and 51 in first list. r Two to Twentyâ€"five.â€"Each a set of one dozen best heavy plated Tea or Dina ner Knives. Twenty-Six to Fortyâ€"Each Ten Dol- lars in gold. Fort -one to Fifty-nine.â€"-Each 3 Ladies‘ _ 1 andsomie Golld \Vat‘ch. Sixty and Sixty-one.â€"-Each a 'Bicycle same as described for Nos. 1, 50 and . 51 in first dist. : Sixty-two to One Hundredâ€"Each a. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant Ceylon Teav 250. 40c, 506. 600 laxative. Regulates the bowels, puri- Sold at 25, 40 50 Sr. 60 cents perils. fies the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. There are 3,100 women barbers and hairdressers in this country. A MINISTER’S nnsmn. ‘1 Wish A11 to Know What a. Blessing Dr. Agnow'l Catarrha'l Powder is in Gate of Camrh" It Relieves in Ten Minutes. CAN RHEUMA'I‘ISM BE CUREDF The application of Nervilineâ€"nerfve in cureâ€"which possesses such _marvel- ous Power over all nerve pain, goes great y to prove that it can. Nervdine acts on the nerves. soothes them, driyes pain out, and in this way gives relief. Try it and be convinced. I. a '1‘. W. Stamped on each Drop. :4. machine corks 16.000 ' 'bottles daily. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. DUNN’S BAKNG POW I-v THECDOK’S BET FRIENB LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Banana Permanent LOAN ARDSAVINGS 00. lubeorlbed Onpltal - 85,000,000 PaId-up capltal - - 2,000,000 Assets. over - - 12,000,000 _â€" IA. EARLIER. IN TROUBLE. A Grenville Country Man Speaks His Mindâ€"Feels Like a N ew Manâ€"Cured by Four Boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Cardinal, Feb. 8. (Special),.-â€"-er. Tidb- ert McIntosh. a farmer very Widely known in this county, and living near this village has been in a painful and dangerous condition as the result of kidney disease affecting the bladder.- When called upon he Sflldl. . "During three years, until quite re- cently cured. b using four boxes of Dodd's Kidney ills. I have been an intense sufferer (from kidney disease which kept going from bad to _worse though I was doctoring all the time. Under advice I beganhismg Dodd's Kidney Pills at once realizmg great help I 'now feel like a new man and. am rfectly cured of kidney trouble in any 01111. Rev. A. D. Buckley. of Buffalo, writes: â€"“I wish all to know what a blessing Dr. Agnew's Catarrliai Powder is in case of Caterrh. have been troubled with this disease for years. but the ï¬rst. time Illï¬ed this remedy I received most delightth re lot. and now regard myself entirely cured after the use of the remedy for .two months. It is delightful to use and very Herd Ofï¬ceâ€"Toronto St. Toronto. refreshing. Branch Ofï¬cesâ€"Winnipeg, Mun. ; Vancouver. B. 0. The ample rcsourcos u! this Company enable i Directors to make advances on ltcnl Estate withou ' i dolny.nt low rates ofiutercst. and on the most fnvo g able terms of re myiuent. Loans granted on Improv ' Farms and on reductive Town and City ProE‘ertlo‘ I Mortgages and Municipal Debentures Purchase A) . . v- ' plicntion may be made through the Company's Local ~ _ V â€" "' Appraisers. or at the UNh-os of the Company. ILLS, MILLS & MALES, Imri'ir-Lers. Solicitors. J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. Toronto. &c.. Aboideuii “hammers. 35 Adelaidd Street East. Torontc. Money [0 Loan. â€".â€"â€" A FINANCIAL SUCCESS. \Vere your theatrical entertainments for charity 8. success? asked one girl. Yes indeed! We got $107.25. Indeed! You must have had a large audience. . No; we took in $7.25 at the ticket office and father gave us 8100 never to do it again. cure in all cases arising from mental , . ’ ' 3gb . v , , r v, v 1‘ - f v , As essm ts to . M t ll’riiioi lo Cure tin:3 Couhghcxv1th1§€hliloh's gum. Sixt51rtfvgntfmglhty_two_A ï¬ne G01 d 2.9:; 571.3232? orl‘ or “case†0 “hm†G.G.Mills.B.A.â€"n. Millsâ€"Jae. Halee.LLB. s e“ y†m_ u u“ p l t r ieves rou 'n - ' ' The ’68 out u a p “em ng' "" ORONTO CUTTING scnoon. Young promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by all drugg'istl. ‘Mexico is to have a $3,000,000 cotton mill. FLORIDA WINTER SERVIGE. ‘ u L ( Eighty-three to Ninetyâ€"Each Seven . Dollars in Cash. Ninety-one to One-hundredâ€"Each a fine Gold \Va'toh‘.‘ Each person competing must send‘ one dollar for One ear's subscription: to THE LADIES J URN‘AL. which is iiicn. learn iocut. no better trade, write for circular iv‘ing full .lnrormation, also agents for Mo owcil’s Ladies Garment Draft- ing Machine. l13 Yongc St. 306. 307, 809 Broadway. New York City. T0 INVENTGRS. .Jiliilt’.fl‘2l2§“§l International Patent Bureau. 12 Melinda. 3... Covering Year Ending December 31w. 1890. Vienna policemen must be tele- graphers. DREADFULLY NERVOUS. Gentszâ€"I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and LIFE ASSPGIATIOII. (isoonronirro. FREDERICK A. BURNBAM. President. . ? an. old established and widel' circu- strengthened my whole Nervous Sysâ€" Tel-onto. Longest experience. Lowssintui INCREASES. . Th3 souillmm' R‘iï¬l‘ï¬lyfllnd $3.11“)? lated monthly publication. 3It con- team. I was troubled With CODStipa‘ R‘imï¬â€™tm“ fme'EG' O'FREIBI‘NiM‘mW“ In Cash Income .............. 283.1954 "In Cent†afld. eg‘n5‘i.“ 3‘ sists of thirty-six large ages, with tion. Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your um“)- ‘pfliwd mum “"- ln Invesicd Aesots................. 273.059 grorknoggdolliegflihng Ililgï¬tg-éDOI-llget‘;é:; all the latest fashions wel illustrated, Tea soon cleansed my system so thor- lo set inrplue..ï¬ . . . . . . . .. l5 o 5 1, i I . ‘ serial . . .-.. y . 7 f ‘ ‘ v ' . t ni'ow usiiens cceive . . . . . . . ,4. New York and Jacksonville and bi.. and Short “onw‘ del‘l’mmenL’ our ough‘ly that I rumâ€) “gamed heal h .IllB‘l-‘lnCh‘Sln force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,306,69000 boys. and girls, housshold and domes- tic, in short something to interest ev-4 ery member of the family. It is well worth the small subscription price. and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet. Hart- ford Conn Sold bv all druggists 1n Number of Policies in Forch 12.571 0 ' _ . New Business Received..$ 84,107,097 00 New Business \Vi-itteii.... 73,026,350 00 Total Business in Force... 32.6 020.081 00 Augustine. This train is composed of Pullman's latest improved compart- men}: cars. dining cars. drawmg room Boston has a \Vorkingmen's Political SIEGDIJFZ "5â€le {End' “{Pl'flgydlglfserxitgo% even if you do not gel: :1 prize; but all League. . . DECREAsms, 31mg??? pi i}? “00(1): and ï¬n: fgéizlgogfrsgyaï¬gvg lbw give? Be Not Dew-Wed. A (£11311, Hoalf'lsea ‘ '- In Expenses of Management... ...... 8102.311 7 '3.) ’ “' - ‘ - . . . n W1 6 BXEO - nose or Group. are. not to be tri e 5 I d . In Total Disburfleui‘nbu ..... ...... 268.0916 million ("-U P-m-v rumm'g 50h“ though: ed from prize Winners. with A dose in time of Shiloh-S Cum p ""H Eq_":ï¬$:";lzggdqmis°“d w‘m‘ hi Lixihilltios........h .......... . ....... 349.0†30 to Savannah. Jacksonville and St. Au- . I 'I I a l ‘ .. . ' gust L110. v13â€, Lynchbuxg. Charlotte UCM I (I ‘1 THE D l I “11896 8 3,967 083 9‘ Death Claims paid since Any person can compete any num- will save you much trouble. Sold by . . . . , her of times but a. (IOIl‘ll‘ mu t be ‘. t 11 dr ists fl _ and (.OIlunlllfl. reaching SaVannah at‘ ’. I ‘ 5 SH! 8 1183 - _ Organization . ..... 28.325.80.580 .;- . . _ 0 ‘ u ‘ 1d “it-h each. set of answers and the â€" ~_ 11-4 Mun 5*“ km‘1113v 33 P m ‘1 Journal Will be sent for a year to any EARTH'S UNKNOWN REGIONS. 5' " "’7‘" MEâ€â€œâ€œ""’ °" “3"†'“TE"‘"" , . . A. R. hlchOIiOL. Manager for Manitoba British T011051 oâ€"Gel‘flu‘d 11nd YODRO SIB» Columbia and North-West Territories. Mel ntyr'e Blue at the top. it has more teachers. more stud» “'Innilmg- M’N-i 9- 71- BESSETTE« “WW†I" Q“ on a ‘ . . Dec 12 Place d‘AriuL-i. Montreal. Qua; W. J. mtg;gg‘igfgmggogqyggggggg rtg‘ggsgggnogmg gigolo.“ in..." to. moon. mm... Canadian Business Soho-)1. ' Got particular-i. ' ‘ Enter any time. Write W. 11. 81111 W, w- J- McMURTRY: Mlmaflel' {91' onm principal Freehold Loan Building. Toronto. Ont. St. Augustine. 4.43 the next day. This train also carries through sleeper New York ‘to Augusta. Ga., with connection at Trenton. S. C.. for Aiken. S. C. . This train is in addition to the re~ ulalr double daily limited trains. leav- ï¬n Washington daily at 11.15 a.m. and 10.43 p.m., arriving in Jackson- ville at 9.00 a.m. and 9.00 p.ui., respec- tively the next day. . For further information. tiiiic tables and sleeping car l‘t‘Sl‘I‘Vil'ilOYlS, call on B. P. Fraser, No. 19 l‘lxcluiinge street, Buffalo. N.Y.. or write to 1.. S. Brown. General Agent, Passenger Department, Southern Railway. Washington, D.(‘. TENDER llEARTED. Landlndyâ€"You look at. that coffee as if you'd like to throw it out of the window. . Boarderâ€"O. no. I never abuse the weak. desired address. All five questions must be answered correctly to secure any prize. The competition will remain open from now till last day of April next. Ten days will be allowed after date of closuig for letters to reach the Journal office from distant points. but] must not hour later postâ€"mark than 30lli_ April. '97. The decision of the ublishcrs of The Ladies Journal must 6 considered final. ' Full names and addresses of winners of prizes Will be given in the April numberpf the Journal. No winner's name will be published. however, if a request is made not to do so. . Address and make all orders payable to The Ladies' Journal. Toronto. Canada. There are still 20,000,000 square miles of the earth's surface that have not been explored. - .- .t.4;p..:~ ._Jc THE ADVANCE F HEALTH "If ,' KNITTING MACHINES . . OLD AND RELIABLE Established 1812 THIS IS FOR YOUâ€"Clothe your family from head to foot with our MONEY MAKER PRICES ONLY $15, $20, $30 CREELMAN BROS. - Georgetown, Out. a- Vor Typewrlion write u u . ’ï¬i‘ w k r ' 43‘ “"3: : AZOV FROZEN OVE R. The first time in the reiiicmbranco of the living generation the Sea of Azov is frozen over solid. The Don River and the sea of Azov froze very sudden- ly in a rather unexpected way, and. as a consequence. a number of vessels were taken unawares and stopped on their way. More than 12 steamers are help- !N‘IOY u“ A. less in the ice. between Azov and Reâ€" ._..____.â€"â€".___ _ J. n; "ma co. Ltd., a reel flexible. strong. light and durable ': ooh. THEY (MIGHT. . . _ fit-éhr‘é‘éi inl“§§§ié‘u‘;m.if§t§‘olef’iï¬isfn§? 5!. "mum. N° mn- ~° Nam- ,. 4â€" x“, m an...“ mense frozen sheet of water. first toss- ' , i mi udwflcu! mt ed about by the _violent storm and l - “ The Patent Sleeper 1118016 5 5...???th ‘ - _ “1.9;:fnnmï¬â€˜â€; then held in _the first lacial embrace. 11- . ' . A'k rgumgï¬ï¬got i 004., 11.7 4 .‘ .1. ‘. luiouioinu. “'hile the River Don has frequently [I I \ ’3. comfortabl‘ 5: tout. the x I. .. I'!‘ 15 VVIONO- frozen over there is no record of the l . Yonwui bQPlom 4i :ntgiO-tboof- * i ‘ , or o no I made. :fgtmgum Sea of Azov having frozen solid in this m..â€" ‘ or menu. No my century. u 111 who no: IILII' 03m) “DETAILI OOIPOUKI and Illoo‘ mun Inch. . - . . . 1 mm“ a N. h m The origin of sight is more highly de- r “item...†“4 uh n. veloped in birds than in any other ani- W‘“ . . wgt'h! In; _ mals. British naturalists declare that the on nulls the kestrel is possessed of eudh wonder- "A. II. c." manicure co.. , ful powers of sight that it is able to 310 8t.PIn‘l Sn. Montreal. see a mouse when it is itself at such lmwwmms-M- a height in the air that it is in. \‘isiide to the naked human eye. ' R It I: not the coming ' boot; it in here already. :' within our reach. Muir- " with i e SLEEPER 1N- EOLE and ï¬tted with Cork throughootnhll meaudry ' feet and solid comfort. THE J. 0. KING 00., LTD., TORONTO. ONTARIO. . 4 -.â€" u...s mum's.-." ’3’: VISIONS OF BIRDS. ll