«O ‘1 ‘1; TO HAVE Win er i‘lwert AND TIIRII‘TY HOUSE PLANTS TIIE PLANTS SHOULD RECEIVE A LIBERAL DRESSING 0F reagent. A: supply of this necessary article has just been received at the Fenclon Falls Drug Store. LOT FOR SALE. The west half oT-Ijbt No. '3, south of Bond and west of Colborne street, Fenelon Falls, containing a quarter of an acre. For term etc. apply to 3’ ’ museums, â€"â€"l£tt‘ Lindsay street. Putni ure. NOW, AS HERE- TOFORE, I HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF UP-TO-DATE GOODS AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Steel Runners to ï¬t any style or make of Baby Carriage. L. layman. SECOND DIVISION COURT " â€"-OI-‘ TITSâ€" County of Victoria. .â€".â€"â€"â€"â€" The next sittings of the above Court wil be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenclon Falls, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 27th, 1897, c‘iiunieucingat 10 o’clock in the torenoon Friday, April 16th, will be the last day of Service on defendants residing in this countv. Defendants living in other coun- ties niust be served on or before April 11th S. Nat'tsos, E. D . llaxn, BailifT. Fenclon Falls, Jan. 29th, ISM. l N S 4 . teeth inserted for $11). )lr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property Art Very Loxvcst Ilutcs None but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented. [é- F.A.R)I l’llOPICR-T‘f at very low rates. James Arnold. “The “ Fcnelon Falls Gazette“ is printed every Friday at the ofiice, on the corner of May and I-‘rancrs streets. SI'BSCRII‘TION 8| .I TEIR IN ADVANCE, or one cent per week will be added as long as itremuins unpaid. :\(lv(\rtising- Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents \uuum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first inst-rtion, and 3 cents per line for every subsequent Insr‘h, Contracts by the year, half year or; pcrl'tnc per: tion. less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cor- rectly and at moderate prices. 3. D. RAND, I‘rcjvot'zlor at moderate rates. residence of Mr. R. B. Sylvester, “ Mary- borough Lodge,†Fenelon Falls. R. J. MoLacen‘ms. Professional Cards. .MUSIC. MISS B. MAGNIVEN. Instruction given on ORGAN and PIANO For terms apply at the LEGAL. MCLAUGHLIN 8:. MCDIARM I D, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Etc, Lindsay and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay Oflieo: Kent-St., opposite Market. Feuelon Falls Office: Over Burgoyne dz Co’s store. The Fenelon Falls oflice will be Open every Monday and Friday afternoon from arrival of train from Lindsay. 5%†Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. I“. A. McDianuto. DA. r. DEVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street,Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS, BARRiSTER, dzc. SOLICITOR FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at lowest rates on terms to suit the borrower. Oflices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- say, Ont. MOORE & JACKSON, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. 0f- ï¬ce, William street,Lindsay. A.Jacxsos. .â€"...â€"â€" F. D. Moons. MEDICAL; DR. A. WILSON, -â€"â€"n. 3., M. c. P. s 8., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON it: ACCOUCH- eur. Ofï¬ce, Colborne Street, Fenclon Falls. DR. H. H. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University of Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England,Member of the Col- lege of Physicians 5: Surgeons of Ontario. Ofiice and residence on Francis-St. West Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gazelle ofï¬ce. _____________â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" R. DI. DIAS ON, ETERINARY SURGEON; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1884 ; R. M. O. V. II. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, Fenelon Falls. E. P. SDIITIâ€"I, ETERINARY SURGEON and Dentist. Graduate ofOntario Veterinary College. Live Stock Inspector for North Victoria by appointment of Dominion Government. Office and address -â€" CAMBRAY, ONT. SURVEYORS. JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. R, . Conveyancer, &c Residence,and ad- ] dress, li‘cnelon Falls. DENTAL. Dt'. NEELIIIIDS, DENTIST, LINDSAY, Extracts teeth without pain by gas (vital- ized air) administered by him for '27 years. He studied the gas under Dr. Colton, of Clerk New York, the originator of gas for extract- ing teeth. Dr. Coltou writes Dr. Neelands that he has given the gas to 156,417 per- sons without an accident from the gas. Other pain obtunders used. A good set of [63" Dr. Neelands . visits Fenelon I-‘alls (IIcArthur llonse) flit: ' third Tuesday of every month. Call early and secure an appointment __________________.___.__â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"- W. H. GROSS, DENTIST. The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. I pain. ‘ ithe average, for :8 en. loiiposite Wood's stove depot, Lindsay. l A set of slut/[rial Teeth, better than H. HART, L. D. S i branches of dentistry. _ l Oflicc over I-‘nirweather A: Co's store nearly opposite the post-ofï¬ce. Lindsay INSURANCE. "1‘0 the I’ublic. I o $25,000,0ï¬ ' and the some good policy. ' ;3- Also agent for the Qitceaof I“ r;- la‘d LJ-I CJIr . ".l‘ll! chT-iinbnrgli. ' :sl coolant-6,5i5,ooti,N-n, Gas and all other =.uu1-sthctics for extracting teeth without Rooms directly i l l l SET OF GOOD TEETH FOR 510. GaS’ and local anaesthetics for painless ex-i ; tractiug. Satisfaction guaranteed in all I YOU WANT THEM. ‘ WE HAVE THEM- GOODâ€"- CHEAP. CALL AND‘ OEOIIOE MARTIN. THE WEST SIDE STORE. MILLINEBY, FANOY GOODS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW BLINOS. Before buying anything in these lines call and inspect my stock. Good goods at purse-ï¬tting prices. Eggs taken in exchange. nits. HEELEY, Nearly opposite Joseph Heard’s. MISS NELLIE SLATER, DRESSMAKER. Work done by the day or at home, BOND STREET EAST. Tn: ONTARIO WIRE FENCING 00.. L11. Picton. Ontario. (DI IE DIODIIFLLEN FENCING â€"A.‘iDâ€"-â€" lrounnv errrme: l as ROYAL CANADIAN lN’St‘RANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Allianch : t England, giving insurers the security or I | I JOIIN AUSTIN,.-iqmt I as}: THE BEST , ever made or sold in Canada. only THE BEST for your money. LAWN or POULTRY fencings. drifts with .‘iIcIIullcn's fencing. by hardware and general merchants. "o . Hamilton. (Int. rm..- Qurtwc and Eastern Province!â€" .. n...~ f‘ooper. Montreal. I l l . sor. ' \ Three girls were geing from Montreal You want Don‘t waste it on poor imitations and cheap sub- stitutes, but ask for and buy the Alt-Mullen goods. They are unequalled for FARM,: No snow For sale General Sales Agents: For Ontario and “'rstrrn Provincesâ€"The B. Greening Wire We ShiiultlmRelaliate: â€"- PROFESSOR GOLIIWIN SMITH SAYS “it: MUST TAKE ACTION IF TIIE CORT-18$ CLAUSE BECOMES LAW IN TIIE UNITED STATES. New York, Feb. 27.-â€"Prof. Goldwin Smith is in New York, where he will attend the banquet of Cornell alumni to-night. He has been interviewed in New York and asked his opinion of the Corliss clause in the Immigration bill, by which aliens cannot reside in Canada and do business in the United States daily. Dr. Goldwin Smith said : “ It pre- vents those Canadians who reside oppo- site Detroit, and in those small towns opposite Buti'alo and Niagara Falls, from coming over daily and working. It is not only an absurd law, if it be- comes low, but it is the veriest clap- trap imaginable. Congressman Corliss is evidently endeavot‘int! to make politi. cal capital by it, and I hope the Presiâ€" dent will veto it. I understand that the President has sent the bill to Score- tary Olncy to hear his report on it. As I said, it is clap-trap, and I will show how utterly absurd and uncalled for such legislation is. It is true many Canadians live in these small towns, the suburbs of Detroit, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, and have employment in the latter cities. They take out of these little money. In fact, I suppose they do their tradingr and their wives do their shopping in the larger cities. But say they do take much of their money into Canada, why, the entire amount would not equal the sum spent by a United States millionaire in one European summer trip. But I do not; believe they save as much in Canada as they spend in the cities where they are employed.†“ What will Canada do if the bill becomes law '? †“ Canada will pass retaliatory meas- ures, of course, and much irritation and unkind feeling will be engendered. Already there is much feeling on the subject, and the Canadians who are anti-United States are not slow in ex- pressing their opinions and making the best of the situation. What; must the friends of this country think if such a bill becomes law ? I am not. attacking the bill generally, but the clause that Congressman Corliss had inserted. It is unjust discrimination against a. friend- ly and neighborly nation, and is inspired by politics alone. I hope the papers of this country will point out the absurd- ity of such a clause and prevent, if pos- sible, its enactment.†“Have you any idea what kind of retaliation laws Canada would enact ?" “ That is for the future. But why should not Canada resent anything so preposterous and unjust ?" The pro- f'cssor talked about the Cuban question and the situation in Crete. In answer to questions, he said that it would be a serious mistake for the United States to annex Cuba. “It would give," he add- ed, “ great trouble to this country, and be a never-ending source of discord and bickering.†AN UNTRUE STATEMENT. Windsor, Feb. 27.-â€"'I‘he report that Gov. I’iogree had discharged all Cuna- dians employed by Piugree 3: Smith in Detroit is untrue. Gov. I’ingree oppos es the bill, and it. is said he is using his influence to secure a vote. The persons who work in Windsor and live in Detroit, and vice Verso. are known well enough to be accurately counted. The result of a count yester- day shows that I72 men and 83 women crossed to Detroit, while 134 men and . 23 women crossed from Detroit to Wind- to Chicago. They attempted to cross viz: the Grand Trunk. A rigid exam- ination disclosed that the girls were tin- dcr contract before they left Montreal to be employed in Chicago; at least the inspector concluded they were. They = and their trunks were shipped back to l Windsor. at Detroit when travelling through as â€"â€"â€"â€" A â€"â€"¢-Qâ€"-- â€"-_..-... A bet was ri-Centl): made in Paris, 1 Windsor hotel. I that an expert coull not cut up 2.000 I of the wager, 2 000 francs, L0 in to the ' expert if successful, and the sandwiches to be distributed atoning the hospitals of Paris. The person selected was a we man employed in one of the cafes. She ' minutes. It is the first known instance , where females have been turned back: immigrants. They are stopping atn? ‘ sandwiches within ‘24 hours, the autumn; nation. The Bishops at Rome. An interesting HDTV is made publi‘ by Le Signal, 11 French weekly pap-r, regarding the misrepresentations made to Rome on the school question. It. points out that, notwithstanding the Vt'l'- dict of the people on the 23rd of June. the Bishops rushed off to Rome to so cure the interference of the Pope. Tilt‘V presented their side of the case. in which it it Well known there were several mis- statements, but the Pap‘tl authorities wanted to hear the other side also. “Their Lordships the Bishops," says Le Signal, “ found a very ingenious way to prevent the tlppettl'tIJCC of the acnuv ed. The Prefect of the Propaganda, having read the factum of their-Loril- ships concerning their attitude during the last election campaign. remarked. it is alleged, that it would be well to have .llr. Lnuricr's version. Tliercupon a. number of protests were raised. which, however, did not. prevent Cardinal Le- doehowskt from insisting on the neces- sity ot'hearinvj, the party accused. .~ btilliant; thought struck the mind of Mgr. Gravel, the Bishop of Nicolet. ‘ Eminence,’ said he, addressing the Cardinal, ‘the faithful are under the impression that Catholics alone are adâ€" tnitted before the tribunal.’ “ ‘ They are right,‘ replied the I’refcot of the Propaganda. “ ‘ Do they admit. it Freeinuson ?‘ ask- ed DIgr. Gravel. “ ‘ A Freemason ! the Cardinal. “ ‘ Now, Mr. Laurier is a Freemas- on I' cried out their Lordships the Bish- OpS. ‘ He does not perform his Easter - duties." " Such is the version that has been reported of that unfortunate affair, and that. is how it happens that. in the Eter- nal City, the seat of Christendom and the hope of the Catholics, the name of Mr. Lanrier ï¬gures on the black-list, ol' Freemasons. Nevertheless, we are ask- ed to accept a jud'zmeut based upon such allegations. No, no; justice does not die, and the Liberals will suffer for a long time before they submit to such mockerics.†Never !' replied ~a*o Bicycles in Africa. One would scarcely expect to find Iii- cyclcs and a bicycle club in the heart of Africa, and 000 miles from any rail- road. One club in BulaWayo, Matiibc- lelnnd, South Africa, is in a flourishing condition, having twenty-five members out of a population of' 2.500. Durin;.,r the late war in Dltlitlbelt'lillld these bi- cyclers all rendered valuable service to the English. By them scouts were often able to “ locate the enemy †or to delir- er a message, where a man on horseback would not have dared to go, fora. Kaflii- can outrun a horse every timeâ€"that is. such horses as they have in Africa. In one instance a bicycler .put to rent a whole impi (a camp) of' anlirs, who evidently had never seen a bicycle bra- f'ore, and this man, who came nearer to the camp than he had any intention of doing, and was much alarmed for Ills own safety when he realized where h-- was, took heart again when he saw these Kaflirs throw up their hands as it' in consternation, and, uttering savage lsounds and noises, jump to their fer-t. and run for their lives. They evidnit- ly thought the devil was after them, .__.-..._ 4-. - .,___ Illustrated Sermons. I “John of Count,†in the , Star, says :â€"â€" i “ Altmys deeply interested in sema- tional preaching, the untici of' a I‘CVH' end man in Michiuuu have delighted me exceedingly. To terrify tobacco l smokers he earlier] a plump cut into the l pulpit with him and sent it into the , world of' spirits by placing nicotine "‘1 1+ der'tts tongue. As the expiring, feline 3; liICRQ-I frantically m the agomc-i ol'di.~ l 'I'orontu solution. we are told that the divinn crew oloquI-nt and thundered an awful lesson to the users of' the noxious wool which the bad man Ii‘ileigh took (Nut to Queen lies-z Inst Sunday the «our ‘ itch of a druakard was hrindl-ul by y the minister, and all the blotchui :iml , red spots upon its surface. cw 'v one of l them illustrating the horror-t of linen:- perancc, were pointed our to the congruâ€" Now let the Toronto Mensa- tional preachers be. as origino. n, t’ r Michigan MethoJist and clttii'cho: m l I be so crowded that women Will faint by ' scores. the coffers will be til-d and the ‘ Armenian horror meetings of the Salva- powers." completed the task in 19 hours and 2f) Li‘m Army “I†I“? “(Where as drawing