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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 5 Mar 1897, p. 7

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if 5‘. -__._â€".- .._ DOWNRIGHT MEAN. low I Bride and Groom Were Annoyed en a Train. "l'll have some fun with that couple when we get into the tunnel about five miles ahead." said a young man who occupied half my seat in a railway car. i It was easy to tell that they were, bride and groom. They had been es- carted to the station by a crowd of ad- ' miring and boisterous acquaintances, whose observations while the train was waiting left no doubt that their friends 5 had just been launched on the sea. of g matrimony. More than that. the bridy appearance of the woman andi the blushing bashfulness of her big: companion were enough to proclaim} their relationship. The whole earload of passengers be- trayed a deep interest in the pair, asI was but natural. for few spectaclm af- ford more amusement to onlookers than the antics of a newly wedded couple. [ must admit that the two in ques-I tion behaved extremely well. Beyondl some oceasional admiring looks from 9 each to the other, and the purchase by the husband of some caramels_ from: the train boy for his bride, nothing of l moment ha pened. _ “llow wil you have fun with them in the tunnel i" I asked. , “You'll see." he replied, “Prepare to en'o yourself." . Vlien the train entered the tunnel all was quiet except for the noise made by ‘the motion of the cars. Presently the silence was broken by the sound of a big. hearty kiss. it came from the direction of the bridal couple. The kiss was greeted by a general ltittcr. . “lluti they didn't do anything. All. that kissing and talking came from a venirilcquist three seats back oil theiii‘.” “Ahl You don't say! \Vcll, I’m: something of a veniriloquist myself. Sih down a minute." I sat down and presently there came from the seat. I had just_left, and ap- parently from my fun-lovmg seat mate, these- words: _ "1 humbly beg the pardon of thy Worthy bridal pair for what was_a sim- ple piece of ventriloquistic mischief. and declare them innocent of such pub- lic exhibitions of affection as I palmed off on them in the. tunnel." The gaze of all the occupants of the car was now directed toward the oriâ€" ginall author of the mischief. and such expressions as "it's too bad," “What a. shame." begun to be heard; ' The young man displayed some un- easiness and finally he got up and went- forward into the smoker to escape fur-o ther scrutiny. . - The bride, and groom werenot (1154 turbed while I was on the train. - â€"_ A“... PUTNAM’S CORN EXTRACTOR Cures in twenty-four hours. This is, the testimony of tens of thousands who have used it. Putnam's acts speedily! without: pain. and removes coma in; twenty-four hours. ' Authors are the natural and irresistâ€" ible aristocracy in every society. and, more than kings or emperors. exert an I influence on mankind,â€"Thoreau. CATARRI CANNOT BE CURE!) With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can not reach the seat of the iiisiaso. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease and in order to new it you must tnk 2 internal remedies Hall‘s Catarrh (lure is taken inler.znliy, and acts oi.- rectly on the blo;d and mucous surfaces. Hall's (laterrh Cure is not aquack medicine. It was prescribtd by one of the toil. physicians in this country for years, iiiid is u. riguliir pre- scription. It is compomd of the best: I tonlos known, ecuibined with the best blood drillers. actin directly on the mumps rur- l (108-. The per act rcnihinstlon of the two in- . gr Menu is what produces i-uch wonderful re 'lll'uz in curing Cetarrh. Send for testimoni- als tree. I“. J. CHENle 85 00.. Props.. Toledo. 0. Sold by druggists, price 750. A var little while and all will be; o'er witi thee here. Man is to-day,l and to-morrcw he is seen no more.â€"â€"‘ Thomas a Keuipis. FAST LINE T0 NE\\" YORK. The Lehigh Valley. R. R... in connec- tion with the Grand Trunk Railway, have the first through train service be- tween Toronto. llamilton. London. and principal points in Ontario, to New York City. Only line running Pullman buffet sleeping cars. Time two hours ahead of all other lines. Passengers from Europe via this line are landed in New York at Deslirosses or Cortlandt streets. in close proxim- ity to all European steamship docks. lJoii‘t fail to ask for tickets and sleep- ill' car accommodation via Mr. Bellefieldâ€"l don't. like Spiffins. He has wheels‘in his head. Mr. Bloomfieldâ€"unit you think that is an expression to be condemned? indeed. ldon't. i think that Spif~ fins has wheels in his head. Ilmv do you know 9 . By the spokes that come out of his mouth. ‘““v%“. “”““9 I in quack medium-I. YOU DO BELIEVI thumm out and :l. DO YOU KSOW thatyou an easily re- CQMPOUND 21;?“ W“ M' (0m.) VEGETABLE COHPOUNS and new nuance Wash fer-deb! all banana at 75c and 15:. input vita. I emu.eaduhtbeldeoilhe “Xi‘xertx'm’h living I on. Venus“: Trim»: «was Ms your“: Ml! the My“ “A. M. C." MBDICINS l(20.. 573 5!. Paul 3L. neutron]. l L Lehigh i Valley route. at all Grand Trunk city and station offices. a. Loosâ€"Huxiipknn. 0 SIXTY-THIRD YEAH BRITEH AMERICA ASSURANCE COMPANY. .â€" The Annual Meeting of the Share- holders was held at the Company’s of- ruary. The President, Hon. Geo. A. Cox. oc~ cupied the chair, and Mr. RH. Sims, who was appointed to act as Secretary, read the following ANNUAL REPORT: The Directors have pleasure in sub- mitting herewith the financial state- ment of the Company for the year end- ing 315i. December, 1896. "he premium income shows a mod- erate decrease compared with the fig- ures of the preceding year. This is attributable to the reduction in insur- able values consequent upon the dis- ' turbance in general business caused by the Presidential election in the United States. and to the reduced volume of business transacted in the Marine and Inland Departments. The profit shown on the year's busi- ness is $61,271.79. and. after, providing for two half-yearly dividends at the rate of 7 per cent. per annum, the Re- serve Fund of the Company has been increased to $528,883.84. The amount estimated as necessary to cover liabili- ty on unexpired policies has, owing to the smaller business transacted, been reduced $11,101.41. and the net surplus, over capital and all liabilities, shows an increase for the year of $19,873.20. The Diirectors desire to express their appreciation of the services of the offi- cers and agents of the Company dur- ing the past year. SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL STATE- LIENT. Premium income, less rein- surances ......... . ........ ......$1,482,08094 Interest Ancount 43,624.03 Total income .......... ......‘$1,325,7t‘602 Losses incurred .................. 950,183 33 Expenses of management, including commissions, taxes, and other charges. ‘514,249 90 $1,462,43323 . Dividends to shareholders... 5150000 Total Assets ............. . ....... $1,436,058 84 Total liabilities (includin ( capital stock) ......... ...‘ 908,075 00 Reserve fund 528,883.84 Cash capital ..... . ..... . 750,0UU 00 Security to policy-holders....$1,278,883 84 The President, in moving the adopâ€" tion of the report, saithâ€"I desire to adda few words concerning the busiâ€" ness of the Company during the past year. The three preceding annual re- ports I have had the honor of sub- mitting to the Shareholders have in each case shown an increase in the premium income of the Company, this year, however, has been an exception to the rule, there has been a falling offâ€"though not a serious oneâ€" some $25,000, as compared with the business of the year 12595. As you are aware, a large proportion of our revenue is derived from Our agencies in the United States, and I need scarcely remind you that during the closing monthsof1696 the disturb- ed slate of political and financial afâ€" fairs had a marked effect upon the general trade of the country. Owing to the'nature of the main questionsat issue between the two political parties in the recent Presidentill election, bus- iness interests were affected to pro- bably a greater extent than in any ; previous contest. The volumes of trade showed a serious diminution iii-almost ! branch. particularly in the 4 every amount of importations and the pro- dust of manufactories. As a natural result, insurable values were materialâ€" ly diminished, and the premium income of fire insurance companies generally. doing business in the United States shows a corresponding falling off. I iiuiy sly here. that while it is to be regretted that the revival in trade which it was aniicipiited would set in after the questions at issue had been sttled Ly the popular vote has not yet materialized to any appreciable ex- tent. it is gratifying to note that there is a growing feeling of confidence in financial circles. which may be regard- ed as the first essential to a return of commercial and industrial prosper- ity. If is certainly a matter of con- gratulation that we have passed through this period of depression with- out thzit increase in the fire losses of the country which frequently accom-I panics such conditions, and that a very 'saiisfactory profit has been realized upon our United States business. in the Canadian fire dcpariiiicnt I am pleased to be able to say that our premium income again shows a mod- erate gain over that of the year 1895. as well as a profit upon the ycar's transactions. it will be gratifying to everyone interested in the I'oinpany to note that the “British America" in attaining in the field of fire underwrit- ing in the Dominion that position which, us one of the oldest financial institutions in the country. we have aiutiys felt it should occupy. in this connection Inlay sayâ€"although the year now under I‘c\'ic\\'â€"â€"th.’it we have recently assume-d illl‘ Canadian busi- ness of tho :\"’ll“.llllll‘:ll Insurance Company of Watcrtoun, N.Y.. having reinsured all its ouiszanding risks in Canada. \Vhile the amount involved is not. large we believe that this will bring us some additional connections which may prove desirable and profit able. .' Taken as a whole our fire business for the past year cxhibiis very satis- factory iind encouraging results, but in our Marine Dcinrtment I regret to say the losses incurred have been con- siderably in excess of' whit might have been expected from the conservative lines upon which we are conducting this branch of our business. During the rust year i have. had op- puriuniiies oi visiting some of our more important agencies and I have been mmt favourably impressed with the representation which the Company has secured throughout loth Canada and the United States. I feel that in the Managers our Branch Offices. our ccrps_of Special Agents or Inspectors, as well as in the local Agents repre- seniiizg us in the cities I have visited, we are fortunate in having in the per- vicc of the Company men pussessing in an eminent degree the qualities essential to success in the business in which we are engaged. ' The Vice-President, Mr. J. J. Kenny. seconded the admiicn of the report, 0 'Kinnon, Thou. Lo fice. Toronto, on Thursday. 18th Feb- lC LL.D., H. M. Pellatt, R. Jaffray, a vote of thanks was passed to the President, Vice-President, and Direc- tors for their services duringr the past year. The following gentlemen were elect- ed to serve as Directors fbr the ensu~ ing ream-Hon. Geo. A. Cox. J. J. Kenny, Hon. S. C. \Vood, S. E. Mc- ng, John Ruskin, Q. ‘which was carried unanimously, and i A. Myeis. At a meeting held subsequently, Hon. Geo. A. Cox was elected President, and Mr. J. J. Kenny Vice-President. ACCOUNTHD F0 Clara: Isn‘t your love for him very suddenl. . Maud: Well, his rich aunt died very unexpectedly.» A MINISTERS STORY. THE PAiINFUL EXPERIENCE OF REV. C. H. BACKHUS. .â€" For Five Months he was Helpless and Endured Agonizing Pains â€" Could neither Rise Up Nor Sit Down \Vithâ€" out Aidâ€"lie Tells How he Found a. Care From the Tilsonburg Observer. ' The Rev. C. II. .Bzwkhus is a resident 0f Bayham township, Elgin county, Ont., and there is probably no person in the county who is better known pr more highly esteemed. He is u. minis- ter of the United Brethren Church. lie also farms quite extenswely, superin- tending the work and doing quite a share of it; himself despite his advanc- ed age. But he was not always able to_exert himself as he can tc-day, as a. low years ago he underwent an illâ€" ncss that many feared would terminate his life. To a reporter who recently had a conversation with him the rev. ,to Savannah, JacksonVille and St. Au- ga. finished painter." gentleman gave the particulars of his illness and cure, with make the statement public. The story as told by Rev. Mr. ’llitckhus is substan- tially as followszâ€"A'bout tliiree years ago he was taken ill and the doctor who was called in pronounced his trou- ble an attack of 1a grippe. He did not appear to get any better and a second doctor was called, but with no more satisfactory results, so far as a renew- al of health was concerned. Following the la‘ grippe pains of an excrucuiting nature located themselves in his body. He grew weaker and weaker until at last he was perfectly helpless. Lie could not sit down nor rise froma Sitting pos- ture without assistance and when With this assistance he gained his feet he could bobble but a few steps when he was obligedto be put inc. chair again. For five months these agonizingpains were endured. But at last relief so long delayed came. ,A friend :urged him to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He i yielded to the advice and had not been taking them long when the longed for relief was neticed coming. He could move more easily, and the stiffness and pains began to leave his joints. He continued the, use of the pills for some time longer and the cure was com- plete. Seeing Mr. LBackhus now it. would be difficult to think of him as the crippled and helpless man of those painful days. Mr. Backh’us is now past his 80th year. but as he said,_ "by the aid of Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills I am as able as these ten years younger. You can readily judge of this when i I tell you I laid forty rods of rail fence ‘this year. I am glad to add my testiâ€" 'mony in favor of Dr. \Villiams' Pink. Pills." Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease, driving it from the system and restoring the patient to ,health and strength. In cases of par- jalysis, spinal troubles, locomotor at- :axia, sciatica, rheumatism. erysipclas, ,scrofulous troubles, etc., these pills are l .superior to all other treatment. They are also a specific for the troubles which makes the lives of so many wo- ‘men a burden, and speedily restore the i'ricli glow of health to pale and sal- l low cheeks. Men broken down by over- work, worry or excesses, will find in IPink Pills a certain cure. Sold by all :dealers or sent by mail postpaid, at 50c. a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by ad- 'drassing the Dr. Williams' Medicine ‘Company, Brockville. Ont.. or Schen- Iectady, N.Y. Beware of imitations and i substitutes alleged to be " just as goat .” A HOPEFUL CIRCUMSTANCE. I think. said young Mrs. Torkins, that we will like the new servant better than we did the. other. i For what reason? inquired her hus- , hand. _ She comes a. smaller basket to and from her home. savanna I p. 'mm was . - EAR/“R; a THOUGHT W A MAN! E18 thought that he could trifle with disease. He was run down in health, felt tired and worn out, complained of dizzi- ness. biliousness, backaches and headaches. His liver and kidneys were out of order. He thought to get well by dosing himself with cheap remedies. And then came the ending. He fell a victim to Bright's diseasel The money he ought to have in- vested in a safe, reliable remedy went for a tombstone. % 69‘? is the only standard remedy in the world for kidney and liver complaints. it is the only remedy which physicians universally prescribe. it is the only remedy that is back- ed by the testimony of thou- sands whom it has relieved and cured. THERE is NOTHING ELSE 3 THAT can TAKE ITS PLA E mm... "‘00.".OWNO'OmONQOONNICOCOOC W01 WWW? l 73 to 81 Adelaide St. W., TORONTO _ "iQEI-mâ€""i " . , emulsion the world over. There is not a mamwoman or child who is run down, or cmaciat Emulsion will not benefit. for it you will likely be told by the drug- gist that he has an emulsion “just as good." It is not true. No emulsion is as good; myi is the *2 00.000000000003090 that Scott’s cd,orhasweaklu mycuask M ‘_mfi'miiosi Or [’hilanthropyâ€"ftiâ€"Give You Good Health For 20 Centsâ€"the Cost of Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills. Sure, Safe, Quick and Pleasant to Act No Pain, No G‘i'iping. For Sick Headeache, for distress after eating, for Biliousness, for coated ll‘on- gue, for Constipation. They work won- derfui cures. All druggists have them. 40 in a vial, 20c. Too many men t_r to pull themselves out of trouble Wit ‘ a corkscrew. FLORIDA WiNTER SERVICE. The Southern Railway and the Flor- ida Central and Peninsular Railroad| are.now o crating the famous New Y0“! and ‘lorida Limited, between New York and Jacksonville, and St. Augustine. This train is composed of [Pullman’s latest improved compart- .ment‘ cars, dining cars, drawing room lsleeping cars and library observation, scars. leaVing New York daily. except 'Sunday . at 12.10 noon, and Vashin - ton 6.20 p.m., running solid througfii lgustine. via... Lynchburg, Charlotte. i11.20 a.m.,.Jackscnville, 8.30 p.m., and ls‘t.‘ Augustine, 4.43 p.m., the next day. I'lhis train also carries through sleep- , er New York to Augusta, Ga... with con- !gecgon at Trenton, S. C., for Aiken, This train is .in addition to the re- gular double daily limited trains.1eav- 'ing 'Washington daily at 11.15 a. m. and 10.43 p.m., arriving in Jackson- i ville at 9.00 a,m., and 9.00 p.m., respec- tively the next day. For further information time tables and sleeping car reservations, call on ‘B. P. Fraser. No. 19 Exchange street, Buffalo, N.Y., or write to L. S. Brown, General Agent, Passenger Department, Southern Railway, Washington, DC. \VHY HAND ORGANS VANISH. Philanthropistâ€" Yours is the first: i hand organ I have seen for some weeks. Got too. cold for them, I suppose. Organistâ€"lief.” ees so. Signor. Zee peo- l pies keeps. Windows shut and notta pay! ’us to move on. Etching, Burning Skin Diseases Cured For 35 Cents. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day and cures better, salt rheuin, plies. scald head. eczema. harters' itch. ulcers, blo'ches and all eruptions of i he skin. It is cool hing an ulcl’. mg and acts like magic in the cure of a l aby I human: 35centi. Angel cake. said the married man. iw'ho refused to permit the use of his Iname, is so called because it would re- lquire an angel to eat it without SUP-1 pressed profanity. A CASE OF DIABETES. No Help From Medical Menâ€"Suffered for Many Yeatsâ€"Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. rNorth Bruce, Feb. 22 (Specia1)â€"A'n‘ ,old and well known settler in this i'l‘ownship named Thomas Brooks. who 'lives on lots 7 and 8 in the lith con- ,cessmn is rejoicing with his neighllors over his recent recovery, and he said:â€" "I was cured by using twenty four- ,lioxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and as jnolhing else ever helped me I say they saved my life.” i "Iliad tried all the doctors of this locality and was treated for Diabetes hoping and suffering for years." i From reading of cures 1 determined [to use Dodd's Kidney Pills and I must fsay that after using the first box 1 'iwould have considered them reasonable 1at ten dollars a. box. 1 ""'..' § . l "7: - I "" '. a. real flexible, Ask for this B cot. Buy this Boot. boot: it is ‘ ‘ronox'ro. o illâ€"Mm. Lid. NoSquoak, No Tacks. The Patent Sleeper Insole- Be Comfortable. You will be Pleased. ......9__. It is not the coming within 'our reach. Mad- .' with lio SLEEPER. lN- .5: FOLE and fitted with Cork throughouhthla means dry (cot and solid comfort. THE J. 0. KING 00., LTD., FAILURE IhfPKRIBLE When Ne vilineâ€"nerve pain cureâ€"is applied. b matters not of how long standing. its 129118th and pain subduing pow .r is such t t. relief is :almmt instan aneous. Nerviline is a inerve pain cure. This statement ex- !presses all. Try it and be convinced. Mrs. Farley. I am so glad to hear .your husband is better again. Is he regainin his irits! Mrs. orley, h, yes! The doctor is gradually letting him drink again. i _â€" 01.!) WA}? HORSE. A Grand Arm Mun Oreo... Iw rd. With Heart D canoe and Win- a crib one Victory With the Aid 0 Dr. Agnow’e Cure for the Heart. Dr. Agnew's Cure in- the Ho: 3 cannot tip over eat mated, says H. M. Muse man. a we! l in osvn G. A. ii. men of weirsport, P3. and lho crntin a: "My ailment) were palpita- . ton and utterisinofmthe heart. I it two ! bottles of your va a I cure find too 5 new man. I have ttkon bottles 'rd hog i other medicines wit out help. it trip a to my friends at. every fppartunlty no bl 1th; a areal: meat the. ii Me of so in IN! shot the first dose hadrollef.” _ First artist (patronizingly)â€"Van Dik Iis a good fellow, but he never will b Second LA at»- ."No: all of his figures are entire y too permission toiand Columbia. reaching Savannah at;1ife_like." In this age of adulteration, it is re- freshing to find the quality and put- ity put forward as the strong point] of any article that enters largely int home consumption. This is recognize; the world over as the salient feature 0 "Salada" Ceylon Tea, and admittted by analysts and medical men. W.P.C 850 PERFECT . .. . In flavor and quality alada Ceylon Tea. 25c. 40c. 50c. 633 Splendid Equipment and Good Solid Work â€"have placed theâ€"- 'i‘oRON'l‘oâ€"Gorrard and Yonge Sta, atthe top. It has more teachers. more stud- ents. and assists many more young men and women into good pmltlcns, than any other Canadian Business School. Get particulars Enter any time. Write W. H. SHAW, Principal. FOB. mwnn'iiyssvmv YEARS. 5"” 1. U i3 PS J THEODOSBEST FRI __csscesr SALE lhl osmium». SillLiHS’ lHliNS iHUM TUHUlifl _ EVERY TUESDAY During March and April At 9:00 p.mn. (Should suillclsnt business offer) l0 illilllfiBi All] THE Giillllill NORTH-WEST A Colonist Slee er will be attached to Pacific El:- presa due to leave ' oronto at 12:30 pun. (noon) on than dates. Mk or write for “SETTLERS’ GUIDE." Th0 only n. In 0mm of strong, light and durable l ooh, No Nails. . G o o d y e Sewn ug‘JO-da code. he very atest, the but and most com- i‘ortiiblo be o be made. hero alresdv. L" " "' NTARIO. Equal Only One Price. In every respect to any wheel in the market. It is as good as can be made. 0va ONE GRABE-nThe Best . .o m 1.4..” -o < 3...} « ...,.........._. mm-~v--oâ€" .. a-.-“ ..W.-....,.. r, . -1"..- i.. ‘1? .73 t

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