TWO MONTHS TO LIVE. THAT “’AS WHAT A DOCTOR TOLD _ es immediate aid by soothing a sin born cough and sup lying tonic remedies to the weakene system. It prevents consumption by promptly o ' BL't'l‘lNG ON THE RAIN. - Tto P’anere‘t Gambling Game in the Nun-Id is Played at Calcutta. wiiiiii Axillllllli ' till or smmEOLDERS- _ Of COd‘llVCI‘ The annual meeting of shareholders The Remarkable Experience at One . so: .i‘ï¬d‘dï¬ â€œat: Who Was an Invalid roamsâ€"Six 011. With y' Doctors Treated Him Without Bene- ‘Jï¬th inst. The Hon. Geo. A. Cox, Presi- . that, occupied the chair, and Mr. C. Fitâ€"He Owes His Renewed Health to One of the most curious forms of gambling in the world is "rein gam- bling,“ which at this season of the year is at its height in Calcutta. The prin- cipal min gambling den is in Cotton street, Burr-a Bazaar. ' Na No one who has not visited the plus can have any conception of the vast crowds which at every hour of the day and far into night pass in and out. The great majority are Man-arts, who are born speculators. but there are as well plenty of well to do Europeans. Eurasians, Jews, Armenians and Greeks, and women, too. All swarm into the small courtyard where this strange form of gambling is carried. on, through a narrow entrance bare- ly'three feet wide. The courtyard is about two hundred feet square. The far-famed tank with a spout falling in- to the courtyard is the one spot where all eyes are fixed. The tank stands at the edge of a second floor roof. It 18. about six feet long by four feet Wide and nine inches deep, with the spontaopcnini,r inward, some three or four int-lies from the bottom. From this it Will be soon that it requires a pretty heavy downpour for at least ten minutes to cause the spout, to flow. Intermittent drizzles, which partly fill this. tank, do not count, as the shower to fill it must pour down uninterrupt- iladly. and then the bets are won or 03:... Chances are taken either for or against the spout running. A gray- hatred. wizened old man. is the owner of the den, and there is another similar place across the road, only smaller. On the roof, over the fifth floor, there is asmall, square watch tower, in which are stationed five or six men. whose duty is to scan the horizon closer and report on the formation of rain clouds. On these reports the odds rise or fall. A bet .lllallt‘. and won one day is al- i'ayspaid the following morning. Ev- erything seems to be "on. the square." and, indeed. there is little chance for cheating. The odds range as high as 1 to 75 on some days, even in the rainy season. Many have made a. fortune in a single day. One person recently won over £5,000 in the course of a few weeks. But he worked the system on soicntific methods. ~ FORGOTTEN \VEALTH. In one of the old London banks a box was recently found. containing money and valuables. which had not. been opened or called for in 160 years. and which nmv remains without a claimant. Incidents of like sort are not infrequent in banking history. though there is no other recorded inâ€" stance of a packacge held in trust: re- maining so long uncxnmined. Some years ago the Mcrchants' National Bank, of Baltimore. discovered a box containing $10,000 in bonds of the Pennsylvania Railroad, the. ownership of which could not. be at first traced. The coupons for the preceding 15 years were still attached. It was finally discovered that the bonds belonged to the Hagerstown Maryland, Bank, and had been deposited as collateral. (“IT 01“ TIIE TOILS 'â€" Physicians Failed Cure-A118 Failedâ€" But the Great; SJuth American Kid- ney Cure, 3 8 eciflo Remedy for a. Speciï¬c 'I‘roub o, Cured Mrs. A E. Young of Barnston, P.Q.. Quickly and Permanently. This is her toaltmony: “I was taken sick in January. 1893. I cnzgloyed several of the beat. loo n1 physicians an was treated by them for kidney disease until the autumn of thesame car without receiving much bent-fit. I then began using your South American Kidney Ouro, '«nd derivad great. htneflt. almolt immediately. I feel now that I am quite cured. 1 have taken no modicin-z for some long h of time and have not. had it 10 um of the slight- est symptoai of the dl ease.’ A COMIC AFFAIR. Did you get a. valentine this year, Miss Elderly? Yes I did! she snapped, and now I’m just lying low to see if [can't find out who sent it. Then she gave her hair an extra twist. that brought one ear nearly to the crown of her head. FOR HEATERS. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills Are a Pica- sant and Safe Livor Regulatorâ€"They Stimulate Digestion, and (.‘ounteract the too Common Error of Ovurâ€"lflat- ing. â€"_ 'hike One After Dinnerâ€"No lnconveni- onceâ€"They Act Pleasantlyâ€" 40 i Doses in a Vial. 20 Cents. Never have that tired feeling if you keep your liver active. and llr. Al:- nt-w's Liver Pills are a liver specific. ._..â€"â€"â€" MR. GRA'I‘EBAR TO PHILIP. It is unquestionably true. Philip, said Mr. Gratelxtr. that it i:t_bettcr to be a live dog than a dead lion; but that doesn't mean. Philip, that you should be Sitisfied to remain a dog. Every "" Woman amid Inlay Life. How Many do 7 1 Inlet untold am through slim-on pecul- fu to their on. 11' 18 WRONG. m “use of wool all that @MPOUND IlLl.‘ (0:11.) VEGETABLE OOIMID and Illioo’ Genome Inn. W audio. '1'. in vim sue-with†thwlotbu flflo‘. rudely A " enu'e M’ an on “A. I. C." nBDiGNB CO... ‘7' It. Poll 5%.. Montreal. C. Poster, having been appointed to act: as Secretary to the meeting, read the following annual reports:â€" ln prusenidn the annual report of tho busness o the company tor the year ending Blst December, 1896, the directors have pleasure in stating that, while there has beena falling off in the premium receipts, the revenue ac- count shows a profit. on the year's transactions of $119,708.43. Out of this two halfâ€"yearly diVidends, at the rate of 10 pea: cent. per annum, have been declared; $5,752.33 has been written off for depreciation in Securities, and the balance added to reserve fund, which now amounts to $1,086,908.21. i Owing to the reduction in the volulme of business transacted, the amount: necessary to provide for running. off the liability on unexpired policies ts $23,- 804.88 less than at the close of 1895. After making provision for this and all other liabilities, the net. surplus has been increased to 8316,2523}. The directors have pleasure in ac- knowledging the efficient services of the officers and agents of the company during the past year. « SUMALARY OF THE FINANCIAIA STATEMENT. Total cash income $2,336,727.95 Total expenditure, includ- ing appropriation. for, losses under adjustment. 2,217,019.? Balance ‘8 119,708.43 _________.i Dividends on stock ... 3 100,000.00 Total assets 2,324,427.13: Reserve fund 1,086,908.21I Cash capital 1,000,000.00 Subscribed capital L,000,000.00 Security to policyholders. 3,086,908.21 The annual report of the directors having been read, the Presxdent, in: moving itsadoption. stated that he was pleased to be able tosay that. the year had not. been marked by any serious individual losses such as he had had to refer to at. the last. annual meeting. The business of the company had been carried om upon the same lines as had been. followed in the past..and the re-: sults. as shown. in the statements sub-i mitted, (were, he thought, upon the whole, as favorable as the most. san- guine shareholder couldhave anttCipatâ€" ed. bearing in mind the prevailing con- dition of general business throughout. the continent during the year 1890. The comparativa small falling off in the prelmium income of the company- was such as mightl naturally have been looked for under the circumstances. An amount of $5,752.38 had been written off for depreciation in securities, which was necessary to bring them to their market value at. the close of the year. and which must; be regarded asavery moderate shrinkage on total assets of upwards of two and a. quarter millions. Briefly speaking.- he said that the figâ€" ures in the report submttted showed that while the country had done a somewhat. reduced volume of busmesS; there had been a fair margin of profit. on the year's transactionsâ€"as shown is the revenue accountâ€"and, after pay- ing the usual dividend of 10 per _cent.. and making allowance for deprectatton in securities, there was an increase in the reserve fund of $14,000, while the gain of close upon $38,000 was shown in the net surplus, after making full pro- vision to cover the liability on out- standing risks. These results, he thought, mighu be taken. without fur- ther comment from him, as satisfactory proof that. the business was ona sound footing, and -that‘. the officers and agents of the company were conducting its affairs with due regard to the inter- ests of shareholders, and at: the same time maintaining for the "\Vestern'f the position it. httslong held in the estima- tion of the insuringl public. The Vice-President, Mr. J. J. Kenny, seconded 'the adoption of the report, which was carried unamimously. ’l‘h‘e electionl of directors for the .en- suing year was then proceeded With, and resulted in the unanimous re-eleo- tion of the following gentlemen. 'Vlz., HonLi Geo. A. Cox, lion. S. C. \V ood, Messrs. Robert. Beaty, G. 11.1%.. _Co_ck- burn. George MaMurrich, H. N. haird, \V. R. Brock, J. K. Osborne and J.J. Kenny. ' . At a meeting of the Board of Direc- tors, held subsequently, Hon. George A. Cox was reâ€"‘lected President, and Mr. J'.J. Kenny Vice-Presidentfor the ensuing year. -._-___..,_ ........ hllG HT BE OVE RLOOKED. I would not marry a woman who did not. know how to cook. _ Oh, i might overlook a little thing like that, if she had money enough to pay my board. THE BEST REMEDY 190R CORNS Rapid, painless. its action is a. marvel to all who have tried it. Fancy getting rid of painful corn»: in twenty~four hours. "Putnam's" does it. Ilerr Zsch‘ille's collection of armor, which was exhibited at. the Chicago’s \Vorld's Fair, is to be sold by auction in London. ._.â€"â€"â€" .l POPULAR (‘. P. R. ()FFII‘ER Adds His Testimony to the Merits of Du Agn ew's Catarrhai Powder for 0a» tart-b and Cold in the Bead-he says It. is Peerless. Mr. John McEdwards. the genial pursor of the t‘.l’.R liuor “ Athabasca." says . "I used Dr. Agnew s Cater-rial t'owder for co (1 in the head. It is very ene.~tive, easy to apply. mild and pleasant. For catirrh it has no equal. 1 have tested neer:y every catttrh cure made. and found none to con p in: with it. I recom- mend ll. first, last. and a.w:'y-. Do you know where the bad ople who do not. go to church go, Jo nnief My pop goes fishing. “'HAT DR. A. E. SALTER SAYS. Buffalo. N.f.â€"Gents:â€"From my per- sonal knowledge, gained in observing the effect. of your Shiloh's Cure in cases i of advanced Consumption, 1' am pre- red to say it is the most. remarkable molly that hes ever been brought to my attention. It. has certainly saved many from Ccnsumption. ls Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. '. , Following a Friend's Advice. From the Ottawa Journal. . Mr. David Moore is a well known and ;much esteemed farmer living in the 'county of Carleton, some six miles from lthe village of Richmond. Mr. Moore 'has been an invalid for some years, and ’physicians failed to agree as to his ail- Ement. Not only this but their treat- ,ment failed to restore him‘ to health. ghIr. Moore gives the following, account :of his illness and eventual re- ;lstoration to health. He says :â€""My lfirst sickness came on me ,when I was 69 years of age. Prior to that I had always been a strong healthy man. I had a bad cough and was growing weak and in bad health generally. 1 went to North beer to consult a doctor, who after examining me said, Mr. Moore I am very sorry to tell you that your case is very serious, so much so that I doubt if you can live too months. He said my trouble wan ’a combination of asthma and bronchitis, and he gave me some medicine and some. leaves to smoke which he said might relieve me. I took neither because 1 felt sure I had neither trouble he said, and that he did not understand my case. Two days lat- er I went to Ottawa and consulted one of the most prominent physicians there. He gave a thorough examination and pronounced my ailment heart trouble, and said I was liable in my present condition to drOp dead at any moment. I decided to remain in the city for some time and undergo his treatment. -He wrote a. few lines on a piece, of paper givmg my name and place of resid- ence and trouble, to carry in my ck- et in case I should die suddenly. did not seem to be getting any better under the treatment and finally left. the city determined to consult a doctor nearer home. I was again examined and the idea that I had heart disease was scout- ed, the doctor saying there was many a man following the plow whose heart was in a worse shape than mine. I re- mained under the treatment. of this doctor for a long time, but got no bet- ter: Then my case was made worse by an attack of la grippe, which left; behind it a. terrible pain in my neck and shoulders. This became so severe that I could not raise my head from my pillow without putting my hand to it and lifting it :up. I doc- tored on until I was trying my sixth doctor, and. instead of getting better was getting worse. The last doctor I had advised me to wait until the heat of summer was over when he would blister me for the pains in my neck and shoulders, which he felt sure would relieve it. 1 was on my way to Richâ€" mond to undergo this blistering when I met lVIr. Geo. Argue, of North Gower, who told me of the wonderful cure Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills had wrought in him, and advised me strongly to try them. I went on to Richmond. but in- stead of going to the doctor’s Ibougwht began using them. Before I had fin- ished my second box there was no room to doubt: that; they were helping me. I kept on takin the Pink Pills, and my malady, whic the doctors had fail- ed to successfully diagnose, was rap- idly leaving me. The pain also left my neck and shoulders, and after a cou- ple of months treatment I became strong and healthy. I am now in my 77th year and thank God that. I am able to go about with a. feeling of good health. I still continue taking the pills occasionally, feeling sure that for a person of my age they are an excellent tonic. After the failure of so much medical treatmentI feel sure that. nothing else than Pink Pills could have restored me to my present condition." Dr. \Villiams' Prnk Pills create new blood. build up the nerves. and thus drive disease from the system. In hun- dreds of cases they have cured after all other medicines had failed, thus es- tablishing the claim that; they are a marvel among the triumphs of modern medical science. The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes. bearing the full trade mark. " Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People." Protect your- self from imposition by refusing any pill that does not. bear the registered trade mark around the box. A COMBINATION. .I wonder why Slimson had so many kinds of cheese at his \Velsh rarehit party? He probably believes that: in union fibers is strength. For the Kidneys, liver and “ Urinary Urgans. HERB is only one way by which any disease can be cured, and that Is by rcmovin the cause, what- ever it may be. he great medlcalk k V'WVWVVVV’VVVVF 7777777 authorities of the day declare that near- ly every disease is caused by deranged Kidneys or Liver. L I; resItore thgsefllherciore. l; \\_\\ L e on y way y w llCh henlt can bosecured. Herels where of) (SEE/3e 3 i ‘ ‘ V V ‘1 ‘1 § has Ichlevod its great repu. i ‘ ‘ V“ ‘ tntlon. it acrs DIRECTLY UPON THE Kionsvs mo LIVER and by placing them in I healthy condition, drives disease and pain from the system. its lotionâ€"N Twenty years 0 “recess.†in four continents. Warner's Safe Cure Co.. London. Roches- ter, Frankfort. Melbourne, Toronto. i l l Hypophos- '2 phites Has but one source of relief. Nerviline â€":nerve pain cureâ€"penetrates to the ir- ritated nerves, soothes them into re- s. and affords relief almost instant- y. The whole range of medicine af- fords no parallel to Nerviline as apain reliever. Jose Echegnray, Spain's great pia - wright. is 84 years old. He is an cryi- gtneer and a mathematician. He was once a minister of state. He has writ- ten fifty-two plays. THEY WORKED \VONCDERSa Two Years of Bladder Tormentâ€"Had Attacks of Inflammationâ€"Cured byr a. Few Boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Owen Sound, March 1 (Special)â€".The people of this town are talking again of another cure credited to Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. This is the case of Mr. \V. Cruse. caretaker of (town buildings. who when seem had this to say of the matter:â€" . . "For over two years I have been an intense sufferer from kidney disease With occasional acute attacks of inâ€" flammation of the bladder.†‘ "Was under doctor's treatment and have been compelled to resort to in-. strumental relief many times. “I have taken eighteen boxes of. Dodd's Kidney Pills and am satisfied With results being perfectly relieved ‘of all suffering." TO BE PASSED OVER: Bio-Holding a. girl's hand is like a preface to the book of flirtation. Sheâ€"I never read prefaces. Stop that Coughl Take warning. It may lead to Consumption. A the of Shilob’s Cure may save your life. â€"â€"aâ€" STEAMSHIP FOR INVALIDS. One of the steamship companies of England has ordered a steamship to be build for the “sole use of invalids." CATARRI CANNOT BE CURE!) With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can not reach the seat: of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to ucre it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and note di- rectly on tho bio-.d and mucous surfaces. Hall's Gatarrh Cure in not. equnck medicine. It. WIS prescribed by one of the host physicians in this country for years, and in a regular pre- scription. It is compared of the but: tonics knowu, cembined with the best: blood puriï¬ers. actln directly on the mucous sur- faces. The per set combination of the two in- grxdients is when produces such wonderful remit: in curing Catarrh. Send for testimoni- als free. F. J. CHENEY a: 00., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by drugglste, pricoJSo. “i’PACiliFrl WILL RUN SillLlHS’ lHAlNS FHDM lfllllllllll EVERY TUESDAY During March and April At 9:00 12.33: (Should sufï¬cient; business offer) it) lllllllOBll Alli} lllE Gillillllll NORTH-Will A Colonist Rice or will be attached to Paciï¬c Ex- press due to leave. curing colds and suggmtg the pre- e ventive power by w can withstand disease. rec. hull (lth I NEURALGIA'S PERSIS'I'ENT AGONY ' For Constih intro-Of W system if... he... limit B“ ‘1 “in. °"° . no , no see rn tions on the Face, and algae the help; clear as a bell. There is no foundation for the port that the Duke of Connaught. wrlll on an early date. be raised to the ran of field marshal. His royal highn hastno wish to obtain a baton at pre- een . I Shiloh'e Consumption Cure care- ,where others fail. It is the loading- Cough Cure, and no home abound be Without it. lesamt to take and cool W.P.C 857 MILL . MILLS a Huts. hurristora Spam c.. Ahmdoh vyï¬fï¬ Lean- .rigiht to the spot. 3 : reef. Blast. ’l‘oron e. a. nun. nthâ€"a. Kiln-v.1». nu... 1.1.5 {PORONTO OUTTISG SCHOOL. You. men. learn to cub‘ of bet _ 5 issue, or for circular ivln‘ in in e TRNP? agents for Mo owe '3 Ladies Ga men Dr ing Machine, 13 Yonge St. 3 W Pdtente obtu- . lfl.l.liï¬lll£3.§;.ini can - ; Toronto. Longest. ox erien e, i Information free. G. Fling?" .e‘nn . n. A. Kumxn. liqu and mutual-u. iiiir‘i‘d.‘ . ’1‘ -‘ Lift-210N175 [is .ioe- fl" . 15‘: .-‘e ‘ -: -. e' g. ‘ 6- a. ‘ ant-utiipgstw loitovio.‘ Watson’s lliugli Drops 1. a T. W. Stamped on each Drop. ,4» iii new . lameness G. DUTH E & SATE, SHEET-METAL: TILE & GRAVEL ROOF!†Sheet. Metal Ceilings, Terra. Cotta The, Red Black and Green Roofing Slate Metal 00! niccs. Felt, Tar. Roofing itch, 10w. Gutters Dovvnpipes, &c., supplied the trade. Telephone 1936. Adelaide a: Widmer Ste TORONTO Splendid Equlpment and Good Solid Work â€"hlvc placed the-â€" .. .- I TORONTOâ€"Gerrard and Yonge Sta. atthe top. if; has more teachers. more it‘l‘ld- eats, and assists many more young men and women into good positions, than any other Canadian Business School. Get part. oulare. Enter anytime. Write W. H. SHAW, Principal FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. BAKNG POW ER . “1*†‘“°°“~’ °““‘“‘ THE COOK'S BT FRIENB Ask or write for "SETTLERS’ GUIDE." nanâ€"nu. LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. A NEVtii FAILING REMâ€"Elli“ For Weak and Inflamed Eyes, or Chronic Granulation of the Lids, Ulceration of the Glands. 3‘ "- Hale by all. Drurttntm YNAMS“ FOR PLATING, POWER 0R LIGHT. . . MOTORS. Repairs to all makes of machines. Experimental work carried out. ï¬AY Elect’l Mfg 00., 256 James St. N. Hamllton Phone " . 58 Adelaide St. w., Toronto Phone 1214. only One m... Equal In every respect to my wheel In the market. It is as good as can be made. ONLY ONE ann£---The Best