rs, \. John Copp; Sec, R. )1. Mason, V. 8., I the doughy reelected;Treas., Lewis Deyman, re- elected; L. )I., Wm. .‘IcKeown, re- elected; Warden, John T. Palmer; Con- ductor, Hugh Sharpe; R. S. 8., John . l I Aldous: L. S. S, Peter Cairns; R. S. N. G., R. Uolmer; L. S. N. (3., James Knox; R. S. V. 6.. Robert .‘Ioffat', L. V. G., William Robson; I. (3., Wil- liam Deyuian Jr. A Sunderland lady writes Dr. Neelnnds that he had made her a successful ï¬t after having eight sets of teeth made in Toronto and elsewhereâ€"43W The Vitrofi‘ Girl. .\ DARK SECRET OF A ST. PETERSBURG PRISON. London, March thâ€"Lctters from St. l’etersburg say it has been years since the capital was so excited about any political affair as it is now about I the tragedy of the Vitroff girl and the consequent wholesale arrest of students. ’ All that is really known about her is that she was arrested last December with a couple of other students in a domiciliary visit paid by the police to the High School for Women, on suspi- , cion of being a distributor of Nihilist literature, and that she was conveyed to . the sinister underground prison in Pet- ropaulofkki fortress, which is to St. Pet- ersburg what the tower used to be to ! London, and that now she is admitted to be dead. The popular story that she committed suicide by drenching her ' blankets and clothes with petroleum and then setting fire to them is well calculat- l l l l I l l l l ed to arouse indignation. There is no telling how true the story is, since the seerets of these terrible dungeons are only less inscrutable than those of the grave. True or not, the story is believ- ed, and overa thousand students are now crowded in various prisons for hav- ing insisted on saying prayers for her soul in the big Kazan cathedral. No- thing is said about the affair in the Russian papers, but the city is talking of nothing else, and it is believed that the tragic» pathos of' this new martyr legend may become still more tragic, as it involves the imputation of sensual violence against an ofï¬cer of the prison which will tend to stir up sympathetic demonstrations and disturbances all over Russia. It should not be forgotten that nine-tenths of the Russians believe this reign to be doomed by heaven to misfortune on account of the awful loss of life at Moscow at the Coronation. It is reported from Cretan waters that the Russian sailors on the man-of-war, where the gun exploded with such fatal results, cried out at once that it was anocher portent like the Moscow disaster, and the olliccrs had to promise them that they would be asde no more to ï¬re on Christians, except to save a ship from being sacked or scuttled on the spot. ...â€"-..... .. By accident one day an Adjala farm- er ran eleven oneâ€"dollar bills through a Jutting box. Improved machinery in the manufac- ture of furniture has displaced from 50 to 75 per ccnt.,of the persons formerly employed. A mass meeting of 20,000 persons was held in Trafalgar square, London, to express sympathy with Greece in the present troubles. A case of usury has been ventilated in the Montreal courts, in which the unfortunate debtor was compelled to pay ï¬ve per cent. per day. An order has been issued from the i‘lilitia Department calling in all the old rifles and side arms, and as soon as these are in the new Lee-Enticld wea- pon will be issued to the different bat- talions. There is a manufaetory in Baden, Germany, where, when an improvement in the line of labourâ€"saving machinery is introduced, some of the proï¬ts arising from the innovation are given to the workmen. Says the Cleveland Citizen : “The coal trust has taken advantage of the restored conï¬dence to raise the price 25 Cents per ton. It is stated that that means an additional proï¬t of' $50,000,- 000 for the trust this year. The entire staff of employees at the llevouport dock yard, numbering 5,000, have been ordered to work overtime for [lie purpose of hastening the completion of the fitting-out ol' the vessels upon which they are engaged. iioaussrounsivcs. Rats or Coyotesâ€"Which? Tn (dz Ema.- <5" the Furriers Fair}! Centre. Siteâ€"â€" Tell you what. Mr. Editor.‘ John . ltxandcr l-Illis. cx-n‘evc. countyi councillor, etc. feels his cats. The honors ’ which hate been heaped upon him are developing the blue blood which Courses; through his veins. it is well for Quizâ€"it l ~ to Quizâ€"it is immaterial to the general i matter? warrior’s notice. From sheer inability to do the subject justice, I shall refrain from criticism of the short but able epistle which appeared in your last issue. But we are to “ hear from him at more. length through his solicitor." All right, l John A. Dot ish goot. It is immateriah public, and I presume I am fairly well ' within the mark when I say it is imma- terial to you, also, Mr. Editorâ€"~whether the ; mystery which enshrouds that $25 is ex-l plained by Mr. Ellis himself or through the medium of“ a counsellor learned in the law. All we want to know,John, is, Where is that twenty-five dollars ? What are the apparent facts of this New, boys, when you are setting up the type for this, do not fail to put in the word apparent, or Quiz and you also may have a libel suit on hand. It appears Mr. Reeve Ellis laid a letter from the Messrs. Howry on the table, addressed to the head of the municipality, in which they said they enclosed $25, etc. A vote of thanks was passed by the council for the donation. After this that money was no more the property of Mr. Ellis than it was that of the meanest ratepayer in the place; and should at once have been handed to the treasurer and placed to the credit of the municipality. Instead of this it is quietly tucked away in the inner recess of the reeve’s own pocket, and we hear no more about it until your humble servant asks him in a most courteous and civil manner through your columns what has become ofit. And thenâ€"oh !â€"because our innate modesty prevents us from giving our true name, he will not answer “rats.†Is this the way our council does business â€"allow one of its members to take money from the public funds and use it according to the dictates of his own sweet will, with- out any authority whatever? If it is, the quicker the strong arm of the law is in- voked to teach them they are not immortal the better. And they may as well under- stand onee for all that common councillors, like almanacs and some other quadrupeds we might mention,are good for one year only. But there is another matter, Mr. EditOr, about which a good many persons have expressed a desire for fuller and more accurate knowledge. I refer to a rumor about a certain coyote or prairie wolf. You or the boys may have heard something about it on the street, and forgot to insert it amongst the personals. It is reportedâ€"- I wish it distinctly understood that I do. not assert this is a fact, but merely say it is reportedâ€"that Mr. John A. Ellis imported a coyote from Manitoba some few years ago. After a time it dug its way out of its case, when he shot it, and got a certiï¬cate from an accommodating J. P. that 'he had killed a wolf, which enabled him- to draw. $10 out of the county treasury, $10 for the scalp of a brute which was only worth $2 in its native province. If this is not true, John A., and you can devote a few minutes to a rat, let us hear nll‘a‘nout it. Who was the magistrate that you managed by your nice ways to put the “ come hither†on so prettily ? Yours truly, QUIZ. Fenelon Falls, March 23rd, 1897. N. B;â€"â€"Dear Mr. Editor: Please do not give me away. Iwould not mind giving my proper name, but if I did the boys might be after me to run for councillor, and there is a rumor afloat that the tailors have enteredinto a compact that from this time forth they will not put any pockets into garments made for village councillors, and this would be a. mighty inconvenient ar- ' raugement for a man who smokes. Q. 110 ! for the Gold Fields! A special party leaves for the gold fields of British Columbia in special sleeping car April lst. Call on or write to ' J. T. PETTY, The Jeweler, Lindsay, Ont. FENELON FALL S MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill Co. Fenelon Falls, Friday, March 26th, 1897. Wheat.Scotch or Fife .... 75 to 75 Wheat,fall, pcrbushel.... 68 70 Wheat, spring “ . . . . 65 68 Barley. per bushel. 20 25 Buckwheat“ 20 23 Outs, “ .... .... 16 17 Pense, “ 37 38 Rye, “ 25 28 Potatoes, “ .... .... 35 30 Butter,pcrlb............ 13 14 Eggs,per dozen...... .... 9 l0 llay.per ton...... ...... . 8.00 10.00 Hides ............. ...... 5.00 5.50 llogs (live) ...... ...... .. 4.40 4.75 llogs (Dressedy. . .... .. .. . 5.50 6.25 Becf‘..................... 3.50 4.50 Slieepskius.............. 50 ‘75 “'ool ...... l6 13 Flour, family, Silver Lenf.. 2.20 2.40 Flour, best bakers' .. .. . ... 2.30 2.50 Flour straightrolled...... 2.10 2.30 Bran. per ton . 10.00 12.00 Shorts, “ ..... . 11.00 13.00 Mixed chop.perlou....... 15.00 18.00 Hat an as [N VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Rum Paper and Picture Frames â€"lS ATâ€" W. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker Block.Kent-st.,Lindsay. is “‘t‘ll {or you,alsoâ€"â€"that the wividcl’ of Artists’ Goods 3 Specie", such a :reuclrant pen is so fully occupied ‘ with Ulih‘f matters that he lms neither time a .r iarluazian to ‘- lll'h‘l' RATS." didaius to even mention that twenty-live dollars. out and give his true name, he is bcamth l mulls ' Machine Needles. Alebastine and Dve .ag . It Quiz. will not come 5 Works AgenCy. Wl’lcuse callandsee my 5c.Peper. NOTICE TO CONTRAGFI'O R 8. Sealed Tenders, addressed to W. GILES, Esq, Reeve of Dysart, Haliburton P. 0., marked “Tender for Town Hall," will be received up to Friday, the 16th Day of April, 1897, for the building of a Town Hall at the Village of Haliburton. Plans and speciï¬- cations of the proposed Hall can be seen at the ofï¬ce of the undersigned. The lowest or any tender nottnecessarily accepted. WILLIAM PRUST, Clerk of Dysart. Dated at Haliburton this } 6â€"3. 23rd day of March, 1897. ESTRAY SIâ€"IEEP. Came on to the premises of the under- signed, east half of Lot 27, Con. 5, Veru- lam, about a month ago, three Ewes, with a small piece cut out of the side of the right ear of'each of†them. The owner can have them upon proving property and pay- ing charges. JACOB WALKER, Fenelon Falls P. O. Verulam, March 10th, 1891â€"433 RUIT and ORNAMEHTAL I TREES. 700 ACRES. Shrubs, Roses, Vines and Seed Potatoes E have the largest assortment and employ the very latest and most improved methods for propagating. All stock carefully packed under our per- sonal supervision, and all new varieties tested at our trial farms before being cata- logued. These are the only testing orch- : ards connected wtth any Nursery in the Dominion. Agents Wanted to Represent Us. Special attention given to Park, Cem- etery and Boulevard orders. Estimates furnished for supplying entire orchards. Why buy of foreign concerns or of middlemen when you can purchase as cheaply from us and get better value ? Our stock is Canadian grown and ac- climated. Catalogue (English or French) free on application. StonetWellinglonJomnh, llnl. EONTHILL avasmnus. The Leading Canadian Tree Men. . MISS NELLIE SLATER, DBE‘SSMAKER. Work done by the day or at home, BOND STREET EAST; A THE CANADA Guarantee prompt shlp- A; SALT .ments. .g is ASSOCIATION Fine. Coarse or Land . Salt. . . bi cuntont Ont' For Table or Dairy w 3% USE COLEMAN’S 3', Mittmtsv, ranâ€"act cons, WALL Parts, wmncw LINES. Before buying anything in these lines call and inspect Good goods at my stock. purse-fitting prices. Ems taken in exchanrre. CC C MRS. HEELEY, Nearly opposite Joseph Heard’s. R-I'P'A'N'S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- Cures the common everyday ills of humanity. cine : n.’ tn .1 at a: (I) in > c at z o MONEY TALKS, but if you want to save yours in buying" Hard/ware, Stoves, Tait-leave, Points, 0273, Glass, etc, call at the New Hardware Store, opposite the Post-Oï¬ice. GEORGE MCGEE.. R UNA WA Y Or an upset may damage your buggy or-waggon, perhaps only slightly, perhaps so badly that you will want a new one. In either case the best thing to do is to go to S. S. Gainer’s, where repairing and repainting are done in the best style, and Where the best kind of vehicles can be had at prices to suit the times. Shop 011 Francis Street East, next door to Knox’s black- smith shop. ...â€"- CHEAP ! CHEAP ! ! CHEAP ! ! l2; .. THESE FENCll‘lï¬S, AS WELL AS Tï¬l ONTARIO WIRE FENCING CO" LTD. Pioton. Ontario. Mlllllllllll’l EEflltF'Sllll llllll llllllllliS, For trellis, poultry yards, lawn fencings, etc, are sold very much lower this year than ever before. They are the best. Ask~ your Hardware Merchant for them. APRflES R llhllT. , ?†WWWâ€? Go to J . McFarland’s for Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Crockery and Glassware. . . . . . . WOW IT’S IMMENSE. Try KOLONA Ceylon Tea. We Don’t Talk Much. WE ARE BUSY. IF YOU WANT A SPRING SUIT OR OVERGOAT leave your order with us as soon as possible. A. CLARK a. son. l 1 1w.- ’. .‘ .....t. .. n. .‘L.4L..-...'.J.°v.n ..-...“ w-¢.;â€"~_.â€".‘.o_..._-.~ ... '4'. .. I p M «..., ...: r 7< M‘vauw‘