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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 May 1897, p. 3

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’1 'JiviUN'rg loner. KING Gaoacflrcarrca mouth-6, A YOUNG LADY our or we SHADOWOF DEATH. 1 Remarkable Cue That Vivldly Show: the Wonderful Health-Restoring Favor of Dr. William-r l'ink Pills. Fran the Orangeville Banner. ’l’h-xre is no doubt at all that many people are prejudiced against proprie- tary medicines. and equally no doubt many look upon the testimonials pub- li-lHd as much in the nature of an ex- nag-rated puff. If the Banner has been tini-tured with this feeling it has, so far as one medicine is concerned. bad if?" doubts removed. We refer to Dr. ‘villiams' Pink Pills. concerning the curative qualities of which strong claims have been made, and proofs ad- vansed in their support which seem- ed equally strong. But it: is when one Coin“: across in their own locality a case almost rivaling any that havé been. made public. that doubt disap- pears and conviction follows. Such a case. the Banner came across and in- vestigated and now ives the facts. The case is that of 3 us Sarah Lang- ford, an. estimable young lady who resides in the neighborhood of Camilla. “'23 were told she had been. brought near to death's door and had been re- stored to health thro h the agency of Dr. \Villia'ms’ Pinik ills. “a de- cided. however. to cast hearsay aside and investigate for ourselves. \\'e found Miss Langford the picture of health and good spirits, at her pleas- ant home _in Camilla. In response to our inquiries as to her illness and the cause of her recovery. she eXpressed her Willingness to patisfy our curiosity. and as she added. relate her ex erience for the good of others afflicts as she was. {for story very briefly, was as follows :â€"- "I had 121. grippe in the spring of 1854, I did not seem. to get over the effects of the attack, and as the sum- mer progressed became weak and list- less. Any kind of work became a burden to me. After pumpin of water from the well, I wou d have to stand and hold my hands over my heart for a moment or so. it would flut- ter. so violently. I could not go upâ€" stairs without difficulty, and towards the last would have to rest on the, steps, andwhen I had got. to the top. lie down until lcould‘ recovermy breath. I became a mere skeleton, my checks 0 were like wax and my lipsco rless. I lost all appetite and my meals often went untested. iMedicine seemed to have no effect upon me. I was getting weaker all the time. and at last began to give up hope of recovery. My parents were of course in great distress, and I knew by the looks and actions of friend- who called to see me that they thought I was doomed to an‘ early death. ’Ilhen a dear la friend died and I manag~ ad out of ove for! {her to drag mysalf to her funeral. The sensation of seeing ’her laid away. believing that I woul soon follow. her, was a stran 0 one. Shortly after this an aunt o mine; Mrs. \Vm. Henderson. of Toronto, came to visit at our place. My condition troubled her very much and she in- sisted on my trying Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills. To lease her I consented but with very ittle hope of any good re- sult. The effect, however, was won- derful and a pleasing surprise to me. I soon began to feel more cheerful and Seemed to feel stronger. Then my ap- petite began to improve and the color return to my cheeks and‘ 13m. From that hour I steadily gaine strength. and was soon enjoying my former ex- cellent health. and I am sincere in ex- ressing my belief that to Dr. Wil- iams' Pink Pills do I owe my recov- ery." _ Euruiiry among neighbors corrobor‘ atcd uIl‘lS Langiord's story as to her illnem and remarkable recovery. In her case at least Dr. Williams' Pin-k Pills have given a striking proof that they possess wonderful merits. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving di- sense from the system. Avoid imita- tions by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapâ€" er bearing the full trade mark. Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills for Pale “sople. A CHFMXP HUSBAND, Daughterâ€"Father, I wish to marry dim count. Fatherâ€"But. from the reports {I hear. the follow isn't worth much. DaughIcrâ€"Jl‘han. father. if he isn't: worth much. you certainly could af- ford to buy him fon mel THE TRALDE \VINDS Blow strong since Nei‘viline is in this market. Nerviline is the great nerve- pain cure. Its penetrating and pain subdui almost nstanianteous. 'I‘ry it and be convinced. 'l‘OlL. lluinblo. honest work is the grand- est thing under the stars, and just as sum as gravity swings the planets or water runs down bill. so sure is it a sin and a shame for a man to seek to get something for nothing. or to seek to live without toil in this world. ONE OF MANY. limwuâ€"Thnt is Prof. 'l'liinkerton, the linmntor. Perkinsâ€"“"hnt has he invented? Brownâ€"Don't rmnember, exactlyâ€" oomc sort of "scope." â€"‘â€"-â€"« "q- soâ€" lo.) Any Woman Kabul-nonunion. dun hot pain- and weaknes- without .5- hapeiu to [oi relief can i ales; viihcn an.“ (Inn. vu- ITAILI MI IUNO. a pail nu Throne and no Life 1- Perilâ€" Gren Wealth. Uneasy lies the head that wears the Grecian crown. King George is now zoccupying a. peculiarly trying position. By attempting to seize Crete he put himself at the head of the mob in deâ€" fiance of the feeble protests of his pro- mier and now he faces almost certain idefeat in war. and perhaps. a revolu- 3tion that may drive him from his ithrone. Under ordinary circumstances ithis monarch of the Hellenes might ‘ not care greatly since the powers. when he took his seat in 1863. guaranteed “him a round million dollars a year in 'case he should be driven from power. besides which he has already saved up enough out of his liberal allowances {of $260,000 a year and perquisites to ‘make him the wealthiest sovereign of lEurope. The king has always had an Ieye to the future, and in recent years ibes built himself a magnificent palace inear Copenhagen, to which he might retire to end his days in the ease to which he has always been partial. That would not be a bad termination of the erished and obscure royal family. if that were all. But there Is reason to believe that George had resolved to Wipe out by one bold stroke. the con- temptuous indifference with which he ,has been regarded by other sovereigns iw‘ho have nevor held his intellectual ;qualifications in high esteem. The time iseemed ripened for realizing the old iGreek dream of the seizure of the Tur- ikish empire, or at any‘ rate. of a good Ipart of. The Christian sentiment of lthe world was aroused; an alliance, icovert or open, with some great power .was to be expected, and. it seemed cer- Pain that the Balkan states would like- wise declare war. instead the concert lof Europe has been maintained with ifirmncss: the Balkans have announced ito Russia that they will remain neu- ltral. and the Turk is conducting the war in his usual freely aggressive style 1and with more than usual success. The king of Greece i5. therefore in a situ- ation of extreme perilâ€"not alone to [his throne, to which he may be phil- .osopihically resigned. but also to his llife and the lives of his family, a con- itingenoy that can certainly not be ,contemplated witih equanimity. He Elias the mob at his back in two senses, 'and in any event must suffer. 5 King George has led a blameless if .rather indolent life; under him the Greeks have had self-government to a very large degree. and in every r0- .apect his administration has been bet- ltar than that of the unhappy Othoi his predecessor. That he should have . ruled in exemplary if colorless fashion, for thirtyâ€"four years, and then in any event have to face the humiliation of defeat and possibly of such flightas King 0th!) took, is distresaing indeed. m.-s_s.. - “GONE TO THE DOGS." A missionary bishop who had been six weeks in coming to the convention at ~Win-n’gpeg, most of the way in a loanoe, began his address by saying that he would speak for himself and for a brother-bishop, who unfortunately could not be present. He was sorry gtc say that his brother’s diocese had gone to the dogs! A general gloom followed these words. He went on to say that the bishop had found so many inquirers after re- ligion among the Eskimos north of Hudson Bay that he had to build a church. As there was no wood, he used iwihaleé' ribs for rafters, covering them iwith tanned walrus hide, and so made ’a church to hold eighty persons. All iwcnlt merry as a wedding-bell for a time. untilâ€"the dogs grew furnished {and ate the church â€"â€"â€"â€"I WILL GARRY THE SCARS T0 KER GRAVE. Spent Thousands for Health. But Did Not Obtain This Greatest or all Blessings Until She Used the Great South Ameri- can Rheumatic Cure. Suffered Inten. only for 12 Years. Mrs. I“. Brawley. ofTottenham. Ont, states: “I suflerod almost: continually for 12 cars with rheumatism. the effects of which will carry to in grave. and while the joints at elbows an wrists are yet stiff I am entire y freed frompain in the use of South American lthoilnatic Cure. it has ince:d proved a wonderful cure in my case. 1 have spent thousands of dollars in doctor's bills and medi- cines without avail. Five bottlei of this won- der-worker has cured all pain. I am better in health generally than I have been for ten years.“ .â€"â€"â€"â€" COULDN‘T STAND ALONE. They tell me Vain W'iiiher is very pow-NT is 811011: that relief is week since. his last sickness. He is. I saw him on the street just now and asked him for a fiver; but he couldn't stand a loan. $100 REWARD $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease :hat scieuco has been able to cure in all it; logos. and that. in t'atsrrh. Hull's Cutarrh ‘ure is the only positive cure known to tho -ivdlcal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu- linal disease. requires constitutional treatâ€" ment. Hall‘s Catarrh Care is taken internally. i ~ting directly upon the blood and mucous eur- facos of the system. thereby destroying the foundati n of the disease. and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in dolniits work. The proprietors have so much fait in its curative powers, that the otl'e'r One Hundred Dollars or an can that it fails to cure. Send for list: of test monials. Address. FxG. CHENEY & 00.. Toledo. 0. Sold b Urugxzsu, 76c. Hall's amily Pills are the best. i Vitriol throwing by jealous women. “(hitherto a peculiarly Parisian inani- ‘festation of decadent affection. seems to gbe growing fashionable in the London “Vest End. too. A case where the act- ‘ors were English was tried recently. Be Not Deceived. A Cc h, Hearse- ness or Group, are not to trifled l I London's Fire Chief. who is 3 Com- macada- m the royal navy. was mar- ;ned recently in style. a procession of :a hundred firmer: in full uniforms and The best Cough Cure. Rellevos Cmu promp'ly. One million bottle- sold 1 rear. (0 «loans for 26 cents. Sold by all dniggisu. will save you much trouble. Sold by his bride to tho churn . with A dose in time of Shiioh's Cure all druggists. impolim band accompanying tum and Cure the Cough with Shiloh’s Gun. Oil BURNED? We head with horror of the cruelty and butcheriea of Gen. Weyler in the fair Isle of Chiba. but little rock we of the ravages of that more direful King of Grave-Fillers, Kidney Disease, here in our midst. ~ . People of high and low degree drop into graves on all sides of us daily from Kidney Trouble. ‘We incur it our- selves. “'0 encourage it. 'We do everything but cure it. ‘.Yet there is acum, easant as a. iMay morning. Sureaa ate. lnfallible as heredity. Before this Wonderful remed , the agonizing tortures ofKidâ€" ney I] vanish like a snowflake in a. fiery furnace. This cure. of which we sound the raises is DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Yet at alone we. but eve‘ry one who has Mod them. One hundred per cent. of euros we record. Here are exam- plexâ€" .‘W. F. Smith. 18 Carrol St... Toron- to, says:â€"“I have taken alight boxes olf Dodd's Kidney Piills which have cured me of Heart and Dizziness. after other treatments had failed." I). J. Kenney‘, Queen's Hotel. Mount Forest, saysâ€"Hana suffered _ catly from Nervousness', but infotrma tomes to the effects of Doldd's Kidney Piillsnn such cases led me to 1150 them; mth the result that I am cured." - Louis E. Bounsall. 573 King East. Tor- onto. says :â€"“Had been troubled for several months with pain in my back and kidneys which prevented my ent- ering in bicycle events, but can in the rim once more-“after tiliiree boxes of odd’s Kidney Pills. Mr. James Stokes, Deseronto, Ont. says 1â€"iFrom » the first box taken of Dodd's Kidney Pills I found relief. and hundreds here, knowing me for the pest fifteen} years. can vouch for my cure of long standing Kidney Trouble. I do not cast my eyes away from my troubles; I pack them inas ittle com- pass as I can for myself, and never let them amnoy any othersâ€"Son‘hey. v DREADFU'LLY NERVOUS. Gentazâ€"I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl’s Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous Sys- tem. I was troubled With Constipa- tion, Kidne and Bowel trouble. Your Tea soon 0 eanscd my system so thor- ou hly that I fidlg regained health and strength. . . A. Sweet, Hartâ€" ford. Conn. Sold by all druggists. Give me the liberty to know. to think, to believe, and to utter freely accord- ing to conscience. above all other liber- ties-Milton. fl WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD Is the Testimony of Frank S. Emotion or Alvin-ton. Ontâ€"Says South American Kidney Cure Saved Hi.- Lifoâ€"It Re- novu in 81:: Hours. “For two years I was troubled with kidney disease. I suffered intenscpain. and frequently was unable to work. I dcctored at intervals. but got little gr no relief. I began to row worse, and th. aim were frequent an . in- tense. About th s time I saw South American Kidne Cure advertised as a speed relief for all Ki ncy troubles. I purchase-l a. ottle,'an<] i it gave me wonderful relief in a few hours. improved steadily. and after takin fox bottles I am completely cured. I con: der it worth its weight. in gold, for it assuredly saved my life." â€"â€"â€"> Human wisdom is the aggregate of human.- experience, constantly accumu- latinig, selecting and reorganizing its own materialsâ€"Story. Adams’ Ginger Beer RECIPE. Adams Extract - . Fielaohmann’l Yeast - One half izo one cake. Sugar - - - Two pounds. Cream of Tartar - - One half ounce. Lukewarm Water - - Two gallons. ‘ One bottle. Dissolve the sugar, cream of tartar and you! in the water add the extract. and bottle : place in a warm place for twenty-four hours until it ferments, than pace on ice, when it will open sparkling. cool and delicious. The ginger but can to obtained in all drug and grocery stereo in lo glut bnttlel to make two gailonl. NEED FOR REFORM; ._ f Lawyer (after many insinuatlons and much twisting of previous testimony) in his questions)â€"Do you know, sir, thabyou are under oath)? \Vitness (testily)-â€"Yes, and Irwis you wore. ' Ii THOUGHT THAT KILLED A MAN! E thought that he could trifle with disease. He was run down in health, felt tired and worn out. complained of dizzi- ness. biliousness, backaches and headaches. His liver and kidneys were out of order. He thought to get well by dosing himself with cheap And then came remedies. the ending. He fell a victim to Bright's disease! The money he ought to have in- vested in a safe, reliable remedy went for a tombstone. is the only standard remedy in the world for kidney and liver complaints. It in the only remedy which gzysiclans universally prescri . it is the on] remedy that is back- ed by t e testimony of thou- sands whom it has relieved and cured. THERE IS NOTHlNG ELSE ‘Tâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" i THAT CAN TAKE ITSPLA E g i l § 53.15% IS YOUZRWIFE ILL-W! . Examine her feet, and if she has come buy her Putnam's Painlem Corn Ex.- 'Home will then become an of married tzructor. Eden. Much. of the misery life is due to cox-us. Putnam's Extract- or is m painless. and prompt. Humanity is never more beautiful for for ivenas. or than when prayi else forgiving anot canâ€"Bl tor. mom. In. nun. , the Wire 0! Ca tutu Hark- : tau: of Owen Sound. Ont. Toll- How Loft Her, and How Often Doctor. Gave 10y. W known Lake Up Hope and Her I Despair-ed offior Recoveryâ€"Tho Great South American Nor-vino was the Beacon which Directed Ear Into the Good Health Harbor. “ About four years a Grippo and l'rlondl 3.470 R ONTQE WC A N 4“? @- mout ecomgloto wreck. I was p weeks. I 0 I was afflicted with a lover. attack of la ppe which left. me al- rostrated for ootorod with several physicians and used many remedies. but none had lasting effect. alarmed for my recovery. The doorors thook their head and hold out little hope. attracted y an advertilement of South trouble was of it. The persisted in its use and this great remedy has com lately built up my syn-cm. and l oeitivoly that it is the only remedy but gave me any American Nerviuo. and an my a nervous nature I decided to try first bottle helped me greatly. roll-f." Easy to make and cents. Sold by all I meat to take. 25 ruggists. The grandest of heroic deeds are those performed within the four walls. and in domestic privacyâ€"Richter. W.P.C 867 DOOTORB RECOMMENDâ€" “SALADA” Ceylon Tea. kw“??? 331i" ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Hotel St. Charles. Fine-ii Hotel on the Gout. Directly on the Beach. Salt and Fresh Water in Every Bath. Write for Booklet. '- 0. "JAN, Manager. FOB TWENTY. sum mafiaâ€"- JAIII I. IIIILLY, ri-o p rider. BAKING POWDER THECOOK’S BEST FRIENB: h mono NTO. THREE PROPOSITIONS. â€". LARGEST SALE m CANADA. A NEVER FAILINilTlITVifiY For Weak and Inflamed Eyes. Iwas colors 0. DUTHIE & sous Into. Inbound. Tile 8 Gravel I.“ email. “Nitrifgfigfi :- any i Felt. u. 00 “I. is My friends began to be 500%!1MCG. “1998:! the trade. We ma Alwdo & Wldm TORONTO}, :- Wth we I our . . . Allwoolandayardwide,dicano- “slice mublev PM“ 1“ “1° 133°" wered. reassuringly. and nestled yet 9“?!“ ‘3‘". W' ‘ 33m?» hp.“ "â€""" am on Irvin! Karl's Glover Root Tea in a pleasant r3" " laxative. lates the bowels purl- “hung. a, flee the bloc . Clears the complexion. inton- ‘v. atth I} on. , ‘ This in a word, is expressive of the reputation enjoyed by the It: Bearings are dust and oil proof. II oiled but once a year. Will last a lifetime. Get a catalogue. MANUFACTURID IV 1'". Canadian Typograph C0.,l.td. WINDSOR. ONT. or Chronic Granulation of the Lids, Ulceration of the Glands. ‘5‘ Inlâ€" by .11 Dru-.4...- Doctors’ Bills Are High Don't Pay '1?th Pale IN BONDINATION WITH CORK Used in the manufacture of Boats J. l). Kin 86 Co. TO- [01100. . \Voltod up-to-dat : '-; ,. g No Lacks; no nails- flex- 5 .' rm. . ioie: easy. It will not ' squeak. ommm 1: N0. 2=8100.00 IN greatest number of words from the letters in the Here Are ' Our 0 N0. 0100.00 IN words word 0100.00 "i greatest number of words from the letter: in the Offersi NO- 3- .WWWW‘W To enter any single contest you must send Thirly~five Cents in stamp: (or P. 0. Order) with your list of words, for which THE LADIBS’ JOURNAL Will be sent to you for Four Months. You can enter all ‘three by sending One Dollar with your list, and THE LADixs’ JOURNAL will be sent for One Year. Will have a handsome little present sent postpaid, if their list of word: exceed ten for each offer. Th. $100.00 offered in each contest will be divided as follows 2 $30.00 to the sender of the largest list. $20.00 to the next. $10.00 to the next. $5.00 to each of the c’ght following largest lists. Don’t delay sending in. Contest Names oi the successful will be Address, LADIES' 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Canada. “flammMWMMMMMM-W 00., LTD., ONTARIO. lN GOLDV” $300.00 (1 greatest number of words from the letters in the published in first issue of Ladies'journal after date ofctosing. \Vords in English language only can be used. YOU SAY HOW 9 azaipggamza :2: $3} 2.: nl Sleeper Flexible insole and Shoes by Goodgear cot. iVEN AWAY. W 001.!) to the persons who can form the “LADIEB' JOURNAL." GOLD to the persons who can form the " LEADINO." GOLD lo the person: who can form the “ MONTHLY." Every one entering all three closes on July gist. JOURNAL, cum“: ton magi"? WWW

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