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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 25 Jun 1897, p. 5

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w “w”... -' Igléd on the roll instead of William O'Brien. and that his assessment be raised to $100; that Wm. Simpson's assessment be rui~ell to 81,000, and that lots 39 and 52 Sturgeon Point be struck off the non-resident roll and assessed to Mary H.8wanton; and that the roll as now revised be confirmed.â€" Carried. Cameron, June l4lh, 1897. The council took up general business. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Communications from RJ. McLaughlin and W. Kennedy were read; also the treasurer's report. MOvcd by Mr. Palmer, seconded by up on the liosedale bridge warning the pufilic that it is in an unsafe condition, and that the clerk have this attended to forthwith.â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr. l’almer, seconded by Mr. Currins, That a by-law to provide for the expenditure of certain sums on the township roads be received and read a first timeâ€"vCarried. Bv-law received and passed in the usual manner. M r. Webster in the chair. Moved by Mr. Parkiu. seconded by M r. (lurrins, That a byâ€"law to author- iv." the reeve and treasurer to borrow from the Ontario Bank the sum of one thousand dollars to meet certain expen- ditures on the highways of the munici- pality be introdneed-Carried. Moved by Mr. Curl-ins, seconded by Mr. Webster, That Messrs. Palmer, Hall and Parkin receive $2 each for services on a deputation to the county emucil re Rosedale brid;e.â€"Carricd. The council then adjourned, to meet at Rosedalc on the 15th inst. R‘oscdalc. June 15th, 1897. 'Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. All the members present. Min- utes of yesterday’s meeting read and approved. Mr. Bzier addressed the council and showed plans of his bridge. Moved by Mr. Pal-kin, seconded by Mr. l’almer. That Messrs. Baer & Co. be requested to forward pl'ins and speci- fications for a bridge over Rosedale river according to their patent, and that if the plans and specifications are satis- factory to the rceve and deputy-reeve, they are hereby authorized to Sign a contract with Messrs. Dacr & Co. to erect a bridge at $3.75 per running lootâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Currins, seconded by Mr. Webster. 'l‘hat Mrs. Marks’ statute labor be remittedâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. l’almcr, seconded by Mr. Currins, That. the following bills be paid : P. Northcott, repairs to scra- per; 250.; ll. Irwin. repairing 4th 001)., 50o. ; Mrs. McGee, 1‘3 loads gravel, 600-. Mr. Curl-ins, That Mr. Palmer is here- By instructed to have a culvert put in on the Rosedale road at. lot 23.â€"C‘d. Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Currins, That. Mr. l’arkin he in- structed to put in a culvert at Cameron. â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mr. l’aliner, That Mr. Currins is here- by authorized to expend $10 on the quarter line between lots 15 and 16 in the lst concessionâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Webster, That the county treasurer be instructed to charge the statutelabor appearing against lot 39 west of lst con. to this municipality.â€"-Carricd. The council then adjourned, to meet at the call of tho reeve. -â€"-Cnrried. Moved by Mr. Webster. seconded by OPTICALâ€"Mr. J. Britten, Optician, of Britten Brothers, Lindsay, will be at the McArthnr llouse, ll‘cnelon Falls, on Monday, July 5th, for free consul- tatiou. JUST A HINT about Milliuery. We are very bilsy on orders now, our millinersl having to work Over hours. Numbers ct" ladies from the country usually come on; Saturday. expecting to get their hats and l honnets home with them. We ask as a special favor, it at all convenient, that ladies in the village will leave their orders i as early in the week as possible. You will consult your own best interests and com»â€" fort. besides conferring a great favor upon | us. by so doing. Mrs. ll. McDougall. S. A. EXCURSION. â€"- Au excursiOu under the auspic.‘s of the Salvation Army will be run from Feuelon Falls; to Sturgeon Point on Thursday, July, lat. The steamer (i'rryfm;turfwill leave ; the lock “'llttt'i at 7.15 a. in. Return? fare. 2.3 cents; refreshments extra. i l l TALK lh' CHI-ZAP. but our goods are~ elirnper. and there ar.‘ six bargain days every “n: k at Mrs. l1. Mellongall's. Got‘ a Duelclxo â€"â€"On Wednesday l morning Waller Corbett. about 12 years i old. Son of Mr. Samuel Corbett. of this! village, fell into the canal. along: the brink of which he was walking with a boy's customary carelessness. Bein! a goo-l swimmer, a few strokes tool; him a l to the gates oi the upper lock, from the , top of which Mr. '1‘hos.(‘a~sar leaned; down and hauled him out of the water. .\ Suudsrl'iad lady writes Dr. Nealands that ha: ha-i made he: a successful fit aft»: having eight sets of teeth made in Toronto xx¢L-ise\rhrm.â€"t3u‘ l l Mr. Currius, That public notice be put l SOLD Humâ€"In last week’s Gazette we stated that Messrs. Brandan & Aus- tin intended to leave on Saturday morn- ing with 160 head of cattle for the Buf- falo market ', but. before that time arriv- ed they sold them all to the buyer who was here trom Omaha. Mr. Brandon, however. having.r prepared for a trip to Buffalo, determined to go, as he has friends and relatives in that city whom he wished to visit. MILL ACClDENT.â€"OD Monday last Mr. William bewell, who is employed in the sawmill at present run by Bur- uoyne & (30., by some means had his left. hand brought into Contact with the drag saw, which cut entirely through what is Called the “ ring finger " between the first and second joints. and lacerated all the other fingers and the thumb in a terrible manner. Dr. Graham, to whom he want immediately after the accident, stitched up and dressed the wounds, and tells us that his patient is doingr as well as can be expected. 3&3“ Got your midsummer but yet '.7 Many orders now in, but just room enough for yours at Mrs. R. MeDougall’s. A GREAT Cualosl'rY.â€"On Saturday last a member of Mr. Robert [{uther- ford's family noticed what appeared to be a genuine rose, ofgood size and pure white, growing from the end of'a twig on a “ ’l’olman sweet ” apple tree in the corner of their garden. How long it had been there before it was discovered is not known, but it was in full bloom until Tuesday, when it fell to pieces. It was shown to several persons, who were at first diSposed to think that it had been stuck to the end of the twig for a joke; but a. close examination com vinced‘them that it had actually growu there. 3%“ Butter and eggs taken in exchange at Mrs. R. McDougall’s. I. O. F.â€"-ln the name of liberty, benevolence and concord the members of Court Phoenix N0. 182 attended the 23rd anniversary services of the Order in St. Andrew’s church on Sunday evening last, the brethren of the I. O. O. F. lodge participating: with the Forest- ers, marching to church in a body.. On returning to the court room it was unanimously resolved that the thanks of Court thaix be extended to Rev. Bro. McKinnou. court chaplain, for his excellent and appropriate discourse, and also to the managers for their courtesy and the use of their church for the occasion. Dnowxno AT BOBCAYGEON.~â€"“7c are yery sorry to hear that Joseph Read, about. 10 years of age, the youngest son of Mr. John L lead of Bobcayeeon, was soimd with cramps and drowned while bathing near Petrie's mill last Tuesday forenoou. A companion nam- ed Daniel Cain, about the same ago, says that the drowning lad caught. him by the leg two or three times, but, thinking it was done out of mischief, he kicked himself free and had no idea, until too late, that. there was anything wrong with young Read. An old man named Robert Hayes tried to reach the unfortunate boy with a pole, but failed to do so. The body was not got out of the water until about half an hour after the accident. DIsLRRIED. Avnm'â€"-.\lcl{nowN.â€".-‘et the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. M. McKin- non. B. A., on Monday, June 215i, 1897, Mr. Edwin Avery to Maud E., eldest daugh- ter of Mr. Wm. McKeowu, all of Feuelou Falls. DIED. DCGGAN.â€"At Toronto, on Friday, June 18th, 1897, Mr. Matthew Duggan of Vern- 1am, aged 46 years. rnxnnox FALLS MARKETS. .â€"â€"__. Fenelon Falls, Friday, June 25th, 1‘89? Wheat.Scotch or Fife 68 to 72 Wheat,t‘all, pcrbushel.... 65 67 Wheat,spring “ 60 02 Barley, per bushel. ... . 25 30 luckwheat "' . . . . . . . . 30 32 Oats, “ .... .... 19 2t Pease, " 4.0 42 Rye, " 25 27 Potatoes, “ .... 30 34 lutter,per 13 15 Eggs.perdozen.......... S 9 llay.per tou....... .. 8.00 10.00 llides . . . . . . . . .. 5.30 Gino Hogs (live) . . . . . . .. 4.73 5-30 Hogs (Dressul) . .. . . 5 50 6.25 lleel‘ . . . . . 45o 500 Sheepskins.............. 50 85 Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l? 19 Flour, family. Silver Leaf. . 2.03 2.2.1 Flour, best bakers' .. . . .... 2.13 “2.33 Flour straightrolied...... 1.95 3.15 ' lean. per ton . ..... . . . . . . . 10 ()0 12.00 Shorts. “ . . . . . . . 12.00 14.00 Mixed chop. per ton . .. ... . V PUBLIC " NOTICE?“ Notice is hereby given that any nerson who comes into the Village of t‘enelon Falls from any harm. in the surrounding country, in which there is or has recently been a case of DIPHTHERIA, will be dealt with according to law. 16.00 18.00 By order of the Board of Health. “3:. CAMPBELL. Chairman. Feuelon Falls. April ‘Jtth, fifthâ€"11.12. 00903-539 3 Optical in. Information. Relieve your eyes in every pos- sible way. Use glasses as soon as any benefit may be derived from them. The most. valuable methods and instruments of the present day for the examination of the eyes have been given us within a short period. We have the best of those instru- ments and are familiar with those methods. Our optical department is kept right up to date. Accuracy in fitting glasses re- quires skill and experience. We have both. But we take no chances. If your particular case needs the at tention of an oculist, we will tell you so. Safe honest advice is yours in any event. Come to us as soon as you notice any eye defect. It may save you a lot of trouble and it will cost you nothing to know what is best to do. Examination and advice is FREE. 0011 Mr. J. Brillon will be at the McArlhur House, Feuclon Falls, on Monday, July 5th, where he may be consulted. Eyes examined free of charge. 3 Brirroapllis é , Foot of Kent Street, Lindsay. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine. A little preparation now for the harvest may save you a lot of trouble and some dollars. Take a; look around and see if you need any Harvest Tools. . . . . \Ve have a good assortment of the very best makes, and our prices are the lowest. Machine Oil. . . . . Is another article that a lot of stitch-saving can be. done with. We carry it. Call and inspect. Cree. McGee. @fi‘fi'sflvflwfi'fiwfiwfiwfl' The New Hardware Store, Opposite the Post-Office- A RUNAWAY Or an upset may damage your bogey or waggon, perhaps only slightly, perhaps so badly that you will want a new one. In either case the best thing to do is to go. to S. S. Gainer’s, where repairing and repainting are done in the best style, and where the best kind of vehicles can be had at prices to suit the times. Shop on Francis Street East, next door to Knox’s black-- smith shop. ‘ FENELON FALLS COURT OF REVISION. Notice is hereby given that the time for receiving appeals has been extended to June 17th inst. ADJOURNED MEETING of the Court of Revision will be held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, 24th inst, at 7 p. m. W. T. JUNKIN, Municipal Clerk. Fcnelon Falls, June 10th, 1897.â€"-17.1 CHEAP I CHEAP l I WOVEN WlRE FEllGllill‘ CHEAP l l !. 815%,; WIRE ROPE SELVAGEF- a a a. i‘: ' ‘ _ _....._ -,_ all “ p ll .- 3 a octaoococo.ou.oooc a “ t 1"» I‘ am GOING OUT of the llIILLIIVER Y BUSINESS, and will sail my entire stock of Trimmed HA TS and Bonnets, Shapes and Wimmz'ngs at and EL?! 993T until the whole 2's- d273- posed. of. 007216 and are THE I carcass. Eggs taken. in ext/range.- MRS. H‘EELEY. New Butcher. The undersigned hereby informs the residents of Fenelon Falls and its vicinity that he has this day bought Mr. Paul Ouellet‘s butchering business. and respect- fully solicits a share of public patronage. He will keep constantlyon hand a good supply of fresh and salt meat, and will spare no pains to give satisfaction to all l who may favor him with their custom. SAMUEL H. COPP. Fencion Falls, May lith, 1591â€"144“ ' Manuctured and Sold by TH: ONTARIO WIRE FENCING col. L79, Picton. Ontario. lilillllllllll’i Ellllllll' Sllll lllll llllllllliS. For trellis, poultry yards, lawn fenciugs, etc., are sold very much lower this year than ever before. They are the- best. Ask your Hardware Merchant for them. AS WELL AS PhlfiEb R hlhhl. gwmwmwmwwwwmwwwog Go to J.McFar1and’s for Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ready-made Clothing. Crockery and Glassware. .. .. . . . . WWWWWOWE ’ T’s harass. Try KOLONA Ceylon Tea. 'l.’ 4 We Don’t Talk Much... we ans 3USY. WEAVENC. . The undersignedTprepared to weave A wide blankets at The per yard; narrow blankets at 10c: Hit or miss rag carpets 9e.: striped flannel il-c.: and wide horse ‘ blankets according to length. ()rllers can I . be left at his residence east of the ceme- terr or at Mr. Curtis’s store. Allwork promptly and quickly done. SAMUEL HUTCHISON. Fenelon Falls, April 14th, 1897.-â€"9tf leave your order with us as soon as possible. A. CLARK & SON. . =‘ ‘2 '." ‘2. ..'y-vwm~..w'i"' qu' ' a...“ 5...» 9...] M ' i ‘r ' d. ./'\'~‘~‘_, . . ‘.AA~A,~ AMA-s ’ ' AAAAA,AAA_Av-Qt\l AAA..- «.¢AAA---AA_

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