l" c,:-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'_.._â€".â€"â€"___â€"- TH E HOME. W IIOUEEXVIFERY I'P-TO-DATE. Give me a sperm of Olco. um. And the sodium alkali. _ Fa: I’m going to in:ch a pie mama. I‘m going to make a pie: _ For Jul‘Jl Will be hungry and tired. ma. Alli his tissue: will (locum; uï¬ï¬; So give me a gramme of phosphate. And the carbon and cellulose. NU‘V give me a. chunk _of casein. 1113. To shorten the thunnlc fat; As but/n as John comes home. i Now pas; me the neutral dope. mama»- And rotate the mixingâ€"machine. . BM give me a sterilized water first And the oleomm‘garlne; _ And the phosphate, too. for now I think The new type~writer's qurt. And {ohm will need more phosphate ood filo help his brain a bit. SUMMER. QEDTHES. There was never a time when the woman of moderate means could clothe herself and little ones in such dainty and beautiful garments as the pres- out, for there was never a time when dimities, lawns and muslins of all kinds could be had in such lovely col- ors and patterns, or at such moderate prices as now. Linen and cotton goods in linen color are ,popular materials, either for summer dresses or the ever popular shirt waists. The latter are :worn with cuffs and collar of the same material, or of white linen. There are several advantages in making the cuffs and collars separate, since they are the parts of the waist that are soiled first, and may be laundered without washing the whole waist. 80 great is the varie- ty of materials used for waists that it would seem an easy matter to suit any taste and purse. Children’s dresses are made very daintily, with large embroidered col- lars and lace trimmings. The materials are dimities, ,piquw, chambrey, linen and muslin, and all of them are pretty and durable. A girl of eight has a. dress of pale blue and white d‘lmity, made with a full skirt, finished at the lower edge with a wide hem. The waist has a square yoke, to which the lower part is gathered. One ripple ruffle edged ,with lane is sewed in with the top of the sleeve, and another is placed over the shoulders, extending from the back to the front, and leaving separate in the middle four inches wide at the lower edge of the yoke. The sleeves are plain M'ltll lune at the lower edge, and the neck is finished with a straight band. The Mother Hubbard style, which is a Standby for the little folks in many families, is altered in appearance byva- rious arrangements of the yoke, and the application of ruffles and trimming a yoke, until it bears butllttle resemblance to the plain Mother Hub- bard of several years ago. To have beautiful things, and to know how to keep them fresh and dainty, are very different matters. Lace and mus- lins of delicate colors, when entrusted to the ordinary wushwoman, fare badly, and as few families wish to incur the expense of securing the services of a French laundl‘ess, it becomes necessary to learn to do the work lperfectly at home. It is neither a. difficult nor la- borious task when the )I‘ODCI' way to do it is understood, an«' every woman should acquire the knowledge of how to keep her belongings in the best condl~ tion possible. When you are read to wash them, fill asmall tub half ful of warm water in which enough ivory soagi has been dissolved to make ugoodmlds, put the articles ill the water, let them stand five minutes, then rub lightly un- tilcleun. Rinse and (pass them through the wringer. For the article to. slarclied, make a thin boiled st arch, add a little borax, and it few drops of blu- ing. dip each piece in it, and get it thor-J " ~ougllly saturated \vlth the starch beâ€" fore wringing. \ cry fine llandkoraljefs ‘ and laces, after Silll‘tllllng. may be spread out smoothly on apane of glass to dry. and the Will look like new. The washing 3 ould be done quickly, and the colored pieces dried in the shade to prevent fading. orâ€" CUS’I‘ARD PIES. For the custard for two pies take one pint of sweet milk, boil it, have beaten together the yolks of three eggs one-llnlf cupful of sugar. two tables- poonfuls of cornstarch or flour; stir into the boiling milk. It should be quite stiff itit is to be tllinncd byany fruit. For the pie crust use four cup- fulq of flour. one cuoful of lard, salt. as little water as possible. bundle light- ly. and roll out, fill the pin pans. prick Well. and bake. If carefully made this is almost. equal to puff paste. Add one- hulf cupful of sugar to three beaten whites of eggs for a meringue for two pies. Peach Custardâ€"Make the plain cus- tard, add cine-half cupful of mashed and sweetened peaches to each pie. Cover with a meringue and brown in the oven. . Sirmlewry Custardâ€"lb the plain custard. add a half cupful of fresh or canned strawberries for each ple. Cover with ll. meringue. . A plain strawberry tart is made by And hand me the oxygcn-tottle, ma. And look at the thermostat; And if the electric oven's cold. Just turn it out half an ohm. For 1 Mint to have supper ready 5 Itching, ‘PROMOTION OF GENERAL HAPPI- a drop of lemon juice if convenient. Caramel Custard.â€"â€"’I‘he proportions for the custard are the same. ln a skillet brown oneJourth of acupful of sugar, let it melt until like molasses; now pour into the sugar one pint of sweet milk. \Vhen toiling add this preparation: Oneâ€"fourth cupful of su- gar, yolks of three eggs two tables- poont’uls of cornstarch beaten together. \thn all has toiled pour into two pas- try shells; rover uith a meringue made of the whites of three eggs. oneâ€"half cupful of sugar and a little vanilla. A THANK_UFFERIN G. l AflbLERGYMAN WRITES ON BEHALF l 0F GRATEFUL PEOPLE. ‘â€" Dr. Wllllsms' Pink Pills Restored 11191? Health and They Wlsli Other Sufferers to Know ltâ€"A Letter That “'lll Bring Hope to "any â€"- No Other aledlclue (lets ï¬nch ! Voluntary Praise. 3 The following letter written by the l Rev. \Vm. Lawson. Methodist minister ,: at Richibucto, N.lB., attests in the l strongest manner the merits of Dr. \Villinms' Pink Pills. and a perusal of it will suggest why this great medi- cine ie so popular in thousands of homes throughout the Dominionâ€"it cures when other medicines fail. Richibut-to. N..'B.. April 26th, 1897. Dr. \Villiams' Medicine Co. Dear Sirs.â€"I am glad to furnish you the following voluntarily given testimonial. with the fullest perinis< sion to give the names and place. They do this as a thank-offering to God and your medicine. Mrs. \Vm. \Varman of Molus River, near here, says her son Alden was sickly from birth. He could hardly ever retain food, and his parents had but little hopes that he would live long and the doctors who attended him were of the same opin- ion. Till seven years of age he con- tinued in that condition. Then the use of Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills was begun. and under them he recovered and is now 54 strong healthy boy. Mr. \Varman, the (boy’s father, also adds his testimonial to the great value of Pink Pill. saying: â€"- “(I suffered for cars wit a bad back, until I used I. \Villiams’ Pink Pills and they cured ms.†Miss Annie VVarâ€" man adds this evidence with enthu- siasm and freedom: “‘I was weak and sickly and did not know the blessing of good health till I took Dr. \Vi-lliams’ Pink Pills. I used eight boxes and have since enjoyed the best of health. In fact I am never sick nom†.Here you have three inelrn'bers of a family restored to hlealth by the use of your medicine, and you would almost ways lar resulting from such health. '1‘ ey wish you to ilpeely use these facts to help other sufferers, and I am able as their pastor to clertify to the facts-aims stated. \ - . Sincerelv yours, [\VM LAWSON, Methodist Minister. A CLOSE CALL. ' Mrs. Harkiinsâ€"My, but you had a. narâ€" row escape toâ€"d. Mr. Eurkilns-â€"-\ hat do you. mean? Mrs. Harkisnsâ€"The minister was here, but left just before \Villie got home from school. So he doesn't know yet what on said when you were‘trying the ot er night. to learn to ride the bike. A WESTMINSTER CH RISTEN IN G. .The youngest daughter of Beerbohm Tree was christened recently at St. Margaret’s, \Vestminster, by Canon Eyton. Her godmother is the Duchess of Portland and her two godfathers are Lord Granby and Lord Rowton. HEYâ€"m mm. Mrs. Hugger Wife of Capt. Charles Hunger, 0 Sydney. 0. 3., Got Relief in 80 Minutes From Heart Disease of Four Years‘ Standing. and. Declares covet their good health and m... l Is secured by Nervilineâ€"the greatl nerve-pain cure. The highly penetrat- ing prolerties of Nervlline make it never fai lxk‘! in all cases of rheuma- tism. neuralgia, cramps. pains in the book and side, lumbago, &c. “'8 heartâ€" ily commend it . HIS VITALITY UNIM’PAIRFID. I am so worried over my husband's feeble health. \l'hyl I suv him eat a piece of pie at a lunch counter toâ€"day. MAN AND WIFE IF DISTRRS From Chronic Catarrhâ€"But Instantan- . eous Relief Follows the First An- I licatlon of Dr. Aï¬nsw's Catarth I owderâ€"Don't No set the Simplest ’ Cold in the Hon . it. May Develop Into this Disgusting Malady Almost Before You Can Realise It. Rev. Dr. Bochror. of Buffalo. as sâ€""My wife land I were both troubled wit. dlstresslug catarrh, but WC‘ have enjoyed freedom from this aggravating malady since the day We ï¬rst used “1'. Agnew“! Catarrhal Powder. Its so tlon was lmtat t tneonn. giving the most ,lratco tul relief wlthin ten minutes after ï¬rst aple cation. We consider it a godsel' d to humanity. and believe that no case cannbe so chi-l me or deeply seated that it will not immediately relieve and permanently cure." Chinese male infants, when they are a month old, have their heads shaved. A banquet is usually a part of the cere- day, all the year round. DREADFULLY NERVOUS. Gonts:-â€"I was dreadftu nervous, and for relief. took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous Sys- tem. I was troubled with Constipa- tion, Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thor- oughly that I rapidlv regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hart- ford. Coam. Sold by all druggists. .Ths mistake of a .Chicago druggist, in substituting carboch acid :for some harmless medicine in an «lye-washmaus- ed a child to lose the sight of one of its eyes. Cure the Cough with Shiloh's Cure. The best Cough Cure. Relieves Crcup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. :10 doses for ‘25 cents. Sold by all dmg'ngtS.l ' . ‘.â€"â€"â€"-fl ' W'ith one hand, Frank Butler, of \Vaâ€" terville, Maine, recently lifted awe'vht of one thousand pounds. He asserts t at no other man in the State can equal this feat of strength Adams’ I Ginger Beer RECIPE. Adams Extract - - One bottle. 15 lelschlnanu's Yeast - One half to one cake. Sugar . - - Two pounds. Cream of Tartar - - One half ounce. Lukewarm Water - - Two gallons. Dissolve the sugar, cream of tartar and yeast in the water. add the extract, and bottle ; place in a warm lace for twenty-four hours until it torment-i, t on place on ice, when it will open spat kllnz. cool and delirious. The ginger beer can be obtn fried in all drug and grocery stores in 10 cent bottle: to make two gallons. The introduction of fancy boxes for candies was due to the demand on the part of customers for holiday,birthday and festival presents in neat and at- tractive packages. HERE'S A LITTLE NUT TO CRACK. Just a grain of corn! The principle upon which Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor acts is emtirely new. It removes the corn layer by layer, with- out any pain whatever. It never fails either. Try it. The collection of postage stamps which‘ ranks third in the world is owned by F. W’. Ayer, of Bangor, Me. He recent- Bhe Owes Her Life to Dr_ Agnew», I 1y sold a single stamp of the Hawaiiar Cure for the Heart. “ It affords me great plasma to commend Dr. Agnew'n Cure or the Heart. I was porol afflicted with heart trouble. accompanied wit dizziness, palpitatlon and smomering senes- tions. For over four years} was treated by bed; physicians. and used all remedies known to man. I determined to try Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. The ï¬rst dose gave me relief inrldo or thirty minutes. I used two bot-lei: and fuel today 1 have been complete}; cured. Last year, in Suffield, 001111., 1,250? acres were devoted to the culture of! tobacco, and the yield averaged $27.50 per acre. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. R ulates the bowels, puri- : fies the bloc . Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. Hand painted shirt fronts are consid- ered quite dressy by many of the Lon- don foils. â€"-Pâ€"-.â€" STATE or Omo. CITY or Tempo. 58 Li'cts COUNTY. ' Plum: J. Clumsy makes oath that he II the senior driller of the llrln of F. J.Cs.\'ar 8r. 00.. (1011113 usineau in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid. and tllnt said ï¬rm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for cash and every case of Cn‘arrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hulls Cturlaii Cunt. l-‘RAM: J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in try presence. this 3th day of December. A. D. 1896. F" A. W. ULEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Galen-h Cure is taken internally and acts directly 0:. the blood and mucous surfaces at the system. Send ff‘l‘ testimonial free. I‘- (l. CHEN EY R 00.. olcdo. 0. Bold bi llrugglsto, 75c. Hall‘s ‘anllLv Pills are the beat. m The seaport and lake towns of the United States have rt population of over 16,000.000 Skin Duos.“ Our“ 16! issue of 1851 for thirty-five hundred dol< lars Be Not Deceived. A Cough, Hearse- ness or Group, are not to be trifle-l with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save you much. trouble. Sold by all druggists. AS BAD AT THE SENATE. How did your meeting in favor of international arbitration and universal peace come off, Slims? Broke up in a fight. W P (J 872 '- ,GREAT deal of nonsense has been ' writtenâ€"and be- lieved, about blood purifiers. What purifies the ‘ n u w liEYS Pille n“: Bl.ch _, AND THEY AL )NE. . If diseased, however, they can-Lot, 5 and the blood continually becomes ‘ more impure. Every drop of blood in the body on through the kidneys, - the sewers o. the system, every three minutes, night and day, while life endurts. l l _ You needn't be. i __ i ~- -. 2‘ =..:â€"-" -' ‘ : ~‘I mony bâ€"â€"â€"- The profit on an industrious and wellâ€" managed hen, says a Kansas farmer, averages two and oneâ€"tenth cents per DOCTORS RECOMMEND ‘â€" “ f " "1 Ceylon Tea. 552.3333 332' Ell it made. beautiful flu- ! l<llgis'l:lllO\leI. t‘atalo no free. Power Cycle Co, Indianapolis. lnd. .S. .."“’-.e#-'~'.~ i=7)? International Patent Bureau, l2 Melinda SI. 'xl‘o‘rontohloitluut angst-IF .mo. Low‘iitratou norm: on roe. . . as:qu - m R. A. Kansans, Maud handset. oTRONl’oâ€"Germrd and Yongo Sta, at the top. It has more l-nchers more students. and u- 8.!“ many more young men and women into position: than any other Canadian Business School. Get partial» lua Enter any time. Write W11. BIIAW.Prlucinal. G; ‘DUTHIE & SONS SLATE, SHEET-METAL, TILE 8: GRAYfl. RDOFER§ Sheet Metal Oelllnza. Terra 00th The Red, Black and Green Roomâ€: Slate Metal Cor-I the. Gutters ulces, Felt, Tar, Roofinz Pitch. Downplpes. am, supplied the trade. Telephone 1936. Toronto. a few articles for us at 10c. each. State your father’s oc~ cupatlon and we will mail the goods. No money required. - on can earn-a Nickel listed atch and Chain by selling IV p Toronto. This notice will not appear again. ~â€"â€"- I‘ RhflRUL‘ uH". - - {were (0.}, Rarity am a “l ï¬ma’ . . ' fl "7%: rsra ‘ Cheapest 0: . " “ ° †_, ,fli Canoesï¬kllfllgurdlcsl' __§l_l.]l_fnR follow: mill to as Pears rims Buvills .. T Small or Large $5 9 Quantities, EVERY QUALITY. Harris, headquarters for mixed metals â€"â€"-â€"- 25-3! William st, Tel, 1729 Harris Business Gpportunity. FOR SALE. alltll;b‘:.l’llzln°’8:“& Hamilton. 0nt., for ovdr forty years ls offered for sale at 31?,000. E gllt thousand or the amount is in real estate necessary to the busi- nlessii and the balance $4,000.00 in stock and 1) an . » For particulars address by letter, A. A. A. Box 42, Hamilton Post Office ‘ THE MpNEY AKE meme WCHINE THIS Adelaide a Widmer Maul Manufacturers’ Agency 00., MILLS. Illl§°& “ALIS, Berri-ten, Build {It}. A idoon : sinners. 35 ad 82ml. Last. Tel-onto. one} to B. 0. Mills. Ranâ€"A. HULLâ€"Jon Kala. 'fl Peeusmss OIL FOR FARMERS' USE. Insist on havln Peerless Oil. Dealer! I011 f‘ to their best tn 0. 20 you before the people. Titles merit. to win 12 30! medals. A pl- “limit is better than a rise lover. Buy genuine, it's as chest as o imitations. proprietors Tho QUEEN DITY OIL 00., “'13., TORONTO- SAMUEL ROGERS, President. M‘. l the cur mos. Peerless or (tom Lido m "i :51... ".Q‘. 3 :1. 7’ T0 VENTBRS. i.P£li’l';.f.ll§§“§‘ ‘Danada Permanent“ LOAN III-ID. SAVINGS 00. lubsorlbod capitol - 81,000.00. Paid-up capltnl - n 2,500,000 Moots. over - - u,ooo,m can Read Daceâ€"Toronto St, Toronto. Branch OMesr-Wlnnlpog. Mon; Yunnanlfl uâ€"a l fl‘ln ample reroute-s of this Company enable Director. to make advances on Royal Estate within delay, at low rate: of interest. and on the most {non able terms of repayment. Loans granted on Improon Farms and on Productive Town and City PA. r“- Mortcaxea and Municipal Debentures Purchase? A ï¬ltration may be made through the Company's pullers. or at the Offices of the Coin any. . HERBERT MASON, Man-gin; Diiwmr. TM CARRIAGE TOP. When you bu . a carriage mat ' euro that the To, has a Roller Card, taln. Sumo , sci-u uloul d are or the auto of a llttlo oxtn proï¬t may try and sell you a common top. In- sist on having . Oonbo loll-r ea Itvnl atolltlm ondunderall eon. edition: in yol satisfao n. This in a word, is expressive of the reputation enjoyed by the Its Bearings are dust and oi poof. Is oiled but once a year. Will last a lifetime. Get a catalogue. MANUFACTURED BY THI Canadian Typograpllt‘o.,l.td. \VINDSOR. ONT. Kimono" MACHINES . . OLD AND RELIABLE mummies nu IS FOR YOUâ€"Clothe your family from head to foot with our MONEY MAKER PRICES ONLY $15, $20, $30 CREELMIN BROS. - Georgetown, Ont I" For Typewriters write us ‘II / ‘f a good ho j- SflPQUQ it is well seid'ï¬ilih‘s mouse (who: uses is ‘m’u‘zzlzcl in her he us é.’Try‘il‘-'e.nd keep fl your house cleamï¬ll grocers keep it» Cleanliness and madness about a house are necessary to insure comfort Man likes comfort, and if he can’t ï¬nd it at home, he will seek elsewhere for it. Good housewives know that SAPOLIO makes a house clean and keeps it bright. Happiness always dwells in a comfortable home. Do you want cleanliness, comfort and happiness? success» Try SAPOLIO and you will be surprised. at «ml BEWARE OF IMITATION‘B: T" ._UB Doctors’ Don't Pay Thom Bills Are High Canto. putsthckidnsysinpdlccthealthnnd [mulling thoroughly 3. cupful of straw-l ? ï¬gp‘flogrmgf: ’23:: 33 g: hlrlr-lieslimvetilteu {and mil IMO 1‘ F1555: Dr. .‘Aï¬i‘iew’s Oélrtiuent rgl‘llzws'clilï¬nobgo ; 1113?;de “magi.†“Heeling an ab» . \at t e. w as 0 one egg. geum e or a. mom. I. W O oneâ€"fourth cupful of sugar. spread over: gigï¬tnmbogo 13113;.u1cf‘l-axrlotchuand-Ilzll mom at ï¬gdacha nm'ms lamest, fickle appetite, all caused by poison“! blood, will dis; when the kidneys properly arm their functions. ‘ There is no‘doubt about this. Thousands have so testified. The theory' ' ,lhe bland wgnï¬uagflédg 5" THE J. D. KING , Be self-convinced throng per- sonal proof. , i .g . .. rORONTO. the strawberries and brown. This is: “man†“a “hung in mmnlulnm delirious- and so Simple. , Nb, “inâ€. “Mb†“1" “I†Lennon Custardâ€"Grate off the yel-- ' A THEORE- low rind. then cut the iaï¬loa in txtvoi. and extract the 'uice. . le gm 0 _ rind and juic' of). no lem'n swse cued. Brownâ€"What Is a post-graduate to the custard for two pies. Neter course on bowl‘ add fruit juices until the custard is JOllejï¬â€"a- dont know exactly, but I Salton off the stove. Add the meringue thin): ll's some arrangement to enable and brown. Orange tarts are made in the students to devote themselves ex- tbp gm way. closxvely to athlotlcs during the ordin- Banana (hauntâ€"Slice one mnuna ary college course. and take up their (trough the custard for one pic; add studies after llz'y graduate. ll COMBINATION WIT“ 00" Used In the manufacture 1 Boots and Shoes by . D. Kin k Co. To- ronto. Good our Woludup-to'dah t. No acts; no nails- nex- lblo: BM]. It will not ink. 00., LTD., ONTARIO. "4"