.~\~.,.-. -. .A . ..x..,~. Jiï¬iifmuu'iï¬ws. WHAT THE VETERAN MINER SAYS release. The repor ABOUT KLONDIKE. Doesn‘t Doubt the Wealth in there - Men will 7.1! and all sum Prlvutlons they [Jule Expect. John W. hinckay. the veteran miner. , and now a great capitalist of New ' {a "It may increase. It depends-on burs mports. I see but it something like the excitement of the: early fiftim over the gold discoveries olthe Pacific coast ts of! rich individual are likely to oontinm, and the arrival of every ship loaded with for- tunate gold hunters will stimulate the ' inatlon. lwpes and desires of the d-be ld limiters. “'e hear noâ€" thing of t failures» you lmow. One man who is is more talked about than a thousand who full." "You think. then, that there ure ilures even in the Klondike region York. gives his views of the marvellous i may r. Klondike gold discoveriesâ€"his advice to l the legions who are now rushing to the new Eldon-ado to seek their fortune. writes a correspondent. Mr. Mackay. the last of the Bonanza kings. works from early to late every day as president of the Commercial Chble Company and of the Postal-Tele- graph System. No one in America. perhaps. knows no numb; about the vicissitude of gold hunting or about placer mining. But he is so modest. so averse to having anything written about him, that ho consents only once in ten years to be interviewed. Saturday was that rural day. He has been literally besieged by those seek- ing advice about the new golld fieldsâ€" bot‘ll capitalists and would-be prospect- ors. Accompany this man of great famine and great executive ability to his quiet home and you will see 3. mil- lionaire of rugged hbalth and boundless wealth. contentedly sup upon a. single 01109.0. bistof toast: mud comp of tea. Hie-lens muchgi'vun boplninfareas the Pope. and from choice. "What will be the. fate of those whd now rub off to the Yukon district 9' I asked Mr. Mackwy» "Many will fail, and all will sniffer prilvatlous which they little expect. The conditions in the Yukon regions are. of cause, very different from those in Chllfornia. or Nevada. or any other American mining region. Primitive mining is always difficult, but in Cali- fornia. we had agood climate, and I do not recall many instances where men suffered for lack of food. But the young mrtune-hun'ber who went; to Ouliforn'ia. from the East, if he exhaust- ed his resources and struck nothing, could at least write back to his folks for numey to tuklcl brim home. In Alasâ€" ka. it is different. For nine montlhls of the your the rivers and lakes are al- most impossible. The climate is damp, foggy and miserable. The nearest tele- « graph and even the nearest; post-office is fifteen or sixteen hundred miles :L‘Ndy from this gold fields. DOESN'T DOUBT REPORTSJ "Do you: credit; the reports of the marvellous richness of the gold fields )llBl] discovered f" ' g “f hove no reasdn.’ to doulbt them. I1 huve had great confidence! in the min- ing possibilities in British Columba mud Aluskwâ€"hnve always believed that thine frozen, almost inaccessible re- gions contain heavy deposits of precious metals. Some enormous ‘flnds' of gold have undoubtedly been made there. and yet we know little or nothing of the possibilities of thecoutntry. Think of Willinuus' Creek. for instance, in the Ourlbou. region in British Columbia. As Long ago as 1860 something like fifty millions of gold were taken out. It was placer mining there, just the same as the Klondike." ‘ “\Vlmt proportion of those who go are. likely to gel) :hnyulrluig out; of it"... judging by your own observation 2" "Nothing is more unicel'tuln, except, pet-hops. that the majority of those who go urecertuln to fall. In! placernlining one umn may strflko very rich findings. "My experience is. Ithiuk. that alxmit one man in ten used tee-get on im the mining days: in California. I do not mean timt one man in ten became a. millionaire. I mean made a. living and a little more. 'l‘he thriftless and careless (mesgototfne wall. while the hard workers. who haveadeï¬xnate'pur- , pose in view and who cling tenacious- : ly to it. succeedsiln mining as in other occumtions. _ _ "But, as I said, in placer mining there is a good deal‘ of luck m'locatmg the claim. One man will take out a. great deal and another man nothing As to the Limits of British Columbia. mining I cannot. say. huh I thunk there are immense gold deposits yet to be found. . > “I have been to Julneau. asyou know. and know something about the country the modem A ‘gouamlts in search .015 gold will have traverse. Men “'1†probably have to drag sledges and set as their own beasts of burden. Provr- Sims will be enormously dear. and a. good deal. of fool will be necessary to support life whcln' the thermometer is 40 on- 50 degrees below zero. Men in: search. of 1d Will; however, brave all manner 0 perils; their pluck Will be lfullly tested its the Yukon region, and flu some cases rewarded.†~ . IVOMEN OF TO-DAY. The countries of the world where wo- men already have some suffrage have an area. of over eighteen million square miles, and their population is over three hundred and fifty million. In .Great Britain women vote for all elective offices except members of Par- llament. In France the women teachers elect women members on all boards of edu- cation. In Sweden, women vote for all elec- tive officers, swept representatives; a1- 30, indirectly, for members of the House of Lords. Ln Norway they have school suf- frage. . In Ireland the women vote for the harbor boards, poor-law guardians, and in Belfast for municipal officers. In Russia women householders vote for all elective officers and on all local matters. In Finland they vote for all elective officers. .In Austria-Hungary, they vote, by proxy, for all elective officers. In Croatia. and Dalmatia. they have the privilege of going so in local elec- tions in person. In Italy widows vote for members of Parliament. 'In all the countries of Russian Asia they can do so wherever a. Russian col- ony settles. The Russians are coloniz- ing the whole of their vast. Asian pos- sessions, and carrying with them e'v- erywhere the “mir†of self-governing village, wherein women who are beads of households are permitted to vote. Women have municipal suffrage in Cape Colony, which rules one million square miles. Municipal women suffrage rules in New Zealand. Iceland, in the North Atlantic, the Isle of Man, between England and Ire- land, and the Pitcairn Islands, in the South Pacific, have full women suf- frage. In the Dominion of Canada. women while u score of others who work just have municipal suffrage in every pro- us luu‘d build on with cunpty pockets. Severe labor is Ube loto'full. Industry lm fact, the burdcst klmd of toll, is gen- emlly nwossary on this road to suc- cess. At best. while olno mum finds $500 mm or twelve will ‘find nothing." . "'l‘he *old is right; on the surface, it uppeurs " ‘ “Yes. It is a mountainous country, overrun) with; luvu utsouuc" remote age. mud centuries ago probably the grout. forces of nutiu‘e were at work and melt- vvince and also in the northwest terri- tories. ln Ontario they vote far all elective officers, except. in the election of members of the legislature and Parâ€" ' liument. In the United States twenty-eight States and Territories have given wo- men some form of suffrage. School suffrage in various degrees is granted to women in Arizona. Color- ado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho. 1n- dluna, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachu- ed, the gold in. a nominal crucible. The setts, Michigun, Minnesota, Nebraska, urtirles of gold am now washed out i) the waters, and are generally found a. ong the course of: mountain streams. You; will always firnd the bust placer \ld near the banks of streams and gin-en water courses. Scientific mm- ivng preserves u unu-b larger portion of gold dust lilllbl). formerly. and l pre- sulme it. destroys it great deal of the imdividunlity in a working miner. Thus fur the Klmubke neglmi ms seen only old-fushllmcd primitive mining. the meat grm'clllng in the durt with their minds and washing out: the gold dust in u. simple pun. picking nuggets With their fingers." . - "Will the modern mining methods be curried up to the Yukon country i". "In time. yes. The recent discoveries prove (but it is. lmmcnsely rich. All rts of the country will be opened. )Ilill will always m where there is a c mnce for legitimate investment. and trans \ormtinn fm‘ilitlcs will increase as rapidly as the travellers." A UV ICE TO A RGONA UTS. "What. advice woufldzou give to those who are going to the 'ukuu district f†"To prepare for great privatlons and perhaps utter disappointment. The climate is intensel hot for a few weeks. and dread ly cold for many months. There is certain to be a. scant supply of food next winter. No one J .DUId go ftvho is not provided cgainst Arctic weather and against animation. nor withmt ready cash. The Well and strong will naturtu fare better than the wmk. A; dozen young men have asked me already about mg there. I have told. them that i c. man lmd a thousand dollera. u mtitution and no wife and chil no In mu“ :0 there or anywhere." . nil seem excited b the this interest: like to New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, and \Viscon- stn. ln Arkansas and Missouri women vote by petition on Liquor license in many cases. In Delaware suffrage is exercised by women in several municipalities. In Kansas they have equal suffrage With men at all municipal elections. About fifty thousand women voted in 1890. In Montana they vote on all lo- cal taxation. In New York they can and do vote at school elections. The question of the constitutionality of the law is still undecided. They vote also in many places in this State on local improve- ments, such as gas and electric street lighting, paving, sewerage, and muni- cuial bonds n Utah, women voted until distrau- cblscd by (he "Edmunds law," when they iromptly organized to demand its rapes . In Pennsylvania 8. law was passed in 1889 under which women vote on lo- on! improvements, by signing or re- fusing to Sign petitions therefor. In “'yomlng Women have vote on the same terms with men since 1870. The convention in 1889 to form a State Constitution unanimously inserted a provision securing them full suffrage. THE TRIALS OF GENIUS. Friendâ€"Why. what are you in such a. fuss about! An thing happened! Artistâ€"Oh, b0 eretlon. yes! Every- thing! I was just. getting some of m latest pictures ready for burning on that confounded housekeeper of mine bus so mixed them up I'll never in the wide world be able to tell the top from the bottom emu. ’ About the House. ~“‘\Iâ€" BABIES AND HOT \VEATHER. It is a difficult thing to keep the litâ€" tle baby well during hot weather. Dif- ferent children require different cars. and what would be death to some is life to others. This matter of dress is one of greatest importance. Too many mothers dress their little ones. in sum- mer exactly as they do in winter. The heat of the sweltering summer days almost drives grown people distracted, but very little effort is put forth to keep the baby cool in a proper manner. If he cries or whimpers he is called "cross." or "peevlsh." No wonder the poor little thing is that, dressed as he is in heavy woolens. I Few mothers recognize the fact that the little ones should be evenly cloth- ed. It is folly to dress the child warm- ly in parts and leave others exposed. A child may healthfully run barefoot during the hottest part of the day, but as soon as the chilly winds come on. he should be properly clothed. Very thin clothing and as little as he can consist- ently wear will keep the tiny one com- fortable during those stuffy, sultry hours. Much of this is. also, dependâ€" ent on the constitution of the child. A strong. buxom baby will not need such constant care as the puny, fragile one. The strong child would suffer if I dressed in flannels when the mercury registers 90, while the other would pro- I bably suffer without them. Of course, common sense, must always be exer- cised, and a mother ought to know best bow to treat her own child. Many mothers who do not dare to remove flannels altogether, make little shirts of thin, white cambrlc to slip on under the woolen ones. It seems that no matter how fine and thin wool- en materials are they will irritate the tender skin and make the baby cross. Then, too, mothelrs are prone to over- burden the little ones with clothing at all times. Their bodies should not be confined in tight bands. except for the first few weeks, and their clothing should be as light as possible. Dresses and skirts should never be so long that the little one cannot kick his legs to his heart's content. Tan babies, as well as older ones. (should be given plenty of exercise. Some of the dear little ones are so .good that one scarcely ever hears a sound from them. and they are the ones who are neglected. They are permitted to sit or lie in one position for hours at a. time. This would be extremely tire~ some to a grown person and certainly must be so for the little one. Take the babies up occasionally '..1et them roll around on the floor and kick for a while and. they will grow up healthier children for it. Let them have as much fresh air as possible. uardlng them from the strong sunligl , which is very trying on their eyes. It is always pitt- ful to see helpless infants lyin'g‘blink- ing thelir little eyes in too strong a light. Shade their carriages or carry them so that this may be avoided. No day should pass. unless the weath- er is inclement, that little ones should not be taken out for a few hours,eithâ€" ear for a walk or drive. and then care should be taken that they are not smothered by too much clothing. about their heads. and IE ht. . ‘Anol ier thing is proper feeding. Ba- bies should not be fed at all hours and at all times. Every time a baby cries he is not hungry. Have stated hours and feed him then. For very young babies every two hours is considered proper. Give the babies water once in a while. but let it be pure. Boiled wa- ter which has been standing on ice, but which has had no ice in it. is. best. Any cow's milk given babies should be sterilized. in order that all disease germs may be killed. Babies should not be allowed to eat everything the old- er children do, such as sweets. nuts, pickles. etc. It is too irritable for their tender little stonmchs. Let their wraps be wamn SOAP. How made: Dissolve eight poundsof solâ€"soda. two ounces of horax, one-half ounce of glauber suits in five gallons of water: see that no lumps remain Fllce ten pounds of nnv common bar soap, the freer from resin. the better in thin slices, that it may dissolve quickly and melt. in the above solution; keep stlr~ ring so as to mix thoroughly.aml.whcn the soup is melted it is done; take it from the fire let it. stand one hour; then pzmrinto tin pails or butter firkins. Do not cut into bars to dry, as it; cannot Ibe dried like other soaps. It is better to keep it in bulk. and in a. datnpplace. A common wash boiler or large dish- pdn will do nicely to make it in. as. it. does not. injure tin. The above amount much about fifty pounds. Directions for use: For a family of 'six or eight persons, put about one pound _of soap into about three huurts lof boiling water; when dissolvnd pour into the washing machine or tub; add enough water to cover the clothes. Put in the. white clothes; let them soak three hours or over night; put into a clean suds, prepared as the first. only about onc-half pound of soap; rinse. blue and hang to dry. Put the colored clothes into the second suds; let them soak fifteen min- utes: wash. rinse well and dry .' Dis- solve one teaspoonful of borax to each pm] of water and add to the bluing water. For clearances and whiteness the clothes will compare with thoae which have been boiled. Woolen goods washed with this soap do not become stiff or yellow. But don't forget in washing wcolens to stretch the threads in both directions before drying. and us lukewarm. not hot water. Many different soaps and washing compounds have been tried. but none is so good as the above. VARIOUS RPXIJPES. Breaded Mâ€"Tbh is a delicious way to prepare any sort of fish. We one-half pint dried bread crumbs. one and one-half teaspoonful of salt. I. g, two pounds on from bones pinch of pper. one of fish. v. the fish and skin and out .lr. into nice pieces. Season with the salt sud pepper. . Beat the egg in a deep plute and dip the fish. one pleas at. a tune. into it. see that every part is covered With the egg; then roll each piece m the crumbs and. place on a plate. Have enough 'fat in the frying kettle to float the fish. \Vhen it. is so hot that blue smoke rises from the centre put in the fish and cook for five minutes. Drain on brown paper and serve very hot. Tartar sauce is particularly good to serve with breaded fish. A Good 'Tiu‘tar Sameâ€"Take ouc-lxslf gilll of olive oil, four teaspoonfuls of vinegar. one even teaspoonful of mus- eighth teaspooniul of pepper. one- tard. one-half teaspoonful of salt, one- fourth- teespoonful of_onlon June. one- half teaspoonful of minced capers. one- half tablespoonful of minced cucumber pickles. and the yolk of one egg. Beat the egg, salt. pepper and mustard to- gethcr until thick mud light; then add the oil, a few drops at the tune, beut after each addition of oil until all Is used. As the sauce thickens add a few drops of vinegar. when the sauce is smooth and thick. stir 1n the minced pickle and capers. Apple Sauce.~l'"ill a small stone crook with sour apples that have been pared. quartered and cored. Turn over them a pint of sugar dissolved in s. cupful of water. Cover the_crook closely and place in- the oven. _m the_ early even- ing, and let remam until the next morning. The flavor. and color of the apples are quite different to those stewed. over the fire. .â€"â€"â€"â€" A THRILLING SPECTACLE. A free fig-ht on top of {Nelson's pillar in Suckville street furnished excite- ment for a Dublin crowd one morning recently. The monument is 120 feet high, and the platform on which the stzitue stands about 18 feet square. ,A Carlow farmer. having made Ills _ way uptothe platform threwdown hxsbat and stick,climbed up the flzrgstuffhnd when the keeper and a policeman mi- terfcred tried to throw them over the railing. 'I‘hey succeeded 1n holding him off till men from the (street came to their help, and had a. hard tune get- ting the crazy man down after they had bound him. SUNSTBUKE PUISDN‘ING. A NOVEL THEORY ADVANCED BY A LEARNED PHYSICIAN. Action of the Sun's Italy» (alums the Poison to Form â€" Nerve (Ecllu are Totally Des- lroyed By Its Actionâ€"9r. "an Glcson of New York. Made the Discovery. Dr. Ira Van Gibson, Director of the New York Pathological Institute, and one of thelcadlimg medical authorities of the day, has, given out; a. distinctly new theory in explanation] of the phe- nomenon of sulnstrokcs, in question which he has investigated mud experiâ€" mented with for years. According to Dr. Van: Gieson, a. per- son who is smnstruck does not die beâ€" camse of overheating of the blood, but: for the reason that there has been formed in his veins by the fierce rays of the Sum a. poison so deadly that it destroys the nerve cells. It is what the doctors call an "auto-toxic†pol- son, but riglnl; there they are compelled to stop, for 0111 efforts thus for mde to analyze it have proved futile, and until they com 511le in the matter- of ninulyslla it will be utterly impossible to compound on absolute remedy for suimstrdko. It is a strange series of facts that this investigation has revealed. It has shown that the virulence of THIS MYSTERIOUS POISON Hus often been as grout as that which the rattlesnake instills into! its victim. and, oddly enough. it is not unlike the venom of the rattlesnake in its effects. Yet there is a difference, and it is just this difference which forms the stumblâ€" ing block over which the analysts have fallen. Dr. Vzm Gleson states that the pur- ple, swollen face of the sunslroke vic- tim, the cnfccbled heart action, the profound death occurred within one or two hours to convince oneself that what was seen was the result of the action of one of the most deadly of poisons. Said the doctor: "It is, beyond ques- tion, the most brilliant, straightfor- waard example of an acute, intense, vir- ulent poison, originating within the body, which acts most. rapidly and vio- lently upon the nervous system." The very first point at which the poison strikes is thnt group of nerve cells which manage the heart. These are known as "ganglion" cells. in- stantly the poison touches them the process of dcgenemtlnn begins and con- tinues at. lightning spceJ. Sometimes; this attacks the cells of the brain, and then there happens what; medan men term degeneration: of the cortical cells. meaning that the nerve cells of the brain: are being killed and practically forced out. of existence. Occasiumilly it happens, too. that the sufferer from this sort of poisoning malnages to cling to life. but he is al- ways in a. damaged condition. The poison cannot enter one's system withâ€" out making a scar. It is certain to be the case that at least a few of the nerve cells are partially destroyed. The doctors call these structural changes. The layman knows that. he is not as well as before, and ln'ends say that. . HIS MIND IS- AFFECTED. W'hlch is very apt. to be the case. Dr. Van Giesun said. when questioned regarding the matter: “The progress collapse an! the fact tbnt‘ 5* of the met 10 years in ume mud piu'siologlcul chemistry has gone far toward demonstrating that. the great majority. in fact. if not most on the proum of disease in general. are due to toxic substances in one form or another. I would divide loxb sub- stances into five groups, the most im- portant of whirl) are the auto-toxic. 1 consider that these poisons merit much fxrnslxlerntlon, because they will come erelong. to be recognized as a factor of grout importance in the prodmtiou of nervous and mental diseuscs. It. is only through the most profound :Lmily- of physiologicul chemistry. linked. with caution and extended nuiuiul ex- }mruuenuttlons, that we can slowly feel the way along toward the ultimate erplunzitwu of the Lulu-toxic group of discuss. “It only takes the chmnge in make up the fluids and ussmm (-t the body to cause u trunsformuciou from the useful to the injurious. When you slop to think of this, it cannot be con- srdercd strange that with: all the com- chcmlstry of the body, with k very slightest the elements that go to the operations of THE \VON men E‘U L MECII AN ISM 'I‘lmt controls it. it is easily apparent that it would be no difficult mutter for this machine to get out of order slightly and sufficiently for develop- ment of abnormal poisonous chemical compounds. "Neither cam it be considered strange that. the imms that come into exis- tence under the usual conditions of the bod are often not nullified because of t . derangement of the organs whose functions appear to be largely if not wholly for the of nullit‘icutlou. It occasionally is the case. too. that, ow- mrg to the failure: of the liver or the kidneys to act properly. there is rc- tarned in the body certain waste that] should have A from it, zund that wvuste in. lime becomes poison. “qu ut is more than xu’olmble that the Victims of sunstrocke, us it. is called --really the victims of uubodoxic poi- sonâ€"are persons in whose body. pro- bnlbly ufn'known to thermllves. there exist certain p0nditlons fnvomble to the formation of this mysterious auto. toxic pOISOD. Just how far this is true. of (nurse, we do not know. My pro- found conviction is that very many cx- umplcs of mental and not. a few instan- oesuf nervous disease are caused by the matron of auto-toxins or poisons on the nervous system. This conviction is the resullt of prolonged study of the ohrumges caused in the nerve cells by the action of poison. “It is plain enough why the nor- vouk system is so susceptible to such pmson as effects the sufferer in case ()1 sumstrdko. 'lllue most. complex cell in this hurnmn- body Is the ganglion. It itnstzmtly feels the effect; of a poison. much more readily than is the case with thiehncrve cells lilibb, 'go to make up the MLJOI‘Lty_ of the tissubs of the human body while the i NATURE. OF T ’I'lIE POISON Is entirely obscure, there is absolutely no doubt of the! win it acts. upon l‘bd nervous systmu’. '1‘ 1c poison produces an acute degeneration of the cortical cells. which no some instances goes so for as to utterl destroy theccll. ()ftmh fumes (nerve ce ls are only partially de- stroyed, and this is due to the fact thut the duration of the action varies, W [rule the polsoin may be intensely virul- lent, if it acts for a. brief lOl‘lOll only on the nerve cells, nature will often repuln ,l the damage that has been caused, up to a. cerium point. However much she may tr ', Inut'ulre seems to be unable to plzu-e t- D8 9011 lur exactly the same con- dition as it \VUIH before it. encountered the ‘son. “I. the action of the )oison continues beyond a. cert-Lin period, the nerve cell cannot be saved from destruction. The sufferer outlier dies or continues to llvd either ins. damaged mental condition or suffering from u permanent physi- cal-disability. I have no lu-silutmu in saying that the whole question of lifd or dcuth with a patient poisoned by! what. iscalled sulnstrokc depends upon the action of his internal or one in. eliminating the poison from he sys- tem. The clmnces are, therefore, that. a. maum Imrfcrt p511} sicul condition will (not (be from sums! mike. “Apparently tbm‘o is. no greater safe- gunrd against death from sunstroko than to kcc ) onc‘x kidncys in :1 normal (tonzlltum. . the processes necessary to Mind this person) from line system are (ll-limited it means death or insanity in nine cuscs out of (on to the victim." FOREIGN CYCLING NOTES. In a. New Zealund bicycle, designed ‘greatly to increase the driving powur, *Lbe cranks are much shorter than usu- al. and instead of terminating in upwi- al has at the end 8. small rullcr fitted into a slot. in u long lcvcr. which has for a fulcrum a stud attached to the lback fork. The pedal is attached to the lever, the short crank being married Iaruund by pressure. on the pedals. 'l'bc up-slroke is very quick. and the down- stroke slower. but. very powerful. 'lmrnford. England, claims the chum- pion, tut mclu's bicycle club. 224 pounds bcung the minimum admission wright. "Women furnish only 5 po-r cunt of H.- inlmndmgultsls, but. the numlwr is inâ€" ;crcusung :15 the prejudice against. fem- lnlllu athletes vanishes. ,IILsL-urdml bicycles are now disuwmâ€" bv-retl. ornamented and suspended on ’druvingt-nmm ornaments. , More than um- {bird of the 28.000 up- '3)lu'alums for l".ngllsb [mill-an this year are for bicycle. improvements. BACK OI“ (l‘ll'l'l EYE. Beliénd the eye whit. lbs-culled the "retina" is lined will! brunt-hing blood vessels, and a curious but perfectly s‘nnple experiment will enable you it see these“ Place yourself in in dark .roum. opposite u. (lurk-colored wall then light a candle. and, holding it if your band. shove it up and down I»- fore your eyes. all the tune looking, not at the candle, but the wall beyond. After a little practice you will 5m: up- pmr on the wall a great. brunt-him; figure in black on a reddish surface. Vt hat you are looking at is the Shadow of these blood vars» s at the luck of your (N'n’eye. I’el‘lupslhep'osl cun- uus part of this wholw tbzng is [but the part of the eye which mmives the nu- rcssixm oflight must be behind them blood vessels; ...-_-M_â€"ow‘.- -._â€"â€"â€"..J~ pâ€"‘a’wâ€" my, .-_-., 4-. $43