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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 3 Sep 1897, p. 1

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i l “i r l Professional Cards. SEEDS! law... Instruction given on ORGAN and PIANO l at moderate rates. For terms apply at the residence of Mr. R. B. Sylvester, “ Mary- borough Lodge,” Fettelon Falls. TIMOTHY, RED CLOVER AND ALSIKE, __AT._ TIIE REES STDSE, l l FENELON FALLS. | PARRISI‘ERS, Solicitors, Etc, Lindsay 5 ) and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay Office: Kent-Sh. opposite Market. Fenelon Falls ()tlicc: Over Burgoyne & Co’s store. The Fenclon l-‘alls oflice will be open every Monday afternoon from arrival of train from Lindsay. [Liz-g)“ Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. R. J. McLAUGuLtN. F. A. MCDIARMID. A. ‘P. DEV LIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor ) in Chancery,KentStreet,Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS, PARIIISTER, &c. SOLICITOR FOR ) the Ontario Batik. Money to loan at lowest rates on terms to suit the borrower. ' "‘ "’ Ollices: No. 6, William Street South, Lindâ€" say, Ottt. LOT FOR SALE. The west half of Lot No. 3, south of Bond and west of Colborne street, FenelonI Falls, containing a quarter of an acre. For I terms, etc., apply to MRS. BELUH, Lindsay street. MOORE &, JACKSON, ’ ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, «in. Of- fice, William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON. MEDICAL:â€" DR. A. WILSON, I â€"â€"s.t. 3., u. c. r. a. 3., Ontario,â€" )HYSICIAN, SURGEON tr ACCOUCII- n V eur. Office. Colborne Street, Fenelon _ Falls. r Dtt. II. II. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University oi Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons ot England,;\lemher of the Col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario. Ollice and residence on Francis-St. Westi Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gazette ofiice. IE. 1‘ . DIJXSON, ETERINARY SURGEON; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1884;11. M. O. V. M. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, Fenelon Falls. â€"l'.3tf NOW, its HERE- ’I‘OFORE, I HAVE A LARGE STOCK or UP-TO-DATE Goons AT PRICES To SUIT THE TIMES. Steel Runners to fit any style or make of Baby Carriage. IE. P. S DIITI-I, \TETERINARY SURGEON and Dentist. Graduate ofOntario Veterinary College. L i l Livc Stock InSpector for North Victoria by I I appointment of Dominion Government. Ottice and address â€"- CAMBRAY, ONT. SURVEYIQRS. JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissionerin the Q. B., . Conveyancer, kc Residence, and ad- dress, Fenelon Falls. DENTAL. szâ€"zcoan nwasmrt coum' ‘ ~â€"0P THE-â€" County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will be held itt Dickson's hall, Fettelon Falls, ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, I897, cmnatt-ncingat l0 o'clock lit the lorenoon Monday. Sept'r 0th, will be the last day at service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living itt other coun- “d mu“ be served on or he.er be“ r 131’ ized air) administeer by him for 27 years. 1" D'HAND’ .lle studied the gas under Dr. Coltou, 0t Clerk I New York, the originator ot‘ gas for extract- ing teeth. Dr. Golton writes Dr. Neclands that he has given the gas to 136,417 per- .sons without an accident from the gas. . ‘1 I Other pain obtunders used. A good set of ,- t E N S U. is .L ., - Dt’. NEELAIIDS, DENTIST, LINDSAY, ixtracts teeth witltout pain by gas (vital- S. Nsvtsos, llailill‘. l’cnelon l’alls, July Hill, 1897. teeth inserted for .510. my“ [)t-._Ncclands l l visits Echelon Falls (McArthur House) the | third Tuesday ot‘cvery ntonth. Call early Mr. Wm. H. Ellis having transferred bin and “mum”, appointment. Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes ot'properly [Kt Very Lo‘vost lkutcs ______- W. H. GROSS, DENTIST. Nonebutfirst-classBrilishand Canadian: The beautiful Crown and Bridge work Companies represented, lpmetiscd with success. Gas and all other l nnzestltetics for extracting teeth without pain. .1 set of Artificial Tia/t. better than the average, for $3 00. Rooms directly opposite Wood’s stove depot, Lindsay. seer FAtll-DI l’lKOl’lflliT‘Y at very low rates. I l l t James Arnold. i V l l l H. HART, L. n. s. , SET OF GOOD TEETH FORSM. Gas, 2 and local anaesthetics t'or painless or I tractiug. Satisfaction guaranteed itt all Tito " Fettelon Falls Gazette” is ptiuted every Friday at the office. on YOU WANT THEM. ' WE HAVE THEMâ€" GOODâ€"- CHEAP}. CALL AND SEE. GEDRGE ENTER. THE WEST SIDE STORE. W t Solicitors for “Canada, an 3 I an Encyclopedia of the Country,” in five Royal Quarto Volumes. No delivering. Commission paid weekly. A cattvasser reports his first week making over ‘scventy dollars profit. THE LINSCOTT COMPANY, Toronto. If you want first-class single or double light or heavy Harness or anything in that line call at NEVISON’S new harness shop, between J. McFarland’s grocery and Wm. Campbell’s dry goods store. TRUNKS AND VALISES kept in stock as usual, and also a. good assortment of fly nets and buggy dusters at low prices. 33$" Try a bottle of Harris’s celebrated harness polish. It is a new thing and you will be sure to like it. Agent for Pianos and Organs. Fcnelon Falls, May 20th, 1896.â€"1 4-1y BATTEN DOORS. Vl'IRE DOORS J. T. THOMPSON, Jr., {Oxxliv1’ENCl‘1312u Jobbing attended to. Wall Brackets and Easy Cltairs matte to order. Workshop on Lindsay Street, Near the G. '1‘. it. Station, Fenclon Falls. Sea a stamp forottr beautiful back “How to get a l’ntcnt.",“ What profitable to invent "and Prize-son Patents'.Attvice free. Eccentoderasa MARION cfl- IVlARI ON, EXPERTS Temple Building, 335 St. James St.. Montrert . Theonlytlrm ot Grarhnte Engineer! inthc Domi- nion transacting patent business czclusxvcly _ LINDSAY tint‘ble Works. R. CHâ€"Aâ€"MBERS lie I is prepared to furnish the people of Lind i say and surrounding country with MONUIIENTS AND IIEADSTONES, both Marble and Granite. .._â€" e i Reliable. . .. l l l Watch Repairing. If you take your watch to a poor watchmaker and it does not keep time, who is to blame '.’ Don’t Blame The Watch. Don’t lay your watch aside with the idea it can not be repaired. The . repairs, if skilfully dotte, are otten if trifling. Send it to GE. W. BEALL, Watehmaker, Lindsay, And he will return it to you in _. as timekeeping order as when new. f It‘ spoiled he will tell you so, frank- ._ ly, and return it. withottt any charge. Will commence her regular trip on MON- DAY, MAY 17th, and will continue during the season. \VILL LEAVE Fenelon Falls at 7.15 a. m. and 2.30 p. m. Lindsay at. . . . 10.00 a. m. and 5.30 p. tn. ARRIVE Fenelon Falls at 1L4?) a. tn. and 7.00 p. to. Lindsay at . 9.00 a. m. and 4.15 p. m. Call at Blytlt attd Pleasant Point when signalled. Fares to Sturgeon Point, Pleasant Point attd Blyth, single 200., return 250. Fenelon Falls, single 350., return 50c. Season and Family Tickets at n. reduced rate. WM. SADLER, WM. FEE, l’urscr. Captain. Single Tax Come; Trusts Go. ‘In an article entitled “The Coming Universal Trust,” the New York Jour- nal says : “ The report that the Standard Oil trust has obtained or is about to obtain complete control of the lead, leather, to- bacco and whisky interests of the coun- try, together with a combination of gas interests, including Chicago gas, may have been premature, but there is every reason to suppose that such a consum- mntion will be reached before long. The Standard Oil magnates already control the business of the country in oil, iron ore and sugar; they are on the point of conquering the steel and coffee industries; they own much of the ship- ping of the lake and most of the great tourist hotels in Florida ; they are di- rectly interested in several lines of rail- road, and they can dictate terms in the matter of freight rates to the entire transportation system of' the Union. They have to find investments every year for about $50,000,000 of surplus profits, and, with that amount and their skill in manipulation, it would be a simple matter to obtain control of two or three trusts annually. Of course, every new enterprise absorbed by Mr. Rockefeller and his associates adds to the income to be invested the next year. “It is hard to see any end to this 9 process short of absorption of the entire wealth of the country by a little group of capitalists. It seems clearly to be a procers that must go on with :tcceler ating velocity. Most people of the poor, the comfortable and the moderately well-to-do classes live up to their in- comes, and have nothing to invest. Many of the very rich do tltc some . . . ' r . . EstimatespromptlygtvcuonalLands of tlllll‘A- “lien WC find 11 IO“ men, not- cemetery Work. lug together. who are at Once prudent Marble Table THI)S.‘VHEI)TOPS, Mantel l and cuol-moufly rich, whose living ex. Pieces. etc... a specialty. WORKSâ€"In rear 0 the market on Cam- l penses absorb no appreciable proportion FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD, 1897. by a single trust. of which the bulk of the Americat people will be the em- ployees. What will happen tlteu will depend upon tho degree of virility still left in the population. It will be an epoch from which the Union may date an advance to a higher social state than anything previously known, or a plunge into complete and permanent industrial slavery." HO\\' TO DEAL “'I'I‘Il TRUSTS. “Kill the Standard Oil Trust 1?" Then pipedine land and railroad beds will rise in value. “Kill the Sugar Trust ? ” Then sugar will rise in value. “ Kill all trusts ? ” Then tnerc landowners get richer. But, establish single tax :â€" Land fat-pipe lines will be cheapened. Undrillcd oil lands will be cheapcned. And no land will be cornered. Trusts flourish because they corner the land that. competitors could use against them. They corner land now because we don’t assess and tax it high enough. Single tax will do both. Land released from “corner,” labor reaches it easily, produces, exchanges, prospcrs and won’t work for trusts ex- cept at its own price and on its own terms. A trust without labor to create its wealth, is a man without feet, legs. fingers, hands or artns. A trttst that must pay help according to free labor's own ideas of pay, is a trust that may soon have to live on tick for lack of cash. -_. .. .. ...._.4- -._. Worth Investigating. Several recent experiments poittt to the cut-ability of hoe cholera. It. is re- pnrtcd that between lil'ty and sixty hogs on a large produce farm in Iowa have. been succossl‘ully treated for the disease, of the existence of' which ttt the comâ€" mencement ol' tltc treatment there was ample evidence. If it. can be shown that. such a care has actually been (IISCOVUI‘- ed, it is plainly the duty of either the Dominion or Provincial Government to take the matter up. This disease has already caused the country tnuch ex- pense. At each outbreak it has hither- to been I'ound necessary to destroy the tainted hugs, and large scans have been paid out to the farmers by way of l'CC'Jlll- pensc, besides causing.r tnttch trouble and annoyance. If this can be showu to be unnecessary, not only will the Government be money itt pocket, but the fat-titers will be saved both time and trouble; and the annoyance and ttncasi ness which is generally Tell. It] adjoining centres, when the existence of the dis- ease becomes known, will be prevented. The fact that in the State of Iowa alone 30,000 hogs (lied ol' the disease in one year, is sullicient evidence of its gravity and tltc consequent need of some pro- tective measures which can be proved to be effectual. It is not so long;r ago that an outbreak in York Uninty caused tnuch uneasiness in Toronto, where, up to the discovery of the disease, the tat-:2: had been placed on sale. It) that in- stance a large number of hogs were de- stroyed, and a large expense incurred by the country. A remedy, even though it may be an expensive one, will be a saving to the Government, and it be- hooves thetn to make every enquiry in» to the particulars ol' the cure'.â€"â€" ’l'uwmtu Slur. __ ... - .._.__..__ _... For stealing a dozen potatoes, :1 Vi". ginia negro has been sentenced to one year in the Portsmouth goal. In England and Wales the death rate l‘rmn typhoid fever has declined from , 277 per tnilliou in 1876 80 to 135 in l ISM-94. The largest order for carpets ever given fora single hotel, it is said. has hurt! given for the new Astor lIotel, Nev York, adjoining the Waldorf. It has 1,000 rooms. Brockville Town Council is set-kin; by petition the cooperation of tllchl‘t‘llt. ‘ municipalities throughout Ontario for l legislation making it within their power I to inflict hard-labor punishment on . trumps. lol‘ their incomes, who have practically the whole of a stupendous surplus available every year for investment, and who have the most perfect inside , _ I O H knowledge of the best opportunities for Canadtan authorities to the suitability profit and the slum-dust {Emmy for I of Gnlway as a port of call for the new North oftlic Towt: liul taking advantage of them, it is hard to Cnila‘lla" “Wicc- â€"- avoid the conclusioa that those men, if F0110?" and PCPDIICSS. Cl'flrl-‘fi H. they live long enough and hang 10.2.Mztttltews and Ltzzne .‘I. Iowa.an gamer, must eventually become practg. l reached Jeffersonville, Ind... pm: day re- . Guarantee prompt shipments. Cally the sole proprietor.»- of the nation's l “GUILT 0” a and" m! I" “Inc” may “3'1 JOB PRINTING l$25,000,000 and the some good policy. g anc, Coarse. a- Land Salt. indus‘riog. There is every ream” m I travelled 400 miles In order to be mar- ‘ 4n 6) 0‘ branch“ 0’. ‘l"“'i5‘r-‘" bridge street,opposite Matthews' pa :king house. Being a practical workman all should see his designs and compare prices before purchasingelsewhere. ROBT. CHAMBERS, The Grand Jury of' the 3onuty of Galway recently pissed a. resolution to earnestly draw the attention of lh’: the corner at May and Francis streets. SI'BSI'IUI'TION SI A YEAR IN ADVANCE, Ot‘licc Over Fairwcathet' k Co's store or one cent per week will be added as “om-1:" opposite the posvomrc‘ Lindsay long as itremains unpaid. l A41 vertising‘ Ilutvs. Professional or business cards. 50 cents, I t __.___.__._._._.__-.. l per Zine perannum Casualadvertisements,t also 13110 1)[11)lic. Ii rruts per line for the first insertion, and, . , 2. cents pot line for evcry subsequent inser-f HE ROYAL CANADIAK ,xsrR-‘xcg _ , {,0 , hon. C attracts by the yenr. halt year or, Co. h“ “maygamnmd Wm, me Alum,“ I Q Ila. Ldrtgggi1$oaxté§fifc a It. In" "To" mammal)”: Tums" ‘ot England, giving insurers the security 0t: ' l l 286663 = ‘1 D ; ' .. . . .- . ' l JOHN Al'STlN..~Ig'n: " I“ “My “y W: bcitcvc that unless we have same mm. . tied at the Gretna Green of which they , ‘ k‘ as . neute! uc UV. -. V i I fit Celebrated ‘ _ . _ i I y , - :1 _ of all 011m”! "1 i“ ‘ “ - - C" a. Mm as", (a, m. on...” m" Eng-i b'l‘alite'i ’ total change ttt pohttcul coalitions, tle , “3'1 “card 9° mac“ “WI “my '1 fil ‘0 . . and Dan next thirty yan Wm sch. we came pirrow money to pay for tho ntnrrlngf l judiciary of the United States regulated 09°50- teeth; and at moderate prices. IS. D. HAND. 1 1%,?"ch l“ élam‘. ..'uI t.‘ . l-.;l *t ‘\t t. ‘. 't.-‘.r;t . 'C lt-i ‘C: . s . nu “24" | I 3‘. -_ lit ‘, w,“ ,l) lfPJEfTAL‘LZD r: It I {Cei-iiE-Eé'Sé'fi‘five‘” tilt. '/-2'n..-W-’

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