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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 15 Oct 1897, p. 1

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. r~rawmmua~crw>v 7" r - muss. div": : .0 )e'fii'wvcvk fl ._. FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15TH, 1897. _ HEIRS Goo-owooooooowb ooâ€"ooooovoooooooo mvoooowmm Oooo oovonoown Hyucz’m‘bs, Tulips, Sacred Lilies, JUQ‘T RECEIVED â€" AT â€" THE Mild STDRE, FENELON FALLS. GOOD FURMITD'RE Is always cheap furniture in the long run. Looks better. \Vcars better. satisfaction. I have the best and largest stock of furniture of all kinds, from the best manufacturers in the province, consisting of â€"Dl.\'l.\'G noon FURNITURE, â€"_nEtntoo.\t SETS, â€"EASY CHAIRS, â€"r.ooknns, â€"â€"-I.Ul.'.\‘G is, . â€"-SlDEBOARI)S, â€"SPRI.\'GS AND MATTRASSES, â€"l\'l’l‘CllE.\' FURNITURE (all kinds), and prices are away down. Repairing and all ordered work promptly attended to. 323‘ Undertaking in all its branches. L. DEYMAN. SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"or ran-â€" County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson's hall, Fcnelon Falls, ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9th,1897, connnoncingat 10 o’clock in the forenoon Friday. October 29th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before Oct. 24th. S. Nizvtsoa, E.D.llnxn, Bailiff. Clerk Fcnelon Falls, Sept. 17th, 1897. INSURANCE. Mr. Wm. R. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes ofproperty At ‘Very Inowvost lintcs ___l._â€". None but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented. IKE" FAJIIDI I’llOl’lEl‘lT‘Y at very low rates. James Arnold. M -W-__..__. The “ Fcuelou Falls Gazette” is printed every Friday at the oflicc. on the corner of May and Francxs streets. 51' BSCIIIPTION 31A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or one cent per week will be added as long as itremains unpaid. Advertising Ihltes. Professional or business cards. 50 cents per line per nnnum. Casual advertisements, l i l Gives better l“.D.Moons. 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and" 2 cent; per line for every subsequent inst-P. Contracts bythe year. half year or less. upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cor- thly and at moderate prices. 8. HAND. tion. I“... mter. . t . i l ronto, 1884;11. M. O. V. M. A. Professional Cards. MUSIC. ____..__..___â€"__.â€"- onwin A. MORSE, Organist Cambridge Street Methodist Church, Lindsay. Music Teacher. At lirooks‘ Hotel, Fenclon Falls, every Tues- day. Terms moderate. 32. MISS B. MACHIVEN. Instruction given on ORGAN and PIANO at moderate rates. For terms apply at the residence of Mr. R. 1}. Sylvester, “ Mary- borough Lodge,” Fenelon Falls. LEGAL. MCLAUGHLIN d: MCDIARMID, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Etc, Lindsay and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay Oflice: Kcnt-St., opposite Market. Fcnclon Falls ()tlice: Over Burgoyne is; Co’s store. The Fenclon Falls office will be open every Monday afternoon from arrival of train from Lindsay. 3%” Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. R. J. MCLAL’GHLIN. â€" F. A. MCDIARMID. A. P. ,DEVLIN, BARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street,Lindsay. c. H. HOPKINS, . PARRISTER, &c. SOLICITOR FOR ) the Ontario Batik. Money to loan at lowest rates on terms to suit the borrower. Ofiices : say, Ont. No. 6, William Street South, Lind- MOORE & JACKSON, )ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ste. Of- ) iicc,William street,Lindsay. A.J.\cxso.v. MEDICAL. DR. A. \VILSON, â€"-n. n., M. c. r. .c 5., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON $6 ACCOUCH- ’ eur. Ollicc, Colborne Street, Fcuelon Falls. DR. H. H. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University 01 Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England,Member of the Col- lege of Physicians 5.: Surgeons of Ontario. 1, l l l y J Oilice and residence on Fi-niicis-St.\Vest' Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gazette ollice. R. 31. DIIXSON, ETERINARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- V note Ontario Veterinary College, To- Residenceâ€"Franeis Street. East, Fenelon Falls. -» F. P. SDIITIâ€"I, ETERINARY SURGEON and Dentist. Graduate ofOntario Veterinary College. Live Stock Inspector for North Victoria by appointment of Dominion Government. Ollice and address â€"â€" CAMBRAY, ONT. SURVEYORS . JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. 13., . Conveyancer, (kc Residence, and ad- dress, Fenelon Falls. DENTAL. Dr. NEELIIIIDS, DENTIST, LINDSAY, Extracts teeth without pain by gas (vital- ized air) administered by him for ‘17 years. He studied the gas nndenDr. Golton, of New York, the originator of gas for extract- ing tccth. Dr. Colton writes Dr. Neelands that he has given the gas to 186,417 per- sons without an accident from the gas. Other pain obtnndcrs used. A good set of teeth inserted for $10. 1363’ Dr. Neelands visits Penelon Falls (McArthur House) the third Tuesday of every month. Call early and secure an appointment VI. H. GROSS, DENTIST. The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other anaesthetics for extracting teeth without, theme pain. A set of .-lrt{liciul Tet-(ii, better than the average, for $3 00. Rooms directly Opposite Wood's stove depot. Lindsay. H. HART, L. n. s. . SETOI“ GOOD TEETH FORSIO. Gas i l l l f and local nnmsthetics for painless ex-l tracting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all , branches of dentistry. Oflico over Fairweather .l: Co's store nearly opposite the post-office. Lindsay INSURANCE. ‘ '1‘0 the Public. I l O IIE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance ; of England. giving insurers the security or $25,000,000 and the same good policy. fi’ Also agent for the Queen of Eng-~ land and Caledoxirtn of Edinburgh. Capi , tal eo.n;â€"ir:rd,'}t3;‘ ‘-,' N. I l t l 'son, B. Burtchall. Did It Ever Occur To You that a watch that does NOT run is better than a poor watch that DOES run? A watch that does not run is right twice a day, while a cheap watch that runs is never right. If you want a watch that is always right buy from Gahmm the old-established watchmaker, of Lindsay, who will be pleased to ad- vise you and give you the benefit of :1 his experience if you ask it. ‘ i» 3' ‘..'v;-;~»-.:.-r.-e«\. : 224*:&::.3.=f:.~:;1..z~.Â¥;: f‘}.‘:‘.§!j»:‘§fiféfa‘bfiififg‘15 HARNESS If you want first-class single or double light or hc_avy Harness or anything in that line call at NEVESGN’S new harnes~ shop, between J. McFarlaud’s grocery and Wm. Campbell’s dry goods store. TRUHKS AND VALISES kept in stock as usual, and also a good assortment of fly nets and buggydusters at low prices. @“ Try a bottle of Harris’s celebrated harness polish. It is a new thing and you will be sure to like it. Agent for Pianos and Organs. Fcnelon Falls, May 20th, 1896.â€"â€"14-1y W FENELON AGRICULTURAL SHOW. PRIZE LIST. HORSES. Draught Horsesâ€"Team, 1 Benjamin Burtchall, 2 Wm. Isaac. Brood mare and fool, I and 2 Ben. Burtehall. Foal of 1897, 1 and 2 Ben. Burtchall. our old colt. 1 E. Wilson. old colt, 1 B. Burtohall. General Purpose Horsesâ€"Team, 1 A. Jamieson, 2 T. Hopkins. Foal of 1897, I W. Hetherington, 2 Ben'amin Burtchall. Two year old colt, 1 A. E. Minthorne. 2 W. J. Smitheram. One year old colt, 1 , 2 John Moore. Carriage Horsesâ€"Team. 1 Herbert Pcrrin, 2 W. H. Cullis. Brood mare and fool, I W. H. Cullis, 2 S. Bagsliaw. Foal of 1897,-1 S. Bagshaw, 2 W. H. Cnllis. Two year old colt, 1 Herbert Perrin, 2 J. B. Powles. One year old oolt. 1 McGee Bros, 2 J. B. Poules. Single driver, 15} hands and over, Jo- seph Moynes. Single driver, under 155,; hands. 1 W. Townsend, 2 John Ellis. Lady driver, Mrs. S. Nevison. Carter's horse, 1 John Quibcll, 2 Ed. Lnnsfield. Road and Carriage Stallions, aged.â€" Jobn Simpson. Road and Carriage Stallions, 2 years oldâ€"John Ellis. Coach Stallion, aged.--M Green. CATTLE. Durhnms.-â€"Bnll, aged, Win. Isaac. Bull, 2 years old, Alexander Jamieson. Bull, 1 year old, W. H. Cullis, I. H. Moynes. Bull calf, W. Isaac, W. H. Culiis. Cow, W. H. CulliaI A. E. Min- Heifcr, 2 years old. Wm. H. Cullis, A. E. Minthorne. Heifer, l y'r old, 1 and 2 A. E. Minthorne. Heifer calf, W. H. Cullis, B. Burtchnll. Herd, W. H. Cullis. Best bull, any age, Al- exander Jamieson. Gradesâ€"Cow, 1 and 2, Alex. Jamie- son. Hciier, 2 years old, Alex. Jamie eon. Heifer, 1 year old, Alex. Jamie- son, B. Burtchall. Calf, Alex. Jamie Fat Beast, Alex. Jamicson, B. Burtchall. SH HEP. Leicesters.â€"Ram, aged, W. H. Cul- lis. Ram. shoarling, Thos. Hopkins, W. J. Smititerom. Ram lamb, W. H. Cullis, R. Lamb. Two aged owes, W. H. Cullis, R. Lamb. T w 0 One year lamb, any age, W. H. Collie. Fat Sheep, any breedâ€"A. McKay, ' S. Bagshaw. Two shearling ewes, W. H. Cnllis. R. Lamb. Two JOHS ALts'rtx,_4g¢m ,ewe lambs, 1 and 2 R. Lamb. Best -- Cotswolds.â€"â€"-Ram, aged, Joseph H. Moynes. Ram lamb, 1 and 2 S. Bag- Shaw. Two aged ewes, S. Begshaw, I. H. Moynes. Two shearling ewes, S. Bagshaw. Two ewe lambs, S. Bag- shaw, I. H. Moynes. South Downerâ€"Ram, aged, I. Nay- lor. Ram, shearling, I. Neylor. Ram lamb, 1 and 2 I. Naylor. 'l‘wo aged ewes, 1 and 2 I. Naylor. Two shear- ling ewes, I. Naylor. Two ewe lambs, B. Burtchall, I. Naylor. Shorpshirce.â€"Aged ram, A. McKay, B. Burtchall. Shearling mm, A. Mc- Kay. Ram lamb, 1 and 2 A. McKay. Aged ewes, A. McKay, Benjamin Burtchall. Shearling ewes, A. McKay, 3. Burtchall. Ewe lambs, A. McKay, B. Burtchall. Ram, any age, A. McKay. SIVINE. Large Swineâ€"Aged boar, T. Rus- sell. N. Hill. Boar under 1-year. 1 and 2 N. Day. Aged sow, 1 and 2 N. Day. Sow under 1 year, T. Russell, N. Day. Small Swine.â€"â€"Aged boar, T. Rus- sell, Thos. Moynes. Aged sow, T. Rus- sell. Sow under 1 year, N. Day. POULTRY. Spanish, 1 and 2 S. Oliver. Polands, 1 and 2 S. Oliver. S. S. Hamburgs, S. Oliver, H. Pearce. Brahmas, Henry Pearce, S. Oliver. Golden Hambnrgs, l and 2 S. Oliver. Dorkings, 1 and 2 W. H. Cullis. Plymouth Rocks, H. Pearce, G. H. Littleton. White Leg- horns, 1 and 2 H. Pearce. Brown Leg- horns, 1 and 2 W. H. Cullis. Houdans, H. Pearce, S. Oliver. Silver Wyanr dottes, 1 and 2 J. R. Hand. Game, any variety, (Indian) 1 and 2 J. R. Hand. Black Minor-ens, H. Pearce, W. T. Junkin. Bantams, A.E. Minthoruc, Pearcy Aldous. Golden Wyandottes, 1 and 2 G. H. Littleton. Andalusians, W. ’l‘. Junkin. Pigeons, H. Pearce, G. H. Littleton. Dark Turkeys, W. H. Cullis, S. Oliver. White Geese, 1 and 2 W. H. Cullis. White Ducks, W. H. Cullis, H. Pearce. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Beans, small white, Thos. Hopkins, A. E. Minthorne. Flax seed, William Pethick. Timothy seed, B. Burtchall, N. Day. Buckwheat, B. Burtchall, T. Hopkins. Oats, white, Myles Hay- garth, Wm. Isaac. Barley, M. Hay- garth. W. J. Smitheram. Oats, black, B. Bnrtchall. Peas, small, Myles Hay- gnrth, Thos. Hopkins. Rye, Ben. Bnrtchall, Marshall Moynes. Spring wheat, Scotch, Myles Haygarth, Wm. Hctherington Sr. Spring wheat, any other variety, M. Haygarth, T.‘Hop- kins. Fall wheat, red, Win. Pethick. Fall wheat, white, John Parrish, Ben. Burtchull. Yellow corn, W. Pethick. White corn, W. J. Smitheram, 'I'lios. Hopkins. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. 6 white turnips, T. Hopkins, W. H. Collie. 6 Swede turnips, Wm. Isaac, Syndicate Farm. Mangolds, T. Moynes. J. Parrish. Turnip beets. J. Parrish, W. J. Smitheram. Long blood beets, W: J. Smitheram. B. Burtchall. Rad- ish, W. J. Smitheram, M. Haygnrth. Carrots, halt long white, Syndicate Farm. Carrots, long white, 8. Oliver. Carrots, hall long red, Syndicate Farm. Carrots, long orange, W. H. Cullis, '1‘. Hopkins. Parsnips, W. H. Cullis, B. Burtchall. Cabbage, Winningstndt, W. Pethick, W. J. Smitheram. Cab- bages, rod, B. Burtchall, W. J. Smith- eram. Cabbngcs. drumhead, William Pethiok, A. E. Minthorne. Cubbages, any other kind, W. H. Cullis, N. Day. Variety of vegetables, Thos. Hopkins. Onions, small potato, W. J. Smithcram, Myles Hoygarth. Onions, large potato, Myles Haygnrth. Onions from tops, W. H. Cullis, Myles Hnygnrth. Onions from seed, A. E. Minthorne, W. Isaac. Top onions, M. Moynes. A. E. Min- thorne. Pumpkins, W. J. Smithcram, Thos. Hopkins. Vegetable marrows, W J. Smitheram, Thomas Hopkins. Squashes, S. Oliver, '1‘. Hopkins. Po- tithCS, elephant, W. J. Smitheram. Potatoes, mm, W. J. Smitheram, Wm. Pcthick. Potatoes, Hebron, W. J. Smithcrum. Potatoes, white star, W. J. Smithernm, N. Day. Any other var- iety. J. Hall. Wm. Pcthick. Celery, T. Hopkins, Mrs. Nie. Cauliflower, W. II. Cullis. W. J. Smitheram. Toma- toes, Nathan Day, Wm. Pethiek. Red peppers, B. Burtchall. W. J. Stnither- am. Musk melons, John Parrish, W. Pcthick. Water melons, T. Hopkins, W. Hetherington. Cucumbers, Myles Hnygnrtli. Citrons, â€", T. Hopkins. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Pair Bridles, J. J. Nevison. coarse. 1 and 2 H. Pearce. 1 and 2 H. Prarcc. ‘J. Stanton. Boots, Boots, tine, Photos, collection, Quilt, cotton sewed down, patch, 8. Bagshaw, Mrs. Baiu. Quilt, patch, calico, Mrs. llaycart-h. Mrs. Parrish. Quilt, cloth, Mrs. Brown. Quilt, log cabin. Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Win. Hore. Quilt, pate.) silk, Mrs. Brown. Quilt, crochet, Miss E. Nie. Counter- pano, knitted. Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Bain. Mitts, Mrs. Wm. Pearce, Miss Cullis. Stockings, 1 and 2 Mrs. Brown. Socks, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Wm. Pearce. Fancy knitting, cotton, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Wm. Pearce. Fancy knitting, wool, Mrs. Brown, S Oliver. Flannel,white. Mrs. Brown. Flannel, colored, Mrs. Brown. Coverlet, woollen, I. II. Moyncs, Mrs. Bain. Full cloth, E. Wilson. Wool yarn mat, Miss Burtchnll, Mrs. Bain. Rag mat, Mrs. Baiu, S. Oliver. Yarn, double, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Pearce. Yarn, single. Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Pearce. Door mat, Miss Burtcholl. Carpet, E. Wilson, I. II. Moynes. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter, 501bs., Bcn Burtchall, Na- than Dny. Butter, 20 lbs, Nathan Day, Mrs. Hugh Reid. Butter, 3 lbs., Adam I’otts,th. I'Iethcrington. Bread, home-made, W. J. Smitheram,'Thoinas Moynes. Bread, baker’s, Nerthey Bros. Maple syrup, LII. Moynes, Mrs.‘_llngh Reid. Pickles, W. J. Smitheram, Mar- shall Moyues. Preserves, wild Irnit, W. J. Smitheram, Wm. Pcthick. l’re- serves, tame, A. E. Minthorne, W. J. Smitheram. Honey in comb. S. Bag- shaw. Honey, strained. .l. R. Hand. Jelly, Jos. PCl‘l'Il], Mrs. G. H. Littleton. FANCY \VORK. Embroidery on muslin, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Pearce. Embroidery on silk, Mrs. Buiu, Mrs. Browu. Braid work. Mrs. [-Iaygarth, Mrs. Brown. Berlin wool work, raised, Mrs. Bain, Mrs. Brown. Berlin wool work, flat. Mrs. Pearce. Fancy table mat, Miss Burtehall, Mrs. Brown. Sofa cushion, Miss Burtehall, Mrs. Baiu. Foot rest, Mrs. Brown. Painting on silk, 1 and 2 Mrs. Brown. Painting on velvet, Mrs. Bain, Mrs. Brown. Painting on muslin, 1 and 2 Mrs. Brown. Arrasenc, Mrs. Bain, S. Oliver. Crochet work, wool, Mrs. Rain, Mrs. H. Reid. Crochet work, cotton, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Pearce. Toilet. set, Mrs. Brown, S. Oliver. Ribbosenc, Mrs. Pearce. Table scarf, Mrs. Pearce, Mrs. Bain. Drawn work, Mrs. Pearce, Mrs. Brown. Tidy, Mrs. Bait), Miss Quibell. Crazy‘work, Mrs. Buin, Mrs. Haygarth. Whisk holder, Mrs. I. H. Moynes. Splashes, Mrs. Browu, Mrs. Haygarth. Pin cushion, Mrs. Hay- :nrth, Mrs. Bain. Macrame work, knotted, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Pearce. Oil painting, landscape, Mrs. Brown. Macrame work, crocheted, Mrs. Bain. Filosclle, Miss Burtchall. Applique work, Mrs. Brown. Horn work, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. I. H. Moynes. Etching, Mrs. IIaygarth, Mrs. Pearce; Pillow Shams, Mrs. Bait), Mrs. Pearce. FRUIT. Grapes, Mrs. Wm. IIore, Joseph Peat-o. Russcts, John Fell, Jr., John Quibcll. Snow apples, Adam Potts, W. J. Smitheram. Wealthy apples, J. Quibell, T. Hopkins. Variety of cook‘ ing apples, John Fell, Jr., John Fell. Alexanders, Marshall Moyncs, J. B. Powlcs. Fall Pippins, Adam Potts. John Fell, Jr._ Any other variety, J. B. Powles, John Fell, Jr. Variety of crab apples, Mrs. W. Hore, Wm. Peth‘ ick. Quart of crabs, Jos. Pearn, John Quibell. The nigger New Woman is “coming on " in South Africa. Amongst those who matriculated at the recent Cape examinations were two native girls. The old elm tree in Anderson, Ind.. under which President Van Burcn was dumped out of the stage coach into the mud as a joke, has been cut down to make room for improvements. At Trier the remains of a large Roman house have been excavated. It faced on the main street of the old Roman city. A richly colored mosaic floor and the first window discovered in a Roman building are the most in- teresting things brOUght to light. The dingo pest is becoming very sc- rious in the Marines district of Queens‘ land. It. is estimated that the number of sheep destroyed by dingoes in that district last year was 420,000, the loss being £55,710; or, reckoning the value of the sheep and their wool, £141,000. It has recently been ascertained that the body of Martin Luther, contrary to ' general belief, was never removed from the palace church at Wittcnbcrg, where it lies seven or eight feet below the floor of the nave. in a coffin of wood lined with tin. Close by is the coffin of Luther's friend and associate, Melon?! hon. ll .4 til 3

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